{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib2(cvt, addNonEqConstraints) where
import Data.Bits (bit)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.List (intercalate, partition, groupBy, sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F (toList)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.SBV.Core.Data
import Data.SBV.Utils.PrettyNum (smtRoundingMode, cwToSMTLib)
addNonEqConstraints :: RoundingMode -> [(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)] -> [[(String, CW)]] -> Maybe [String]
addNonEqConstraints rm qinps allNonEqConstraints
| null allNonEqConstraints
= Just []
| null refutedModel
= Nothing
| True
= Just $ "; --- refuted-models ---" : refutedModel
where refutedModel = concatMap (nonEqs rm . map intName) nonEqConstraints
aliasTable = map (\(_, (x, y)) -> (y, x)) qinps
intName (s, c)
| Just sw <- s `lookup` aliasTable = (show sw, c)
| True = (s, c)
nonEqConstraints = filter (not . null) $ map (filter (\(s, _) -> s `elem` topUnivs)) allNonEqConstraints
topUnivs = [s | (_, (_, s)) <- takeWhile (\p -> fst p == EX) qinps]
nonEqs :: RoundingMode -> [(String, CW)] -> [String]
nonEqs rm scs = format $ interp ps ++ disallow (map eqClass uninterpClasses)
where isFree (KUserSort _ (Left _)) = True
isFree _ = False
(ups, ps) = partition (isFree . kindOf . snd) scs
format [] = []
format [m] = ["(assert " ++ m ++ ")"]
format (m:ms) = ["(assert (or " ++ m]
++ map (" " ++) ms
++ [" ))"]
interp = map $ nonEq rm
uninterpClasses = filter (\l -> length l > 1)
. map (map fst)
. groupBy ((==) `on` snd)
. sortBy (comparing snd)
$ ups
eqClass :: [String] -> String
eqClass [] = error "SBV.allSat.nonEqs: Impossible happened, disallow received an empty list"
eqClass cs = "(= " ++ unwords cs ++ ")"
disallow = map $ \ec -> "(not " ++ ec ++ ")"
nonEq :: RoundingMode -> (String, CW) -> String
nonEq rm (s, c) = "(not (= " ++ s ++ " " ++ cvtCW rm c ++ "))"
tbd :: String -> a
tbd e = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2: Not-yet-supported: " ++ e
cvt :: Set.Set Kind
-> Bool
-> [String]
-> [(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)]
-> [Either SW (SW, [SW])]
-> [(SW, CW)]
-> [((Int, Kind, Kind), [SW])]
-> [(Int, ArrayInfo)]
-> [(String, SBVType)]
-> [(String, [String])]
-> SBVPgm
-> [(Maybe String, SW)]
-> SW
-> SMTConfig
-> CaseCond
-> [String]
cvt kindInfo isSat comments inputs skolemInps consts tbls arrs uis axs (SBVPgm asgnsSeq) cstrs out config caseCond = pgm
where hasInteger = KUnbounded `Set.member` kindInfo
hasReal = KReal `Set.member` kindInfo
hasFloat = KFloat `Set.member` kindInfo
hasDouble = KDouble `Set.member` kindInfo
hasBVs = not $ null [() | KBounded{} <- Set.toList kindInfo]
usorts = [(s, dt) | KUserSort s dt <- Set.toList kindInfo]
hasNonBVArrays = (not . null) [() | (_, (_, (k1, k2), _)) <- arrs, not (isBounded k1 && isBounded k2)]
rm = roundingMode config
solverCaps = capabilities (solver config)
| Just l <- useLogic config
= ["(set-logic " ++ show l ++ ") ; NB. User specified."]
| hasDouble || hasFloat
= if hasBVs
then ["(set-logic QF_FPBV)"]
else ["(set-logic QF_FP)"]
| hasInteger || hasReal || not (null usorts) || hasNonBVArrays
= let why | hasInteger = "has unbounded values"
| hasReal = "has algebraic reals"
| not (null usorts) = "has user-defined sorts"
| hasNonBVArrays = "has non-bitvector arrays"
| True = "cannot determine the SMTLib-logic to use"
in case mbDefaultLogic solverCaps hasReal of
Nothing -> ["; " ++ why ++ ", no logic specified."]
Just l -> ["(set-logic " ++ l ++ "); " ++ why ++ ", using solver-default logic."]
| True
= ["(set-logic " ++ qs ++ as ++ ufs ++ "BV)"]
where qs | null foralls && null axs = "QF_"
| True = ""
as | null arrs = ""
| True = "A"
ufs | null uis && null tbls = ""
| True = "UF"
| supportsProduceModels solverCaps = ["(set-option :produce-models true)"]
| True = []
| not (getUnsatCore config) = []
| supportsUnsatCores solverCaps = ["(set-option :produce-unsat-cores true)"]
| True = error $ "SBV: unsat cores are requested, but the backend solver " ++ show (solver config) ++ " doesn't support them!"
pgm = ["; Automatically generated by SBV. Do not edit."]
++ map ("; " ++) comments
++ getModels
++ unsatCore
++ logic
++ [ "; --- uninterpreted sorts ---" ]
++ concatMap declSort usorts
++ [ "; --- literal constants ---" ]
++ concatMap declConst consts
++ [ "; --- skolem constants ---" ]
++ [ "(declare-fun " ++ show s ++ " " ++ swFunType ss s ++ ")" ++ userName s | Right (s, ss) <- skolemInps]
++ [ "; --- constant tables ---" ]
++ concatMap constTable constTables
++ [ "; --- skolemized tables ---" ]
++ map (skolemTable (unwords (map swType foralls))) skolemTables
++ [ "; --- arrays ---" ]
++ concat arrayConstants
++ [ "; --- uninterpreted constants ---" ]
++ concatMap declUI uis
++ [ "; --- user given axioms ---" ]
++ map declAx axs
++ [ "; --- formula ---" ]
++ ["(assert (forall (" ++ intercalate "\n "
["(" ++ show s ++ " " ++ swType s ++ ")" | s <- foralls] ++ ")"
| not (null foralls)
++ concatMap mkAssign asgns
++ delayedAsserts delayedEqualities
++ finalAssert
| null foralls = 0
| True = length asgns + 2 + (if null delayedEqualities then 0 else 1)
foralls = [s | Left s <- skolemInps]
forallArgs = concatMap ((" " ++) . show) foralls
(constTables, skolemTables) = ([(t, d) | (t, Left d) <- allTables], [(t, d) | (t, Right d) <- allTables])
allTables = [(t, genTableData rm skolemMap (not (null foralls), forallArgs) (map fst consts) t) | t <- tbls]
(arrayConstants, allArrayDelayeds) = unzip $ map (declArray (not (null foralls)) (map fst consts) skolemMap) arrs
delayedEqualities = concatMap snd skolemTables ++ concat allArrayDelayeds
delayedAsserts [] = []
delayedAsserts ds@(deH : deTs)
| null foralls = map (\s -> "(assert " ++ s ++ ")") ds
| True = map letShift (("(and " ++ deH) : map (align 5) deTs)
letShift = align 12
| null foralls
= map (\a -> "(assert " ++ named a ++ ")") assertions
| not (null namedAsserts)
= error $ intercalate "\n" [ "SBV: Named constraints and quantifiers cannot be mixed!"
, " Quantified variables: " ++ unwords (map show foralls)
, " Named constraints : " ++ intercalate ", " (map show namedAsserts)
| True
= [impAlign (letShift combined) ++ replicate noOfCloseParens ')']
where namedAsserts = [n | (Just n, _) <- assertions]
combined = case map snd assertions of
[x] -> x
xs -> "(and " ++ unwords xs ++ ")"
impAlign s
| null delayedEqualities = s
| True = " " ++ s
align n s = replicate n ' ' ++ s
| null finals = [(Nothing, cvtSW skolemMap trueSW)]
| True = finals
where finals = cstrs' ++ maybe [] (\r -> [(Nothing, r)]) mbO
cstrs' = [(mbNm, c') | (mbNm, c) <- cstrs, Just c' <- [pos c]]
++ condAsserts
condAsserts = map (Nothing,) $ case caseCond of
NoCase -> []
CasePath ss -> mapMaybe pos ss
CaseVac ss _ -> mapMaybe pos ss
CaseCov ss qq -> mapMaybe pos ss ++ mapMaybe neg qq
CstrVac -> []
Opt gs -> map mkGoal gs
mbO | CstrVac <- caseCond = pos trueSW
| CaseVac _ s <- caseCond = pos s
| isSat = pos out
| True = neg out
neg s
| s == trueSW = Just $ cvtSW skolemMap falseSW
| s == falseSW = Nothing
| True = Just $ "(not " ++ cvtSW skolemMap s ++ ")"
pos s
| s == trueSW = Nothing
| s == falseSW = Just $ cvtSW skolemMap falseSW
| True = Just $ cvtSW skolemMap s
eq (orig, track) = "(= " ++ cvtSW skolemMap track ++ " " ++ cvtSW skolemMap orig ++ ")"
mkGoal (Minimize _ ab) = eq ab
mkGoal (Maximize _ ab) = eq ab
mkGoal (AssertSoft _ ab _) = eq ab
skolemMap = M.fromList [(s, ss) | Right (s, ss) <- skolemInps, not (null ss)]
tableMap = IM.fromList $ map mkConstTable constTables ++ map mkSkTable skolemTables
where mkConstTable (((t, _, _), _), _) = (t, "table" ++ show t)
mkSkTable (((t, _, _), _), _) = (t, "table" ++ show t ++ forallArgs)
asgns = F.toList asgnsSeq
mkAssign a
| null foralls = mkDef a
| True = [letShift (mkLet a)]
mkDef (s, SBVApp (Label m) [e]) = emit (s, cvtSW skolemMap e) (Just m)
mkDef (s, e) = emit (s, cvtExp solverCaps rm skolemMap tableMap e) Nothing
mkLet (s, SBVApp (Label m) [e]) = "(let ((" ++ show s ++ " " ++ cvtSW skolemMap e ++ ")) ; " ++ m
mkLet (s, e) = "(let ((" ++ show s ++ " " ++ cvtExp solverCaps rm skolemMap tableMap e ++ "))"
useDefFun = supportsDefineFun solverCaps
declConst (s, c) = emit (s, cvtCW rm c) Nothing
emit (s, def) mbComment
| useDefFun = ["(define-fun " ++ varT ++ " " ++ def ++ ")" ++ cmnt]
| True = [ "(declare-fun " ++ varT ++ ")" ++ cmnt
, "(assert (= " ++ show s ++ " " ++ def ++ "))"
where varT = show s ++ " " ++ swFunType [] s
cmnt = maybe "" (" ; " ++) mbComment
userName s = case s `lookup` map snd inputs of
Just u | show s /= u -> " ; tracks user variable " ++ show u
_ -> ""
builtInSort = (`elem` ["RoundingMode"])
declSort (s, _)
| builtInSort s = []
declSort (s, Left r ) = ["(declare-sort " ++ s ++ " 0) ; N.B. Uninterpreted: " ++ r]
declSort (s, Right fs) = [ "(declare-datatypes () ((" ++ s ++ " " ++ unwords (map (\c -> "(" ++ c ++ ")") fs) ++ ")))"
, "(define-fun " ++ s ++ "_constrIndex ((x " ++ s ++ ")) Int"
] ++ [" " ++ body fs (0::Int)] ++ [")"]
where body [] _ = ""
body [_] i = show i
body (c:cs) i = "(ite (= x " ++ c ++ ") " ++ show i ++ " " ++ body cs (i+1) ++ ")"
declUI :: (String, SBVType) -> [String]
declUI (i, t) = ["(declare-fun " ++ i ++ " " ++ cvtType t ++ ")"]
declAx :: (String, [String]) -> String
declAx (nm, ls) = (";; -- user given axiom: " ++ nm ++ "\n") ++ intercalate "\n" ls
constTable :: (((Int, Kind, Kind), [SW]), [String]) -> [String]
constTable (((i, ak, rk), _elts), is) = decl : map wrap is
where t = "table" ++ show i
decl = "(declare-fun " ++ t ++ " (" ++ smtType ak ++ ") " ++ smtType rk ++ ")"
wrap s = "(assert " ++ s ++ ")"
skolemTable :: String -> (((Int, Kind, Kind), [SW]), [String]) -> String
skolemTable qsIn (((i, ak, rk), _elts), _) = decl
where qs = if null qsIn then "" else qsIn ++ " "
t = "table" ++ show i
decl = "(declare-fun " ++ t ++ " (" ++ qs ++ smtType ak ++ ") " ++ smtType rk ++ ")"
genTableData :: RoundingMode -> SkolemMap -> (Bool, String) -> [SW] -> ((Int, Kind, Kind), [SW]) -> Either [String] [String]
genTableData rm skolemMap (_quantified, args) consts ((i, aknd, _), elts)
| null post = Left (map (topLevel . snd) pre)
| True = Right (map (nested . snd) (pre ++ post))
where ssw = cvtSW skolemMap
(pre, post) = partition fst (zipWith mkElt elts [(0::Int)..])
t = "table" ++ show i
mkElt x k = (isReady, (idx, ssw x))
where idx = cvtCW rm (mkConstCW aknd k)
isReady = x `Set.member` constsSet
topLevel (idx, v) = "(= (" ++ t ++ " " ++ idx ++ ") " ++ v ++ ")"
nested (idx, v) = "(= (" ++ t ++ args ++ " " ++ idx ++ ") " ++ v ++ ")"
constsSet = Set.fromList consts
declArray :: Bool -> [SW] -> SkolemMap -> (Int, ArrayInfo) -> ([String], [String])
declArray quantified consts skolemMap (i, (_, (aKnd, bKnd), ctx)) = (adecl : map wrap pre, map snd post)
where topLevel = not quantified || case ctx of
ArrayFree Nothing -> True
ArrayFree (Just sw) -> sw `elem` consts
ArrayReset _ sw -> sw `elem` consts
ArrayMutate _ a b -> all (`elem` consts) [a, b]
ArrayMerge c _ _ -> c `elem` consts
(pre, post) = partition fst ctxInfo
nm = "array_" ++ show i
ssw sw
| topLevel || sw `elem` consts
= cvtSW skolemMap sw
| True
= tbd "Non-constant array initializer in a quantified context"
adecl = "(declare-fun " ++ nm ++ " () (Array " ++ smtType aKnd ++ " " ++ smtType bKnd ++ "))"
ctxInfo = case ctx of
ArrayFree Nothing -> []
ArrayFree (Just sw) -> declA sw
ArrayReset _ sw -> declA sw
ArrayMutate j a b -> [(all (`elem` consts) [a, b], "(= " ++ nm ++ " (store array_" ++ show j ++ " " ++ ssw a ++ " " ++ ssw b ++ "))")]
ArrayMerge t j k -> [(t `elem` consts, "(= " ++ nm ++ " (ite " ++ ssw t ++ " array_" ++ show j ++ " array_" ++ show k ++ "))")]
declA sw = let iv = nm ++ "_freeInitializer"
in [ (True, "(declare-fun " ++ iv ++ " () " ++ smtType aKnd ++ ")")
, (sw `elem` consts, "(= (select " ++ nm ++ " " ++ iv ++ ") " ++ ssw sw ++ ")")
wrap (False, s) = s
wrap (True, s) = "(assert " ++ s ++ ")"
swType :: SW -> String
swType s = smtType (kindOf s)
swFunType :: [SW] -> SW -> String
swFunType ss s = "(" ++ unwords (map swType ss) ++ ") " ++ swType s
smtType :: Kind -> String
smtType KBool = "Bool"
smtType (KBounded _ sz) = "(_ BitVec " ++ show sz ++ ")"
smtType KUnbounded = "Int"
smtType KReal = "Real"
smtType KFloat = "(_ FloatingPoint 8 24)"
smtType KDouble = "(_ FloatingPoint 11 53)"
smtType (KUserSort s _) = s
cvtType :: SBVType -> String
cvtType (SBVType []) = error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtType: internal: received an empty type!"
cvtType (SBVType xs) = "(" ++ unwords (map smtType body) ++ ") " ++ smtType ret
where (body, ret) = (init xs, last xs)
type SkolemMap = M.Map SW [SW]
type TableMap = IM.IntMap String
cvtSW :: SkolemMap -> SW -> String
cvtSW skolemMap s
| Just ss <- s `M.lookup` skolemMap
= "(" ++ show s ++ concatMap ((" " ++) . show) ss ++ ")"
| True
= show s
cvtCW :: RoundingMode -> CW -> String
cvtCW = cwToSMTLib
getTable :: TableMap -> Int -> String
getTable m i
| Just tn <- i `IM.lookup` m = tn
| True = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2: Cannot locate table " ++ show i
cvtExp :: SolverCapabilities -> RoundingMode -> SkolemMap -> TableMap -> SBVExpr -> String
cvtExp caps rm skolemMap tableMap expr@(SBVApp _ arguments) = sh expr
where ssw = cvtSW skolemMap
supportsPB = supportsPseudoBooleans caps
bvOp = all isBounded arguments
intOp = any isInteger arguments
realOp = any isReal arguments
doubleOp = any isDouble arguments
floatOp = any isFloat arguments
boolOp = all isBoolean arguments
bad | intOp = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2: Unsupported operation on unbounded integers: " ++ show expr
| True = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2: Unsupported operation on real values: " ++ show expr
ensureBVOrBool = bvOp || boolOp || bad
ensureBV = bvOp || bad
addRM s = s ++ " " ++ smtRoundingMode rm
lift2 o _ [x, y] = "(" ++ o ++ " " ++ x ++ " " ++ y ++ ")"
lift2 o _ sbvs = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2.sh.lift2: Unexpected arguments: " ++ show (o, sbvs)
liftN o _ xs = "(" ++ o ++ " " ++ unwords xs ++ ")"
lift2WM o fo | doubleOp || floatOp = lift2 (addRM fo)
| True = lift2 o
lift1FP o fo | doubleOp || floatOp = lift1 fo
| True = lift1 o
liftAbs sgned args | doubleOp || floatOp = lift1 "fp.abs" sgned args
| intOp = lift1 "abs" sgned args
| bvOp, sgned = mkAbs (head args) "bvslt" "bvneg"
| bvOp = head args
| True = mkAbs (head args) "<" "-"
where mkAbs x cmp neg = "(ite " ++ ltz ++ " " ++ nx ++ " " ++ x ++ ")"
where ltz = "(" ++ cmp ++ " " ++ x ++ " " ++ z ++ ")"
nx = "(" ++ neg ++ " " ++ x ++ ")"
z = cvtCW rm (mkConstCW (kindOf (head arguments)) (0::Integer))
lift2B bOp vOp
| boolOp = lift2 bOp
| True = lift2 vOp
lift1B bOp vOp
| boolOp = lift1 bOp
| True = lift1 vOp
eqBV = lift2 "="
neqBV = liftN "distinct"
equal sgn sbvs
| doubleOp = lift2 "fp.eq" sgn sbvs
| floatOp = lift2 "fp.eq" sgn sbvs
| True = lift2 "=" sgn sbvs
notEqual sgn sbvs
| doubleOp = liftP sbvs
| floatOp = liftP sbvs
| True = liftN "distinct" sgn sbvs
where liftP [_, _] = "(not " ++ equal sgn sbvs ++ ")"
liftP args = "(and " ++ unwords (walk args) ++ ")"
walk [] = []
walk (e:es) = map (pair e) es ++ walk es
pair e1 e2 = "(not (fp.eq " ++ e1 ++ " " ++ e2 ++ "))"
lift2S oU oS sgn = lift2 (if sgn then oS else oU) sgn
liftNS oU oS sgn = liftN (if sgn then oS else oU) sgn
lift2Cmp o fo | doubleOp || floatOp = lift2 fo
| True = lift2 o
unintComp o [a, b]
| KUserSort s (Right _) <- kindOf (head arguments)
= let idx v = "(" ++ s ++ "_constrIndex " ++ " " ++ v ++ ")" in "(" ++ o ++ " " ++ idx a ++ " " ++ idx b ++ ")"
unintComp o sbvs = error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.sh.unintComp: Unexpected arguments: " ++ show (o, sbvs)
lift1 o _ [x] = "(" ++ o ++ " " ++ x ++ ")"
lift1 o _ sbvs = error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.sh.lift1: Unexpected arguments: " ++ show (o, sbvs)
sh (SBVApp Ite [a, b, c]) = "(ite " ++ ssw a ++ " " ++ ssw b ++ " " ++ ssw c ++ ")"
sh (SBVApp (LkUp (t, aKnd, _, l) i e) [])
| needsCheck = "(ite " ++ cond ++ ssw e ++ " " ++ lkUp ++ ")"
| True = lkUp
where needsCheck = case aKnd of
KBool -> (2::Integer) > fromIntegral l
KBounded _ n -> (2::Integer)^n > fromIntegral l
KUnbounded -> True
KReal -> error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected real valued index"
KFloat -> error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected float valued index"
KDouble -> error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected double valued index"
KUserSort s _ -> error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected uninterpreted valued index: " ++ s
lkUp = "(" ++ getTable tableMap t ++ " " ++ ssw i ++ ")"
| hasSign i = "(or " ++ le0 ++ " " ++ gtl ++ ") "
| True = gtl ++ " "
(less, leq) = case aKnd of
KBool -> error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected boolean valued index"
KBounded{} -> if hasSign i then ("bvslt", "bvsle") else ("bvult", "bvule")
KUnbounded -> ("<", "<=")
KReal -> ("<", "<=")
KFloat -> ("fp.lt", "fp.leq")
KDouble -> ("fp.lt", "fp.geq")
KUserSort s _ -> error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected uninterpreted valued index: " ++ s
mkCnst = cvtCW rm . mkConstCW (kindOf i)
le0 = "(" ++ less ++ " " ++ ssw i ++ " " ++ mkCnst 0 ++ ")"
gtl = "(" ++ leq ++ " " ++ mkCnst l ++ " " ++ ssw i ++ ")"
sh (SBVApp (KindCast f t) [a]) = handleKindCast f t (ssw a)
sh (SBVApp (ArrEq i j) []) = "(= array_" ++ show i ++ " array_" ++ show j ++")"
sh (SBVApp (ArrRead i) [a]) = "(select array_" ++ show i ++ " " ++ ssw a ++ ")"
sh (SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) []) = nm
sh (SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) args) = "(" ++ nm ++ " " ++ unwords (map ssw args) ++ ")"
sh (SBVApp (Extract i j) [a]) | ensureBV = "((_ extract " ++ show i ++ " " ++ show j ++ ") " ++ ssw a ++ ")"
sh (SBVApp (Rol i) [a])
| bvOp = rot ssw "rotate_left" i a
| intOp = sh (SBVApp (Shl i) [a])
| True = bad
sh (SBVApp (Ror i) [a])
| bvOp = rot ssw "rotate_right" i a
| intOp = sh (SBVApp (Shr i) [a])
| True = bad
sh (SBVApp (Shl i) [a])
| bvOp = shft rm ssw "bvshl" "bvshl" i a
| i < 0 = sh (SBVApp (Shr (-i)) [a])
| intOp = "(* " ++ ssw a ++ " " ++ show (bit i :: Integer) ++ ")"
| True = bad
sh (SBVApp (Shr i) [a])
| bvOp = shft rm ssw "bvlshr" "bvashr" i a
| i < 0 = sh (SBVApp (Shl (-i)) [a])
| intOp = "(div " ++ ssw a ++ " " ++ show (bit i :: Integer) ++ ")"
| True = bad
sh (SBVApp op args)
| Just f <- lookup op smtBVOpTable, ensureBVOrBool
= f (any hasSign args) (map ssw args)
smtBVOpTable = [ (And, lift2B "and" "bvand")
, (Or, lift2B "or" "bvor")
, (XOr, lift2B "xor" "bvxor")
, (Not, lift1B "not" "bvnot")
, (Join, lift2 "concat")
sh (SBVApp (Label m) [a]) = curry named (Just m) $ cvtSW skolemMap a
sh (SBVApp (IEEEFP (FP_Cast kFrom kTo m)) args) = handleFPCast kFrom kTo (ssw m) (unwords (map ssw args))
sh (SBVApp (IEEEFP w ) args) = "(" ++ show w ++ " " ++ unwords (map ssw args) ++ ")"
sh (SBVApp (PseudoBoolean pb) args)
| supportsPB = handlePB pb args'
| True = reducePB pb args'
where args' = map ssw args
sh inp@(SBVApp op args)
| intOp, Just f <- lookup op smtOpIntTable
= f True (map ssw args)
| boolOp, Just f <- lookup op boolComps
= f (map ssw args)
| bvOp, Just f <- lookup op smtOpBVTable
= f (any hasSign args) (map ssw args)
| realOp, Just f <- lookup op smtOpRealTable
= f (any hasSign args) (map ssw args)
| floatOp || doubleOp, Just f <- lookup op smtOpFloatDoubleTable
= f (any hasSign args) (map ssw args)
| Just f <- lookup op uninterpretedTable
= f (map ssw args)
| True
= error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp.sh: impossible happened; can't translate: " ++ show inp
where smtOpBVTable = [ (Plus, lift2 "bvadd")
, (Minus, lift2 "bvsub")
, (Times, lift2 "bvmul")
, (UNeg, lift1B "not" "bvneg")
, (Abs, liftAbs)
, (Quot, lift2S "bvudiv" "bvsdiv")
, (Rem, lift2S "bvurem" "bvsrem")
, (Equal, eqBV)
, (NotEqual, neqBV)
, (LessThan, lift2S "bvult" "bvslt")
, (GreaterThan, lift2S "bvugt" "bvsgt")
, (LessEq, lift2S "bvule" "bvsle")
, (GreaterEq, lift2S "bvuge" "bvsge")
boolComps = [ (LessThan, blt)
, (GreaterThan, blt . swp)
, (LessEq, blq)
, (GreaterEq, blq . swp)
where blt [x, y] = "(and (not " ++ x ++ ") " ++ y ++ ")"
blt xs = error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.boolComps.blt: Impossible happened, incorrect arity (expected 2): " ++ show xs
blq [x, y] = "(or (not " ++ x ++ ") " ++ y ++ ")"
blq xs = error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.boolComps.blq: Impossible happened, incorrect arity (expected 2): " ++ show xs
swp [x, y] = [y, x]
swp xs = error $ "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.boolComps.swp: Impossible happened, incorrect arity (expected 2): " ++ show xs
smtOpRealTable = smtIntRealShared
++ [ (Quot, lift2WM "/" "fp.div")
smtOpIntTable = smtIntRealShared
++ [ (Quot, lift2 "div")
, (Rem, lift2 "mod")
smtOpFloatDoubleTable = smtIntRealShared
++ [(Quot, lift2WM "/" "fp.div")]
smtIntRealShared = [ (Plus, lift2WM "+" "fp.add")
, (Minus, lift2WM "-" "fp.sub")
, (Times, lift2WM "*" "fp.mul")
, (UNeg, lift1FP "-" "fp.neg")
, (Abs, liftAbs)
, (Equal, equal)
, (NotEqual, notEqual)
, (LessThan, lift2Cmp "<" "fp.lt")
, (GreaterThan, lift2Cmp ">" "fp.gt")
, (LessEq, lift2Cmp "<=" "fp.leq")
, (GreaterEq, lift2Cmp ">=" "fp.geq")
uninterpretedTable = [ (Equal, lift2S "=" "=" True)
, (NotEqual, liftNS "distinct" "distinct" True)
, (LessThan, unintComp "<")
, (GreaterThan, unintComp ">")
, (LessEq, unintComp "<=")
, (GreaterEq, unintComp ">=")
handleFPCast :: Kind -> Kind -> String -> String -> String
handleFPCast kFrom kTo rm input
| kFrom == kTo
= input
| True
= "(" ++ cast kFrom kTo input ++ ")"
where addRM a s = s ++ " " ++ rm ++ " " ++ a
absRM a s = "ite (fp.isNegative " ++ a ++ ") (" ++ cvt1 ++ ") (" ++ cvt2 ++ ")"
where cvt1 = "bvneg (" ++ s ++ " " ++ rm ++ " (fp.abs " ++ a ++ "))"
cvt2 = s ++ " " ++ rm ++ " " ++ a
cast KUnbounded KFloat a = "(_ to_fp 8 24) " ++ rm ++ " (to_real " ++ a ++ ")"
cast KUnbounded KDouble a = "(_ to_fp 11 53) " ++ rm ++ " (to_real " ++ a ++ ")"
cast KFloat KUnbounded a = "to_int (fp.to_real " ++ a ++ ")"
cast KDouble KUnbounded a = "to_int (fp.to_real " ++ a ++ ")"
cast (KBounded False _) KFloat a = addRM a "(_ to_fp_unsigned 8 24)"
cast (KBounded False _) KDouble a = addRM a "(_ to_fp_unsigned 11 53)"
cast (KBounded True _) KFloat a = addRM a "(_ to_fp 8 24)"
cast (KBounded True _) KDouble a = addRM a "(_ to_fp 11 53)"
cast KReal KFloat a = addRM a "(_ to_fp 8 24)"
cast KReal KDouble a = addRM a "(_ to_fp 11 53)"
cast KFloat KFloat a = addRM a "(_ to_fp 8 24)"
cast KFloat KDouble a = addRM a "(_ to_fp 11 53)"
cast KDouble KFloat a = addRM a "(_ to_fp 8 24)"
cast KDouble KDouble a = addRM a "(_ to_fp 11 53)"
cast KFloat (KBounded False m) a = absRM a $ "(_ fp.to_ubv " ++ show m ++ ")"
cast KDouble (KBounded False m) a = absRM a $ "(_ fp.to_ubv " ++ show m ++ ")"
cast KFloat (KBounded True m) a = addRM a $ "(_ fp.to_sbv " ++ show m ++ ")"
cast KDouble (KBounded True m) a = addRM a $ "(_ fp.to_sbv " ++ show m ++ ")"
cast KFloat KReal a = "fp.to_real" ++ " " ++ a
cast KDouble KReal a = "fp.to_real" ++ " " ++ a
cast f d _ = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2: Unexpected FPCast from: " ++ show f ++ " to " ++ show d
rot :: (SW -> String) -> String -> Int -> SW -> String
rot ssw o c x = "((_ " ++ o ++ " " ++ show c ++ ") " ++ ssw x ++ ")"
shft :: RoundingMode -> (SW -> String) -> String -> String -> Int -> SW -> String
shft rm ssw oW oS c x = "(" ++ o ++ " " ++ ssw x ++ " " ++ cvtCW rm c' ++ ")"
where s = hasSign x
c' = mkConstCW (kindOf x) c
o = if s then oS else oW
handleKindCast :: Kind -> Kind -> String -> String
handleKindCast kFrom kTo a
| kFrom == kTo
= a
| True
= case kFrom of
KBounded s m -> case kTo of
KBounded _ n -> fromBV (if s then signExtend else zeroExtend) m n
KUnbounded -> b2i s m
_ -> tryFPCast
KUnbounded -> case kTo of
KReal -> "(to_real " ++ a ++ ")"
KBounded _ n -> i2b n
_ -> tryFPCast
KReal -> case kTo of
KUnbounded -> "(to_int " ++ a ++ ")"
_ -> tryFPCast
_ -> tryFPCast
| any (\k -> isFloat k || isDouble k) [kFrom, kTo]
= handleFPCast kFrom kTo (smtRoundingMode RoundNearestTiesToEven) a
| True
= error $ "SBV.SMTLib2: Unexpected cast from: " ++ show kFrom ++ " to " ++ show kTo
fromBV upConv m n
| n > m = upConv (n - m)
| m == n = a
| True = extract (n - 1)
i2b n = "(let (" ++ reduced ++ ") (let (" ++ defs ++ ") " ++ body ++ "))"
where b i = show (bit i :: Integer)
reduced = "(__a (mod " ++ a ++ " " ++ b n ++ "))"
mkBit 0 = "(__a0 (ite (= (mod __a 2) 0) #b0 #b1))"
mkBit i = "(__a" ++ show i ++ " (ite (= (mod (div __a " ++ b i ++ ") 2) 0) #b0 #b1))"
defs = unwords (map mkBit [0 .. n - 1])
body = foldr1 (\c r -> "(concat " ++ c ++ " " ++ r ++ ")") ["__a" ++ show i | i <- [n-1, n-2 .. 0]]
b2i s m
| s = "(- " ++ val ++ " " ++ valIf (2^m) sign ++ ")"
| True = val
where valIf v b = "(ite (= " ++ b ++ " #b1) " ++ show (v::Integer) ++ " 0)"
getBit i = "((_ extract " ++ show i ++ " " ++ show i ++ ") " ++ a ++ ")"
bitVal i = valIf (2^i) (getBit i)
val = "(+ " ++ unwords (map bitVal [0 .. m-1]) ++ ")"
sign = getBit (m-1)
signExtend i = "((_ sign_extend " ++ show i ++ ") " ++ a ++ ")"
zeroExtend i = "((_ zero_extend " ++ show i ++ ") " ++ a ++ ")"
extract i = "((_ extract " ++ show i ++ " 0) " ++ a ++ ")"
handlePB :: PBOp -> [String] -> String
handlePB (PB_AtMost k) args = "((_ at-most " ++ show k ++ ") " ++ unwords args ++ ")"
handlePB (PB_AtLeast k) args = "((_ at-least " ++ show k ++ ") " ++ unwords args ++ ")"
handlePB (PB_Exactly k) args = "((_ pbeq " ++ unwords (map show (k : replicate (length args) 1)) ++ ") " ++ unwords args ++ ")"
handlePB (PB_Eq cs k) args = "((_ pbeq " ++ unwords (map show (k : cs)) ++ ") " ++ unwords args ++ ")"
handlePB (PB_Le cs k) args = "((_ pble " ++ unwords (map show (k : cs)) ++ ") " ++ unwords args ++ ")"
handlePB (PB_Ge cs k) args = "((_ pbge " ++ unwords (map show (k : cs)) ++ ") " ++ unwords args ++ ")"
reducePB :: PBOp -> [String] -> String
reducePB op args = case op of
PB_AtMost k -> "(<= " ++ addIf (repeat 1) ++ " " ++ show k ++ ")"
PB_AtLeast k -> "(>= " ++ addIf (repeat 1) ++ " " ++ show k ++ ")"
PB_Exactly k -> "(= " ++ addIf (repeat 1) ++ " " ++ show k ++ ")"
PB_Le cs k -> "(<= " ++ addIf cs ++ " " ++ show k ++ ")"
PB_Ge cs k -> "(>= " ++ addIf cs ++ " " ++ show k ++ ")"
PB_Eq cs k -> "(= " ++ addIf cs ++ " " ++ show k ++ ")"
where addIf :: [Int] -> String
addIf cs = "(+ " ++ unwords ["(ite " ++ a ++ " " ++ show c ++ " 0)" | (a, c) <- zip args cs] ++ ")"
named :: (Maybe String, String) -> String
named (Nothing, x) = x
named (Just nm, x) = "(! " ++ x ++ " :named |" ++ concatMap sanitize nm ++ "|)"
where sanitize '|' = "_bar_"
sanitize '\\' = "_backslash_"
sanitize c = [c]