-- |
-- Module    : Documentation.SBV.Examples.Lists.BoundedMutex
-- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer: erkokl@gmail.com
-- Stability : experimental
-- Demonstrates use of bounded list utilities, proving a simple
-- mutex algorithm correct up to given bounds.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell     #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror #-}

module Documentation.SBV.Examples.Lists.BoundedMutex where

import Data.SBV
import Data.SBV.Control

import Data.SBV.List ((.!!))
import qualified Data.SBV.List              as L
import qualified Data.SBV.Tools.BoundedList as L

-- | Each agent can be in one of the three states
data State = Idle     -- ^ Regular work
           | Ready    -- ^ Intention to enter critical state
           | Critical -- ^ In the critical state

-- | Make 'State' a symbolic enumeration
mkSymbolicEnumeration ''State

-- | The type synonym 'SState' is mnemonic for symbolic state.
type SState = SBV State

-- | Symbolic version of 'Idle'
idle :: SState
idle = literal Idle

-- | Symbolic version of 'Ready'
ready :: SState
ready = literal Ready

-- | Symbolic version of 'Critical'
critical :: SState
critical = literal Critical

-- | A bounded mutex property holds for two sequences of state transitions, if they are not in
-- their critical section at the same time up to that given bound.
mutex :: Int -> SList State -> SList State -> SBool
mutex i p1s p2s = L.band i $ L.bzipWith i (\p1 p2 -> p1 ./= critical .|| p2 ./= critical) p1s p2s

-- | A sequence is valid upto a bound if it starts at 'Idle', and follows the mutex rules. That is:
--    * From 'Idle' it can switch to 'Ready' or stay 'Idle'
--    * From 'Ready' it can switch to 'Critical' if it's its turn
--    * From 'Critical' it can either stay in 'Critical' or go back to 'Idle'
-- The variable @me@ identifies the agent id.
validSequence :: Int -> Integer -> SList Integer -> SList State -> SBool
validSequence b me pturns proc = sAnd [ L.length proc .== fromIntegral b
                                      , idle .== L.head proc
                                      , check b pturns proc idle
   where check 0 _  _  _    = sTrue
         check i ts ps prev = let (cur,  rest)  = L.uncons ps
                                  (turn, turns) = L.uncons ts
                                  ok   = ite (prev .== idle)                          (cur `sElem` [idle, ready])
                                       $ ite (prev .== ready .&& turn .== literal me) (cur `sElem` [critical])
                                       $ ite (prev .== critical)                      (cur `sElem` [critical, idle])
                                                                                      (cur `sElem` [prev])
                              in ok .&& check (i-1) turns rest cur

-- | The mutex algorithm, coded implicity as an assignment to turns. Turns start at @1@, and at each stage is either
-- @1@ or @2@; giving preference to that process. The only condition is that if either process is in its critical
-- section, then the turn value stays the same. Note that this is sufficient to satisfy safety (i.e., mutual
-- exclusion), though it does not guarantee liveness.
validTurns :: Int -> SList Integer -> SList State -> SList State -> SBool
validTurns b turns process1 process2 = sAnd [ L.length turns .== fromIntegral b
                                            , 1 .== L.head turns
                                            , check b turns process1 process2 1
   where check 0 _  _     _     _    = sTrue
         check i ts proc1 proc2 prev =   cur `sElem` [1, 2]
                                     .&& (p1 .== critical .|| p2 .== critical .=> cur .== prev)
                                     .&& check (i-1) rest p1s p2s cur
            where (cur, rest) = L.uncons ts
                  (p1,  p1s)  = L.uncons proc1
                  (p2,  p2s)  = L.uncons proc2

-- | Check that we have the mutex property so long as 'validSequence' and 'validTurns' holds; i.e.,
-- so long as both the agents and the arbiter act according to the rules. The check is bounded up-to-the
-- given concrete bound; so this is an example of a bounded-model-checking style proof. We have:
-- Test turned off. See: https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/issues/2956
-- checkMutex 20
-- All is good!
checkMutex :: Int -> IO ()
checkMutex b = runSMT $ do
                  p1    :: SList State   <- sList "p1"
                  p2    :: SList State   <- sList "p2"
                  turns :: SList Integer <- sList "turns"

                  -- Ensure that both sequences and the turns are valid
                  constrain $ validSequence b 1 turns p1
                  constrain $ validSequence b 2 turns p2
                  constrain $ validTurns    b turns p1 p2

                  -- Try to assert that mutex does not hold. If we get a
                  -- counter example, we would've found a violation!
                  constrain $ sNot $ mutex b p1 p2

                  query $ do cs <- checkSat
                             case cs of
                               Unk   -> error "Solver said Unknown!"
                               Unsat -> io . putStrLn $ "All is good!"
                               Sat   -> do io . putStrLn $ "Violation detected!"
                                           do p1V <- getValue p1
                                              p2V <- getValue p2
                                              ts  <- getValue turns

                                              io . putStrLn $ "P1: " ++ show p1V
                                              io . putStrLn $ "P2: " ++ show p2V
                                              io . putStrLn $ "Ts: " ++ show ts

-- | Our algorithm is correct, but it is not fair. It does not guarantee that a process that
-- wants to enter its critical-section will always do so eventually. Demonstrate this by
-- trying to show a bounded trace of length 10, such that the second process is ready but
-- never transitions to critical. We have:
-- > ghci> notFair 10
-- > Fairness is violated at bound: 10
-- > P1: [Idle,Idle,Ready,Critical,Idle,Idle,Ready,Critical,Idle,Idle]
-- > P2: [Idle,Ready,Ready,Ready,Ready,Ready,Ready,Ready,Ready,Ready]
-- > Ts: [1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
-- As expected, P2 gets ready but never goes critical since the arbiter keeps picking
-- P1 unfairly. (You might get a different trace depending on what z3 happens to produce!)
-- Exercise for the reader: Change the 'validTurns' function so that it alternates the turns
-- from the previous value if neither process is in critical. Show that this makes the 'notFair'
-- function below no longer exhibits the issue. Is this sufficient? Concurrent programming is tricky!
notFair :: Int -> IO ()
notFair b = runSMT $ do p1    :: SList State   <- sList "p1"
                        p2    :: SList State   <- sList "p2"
                        turns :: SList Integer <- sList "turns"

                        -- Ensure that both sequences and the turns are valid
                        constrain $ validSequence b 1 turns p1
                        constrain $ validSequence b 2 turns p2
                        constrain $ validTurns    b turns p1 p2

                        -- Ensure that the second process becomes ready in the second cycle:
                        constrain $ p2 .!! 1 .== ready

                        -- Find a trace where p2 never goes critical
                        -- counter example, we would've found a violation!
                        constrain $ sNot $ L.belem b critical p2

                        query $ do cs <- checkSat
                                   case cs of
                                     Unk   -> error "Solver said Unknown!"
                                     Unsat -> error "Solver couldn't find a violating trace!"
                                     Sat   -> do io . putStrLn $ "Fairness is violated at bound: " ++ show b
                                                 do p1V <- getValue p1
                                                    p2V <- getValue p2
                                                    ts  <- getValue turns

                                                    io . putStrLn $ "P1: " ++ show p1V
                                                    io . putStrLn $ "P2: " ++ show p2V
                                                    io . putStrLn $ "Ts: " ++ show ts

{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-}