{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Data.SBV.Core.Floating (
IEEEFloating(..), IEEEFloatConvertable(..)
, sFloatAsSWord32, sDoubleAsSWord64, sWord32AsSFloat, sWord64AsSDouble
, blastSFloat, blastSDouble
) where
import Control.Monad (join)
import qualified Data.Binary.IEEE754 as DB (wordToFloat, wordToDouble, floatToWord, doubleToWord)
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Data.SBV.Core.Data
import Data.SBV.Core.Model
import Data.SBV.Core.AlgReals (isExactRational)
import Data.SBV.Utils.Boolean
import Data.SBV.Utils.Numeric
class (SymWord a, RealFloat a) => IEEEFloating a where
fpAbs :: SBV a -> SBV a
fpNeg :: SBV a -> SBV a
fpAdd :: SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a
fpSub :: SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a
fpMul :: SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a
fpDiv :: SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a
fpFMA :: SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a
fpSqrt :: SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV a
fpRem :: SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a
fpRoundToIntegral :: SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV a
fpMin :: SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a
fpMax :: SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a
fpIsEqualObject :: SBV a -> SBV a -> SBool
fpIsNormal :: SBV a -> SBool
fpIsSubnormal :: SBV a -> SBool
fpIsZero :: SBV a -> SBool
fpIsInfinite :: SBV a -> SBool
fpIsNaN :: SBV a -> SBool
fpIsNegative :: SBV a -> SBool
fpIsPositive :: SBV a -> SBool
fpIsNegativeZero :: SBV a -> SBool
fpIsPositiveZero :: SBV a -> SBool
fpIsPoint :: SBV a -> SBool
fpAbs = lift1 FP_Abs (Just abs) Nothing
fpNeg = lift1 FP_Neg (Just negate) Nothing
fpAdd = lift2 FP_Add (Just (+)) . Just
fpSub = lift2 FP_Sub (Just (-)) . Just
fpMul = lift2 FP_Mul (Just (*)) . Just
fpDiv = lift2 FP_Div (Just (/)) . Just
fpFMA = lift3 FP_FMA Nothing . Just
fpSqrt = lift1 FP_Sqrt (Just sqrt) . Just
fpRem = lift2 FP_Rem (Just fpRemH) Nothing
fpRoundToIntegral = lift1 FP_RoundToIntegral (Just fpRoundToIntegralH) . Just
fpMin = liftMM FP_Min (Just fpMinH) Nothing
fpMax = liftMM FP_Max (Just fpMaxH) Nothing
fpIsEqualObject = lift2B FP_ObjEqual (Just fpIsEqualObjectH) Nothing
fpIsNormal = lift1B FP_IsNormal fpIsNormalizedH
fpIsSubnormal = lift1B FP_IsSubnormal isDenormalized
fpIsZero = lift1B FP_IsZero (== 0)
fpIsInfinite = lift1B FP_IsInfinite isInfinite
fpIsNaN = lift1B FP_IsNaN isNaN
fpIsNegative = lift1B FP_IsNegative (\x -> x < 0 || isNegativeZero x)
fpIsPositive = lift1B FP_IsPositive (\x -> x >= 0 && not (isNegativeZero x))
fpIsNegativeZero x = fpIsZero x &&& fpIsNegative x
fpIsPositiveZero x = fpIsZero x &&& fpIsPositive x
fpIsPoint x = bnot (fpIsNaN x ||| fpIsInfinite x)
instance IEEEFloating Float
instance IEEEFloating Double
class IEEEFloatConvertable a where
fromSFloat :: SRoundingMode -> SFloat -> SBV a
toSFloat :: SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SFloat
fromSDouble :: SRoundingMode -> SDouble -> SBV a
toSDouble :: SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SDouble
genericFPConverter :: forall a r. (SymWord a, HasKind r, SymWord r, Num r) => Maybe (a -> Bool) -> Maybe (SBV a -> SBool) -> (a -> r) -> SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV r
genericFPConverter mbConcreteOK mbSymbolicOK converter rm f
| Just w <- unliteral f, Just RoundNearestTiesToEven <- unliteral rm, check w
= literal $ converter w
| Just symCheck <- mbSymbolicOK
= ite (symCheck f) result (literal 0)
| True
= result
where result = SBV (SVal kTo (Right (cache y)))
check w = maybe True ($ w) mbConcreteOK
kFrom = kindOf f
kTo = kindOf (undefined :: r)
y st = do msw <- sbvToSW st rm
xsw <- sbvToSW st f
newExpr st kTo (SBVApp (IEEEFP (FP_Cast kFrom kTo msw)) [xsw])
ptCheck :: IEEEFloating a => Maybe (SBV a -> SBool)
ptCheck = Just fpIsPoint
instance IEEEFloatConvertable Int8 where
fromSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Float -> Integer))
toSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
fromSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Double -> Integer))
toSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
instance IEEEFloatConvertable Int16 where
fromSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Float -> Integer))
toSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
fromSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Double -> Integer))
toSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
instance IEEEFloatConvertable Int32 where
fromSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Float -> Integer))
toSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
fromSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Double -> Integer))
toSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
instance IEEEFloatConvertable Int64 where
fromSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Float -> Integer))
toSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
fromSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Double -> Integer))
toSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
instance IEEEFloatConvertable Word8 where
fromSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Float -> Integer))
toSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
fromSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Double -> Integer))
toSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
instance IEEEFloatConvertable Word16 where
fromSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Float -> Integer))
toSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
fromSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Double -> Integer))
toSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
instance IEEEFloatConvertable Word32 where
fromSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Float -> Integer))
toSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
fromSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Double -> Integer))
toSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
instance IEEEFloatConvertable Word64 where
fromSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Float -> Integer))
toSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
fromSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Double -> Integer))
toSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
instance IEEEFloatConvertable Float where
fromSFloat _ f = f
toSFloat _ f = f
fromSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing fp2fp
toSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing fp2fp
instance IEEEFloatConvertable Double where
fromSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing fp2fp
toSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing fp2fp
fromSDouble _ d = d
toSDouble _ d = d
instance IEEEFloatConvertable Integer where
fromSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Float -> Integer))
toSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
fromSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromIntegral . (fpRound0 :: Double -> Integer))
toSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing Nothing (fromRational . fromIntegral)
instance IEEEFloatConvertable AlgReal where
fromSFloat = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromRational . fpRatio0)
toSFloat = genericFPConverter (Just isExactRational) Nothing (fromRational . toRational)
fromSDouble = genericFPConverter Nothing ptCheck (fromRational . fpRatio0)
toSDouble = genericFPConverter (Just isExactRational) Nothing (fromRational . toRational)
concEval1 :: SymWord a => Maybe (a -> a) -> Maybe SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> Maybe (SBV a)
concEval1 mbOp mbRm a = do op <- mbOp
v <- unliteral a
case join (unliteral `fmap` mbRm) of
Nothing -> (Just . literal) (op v)
Just RoundNearestTiesToEven -> (Just . literal) (op v)
_ -> Nothing
concEval2 :: SymWord a => Maybe (a -> a -> a) -> Maybe SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV a -> Maybe (SBV a)
concEval2 mbOp mbRm a b = do op <- mbOp
v1 <- unliteral a
v2 <- unliteral b
case join (unliteral `fmap` mbRm) of
Nothing -> (Just . literal) (v1 `op` v2)
Just RoundNearestTiesToEven -> (Just . literal) (v1 `op` v2)
_ -> Nothing
concEval2B :: SymWord a => Maybe (a -> a -> Bool) -> Maybe SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV a -> Maybe SBool
concEval2B mbOp mbRm a b = do op <- mbOp
v1 <- unliteral a
v2 <- unliteral b
case join (unliteral `fmap` mbRm) of
Nothing -> (Just . literal) (v1 `op` v2)
Just RoundNearestTiesToEven -> (Just . literal) (v1 `op` v2)
_ -> Nothing
concEval3 :: SymWord a => Maybe (a -> a -> a -> a) -> Maybe SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a -> Maybe (SBV a)
concEval3 mbOp mbRm a b c = do op <- mbOp
v1 <- unliteral a
v2 <- unliteral b
v3 <- unliteral c
case join (unliteral `fmap` mbRm) of
Nothing -> (Just . literal) (op v1 v2 v3)
Just RoundNearestTiesToEven -> (Just . literal) (op v1 v2 v3)
_ -> Nothing
addRM :: State -> Maybe SRoundingMode -> [SW] -> IO [SW]
addRM _ Nothing as = return as
addRM st (Just rm) as = do swm <- sbvToSW st rm
return (swm : as)
lift1 :: SymWord a => FPOp -> Maybe (a -> a) -> Maybe SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV a
lift1 w mbOp mbRm a
| Just cv <- concEval1 mbOp mbRm a
= cv
| True
= SBV $ SVal k $ Right $ cache r
where k = kindOf a
r st = do swa <- sbvToSW st a
args <- addRM st mbRm [swa]
newExpr st k (SBVApp (IEEEFP w) args)
lift1B :: SymWord a => FPOp -> (a -> Bool) -> SBV a -> SBool
lift1B w f a
| Just v <- unliteral a = literal $ f v
| True = SBV $ SVal KBool $ Right $ cache r
where r st = do swa <- sbvToSW st a
newExpr st KBool (SBVApp (IEEEFP w) [swa])
lift2 :: SymWord a => FPOp -> Maybe (a -> a -> a) -> Maybe SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a
lift2 w mbOp mbRm a b
| Just cv <- concEval2 mbOp mbRm a b
= cv
| True
= SBV $ SVal k $ Right $ cache r
where k = kindOf a
r st = do swa <- sbvToSW st a
swb <- sbvToSW st b
args <- addRM st mbRm [swa, swb]
newExpr st k (SBVApp (IEEEFP w) args)
liftMM :: (SymWord a, RealFloat a) => FPOp -> Maybe (a -> a -> a) -> Maybe SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a
liftMM w mbOp mbRm a b
| Just v1 <- unliteral a
, Just v2 <- unliteral b
, not ((isN0 v1 && isP0 v2) || (isP0 v1 && isN0 v2))
, Just cv <- concEval2 mbOp mbRm a b
= cv
| True
= SBV $ SVal k $ Right $ cache r
where isN0 = isNegativeZero
isP0 x = x == 0 && not (isN0 x)
k = kindOf a
r st = do swa <- sbvToSW st a
swb <- sbvToSW st b
args <- addRM st mbRm [swa, swb]
newExpr st k (SBVApp (IEEEFP w) args)
lift2B :: SymWord a => FPOp -> Maybe (a -> a -> Bool) -> Maybe SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV a -> SBool
lift2B w mbOp mbRm a b
| Just cv <- concEval2B mbOp mbRm a b
= cv
| True
= SBV $ SVal KBool $ Right $ cache r
where r st = do swa <- sbvToSW st a
swb <- sbvToSW st b
args <- addRM st mbRm [swa, swb]
newExpr st KBool (SBVApp (IEEEFP w) args)
lift3 :: SymWord a => FPOp -> Maybe (a -> a -> a -> a) -> Maybe SRoundingMode -> SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a
lift3 w mbOp mbRm a b c
| Just cv <- concEval3 mbOp mbRm a b c
= cv
| True
= SBV $ SVal k $ Right $ cache r
where k = kindOf a
r st = do swa <- sbvToSW st a
swb <- sbvToSW st b
swc <- sbvToSW st c
args <- addRM st mbRm [swa, swb, swc]
newExpr st k (SBVApp (IEEEFP w) args)
sFloatAsSWord32 :: SFloat -> SWord32
sFloatAsSWord32 fVal
| Just f <- unliteral fVal, not (isNaN f)
= literal (DB.floatToWord f)
| True
= SBV (SVal w32 (Right (cache y)))
where w32 = KBounded False 32
y st | isCodeGenMode st
= do f <- sbvToSW st fVal
newExpr st w32 (SBVApp (IEEEFP (FP_Reinterpret KFloat w32)) [f])
| True
= do n <- internalVariable st w32
ysw <- newExpr st KFloat (SBVApp (IEEEFP (FP_Reinterpret w32 KFloat)) [n])
internalConstraint st Nothing $ unSBV $ fVal `fpIsEqualObject` SBV (SVal KFloat (Right (cache (\_ -> return ysw))))
return n
sDoubleAsSWord64 :: SDouble -> SWord64
sDoubleAsSWord64 fVal
| Just f <- unliteral fVal, not (isNaN f)
= literal (DB.doubleToWord f)
| True
= SBV (SVal w64 (Right (cache y)))
where w64 = KBounded False 64
y st | isCodeGenMode st
= do f <- sbvToSW st fVal
newExpr st w64 (SBVApp (IEEEFP (FP_Reinterpret KDouble w64)) [f])
| True
= do n <- internalVariable st w64
ysw <- newExpr st KDouble (SBVApp (IEEEFP (FP_Reinterpret w64 KDouble)) [n])
internalConstraint st Nothing $ unSBV $ fVal `fpIsEqualObject` SBV (SVal KDouble (Right (cache (\_ -> return ysw))))
return n
blastSFloat :: SFloat -> (SBool, [SBool], [SBool])
blastSFloat = extract . sFloatAsSWord32
where extract x = (sTestBit x 31, sExtractBits x [30, 29 .. 23], sExtractBits x [22, 21 .. 0])
blastSDouble :: SDouble -> (SBool, [SBool], [SBool])
blastSDouble = extract . sDoubleAsSWord64
where extract x = (sTestBit x 63, sExtractBits x [62, 61 .. 52], sExtractBits x [51, 50 .. 0])
sWord32AsSFloat :: SWord32 -> SFloat
sWord32AsSFloat fVal
| Just f <- unliteral fVal = literal $ DB.wordToFloat f
| True = SBV (SVal KFloat (Right (cache y)))
where y st = do xsw <- sbvToSW st fVal
newExpr st KFloat (SBVApp (IEEEFP (FP_Reinterpret (kindOf fVal) KFloat)) [xsw])
sWord64AsSDouble :: SWord64 -> SDouble
sWord64AsSDouble dVal
| Just d <- unliteral dVal = literal $ DB.wordToDouble d
| True = SBV (SVal KDouble (Right (cache y)))
where y st = do xsw <- sbvToSW st dVal
newExpr st KDouble (SBVApp (IEEEFP (FP_Reinterpret (kindOf dVal) KDouble)) [xsw])
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-}