{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Data.SBV.Examples.Puzzles.Fish where
import Data.SBV
data Color = Red | Green | White | Yellow | Blue
mkSymbolicEnumeration ''Color
-- | Nationalities of the occupants
data Nationality = Briton | Dane | Swede | Norwegian | German
mkSymbolicEnumeration ''Nationality
-- | Beverage choices
data Beverage = Tea | Coffee | Milk | Beer | Water
mkSymbolicEnumeration ''Beverage
-- | Pets they keep
data Pet = Dog | Horse | Cat | Bird | Fish
mkSymbolicEnumeration ''Pet
-- | Sports they engage in
data Sport = Football | Baseball | Volleyball | Hockey | Tennis
mkSymbolicEnumeration ''Sport
-- | We have:
-- >>> fishOwner
-- German
-- It's not hard to modify this program to grab the values of all the assignments, i.e., the full
-- solution to the puzzle. We leave that as an exercise to the interested reader!
fishOwner :: IO ()
fishOwner = do vs <- getModelValues "fishOwner" `fmap` allSat puzzle
case vs of
[Just (v::Nationality)] -> print v
[] -> error "no solution"
_ -> error "no unique solution"
where puzzle = do
let c = uninterpret "color"
n = uninterpret "nationality"
b = uninterpret "beverage"
p = uninterpret "pet"
s = uninterpret "sport"
let i `neighbor` j = i .== j+1 ||| j .== i+1
a `is` v = a .== literal v
let fact0 = constrain
fact1 f = do i <- free_
constrain $ 1 .<= i &&& i .<= (5 :: SInteger)
constrain $ f i
fact2 f = do i <- free_
j <- free_
constrain $ 1 .<= i &&& i .<= (5 :: SInteger)
constrain $ 1 .<= j &&& j .<= 5
constrain $ i ./= j
constrain $ f i j
fact1 $ \i -> n i `is` Briton &&& c i `is` Red
fact1 $ \i -> n i `is` Swede &&& p i `is` Dog
fact1 $ \i -> n i `is` Dane &&& b i `is` Tea
fact2 $ \i j -> c i `is` Green &&& c j `is` White &&& i .== j-1
fact1 $ \i -> c i `is` Green &&& b i `is` Coffee
fact1 $ \i -> s i `is` Football &&& p i `is` Bird
fact1 $ \i -> c i `is` Yellow &&& s i `is` Baseball
fact0 $ b 3 `is` Milk
fact0 $ n 1 `is` Norwegian
fact2 $ \i j -> s i `is` Volleyball &&& p j `is` Cat &&& i `neighbor` j
fact2 $ \i j -> p i `is` Horse &&& s j `is` Baseball &&& i `neighbor` j
fact1 $ \i -> s i `is` Tennis &&& b i `is` Beer
fact1 $ \i -> n i `is` German &&& s i `is` Hockey
fact2 $ \i j -> n i `is` Norwegian &&& c j `is` Blue &&& i `neighbor` j
fact2 $ \i j -> s i `is` Volleyball &&& b j `is` Water &&& i `neighbor` j
ownsFish <- free "fishOwner"
fact1 $ \i -> n i .== ownsFish &&& p i `is` Fish