{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}

module Data.Schematic.Lens
  ( FIndex
  , FElem(..)
  , FImage
  , FSubset(..)
  , obj
  , arr
  , uni
  , txt
  , num
  , opt
  , bln
  , textRepr
  , numberRepr
  , boolRepr
  , arrayRepr
  , objectRepr
  , optionalRepr
  ) where

import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Schematic.Schema
import Data.Scientific
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Text
import Data.Union
import Data.Vector as V
import Data.Vinyl
import Data.Vinyl.Functor
import Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel (Nat(..))
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol, KnownSymbol)

-- | A partial relation that gives the index of a value in a list.
type family FIndex (r :: Symbol) (rs :: [(Symbol, Schema)]) :: Nat where
  FIndex r ( '(r, s) ': rs) = 'Z
  FIndex r (  s      ': rs) = 'S (FIndex r rs)

type Flens fn f g rs i
  =  Functor g
  => (f '(fn, (ByField fn rs i)) -> g (f '(fn, (ByField fn rs i))))
  -> Rec f rs
  -> g (Rec f rs)

type FGetter fn f rs i = Rec f rs -> f '(fn, (ByField fn rs i))

class i ~ FIndex fn rs => FElem (fn :: Symbol) (rs :: [(Symbol, Schema)]) (i :: Nat) where
  type ByField fn rs i :: Schema
  flens :: Flens fn f g rs i

  -- | For Vinyl users who are not using the @lens@ package, we provide a getter.
  fget :: FGetter fn f rs i

  -- | For Vinyl users who are not using the @lens@ package, we also provide a
  -- setter. In general, it will be unambiguous what field is being written to,
  -- and so we do not take a proxy argument here.
    :: f '(fn, ByField fn rs i)
    -> Rec f rs
    -> Rec f rs

instance FElem fn ('(fn, r) ': rs) 'Z where
  type ByField fn ('(fn, r) ': rs) 'Z = r

  flens f (x :& xs) = fmap (:& xs) (f x)
  {-# INLINE flens #-}

  fget = getConst . flens Const
  {-# INLINE fget #-}

  fput y = getIdentity . flens (\_ -> Identity y)
  {-# INLINE fput #-}

instance (FIndex r (s ': rs) ~ 'S i, FElem r rs i) => FElem r (s ': rs) ('S i) where
  type ByField r (s ': rs) ('S i) = ByField r rs i

  flens f (x :& xs) = fmap (x :&) (flens f xs)
  {-# INLINE flens #-}

  fget = getConst . flens Const
  {-# INLINE fget #-}

  fput y = getIdentity . flens (\_ -> Identity y)
  {-# INLINE fput #-}

-- This is an internal convenience helpers stolen from the @lens@ library.
  :: Functor f
  => (t -> s)
  -> (t -> a -> b)
  -> (s -> f a)
  -> t
  -> f b
lens sa sbt afb s = fmap (sbt s) $ afb (sa s)
{-# INLINE lens #-}

type Iso s t a b = forall p f. (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p a (f b) -> p s (f t)

type Iso' s a = Iso s s a a

  :: (s -> a) -> (b -> t)
  -> Iso s t a b
iso sa bt = dimap sa (fmap bt)
{-# INLINE iso #-}

-- | A partial relation that gives the indices of a sublist in a larger list.
type family FImage (rs :: [(Symbol, Schema)]) (ss :: [(Symbol, Schema)]) :: [Nat] where
  FImage '[] ss = '[]
  FImage ('(fn,s) ': rs) ss = FIndex fn ss ': FImage rs ss

class is ~ FImage rs ss
  => FSubset (rs :: [(Symbol, Schema)]) (ss :: [(Symbol, Schema)]) is where
  -- | This is a lens into a slice of the larger record. Morally, we have:
  -- > fsubset :: Lens' (Rec FieldRepr ss) (Rec FieldRepr rs)
    :: Functor g
    => (Rec f rs -> g (Rec f rs))
    -> Rec f ss
    -> g (Rec f ss)

  -- | The getter of the 'fsubset' lens is 'fcast', which takes a larger record
  -- to a smaller one by forgetting fields.
    :: Rec f ss
    -> Rec f rs
  fcast = getConst . fsubset Const
  {-# INLINE fcast #-}

  -- | The setter of the 'fsubset' lens is 'freplace', which allows a slice of
  -- a record to be replaced with different values.
    :: Rec f rs
    -> Rec f ss
    -> Rec f ss
  freplace rs = getIdentity . fsubset (\_ -> Identity rs)
  {-# INLINE freplace #-}

instance FSubset '[] ss '[] where
  fsubset = lens (const RNil) const

  ( ByField fn ss i ~ s
  , FElem fn ss i
  , FSubset rs ss is) => FSubset ( '(fn,s) ': rs) ss (i ': is) where
  fsubset = lens (\ss -> fget @fn ss :& fcast ss) set
      set :: Rec f ss -> Rec f ( '(fn,s) ': rs) -> Rec f ss
      set ss (r :& rs) = fput r $ freplace rs ss

-- A bunch of @Iso@morphisms
  :: (KnownSymbol fn, SingI cs)
  => Iso' (FieldRepr '(fn, ('SchemaText cs))) Text
textRepr = iso (\(FieldRepr (ReprText t)) -> t) (FieldRepr . ReprText)

  :: (KnownSymbol fn, SingI cs)
  => Iso' (FieldRepr '(fn, ('SchemaNumber cs))) Scientific
numberRepr = iso (\(FieldRepr (ReprNumber n)) -> n) (FieldRepr . ReprNumber)

  :: (KnownSymbol fn)
  => Iso' (FieldRepr '(fn, 'SchemaBoolean)) Bool
boolRepr = iso (\(FieldRepr (ReprBoolean b)) -> b) (FieldRepr . ReprBoolean)

  :: (KnownSymbol fn, SingI cs, SingI schema)
  => Iso' (FieldRepr '(fn, ('SchemaArray cs schema))) (V.Vector (JsonRepr schema))
arrayRepr = iso (\(FieldRepr (ReprArray a)) -> a) (FieldRepr . ReprArray)

  :: (KnownSymbol fn, SingI fields)
  => Iso' (FieldRepr '(fn, ('SchemaObject fields))) (Rec FieldRepr fields)
objectRepr = iso (\(FieldRepr (ReprObject o)) -> o) (FieldRepr . ReprObject)

  :: (KnownSymbol fn, SingI schema)
  => Iso' (FieldRepr '(fn, ('SchemaOptional schema))) (Maybe (JsonRepr schema))
optionalRepr = iso (\(FieldRepr (ReprOptional r)) -> r) (FieldRepr . ReprOptional)

obj :: Iso' (JsonRepr ('SchemaObject fields)) (Rec FieldRepr fields)
obj = iso (\(ReprObject r) -> r) ReprObject

arr :: Iso' (JsonRepr ('SchemaArray cs schema)) (V.Vector (JsonRepr schema))
arr = iso (\(ReprArray r) -> r) ReprArray

uni :: Iso' (JsonRepr ('SchemaUnion (h ': tl))) (Union JsonRepr (h ': tl))
uni = iso (\(ReprUnion u) -> u) ReprUnion

txt :: Iso' (JsonRepr ('SchemaText cs)) Text
txt = iso (\(ReprText t) -> t) ReprText

num :: Iso' (JsonRepr ('SchemaNumber cs)) Scientific
num = iso (\(ReprNumber t) -> t) ReprNumber

bln :: Iso' (JsonRepr 'SchemaBoolean) Bool
bln = iso (\(ReprBoolean b) -> b) ReprBoolean

opt :: Iso' (JsonRepr ('SchemaOptional schema)) (Maybe (JsonRepr schema))
opt = iso (\(ReprOptional o) -> o) ReprOptional