relocant: A PostgreSQL migration CLI tool and library

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  • Meta_relocant
  • Relocant
    • Relocant.App
      • Relocant.App.Env
      • Relocant.App.Log
      • Relocant.App.Opts
        • Relocant.App.Opts.Fmt
        • Relocant.App.Opts.Internal
        • Relocant.App.Opts.Option
      • Relocant.App.ToText
    • Relocant.Applied
    • Relocant.At
    • Relocant.Checksum
    • Relocant.Content
    • Relocant.DB
      • Relocant.DB.Table
    • Relocant.Duration
    • Relocant.ID
    • Relocant.Merge
    • Relocant.Name
    • Relocant.Script


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Versions [RSS] 1.0.0
Change log CHANGELOG.markdown
Dependencies aeson, base (>=4.18 && <5), bytestring, crypton, directory, envparse, filepath, memory, optparse-applicative, postgresql-simple, process, relocant, text, time [details]
License BSD-2-Clause
Copyright 2024 Matvey Aksenov
Author Matvey Aksenov
Uploaded by MatveyAksenov at 2024-11-02T12:51:35Z
Distributions NixOS:1.0.0
Executables relocant
Downloads 33 total (5 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs not available [build log]
All reported builds failed as of 2024-11-02 [all 2 reports]

Readme for relocant-1.0.0

[back to package description]


A PostgreSQL migration CLI tool and library.


  • The user tells relocant that there is a directory containing migration scripts;
  • relocant (advisory-)locks the database;
  • relocant figures out which scripts haven't yet been applied;
  • relocant sorts unapplied scripts lexicographically, creating a migration plan;
  • relocant runs each script in a separate transaction;
  • relocant either records a successfully applied migration or aborts the migration plan on a failure;
  • relocant (advisory-)unlocks the database.

CLI Workflow

The relocant CLI tool attempts to provide a simple and reliable way to apply migration scripts and track them. A migration script is any file with an sql extension. The longest alpha-numeric prefix of the migration script is its ID. The tool requires all migration scripts to reside inside a single directory.

[!NOTE] The path to the scripts directory can be configured by

  • either setting the RELOCANT_SCRIPTS_DIR environment variable,
  • or providing the path to the --scripts option

If we run relocant list-unapplied we'll get back a migration plan, listing those scripts that haven't yet been recorded as applied in the database, in the order they will be applied:

% ls ./migration
% relocant list-unapplied --scripts ./migration
001     001-initial-schema      dfde7438
002     002-description         74f8a76e

Now, if we like this plan, we can run relocant apply to actually apply the scripts to our database.

[!IMPORTANT] Each script is run in a separate transaction and recorded as part of it. Unfortunately, this means that there are restrictions on what you can put in a migration script, including these:

  1. Using BEGIN, ROLLBACK, and COMMIT will likely break relocant.
  2. Running CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY will cause the migration script to fail immediately.

[!NOTE] Successfully running relocant commands needing access to the DB would require

  • either setting PG* variables up,
  • or providing a connection string to the --connection-string option

Here, I'm running relocant inside a nix-shell where the environment has been already set up correctly.

% relocant apply --scripts ./migration
001     001-initial-schema      dfde7438
001     001-initial-schema      dfde7438        2024-10-24 15:04:09 +0000       0.01
002     002-description         74f8a76e
002     002-description         74f8a76e        2024-10-24 15:04:09 +0000       0.01

By running relocant list-applied, we can check that the applied scripts have been recorded correctly. Naturally, the recorded migrations will be sorted in the order of application:

% relocant list-applied
001     001-initial-schema      dfde7438        2024-10-24 15:04:09 +0000       0.01s
002     002-description         74f8a76e        2024-10-24 15:04:09 +0000       0.00s

Once we have another migration script to apply, we put it in the migration directory and re-run relocant apply:

% relocant list-unapplied --scripts ./migration
003     003-fix-typo            a7032e4f
% relocant apply
003     003-fix-typo            a3582319
003     003-fix-typo            a3582319        2024-10-24 15:24:09 +0000       0.00s
% relocant list-applied --scripts ./migration
001     001-initial-schema      dfde7438        2024-10-24 15:04:09 +0000       0.01s
002     002-description         74f8a76e        2024-10-24 15:04:09 +0000       0.00s
003     003-fix-typo            a3582319        2024-10-24 15:24:09 +0000       0.00s

Library docs



I've been using a (very) similar workflow for a while now and it worked great for me, but I wouldn't have bothered to make it a standalone tool if I haven't stumbled upon pgmigrate by Peter Downs.