{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
module Schemas.Internal where
import Control.Alternative.Free
import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens hiding (Empty, allOf, enum, (<.>))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.Aeson (Value)
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import Data.Biapplicative
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Either
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Data.Tuple
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Void
import GHC.Exts (IsList (..))
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Schemas.Untyped
import Unsafe.Coerce
data TypedSchemaFlex from a where
TNamed ::SchemaName -> TypedSchemaFlex from' a' -> (a' -> a) -> (from -> from') -> TypedSchemaFlex from a
TEnum ::(NonEmpty (Text, a)) -> (from -> Text) -> TypedSchemaFlex from a
TArray ::TypedSchemaFlex b b -> (Vector b -> a) -> (from -> Vector b) -> TypedSchemaFlex from a
TMap ::TypedSchemaFlex b b -> (HashMap Text b -> a) -> (from -> HashMap Text b) -> TypedSchemaFlex from a
TAllOf ::NonEmpty (TypedSchemaFlex from a) -> TypedSchemaFlex from a
TOneOf ::NonEmpty (TypedSchemaFlex from a) -> TypedSchemaFlex from a
TEmpty ::a -> TypedSchemaFlex from a
TPrim ::Text -> (Value -> A.Result a) -> (from -> Value) -> TypedSchemaFlex from a
TTry ::Text -> TypedSchemaFlex a b -> (a' -> Maybe a) -> TypedSchemaFlex a' b
RecordSchema ::RecordFields from a -> TypedSchemaFlex from a
instance Show (TypedSchemaFlex from a) where
show = show . NE.head . extractSchema
type TypedSchema a = TypedSchemaFlex a a
named :: SchemaName -> TypedSchemaFlex from' a -> TypedSchemaFlex from' a
named n sc = TNamed n sc id id
enum :: Eq a => (a -> Text) -> (NonEmpty a) -> TypedSchema a
enum showF opts = TEnum
(fromMaybe (error "invalid alt") . flip lookup altMap)
altMap = fmap swap $ alts
alts = opts <&> \x -> (showF x, x)
stringMap :: TypedSchema a -> TypedSchema (HashMap Text a)
stringMap sc = TMap sc id id
list :: IsList l => TypedSchema (Item l) -> TypedSchema l
list schema = TArray schema (fromList . V.toList) (V.fromList . toList)
vector :: TypedSchema a -> TypedSchema (Vector a)
vector sc = TArray sc id id
viaJSON :: (A.FromJSON a, A.ToJSON a) => Text -> TypedSchema a
viaJSON n = TPrim n A.fromJSON A.toJSON
viaIso :: Iso' a b -> TypedSchema a -> TypedSchema b
viaIso iso sc = withIso iso $ \from to -> dimap to from sc
string :: TypedSchema String
string = viaJSON "String"
readShow :: (Read a, Show a) => TypedSchema a
readShow = dimap show read string
oneOf :: NonEmpty (TypedSchemaFlex from a) -> TypedSchemaFlex from a
oneOf [x] = x
oneOf x = TOneOf $ sconcat $ fmap f x where
f (TOneOf xx) = xx
f (x ) = [x]
instance Functor (TypedSchemaFlex from) where
fmap = rmap
instance Profunctor (TypedSchemaFlex) where
dimap g f (TNamed n sc tof fromf) = TNamed n sc (f . tof) (fromf . g)
dimap _ f (TEmpty a ) = TEmpty (f a)
dimap g f (TTry n sc try ) = TTry n (rmap f sc) (try . g)
dimap g f (TAllOf scc ) = TAllOf (dimap g f <$> scc)
dimap g f (TOneOf scc ) = TOneOf (dimap g f <$> scc)
dimap g f (TEnum opts fromf ) = TEnum (second f <$> opts) (fromf . g)
dimap g f (TArray sc tof fromf ) = TArray sc (f . tof) (fromf . g)
dimap g f (TMap sc tof fromf ) = TMap sc (f . tof) (fromf . g)
dimap g f (TPrim n tof fromf ) = TPrim n (fmap f . tof) (fromf . g)
dimap g f (RecordSchema sc ) = RecordSchema (dimap g f sc)
instance Monoid a => Monoid (TypedSchemaFlex f a) where
mempty = TEmpty mempty
instance Semigroup (TypedSchemaFlex f a) where
TEmpty a <> TEmpty _ = TEmpty a
TEmpty{} <> x = x
x <> TEmpty{} = x
TAllOf aa <> b = allOf (aa <> [b])
a <> TAllOf bb = allOf ([a] <> bb)
a <> b = allOf [a, b]
sconcat = allOf
allOf :: NonEmpty (TypedSchemaFlex from a) -> TypedSchemaFlex from a
allOf [x] = x
allOf x = TAllOf $ sconcat $ fmap f x where
f (TAllOf xx) = xx
f x = [x]
data RecordField from a where
RequiredAp ::{ fieldName :: Text
, fieldTypedSchema :: TypedSchemaFlex from a
} -> RecordField from a
OptionalAp ::{ fieldName :: Text
, fieldTypedSchema :: TypedSchemaFlex from a
, fieldDefValue :: a
} -> RecordField from a
fieldNameL :: Lens' (RecordField from a) Text
fieldNameL f (RequiredAp n sc) = (`RequiredAp` sc) <$> f n
fieldNameL f OptionalAp {..} =
(\fieldName -> OptionalAp { .. }) <$> f fieldName
instance Profunctor RecordField where
dimap f g (RequiredAp name sc ) = RequiredAp name (dimap f g sc)
dimap f g (OptionalAp name sc def) = OptionalAp name (dimap f g sc) (g def)
newtype RecordFields from a = RecordFields {getRecordFields :: Alt (RecordField from) a}
deriving newtype (Alternative, Applicative, Functor, Monoid, Semigroup)
instance Profunctor RecordFields where
dimap f g = RecordFields . hoistAlt (lmap f) . fmap g . getRecordFields
overFieldNames :: (Text -> Text) -> RecordFields from a -> RecordFields from a
overFieldNames f =
RecordFields . hoistAlt ((over fieldNameL f)) . getRecordFields
record :: RecordFields from a -> TypedSchemaFlex from a
record = RecordSchema
fieldWith :: TypedSchema a -> Text -> (from -> a) -> RecordFields from a
fieldWith schema n get = fieldWith' (lmap get schema) n
fieldWith' :: TypedSchemaFlex from a -> Text -> RecordFields from a
fieldWith' (schema) n = RecordFields $ liftAlt (RequiredAp n schema)
liftPrism :: Text -> Prism s t a b -> TypedSchemaFlex a b -> TypedSchemaFlex s t
liftPrism n p sc =
withPrism p $ \t f -> rmap t (TTry n sc (either (const Nothing) Just . f))
liftJust :: TypedSchemaFlex a b -> TypedSchemaFlex (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
liftJust = liftPrism "Just" _Just
liftRight :: TypedSchemaFlex a b -> TypedSchemaFlex (Either c a) (Either c b)
liftRight = liftPrism "Right" _Right
:: forall a from
. TypedSchemaFlex from (Maybe a)
-> Text
-> RecordFields from (Maybe a)
optFieldWith schema n = RecordFields $ liftAlt (OptionalAp n schema Nothing)
:: forall a from . TypedSchemaFlex from a -> Text -> a -> RecordFields from a
optFieldGeneral schema n def = RecordFields $ liftAlt (OptionalAp n schema def)
:: TypedSchemaFlex from (Either e a)
-> Text
-> e
-> RecordFields from (Either e a)
optFieldEitherWith schema n e = optFieldGeneral schema n (Left e)
:: Alternative f
=> (forall a . RecordField from a -> f b)
-> RecordFields from a
-> f [b]
extractFieldsHelper f = runAlt_ (\x -> (: []) <$> f x) . getRecordFields
union :: (NonEmpty (Text, TypedSchema a)) -> TypedSchema a
union args = oneOf (mk <$> args)
where mk (name, sc) = RecordSchema $ fieldWith' sc name
data UnionTag from where
UnionTag ::Text -> Prism' from b -> TypedSchema b -> UnionTag from
altWith :: TypedSchema a -> Text -> Prism' from a -> UnionTag from
altWith sc n p = UnionTag n p sc
union' :: (NonEmpty (UnionTag from)) -> TypedSchema from
union' args = union $ args <&> \(UnionTag c p sc) -> (c, liftPrism c p sc)
extractSchema :: TypedSchemaFlex from a -> NonEmpty Schema
extractSchema (TNamed n sc _ _) = Named n <$> extractSchema sc
extractSchema (TPrim n _ _ ) = pure $ Prim n
extractSchema (TTry _ sc _ ) = extractSchema sc
extractSchema (TOneOf scc ) = pure $ OneOf $ extractSchema =<< scc
extractSchema (TAllOf scc ) = extractSchema =<< scc
extractSchema (TEmpty{} ) = pure $ Empty
extractSchema (TEnum opts _ ) = pure $ Enum (fst <$> opts)
extractSchema (TArray sc _ _ ) = Array <$> extractSchema sc
extractSchema (TMap sc _ _ ) = StringMap <$> extractSchema sc
extractSchema (RecordSchema rs) =
fromList $ foldMap (\x -> pure (Record (fromList x))) (extractFields rs)
extractFields :: RecordFields from to -> [[(Text, Field)]]
extractFields =
runAlt_ (\x -> (: []) <$> NE.toList (extractField x)) . getRecordFields where
extractField :: RecordField from to -> NonEmpty (Text, Field)
extractField (RequiredAp n sc) =
(\s -> (n, (`Field` True) s)) <$> extractSchema sc
extractField (OptionalAp n sc _) =
(\s -> (n, (`Field` False) s)) <$> extractSchema sc
extractValidators :: TypedSchemaFlex from a -> Validators
extractValidators = go where
go :: TypedSchemaFlex from a -> Validators
go (TPrim n parse _) =
[ ( n
, (\x -> case parse x of
A.Success _ -> Nothing
A.Error e -> Just (pack e)
go (TOneOf scc ) = foldMap go scc
go (TAllOf scc ) = foldMap go scc
go (TArray sc _ _) = go sc
go (TMap sc _ _) = go sc
go (TTry _ sc _) = go sc
go (RecordSchema rs) =
mconcat $ mconcat (extractFieldsHelper (pure . go . fieldTypedSchema) rs)
go _ = []
type E = [(Trace, Mismatch)]
encodeWith :: TypedSchemaFlex from a -> from -> Value
encodeWith sc = fromRight (error "Internal error")
$ encodeToWith sc (NE.head $ extractSchema sc)
encodeToWith :: TypedSchemaFlex from a -> Schema -> Either E (from -> Value)
encodeToWith sc target =
(\m -> either (throw . AllAlternativesFailed) id . runExcept . m)
<$> runExcept (go [] [] sc (target))
failWith ctx m = throwE [(reverse ctx, m)]
:: forall from a
. [(SchemaName, Except E (Void -> Except E Value))]
-> Trace
-> TypedSchemaFlex from a
-> Schema
-> Except E (from -> Except E Value)
go env ctx (TNamed n sct _ fromf) (Named n' sc) | n == n' =
case lookup n env of
Just res -> do
return $ unsafeDelay $ lmap (unsafeCoerce . fromf) <$> res
Nothing ->
let res = go ((n, resDyn) : env) ctx sct sc
resDyn = lmap unsafeCoerce <$> res
in lmap fromf <$> res
go _ _tx TEmpty{} Array{} = pure $ pure . const (A.Array [])
go _ _tx TEmpty{} Record{} = pure $ pure . const (A.Object [])
go _ _tx TEmpty{} StringMap{} = pure $ pure . const (A.Object [])
go _ _tx TEmpty{} OneOf{} = pure $ pure . const emptyValue
go _ ctx (TPrim n _ fromf) (Prim n')
| n == n' = pure $ pure . fromf
| otherwise = failWith ctx (PrimMismatch n n')
go i ctx (TArray sc _ fromf) (Array t) = do
f <- go i ("[]" : ctx) sc t
return $ A.Array <.> traverse f . fromf
go i ctx (TMap sc _ fromf) (StringMap t) = do
f <- go i ("Map" : ctx) sc t
return $ A.Object <.> traverse f . fromf
go _ ctx (TEnum opts fromf) (Enum optsTarget) = do
case NE.nonEmpty $ NE.filter (`notElem` optsTarget) (fst <$> opts) of
Nothing -> pure $ pure . A.String . fromf
Just xx -> failWith ctx $ MissingEnumChoices xx
go n ctx (TAllOf scc) t = asum $ imap (\i sc -> go n (tag i : ctx) sc t) scc
go n ctx (TOneOf scc) t = do
alts <- itraverse (\i sc -> go n (tag i : ctx) sc t) scc
return $ \x -> asum $ fmap ($ x) alts
go i ctx sc (OneOf tt) = asum $ fmap (go i ctx sc) tt
go i ctx (TTry n sc try) t = do
f <- go i (n : ctx) sc t
return $ \x -> f =<< maybe (failWith ctx (TryFailed n)) pure (try x)
go i ctx (RecordSchema rec) (Record target) = do
let alternatives = runAlt_ extractField (getRecordFields rec)
let targetFields = Set.fromList (Map.keys target)
let complete =
filter ((targetFields ==) . Set.fromList . fmap fst) alternatives
case complete of
[] -> failWith ctx NoMatches
alts -> pure $ \x -> asum $ fmap
(\alt ->
. fromList
. (mapMaybe (sequenceOf _2))
<$> traverse (\(fn, f) -> (fn, ) <$> f x) alt
:: forall from a
. RecordField from a
-> [[(Text, from -> Except E (Maybe Value))]]
extractField RequiredAp {..} = case Map.lookup fieldName target of
Nothing -> return []
Just targetField -> do
runExcept $ go i
(fieldName : ctx)
(fieldSchema targetField)
Left _ -> empty
Right f -> do
let decoder x = Just <$> f x `catchE` \mm ->
failWith ctx (InvalidRecordField fieldName mm)
return [(fieldName, decoder)]
extractField OptionalAp {..} = case Map.lookup fieldName target of
Nothing -> return []
Just targetField -> do
guard $ not (isRequired targetField)
runExcept $ go i
(fieldName : ctx)
(fieldSchema targetField)
Left _ -> empty
Right f -> do
let decoder x = (Just <$> f x) `catchE` \_ -> pure Nothing
return [(fieldName, decoder)]
go i ctx sc (Array t) = do
f <- go i ctx sc t
return $ A.Array . fromList . (: []) <.> f
go _ _tx _ Empty = pure $ pure . const emptyValue
go _ ctx other src =
failWith ctx (SchemaMismatch (NE.head $ extractSchema other) src)
type D = [(Trace, DecodeError)]
type DecodeError = Mismatch
runSchema :: TypedSchemaFlex enc dec -> enc -> Either [DecodeError] dec
runSchema sc = runExcept . go sc
go :: forall from a . TypedSchemaFlex from a -> from -> Except [DecodeError] a
go (TEmpty a ) _ = pure a
go (TNamed _ sc tof fromF) a = tof <$> go sc (fromF a)
go (TTry n sc try) from = maybe (throwE [TryFailed n]) (go sc) (try from)
go (TPrim n toF fromF ) from = case toF (fromF from) of
A.Success a -> pure a
A.Error e -> failWith (PrimError n (pack e))
go (TEnum opts fromF) from = case lookup enumValue opts of
Just x -> pure x
Nothing -> failWith $ InvalidEnumValue enumValue (fst <$> opts)
where enumValue = fromF from
go (TMap _sc toF fromF) from = pure $ toF (fromF from)
go (TArray _sc toF fromF) from = pure $ toF (fromF from)
go (TAllOf scc ) from = msum $ (`go` from) <$> scc
go (TOneOf scc ) from = msum $ (`go` from) <$> scc
go (RecordSchema alts ) from = runAlt f (getRecordFields alts)
f :: RecordField from b -> Except [DecodeError] b
f RequiredAp {..} = go fieldTypedSchema from
f OptionalAp {..} = go fieldTypedSchema from
failWith e = throwE [e]
decodeWith :: TypedSchemaFlex from a -> Value -> Either D a
decodeWith sc v = decoder >>= ($ v)
where decoder = decodeFromWith sc (NE.head $ extractSchema sc)
:: TypedSchemaFlex from a -> Schema -> Either D (Value -> Either D a)
decodeFromWith sc source = (runExcept .) <$> runExcept (go [] [] sc (source))
failWith ctx e = throwE [(reverse ctx, e)]
:: [(SchemaName, Except D (Value -> Except D Void))]
-> Trace
-> TypedSchemaFlex from a
-> Schema
-> Except D (Value -> Except D a)
go _nv _tx (TEmpty a) _ = pure $ const $ pure a
go env ctx (TNamed n sc tof _) (Named n' s) | n == n' = case lookup n env of
Just sol -> do
return $ unsafeDelay $ (fmap . fmap . fmap) (tof . unsafeCoerce) sol
Nothing ->
let sol = go ((n, solDyn) : env) ctx sc s
solDyn = (fmap . fmap . fmap) unsafeCoerce sol
in (fmap . fmap . fmap) tof sol
go env ctx (TNamed _ sc tof _) s = (fmap . fmap . fmap) tof $ go env ctx sc s
go _nv ctx (TEnum optsTarget _) s@(Enum optsSource) =
$ NE.filter (`notElem` map fst (NE.toList optsTarget)) (optsSource)
Just xx -> failWith ctx $ MissingEnumChoices xx
Nothing -> pure $ \case
A.String x ->
maybe (failWith ctx (InvalidEnumValue x (fst <$> optsTarget))) pure
$ lookup x optsTarget
other -> failWith ctx (ValueMismatch s other)
go env ctx (TArray sc tof _) s@(Array src) = do
f <- go env ("[]" : ctx) sc src
return $ \case
A.Array x -> tof <$> traverse f x
other -> failWith ctx (ValueMismatch s other)
go env ctx (TMap sc tof _) s@(StringMap src) = do
f <- go env ("Map" : ctx) sc src
return $ \case
A.Object x -> tof <$> traverse f x
other -> failWith ctx (ValueMismatch s other)
go _nv ctx (TPrim n tof _) (Prim src)
| n /= src = failWith ctx (PrimMismatch n src)
| otherwise = return $ \x -> case tof x of
A.Error e -> failWith ctx (PrimError n (pack e))
A.Success a -> return a
go env ctx (TTry n sc _try) x = go env (n : ctx) sc x
go env ctx (TAllOf scc ) src = do
let parsers = map (\sc -> runExcept $ go env ctx sc src) (NE.toList scc)
case partitionEithers parsers of
(ee, []) -> failWith ctx (AllAlternativesFailed (concat ee))
(_ , pp) -> return $ \x -> asum (map ($ x) pp)
go env ctx (TOneOf scc) src = do
let parsers = map (\sc -> runExcept $ go env ctx sc src) (NE.toList scc)
case partitionEithers parsers of
(ee, []) -> failWith ctx (AllAlternativesFailed (concat ee))
(_ , pp) -> return $ \x -> asum (map ($ x) pp)
go env ctx (RecordSchema (RecordFields rec)) (Record src) = do
let solutions = coerce $ runAlt f' rec
sourceFields = Map.keys src
valid = map
(\(tgtFields, f) ->
case Set.difference (fromList sourceFields) (fromList tgtFields) of
[] -> Right f
xx -> Left (Set.toList xx)
case partitionEithers valid of
(ee, [] ) -> throwE [(reverse ctx, UnusedFields ee)]
(_ , alts) -> pure $ \x -> asum $ fmap ($ x) alts
:: RecordField from a
-> ([] `Compose` (,) [Text] `Compose` (->) Value `Compose` (Except D))
f' x = coerce (f x)
f :: RecordField from a -> [([Text], Value -> Except D a)]
f RequiredAp {..} = case Map.lookup fieldName src of
Nothing -> empty
Just srcField -> do
guard $ isRequired srcField
$ go env (fieldName : ctx) fieldTypedSchema (fieldSchema srcField)
Left _ -> empty
Right f -> return
( [fieldName]
, \case
A.Object o -> case Map.lookup fieldName o of
Nothing ->
failWith (fieldName : ctx) (MissingRecordField fieldName)
Just v -> f v
f OptionalAp {..} = case Map.lookup fieldName src of
Nothing -> return ([fieldName], const $ return fieldDefValue)
Just srcField -> do
$ go env (fieldName : ctx) fieldTypedSchema (fieldSchema srcField)
Left _ -> empty
Right f -> return
( [fieldName]
, \case
A.Object o -> case Map.lookup fieldName o of
Nothing -> return fieldDefValue
Just v -> f v
go env ctx s (OneOf xx ) = asum $ fmap (go env ctx s) xx
go env ctx sc (Named _ s) = go env ctx sc s
go _nv ctx s src =
failWith ctx (SchemaMismatch (NE.head $ extractSchema s) src)
:: (Alternative g, Monoid m) => (forall a . f a -> g m) -> Alt f b -> g m
runAlt_ f = fmap getConst . getCompose . runAlt (Compose . fmap Const . f)
(<.>) :: Functor f => (b -> c) -> (a -> f b) -> a -> f c
f <.> g = fmap f . g
infixr 8 <.>
unsafeDelay :: Except a c -> c
unsafeDelay = fromRight (error "internal error") . runExcept