{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Data.SBV.Control.Utils (
, ask, send, getValue, getUninterpretedValue, getValueCW, getUnsatAssumptions, SMTValue(..)
, getQueryState, modifyQueryState, getConfig, getObjectives, getSBVAssertions, getQuantifiedInputs
, checkSat, checkSatUsing, getAllSatResult
, inNewContext, freshVar, freshVar_
, parse
, unexpected
, timeout
, queryDebug
, retrieveResponse
, runProofOn
) where
import Data.List (sortBy, elemIndex, partition, groupBy, tails)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (get, liftIO)
import Data.IORef (readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.Time (getZonedTime)
import Data.SBV.Core.Data ( SW(..), CW(..), SBV, AlgReal, sbvToSW, kindOf, Kind(..)
, HasKind(..), mkConstCW, CWVal(..), SMTResult(..)
, NamedSymVar, SMTConfig(..), Query, SMTModel(..)
, QueryState(..), SVal(..), Quantifier(..), cache
, newExpr, SBVExpr(..), Op(..), FPOp(..), SBV(..)
, SolverContext(..), SBool, Objective(..), SolverCapabilities(..), capabilities
, Result(..), SMTProblem(..), trueSW, SymWord(..)
import Data.SBV.Core.Symbolic (IncState(..), withNewIncState, State(..), svToSW, registerLabel, svMkSymVar)
import Data.SBV.Core.AlgReals (mergeAlgReals)
import Data.SBV.Core.Operations (svNot, svNotEqual, svOr)
import Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib (toIncSMTLib, toSMTLib)
import Data.SBV.SMT.Utils (showTimeoutValue, annotateWithName, alignDiagnostic, alignPlain, debug, mergeSExpr)
import Data.SBV.Utils.SExpr
import Data.SBV.Control.Types
import qualified Data.Set as Set (toList)
import GHC.Stack
instance SolverContext Query where
constrain = addQueryConstraint Nothing
namedConstraint nm = addQueryConstraint (Just nm)
setOption o
| isStartModeOption o = error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV: '" ++ show o ++ "' can only be set at start-up time."
, "*** Hint: Move the call to 'setOption' before the query."
| True = send True $ setSMTOption o
addQueryConstraint :: Maybe String -> SBool -> Query ()
addQueryConstraint mbNm b = do sw <- inNewContext (\st -> do maybe (return ()) (registerLabel st) mbNm
sbvToSW st b)
send True $ "(assert " ++ mkNamed mbNm (show sw) ++ ")"
where mkNamed Nothing s = s
mkNamed (Just nm) s = annotateWithName nm s
getConfig :: Query SMTConfig
getConfig = queryConfig <$> getQueryState
getObjectives :: Query [Objective (SW, SW)]
getObjectives = do State{rOptGoals} <- get
io $ reverse <$> readIORef rOptGoals
getSBVAssertions :: Query [(String, Maybe CallStack, SW)]
getSBVAssertions = do State{rAsserts} <- get
io $ reverse <$> readIORef rAsserts
io :: IO a -> Query a
io = liftIO
syncUpSolver :: IncState -> Query ()
syncUpSolver is = do
cfg <- getConfig
ls <- io $ do let swapc ((_, a), b) = (b, a)
cmp (a, _) (b, _) = a `compare` b
inps <- reverse <$> readIORef (rNewInps is)
ks <- readIORef (rNewKinds is)
cnsts <- sortBy cmp . map swapc . Map.toList <$> readIORef (rNewConsts is)
as <- readIORef (rNewAsgns is)
return $ toIncSMTLib cfg inps ks cnsts as cfg
mapM_ (send True) (mergeSExpr ls)
getQueryState :: Query QueryState
getQueryState = do state <- get
mbQS <- io $ readIORef (queryState state)
case mbQS of
Nothing -> error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV: Impossible happened: Query context required in a non-query mode."
, "Please report this as a bug!"
Just qs -> return qs
modifyQueryState :: (QueryState -> QueryState) -> Query ()
modifyQueryState f = do state <- get
mbQS <- io $ readIORef (queryState state)
case mbQS of
Nothing -> error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV: Impossible happened: Query context required in a non-query mode."
, "Please report this as a bug!"
Just qs -> let fqs = f qs
in fqs `seq` io $ writeIORef (queryState state) $ Just fqs
inNewContext :: (State -> IO a) -> Query a
inNewContext act = do st <- get
(is, r) <- io $ withNewIncState st act
syncUpSolver is
return r
freshVar_ :: forall a. SymWord a => Query (SBV a)
freshVar_ = inNewContext $ fmap SBV . svMkSymVar (Just EX) k Nothing
where k = kindOf (undefined :: a)
freshVar :: forall a. SymWord a => String -> Query (SBV a)
freshVar nm = inNewContext $ fmap SBV . svMkSymVar (Just EX) k (Just nm)
where k = kindOf (undefined :: a)
queryDebug :: [String] -> Query ()
queryDebug msgs = do QueryState{queryConfig} <- getQueryState
io $ debug queryConfig msgs
ask :: String -> Query String
ask s = do QueryState{queryAsk, queryTimeOutValue} <- getQueryState
case queryTimeOutValue of
Nothing -> queryDebug ["[SEND] " `alignPlain` s]
Just i -> queryDebug ["[SEND, TimeOut: " ++ showTimeoutValue i ++ "] " `alignPlain` s]
r <- io $ queryAsk queryTimeOutValue s
queryDebug ["[RECV] " `alignPlain` r]
return r
send :: Bool -> String -> Query ()
send requireSuccess s = do
QueryState{queryAsk, querySend, queryConfig, queryTimeOutValue} <- getQueryState
if requireSuccess && supportsCustomQueries (capabilities (solver queryConfig))
then do r <- io $ queryAsk queryTimeOutValue s
case words r of
["success"] -> queryDebug ["[GOOD] " `alignPlain` s]
_ -> do case queryTimeOutValue of
Nothing -> queryDebug ["[FAIL] " `alignPlain` s]
Just i -> queryDebug [("[FAIL, TimeOut: " ++ showTimeoutValue i ++ "] ") `alignPlain` s]
unexpected "Command" s "success" Nothing r Nothing
else io $ querySend queryTimeOutValue s
retrieveResponse :: String -> Maybe Int -> Query [String]
retrieveResponse userTag mbTo = do
ts <- io (show <$> getZonedTime)
let synchTag = show $ userTag ++ " (at: " ++ ts ++ ")"
cmd = "(echo " ++ synchTag ++ ")"
queryDebug ["[SYNC] Attempting to synchronize with tag: " ++ synchTag]
send False cmd
QueryState{queryRetrieveResponse} <- getQueryState
let loop sofar = do
s <- io $ queryRetrieveResponse mbTo
if s == synchTag || show s == synchTag
then do queryDebug ["[SYNC] Synchronization achieved using tag: " ++ synchTag]
return $ reverse sofar
else do queryDebug ["[RECV] " `alignPlain` s]
loop (s : sofar)
loop []
class SMTValue a where
sexprToVal :: SExpr -> Maybe a
default sexprToVal :: Read a => SExpr -> Maybe a
sexprToVal (ECon c) = case reads c of
[(v, "")] -> Just v
_ -> Nothing
sexprToVal _ = Nothing
fromIntegralToVal :: Integral a => SExpr -> Maybe a
fromIntegralToVal (ENum (i, _)) = Just $ fromIntegral i
fromIntegralToVal _ = Nothing
instance SMTValue Int8 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Int16 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Int32 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Int64 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Word8 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Word16 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Word32 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Word64 where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Integer where sexprToVal = fromIntegralToVal
instance SMTValue Float where
sexprToVal (EFloat f) = Just f
sexprToVal _ = Nothing
instance SMTValue Double where
sexprToVal (EDouble f) = Just f
sexprToVal _ = Nothing
instance SMTValue Bool where
sexprToVal (ENum (1, _)) = Just True
sexprToVal (ENum (0, _)) = Just False
sexprToVal _ = Nothing
instance SMTValue AlgReal where
sexprToVal (EReal a) = Just a
sexprToVal _ = Nothing
getValue :: SMTValue a => SBV a -> Query a
getValue s = do sw <- inNewContext (`sbvToSW` s)
let nm = show sw
cmd = "(get-value (" ++ nm ++ "))"
bad = unexpected "getValue" cmd "a model value" Nothing
r <- ask cmd
parse r bad $ \case EApp [EApp [ECon o, v]] | o == show sw -> case sexprToVal v of
Nothing -> bad r Nothing
Just c -> return c
_ -> bad r Nothing
getUninterpretedValue :: HasKind a => SBV a -> Query String
getUninterpretedValue s =
case kindOf s of
KUserSort _ (Left _) -> do sw <- inNewContext (`sbvToSW` s)
let nm = show sw
cmd = "(get-value (" ++ nm ++ "))"
bad = unexpected "getValue" cmd "a model value" Nothing
r <- ask cmd
parse r bad $ \case EApp [EApp [ECon o, ECon v]] | o == show sw -> return v
_ -> bad r Nothing
k -> error $ unlines [""
, "*** SBV.getUninterpretedValue: Called on an 'interpreted' kind"
, "*** "
, "*** Kind: " ++ show k
, "*** Hint: Use 'getValue' to extract value for interpreted kinds."
, "*** "
, "*** Only truly uninterpreted sorts should be used with 'getUninterpretedValue.'"
getValueCWHelper :: Maybe Int -> SW -> Query CW
getValueCWHelper mbi s = do
let nm = show s
k = kindOf s
modelIndex = case mbi of
Nothing -> ""
Just i -> " :model_index " ++ show i
cmd = "(get-value (" ++ nm ++ ")" ++ modelIndex ++ ")"
bad = unexpected "getModel" cmd ("a value binding for kind: " ++ show k) Nothing
getUIIndex (KUserSort _ (Right xs)) i = i `elemIndex` xs
getUIIndex _ _ = Nothing
r <- ask cmd
let isIntegral sw = isBoolean sw || isBounded sw || isInteger sw
extract (ENum i) | isIntegral s = return $ mkConstCW k (fst i)
extract (EReal i) | isReal s = return $ CW KReal (CWAlgReal i)
extract (EFloat i) | isFloat s = return $ CW KFloat (CWFloat i)
extract (EDouble i) | isDouble s = return $ CW KDouble (CWDouble i)
extract (ECon i) | isUninterpreted s = return $ CW k (CWUserSort (getUIIndex k i, i))
extract _ = bad r Nothing
parse r bad $ \case EApp [EApp [ECon v, val]] | v == nm -> extract val
_ -> bad r Nothing
getValueCW :: Maybe Int -> SW -> Query CW
getValueCW mbi s
| kindOf s /= KReal
= getValueCWHelper mbi s
| True
= do cfg <- getConfig
if not (supportsApproxReals (capabilities (solver cfg)))
then getValueCWHelper mbi s
else do send True "(set-option :pp.decimal false)"
rep1 <- getValueCWHelper mbi s
send True "(set-option :pp.decimal true)"
send True $ "(set-option :pp.decimal_precision " ++ show (printRealPrec cfg) ++ ")"
rep2 <- getValueCWHelper mbi s
let bad = unexpected "getValueCW" "get-value" ("a real-valued binding for " ++ show s) Nothing (show (rep1, rep2)) Nothing
case (rep1, rep2) of
(CW KReal (CWAlgReal a), CW KReal (CWAlgReal b)) -> return $ CW KReal (CWAlgReal (mergeAlgReals ("Cannot merge real-values for " ++ show s) a b))
_ -> bad
checkSat :: Query CheckSatResult
checkSat = do cfg <- getConfig
checkSatUsing $ satCmd cfg
checkSatUsing :: String -> Query CheckSatResult
checkSatUsing cmd = do let bad = unexpected "checkSat" cmd "one of sat/unsat/unknown" Nothing
r <- ask cmd
parse r bad $ \case ECon "sat" -> return Sat
ECon "unsat" -> return Unsat
ECon "unknown" -> return Unk
_ -> bad r Nothing
getQuantifiedInputs :: Query [(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)]
getQuantifiedInputs = do State{rinps} <- get
liftIO $ reverse <$> readIORef rinps
getAllSatResult :: Query (Bool, Bool, [SMTResult])
getAllSatResult = do queryDebug ["*** Checking Satisfiability, all solutions.."]
cfg <- getConfig
State{rUsedKinds} <- get
ki <- liftIO $ readIORef rUsedKinds
qinps <- getQuantifiedInputs
let usorts = [s | us@(KUserSort s _) <- Set.toList ki, isFree us]
unless (null usorts) $ queryDebug [ "*** SBV.allSat: Uninterpreted sorts present: " ++ unwords usorts
, "*** SBV will use equivalence classes to generate all-satisfying instances."
let vars :: [(SVal, NamedSymVar)]
vars = let allModelInputs = takeWhile ((/= ALL) . fst) qinps
sortByNodeId :: [NamedSymVar] -> [NamedSymVar]
sortByNodeId = sortBy (compare `on` (\(SW _ n, _) -> n))
mkSVal :: NamedSymVar -> (SVal, NamedSymVar)
mkSVal nm@(sw, _) = (SVal (kindOf sw) (Right (cache (const (return sw)))), nm)
in map mkSVal $ sortByNodeId [nv | (_, nv@(_, n)) <- allModelInputs, not (isNonModelVar cfg n)]
w = ALL `elem` map fst qinps
(sc, ms) <- loop vars cfg
return (sc, w, reverse ms)
where isFree (KUserSort _ (Left _)) = True
isFree _ = False
loop vars cfg = go (1::Int) []
where go :: Int -> [SMTResult] -> Query (Bool, [SMTResult])
go !cnt sofar
| Just maxModels <- allSatMaxModelCount cfg, cnt > maxModels
= do queryDebug ["*** Maximum model count request of " ++ show maxModels ++ " reached, stopping the search."]
return (True, sofar)
| True
= do queryDebug ["Looking for solution " ++ show cnt]
cs <- checkSat
case cs of
Unsat -> return (False, sofar)
Unk -> do queryDebug ["*** Solver returned unknown, terminating query."]
return (False, sofar)
Sat -> do assocs <- mapM (\(sval, (sw, n)) -> do cw <- getValueCW Nothing sw
return (n, (sval, cw))) vars
let m = Satisfiable cfg SMTModel { modelObjectives = []
, modelAssocs = [(n, cw) | (n, (_, cw)) <- assocs]
(interpreteds, uninterpreteds) = partition (not . isFree . kindOf . fst) (map snd assocs)
interpretedEqs :: [SVal]
interpretedEqs = [mkNotEq (kindOf sv) sv (SVal (kindOf sv) (Left cw)) | (sv, cw) <- interpreteds]
where mkNotEq k a b
| isDouble k || isFloat k = svNot (a `fpNotEq` b)
| True = a `svNotEqual` b
fpNotEq a b = SVal KBool $ Right $ cache r
where r st = do swa <- svToSW st a
swb <- svToSW st b
newExpr st KBool (SBVApp (IEEEFP FP_ObjEqual) [swa, swb])
uninterpretedEqs :: [SVal]
uninterpretedEqs = concatMap pwDistinct
. filter (\l -> length l > 1)
. map (map fst)
. groupBy ((==) `on` snd)
. sortBy (comparing snd)
$ uninterpreteds
where pwDistinct :: [SVal] -> [SVal]
pwDistinct ss = [x `svNotEqual` y | (x:ys) <- tails ss, y <- ys]
eqs = interpretedEqs ++ uninterpretedEqs
disallow = case eqs of
[] -> Nothing
_ -> Just $ SBV $ foldr1 svOr eqs
let resultsSoFar = m : sofar
case disallow of
Nothing -> return (False, resultsSoFar)
Just d -> do constrain d
go (cnt+1) resultsSoFar
getUnsatAssumptions :: [String] -> [(String, a)] -> Query [a]
getUnsatAssumptions originals proxyMap = do
let cmd = "(get-unsat-assumptions)"
bad = unexpected "getUnsatAssumptions" cmd "a list of unsatisfiable assumptions"
$ Just [ "Make sure you use:"
, ""
, " setOption $ ProduceUnsatAssumptions True"
, ""
, "to make sure the solver is ready for producing unsat assumptions,"
, "and that there is a model by first issuing a 'checkSat' call."
fromECon (ECon s) = Just s
fromECon _ = Nothing
r <- ask cmd
let walk [] sofar = return $ reverse sofar
walk (a:as) sofar = case a `lookup` proxyMap of
Just v -> walk as (v:sofar)
Nothing -> do queryDebug [ "*** In call to 'getUnsatAssumptions'"
, "***"
, "*** Unexpected assumption named: " ++ show a
, "*** Was expecting one of : " ++ show originals
, "***"
, "*** This can happen if unsat-cores are also enabled. Ignoring."
walk as sofar
parse r bad $ \case
EApp es | Just xs <- mapM fromECon es -> walk xs []
_ -> bad r Nothing
timeout :: Int -> Query a -> Query a
timeout n q = do modifyQueryState (\qs -> qs {queryTimeOutValue = Just n})
r <- q
modifyQueryState (\qs -> qs {queryTimeOutValue = Nothing})
return r
parse :: String -> (String -> Maybe [String] -> a) -> (SExpr -> a) -> a
parse r fCont sCont = case parseSExpr r of
Left e -> fCont r (Just [e])
Right res -> sCont res
unexpected :: String -> String -> String -> Maybe [String] -> String -> Maybe [String] -> Query a
unexpected ctx sent expected mbHint received mbReason = do
extras <- retrieveResponse "terminating upon unexpected response" (Just 5000000)
error $ unlines $ [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV: Unexpected response from the solver."
, "*** Context : " `alignDiagnostic` ctx
, "*** Sent : " `alignDiagnostic` sent
, "*** Expected: " `alignDiagnostic` expected
, "*** Received: " `alignDiagnostic` unlines (received : extras)
++ [ "*** Reason : " `alignDiagnostic` unlines r | Just r <- [mbReason]]
++ [ "*** Hint : " `alignDiagnostic` unlines r | Just r <- [mbHint]]
runProofOn :: SMTConfig -> Bool -> [String] -> Result -> SMTProblem
runProofOn config isSat comments res@(Result ki _qcInfo _codeSegs is consts tbls arrs uis axs pgm cstrs _assertions outputs) =
let flipQ (ALL, x) = (EX, x)
flipQ (EX, x) = (ALL, x)
skolemize :: [(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)] -> [Either SW (SW, [SW])]
skolemize quants = go quants ([], [])
where go [] (_, sofar) = reverse sofar
go ((ALL, (v, _)):rest) (us, sofar) = go rest (v:us, Left v : sofar)
go ((EX, (v, _)):rest) (us, sofar) = go rest (us, Right (v, reverse us) : sofar)
qinps = if isSat then is else map flipQ is
skolemMap = skolemize qinps
o = case outputs of
[] -> trueSW
[so] -> case so of
SW KBool _ -> so
_ -> trueSW
os -> error $ unlines [ "User error: Multiple output values detected: " ++ show os
, "Detected while generating the trace:\n" ++ show res
, "*** Check calls to \"output\", they are typically not needed!"
in SMTProblem { smtLibPgm = toSMTLib config ki isSat comments is skolemMap consts tbls arrs uis axs pgm cstrs o }
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-}