{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
module Data.SBV.Compilers.C(compileToC, compileToCLib, compileToC', compileToCLib') where
import Control.DeepSeq (rnf)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (nub, intercalate, intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing, fromJust)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F (toList)
import qualified Data.Set as Set (member, union, unions, empty, toList, singleton, fromList)
import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, replaceExtension)
import System.Random
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import Data.SBV.Core.Data
import Data.SBV.Compilers.CodeGen
import Data.SBV.Utils.PrettyNum (shex, showCFloat, showCDouble)
import GHC.Stack.Compat
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
import GHC.SrcLoc.Compat
compileToC :: Maybe FilePath -> String -> SBVCodeGen () -> IO ()
compileToC mbDirName nm f = compileToC' nm f >>= renderCgPgmBundle mbDirName
compileToC' :: String -> SBVCodeGen () -> IO CgPgmBundle
compileToC' nm f = do rands <- randoms `fmap` newStdGen
codeGen SBVToC (defaultCgConfig { cgDriverVals = rands }) nm f
compileToCLib :: Maybe FilePath -> String -> [(String, SBVCodeGen ())] -> IO ()
compileToCLib mbDirName libName comps = compileToCLib' libName comps >>= renderCgPgmBundle mbDirName
compileToCLib' :: String -> [(String, SBVCodeGen ())] -> IO CgPgmBundle
compileToCLib' libName comps = mergeToLib libName `fmap` mapM (uncurry compileToC') comps
data SBVToC = SBVToC
instance CgTarget SBVToC where
targetName _ = "C"
translate _ = cgen
die :: String -> a
die msg = error $ "SBV->C: Unexpected: " ++ msg
tbd :: String -> a
tbd msg = error $ "SBV->C: Not yet supported: " ++ msg
cgen :: CgConfig -> String -> CgState -> Result -> CgPgmBundle
cgen cfg nm st sbvProg
= rnf (render sig) `seq` rnf (render (vcat body)) `seq` result
where result = CgPgmBundle bundleKind
$ filt [ ("Makefile", (CgMakefile flags, [genMake (cgGenDriver cfg) nm nmd flags]))
, (nm ++ ".h", (CgHeader [sig], [genHeader bundleKind nm [sig] extProtos]))
, (nmd ++ ".c", (CgDriver, genDriver cfg randVals nm ins outs mbRet))
, (nm ++ ".c", (CgSource, body))
body = genCProg cfg nm sig sbvProg ins outs mbRet extDecls
bundleKind = (cgInteger cfg, cgReal cfg)
randVals = cgDriverVals cfg
filt xs = [c | c@(_, (k, _)) <- xs, need k]
where need k | isCgDriver k = cgGenDriver cfg
| isCgMakefile k = cgGenMakefile cfg
| True = True
nmd = nm ++ "_driver"
sig = pprCFunHeader nm ins outs mbRet
ins = cgInputs st
outs = cgOutputs st
mbRet = case cgReturns st of
[] -> Nothing
[CgAtomic o] -> Just o
[CgArray _] -> tbd "Non-atomic return values"
_ -> tbd "Multiple return values"
extProtos = case cgPrototypes st of
[] -> empty
xs -> vcat $ text "/* User given prototypes: */" : map text xs
extDecls = case cgDecls st of
[] -> empty
xs -> vcat $ text "/* User given declarations: */" : map text xs
flags = cgLDFlags st
pprCFunHeader :: String -> [(String, CgVal)] -> [(String, CgVal)] -> Maybe SW -> Doc
pprCFunHeader fn ins outs mbRet = retType <+> text fn <> parens (fsep (punctuate comma (map mkParam ins ++ map mkPParam outs)))
where retType = case mbRet of
Nothing -> text "void"
Just sw -> pprCWord False sw
mkParam, mkPParam :: (String, CgVal) -> Doc
mkParam (n, CgAtomic sw) = pprCWord True sw <+> text n
mkParam (_, CgArray []) = die "mkParam: CgArray with no elements!"
mkParam (n, CgArray (sw:_)) = pprCWord True sw <+> text "*" <> text n
mkPParam (n, CgAtomic sw) = pprCWord False sw <+> text "*" <> text n
mkPParam (_, CgArray []) = die "mPkParam: CgArray with no elements!"
mkPParam (n, CgArray (sw:_)) = pprCWord False sw <+> text "*" <> text n
declSW :: Int -> SW -> Doc
declSW w sw = text "const" <+> pad (showCType sw) <+> text (show sw)
where pad s = text $ s ++ replicate (w - length s) ' '
declSWNoConst :: Int -> SW -> (Doc, Doc)
declSWNoConst w sw = (text " " <+> pad (showCType sw), text (show sw))
where pad s = text $ s ++ replicate (w - length s) ' '
showSW :: CgConfig -> [(SW, CW)] -> SW -> Doc
showSW cfg consts sw
| sw == falseSW = text "false"
| sw == trueSW = text "true"
| Just cw <- sw `lookup` consts = mkConst cfg cw
| True = text $ show sw
pprCWord :: HasKind a => Bool -> a -> Doc
pprCWord cnst v = (if cnst then text "const" else empty) <+> text (showCType v)
showCType :: HasKind a => a -> String
showCType i = case kindOf i of
KBounded False 1 -> "SBool"
k -> show k
specifier :: CgConfig -> SW -> Doc
specifier cfg sw = case kindOf sw of
KBool -> spec (False, 1)
KBounded b i -> spec (b, i)
KUnbounded -> spec (True, fromJust (cgInteger cfg))
KReal -> specF (fromJust (cgReal cfg))
KFloat -> specF CgFloat
KDouble -> specF CgDouble
KUserSort s _ -> die $ "uninterpreted sort: " ++ s
where spec :: (Bool, Int) -> Doc
spec (False, 1) = text "%d"
spec (False, 8) = text "%\"PRIu8\""
spec (True, 8) = text "%\"PRId8\""
spec (False, 16) = text "0x%04\"PRIx16\"U"
spec (True, 16) = text "%\"PRId16\""
spec (False, 32) = text "0x%08\"PRIx32\"UL"
spec (True, 32) = text "%\"PRId32\"L"
spec (False, 64) = text "0x%016\"PRIx64\"ULL"
spec (True, 64) = text "%\"PRId64\"LL"
spec (s, sz) = die $ "Format specifier at type " ++ (if s then "SInt" else "SWord") ++ show sz
specF :: CgSRealType -> Doc
specF CgFloat = text "%.6g"
specF CgDouble = text "%.15g"
specF CgLongDouble = text "%Lf"
mkConst :: CgConfig -> CW -> Doc
mkConst cfg (CW KReal (CWAlgReal (AlgRational _ r))) = double (fromRational r :: Double) <> sRealSuffix (fromJust (cgReal cfg))
where sRealSuffix CgFloat = text "F"
sRealSuffix CgDouble = empty
sRealSuffix CgLongDouble = text "L"
mkConst cfg (CW KUnbounded (CWInteger i)) = showSizedConst i (True, fromJust (cgInteger cfg))
mkConst _ (CW (KBounded sg sz) (CWInteger i)) = showSizedConst i (sg, sz)
mkConst _ (CW KBool (CWInteger i)) = showSizedConst i (False, 1)
mkConst _ (CW KFloat (CWFloat f)) = text $ showCFloat f
mkConst _ (CW KDouble (CWDouble d)) = text $ showCDouble d
mkConst _ cw = die $ "mkConst: " ++ show cw
showSizedConst :: Integer -> (Bool, Int) -> Doc
showSizedConst i (False, 1) = text (if i == 0 then "false" else "true")
showSizedConst i (False, 8) = integer i
showSizedConst i (True, 8) = integer i
showSizedConst i t@(False, 16) = text (shex False True t i) <> text "U"
showSizedConst i t@(True, 16) = text (shex False True t i)
showSizedConst i t@(False, 32) = text (shex False True t i) <> text "UL"
showSizedConst i t@(True, 32) = text (shex False True t i) <> text "L"
showSizedConst i t@(False, 64) = text (shex False True t i) <> text "ULL"
showSizedConst i t@(True, 64) = text (shex False True t i) <> text "LL"
showSizedConst i (True, 1) = die $ "Signed 1-bit value " ++ show i
showSizedConst i (s, sz) = die $ "Constant " ++ show i ++ " at type " ++ (if s then "SInt" else "SWord") ++ show sz
genMake :: Bool -> String -> String -> [String] -> Doc
genMake ifdr fn dn ldFlags = foldr1 ($$) [l | (True, l) <- lns]
where ifld = not (null ldFlags)
ld | ifld = text "${LDFLAGS}"
| True = empty
lns = [ (True, text "# Makefile for" <+> nm <> text ". Automatically generated by SBV. Do not edit!")
, (True, text "")
, (True, text "# include any user-defined .mk file in the current directory.")
, (True, text "-include *.mk")
, (True, text "")
, (True, text "CC?=gcc")
, (True, text "CCFLAGS?=-Wall -O3 -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer")
, (ifld, text "LDFLAGS?=" <> text (unwords ldFlags))
, (True, text "")
, (ifdr, text "all:" <+> nmd)
, (ifdr, text "")
, (True, nmo <> text (": " ++ ppSameLine (hsep [nmc, nmh])))
, (True, text "\t${CC} ${CCFLAGS}" <+> text "-c $< -o $@")
, (True, text "")
, (ifdr, nmdo <> text ":" <+> nmdc)
, (ifdr, text "\t${CC} ${CCFLAGS}" <+> text "-c $< -o $@")
, (ifdr, text "")
, (ifdr, nmd <> text (": " ++ ppSameLine (hsep [nmo, nmdo])))
, (ifdr, text "\t${CC} ${CCFLAGS}" <+> text "$^ -o $@" <+> ld)
, (ifdr, text "")
, (True, text "clean:")
, (True, text "\trm -f *.o")
, (True, text "")
, (ifdr, text "veryclean: clean")
, (ifdr, text "\trm -f" <+> nmd)
, (ifdr, text "")
nm = text fn
nmd = text dn
nmh = nm <> text ".h"
nmc = nm <> text ".c"
nmo = nm <> text ".o"
nmdc = nmd <> text ".c"
nmdo = nmd <> text ".o"
genHeader :: (Maybe Int, Maybe CgSRealType) -> String -> [Doc] -> Doc -> Doc
genHeader (ik, rk) fn sigs protos =
text "/* Header file for" <+> nm <> text ". Automatically generated by SBV. Do not edit! */"
$$ text ""
$$ text "#ifndef" <+> tag
$$ text "#define" <+> tag
$$ text ""
$$ text "#include <stdio.h>"
$$ text "#include <stdlib.h>"
$$ text "#include <inttypes.h>"
$$ text "#include <stdint.h>"
$$ text "#include <stdbool.h>"
$$ text "#include <string.h>"
$$ text "#include <math.h>"
$$ text ""
$$ text "/* The boolean type */"
$$ text "typedef bool SBool;"
$$ text ""
$$ text "/* The float type */"
$$ text "typedef float SFloat;"
$$ text ""
$$ text "/* The double type */"
$$ text "typedef double SDouble;"
$$ text ""
$$ text "/* Unsigned bit-vectors */"
$$ text "typedef uint8_t SWord8 ;"
$$ text "typedef uint16_t SWord16;"
$$ text "typedef uint32_t SWord32;"
$$ text "typedef uint64_t SWord64;"
$$ text ""
$$ text "/* Signed bit-vectors */"
$$ text "typedef int8_t SInt8 ;"
$$ text "typedef int16_t SInt16;"
$$ text "typedef int32_t SInt32;"
$$ text "typedef int64_t SInt64;"
$$ text ""
$$ imapping
$$ rmapping
$$ text ("/* Entry point prototype" ++ plu ++ ": */")
$$ vcat (map (<> semi) sigs)
$$ text ""
$$ protos
$$ text "#endif /*" <+> tag <+> text "*/"
$$ text ""
where nm = text fn
tag = text "__" <> nm <> text "__HEADER_INCLUDED__"
plu = if length sigs /= 1 then "s" else ""
imapping = case ik of
Nothing -> empty
Just i -> text "/* User requested mapping for SInteger. */"
$$ text "/* NB. Loss of precision: Target type is subject to modular arithmetic. */"
$$ text ("typedef SInt" ++ show i ++ " SInteger;")
$$ text ""
rmapping = case rk of
Nothing -> empty
Just t -> text "/* User requested mapping for SReal. */"
$$ text "/* NB. Loss of precision: Target type is subject to rounding. */"
$$ text ("typedef " ++ show t ++ " SReal;")
$$ text ""
sepIf :: Bool -> Doc
sepIf b = if b then text "" else empty
genDriver :: CgConfig -> [Integer] -> String -> [(String, CgVal)] -> [(String, CgVal)] -> Maybe SW -> [Doc]
genDriver cfg randVals fn inps outs mbRet = [pre, header, body, post]
where pre = text "/* Example driver program for" <+> nm <> text ". */"
$$ text "/* Automatically generated by SBV. Edit as you see fit! */"
$$ text ""
$$ text "#include <stdio.h>"
header = text "#include" <+> doubleQuotes (nm <> text ".h")
$$ text ""
$$ text "int main(void)"
$$ text "{"
body = text ""
$$ nest 2 ( vcat (map mkInp pairedInputs)
$$ vcat (map mkOut outs)
$$ sepIf (not (null [() | (_, _, CgArray{}) <- pairedInputs]) || not (null outs))
$$ call
$$ text ""
$$ (case mbRet of
Just sw -> text "printf" <> parens (printQuotes (fcall <+> text "=" <+> specifier cfg sw <> text "\\n")
<> comma <+> resultVar) <> semi
Nothing -> text "printf" <> parens (printQuotes (fcall <+> text "->\\n")) <> semi)
$$ vcat (map display outs)
post = text ""
$+$ nest 2 (text "return 0" <> semi)
$$ text "}"
$$ text ""
nm = text fn
pairedInputs = matchRands (map abs randVals) inps
matchRands _ [] = []
matchRands [] _ = die "Run out of driver values!"
matchRands (r:rs) ((n, CgAtomic sw) : cs) = ([mkRVal sw r], n, CgAtomic sw) : matchRands rs cs
matchRands _ ((n, CgArray []) : _ ) = die $ "Unsupported empty array input " ++ show n
matchRands rs ((n, a@(CgArray sws@(sw:_))) : cs)
| length frs /= l = die "Run out of driver values!"
| True = (map (mkRVal sw) frs, n, a) : matchRands srs cs
where l = length sws
(frs, srs) = splitAt l rs
mkRVal sw r = mkConst cfg $ mkConstCW (kindOf sw) r
mkInp (_, _, CgAtomic{}) = empty
mkInp (_, n, CgArray []) = die $ "Unsupported empty array value for " ++ show n
mkInp (vs, n, CgArray sws@(sw:_)) = pprCWord True sw <+> text n <> brackets (int (length sws)) <+> text "= {"
$$ nest 4 (fsep (punctuate comma (align vs)))
$$ text "};"
$$ text ""
$$ text "printf" <> parens (printQuotes (text "Contents of input array" <+> text n <> text ":\\n")) <> semi
$$ display (n, CgArray sws)
$$ text ""
mkOut (v, CgAtomic sw) = pprCWord False sw <+> text v <> semi
mkOut (v, CgArray []) = die $ "Unsupported empty array value for " ++ show v
mkOut (v, CgArray sws@(sw:_)) = pprCWord False sw <+> text v <> brackets (int (length sws)) <> semi
resultVar = text "__result"
call = case mbRet of
Nothing -> fcall <> semi
Just sw -> pprCWord True sw <+> resultVar <+> text "=" <+> fcall <> semi
fcall = nm <> parens (fsep (punctuate comma (map mkCVal pairedInputs ++ map mkOVal outs)))
mkCVal ([v], _, CgAtomic{}) = v
mkCVal (vs, n, CgAtomic{}) = die $ "Unexpected driver value computed for " ++ show n ++ render (hcat vs)
mkCVal (_, n, CgArray{}) = text n
mkOVal (n, CgAtomic{}) = text "&" <> text n
mkOVal (n, CgArray{}) = text n
display (n, CgAtomic sw) = text "printf" <> parens (printQuotes (text " " <+> text n <+> text "=" <+> specifier cfg sw
<> text "\\n") <> comma <+> text n) <> semi
display (n, CgArray []) = die $ "Unsupported empty array value for " ++ show n
display (n, CgArray sws@(sw:_)) = text "int" <+> nctr <> semi
$$ text "for(" <> nctr <+> text "= 0;" <+> nctr <+> text "<" <+> int (length sws) <+> text "; ++" <> nctr <> text ")"
$$ nest 2 (text "printf" <> parens (printQuotes (text " " <+> entrySpec <+> text "=" <+> spec <> text "\\n")
<> comma <+> nctr <+> comma <> entry) <> semi)
where nctr = text n <> text "_ctr"
entry = text n <> text "[" <> nctr <> text "]"
entrySpec = text n <> text "[%d]"
spec = specifier cfg sw
genCProg :: CgConfig -> String -> Doc -> Result -> [(String, CgVal)] -> [(String, CgVal)] -> Maybe SW -> Doc -> [Doc]
genCProg cfg fn proto (Result kindInfo _tvals cgs ins preConsts tbls arrs _uis _axioms (SBVPgm asgns) cstrs _tacs _goals origAsserts _) inVars outVars mbRet extDecls
| isNothing (cgInteger cfg) && KUnbounded `Set.member` kindInfo
= error $ "SBV->C: Unbounded integers are not supported by the C compiler."
++ "\nUse 'cgIntegerSize' to specify a fixed size for SInteger representation."
| isNothing (cgReal cfg) && KReal `Set.member` kindInfo
= error $ "SBV->C: SReal values are not supported by the C compiler."
++ "\nUse 'cgSRealType' to specify a custom type for SReal representation."
| not (null usorts)
= error $ "SBV->C: Cannot compile functions with uninterpreted sorts: " ++ intercalate ", " usorts
| not (null cstrs)
= tbd "Explicit constraints"
| not (null arrs)
= tbd "User specified arrays"
| needsExistentials (map fst ins)
= error "SBV->C: Cannot compile functions with existentially quantified variables."
| True
= [pre, header, post]
where asserts | cgIgnoreAsserts cfg = []
| True = origAsserts
usorts = [s | KUserSort s _ <- Set.toList kindInfo, s /= "RoundingMode"]
pre = text "/* File:" <+> doubleQuotes (nm <> text ".c") <> text ". Automatically generated by SBV. Do not edit! */"
$$ text ""
header = text "#include" <+> doubleQuotes (nm <> text ".h")
post = text ""
$$ vcat (map codeSeg cgs)
$$ extDecls
$$ proto
$$ text "{"
$$ text ""
$$ nest 2 ( vcat (concatMap (genIO True . (\v -> (isAlive v, v))) inVars)
$$ vcat (merge (map genTbl tbls) (map genAsgn assignments) (map genAssert asserts))
$$ sepIf (not (null assignments) || not (null tbls))
$$ vcat (concatMap (genIO False) (zip (repeat True) outVars))
$$ maybe empty mkRet mbRet
$$ text "}"
$$ text ""
nm = text fn
assignments = F.toList asgns
codeSeg (fnm, ls) = text "/* User specified custom code for" <+> doubleQuotes (text fnm) <+> text "*/"
$$ vcat (map text ls)
$$ text ""
typeWidth = getMax 0 $ [len (kindOf s) | (s, _) <- assignments] ++ [len (kindOf s) | (_, (s, _)) <- ins]
where len KReal{} = 5
len KFloat{} = 6
len KDouble{} = 7
len KUnbounded{} = 8
len KBool = 5
len (KBounded False n) = 5 + length (show n)
len (KBounded True n) = 4 + length (show n)
len (KUserSort s _) = die $ "Uninterpreted sort: " ++ s
getMax 8 _ = 8
getMax m [] = m
getMax m (x:xs) = getMax (m `max` x) xs
consts = (falseSW, falseCW) : (trueSW, trueCW) : preConsts
isConst s = isJust (lookup s consts)
usedVariables = Set.unions (retSWs : map usedCgVal outVars ++ map usedAsgn assignments)
where retSWs = maybe Set.empty Set.singleton mbRet
usedCgVal (_, CgAtomic s) = Set.singleton s
usedCgVal (_, CgArray ss) = Set.fromList ss
usedAsgn (_, SBVApp o ss) = Set.union (opSWs o) (Set.fromList ss)
opSWs (LkUp _ a b) = Set.fromList [a, b]
opSWs (IEEEFP (FP_Cast _ _ s)) = Set.singleton s
opSWs _ = Set.empty
isAlive :: (String, CgVal) -> Bool
isAlive (_, CgAtomic sw) = sw `Set.member` usedVariables
isAlive (_, _) = True
genIO :: Bool -> (Bool, (String, CgVal)) -> [Doc]
genIO True (alive, (cNm, CgAtomic sw)) = [declSW typeWidth sw <+> text "=" <+> text cNm <> semi | alive]
genIO False (alive, (cNm, CgAtomic sw)) = [text "*" <> text cNm <+> text "=" <+> showSW cfg consts sw <> semi | alive]
genIO isInp (_, (cNm, CgArray sws)) = zipWith genElt sws [(0::Int)..]
where genElt sw i
| isInp = declSW typeWidth sw <+> text "=" <+> text entry <> semi
| True = text entry <+> text "=" <+> showSW cfg consts sw <> semi
where entry = cNm ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "]"
mkRet sw = text "return" <+> showSW cfg consts sw <> semi
genTbl :: ((Int, Kind, Kind), [SW]) -> (Int, Doc)
genTbl ((i, _, k), elts) = (location, static <+> text "const" <+> text (show k) <+> text ("table" ++ show i) <> text "[] = {"
$$ nest 4 (fsep (punctuate comma (align (map (showSW cfg consts) elts))))
$$ text "};")
where static = if location == -1 then text "static" else empty
location = maximum (-1 : map getNodeId elts)
getNodeId s@(SW _ (NodeId n)) | isConst s = -1
| True = n
genAsgn :: (SW, SBVExpr) -> (Int, Doc)
genAsgn (sw, n) = (getNodeId sw, ppExpr cfg consts n (declSW typeWidth sw) (declSWNoConst typeWidth sw) <> semi)
merge :: [(Int, Doc)] -> [(Int, Doc)] -> [(Int, Doc)] -> [Doc]
merge tables asgnments asrts = map snd $ merge2 asrts (merge2 tables asgnments)
where merge2 [] as = as
merge2 ts [] = ts
merge2 ts@((i, t):trest) as@((i', a):arest)
| i < i' = (i, t) : merge2 trest as
| True = (i', a) : merge2 ts arest
genAssert (msg, cs, sw) = (getNodeId sw, doc)
where doc = text "/* ASSERTION:" <+> text msg
$$ maybe empty (vcat . map text) (locInfo (getCallStack `fmap` cs))
$$ text " */"
$$ text "if" <> parens (showSW cfg consts sw)
$$ text "{"
$+$ nest 2 (vcat [errOut, text "exit(-1);"])
$$ text "}"
$$ text ""
errOut = text $ "fprintf(stderr, \"%s:%d:ASSERTION FAILED: " ++ msg ++ "\\n\", __FILE__, __LINE__);"
locInfo (Just ps) = let loc (f, sl) = concat [srcLocFile sl, ":", show (srcLocStartLine sl), ":", show (srcLocStartCol sl), ":", f ]
in case map loc ps of
[] -> Nothing
(f:rs) -> Just $ (" * SOURCE : " ++ f) : map (" * " ++) rs
locInfo _ = Nothing
handlePB :: PBOp -> [Doc] -> Doc
handlePB o args = case o of
PB_AtMost k -> addIf (repeat 1) <+> text "<=" <+> int k
PB_AtLeast k -> addIf (repeat 1) <+> text ">=" <+> int k
PB_Exactly k -> addIf (repeat 1) <+> text "==" <+> int k
PB_Le cs k -> addIf cs <+> text "<=" <+> int k
PB_Ge cs k -> addIf cs <+> text ">=" <+> int k
PB_Eq cs k -> addIf cs <+> text "==" <+> int k
where addIf :: [Int] -> Doc
addIf cs = parens $ fsep $ intersperse (text "+") [parens (a <+> text "?" <+> int c <+> text ":" <+> int 0) | (a, c) <- zip args cs]
handleIEEE :: FPOp -> [(SW, CW)] -> [(SW, Doc)] -> Doc -> Doc
handleIEEE w consts as var = cvt w
where same f = (f, f)
named fnm dnm f = (f fnm, f dnm)
castToUnsigned f to = parens (text "!isnan" <> parens a <+> text "&&" <+> text "signbit" <> parens a) <+> text "?" <+> cvt1 <+> text ":" <+> cvt2
where [a] = map snd fpArgs
absA = text (if f == KFloat then "fabsf" else "fabs") <> parens a
cvt1 = parens (text "-" <+> parens (parens (text (show to)) <+> absA))
cvt2 = parens (parens (text (show to)) <+> a)
cvt (FP_Cast f to m) = case checkRM (m `lookup` consts) of
Nothing -> if f `elem` [KFloat, KDouble] && not (hasSign to)
then castToUnsigned f to
else cast $ \[a] -> parens (text (show to)) <+> a
Just (Left msg) -> die msg
Just (Right msg) -> tbd msg
cvt (FP_Reinterpret f t) = case (f, t) of
(KBounded False 32, KFloat) -> cast $ cpy "sizeof(SFloat)"
(KBounded False 64, KDouble) -> cast $ cpy "sizeof(SDouble)"
(KFloat, KBounded False 32) -> cast $ cpy "sizeof(SWord32)"
(KDouble, KBounded False 64) -> cast $ cpy "sizeof(SWord64)"
_ -> die $ "Reinterpretation from : " ++ show f ++ " to " ++ show t
where cpy sz = \[a] -> let alhs = text "&" <> var
arhs = text "&" <> a
in text "memcpy" <> parens (fsep (punctuate comma [alhs, arhs, text sz]))
cvt FP_Abs = dispatch $ named "fabsf" "fabs" $ \nm _ [a] -> text nm <> parens a
cvt FP_Neg = dispatch $ same $ \_ [a] -> text "-" <> a
cvt FP_Add = dispatch $ same $ \_ [a, b] -> a <+> text "+" <+> b
cvt FP_Sub = dispatch $ same $ \_ [a, b] -> a <+> text "-" <+> b
cvt FP_Mul = dispatch $ same $ \_ [a, b] -> a <+> text "*" <+> b
cvt FP_Div = dispatch $ same $ \_ [a, b] -> a <+> text "/" <+> b
cvt FP_FMA = dispatch $ named "fmaf" "fma" $ \nm _ [a, b, c] -> text nm <> parens (fsep (punctuate comma [a, b, c]))
cvt FP_Sqrt = dispatch $ named "sqrtf" "sqrt" $ \nm _ [a] -> text nm <> parens a
cvt FP_Rem = dispatch $ named "fmodf" "fmod" $ \nm _ [a, b] -> text nm <> parens (fsep (punctuate comma [a, b]))
cvt FP_RoundToIntegral = dispatch $ named "rintf" "rint" $ \nm _ [a] -> text nm <> parens a
cvt FP_Min = dispatch $ named "fminf" "fmin" $ \nm k [a, b] -> wrapMinMax k a b (text nm <> parens (fsep (punctuate comma [a, b])))
cvt FP_Max = dispatch $ named "fmaxf" "fmax" $ \nm k [a, b] -> wrapMinMax k a b (text nm <> parens (fsep (punctuate comma [a, b])))
cvt FP_ObjEqual = let mkIte x y z = x <+> text "?" <+> y <+> text ":" <+> z
chkNaN x = text "isnan" <> parens x
signbit x = text "signbit" <> parens x
eq x y = parens (x <+> text "==" <+> y)
eqZero x = eq x (text "0")
negZero x = parens (signbit x <+> text "&&" <+> eqZero x)
in dispatch $ same $ \_ [a, b] -> mkIte (chkNaN a) (chkNaN b) (mkIte (negZero a) (negZero b) (mkIte (negZero b) (negZero a) (eq a b)))
cvt FP_IsNormal = dispatch $ same $ \_ [a] -> text "isnormal" <> parens a
cvt FP_IsSubnormal = dispatch $ same $ \_ [a] -> text "FP_SUBNORMAL == fpclassify" <> parens a
cvt FP_IsZero = dispatch $ same $ \_ [a] -> text "FP_ZERO == fpclassify" <> parens a
cvt FP_IsInfinite = dispatch $ same $ \_ [a] -> text "isinf" <> parens a
cvt FP_IsNaN = dispatch $ same $ \_ [a] -> text "isnan" <> parens a
cvt FP_IsNegative = dispatch $ same $ \_ [a] -> text "!isnan" <> parens a <+> text "&&" <+> text "signbit" <> parens a
cvt FP_IsPositive = dispatch $ same $ \_ [a] -> text "!isnan" <> parens a <+> text "&&" <+> text "!signbit" <> parens a
fpArgs = case as of
[] -> []
((m, _):args) -> case kindOf m of
KUserSort "RoundingMode" _ -> case checkRM (m `lookup` consts) of
Nothing -> args
Just (Left msg) -> die msg
Just (Right msg) -> tbd msg
_ -> as
checkRM (Just cv@(CW (KUserSort "RoundingMode" _) v)) =
case v of
CWUserSort (_, "RoundNearestTiesToEven") -> Nothing
CWUserSort (_, s) -> Just (Right $ "handleIEEE: Unsupported rounding-mode: " ++ show s ++ " for: " ++ show w)
_ -> Just (Left $ "handleIEEE: Unexpected value for rounding-mode: " ++ show cv ++ " for: " ++ show w)
checkRM (Just cv) = Just (Left $ "handleIEEE: Expected rounding-mode, but got: " ++ show cv ++ " for: " ++ show w)
checkRM Nothing = Just (Right $ "handleIEEE: Non-constant rounding-mode for: " ++ show w)
pickOp _ [] = die $ "Cannot determine float/double kind for op: " ++ show w
pickOp (fOp, dOp) args@((a,_):_) = case kindOf a of
KFloat -> fOp KFloat (map snd args)
KDouble -> dOp KDouble (map snd args)
k -> die $ "handleIEEE: Expected double/float args, but got: " ++ show k ++ " for: " ++ show w
dispatch (fOp, dOp) = pickOp (fOp, dOp) fpArgs
cast f = f (map snd fpArgs)
wrapMinMax k a b s = parens cond <+> text "?" <+> zero <+> text ":" <+> s
where zero = text $ if k == KFloat then showCFloat 0 else showCDouble 0
cond = parens (text "FP_ZERO == fpclassify" <> parens a)
<+> text "&&" <+> parens (text "FP_ZERO == fpclassify" <> parens b)
<+> text "&&" <+> parens (text "signbit" <> parens a <+> text "!=" <+> text "signbit" <> parens b)
ppExpr :: CgConfig -> [(SW, CW)] -> SBVExpr -> Doc -> (Doc, Doc) -> Doc
ppExpr cfg consts (SBVApp op opArgs) lhs (typ, var)
| doNotAssign op
= typ <+> var <> semi <+> rhs
| True
= lhs <+> text "=" <+> rhs
where doNotAssign (IEEEFP FP_Reinterpret{}) = True
doNotAssign _ = False
rhs = p op (map (showSW cfg consts) opArgs)
rtc = cgRTC cfg
cBinOps = [ (Plus, "+"), (Times, "*"), (Minus, "-")
, (Equal, "=="), (NotEqual, "!="), (LessThan, "<"), (GreaterThan, ">"), (LessEq, "<="), (GreaterEq, ">=")
, (And, "&"), (Or, "|"), (XOr, "^")
p :: Op -> [Doc] -> Doc
p (ArrRead _) _ = tbd "User specified arrays (ArrRead)"
p (ArrEq _ _) _ = tbd "User specified arrays (ArrEq)"
p (Label s) [a] = a <+> text "/*" <+> text s <+> text "*/"
p (IEEEFP w) as = handleIEEE w consts (zip opArgs as) var
p (PseudoBoolean pb) as = handlePB pb as
p (KindCast _ to) [a] = parens (text (show to)) <+> a
p (Uninterpreted s) [] = text "/* Uninterpreted constant */" <+> text s
p (Uninterpreted s) as = text "/* Uninterpreted function */" <+> text s <> parens (fsep (punctuate comma as))
p (Extract i j) [a] = extract i j (head opArgs) a
p Join [a, b] = join (let (s1 : s2 : _) = opArgs in (s1, s2, a, b))
p (Rol i) [a] = rotate True i a (head opArgs)
p (Ror i) [a] = rotate False i a (head opArgs)
p (Shl i) [a] = shift True i a (head opArgs)
p (Shr i) [a] = shift False i a (head opArgs)
p Not [a] = case kindOf (head opArgs) of
KBool -> text "!" <> a
_ -> text "~" <> a
p Ite [a, b, c] = a <+> text "?" <+> b <+> text ":" <+> c
p (LkUp (t, k, _, len) ind def) []
| not rtc = lkUp
| needsCheckL && needsCheckR = cndLkUp checkBoth
| needsCheckL = cndLkUp checkLeft
| needsCheckR = cndLkUp checkRight
| True = lkUp
where [index, defVal] = map (showSW cfg consts) [ind, def]
lkUp = text "table" <> int t <> brackets (showSW cfg consts ind)
cndLkUp cnd = cnd <+> text "?" <+> defVal <+> text ":" <+> lkUp
checkLeft = index <+> text "< 0"
checkRight = index <+> text ">=" <+> int len
checkBoth = parens (checkLeft <+> text "||" <+> checkRight)
canOverflow True sz = (2::Integer)^(sz-1)-1 >= fromIntegral len
canOverflow False sz = (2::Integer)^sz -1 >= fromIntegral len
(needsCheckL, needsCheckR) = case k of
KBool -> (False, canOverflow False (1::Int))
KBounded sg sz -> (sg, canOverflow sg sz)
KReal -> die "array index with real value"
KFloat -> die "array index with float value"
KDouble -> die "array index with double value"
KUnbounded -> case cgInteger cfg of
Nothing -> (True, True)
Just i -> (True, canOverflow True i)
KUserSort s _ -> die $ "Uninterpreted sort: " ++ s
p Quot [a, b] = let k = kindOf (head opArgs)
z = mkConst cfg $ mkConstCW k (0::Integer)
in protectDiv0 k "/" z a b
p Rem [a, b] = protectDiv0 (kindOf (head opArgs)) "%" a a b
p UNeg [a] = parens (text "-" <+> a)
p Abs [a] = let f = case kindOf (head opArgs) of
KFloat -> text "fabsf"
KDouble -> text "fabs"
_ -> text "abs"
in f <> parens a
p And [a, b] | kindOf (head opArgs) == KBool = a <+> text "&&" <+> b
p Or [a, b] | kindOf (head opArgs) == KBool = a <+> text "||" <+> b
p o [a, b]
| Just co <- lookup o cBinOps
= a <+> text co <+> b
p NotEqual xs = mkDistinct xs
p o args = die $ "Received operator " ++ show o ++ " applied to " ++ show args
mkDistinct args = fsep $ andAll $ walk args
where walk [] = []
walk (e:es) = map (pair e) es ++ walk es
pair e1 e2 = parens (e1 <+> text "!=" <+> e2)
andAll [] = []
andAll (d:ds) = go d ds
where go d' [] = [d']
go d' (e:es) = (d' <+> text "&&") : go e es
protectDiv0 k divOp def a b = case k of
KFloat -> res
KDouble -> res
_ -> wrap
where res = a <+> text divOp <+> b
wrap = parens (b <+> text "== 0") <+> text "?" <+> def <+> text ":" <+> parens res
shift toLeft i a s
| i < 0 = shift (not toLeft) (-i) a s
| i == 0 = a
| True = case kindOf s of
KBounded _ sz | i >= sz -> mkConst cfg $ mkConstCW (kindOf s) (0::Integer)
KReal -> tbd $ "Shift for real quantity: " ++ show (toLeft, i, s)
_ -> a <+> text cop <+> int i
where cop | toLeft = "<<"
| True = ">>"
rotate toLeft i a s
| i < 0 = rotate (not toLeft) (-i) a s
| i == 0 = a
| True = case kindOf s of
KBounded True _ -> tbd $ "Rotation of signed quantities: " ++ show (toLeft, i, s)
KBounded False sz | i >= sz -> rotate toLeft (i `mod` sz) a s
KBounded False sz -> parens (a <+> text cop <+> int i)
<+> text "|"
<+> parens (a <+> text cop' <+> int (sz - i))
KUnbounded -> shift toLeft i a s
_ -> tbd $ "Rotation for unbounded quantity: " ++ show (toLeft, i, s)
where (cop, cop') | toLeft = ("<<", ">>")
| True = (">>", "<<")
extract hi lo i a
| hi == lo, KBounded _ sz <- kindOf i, hi < sz, hi >= 0
= text "(SBool)" <+> parens (parens (a <+> text ">>" <+> int hi) <+> text "& 1")
extract hi lo i a = case (hi, lo, kindOf i) of
(63, 32, KBounded False 64) -> text "(SWord32)" <+> parens (a <+> text ">> 32")
(31, 0, KBounded False 64) -> text "(SWord32)" <+> a
(31, 16, KBounded False 32) -> text "(SWord16)" <+> parens (a <+> text ">> 16")
(15, 0, KBounded False 32) -> text "(SWord16)" <+> a
(15, 8, KBounded False 16) -> text "(SWord8)" <+> parens (a <+> text ">> 8")
( 7, 0, KBounded False 16) -> text "(SWord8)" <+> a
(63, 0, KBounded False 64) -> text "(SInt64)" <+> a
(63, 0, KBounded True 64) -> text "(SWord64)" <+> a
(31, 0, KBounded False 32) -> text "(SInt32)" <+> a
(31, 0, KBounded True 32) -> text "(SWord32)" <+> a
(15, 0, KBounded False 16) -> text "(SInt16)" <+> a
(15, 0, KBounded True 16) -> text "(SWord16)" <+> a
( 7, 0, KBounded False 8) -> text "(SInt8)" <+> a
( 7, 0, KBounded True 8) -> text "(SWord8)" <+> a
( _, _, k ) -> tbd $ "extract with " ++ show (hi, lo, k, i)
join (i, j, a, b) = case (kindOf i, kindOf j) of
(KBounded False 8, KBounded False 8) -> parens (parens (text "(SWord16)" <+> a) <+> text "<< 8") <+> text "|" <+> parens (text "(SWord16)" <+> b)
(KBounded False 16, KBounded False 16) -> parens (parens (text "(SWord32)" <+> a) <+> text "<< 16") <+> text "|" <+> parens (text "(SWord32)" <+> b)
(KBounded False 32, KBounded False 32) -> parens (parens (text "(SWord64)" <+> a) <+> text "<< 32") <+> text "|" <+> parens (text "(SWord64)" <+> b)
(k1, k2) -> tbd $ "join with " ++ show ((k1, i), (k2, j))
printQuotes :: Doc -> Doc
printQuotes d = text $ '"' : ppSameLine d ++ "\""
ppSameLine :: Doc -> String
ppSameLine = trim . render
where trim "" = ""
trim ('\n':cs) = ' ' : trim (dropWhile isSpace cs)
trim (c:cs) = c : trim cs
align :: [Doc] -> [Doc]
align ds = map (text . pad) ss
where ss = map render ds
l = maximum (0 : map length ss)
pad s = replicate (l - length s) ' ' ++ s
mergeToLib :: String -> [CgPgmBundle] -> CgPgmBundle
mergeToLib libName bundles
| length nubKinds /= 1
= error $ "Cannot merge programs with differing SInteger/SReal mappings. Received the following kinds:\n"
++ unlines (map show nubKinds)
| True
= CgPgmBundle bundleKind $ sources ++ libHeader : [libDriver | anyDriver] ++ [libMake | anyMake]
where kinds = [k | CgPgmBundle k _ <- bundles]
nubKinds = nub kinds
bundleKind = head nubKinds
files = concat [fs | CgPgmBundle _ fs <- bundles]
sigs = concat [ss | (_, (CgHeader ss, _)) <- files]
anyMake = not (null [() | (_, (CgMakefile{}, _)) <- files])
drivers = [ds | (_, (CgDriver, ds)) <- files]
anyDriver = not (null drivers)
mkFlags = nub (concat [xs | (_, (CgMakefile xs, _)) <- files])
sources = [(f, (CgSource, [pre, libHInclude, post])) | (f, (CgSource, [pre, _, post])) <- files]
sourceNms = map fst sources
libHeader = (libName ++ ".h", (CgHeader sigs, [genHeader bundleKind libName sigs empty]))
libHInclude = text "#include" <+> text (show (libName ++ ".h"))
libMake = ("Makefile", (CgMakefile mkFlags, [genLibMake anyDriver libName sourceNms mkFlags]))
libDriver = (libName ++ "_driver.c", (CgDriver, mergeDrivers libName libHInclude (zip (map takeBaseName sourceNms) drivers)))
genLibMake :: Bool -> String -> [String] -> [String] -> Doc
genLibMake ifdr libName fs ldFlags = foldr1 ($$) [l | (True, l) <- lns]
where ifld = not (null ldFlags)
ld | ifld = text "${LDFLAGS}"
| True = empty
lns = [ (True, text "# Makefile for" <+> nm <> text ". Automatically generated by SBV. Do not edit!")
, (True, text "")
, (True, text "# include any user-defined .mk file in the current directory.")
, (True, text "-include *.mk")
, (True, text "")
, (True, text "CC?=gcc")
, (True, text "CCFLAGS?=-Wall -O3 -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer")
, (ifld, text "LDFLAGS?=" <> text (unwords ldFlags))
, (True, text "AR?=ar")
, (True, text "ARFLAGS?=cr")
, (True, text "")
, (not ifdr, text ("all: " ++ liba))
, (ifdr, text ("all: " ++ unwords [liba, libd]))
, (True, text "")
, (True, text liba <> text (": " ++ unwords os))
, (True, text "\t${AR} ${ARFLAGS} $@ $^")
, (True, text "")
, (ifdr, text libd <> text (": " ++ unwords [libd ++ ".c", libh]))
, (ifdr, text ("\t${CC} ${CCFLAGS} $< -o $@ " ++ liba) <+> ld)
, (ifdr, text "")
, (True, vcat (zipWith mkObj os fs))
, (True, text "clean:")
, (True, text "\trm -f *.o")
, (True, text "")
, (True, text "veryclean: clean")
, (not ifdr, text "\trm -f" <+> text liba)
, (ifdr, text "\trm -f" <+> text (unwords [liba, libd]))
, (True, text "")
nm = text libName
liba = libName ++ ".a"
libh = libName ++ ".h"
libd = libName ++ "_driver"
os = map (`replaceExtension` ".o") fs
mkObj o f = text o <> text (": " ++ unwords [f, libh])
$$ text "\t${CC} ${CCFLAGS} -c $< -o $@"
$$ text ""
mergeDrivers :: String -> Doc -> [(FilePath, [Doc])] -> [Doc]
mergeDrivers libName inc ds = pre : concatMap mkDFun ds ++ [callDrivers (map fst ds)]
where pre = text "/* Example driver program for" <+> text libName <> text ". */"
$$ text "/* Automatically generated by SBV. Edit as you see fit! */"
$$ text ""
$$ text "#include <stdio.h>"
$$ inc
mkDFun (f, [_pre, _header, body, _post]) = [header, body, post]
where header = text ""
$$ text ("void " ++ f ++ "_driver(void)")
$$ text "{"
post = text "}"
mkDFun (f, _) = die $ "mergeDrivers: non-conforming driver program for " ++ show f
callDrivers fs = text ""
$$ text "int main(void)"
$$ text "{"
$+$ nest 2 (vcat (map call fs))
$$ nest 2 (text "return 0;")
$$ text "}"
call f = text psep
$$ text ptag
$$ text psep
$$ text (f ++ "_driver();")
$$ text ""
where tag = "** Driver run for " ++ f ++ ":"
ptag = "printf(\"" ++ tag ++ "\\n\");"
lsep = replicate (length tag) '='
psep = "printf(\"" ++ lsep ++ "\\n\");"
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Redundant lambda" :: String) #-}