{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Data.SBV.Utils.PrettyNum (
PrettyNum(..), readBin, shex, chex, shexI, sbin, sbinI
, showCFloat, showCDouble, showHFloat, showHDouble
, showSMTFloat, showSMTDouble, smtRoundingMode, cvToSMTLib, mkSkolemZero
) where
import Data.Char (intToDigit, ord)
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Data.Ratio (numerator, denominator)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Numeric (showIntAtBase, showHex, readInt)
import qualified Numeric (showHFloat)
import Data.Numbers.CrackNum (floatToFP, doubleToFP)
import Data.SBV.Core.Data
import Data.SBV.Core.Kind (smtType)
import Data.SBV.Core.AlgReals (algRealToSMTLib2)
import Data.SBV.Utils.Lib (stringToQFS)
class PrettyNum a where
hexS :: a -> String
binS :: a -> String
hexP :: a -> String
binP :: a -> String
hex :: a -> String
bin :: a -> String
instance PrettyNum Bool where
hexS = show
binS = show
hexP = show
binP = show
hex = show
bin = show
instance PrettyNum String where
hexS = show
binS = show
hexP = show
binP = show
hex = show
bin = show
instance PrettyNum Word8 where
hexS = shex True True (False, 8)
binS = sbin True True (False, 8)
hexP = shex False True (False, 8)
binP = sbin False True (False, 8)
hex = shex False False (False, 8)
bin = sbin False False (False, 8)
instance PrettyNum Int8 where
hexS = shex True True (True, 8)
binS = sbin True True (True, 8)
hexP = shex False True (True, 8)
binP = sbin False True (True, 8)
hex = shex False False (True, 8)
bin = sbin False False (True, 8)
instance PrettyNum Word16 where
hexS = shex True True (False, 16)
binS = sbin True True (False, 16)
hexP = shex False True (False, 16)
binP = sbin False True (False, 16)
hex = shex False False (False, 16)
bin = sbin False False (False, 16)
instance PrettyNum Int16 where
hexS = shex True True (True, 16)
binS = sbin True True (True, 16)
hexP = shex False True (True, 16)
binP = sbin False True (True, 16)
hex = shex False False (True, 16)
bin = sbin False False (True, 16)
instance PrettyNum Word32 where
hexS = shex True True (False, 32)
binS = sbin True True (False, 32)
hexP = shex False True (False, 32)
binP = sbin False True (False, 32)
hex = shex False False (False, 32)
bin = sbin False False (False, 32)
instance PrettyNum Int32 where
hexS = shex True True (True, 32)
binS = sbin True True (True, 32)
hexP = shex False True (True, 32)
binP = sbin False True (True, 32)
hex = shex False False (True, 32)
bin = sbin False False (True, 32)
instance PrettyNum Word64 where
hexS = shex True True (False, 64)
binS = sbin True True (False, 64)
hexP = shex False True (False, 64)
binP = sbin False True (False, 64)
hex = shex False False (False, 64)
bin = sbin False False (False, 64)
instance PrettyNum Int64 where
hexS = shex True True (True, 64)
binS = sbin True True (True, 64)
hexP = shex False True (True, 64)
binP = sbin False True (True, 64)
hex = shex False False (True, 64)
bin = sbin False False (True, 64)
instance PrettyNum Integer where
hexS = shexI True True
binS = sbinI True True
hexP = shexI False True
binP = sbinI False True
hex = shexI False False
bin = sbinI False False
instance PrettyNum CV where
hexS cv | isUninterpreted cv = show cv ++ " :: " ++ show (kindOf cv)
| isBoolean cv = hexS (cvToBool cv) ++ " :: Bool"
| isFloat cv = let CFloat f = cvVal cv in show f ++ " :: Float\n" ++ show (floatToFP f)
| isDouble cv = let CDouble d = cvVal cv in show d ++ " :: Double\n" ++ show (doubleToFP d)
| isReal cv = let CAlgReal r = cvVal cv in show r ++ " :: Real"
| isString cv = let CString s = cvVal cv in show s ++ " :: String"
| not (isBounded cv) = let CInteger i = cvVal cv in shexI True True i
| True = let CInteger i = cvVal cv in shex True True (hasSign cv, intSizeOf cv) i
binS cv | isUninterpreted cv = show cv ++ " :: " ++ show (kindOf cv)
| isBoolean cv = binS (cvToBool cv) ++ " :: Bool"
| isFloat cv = let CFloat f = cvVal cv in show f ++ " :: Float\n" ++ show (floatToFP f)
| isDouble cv = let CDouble d = cvVal cv in show d ++ " :: Double\n" ++ show (doubleToFP d)
| isReal cv = let CAlgReal r = cvVal cv in show r ++ " :: Real"
| isString cv = let CString s = cvVal cv in show s ++ " :: String"
| not (isBounded cv) = let CInteger i = cvVal cv in sbinI True True i
| True = let CInteger i = cvVal cv in sbin True True (hasSign cv, intSizeOf cv) i
hexP cv | isUninterpreted cv = show cv
| isBoolean cv = hexS (cvToBool cv)
| isFloat cv = let CFloat f = cvVal cv in show f
| isDouble cv = let CDouble d = cvVal cv in show d
| isReal cv = let CAlgReal r = cvVal cv in show r
| isString cv = let CString s = cvVal cv in show s
| not (isBounded cv) = let CInteger i = cvVal cv in shexI False True i
| True = let CInteger i = cvVal cv in shex False True (hasSign cv, intSizeOf cv) i
binP cv | isUninterpreted cv = show cv
| isBoolean cv = binS (cvToBool cv)
| isFloat cv = let CFloat f = cvVal cv in show f
| isDouble cv = let CDouble d = cvVal cv in show d
| isReal cv = let CAlgReal r = cvVal cv in show r
| isString cv = let CString s = cvVal cv in show s
| not (isBounded cv) = let CInteger i = cvVal cv in sbinI False True i
| True = let CInteger i = cvVal cv in sbin False True (hasSign cv, intSizeOf cv) i
hex cv | isUninterpreted cv = show cv
| isBoolean cv = hexS (cvToBool cv)
| isFloat cv = let CFloat f = cvVal cv in show f
| isDouble cv = let CDouble d = cvVal cv in show d
| isReal cv = let CAlgReal r = cvVal cv in show r
| isString cv = let CString s = cvVal cv in show s
| not (isBounded cv) = let CInteger i = cvVal cv in shexI False False i
| True = let CInteger i = cvVal cv in shex False False (hasSign cv, intSizeOf cv) i
bin cv | isUninterpreted cv = show cv
| isBoolean cv = binS (cvToBool cv)
| isFloat cv = let CFloat f = cvVal cv in show f
| isDouble cv = let CDouble d = cvVal cv in show d
| isReal cv = let CAlgReal r = cvVal cv in show r
| isString cv = let CString s = cvVal cv in show s
| not (isBounded cv) = let CInteger i = cvVal cv in sbinI False False i
| True = let CInteger i = cvVal cv in sbin False False (hasSign cv, intSizeOf cv) i
instance (SymVal a, PrettyNum a) => PrettyNum (SBV a) where
hexS s = maybe (show s) (hexS :: a -> String) $ unliteral s
binS s = maybe (show s) (binS :: a -> String) $ unliteral s
hexP s = maybe (show s) (hexP :: a -> String) $ unliteral s
binP s = maybe (show s) (binP :: a -> String) $ unliteral s
hex s = maybe (show s) (hex :: a -> String) $ unliteral s
bin s = maybe (show s) (bin :: a -> String) $ unliteral s
shex :: (Show a, Integral a) => Bool -> Bool -> (Bool, Int) -> a -> String
shex shType shPre (signed, size) a
| a < 0
= "-" ++ pre ++ pad l (s16 (abs (fromIntegral a :: Integer))) ++ t
| True
= pre ++ pad l (s16 a) ++ t
where t | shType = " :: " ++ (if signed then "Int" else "Word") ++ show size
| True = ""
pre | shPre = "0x"
| True = ""
l = (size + 3) `div` 4
chex :: (Show a, Integral a) => Bool -> Bool -> (Bool, Int) -> a -> String
chex shType shPre (signed, size) a
| Just s <- (signed, size, fromIntegral a) `lookup` specials
= s
| True
= shex shType shPre (signed, size) a ++ suffix
where specials :: [((Bool, Int, Integer), String)]
specials = [ ((True, 8, fromIntegral (minBound :: Int8)), "INT8_MIN" )
, ((True, 16, fromIntegral (minBound :: Int16)), "INT16_MIN")
, ((True, 32, fromIntegral (minBound :: Int32)), "INT32_MIN")
, ((True, 64, fromIntegral (minBound :: Int64)), "INT64_MIN")
suffix = case (signed, size) of
(False, 16) -> "U"
(False, 32) -> "UL"
(True, 32) -> "L"
(False, 64) -> "ULL"
(True, 64) -> "LL"
_ -> ""
shexI :: Bool -> Bool -> Integer -> String
shexI shType shPre a
| a < 0
= "-" ++ pre ++ s16 (abs a) ++ t
| True
= pre ++ s16 a ++ t
where t | shType = " :: Integer"
| True = ""
pre | shPre = "0x"
| True = ""
sbin :: (Show a, Integral a) => Bool -> Bool -> (Bool, Int) -> a -> String
sbin shType shPre (signed,size) a
| a < 0
= "-" ++ pre ++ pad size (s2 (abs (fromIntegral a :: Integer))) ++ t
| True
= pre ++ pad size (s2 a) ++ t
where t | shType = " :: " ++ (if signed then "Int" else "Word") ++ show size
| True = ""
pre | shPre = "0b"
| True = ""
sbinI :: Bool -> Bool -> Integer -> String
sbinI shType shPre a
| a < 0
= "-" ++ pre ++ s2 (abs a) ++ t
| True
= pre ++ s2 a ++ t
where t | shType = " :: Integer"
| True = ""
pre | shPre = "0b"
| True = ""
pad :: Int -> String -> String
pad l s = replicate (l - length s) '0' ++ s
s2 :: (Show a, Integral a) => a -> String
s2 v = showIntAtBase 2 dig v "" where dig = fromJust . flip lookup [(0, '0'), (1, '1')]
s16 :: (Show a, Integral a) => a -> String
s16 v = showHex v ""
readBin :: Num a => String -> a
readBin ('-':s) = -(readBin s)
readBin s = case readInt 2 isDigit cvt s' of
[(a, "")] -> a
_ -> error $ "SBV.readBin: Cannot read a binary number from: " ++ show s
where cvt c = ord c - ord '0'
isDigit = (`elem` "01")
s' | "0b" `isPrefixOf` s = drop 2 s
| True = s
showCFloat :: Float -> String
showCFloat f
| isNaN f = "((float) NAN)"
| isInfinite f, f < 0 = "((float) (-INFINITY))"
| isInfinite f = "((float) INFINITY)"
| True = Numeric.showHFloat f $ "F /* " ++ show f ++ "F */"
showCDouble :: Double -> String
showCDouble d
| isNaN d = "((double) NAN)"
| isInfinite d, d < 0 = "((double) (-INFINITY))"
| isInfinite d = "((double) INFINITY)"
| True = Numeric.showHFloat d " /* " ++ show d ++ " */"
showHFloat :: Float -> String
showHFloat f
| isNaN f = "((0/0) :: Float)"
| isInfinite f, f < 0 = "((-1/0) :: Float)"
| isInfinite f = "((1/0) :: Float)"
| True = show f
showHDouble :: Double -> String
showHDouble d
| isNaN d = "((0/0) :: Double)"
| isInfinite d, d < 0 = "((-1/0) :: Double)"
| isInfinite d = "((1/0) :: Double)"
| True = show d
showSMTFloat :: RoundingMode -> Float -> String
showSMTFloat rm f
| isNaN f = as "NaN"
| isInfinite f, f < 0 = as "-oo"
| isInfinite f = as "+oo"
| isNegativeZero f = as "-zero"
| f == 0 = as "+zero"
| True = "((_ to_fp 8 24) " ++ smtRoundingMode rm ++ " " ++ toSMTLibRational (toRational f) ++ ")"
where as s = "(_ " ++ s ++ " 8 24)"
showSMTDouble :: RoundingMode -> Double -> String
showSMTDouble rm d
| isNaN d = as "NaN"
| isInfinite d, d < 0 = as "-oo"
| isInfinite d = as "+oo"
| isNegativeZero d = as "-zero"
| d == 0 = as "+zero"
| True = "((_ to_fp 11 53) " ++ smtRoundingMode rm ++ " " ++ toSMTLibRational (toRational d) ++ ")"
where as s = "(_ " ++ s ++ " 11 53)"
toSMTLibRational :: Rational -> String
toSMTLibRational r
| n < 0
= "(- (/ " ++ show (abs n) ++ ".0 " ++ show d ++ ".0))"
| True
= "(/ " ++ show n ++ ".0 " ++ show d ++ ".0)"
where n = numerator r
d = denominator r
smtRoundingMode :: RoundingMode -> String
smtRoundingMode RoundNearestTiesToEven = "roundNearestTiesToEven"
smtRoundingMode RoundNearestTiesToAway = "roundNearestTiesToAway"
smtRoundingMode RoundTowardPositive = "roundTowardPositive"
smtRoundingMode RoundTowardNegative = "roundTowardNegative"
smtRoundingMode RoundTowardZero = "roundTowardZero"
cvToSMTLib :: RoundingMode -> CV -> String
cvToSMTLib rm x
| isBoolean x, CInteger w <- cvVal x = if w == 0 then "false" else "true"
| isUninterpreted x, CUserSort (_, s) <- cvVal x = roundModeConvert s
| isReal x, CAlgReal r <- cvVal x = algRealToSMTLib2 r
| isFloat x, CFloat f <- cvVal x = showSMTFloat rm f
| isDouble x, CDouble d <- cvVal x = showSMTDouble rm d
| not (isBounded x), CInteger w <- cvVal x = if w >= 0 then show w else "(- " ++ show (abs w) ++ ")"
| not (hasSign x) , CInteger w <- cvVal x = smtLibHex (intSizeOf x) w
| hasSign x , CInteger w <- cvVal x = if w == negate (2 ^ intSizeOf x)
then mkMinBound (intSizeOf x)
else negIf (w < 0) $ smtLibHex (intSizeOf x) (abs w)
| isChar x , CChar c <- cvVal x = smtLibHex 8 (fromIntegral (ord c))
| isString x , CString s <- cvVal x = '\"' : stringToQFS s ++ "\""
| isList x , CList xs <- cvVal x = smtLibSeq (kindOf x) xs
| isSet x , CSet s <- cvVal x = smtLibSet (kindOf x) s
| isTuple x , CTuple xs <- cvVal x = smtLibTup (kindOf x) xs
| isMaybe x , CMaybe mc <- cvVal x = smtLibMaybe (kindOf x) mc
| isEither x , CEither ec <- cvVal x = smtLibEither (kindOf x) ec
| True = error $ "SBV.cvtCV: Impossible happened: Kind/Value disagreement on: " ++ show (kindOf x, x)
where roundModeConvert s = fromMaybe s (listToMaybe [smtRoundingMode m | m <- [minBound .. maxBound] :: [RoundingMode], show m == s])
smtLibHex :: Int -> Integer -> String
smtLibHex 1 v = "#b" ++ show v
smtLibHex sz v
| sz `mod` 4 == 0 = "#x" ++ pad (sz `div` 4) (showHex v "")
| True = "#b" ++ pad sz (showBin v "")
where showBin = showIntAtBase 2 intToDigit
negIf :: Bool -> String -> String
negIf True a = "(bvneg " ++ a ++ ")"
negIf False a = a
smtLibSeq :: Kind -> [CVal] -> String
smtLibSeq k [] = "(as seq.empty " ++ smtType k ++ ")"
smtLibSeq (KList ek) xs = let mkSeq [e] = e
mkSeq es = "(seq.++ " ++ unwords es ++ ")"
mkUnit inner = "(seq.unit " ++ inner ++ ")"
in mkSeq (mkUnit . cvToSMTLib rm . CV ek <$> xs)
smtLibSeq k _ = error "SBV.cvToSMTLib: Impossible case (smtLibSeq), received kind: " ++ show k
smtLibSet :: Kind -> RCSet CVal -> String
smtLibSet k set = case set of
RegularSet rs -> Set.foldr' (modify "true") (start "false") rs
ComplementSet rs -> Set.foldr' (modify "false") (start "true") rs
where ke = case k of
KSet ek -> ek
_ -> error $ "SBV.cvToSMTLib: Impossible case (smtLibSet), received kind: " ++ show k
start def = "((as const " ++ smtType k ++ ") " ++ def ++ ")"
modify how e s = "(store " ++ s ++ " " ++ cvToSMTLib rm (CV ke e) ++ " " ++ how ++ ")"
smtLibTup :: Kind -> [CVal] -> String
smtLibTup (KTuple []) _ = "mkSBVTuple0"
smtLibTup (KTuple ks) xs = "(mkSBVTuple" ++ show (length ks) ++ " " ++ unwords (zipWith (\ek e -> cvToSMTLib rm (CV ek e)) ks xs) ++ ")"
smtLibTup k _ = error $ "SBV.cvToSMTLib: Impossible case (smtLibTup), received kind: " ++ show k
smtLibMaybe :: Kind -> Maybe CVal -> String
smtLibMaybe (KMaybe k) Nothing = "(as nothing_SBVMaybe " ++ smtType (KMaybe k) ++ ")"
smtLibMaybe (KMaybe k) (Just c) = "(just_SBVMaybe " ++ cvToSMTLib rm (CV k c) ++ ")"
smtLibMaybe k _ = error $ "SBV.cvToSMTLib: Impossible case (smtLibMaybe), received kind: " ++ show k
smtLibEither :: Kind -> Either CVal CVal -> String
smtLibEither (KEither k _) (Left c) = "(left_SBVEither " ++ cvToSMTLib rm (CV k c) ++ ")"
smtLibEither (KEither _ k) (Right c) = "(right_SBVEither " ++ cvToSMTLib rm (CV k c) ++ ")"
smtLibEither k _ = error $ "SBV.cvToSMTLib: Impossible case (smtLibEither), received kind: " ++ show k
mkMinBound :: Int -> String
mkMinBound i = "#b1" ++ replicate (i-1) '0'
mkSkolemZero :: RoundingMode -> Kind -> String
mkSkolemZero _ (KUninterpreted _ (Right (f:_))) = f
mkSkolemZero _ (KUninterpreted s _) = error $ "SBV.mkSkolemZero: Unexpected uninterpreted sort: " ++ s
mkSkolemZero rm k = cvToSMTLib rm (mkConstCV k (0::Integer))