{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module System.Metrics.Prometheus.Ridley (
, startRidleyWithStore
, prometheusOptions
, ridleyMetrics
, AdapterOptions(..)
, RidleyCtx
, ridleyWaiMetrics
, ridleyThreadId
, katipScribes
, dataRetentionPeriod
, samplingFrequency
, namespace
, labels
, newOptions
, defaultMetrics
) where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time
import GHC.Conc (getNumCapabilities, getNumProcessors)
import Katip
import Lens.Micro
import Network.Wai.Metrics (registerWaiMetrics)
import System.Metrics as EKG
#if (MIN_VERSION_prometheus(0,5,0))
import qualified System.Metrics.Prometheus.Http.Scrape as P
import qualified System.Metrics.Prometheus.Concurrent.Http as P
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.Metric.Counter (add)
import qualified System.Metrics.Prometheus.RegistryT as P
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.Ridley.Metrics.CPU
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.Ridley.Metrics.DiskUsage
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.Ridley.Metrics.Memory
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.Ridley.Metrics.Network
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.Ridley.Types
import System.Remote.Monitoring.Prometheus
startRidley :: RidleyOptions
-> P.Path
-> Port
-> IO RidleyCtx
startRidley opts path port = do
store <- EKG.newStore
EKG.registerGcMetrics store
startRidleyWithStore opts path port store
registerMetrics :: [RidleyMetric] -> Ridley [RidleyMetricHandler]
registerMetrics [] = return []
registerMetrics (x:xs) = do
opts <- ask
let popts = opts ^. prometheusOptions
let sev = opts ^. katipSeverity
case x of
CustomMetric metricName custom -> do
customMetric <- lift (custom opts)
$(logTM) sev $ "Registering CustomMetric '" <> fromString (T.unpack metricName) <> "'..."
(customMetric :) <$> (registerMetrics xs)
ProcessMemory -> do
processReservedMemory <- lift $ P.registerGauge "process_memory_kb" (popts ^. labels)
let !m = processMemory processReservedMemory
$(logTM) sev "Registering ProcessMemory metric..."
(m :) <$> (registerMetrics xs)
CPULoad -> do
cpu1m <- lift $ P.registerGauge "cpu_load1" (popts ^. labels)
cpu5m <- lift $ P.registerGauge "cpu_load5" (popts ^. labels)
cpu15m <- lift $ P.registerGauge "cpu_load15" (popts ^. labels)
let !cpu = processCPULoad (cpu1m, cpu5m, cpu15m)
$(logTM) sev "Registering CPULoad metric..."
(cpu :) <$> (registerMetrics xs)
GHCConc -> do
numCaps <- lift $ P.registerCounter "ghc_conc_num_capabilities" (popts ^. labels)
numPros <- lift $ P.registerCounter "ghc_conc_num_processors" (popts ^. labels)
liftIO (getNumCapabilities >>= \cap -> add (fromIntegral cap) numCaps)
liftIO (getNumProcessors >>= \cap -> add (fromIntegral cap) numPros)
$(logTM) sev "Registering GHCConc metric..."
registerMetrics xs
Wai -> registerMetrics xs
DiskUsage -> do
diskStats <- liftIO getDiskStats
dmap <- lift $ foldM (mkDiskGauge (popts ^. labels)) M.empty diskStats
let !diskUsage = diskUsageMetrics dmap
$(logTM) sev "Registering DiskUsage metric..."
(diskUsage :) <$> registerMetrics xs
Network -> do
#if defined darwin_HOST_OS
(ifaces, dtor) <- liftIO getNetworkMetrics
imap <- lift $ foldM (mkInterfaceGauge (popts ^. labels)) M.empty ifaces
liftIO dtor
ifaces <- liftIO getNetworkMetrics
imap <- lift $ foldM (mkInterfaceGauge (popts ^. labels)) M.empty ifaces
let !network = networkMetrics imap
$(logTM) sev "Registering Network metric..."
(network :) <$> registerMetrics xs
startRidleyWithStore :: RidleyOptions
-> P.Path
-> Port
-> EKG.Store
-> IO RidleyCtx
startRidleyWithStore opts path port store = do
tid <- forkRidley
mbMetr <- case Set.member Wai (opts ^. ridleyMetrics) of
False -> return Nothing
True -> Just <$> registerWaiMetrics store
return $ RidleyCtx tid mbMetr
forkRidley = forkIO $ do
x <- newEmptyMVar
le <- initLogEnv (opts ^. katipScribes . _1) "production"
#if (MIN_VERSION_katip(0,5,0))
le' <- foldM (\le0 (n,s) -> registerScribe n s defaultScribeSettings le0) le (opts ^. katipScribes . _2)
let le' = List.foldl' (\le0 (n,s) -> registerScribe n s le0) le (opts ^. katipScribes . _2)
serverLoop <- async $ runRidley opts le' $ do
lift $ registerEKGStore store (opts ^. prometheusOptions)
handlers <- registerMetrics (Set.toList $ opts ^. ridleyMetrics)
liftIO $ do
lastUpdate <- newIORef =<< getCurrentTime
updateLoop <- async $ handlersLoop lastUpdate handlers
putMVar x updateLoop
lift $ P.sample >>= P.serveHttpTextMetrics port path
ul <- takeMVar x
link2 serverLoop ul
res <- waitCatch ul
case res of
Left e -> runKatipContextT le' () "errors" $ do
$(logTM) ErrorS (fromString $ show e)
Right _ -> return ()
handlersLoop :: IORef UTCTime -> [RidleyMetricHandler] -> IO a
handlersLoop lastUpdateRef handlers = do
let freq = opts ^. prometheusOptions . samplingFrequency
let flushPeriod = opts ^. dataRetentionPeriod
mustFlush <- case flushPeriod of
Nothing -> return False
Just p -> do
now <- getCurrentTime
lastUpdate <- readIORef lastUpdateRef
case diffUTCTime lastUpdate now >= p of
True -> do
modifyIORef' lastUpdateRef (const now)
return True
False -> return False
threadDelay (freq * 10^6)
updateHandlers (List.map (\x -> x { flush = mustFlush }) handlers)
handlersLoop lastUpdateRef handlers
updateHandlers :: [RidleyMetricHandler] -> IO ()
updateHandlers = mapM_ runHandler