module Data.Repa.Convert.Format.Maybe
( MaybeChars (..)
, MaybeBytes (..))
import Data.Repa.Convert.Internal.Format
import Data.Repa.Convert.Internal.Packable
import Data.Repa.Convert.Format.Bytes
import Data.Word
import GHC.Exts
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS
import qualified Foreign.Storable as F
import qualified Foreign.ForeignPtr as F
import qualified Foreign.Ptr as F
#include "repa-convert.h"
data MaybeChars f = MaybeChars String f deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Format f => Format (MaybeChars f) where
type Value (MaybeChars f)
= Maybe (Value f)
fieldCount _
= 1
{-# INLINE fieldCount #-}
minSize (MaybeChars str f)
= minSize (MaybeBytes (BS.pack str) f)
{-# INLINE minSize #-}
fixedSize (MaybeChars str f)
= fixedSize (MaybeBytes (BS.pack str) f)
{-# INLINE fixedSize #-}
packedSize (MaybeChars str f)
= kk
where !bs = BS.pack str
kk mv
= packedSize (MaybeBytes bs f) mv
{-# INLINE kk #-}
{-# INLINE packedSize #-}
instance Packable f
=> Packable (MaybeChars f) where
packer (MaybeChars str f)
= kk
where !bs = BS.pack str
kk x start k
= packer (MaybeBytes bs f) x start k
{-# INLINE kk #-}
{-# INLINE packer #-}
instance Unpackable f
=> Unpackable (MaybeChars f) where
unpacker (MaybeChars str f)
= kk
where !bs = BS.pack str
kk start end stop fail eat
= unpacker (MaybeBytes bs f) start end stop fail eat
{-# INLINE kk #-}
{-# INLINE unpacker #-}
data MaybeBytes f = MaybeBytes ByteString f deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Format f => Format (MaybeBytes f) where
type Value (MaybeBytes f)
= Maybe (Value f)
fieldCount _
= 1
{-# INLINE fieldCount #-}
minSize (MaybeBytes str f)
= let !(I# ms) = minSize f
in I# (minSize_MaybeBytes str ms)
{-# INLINE minSize #-}
fixedSize (MaybeBytes str f)
= fixedSize_MaybeBytes str (fixedSize f)
{-# INLINE fixedSize #-}
packedSize (MaybeBytes str f) mv
= case mv of
Nothing -> Just $ BS.length str
Just v -> packedSize f v
{-# NOINLINE packedSize #-}
minSize_MaybeBytes :: ByteString -> Int# -> Int#
minSize_MaybeBytes s i
= case min (BS.length s) (I# i) of
I# i' -> i'
{-# NOINLINE minSize_MaybeBytes #-}
fixedSize_MaybeBytes :: ByteString -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
fixedSize_MaybeBytes s r
= case r of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just sf -> if BS.length s == sf
then Just sf
else Nothing
{-# NOINLINE fixedSize_MaybeBytes #-}
instance Packable f
=> Packable (MaybeBytes f) where
packer (MaybeBytes str f) mv start k
= case mv of
Nothing -> packer VarBytes str start k
Just v -> packer f v start k
{-# NOINLINE packer #-}
instance Unpackable f
=> Unpackable (MaybeBytes f) where
unpacker (MaybeBytes (BS.PS bsFptr bsStart bsLen) f)
start end stop fail eat
= F.withForeignPtr bsFptr
$ \bsPtr_
-> let
!lenBuf = F.minusPtr (pw8 end) (pw8 start)
!bsPtr = F.plusPtr bsPtr_ bsStart
checkNothing !ix
| ix >= bsLen
= do
let !(Ptr start') = F.plusPtr (pw8 start) ix
eatIt start' Nothing
| bsLen == 0
, ix >= lenBuf
= do let !(Ptr start') = F.plusPtr (pw8 start) ix
eatIt start' Nothing
| ix >= lenBuf
= unpackInner
| otherwise
= do !x <- F.peekByteOff (pw8 start) ix
if stop x
then unpackInner
else do
!x' <- F.peekByteOff bsPtr ix
if x /= x'
then unpackInner
else checkNothing (ix + 1)
= unpacker f start end stop fail
$ \addr x -> eatIt addr (Just x)
{-# NOINLINE unpackInner #-}
eatIt addr val
= eat addr val
{-# NOINLINE eatIt #-}
in checkNothing 0
{-# INLINE unpacker #-}
pw8 :: Addr# -> Ptr Word8
pw8 addr = Ptr addr
{-# INLINE pw8 #-}