{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror #-}
module Data.SBV.Utils.SExpr (SExpr(..), parenDeficit, parseSExpr, parseSExprFunction) where
import Data.Bits (setBit, testBit)
import Data.Char (isDigit, ord, isSpace)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Data.Word (Word32, Word64)
import Numeric (readInt, readDec, readHex, fromRat)
import Data.SBV.Core.AlgReals
import Data.SBV.Core.Data (nan, infinity, RoundingMode(..))
import Data.SBV.Utils.Numeric (fpIsEqualObjectH)
import Data.Numbers.CrackNum (wordToFloat, wordToDouble)
data SExpr = ECon String
| ENum (Integer, Maybe Int)
| EReal AlgReal
| EFloat Float
| EDouble Double
| EApp [SExpr]
deriving Show
tokenize :: String -> [String]
tokenize inp = go inp []
where go "" sofar = reverse sofar
go (c:cs) sofar
| isSpace c = go (dropWhile isSpace cs) sofar
go ('(':cs) sofar = go cs ("(" : sofar)
go (')':cs) sofar = go cs (")" : sofar)
go (':':':':cs) sofar = go cs ("::" : sofar)
go (':':cs) sofar = case break (`elem` stopper) cs of
(pre, rest) -> go rest ((':':pre) : sofar)
go ('|':r) sofar = case span (/= '|') r of
(pre, '|':rest) -> go rest (pre : sofar)
(pre, rest) -> go rest (pre : sofar)
go ('"':r) sofar = go rest (finalStr : sofar)
where grabString [] acc = (reverse acc, [])
grabString ('"' :'"':cs) acc = grabString cs ('"' :acc)
grabString ('"':cs) acc = (reverse acc, cs)
grabString (c:cs) acc = grabString cs (c:acc)
(str, rest) = grabString r []
finalStr = '"' : str ++ "\""
go cs sofar = case span (`notElem` stopper) cs of
(pre, post) -> go post (pre : sofar)
stopper = " \t\n():|\""
parenDeficit :: String -> Int
parenDeficit = go 0 . tokenize
where go :: Int -> [String] -> Int
go !balance [] = balance
go !balance ("(" : rest) = go (balance+1) rest
go !balance (")" : rest) = go (balance-1) rest
go !balance (_ : rest) = go balance rest
parseSExpr :: String -> Either String SExpr
parseSExpr inp = do (sexp, extras) <- parse inpToks
if null extras
then case sexp of
EApp [ECon "error", ECon er] -> Left $ "Solver returned an error: " ++ er
_ -> return sexp
else die "Extra tokens after valid input"
where inpToks = tokenize inp
die w = Left $ "SBV.Provers.SExpr: Failed to parse S-Expr: " ++ w
++ "\n*** Input : <" ++ inp ++ ">"
parse [] = die "ran out of tokens"
parse ("(":toks) = do (f, r) <- parseApp toks []
f' <- cvt (EApp f)
return (f', r)
parse (")":_) = die "extra tokens after close paren"
parse [tok] = do t <- pTok tok
return (t, [])
parse _ = die "ill-formed s-expr"
parseApp [] _ = die "failed to grab s-expr application"
parseApp (")":toks) sofar = return (reverse sofar, toks)
parseApp ("(":toks) sofar = do (f, r) <- parse ("(":toks)
parseApp r (f : sofar)
parseApp (tok:toks) sofar = do t <- pTok tok
parseApp toks (t : sofar)
pTok "false" = return $ ENum (0, Nothing)
pTok "true" = return $ ENum (1, Nothing)
pTok ('0':'b':r) = mkNum (Just (length r)) $ readInt 2 (`elem` "01") (\c -> ord c - ord '0') r
pTok ('b':'v':r) | not (null r) && all isDigit r = mkNum Nothing $ readDec (takeWhile (/= '[') r)
pTok ('#':'b':r) = mkNum (Just (length r)) $ readInt 2 (`elem` "01") (\c -> ord c - ord '0') r
pTok ('#':'x':r) = mkNum (Just (4 * length r)) $ readHex r
pTok n
| not (null n) && isDigit (head n)
= if '.' `elem` n then getReal n
else mkNum Nothing $ readDec n
pTok n = return $ ECon (constantMap n)
mkNum l [(n, "")] = return $ ENum (n, l)
mkNum _ _ = die "cannot read number"
getReal n = return $ EReal $ mkPolyReal (Left (exact, n'))
where exact = not ("?" `isPrefixOf` reverse n)
n' | exact = n
| True = init n
cvt (EApp [ECon "to_int", EReal a]) = return $ EReal a
cvt (EApp [ECon "to_real", EReal a]) = return $ EReal a
cvt (EApp [ECon "/", EReal a, EReal b]) = return $ EReal (a / b)
cvt (EApp [ECon "/", EReal a, ENum b]) = return $ EReal (a / fromInteger (fst b))
cvt (EApp [ECon "/", ENum a, EReal b]) = return $ EReal (fromInteger (fst a) / b )
cvt (EApp [ECon "/", ENum a, ENum b]) = return $ EReal (fromInteger (fst a) / fromInteger (fst b))
cvt (EApp [ECon "-", EReal a]) = return $ EReal (-a)
cvt (EApp [ECon "-", ENum a]) = return $ ENum (-(fst a), snd a)
cvt (EApp [ECon "_", ENum a, ENum _b]) = return $ ENum a
cvt (EApp [ECon "root-obj", EApp (ECon "+":trms), ENum k]) = do ts <- mapM getCoeff trms
return $ EReal $ mkPolyReal (Right (fst k, ts))
cvt (EApp [ECon "as", n, EApp [ECon "_", ECon "FloatingPoint", ENum (11, _), ENum (53, _)]]) = getDouble n
cvt (EApp [ECon "as", n, EApp [ECon "_", ECon "FloatingPoint", ENum ( 8, _), ENum (24, _)]]) = getFloat n
cvt (EApp [ECon "as", n, ECon "Float64"]) = getDouble n
cvt (EApp [ECon "as", n, ECon "Float32"]) = getFloat n
cvt x@(EApp [ECon "witness", EApp [EApp [ECon v, ECon "Real"]]
, EApp [ECon "or", EApp [ECon "=", ECon v', val], _]]) | v == v' = do
approx <- cvt val
case approx of
ENum (s, _) -> return $ EReal $ mkPolyReal (Left (False, show s))
EReal aval -> case aval of
AlgRational _ r -> return $ EReal $ AlgRational False r
_ -> return $ EReal aval
_ -> die $ "Cannot parse a CVC4 approximate value from: " ++ show x
cvt (EApp [ECon "fp", ENum (s, Just 1), ENum ( e, Just 8), ENum (m, Just 23)]) = return $ EFloat $ getTripleFloat s e m
cvt (EApp [ECon "fp", ENum (s, Just 1), ENum ( e, Just 11), ENum (m, Just 52)]) = return $ EDouble $ getTripleDouble s e m
cvt (EApp [ECon "_", ECon "NaN", ENum ( 8, _), ENum (24, _)]) = return $ EFloat nan
cvt (EApp [ECon "_", ECon "NaN", ENum (11, _), ENum (53, _)]) = return $ EDouble nan
cvt (EApp [ECon "_", ECon "+oo", ENum ( 8, _), ENum (24, _)]) = return $ EFloat infinity
cvt (EApp [ECon "_", ECon "+oo", ENum (11, _), ENum (53, _)]) = return $ EDouble infinity
cvt (EApp [ECon "_", ECon "-oo", ENum ( 8, _), ENum (24, _)]) = return $ EFloat (-infinity)
cvt (EApp [ECon "_", ECon "-oo", ENum (11, _), ENum (53, _)]) = return $ EDouble (-infinity)
cvt (EApp [ECon "_", ECon "+zero", ENum ( 8, _), ENum (24, _)]) = return $ EFloat 0
cvt (EApp [ECon "_", ECon "+zero", ENum (11, _), ENum (53, _)]) = return $ EDouble 0
cvt (EApp [ECon "_", ECon "-zero", ENum ( 8, _), ENum (24, _)]) = return $ EFloat (-0)
cvt (EApp [ECon "_", ECon "-zero", ENum (11, _), ENum (53, _)]) = return $ EDouble (-0)
cvt x = return x
getCoeff (EApp [ECon "*", ENum k, EApp [ECon "^", ECon "x", ENum p]]) = return (fst k, fst p)
getCoeff (EApp [ECon "*", ENum k, ECon "x" ] ) = return (fst k, 1)
getCoeff ( EApp [ECon "^", ECon "x", ENum p] ) = return ( 1, fst p)
getCoeff ( ECon "x" ) = return ( 1, 1)
getCoeff ( ENum k ) = return (fst k, 0)
getCoeff x = die $ "Cannot parse a root-obj,\nProcessing term: " ++ show x
getDouble (ECon s) = case (s, rdFP (dropWhile (== '+') s)) of
("plusInfinity", _ ) -> return $ EDouble infinity
("minusInfinity", _ ) -> return $ EDouble (-infinity)
("oo", _ ) -> return $ EDouble infinity
("-oo", _ ) -> return $ EDouble (-infinity)
("zero", _ ) -> return $ EDouble 0
("-zero", _ ) -> return $ EDouble (-0)
("NaN", _ ) -> return $ EDouble nan
(_, Just v) -> return $ EDouble v
_ -> die $ "Cannot parse a double value from: " ++ s
getDouble (EApp [_, s, _, _]) = getDouble s
getDouble (EReal r) = return $ EDouble $ fromRat $ toRational r
getDouble x = die $ "Cannot parse a double value from: " ++ show x
getFloat (ECon s) = case (s, rdFP (dropWhile (== '+') s)) of
("plusInfinity", _ ) -> return $ EFloat infinity
("minusInfinity", _ ) -> return $ EFloat (-infinity)
("oo", _ ) -> return $ EFloat infinity
("-oo", _ ) -> return $ EFloat (-infinity)
("zero", _ ) -> return $ EFloat 0
("-zero", _ ) -> return $ EFloat (-0)
("NaN", _ ) -> return $ EFloat nan
(_, Just v) -> return $ EFloat v
_ -> die $ "Cannot parse a float value from: " ++ s
getFloat (EReal r) = return $ EFloat $ fromRat $ toRational r
getFloat (EApp [_, s, _, _]) = getFloat s
getFloat x = die $ "Cannot parse a float value from: " ++ show x
rdFP :: (Read a, RealFloat a) => String -> Maybe a
rdFP s = case break (`elem` "pe") s of
(m, 'p':e) -> rd m >>= \m' -> rd e >>= \e' -> return $ m' * ( 2 ** e')
(m, 'e':e) -> rd m >>= \m' -> rd e >>= \e' -> return $ m' * (10 ** e')
(m, "") -> rd m
_ -> Nothing
where rd v = case reads v of
[(n, "")] -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
getTripleFloat :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Float
getTripleFloat s e m = wordToFloat w32
where sign = [s == 1]
expt = [e `testBit` i | i <- [ 7, 6 .. 0]]
mantissa = [m `testBit` i | i <- [22, 21 .. 0]]
positions = [i | (i, b) <- zip [31, 30 .. 0] (sign ++ expt ++ mantissa), b]
w32 = foldr (flip setBit) (0::Word32) positions
getTripleDouble :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Double
getTripleDouble s e m = wordToDouble w64
where sign = [s == 1]
expt = [e `testBit` i | i <- [10, 9 .. 0]]
mantissa = [m `testBit` i | i <- [51, 50 .. 0]]
positions = [i | (i, b) <- zip [63, 62 .. 0] (sign ++ expt ++ mantissa), b]
w64 = foldr (flip setBit) (0::Word64) positions
constantMap :: String -> String
constantMap n = fromMaybe n (listToMaybe [to | (from, to) <- special, n `elem` from])
where special = [ (["RNE", "roundNearestTiesToEven"], show RoundNearestTiesToEven)
, (["RNA", "roundNearestTiesToAway"], show RoundNearestTiesToAway)
, (["RTP", "roundTowardPositive"], show RoundTowardPositive)
, (["RTN", "roundTowardNegative"], show RoundTowardNegative)
, (["RTZ", "roundTowardZero"], show RoundTowardZero)
parseSExprFunction :: SExpr -> Maybe (Either String ([([SExpr], SExpr)], SExpr))
parseSExprFunction e
| Just r <- parseLambdaExpression e = Just (Right r)
| Just r <- parseStoreAssociations e = Just r
| True = Nothing
parseLambdaExpression :: SExpr -> Maybe ([([SExpr], SExpr)], SExpr)
parseLambdaExpression funExpr = case funExpr of
EApp [ECon "lambda", EApp params, body] -> mapM getParam params >>= flip lambda body >>= chainAssigns
_ -> Nothing
where getParam (EApp [ECon v, _]) = Just v
getParam _ = Nothing
lambda :: [String] -> SExpr -> Maybe [Either ([SExpr], SExpr) SExpr]
lambda params body = reverse <$> go [] body
where true = ENum (1, Nothing)
false = ENum (0, Nothing)
go :: [Either ([SExpr], SExpr) SExpr] -> SExpr -> Maybe [Either ([SExpr], SExpr) SExpr]
go sofar (EApp [ECon "ite", selector, thenBranch, elseBranch])
= do s <- select selector
tB <- go [] thenBranch
case cond s tB of
Just sv -> go (Left sv : sofar) elseBranch
_ -> Nothing
go sofar inner@(EApp [ECon "=", _, _])
= go sofar (EApp [ECon "ite", inner, true, false])
go sofar (EApp [ECon "not", inner])
= go sofar (EApp [ECon "ite", inner, false, true])
go sofar (EApp (ECon "or" : elts))
= let xform [] = false
xform [x] = x
xform (x:xs) = EApp [ECon "ite", x, true, xform xs]
in go sofar $ xform elts
go sofar (EApp (ECon "and" : elts))
= let xform [] = true
xform [x] = x
xform (x:xs) = EApp [ECon "ite", x, xform xs, false]
in go sofar $ xform elts
go sofar e
| Just s <- select e
= go (Left (s, true) : sofar) false
go sofar e = Just $ Right e : sofar
cond :: [SExpr] -> [Either ([SExpr], SExpr) SExpr] -> Maybe ([SExpr], SExpr)
cond s [Right v] = Just (s, v)
cond _ _ = Nothing
select :: SExpr -> Maybe [SExpr]
select e
| Just dict <- build e [] = mapM (`lookup` dict) params
| True = Nothing
build :: SExpr -> [(String, SExpr)] -> Maybe [(String, SExpr)]
build (EApp (ECon "and" : rest)) sofar = let next _ Nothing = Nothing
next c (Just x) = build c x
in foldr next (Just sofar) rest
build expr sofar | Just (v, r) <- grok expr, v `elem` params = Just $ (v, r) : sofar
| True = Nothing
grok (EApp [ECon "=", ECon v, r]) = Just (v, r)
grok (EApp [ECon "=", r, ECon v]) = Just (v, r)
grok (EApp [ECon "not", ECon v]) = Just (v, false)
grok (ECon v) = Just (v, true)
grok _ = Nothing
parseStoreAssociations :: SExpr -> Maybe (Either String ([([SExpr], SExpr)], SExpr))
parseStoreAssociations (EApp [ECon "_", ECon "as-array", ECon nm]) = Just $ Left nm
parseStoreAssociations e = Right <$> (chainAssigns =<< vals e)
where vals :: SExpr -> Maybe [Either ([SExpr], SExpr) SExpr]
vals (EApp [EApp [ECon "as", ECon "const", ECon "Array"], defVal]) = return [Right defVal]
vals (EApp [EApp [ECon "as", ECon "const", EApp (ECon "Array" : _)], defVal]) = return [Right defVal]
vals (EApp (ECon "store" : prev : argsVal)) | length argsVal >= 2 = do rest <- vals prev
return $ Left (init argsVal, last argsVal) : rest
vals _ = Nothing
chainAssigns :: [Either ([SExpr], SExpr) SExpr] -> Maybe ([([SExpr], SExpr)], SExpr)
chainAssigns chain = regroup $ partitionEithers chain
where regroup (vs, [d]) = Just (checkDup vs, d)
regroup _ = Nothing
checkDup :: [([SExpr], SExpr)] -> [([SExpr], SExpr)]
checkDup [] = []
checkDup (a@(key, _):as) = a : checkDup [r | r@(key', _) <- as, not (key `sameKey` key')]
sameKey :: [SExpr] -> [SExpr] -> Bool
sameKey as bs
| length as == length bs = and $ zipWith same as bs
| True = error $ "Data.SBV: Differing length of key received in chainAssigns: " ++ show (as, bs)
same :: SExpr -> SExpr -> Bool
same x y = case (x, y) of
(ECon a, ECon b) -> a == b
(ENum (i, _), ENum (j, _)) -> i == j
(EReal a, EReal b) -> algRealStructuralEqual a b
(EFloat f1, EFloat f2) -> fpIsEqualObjectH f1 f2
(EDouble d1, EDouble d2) -> fpIsEqualObjectH d1 d2
(EApp as, EApp bs) -> length as == length bs && and (zipWith same as bs)
(e1, e2) -> if eRank e1 == eRank e2
then error $ "Data.SBV: You've found a bug in SBV! Please report: SExpr(same): " ++ show (e1, e2)
else False
eRank :: SExpr -> Int
eRank ECon{} = 0
eRank ENum{} = 1
eRank EReal{} = 2
eRank EFloat{} = 3
eRank EDouble{} = 4
eRank EApp{} = 5
{-# ANN chainAssigns ("HLint: ignore Redundant if" :: String) #-}