{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Retrie.Context
( ContextUpdater
, updateContext
, emptyContext
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.Generics hiding (Fixity)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Retrie.AlphaEnv
import Retrie.ExactPrint
import Retrie.Fixity
import Retrie.FreeVars
import Retrie.GHC
import Retrie.Substitution
import Retrie.SYB
import Retrie.Types
import Retrie.Universe
type ContextUpdater = forall m. MonadIO m => GenericCU (TransformT m) Context
updateContext :: forall m. MonadIO m => GenericCU (TransformT m) Context
updateContext c i =
const (return c)
`extQ` (return . updExp)
`extQ` (return . updType)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 806
`extQ` (return . updTypeList)
`extQ` (return . updMatch)
`extQ` (return . updGRHSs)
`extQ` (return . updGRHS)
`extQ` (return . updStmt)
`extQ` updStmtList
`extQ` (return . updHsBind)
`extQ` (return . updTyClDecl)
neverParen = c { ctxtParentPrec = NeverParen }
updExp :: HsExpr GhcPs -> Context
updExp HsApp{} =
c { ctxtParentPrec = HasPrec $ Fixity (SourceText "HsApp") (10 + i - firstChild) InfixL }
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 806
updExp (OpApp _ op _ _) = c { ctxtParentPrec = HasPrec $ lookupOp op (ctxtFixityEnv c) }
updExp (HsLet lbs _) = addInScope neverParen $ collectLocalBinders $ unLoc lbs
updExp (OpApp _ _ op _) = c { ctxtParentPrec = HasPrec $ lookupOp op (ctxtFixityEnv c) }
updExp (HsLet _ lbs _) = addInScope neverParen $ collectLocalBinders $ unLoc lbs
updExp _ = neverParen
updType :: HsType GhcPs -> Context
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 806
updType (HsAppsTy _) = c { ctxtParentPrec = IsHsAppsTy }
updType HsAppTy{}
| i > firstChild = c { ctxtParentPrec = IsHsAppsTy }
updType _ = neverParen
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 806
updTypeList :: [LHsAppType GhcPs] -> Context
updTypeList _ =
case ctxtParentPrec c of
| i > 0 -> c { ctxtParentPrec = HasPrec $ Fixity (SourceText "HsAppsTy") 11 InfixL }
| otherwise -> neverParen
_ -> c
updMatch :: Match GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> Context
updMatch = addInScope neverParen . collectPatsBinders . m_pats
updGRHSs :: GRHSs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> Context
updGRHSs = addInScope neverParen . collectLocalBinders . unLoc . grhssLocalBinds
updGRHS :: GRHS GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> Context
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 806
updGRHS (GRHS gs _)
updGRHS XGRHS{} = neverParen
updGRHS (GRHS _ gs _)
| i > firstChild = addInScope neverParen bs
| otherwise = fst $ updateSubstitution neverParen bs
bs = collectLStmtsBinders gs
updStmt :: Stmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> Context
updStmt _ = neverParen
updStmtList :: [LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] -> TransformT m Context
updStmtList [] = return neverParen
updStmtList (ls:_)
| i > 0 = insertDependentRewrites neverParen bs ls
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 806
| L _ (LetStmt (L _ bnds)) <- ls =
| L _ (LetStmt _ (L _ bnds)) <- ls =
return $ addInScope neverParen $ collectLocalBinders bnds
| otherwise = return $ fst $ updateSubstitution neverParen bs
bs = collectLStmtBinders ls
updHsBind :: HsBind GhcPs -> Context
updHsBind FunBind{..} =
let rdr = unLoc fun_id
in addBinders (addInScope neverParen [rdr]) [rdr]
updHsBind _ = neverParen
updTyClDecl :: TyClDecl GhcPs -> Context
updTyClDecl SynDecl{..} = addInScope neverParen [unLoc tcdLName]
updTyClDecl DataDecl{..} = addInScope neverParen [unLoc tcdLName]
updTyClDecl ClassDecl{..} = addInScope neverParen [unLoc tcdLName]
updTyClDecl _ = neverParen
emptyContext :: FixityEnv -> Rewriter -> Rewriter -> Context
emptyContext ctxtFixityEnv ctxtRewriter ctxtDependents = Context{..}
ctxtBinders = []
ctxtInScope = emptyAlphaEnv
ctxtParentPrec = NeverParen
ctxtSubst = Nothing
firstChild :: Int
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 806
firstChild = 0
firstChild = 1
:: (Matchable k, MonadIO m) => Context -> [RdrName] -> k -> TransformT m Context
insertDependentRewrites c bs x = do
r <- runRewriter id c (ctxtDependents c) x
c' = addInScope c bs
case r of
NoMatch -> return c'
MatchResult _ Template{..} -> do
rrs = fromMaybe [] tDependents
ds = rewritesWithDependents rrs
f = foldMap (mkLocalRewriter $ ctxtInScope c')
return c'
{ ctxtRewriter = f rrs <> ctxtRewriter c'
, ctxtDependents = f ds <> ctxtDependents c'
addInScope :: Context -> [RdrName] -> Context
addInScope c bs =
c' { ctxtInScope = foldr extendAlphaEnv (ctxtInScope c') bs' }
(c', bs') = updateSubstitution c bs
addBinders :: Context -> [RdrName] -> Context
addBinders c bs = c { ctxtBinders = bs ++ ctxtBinders c }
updateSubstitution :: Context -> [RdrName] -> (Context, [RdrName])
updateSubstitution c rdrs =
case ctxtSubst c of
Nothing -> (c, rdrs)
Just sub ->
sub' = deleteSubst sub $ map rdrFS rdrs
fvs = substFVs sub'
(noncapturing, capturing) =
partitionEithers $ map (updateBinder fvs) rdrs
alphaSub = foldl' (uncurry . extendSubst) sub'
[ (rdrFS rdr, HoleRdr rdr') | (rdr, rdr') <- capturing ]
rdrs' = map snd capturing ++ noncapturing
in (c { ctxtSubst = Just alphaSub }, rdrs')
updateBinder :: FreeVars -> RdrName -> Either RdrName (RdrName, RdrName)
updateBinder fvs rdr
| elemFVs rdr fvs = Right (rdr, renameBinder rdr fvs)
| otherwise = Left rdr
renameBinder :: RdrName -> FreeVars -> RdrName
renameBinder rdr fvs = head
[ rdr'
| i <- [n..]
, let rdr' = mkVarUnqual $ mkFastString $ baseName ++ show i
, not $ rdr' `elemFVs` fvs
(ds, rest) = span isDigit $ reverse $ occNameString $ occName rdr
baseName = reverse rest
n :: Int
n | null ds = 1
| otherwise = read (reverse ds) + 1