Copyright | (c) Levent Erkok |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
A collection of set utilities, useful when working with symbolic sets. To the extent possible, the functions in this module follow those of Data.Set so importing qualified is the recommended workflow.
Note that unlike Data.Set, SBV sets can be infinite, represented as a complement of some finite set. This means that a symbolic set is either finite, or its complement is finite. (If the underlying domain is finite, then obviously both the set itself and its complement will always be finite.) Therefore, there are some differences in the API from Haskell sets. For instance, you can take the complement of any set, which is something you cannot do in Haskell! Conversely, you cannot compute the size of a symbolic set (as it can be infinite!), nor you can turn it into a list or necessarily enumerate its elements.
A note on cardinality: You can indirectly talk about cardinality: hasSize
can be used to state that the set is finite and has size k
for a user-specified symbolic
integer k
- empty :: forall a. HasKind a => SSet a
- full :: forall a. HasKind a => SSet a
- universal :: forall a. HasKind a => SSet a
- singleton :: forall a. (Ord a, SymVal a) => SBV a -> SSet a
- fromList :: forall a. (Ord a, SymVal a) => [a] -> SSet a
- complement :: forall a. (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SSet a
- insert :: forall a. (Ord a, SymVal a) => SBV a -> SSet a -> SSet a
- delete :: forall a. (Ord a, SymVal a) => SBV a -> SSet a -> SSet a
- member :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SBV a -> SSet a -> SBool
- notMember :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SBV a -> SSet a -> SBool
- null :: HasKind a => SSet a -> SBool
- isEmpty :: HasKind a => SSet a -> SBool
- isFull :: HasKind a => SSet a -> SBool
- isUniversal :: HasKind a => SSet a -> SBool
- hasSize :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SInteger -> SBool
- isSubsetOf :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SSet a -> SBool
- isProperSubsetOf :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SSet a -> SBool
- disjoint :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SSet a -> SBool
- union :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SSet a -> SSet a
- unions :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => [SSet a] -> SSet a
- intersection :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SSet a -> SSet a
- intersections :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => [SSet a] -> SSet a
- difference :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SSet a -> SSet a
- (\\) :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SSet a -> SSet a
Constructing sets
full :: forall a. HasKind a => SSet a Source #
Full set.
full :: SSet Integer
U :: {SInteger}
Note that the universal set over a type is represented by the letter U
singleton :: forall a. (Ord a, SymVal a) => SBV a -> SSet a Source #
Singleton list.
singleton 2 :: SSet Integer
{2} :: {SInteger}
fromList :: forall a. (Ord a, SymVal a) => [a] -> SSet a Source #
Conversion from a list.
fromList ([] :: [Integer])
{} :: {SInteger}>>>
fromList [1,2,3]
{1,2,3} :: {SInteger}>>>
fromList [5,5,5,12,12,3]
{3,5,12} :: {SInteger}
complement :: forall a. (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SSet a Source #
empty .== complement (full :: SSet Integer)
Complementing twice gets us back the original set:
prove $ \(s :: SSet Integer) -> complement (complement s) .== s
Equality of sets
We can compare sets for equality:
empty .== (empty :: SSet Integer)
full .== (full :: SSet Integer)
full ./= (full :: SSet Integer)
sat $ \(x::SSet (Maybe Integer)) y z -> distinct [x, y, z]
Satisfiable. Model: s0 = U :: {Maybe Integer} s1 = U - {Just 3} :: {Maybe Integer} s2 = {} :: {Maybe Integer}
However, if we compare two sets that are constructed as regular or in the complement form, we have to use a proof to establish equality:
prove $ full .== (empty :: SSet Integer)
The reason for this is that there is no way in Haskell to compare an infinite set to any other set, as infinite sets are not representable at all! So, we have to delay the judgment to the SMT solver. If you try to constant fold, you will get:
full .== (empty :: SSet Integer)
<symbolic> :: SBool
indicating that the result is a symbolic value that needs a decision procedure to be determined!
Insertion and deletion
insert :: forall a. (Ord a, SymVal a) => SBV a -> SSet a -> SSet a Source #
Insert an element into a set.
Insertion is order independent:
prove $ \x y (s :: SSet Integer) -> x `insert` (y `insert` s) .== y `insert` (x `insert` s)
Deletion after insertion is not necessarily identity:
prove $ \x (s :: SSet Integer) -> x `delete` (x `insert` s) .== s
Falsifiable. Counter-example: s0 = 2 :: Integer s1 = {2} :: {Integer}
But the above is true if the element isn't in the set to start with:
prove $ \x (s :: SSet Integer) -> x `notMember` s .=> x `delete` (x `insert` s) .== s
Insertion into a full set does nothing:
prove $ \x -> insert x full .== (full :: SSet Integer)
delete :: forall a. (Ord a, SymVal a) => SBV a -> SSet a -> SSet a Source #
Delete an element from a set.
Deletion is order independent:
prove $ \x y (s :: SSet Integer) -> x `delete` (y `delete` s) .== y `delete` (x `delete` s)
Insertion after deletion is not necessarily identity:
prove $ \x (s :: SSet Integer) -> x `insert` (x `delete` s) .== s
Falsifiable. Counter-example: s0 = 2 :: Integer s1 = {} :: {Integer}
But the above is true if the element is in the set to start with:
prove $ \x (s :: SSet Integer) -> x `member` s .=> x `insert` (x `delete` s) .== s
Deletion from an empty set does nothing:
prove $ \x -> delete x empty .== (empty :: SSet Integer)
member :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SBV a -> SSet a -> SBool Source #
Test for membership.
prove $ \x -> x `member` singleton (x :: SInteger)
prove $ \x (s :: SSet Integer) -> x `member` (x `insert` s)
prove $ \x -> x `member` (full :: SSet Integer)
notMember :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SBV a -> SSet a -> SBool Source #
Test for non-membership.
prove $ \x -> x `notMember` observe "set" (singleton (x :: SInteger))
Falsifiable. Counter-example: set = {0} :: {Integer} s0 = 0 :: Integer
prove $ \x (s :: SSet Integer) -> x `notMember` (x `delete` s)
prove $ \x -> x `notMember` (empty :: SSet Integer)
null :: HasKind a => SSet a -> SBool Source #
Is this the empty set?
null (empty :: SSet Integer)
prove $ \x -> null (x `delete` singleton (x :: SInteger))
prove $ null (full :: SSet Integer)
Note how we have to call prove
in the last case since dealing
with infinite sets requires a call to the solver and cannot be
constant folded.
isFull :: HasKind a => SSet a -> SBool Source #
Is this the full set?
prove $ isFull (empty :: SSet Integer)
prove $ \x -> isFull (observe "set" (x `delete` (full :: SSet Integer)))
Falsifiable. Counter-example: set = U - {2} :: {Integer} s0 = 2 :: Integer
isFull (full :: SSet Integer)
Note how we have to call prove
in the first case since dealing
with infinite sets requires a call to the solver and cannot be
constant folded.
hasSize :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SInteger -> SBool Source #
Does the set have the given size? It implicitly asserts that the set it is operating on is finite. NB. Only z3 supported this call, and as discussed in, recent versions of z3 doesn't support size calls either. So, you can only use this if you have a sufficiently old version of z3.
prove $ \i -> hasSize (empty :: SSet Integer) i .== (i .== 0)
sat $ \i -> hasSize (full :: SSet Integer) i
The following tests are commented out since z3 no longer supports size:
>>> prove $ \a b i j k -> hasSize (a :: SSet Integer) i .&& hasSize (b :: SSet Integer) j .&& hasSize (a `union` b) k .=> k .>= i `smax` j Q.E.D.
>>> prove $ \a b i j k -> hasSize (a :: SSet Integer) i .&& hasSize (b :: SSet Integer) j .&& hasSize (a `intersection` b) k .=> k .<= i `smin` j Q.E.D.
>>> prove $ \a k -> hasSize (a :: SSet Integer) k .=> k .>= 0 Q.E.D.
isSubsetOf :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SSet a -> SBool Source #
Subset test.
prove $ empty `isSubsetOf` (full :: SSet Integer)
prove $ \x (s :: SSet Integer) -> s `isSubsetOf` (x `insert` s)
prove $ \x (s :: SSet Integer) -> (x `delete` s) `isSubsetOf` s
isProperSubsetOf :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SSet a -> SBool Source #
Proper subset test.
prove $ empty `isProperSubsetOf` (full :: SSet Integer)
prove $ \x (s :: SSet Integer) -> s `isProperSubsetOf` (x `insert` s)
Falsifiable. Counter-example: s0 = 2 :: Integer s1 = U :: {Integer}
prove $ \x (s :: SSet Integer) -> x `notMember` s .=> s `isProperSubsetOf` (x `insert` s)
prove $ \x (s :: SSet Integer) -> (x `delete` s) `isProperSubsetOf` s
Falsifiable. Counter-example: s0 = 2 :: Integer s1 = U - {2,3} :: {Integer}
prove $ \x (s :: SSet Integer) -> x `member` s .=> (x `delete` s) `isProperSubsetOf` s
disjoint :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SSet a -> SBool Source #
Disjoint test.
disjoint (fromList [2,4,6]) (fromList [1,3])
disjoint (fromList [2,4,6,8]) (fromList [2,3,5,7])
disjoint (fromList [1,2]) (fromList [1,2,3,4])
prove $ \(s :: SSet Integer) -> s `disjoint` complement s
allSat $ \(s :: SSet Integer) -> s `disjoint` s
Solution #1: s0 = {} :: {Integer} This is the only solution.
The last example is particularly interesting: The empty set is the
only set where disjoint
is not reflexive!
Note that disjointness of a set from its complement is guaranteed by the fact that all types are inhabited; an implicit assumption we have in classic logic which is also enjoyed by Haskell due to the presence of bottom!
union :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SSet a -> SSet a Source #
union (fromList [1..10]) (fromList [5..15]) .== (fromList [1..15] :: SSet Integer)
prove $ \(a :: SSet Integer) b -> a `union` b .== b `union` a
prove $ \(a :: SSet Integer) b c -> a `union` (b `union` c) .== (a `union` b) `union` c
prove $ \(a :: SSet Integer) -> a `union` full .== full
prove $ \(a :: SSet Integer) -> a `union` empty .== a
prove $ \(a :: SSet Integer) -> a `union` complement a .== full
intersection :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SSet a -> SSet a Source #
intersection (fromList [1..10]) (fromList [5..15]) .== (fromList [5..10] :: SSet Integer)
prove $ \(a :: SSet Integer) b -> a `intersection` b .== b `intersection` a
prove $ \(a :: SSet Integer) b c -> a `intersection` (b `intersection` c) .== (a `intersection` b) `intersection` c
prove $ \(a :: SSet Integer) -> a `intersection` full .== a
prove $ \(a :: SSet Integer) -> a `intersection` empty .== empty
prove $ \(a :: SSet Integer) -> a `intersection` complement a .== empty
prove $ \(a :: SSet Integer) b -> a `disjoint` b .=> a `intersection` b .== empty
intersections :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => [SSet a] -> SSet a Source #
Intersections. Equivalent to
. Note that
Haskell's foldr
does not support this operation as it does not have a
way of representing universal sets.
prove $ intersections [] .== (full :: SSet Integer)
difference :: (Ord a, SymVal a) => SSet a -> SSet a -> SSet a Source #
prove $ \(a :: SSet Integer) -> empty `difference` a .== empty
prove $ \(a :: SSet Integer) -> a `difference` empty .== a
prove $ \(a :: SSet Integer) -> full `difference` a .== complement a
prove $ \(a :: SSet Integer) -> a `difference` a .== empty