Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
Functions from the ReQL (RethinkDB Query Language)
- (+) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- (-) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- (*) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- (/) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- mod :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- (||) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- (&&) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- (==) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- (/=) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- (>) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- (<) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- (>=) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- (<=) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- not :: Expr a => a -> ReQL
- length :: Expr a => a -> ReQL
- (++) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- map :: (Expr a, Expr b) => (ReQL -> b) -> a -> ReQL
- filter :: (Expr predicate, Expr seq) => predicate -> seq -> ReQL
- between :: (Expr left, Expr right, Expr seq) => Key -> Bound left -> Bound right -> seq -> ReQL
- append :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- concatMap :: (Expr a, Expr b) => (ReQL -> b) -> a -> ReQL
- innerJoin :: (Expr a, Expr b, Expr c) => (ReQL -> ReQL -> c) -> a -> b -> ReQL
- outerJoin :: (Expr a, Expr b, Expr c) => (ReQL -> ReQL -> c) -> a -> b -> ReQL
- eqJoin :: (Expr right, Expr left) => Key -> right -> Key -> left -> ReQL
- drop :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- take :: (Expr n, Expr seq) => n -> seq -> ReQL
- slice :: (Expr a, Expr b, Expr c) => a -> b -> c -> ReQL
- (!!) :: Expr a => a -> ReQL -> ReQL
- reduce :: (Expr base, Expr seq, Expr a) => (ReQL -> ReQL -> a) -> base -> seq -> ReQL
- reduce1 :: (Expr a, Expr s) => (ReQL -> ReQL -> a) -> s -> ReQL
- nub :: Expr s => s -> ReQL
- forEach :: (Expr s, Expr a) => s -> (ReQL -> a) -> ReQL
- mergeLeftRight :: Expr a => a -> ReQL
- data Order
- orderBy :: Expr s => [Order] -> s -> ReQL
- groupBy :: (Expr group, Expr reduction, Expr seq) => (ReQL -> group) -> (ReQL -> reduction) -> seq -> ReQL
- sum :: Expr s => s -> ReQL
- avg :: Expr s => s -> ReQL
- (!) :: Expr s => s -> ReQL -> ReQL
- pluck :: Expr o => [ReQL] -> o -> ReQL
- without :: Expr o => [ReQL] -> o -> ReQL
- elem :: (Expr x, Expr seq) => x -> seq -> ReQL
- merge :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- js :: ReQL -> ReQL
- if' :: (Expr a, Expr b, Expr c) => a -> b -> c -> ReQL
- error :: Expr s => s -> ReQL
- db :: Text -> Database
- dbCreate :: String -> ReQL
- dbDrop :: Database -> ReQL
- dbList :: ReQL
- indexCreate :: Expr fun => String -> fun -> IndexCreateOptions -> Table -> ReQL
- indexDrop :: Key -> Table -> ReQL
- indexList :: Table -> ReQL
- getAll :: Expr value => Key -> [value] -> Table -> ReQL
- table :: Text -> Table
- tableCreate :: Table -> TableCreateOptions -> ReQL
- tableDrop :: Table -> ReQL
- tableList :: Database -> ReQL
- get :: Expr s => ReQL -> s -> ReQL
- insert :: Expr object => object -> Table -> ReQL
- upsert :: (Expr table, Expr object) => object -> table -> ReQL
- update :: (Expr selection, Expr a) => (ReQL -> a) -> selection -> ReQL
- replace :: (Expr selection, Expr a) => (ReQL -> a) -> selection -> ReQL
- delete :: Expr selection => selection -> ReQL
- coerceTo :: Expr x => ReQL -> x -> ReQL
- asArray :: Expr x => x -> ReQL
- asString :: Expr x => x -> ReQL
- asNumber :: Expr x => x -> ReQL
- asObject :: Expr x => x -> ReQL
- asBool :: Expr x => x -> ReQL
- withFields :: Expr seq => [ReQL] -> seq -> ReQL
- indexesOf :: (Expr fun, Expr seq) => fun -> seq -> ReQL
- isEmpty :: Expr seq => seq -> ReQL
- sample :: (Expr n, Expr seq) => n -> seq -> ReQL
- prepend :: (Expr datum, Expr array) => datum -> array -> ReQL
- (\\) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- setInsert :: (Expr datum, Expr array) => datum -> array -> ReQL
- setUnion :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- setIntersection :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL
- setDifference :: (Expr set, Expr remove) => remove -> set -> ReQL
- hasFields :: Expr obj => ReQL -> obj -> ReQL
- insertAt :: (Expr n, Expr datum, Expr array) => n -> datum -> array -> ReQL
- spliceAt :: (Expr n, Expr replace, Expr array) => n -> replace -> array -> ReQL
- deleteAt :: (Expr n, Expr array) => n -> array -> ReQL
- changeAt :: (Expr n, Expr datum, Expr array) => n -> datum -> array -> ReQL
- keys :: Expr obj => obj -> ReQL
- (=~) :: Expr string => string -> ReQL -> ReQL
- apply :: (Expr fun, Expr arg) => fun -> [arg] -> ReQL
- handle :: (Expr handler, Expr reql) => handler -> reql -> ReQL
- typeOf :: Expr a => a -> ReQL
- info :: Expr a => a -> ReQL
- json :: ReQL -> ReQL
- (#) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> (a -> b) -> ReQL
- (.) :: (Expr a, Expr b, Expr c) => (ReQL -> b) -> (ReQL -> a) -> c -> ReQL
(+) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL infixl 6 Source
Addition or concatenation
Use the Num instance, or a qualified operator.
>>> run h $ 2 + 5 :: IO (Maybe Int) Just 7 >>> run h $ 2 R.+ 5 :: IO (Maybe Int) Just 7 >>> run h $ (str "foo") + (str "bar") :: IO (Just String) Just "foobar"
(-) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL infixl 6 Source
>>> run h $ 2 - 5 :: IO (Maybe Int) Just (-3)
(*) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL infixl 7 Source
>>> run h $ 2 * 5 :: IO (Maybe Int) Just 10
(/) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL infixl 7 Source
>>> run h $ 2 R./ 5 :: IO (Maybe Double) Just 0.4
(||) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL infixr 2 Source
Boolean or
>>> run h $ True R.|| False :: IO (Maybe Bool) Just True
(&&) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL infixr 3 Source
Boolean and
>>> run h $ True R.&& False :: IO (Maybe Bool) Just False
(==) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL infix 4 Source
Test for equality
>>> run h $ obj ["a" := 1] R.== obj ["a" := 1] :: IO (Maybe Bool) Just True
(/=) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL infix 4 Source
Test for inequality
>>> run h $ 1 R./= False :: IO (Maybe Bool) Just True
(>) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL infix 4 Source
Greater than
>>> run h $ 3 R.> 2 :: IO (Maybe Bool) Just True
(<) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL infix 4 Source
Lesser than
>>> run h $ (str "a") R.< (str "b") :: IO (Maybe Bool) Just True
(>=) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL infix 4 Source
Greater than or equal to
>>> run h $ [1] R.>= () :: IO (Maybe Bool) Just False
(<=) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL infix 4 Source
Lesser than or equal to
>>> run h $ 2 R.<= 2 :: IO (Maybe Bool) Just True
not :: Expr a => a -> ReQL Source
>>> run h $ R.not False :: IO (Maybe Bool) Just True >>> run h $ R.not () :: IO (Maybe Bool) Just True
Lists and Streams
length :: Expr a => a -> ReQL Source
The size of a sequence or an array.
Called count in the official drivers
>>> run h $ R.length (table "foo") :: IO (Maybe Int) Just 17
(++) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL infixr 5 Source
Join two sequences.
Called union in the official drivers
>>> run h $ [1,2,3] R.++ ["a", "b", "c" :: Text] :: IO (Maybe [JSON]) Just [1.0,2.0,3.0,"a","b","c"]
map :: (Expr a, Expr b) => (ReQL -> b) -> a -> ReQL Source
Map a function over a sequence
>>> run h $ (!"a") [obj ["a" := 1], obj ["a" := 2]] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [1,2]
filter :: (Expr predicate, Expr seq) => predicate -> seq -> ReQL Source
Filter a sequence given a predicate
>>> run h $ R.filter (R.< 4) [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [3,1,1,2]
between :: (Expr left, Expr right, Expr seq) => Key -> Bound left -> Bound right -> seq -> ReQL Source
Query all the documents whose value for the given index is in a given range
>>> run h $ table "users" # between "id" (Closed $ str "a") (Open $ str "n") :: IO [JSON] [{"post_count":4.0,"name":"bob","id":"b6a9df6a-b92c-46d1-ae43-1d2dd8ec293c"},{"post_count":4.0,"name":"bill","id":"b2908215-1d3c-4ff5-b9ee-1a003fa9690c"}]
append :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL Source
Append a datum to a sequence
>>> run h $ append 3 [1, 2] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [1,2,3]
concatMap :: (Expr a, Expr b) => (ReQL -> b) -> a -> ReQL Source
Map a function of a sequence and concat the results
>>> run h $ concatMap id [[1, 2], [3], [4, 5]] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [1,2,3,4,5]
innerJoin :: (Expr a, Expr b, Expr c) => (ReQL -> ReQL -> c) -> a -> b -> ReQL Source
SQL-like inner join of two sequences
>>> run' h $ innerJoin (\user post -> user!"id" R.== post!"author") (table "users") (table "posts") # mergeLeftRight # without ["id", "author"] [[{"name":"bob","message":"lorem ipsum"},{"name":"bill","message":"hello"},{"name":"bill","message":"hi"}]]
outerJoin :: (Expr a, Expr b, Expr c) => (ReQL -> ReQL -> c) -> a -> b -> ReQL Source
SQL-like outer join of two sequences
>>> run' h $ outerJoin (\user post -> user!"id" R.== post!"author") (table "users") (table "posts") # mergeLeftRight # without ["id", "author"] [[{"name":"nancy"},{"name":"bill","message":"hello"},{"name":"bill","message":"hi"},{"name":"bob","message":"lorem ipsum"}]]
eqJoin :: (Expr right, Expr left) => Key -> right -> Key -> left -> ReQL Source
An efficient inner_join that uses a key for the left table and an index for the right table.
>>> run' h $ table "posts" # eqJoin "author" (table "users") "id" # mergeLeftRight # without ["id", "author"] [[{"name":"bill","message":"hi"},{"name":"bob","message":"lorem ipsum"},{"name":"bill","message":"hello"}]]
drop :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL Source
Drop elements from the head of a sequence.
Called skip in the official drivers
>>> run h $ R.drop 2 [1, 2, 3, 4] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [3,4]
take :: (Expr n, Expr seq) => n -> seq -> ReQL Source
Limit the size of a sequence.
Called limit in the official drivers
>>> run h $ R.take 2 [1, 2, 3, 4] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [1,2]
slice :: (Expr a, Expr b, Expr c) => a -> b -> c -> ReQL Source
Cut out part of a sequence
>>> run h $ slice 2 4 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [3,4]
(!!) :: Expr a => a -> ReQL -> ReQL infixl 9 Source
Get the nth value of a sequence or array
>>> run h $ [1, 2, 3] !! 0 :: IO (Maybe Int) Just 1
reduce :: (Expr base, Expr seq, Expr a) => (ReQL -> ReQL -> a) -> base -> seq -> ReQL Source
Reduce a sequence to a single value
>>> run h $ reduce (+) 0 [1, 2, 3] :: IO (Maybe Int) Just 6
reduce1 :: (Expr a, Expr s) => (ReQL -> ReQL -> a) -> s -> ReQL Source
Reduce a non-empty sequence to a single value
>>> run h $ reduce1 (+) [1, 2, 3] :: IO (Maybe Int) Just 6
nub :: Expr s => s -> ReQL Source
Filter out identical elements of the sequence
Called distint in the official drivers
>>> run h $ nub (table "posts" ! "flag") :: IO (Maybe [String]) Just ["pinned", "deleted"]
forEach :: (Expr s, Expr a) => s -> (ReQL -> a) -> ReQL Source
Like map but for write queries
>>> run' h $ table "users" # replace (without ["post_count"]) >>> run' h $ forEach (table "posts") $ \post -> table "users" # get (post!"author") # update (\user -> obj ["post_count" := (handle 0 (user!"post_count") + 1)]) [{"skipped":0.0,"inserted":0.0,"unchanged":0.0,"deleted":0.0,"replaced":3.0,"errors":0.0}]
mergeLeftRight :: Expr a => a -> ReQL Source
Merge the "left" and "right" attributes of the objects in a sequence.
Called zip in the official drivers
>>> run' h $ table "posts" # eqJoin "author" (table "users") "id" # mergeLeftRight
Ordering specification for orderBy
orderBy :: Expr s => [Order] -> s -> ReQL Source
Order a sequence by the given keys
>>> run' h $ table "users" # orderBy [Desc "post_count", Asc "name"] # pluck ["name", "post_count"] [[{"post_count":2.0,"name":"bill"},{"post_count":1.0,"name":"bob"},{"name":"nancy"}]]
groupBy :: (Expr group, Expr reduction, Expr seq) => (ReQL -> group) -> (ReQL -> reduction) -> seq -> ReQL Source
Turn a grouping function and a reduction function into a grouped map reduce operation
>>> run' h $ table "posts" # groupBy (!"author") (reduce1 (\a b -> a + "\n" + b) . (!"message")) [[{"group":"b2908215-1d3c-4ff5-b9ee-1a003fa9690c","reduction":"hi\nhello"},{"group":"b6a9df6a-b92c-46d1-ae43-1d2dd8ec293c","reduction":"lorem ipsum"}]] >>> run' h $ table "users" # groupBy (!"level") (\users -> let pc = users!"post_count" in [avg pc, R.sum pc]) [[{"group":1,"reduction":[1.5,3.0]},{"group":2,"reduction":[0.0,0.0]}]]
sum :: Expr s => s -> ReQL Source
The sum of a sequence
>>> run h $ sum [1, 2, 3] :: IO (Maybe Int) Just 6
avg :: Expr s => s -> ReQL Source
The average of a sequence
>>> run h $ avg [1, 2, 3, 4] :: IO (Maybe Double) Just 2.5
(!) :: Expr s => s -> ReQL -> ReQL infixl 9 Source
Get a single field from an object
>>> run h $ (obj ["foo" := True]) ! "foo" :: IO (Maybe Bool) Just True
Or a single field from each object in a sequence
>>> run h $ [obj ["foo" := True], obj ["foo" := False]] ! "foo" :: IO (Maybe [Bool]) Just [True,False]
pluck :: Expr o => [ReQL] -> o -> ReQL Source
Keep only the given attributes
>>> run' h $ map obj [["a" := 1, "b" := 2], ["a" := 2, "c" := 7], ["b" := 4]] # pluck ["a"] [[{"a":1.0},{"a":2.0},{}]]
without :: Expr o => [ReQL] -> o -> ReQL Source
Remove the given attributes from an object
>>> run' h $ map obj [["a" := 1, "b" := 2], ["a" := 2, "c" := 7], ["b" := 4]] # without ["a"] [[{"b":2.0},{"c":7.0},{"b":4.0}]]
elem :: (Expr x, Expr seq) => x -> seq -> ReQL Source
Test if a sequence contains a given element
>>> run' h $ 1 `R.elem` [1,2,3] [true]
merge :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL Source
Merge two objects together
>>> run' h $ merge (obj ["a" := 1, "b" := 1]) (obj ["b" := 2, "c" := 2]) [{"a":1.0,"b":2.0,"c":2.0}]
Evaluate a JavaScript expression
>>> run h $ js "Math.random()" :: IO (Maybe Double) Just 0.9119815775193274 >>> run h $ (\x -> js "Math.sin" `apply` [x]) [pi, pi/2] :: IO (Maybe [Double]) Just [1.2246063538223773e-16,1.0]
if' :: (Expr a, Expr b, Expr c) => a -> b -> c -> ReQL Source
Called branch in the official drivers
>>> run h $ if' (1 R.< 2) 3 4 :: IO (Maybe Int) Just 3
error :: Expr s => s -> ReQL Source
Abort the query with an error
>>> run' h $ R.error (str "haha") R./ 2 + 1 *** Exception: RethinkDBError {errorCode = runtime error, errorTerm = ADD(DIV(ERROR("haha"), 2.0), 1.0), errorMessage = "haha", errorBacktrace = [0,0]}
Create a Database reference
>>> run' h $ db "test" # info [{"name":"test","type":"DB"}]
dbCreate :: String -> ReQL Source
Create a database on the server
>>> run' h $ dbCreate "dev" [{"created":1.0}]
List the databases on the server
>>> run h $ dbList :: IO (Maybe [String]) Just ["test"]
indexCreate :: Expr fun => String -> fun -> IndexCreateOptions -> Table -> ReQL Source
Create an index on the table from the given function
>>> run' h $ table "users" # indexCreate "name" (!"name") def [{"created":1.0}]
indexDrop :: Key -> Table -> ReQL Source
Drop an index
>>> run' h $ table "users" # indexDrop "name" [{"dropped":1.0}]
indexList :: Table -> ReQL Source
List the indexes on the table
>>> run' h $ indexList (table "users") [["name"]]
getAll :: Expr value => Key -> [value] -> Table -> ReQL Source
Retreive documents by their indexed value
>>> run' h $ table "users" # getAll "name" ["bob"] [{"post_count":1.0,"name":"bob","id":"b6a9df6a-b92c-46d1-ae43-1d2dd8ec293c"}]
A table
>>> (mapM_ print =<<) $ run' h $ table "users" {"post_count":0.0,"name":"nancy","id":"8d674d7a-873c-4c0f-8a4a-32a4bd5bdee8"} {"post_count":1.0,"name":"bob","id":"b6a9df6a-b92c-46d1-ae43-1d2dd8ec293c"} {"post_count":2.0,"name":"bill","id":"b2908215-1d3c-4ff5-b9ee-1a003fa9690c"}
tableCreate :: Table -> TableCreateOptions -> ReQL Source
Create a table on the server
>>> run' h $ tableCreate (table "posts") def >>> run' h $ tableCreate (table "users") def >>> run' h $ tableCreate (Table (db "prod") "bar" (Just "name")) def{ tableDataCenter = Just "cloud", tableCacheSize = Just 10 }
tableList :: Database -> ReQL Source
List the tables in a database
>>> run h $ tableList (db "test") :: IO (Maybe [String]) Just ["foo","posts","users"]
get :: Expr s => ReQL -> s -> ReQL Source
Get a document by primary key
>>> run' h $ table "users" # get "8d674d7a-873c-4c0f-8a4a-32a4bd5bdee8" [{"post_count":0.0,"name":"nancy","id":"8d674d7a-873c-4c0f-8a4a-32a4bd5bdee8"}]
insert :: Expr object => object -> Table -> ReQL Source
Insert a document or a list of documents into a table
>>> Just wr@WriteResponse{} <- run h $ table "users" # insert (map (\x -> obj ["name":=x]) ["bill", "bob", "nancy" :: Text]) >>> let Just [bill, bob, nancy] = writeResponseGeneratedKeys wr >>> run' h $ table "posts" # insert (obj ["author" := bill, "message" := str "hi"]) >>> run' h $ table "posts" # insert (obj ["author" := bill, "message" := str "hello"]) >>> run' h $ table "posts" # insert (obj ["author" := bob, "message" := str "lorem ipsum"])
upsert :: (Expr table, Expr object) => object -> table -> ReQL Source
Like insert, but update existing documents with the same primary key
>>> run' h $ table "users" # upsert (obj ["id" := "79bfe377-9593-402a-ad47-f94c76c36a51", "name" := "rupert"]) [{"skipped":0.0,"inserted":0.0,"unchanged":0.0,"deleted":0.0,"replaced":1.0,"errors":0.0}]
update :: (Expr selection, Expr a) => (ReQL -> a) -> selection -> ReQL Source
Add to or modify the contents of a document
>>> run' h $ table "users" # getAll "name" [str "bob"] # update (const $ obj ["name" := str "benjamin"]) [{"skipped":0.0,"inserted":0.0,"unchanged":0.0,"deleted":0.0,"replaced":1.0,"errors":0.0}]
replace :: (Expr selection, Expr a) => (ReQL -> a) -> selection -> ReQL Source
Replace a document with another
>>> run' h $ replace (\bill -> obj ["name" := str "stoyan", "id" := bill!"id"]) . R.filter ((R.== str "bill") . (!"name")) $ table "users" [{"skipped":0.0,"inserted":0.0,"unchanged":0.0,"deleted":0.0,"replaced":1.0,"errors":0.0}]
delete :: Expr selection => selection -> ReQL Source
Delete the documents
>>> run' h $ delete . getAll "name" [str "bob"] $ table "users" [{"skipped":0.0,"inserted":0.0,"unchanged":0.0,"deleted":1.0,"replaced":0.0,"errors":0.0}]
coerceTo :: Expr x => ReQL -> x -> ReQL Source
Convert a value to a different type
>>> run h $ coerceTo "STRING" 1 :: IO (Maybe String) Just "1"
asArray :: Expr x => x -> ReQL Source
Convert a value to an array
>>> run h $ asArray $ obj ["a" := 1, "b" := 2] :: IO (Maybe [(String, Int)]) Just [("a",1),("b",2)]
asString :: Expr x => x -> ReQL Source
Convert a value to a string
>>> run h $ asString $ obj ["a" := 1, "b" := 2] :: IO (Maybe String) Just "{\n\t\"a\":\t1,\n\t\"b\":\t2\n}"
asNumber :: Expr x => x -> ReQL Source
Convert a value to a number
>>> run h $ asNumber (str "34") :: IO (Maybe Int) Just 34
asObject :: Expr x => x -> ReQL Source
Convert a value to an object
>>> run' h $ asObject $ [(str "a",1),("b",2)] [{"a":1.0,"b":2.0}]
withFields :: Expr seq => [ReQL] -> seq -> ReQL Source
Like hasFields followed by pluck
>>> run' h $ map obj [["a" := 1, "b" := 2], ["a" := 2, "c" := 7], ["b" := 4]] # withFields ["a"] [[{"a":1.0},{"a":2.0}]]
indexesOf :: (Expr fun, Expr seq) => fun -> seq -> ReQL Source
The position in the sequence of the elements that match the predicate
>>> run h $ indexesOf (=~ "ba.") [str "foo", "bar", "baz"] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [1,2]
isEmpty :: Expr seq => seq -> ReQL Source
Test if a sequence is empty
>>> run h $ isEmpty [1] :: IO (Maybe Bool) Just False
sample :: (Expr n, Expr seq) => n -> seq -> ReQL Source
Select a given number of elements from a sequence with uniform random distribution
>>> run h $ sample 3 [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [4,3,8]
prepend :: (Expr datum, Expr array) => datum -> array -> ReQL Source
Prepend an element to an array
>>> run h $ prepend 1 [2,3] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [1,2,3]
(\\) :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL infixl 9 Source
Called difference in the official drivers
>>> run h $ [1,2,3,4,5] \\ [2,5] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [1,3,4]
setInsert :: (Expr datum, Expr array) => datum -> array -> ReQL Source
Insert a datum into an array if it is not yet present
>>> run h $ setInsert 3 [1,2,4,4,5] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [1,2,4,5,3]
setUnion :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL Source
The union of two sets
>>> run h $ [1,2] `setUnion` [2,3] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [2,3,1]
setIntersection :: (Expr a, Expr b) => a -> b -> ReQL Source
The intersection of two sets
>>> run h $ [1,2] `setIntersection` [2,3] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [2]
setDifference :: (Expr set, Expr remove) => remove -> set -> ReQL Source
The difference of two sets
>>> run h $ [2,3] # setDifference [1,2] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [3]
hasFields :: Expr obj => ReQL -> obj -> ReQL Source
Test if an object has the given fields
>>> run h $ hasFields ["a"] $ obj ["a" := 1] :: IO (Maybe Bool) Just True
insertAt :: (Expr n, Expr datum, Expr array) => n -> datum -> array -> ReQL Source
Insert a datum at the given position in an array
>>> run h $ insertAt 1 4 [1,2,3] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [1,4,2,3]
spliceAt :: (Expr n, Expr replace, Expr array) => n -> replace -> array -> ReQL Source
Splice an array at a given position inside another array
>>> run h $ spliceAt 2 [4,5] [1,2,3] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [1,2,4,5,3]
deleteAt :: (Expr n, Expr array) => n -> array -> ReQL Source
Delete an element from an array
>>> run h $ deleteAt 1 [1,2,3] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [1,3]
changeAt :: (Expr n, Expr datum, Expr array) => n -> datum -> array -> ReQL Source
Change an element in an array
>>> run h $ changeAt 1 4 [1,2,3] :: IO (Maybe [Int]) Just [1,4,3]
keys :: Expr obj => obj -> ReQL Source
The list of keys of the given object
>>> run h $ keys (obj ["a" := 1, "b" := 2]) :: IO (Maybe [String]) Just ["a","b"]
(=~) :: Expr string => string -> ReQL -> ReQL Source
Match a string to a regular expression.
Called match in the official drivers
>>> run' h $ str "foobar" =~ "f(.)+[bc](.+)" [{"groups":[{"start":2.0,"end":3.0,"str":"o"},{"start":4.0,"end":6.0,"str":"ar"}],"start":0.0,"end":6.0,"str":"foobar"}]
apply :: (Expr fun, Expr arg) => fun -> [arg] -> ReQL Source
Apply a function to a list of arguments.
Called do in the official drivers
>>> run h $ (\x -> x R.* 2) `apply` [4] :: IO (Maybe Int) Just 8
handle :: (Expr handler, Expr reql) => handler -> reql -> ReQL Source
Catch some expections inside the query.
Called default in the official drivers
>>> run h $ handle 0 $ obj ["a" := 1] ! "b" :: IO (Maybe Int) Just 0 >>> run h $ handle (expr . id) $ obj ["a" := 1] ! "b" :: IO (Maybe String) Just "No attribute `b` in object:\n{\n\t\"a\":\t1\n}"
typeOf :: Expr a => a -> ReQL Source
A string representing the type of an expression
>>> run h $ typeOf 1 :: IO (Maybe String) Just "NUMBER"