{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings, CPP #-}
module Network.Riak.Escape
, unescape
) where
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder, fromByteString, toByteString, toLazyByteString)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Word (fromWord8)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A
import Data.Attoparsec.Lazy as AL
import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.), shiftL, shiftR)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Monoid (mappend, mempty)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Bifunctor (second, first)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL
class Escape e where
escape :: e -> L.ByteString
unescape' :: L.ByteString -> Either String e
unescape :: Escape e => L.ByteString -> e
unescape bs = case unescape' bs of
Left err -> error $ "Network.Riak.Escape.unescape: " ++ err
Right v -> v
{-# INLINE unescape #-}
instance Escape ByteString where
escape = toLazyByteString . B.foldl escapeWord8 mempty
{-# INLINE escape #-}
unescape' = AL.eitherResult . AL.parse (toByteString <$> unescapeBS)
{-# INLINE unescape' #-}
instance Escape L.ByteString where
escape = toLazyByteString . L.foldl escapeWord8 mempty
{-# INLINE escape #-}
unescape' = AL.eitherResult . AL.parse (toLazyByteString <$> unescapeBS)
{-# INLINE unescape' #-}
instance Escape Text where
escape = escape . T.encodeUtf8
{-# INLINE escape #-}
unescape' lbs = case AL.parse (toByteString <$> unescapeBS) lbs of
AL.Done _ bs -> first show $ T.decodeUtf8' bs
AL.Fail _ _ err -> Left err
{-# INLINE unescape' #-}
instance Escape TL.Text where
escape = escape . TL.encodeUtf8
{-# INLINE escape #-}
unescape' lbs = case AL.parse (toLazyByteString <$> unescapeBS) lbs of
AL.Done _ bs -> first show $ TL.decodeUtf8' bs
AL.Fail _ _ err -> Left err
{-# INLINE unescape' #-}
instance Escape [Char] where
escape = escape . T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack
{-# INLINE escape #-}
unescape' = second T.unpack . unescape'
{-# INLINE unescape' #-}
escapeWord8 :: Builder -> Word8 -> Builder
escapeWord8 acc 32 = acc `mappend` fromWord8 43
escapeWord8 acc i
| literal i = acc `mappend` fromWord8 i
| otherwise = acc `mappend` hex i
literal w = w >= 97 && w <= 122 || w >= 65 && w <= 90 ||
w >= 48 && w <= 57 || w `B.elem` "$-.!*'(),_"
hex w = fromWord8 37 `mappend` d (w `shiftR` 4) `mappend` d (w .&. 0xf)
d n | n < 10 = fromWord8 (n + 48)
| otherwise = fromWord8 (n + 87)
{-# INLINE escapeWord8 #-}
unescapeBS :: Parser Builder
unescapeBS = go mempty
go acc = do
s <- A.takeWhile $ \w -> w /= 37 && w /= 43
let rest = do
w <- anyWord8
if w == 43
then go (acc `mappend` fromByteString s `mappend` fromWord8 32)
else do
h <- A.take 2
let hex b | b >= 48 && b <= 57 = b - 48
| b >= 97 && b <= 102 = b - 87
| b >= 65 && b <= 70 = b - 55
| otherwise = 255
hi = hex (B.unsafeIndex h 0)
lo = hex (B.unsafeIndex h 1)
if hi .|. lo == 255
then fail "invalid hex escape"
else go (acc `mappend` fromByteString s `mappend`
fromWord8 (lo .|. (hi `shiftL` 4)))
done <- atEnd
if done
then return (acc `mappend` fromByteString s)
else rest