{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >=704
{-# LANGUAGE Safe              #-}
#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >=702
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy       #-}
-- | Regular-expression with fixed points.
module RERE.Type (
    -- * Regular expression type
    RE (..),
    -- * Smart constructors
    ch_, (\/), star_, let_, fix_, (>>>=),
    -- * Operations
    -- * Internals
    ) where

import Control.Monad (ap)
import Data.String   (IsString (..))
import Data.Void     (Void)

import qualified Data.Set        as Set
import qualified RERE.CharSet    as CS
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC

import RERE.Absurd
import RERE.Tuples
import RERE.Var

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..), (<$>))
import Data.Foldable       (Foldable)
import Data.Traversable    (Traversable (..))

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))

(<&>) :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
(<&>) = flip fmap

-- Type

-- | Regular expression with fixed point.
data RE a
    = Null
    | Full
    | Eps
    | Ch CS.CharSet
    | App (RE a) (RE a)
    | Alt (RE a) (RE a)
    | Star (RE a)

    | And (RE a) (RE a)

    | Var a
    | Let Name (RE a) (RE (Var a))
    | Fix Name        (RE (Var a))
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Ord a => IsString (RE a) where
    fromString = string_

instance Applicative RE where
    pure = Var
    (<*>) = ap

instance Monad RE where
    return = Var

    Null       >>= _ = Null
    Full       >>= _ = Full
    Eps        >>= _ = Eps
    Ch c       >>= _ = Ch c
    App r s    >>= k = App (r >>= k) (s >>= k)
    Alt r s    >>= k = Alt (r >>= k) (s >>= k)
    Star r     >>= k = Star (r >>= k)
    Var a      >>= k = k a
    Let n s r  >>= k = Let n (s >>= k) (r >>= unvar (Var B) (fmap F . k))
    Fix n r1   >>= k = Fix n (r1 >>= unvar (Var B) (fmap F . k))

    And r s    >>= k = And (r >>= k) (s >>= k)

-- QuickCheck

arb :: Ord a => Int -> [QC.Gen a] -> QC.Gen (RE a)
arb n vars = QC.frequency $
    [ (1, pure Null)
    , (1, pure Full)
    , (1, pure Eps)
    , (5, Ch . CS.singleton <$> QC.elements "abcdef")
    ] ++
    [ (10, Var <$> g) | g <- vars ] ++
    (if n > 1
     then [ (20, app), (20, alt),  (10, st), (10, letG), (5, fixG)
          , (10, and_)
     else [])
    alt = binary (\/)

    and_ = binary (/\)

    app = binary (<>)

    binary f = do
        m <- QC.choose (0, n)
        x <- arb m vars
        y <- arb (n - m) vars
        return (f x y)

    st = do
        m <- QC.choose (0, n - 1)
        x <- arb m vars
        return (star_ x)

    letG = do
        m <- QC.choose (0, n)
        name <- arbName
        x <- arb m vars
        y <- arb m (pure B : map (fmap F) vars)
        return $ let_ name x y

    fixG = do
        m <- QC.choose (0, n)
        name <- arbName
        y <- arb m (pure B : map (fmap F) vars)
        return $ fix_ name y

instance (Absurd a, Ord a) => QC.Arbitrary (RE a) where
    arbitrary = QC.sized $ \n -> arb n []
    shrink    = shr

shr :: RE a -> [RE a]
shr Null   = []
shr Eps    = [Null]
shr Full   = [Eps]
shr (Ch _) = [Null, Eps]

shr (App r s) = r : s : map (uncurry App) (QC.liftShrink2 shr shr (r, s))
shr (Alt r s) = r : s : map (uncurry Alt) (QC.liftShrink2 shr shr (r, s))
shr (Star r)  = r : map Star (shr r)

shr (And r s) = r : s :  map (uncurry And) (QC.liftShrink2 shr shr (r, s))

shr (Var _) = []
shr (Let n r s) = r : map (uncurry (Let n)) (QC.liftShrink2 shr shr (r, s))
shr (Fix n r) = map (Fix n) (shr r)

arbName :: QC.Gen Name
arbName = QC.elements ["x","y","z"]

-- Match

-- | Match string by iteratively differentiating the regular expression.
-- This version is slow, consider using 'RERE.matchR'.
match :: RE Void -> String -> Bool
match !re []     = nullable re
match !re (c:cs) = match (derivative c re) cs

-- nullability and derivative

-- | Whether the regular expression accepts empty string,
-- or whether the formal language contains empty string.
-- >>> nullable Eps
-- True
-- >>> nullable (ch_ 'c')
-- False
nullable :: RE a -> Bool
nullable = nullable' . fmap (const False)

nullable' :: RE Bool -> Bool
nullable' Null      = False
nullable' Full      = True
nullable' Eps       = True
nullable' (Ch _)    = False
nullable' (App r s) = nullable' r && nullable' s
nullable' (Alt r s) = nullable' r || nullable' s
nullable' (Star _)  = True

nullable' (And r s) = nullable' r && nullable' s

nullable' (Var a)      = a
nullable' (Let _ r s)  = nullable' (fmap (unvar (nullable' r) id) s)
nullable' (Fix _ r1)   = nullable' (fmap (unvar False id) r1)

-- | Derivative of regular exression to respect of character.
-- @'derivative' c r@ is \(D_c(r)\).
derivative :: Char -> RE Void -> RE Void
derivative = derivative1

-- | 'derivative1' and 'derivative2' are slightly different
-- implementations internally. We are interested in comparing
-- whether either one is noticeably faster (no).
derivative2 :: Char -> RE Void -> RE Void
derivative2 c = go . vacuous where
    go :: Ord b => RE (Triple Bool b b) -> RE b
    go Null = Null
    go Full = Full
    go Eps = Null
    go (Ch x)
        | CS.member c x = Eps
        | otherwise     = Null
    go (App r s)
        | nullable' (fmap fstOf3 r) = go s \/ (go r <> fmap trdOf3 s)
        | otherwise                 =           go r <> fmap trdOf3 s

    go (Alt r s) = go r \/ go s
    go r0@(Star r) = go r <> fmap trdOf3 r0

    go (And r s) = go r /\ go s

    go (Var x) = Var (sndOf3 x)

    go (Let n r s)
        | Just s' <- unused s
        = let_ n
               (fmap trdOf3 r)
               (go (fmap (bimap F F) s'))

        | otherwise
        = let_ n (fmap trdOf3 r)
        $ let_ n' (fmap F r')
        $ go
        $ s <&> \var -> case var of
            B   -> T (nullable' (fmap fstOf3 r)) B (F B)
            F x -> bimap (F . F) (F . F) x
        r' = go r
        n' = derivativeName c n

    go r0@(Fix n r)
        = let_ n (fmap trdOf3 r0)
        $ fix_ n'
        $ go
        $ r <&> \var -> case var of
            B   -> T (nullable' (fmap fstOf3 r0)) B (F B)
            F x -> bimap (F . F) (F . F) x
        n' = derivativeName c n

-- | 'derivative1' and 'derivative2' are slightly different
-- implementations internally. We are interested in comparing
-- whether either one is noticeably faster (no).
derivative1 :: Char -> RE Void -> RE Void
derivative1 c = go absurd where
    -- function to calculate nullability and derivative of a variable
    go :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> Triple Bool b b) -> RE a -> RE b
    go _ Null = Null
    go _ Full = Full
    go _ Eps   = Null
    go _ (Ch x)
        | CS.member c x = Eps
        | otherwise     = Null
    go f (App r s)
        | nullable' (fmap (fstOf3 . f) r) = go f s \/ (go f r <> fmap (trdOf3 . f) s)
        | otherwise                       =            go f r <> fmap (trdOf3 . f) s
    go f (Alt r s) = go f r \/ go f s
    go f r0@(Star r) = go f r <> fmap (trdOf3 . f) r0

    go f (And r s) = go f r /\ go f s

    go f (Var a) = Var (sndOf3 (f a))
    go f (Let n r s)
        | Just s' <- unused s
          -- spare the binding
        = let_ n
               (fmap (trdOf3 . f) r)
               (go (bimap F F . f) s')

        | otherwise
        = let_ n (fmap (trdOf3 . f) r)
        $ let_ n' (fmap F r')
        $ go (\var ->  case var of
            B   -> T (nullable' (fmap (fstOf3 . f) r)) B (F B)
            F x -> bimap (F . F) (F . F) (f x))
        $ s
        r' = go f r
        n' = derivativeName c n
    go f r0@(Fix n r)
        = let_ n (fmap (trdOf3 . f) r0)
        $ fix_ n'
        $ go (\var -> case var of
            B   -> T (nullable' (fmap (fstOf3 . f) r0)) B (F B)
            F x -> bimap (F . F) (F . F) (f x))
        $ r
        n' = derivativeName c n

-- unused

unused :: RE (Var a) -> Maybe (RE a)
unused = traverse (unvar Nothing Just)

-- size

-- | Size of 'RE'. Counts constructors.
size :: RE a -> Int
size Null        = 1
size Full        = 1
size Eps         = 1
size (Ch _)      = 1
size (Var _)     = 1
size (App r s)   = succ (size r + size s)
size (Alt r s)   = succ (size r + size s)
size (Star r)    = succ (size r)
size (Let _ r s) = succ (size r + size s)
size (Fix _ r)   = succ (size r)
size (And r s)   = succ (size r + size s)

-- compact

-- | Re-apply smart constructors on 'RE' structure,
-- thus potentially making it smaller.
-- This function is slow.
compact :: Ord a => RE a -> RE a
compact r@Null      = r
compact r@Full      = r
compact r@Eps       = r
compact r@(Ch _)    = r
compact r@(Var _)   = r
compact (App r s)   = compact r <> compact s
compact (Alt r s)   = compact r \/ compact s
compact (Star r)    = star_ (compact r)
compact (Let n r s) = let_ n (compact r) (compact s)
compact (Fix n r)   = fix_ n (compact r)
compact (And r s)   = compact r /\ compact s

-- smart constructors

-- | Variable substitution.
(>>>=) :: Ord b => RE a -> (a -> RE b) -> RE b
Null       >>>= _ = Null
Full       >>>= _ = Full
Eps        >>>= _ = Eps
Ch c       >>>= _ = Ch c
App r s    >>>= k = (r >>>= k) <> (s >>>= k)
Alt r s    >>>= k = (r >>>= k) \/ (s >>>= k)
Star r     >>>= k = star_ (r >>>= k)
Var a      >>>= k = k a
Let n s r  >>>= k = let_ n (s >>>= k) (r >>>= unvar (Var B) (fmap F . k))
Fix n r1   >>>= k = fix_ n (r1 >>>= unvar (Var B) (fmap F . k))

And r s    >>>= k = (r >>>= k) /\ (s >>>= k)

infixl 4 >>>=

-- | Smart 'Ch', as it takes 'Char' argument.
ch_ :: Char -> RE a
ch_ = Ch . CS.singleton

-- | Construct literal 'String' regex.
string_ :: Ord a => String -> RE a
string_ []  = Eps
string_ [c] = ch_ c
string_ xs  = foldr (\c r -> ch_ c <> r) Eps xs

-- | Smart 'Star'.
star_ :: RE a -> RE a
star_ Null       = Eps
star_ Eps        = Eps
star_ Full       = Full
star_ r@(Star _) = r
star_ r          = Star r

-- | Smart 'Let'
let_ :: Ord a => Name -> RE a -> RE (Var a) -> RE a
let_ n (Let m x r) s
    = let_ m x
    $ let_ n r (fmap (unvar B (F . F)) s)
let_ _ r s
    | cheap r
    = s >>>= unvar r Var
-- let_ _ r s
--     | foldMap (unvar (Sum 1) (\_ -> Sum 0)) s <=  Sum (1 :: Int)
--     = s >>>= unvar r Var
let_ n r s = postlet_ n r (go B (fmap F r) s) where
    go :: Ord a => a -> RE a -> RE a -> RE a
    go v x y | x == y = Var v
    go _ _ Eps       = Eps
    go _ _ Null      = Null
    go _ _ Full      = Full
    go _ _ (Ch c)    = Ch c
    go v x (App a b) = App (go v x a) (go v x b)
    go v x (Alt a b) = Alt (go v x a) (go v x b)
    go v x (Star a)  = Star (go v x a)

    go v x (And a b) = And (go v x a) (go v x b)

    go _ _ (Var v) = Var v
    go v x (Let m a b)
        | x == a    = go v x (fmap (unvar v id) b)
        | otherwise = let_ m (go v x a) (go (F v) (fmap F x) b)
    go v x (Fix m a) = fix_ m (go (F v) (fmap F x) a)

postlet_ :: Name -> RE a -> RE (Var a) -> RE a
postlet_ _ r (Var B) = r
postlet_ _ _ s
    | Just s' <- unused s
    = s'
postlet_ n r s       = Let n r s

-- | Smart 'Fix'.
fix_ :: Ord a => Name -> RE (Var a) -> RE a
fix_ n r
    | Just r' <- traverse (unvar Nothing Just) r
    = r'
    | (r >>>= unvar Null Var) == Null
     = Null
    | Just r' <- floatOut r (unvar Nothing Just) (fix_ n)
    = r'
-- fix_ n (Let m r s)
--     | Just r' <- traverse (unvar Nothing Just) r
--     = let_ m r' (fix_ n (fmap swapVar s))
fix_ n r = Fix n r

    :: (Ord a, Ord b)
    => RE (Var a)                        -- ^ expression
    -> (Var a -> Maybe b)                -- ^ float out var
    -> (RE (Var (Var a)) -> RE (Var b))  -- ^ binder
    -> Maybe (RE b)                      -- ^ maybe an expression with let floaten out
floatOut (Let m r s) un mk
    | Just r' <- traverse un r
    = Just
    $ let_ m r' $ mk $ fmap swapVar s
    | otherwise
    = floatOut
        (unvar Nothing un)
        (mk . let_ m (fmap (fmap F) r) . fmap (fmap swapVar))
floatOut _ _ _ = Nothing

cheap :: RE a -> Bool
cheap Eps     = True
cheap Null   = True
cheap (Ch _)  = True
cheap (Var _) = True
cheap _       = False

instance Ord a => Semigroup (RE a) where
    Null      <> _         = Null
    _         <> Null      = Null
    Full      <> Full      = Full
    Eps       <> r         = r
    r         <> Eps       = r
    Let n x r <> s         = let_ n x (r <> fmap F s)
    r         <> Let n x s = let_ n x (fmap F r <> s)
    r         <> s         = App r s

infixl 5 \/
-- | Smart 'Alt'.
(\/) :: Ord a => RE a -> RE a -> RE a
r       \/ s       | r == s = r
Null    \/ r       = r
r       \/ Null    = r
Full    \/ _       = Full
_       \/ Full    = Full
Ch a    \/ Ch b    = Ch (CS.union a b)
Eps     \/ r       | nullable r = r
r       \/ Eps     | nullable r = r
Let n x r \/ s       = let_ n x (r \/ fmap F s)
r       \/ Let n x s = let_ n x (fmap F r \/ s)
r       \/ s       = foldr alt' Null $ ordNub (unfoldAlt r . unfoldAlt s $ [])
    alt' x Null = x
    alt' x y    = Alt x y

infixl 6 /\ -- silly CPP
-- | Smart 'Alt'.
(/\) :: Ord a => RE a -> RE a -> RE a
r       /\ s       | r == s = r
Null    /\ _       = Null
_       /\ Null    = Null
Full    /\ r       = r
r       /\ Full    = r
Ch a    /\ Ch b    = Ch (CS.intersection a b)
-- nullable is not precise here, so we cannot return Null when non nullable.
Eps     /\ r       | nullable r = Eps
r       /\ Eps     | nullable r = Eps
Let n x r /\ s       = let_ n x (r /\ fmap F s)
r       /\ Let n x s = let_ n x (fmap F r /\ s)
r       /\ s       = foldr and' Full $ ordNub (unfoldAnd r . unfoldAnd s $ [])
    and' x Full = x
    and' x y    = And x y

-- Tools

unfoldAlt :: RE a -> [RE a] -> [RE a]
unfoldAlt (Alt a b) = unfoldAlt a . unfoldAlt b
unfoldAlt r         = (r :)

unfoldAnd :: RE a -> [RE a] -> [RE a]
unfoldAnd (And a b) = unfoldAnd a . unfoldAnd b
unfoldAnd r         = (r :)

ordNub :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
ordNub = go Set.empty where
    go !_ []     = []
    go !s (x:xs)
        | Set.member x s = go s xs
        | otherwise      = x : go (Set.insert x s) xs