regex-pcre- PCRE Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base)
Safe HaskellNone



This will fail or error only if allocation fails or a nullPtr is passed in.


High-level interface

data Regex Source #

A compiled regular expression


Instances details
RegexLike Regex ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString


matchOnce :: Regex -> ByteString -> Maybe MatchArray #

matchAll :: Regex -> ByteString -> [MatchArray] #

matchCount :: Regex -> ByteString -> Int #

matchTest :: Regex -> ByteString -> Bool #

matchAllText :: Regex -> ByteString -> [MatchText ByteString] #

matchOnceText :: Regex -> ByteString -> Maybe (ByteString, MatchText ByteString, ByteString) #

RegexLike Regex ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString.Lazy


matchOnce :: Regex -> ByteString -> Maybe MatchArray #

matchAll :: Regex -> ByteString -> [MatchArray] #

matchCount :: Regex -> ByteString -> Int #

matchTest :: Regex -> ByteString -> Bool #

matchAllText :: Regex -> ByteString -> [MatchText ByteString] #

matchOnceText :: Regex -> ByteString -> Maybe (ByteString, MatchText ByteString, ByteString) #

RegexLike Regex String Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.String


matchOnce :: Regex -> String -> Maybe MatchArray #

matchAll :: Regex -> String -> [MatchArray] #

matchCount :: Regex -> String -> Int #

matchTest :: Regex -> String -> Bool #

matchAllText :: Regex -> String -> [MatchText String] #

matchOnceText :: Regex -> String -> Maybe (String, MatchText String, String) #

RegexContext Regex ByteString ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString


match :: Regex -> ByteString -> ByteString #

matchM :: MonadFail m => Regex -> ByteString -> m ByteString #

RegexContext Regex ByteString ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString.Lazy


match :: Regex -> ByteString -> ByteString #

matchM :: MonadFail m => Regex -> ByteString -> m ByteString #

RegexContext Regex String String Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.String


match :: Regex -> String -> String #

matchM :: MonadFail m => Regex -> String -> m String #

RegexOptions Regex CompOption ExecOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString


makeRegex :: ByteString -> Regex #

makeRegexOpts :: CompOption -> ExecOption -> ByteString -> Regex #

makeRegexM :: MonadFail m => ByteString -> m Regex #

makeRegexOptsM :: MonadFail m => CompOption -> ExecOption -> ByteString -> m Regex #

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString.Lazy


makeRegex :: ByteString -> Regex #

makeRegexOpts :: CompOption -> ExecOption -> ByteString -> Regex #

makeRegexM :: MonadFail m => ByteString -> m Regex #

makeRegexOptsM :: MonadFail m => CompOption -> ExecOption -> ByteString -> m Regex #

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption String Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.String


makeRegex :: String -> Regex #

makeRegexOpts :: CompOption -> ExecOption -> String -> Regex #

makeRegexM :: MonadFail m => String -> m Regex #

makeRegexOptsM :: MonadFail m => CompOption -> ExecOption -> String -> m Regex #

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption (Seq Char) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Sequence


makeRegex :: Seq Char -> Regex #

makeRegexOpts :: CompOption -> ExecOption -> Seq Char -> Regex #

makeRegexM :: MonadFail m => Seq Char -> m Regex #

makeRegexOptsM :: MonadFail m => CompOption -> ExecOption -> Seq Char -> m Regex #

RegexLike Regex (Seq Char) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Sequence


matchOnce :: Regex -> Seq Char -> Maybe MatchArray #

matchAll :: Regex -> Seq Char -> [MatchArray] #

matchCount :: Regex -> Seq Char -> Int #

matchTest :: Regex -> Seq Char -> Bool #

matchAllText :: Regex -> Seq Char -> [MatchText (Seq Char)] #

matchOnceText :: Regex -> Seq Char -> Maybe (Seq Char, MatchText (Seq Char), Seq Char) #

RegexContext Regex (Seq Char) (Seq Char) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Sequence


match :: Regex -> Seq Char -> Seq Char #

matchM :: MonadFail m => Regex -> Seq Char -> m (Seq Char) #

newtype CompOption Source #


CompOption CInt 


Instances details
Bits CompOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap

Num CompOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap

Show CompOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap


showsPrec :: Int -> CompOption -> ShowS

show :: CompOption -> String

showList :: [CompOption] -> ShowS

Eq CompOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap


(==) :: CompOption -> CompOption -> Bool

(/=) :: CompOption -> CompOption -> Bool

RegexOptions Regex CompOption ExecOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString


makeRegex :: ByteString -> Regex #

makeRegexOpts :: CompOption -> ExecOption -> ByteString -> Regex #

makeRegexM :: MonadFail m => ByteString -> m Regex #

makeRegexOptsM :: MonadFail m => CompOption -> ExecOption -> ByteString -> m Regex #

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString.Lazy


makeRegex :: ByteString -> Regex #

makeRegexOpts :: CompOption -> ExecOption -> ByteString -> Regex #

makeRegexM :: MonadFail m => ByteString -> m Regex #

makeRegexOptsM :: MonadFail m => CompOption -> ExecOption -> ByteString -> m Regex #

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption String Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.String


makeRegex :: String -> Regex #

makeRegexOpts :: CompOption -> ExecOption -> String -> Regex #

makeRegexM :: MonadFail m => String -> m Regex #

makeRegexOptsM :: MonadFail m => CompOption -> ExecOption -> String -> m Regex #

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption (Seq Char) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Sequence


makeRegex :: Seq Char -> Regex #

makeRegexOpts :: CompOption -> ExecOption -> Seq Char -> Regex #

makeRegexM :: MonadFail m => Seq Char -> m Regex #

makeRegexOptsM :: MonadFail m => CompOption -> ExecOption -> Seq Char -> m Regex #

newtype ExecOption Source #


ExecOption CInt 


Instances details
Bits ExecOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap

Num ExecOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap

Show ExecOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap


showsPrec :: Int -> ExecOption -> ShowS

show :: ExecOption -> String

showList :: [ExecOption] -> ShowS

Eq ExecOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap


(==) :: ExecOption -> ExecOption -> Bool

(/=) :: ExecOption -> ExecOption -> Bool

RegexOptions Regex CompOption ExecOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString


makeRegex :: ByteString -> Regex #

makeRegexOpts :: CompOption -> ExecOption -> ByteString -> Regex #

makeRegexM :: MonadFail m => ByteString -> m Regex #

makeRegexOptsM :: MonadFail m => CompOption -> ExecOption -> ByteString -> m Regex #

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.ByteString.Lazy


makeRegex :: ByteString -> Regex #

makeRegexOpts :: CompOption -> ExecOption -> ByteString -> Regex #

makeRegexM :: MonadFail m => ByteString -> m Regex #

makeRegexOptsM :: MonadFail m => CompOption -> ExecOption -> ByteString -> m Regex #

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption String Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.String


makeRegex :: String -> Regex #

makeRegexOpts :: CompOption -> ExecOption -> String -> Regex #

makeRegexM :: MonadFail m => String -> m Regex #

makeRegexOptsM :: MonadFail m => CompOption -> ExecOption -> String -> m Regex #

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption (Seq Char) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Sequence


makeRegex :: Seq Char -> Regex #

makeRegexOpts :: CompOption -> ExecOption -> Seq Char -> Regex #

makeRegexM :: MonadFail m => Seq Char -> m Regex #

makeRegexOptsM :: MonadFail m => CompOption -> ExecOption -> Seq Char -> m Regex #

(=~) :: (RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption source, RegexContext Regex source1 target) => source1 -> source -> target Source #

(=~~) :: (RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption source, RegexContext Regex source1 target, MonadFail m) => source1 -> source -> m target Source #

Low-level interface

newtype ReturnCode Source #


ReturnCode CInt 


Instances details
Show ReturnCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap


showsPrec :: Int -> ReturnCode -> ShowS

show :: ReturnCode -> String

showList :: [ReturnCode] -> ShowS

Eq ReturnCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.PCRE.Wrap


(==) :: ReturnCode -> ReturnCode -> Bool

(/=) :: ReturnCode -> ReturnCode -> Bool

type WrapError = (ReturnCode, String) Source #

wrapCompile Source #


:: CompOption

Flags (summed together)

-> ExecOption

Flags (summed together)

-> CString

The regular expression to compile

-> IO (Either (MatchOffset, String) Regex)

Returns: an error offset and string or the compiled regular expression

Compiles a regular expression

wrapTest Source #


:: StartOffset

Starting index in CStringLen

-> Regex

Compiled regular expression

-> CStringLen

String to match against and length in bytes

-> IO (Either WrapError Bool) 

wrapMatch Source #


:: StartOffset

Starting index in CStringLen

-> Regex

Compiled regular expression

-> CStringLen

String to match against and length in bytes

-> IO (Either WrapError (Maybe [(StartOffset, EndOffset)]))

Returns: 'Right Nothing' if the regex did not match the string, or: 'Right Just' an array of (offset,length) pairs where index 0 is whole match, and the rest are the captured subexpressions, or: 'Left ReturnCode' if there is some strange error

Matches a regular expression against a string

Should never return (Right (Just []))

wrapMatchAll :: Regex -> CStringLen -> IO (Either WrapError [MatchArray]) Source #

wrapMatchAll is an improvement over wrapMatch since it only allocates memory with allocaBytes once at the start.

wrapCount :: Regex -> CStringLen -> IO (Either WrapError Int) Source #


getVersion :: Maybe String Source #

Version string of PCRE library

NOTE: The Maybe type is used for historic reasons; practically, getVersion is never Nothing.

CompOption values

ExecOption values

ReturnCode values