reflex-basic-host- A basic Reflex host for backend work

Copyright(c) 2019 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Safe HaskellNone




BasicGuest provides instances that most Reflex programs need:

For some usage examples, see the example directory.


Running the host

basicHostWithQuit :: (forall t m. BasicGuestConstraints t m => BasicGuest t m (Event t ())) -> IO () Source #

Run a BasicGuest, and return when the Event returned by the BasicGuest fires.

Each host runs on a separate spider timeline, so you can launch multiple hosts via forkIO or forkOS and they will not mutex each other.

NOTE: If you want to capture values from a build before the network starts firing (e.g., to hand off event triggers to another thread), populate an MVar (if threading) or IORef as you build the network. If you receive errors about untouchable type variables while doing this, add type annotations to constrain the MVar or IORef contents before passing them to the function that returns your BasicGuest. See the Multithread.hs example for a demonstration of this pattern, and where to put the type annotations.

basicHostForever :: (forall t m. BasicGuestConstraints t m => BasicGuest t m ()) -> IO () Source #

Run a BasicGuest without a quit Event.

basicHostForever guest = basicHostWithQuit $ never <$ guest


data BasicGuest t (m :: * -> *) a Source #

The basic guest type. Try not to code against it directly; instead ask for the features you need MTL-style:

myFunction :: (Reflex t, MonadHold m) => ...
ReflexHost t => NotReady t (BasicGuest t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Host.Basic


notReadyUntil :: Event t a -> BasicGuest t m () #

notReady :: BasicGuest t m () #

(ReflexHost t, Ref m ~ Ref IO, MonadRef (HostFrame t), Ref (HostFrame t) ~ Ref IO, MonadIO (HostFrame t), PrimMonad (HostFrame t), MonadIO m) => PerformEvent t (BasicGuest t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Host.Basic

Associated Types

type Performable (BasicGuest t m) :: Type -> Type #


performEvent :: Event t (Performable (BasicGuest t m) a) -> BasicGuest t m (Event t a) #

performEvent_ :: Event t (Performable (BasicGuest t m) ()) -> BasicGuest t m () #

(ReflexHost t, MonadRef (HostFrame t), Ref (HostFrame t) ~ Ref IO) => TriggerEvent t (BasicGuest t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Host.Basic


newTriggerEvent :: BasicGuest t m (Event t a, a -> IO ()) #

newTriggerEventWithOnComplete :: BasicGuest t m (Event t a, a -> IO () -> IO ()) #

newEventWithLazyTriggerWithOnComplete :: ((a -> IO () -> IO ()) -> IO (IO ())) -> BasicGuest t m (Event t a) #

ReflexHost t => PostBuild t (BasicGuest t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Host.Basic


getPostBuild :: BasicGuest t m (Event t ()) #

(ReflexHost t, Ref m ~ Ref IO, MonadHold t m, PrimMonad (HostFrame t)) => Adjustable t (BasicGuest t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Host.Basic


runWithReplace :: BasicGuest t m a -> Event t (BasicGuest t m b) -> BasicGuest t m (a, Event t b) #

traverseIntMapWithKeyWithAdjust :: (Key -> v -> BasicGuest t m v') -> IntMap v -> Event t (PatchIntMap v) -> BasicGuest t m (IntMap v', Event t (PatchIntMap v')) #

traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjust :: GCompare k => (forall a. k a -> v a -> BasicGuest t m (v' a)) -> DMap k v -> Event t (PatchDMap k v) -> BasicGuest t m (DMap k v', Event t (PatchDMap k v')) #

traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjustWithMove :: GCompare k => (forall a. k a -> v a -> BasicGuest t m (v' a)) -> DMap k v -> Event t (PatchDMapWithMove k v) -> BasicGuest t m (DMap k v', Event t (PatchDMapWithMove k v')) #

ReflexHost t => MonadSample (t :: Type) (BasicGuest t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Host.Basic


sample :: Behavior t a -> BasicGuest t m a #

(ReflexHost t, MonadHold t m) => MonadHold (t :: Type) (BasicGuest t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Host.Basic


hold :: a -> Event t a -> BasicGuest t m (Behavior t a) #

holdDyn :: a -> Event t a -> BasicGuest t m (Dynamic t a) #

holdIncremental :: Patch p => PatchTarget p -> Event t p -> BasicGuest t m (Incremental t p) #

buildDynamic :: PushM t a -> Event t a -> BasicGuest t m (Dynamic t a) #

headE :: Event t a -> BasicGuest t m (Event t a) #

ReflexHost t => Monad (BasicGuest t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Host.Basic


(>>=) :: BasicGuest t m a -> (a -> BasicGuest t m b) -> BasicGuest t m b #

(>>) :: BasicGuest t m a -> BasicGuest t m b -> BasicGuest t m b #

return :: a -> BasicGuest t m a #

fail :: String -> BasicGuest t m a #

ReflexHost t => Functor (BasicGuest t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Host.Basic


fmap :: (a -> b) -> BasicGuest t m a -> BasicGuest t m b #

(<$) :: a -> BasicGuest t m b -> BasicGuest t m a #

ReflexHost t => MonadFix (BasicGuest t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Host.Basic


mfix :: (a -> BasicGuest t m a) -> BasicGuest t m a #

ReflexHost t => Applicative (BasicGuest t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Host.Basic


pure :: a -> BasicGuest t m a #

(<*>) :: BasicGuest t m (a -> b) -> BasicGuest t m a -> BasicGuest t m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> BasicGuest t m a -> BasicGuest t m b -> BasicGuest t m c #

(*>) :: BasicGuest t m a -> BasicGuest t m b -> BasicGuest t m b #

(<*) :: BasicGuest t m a -> BasicGuest t m b -> BasicGuest t m a #

(ReflexHost t, MonadIO (HostFrame t)) => MonadIO (BasicGuest t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Host.Basic


liftIO :: IO a -> BasicGuest t m a #

type Performable (BasicGuest t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Host.Basic

type BasicGuestConstraints t (m :: * -> *) = (MonadReflexHost t m, MonadHold t m, MonadSample t m, Ref m ~ Ref IO, MonadRef (HostFrame t), Ref (HostFrame t) ~ Ref IO, MonadIO (HostFrame t), PrimMonad (HostFrame t), MonadIO m, MonadFix m) Source #

Constraints provided by a BasicGuest, when run by basicHostWithQuit or basicHostForever.


repeatUntilQuit Source #


:: BasicGuestConstraints t m 
=> IO a

Action to repeatedly run

-> Event t ()

Event to stop the action

-> BasicGuest t m (Event t a) 

Augment a BasicGuest with an action that is repeatedly run until the provided Event fires. Each time the action completes, the returned Event will fire.

Example - providing a 'tick' Event to a network

  :: (Reflex t, MonadHold t m, MonadFix m)
  => Event t ()
  -> m (Dynamic t Int)
myNetwork = count

myGuest :: BasicGuestConstraints t m => BasicGuest t m (Event t ())
myGuest = mdo
  eTick <- repeatUntilQuit (void $ threadDelay 1000000) eQuit
    eCountUpdated = updated dCount
    eQuit = () <$ ffilter (==5) eCountUpdated
  dCount <- myNetwork eTick

  performEvent_ $ liftIO . print <$> eCountUpdated
  pure eQuit

main :: IO ()
main = basicHostWithQuit myGuest

repeatUntilQuit_ Source #


:: BasicGuestConstraints t m 
=> IO a

Action to repeatedly run

-> Event t ()

Event to stop the action

-> BasicGuest t m () 

Like repeatUntilQuit, but it doesn't do anything with the result of the action. May be a little more efficient if you don't need it.