{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
module Data.Scientific
( Scientific
, scientific
, coefficient
, base10Exponent
, isFloating
, isInteger
, unsafeFromRational
, fromRationalRepetend
, fromRationalRepetendLimited
, fromRationalRepetendUnlimited
, toRationalRepetend
, floatingOrInteger
, toRealFloat
, toBoundedRealFloat
, toBoundedInteger
, fromFloatDigits
, scientificP
, formatScientific
, FPFormat(..)
, toDecimalDigits
, normalize
) where
import Control.Exception (throw, ArithException(DivideByZero))
import Control.Monad (mplus)
import Control.Monad.ST (runST)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf)
import Data.Binary (Binary, get, put)
import Data.Char (intToDigit, ord)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..))
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import qualified Data.Map as M (Map, empty, insert, lookup)
import Data.Ratio ((%), numerator, denominator)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Data.Primitive.Array as Primitive
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms (integerLog10')
import qualified Numeric (floatToDigits)
import qualified Text.Read as Read
import Text.Read (readPrec)
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec as ReadPrec
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as ReadP
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP ( ReadP )
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat (FPFormat(..))
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
import Control.Applicative ((*>))
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Word (Word)
import Control.Applicative ((<*>))
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)
import Data.Bits (unsafeShiftR)
import Data.Bits (shiftR)
import GHC.Integer (quotRemInteger, quotInteger)
import GHC.Integer.Compat (divInteger)
import Utils (roundTo)
data Scientific = Scientific
{ coefficient :: !Integer
, base10Exponent :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
} deriving (Typeable, Data)
scientific :: Integer -> Int -> Scientific
scientific = Scientific
instance NFData Scientific where
rnf (Scientific _ _) = ()
instance Hashable Scientific where
hashWithSalt salt s = salt `hashWithSalt` c `hashWithSalt` e
Scientific c e = normalize s
instance Binary Scientific where
put (Scientific c e) = put c *> put (toInteger e)
get = Scientific <$> get <*> (fromInteger <$> get)
instance Eq Scientific where
s1 == s2 = c1 == c2 && e1 == e2
Scientific c1 e1 = normalize s1
Scientific c2 e2 = normalize s2
instance Ord Scientific where
compare s1 s2
| c1 == c2 && e1 == e2 = EQ
| c1 < 0 = if c2 < 0 then cmp (-c2) e2 (-c1) e1 else LT
| c1 > 0 = if c2 > 0 then cmp c1 e1 c2 e2 else GT
| otherwise = if c2 > 0 then LT else GT
Scientific c1 e1 = normalize s1
Scientific c2 e2 = normalize s2
cmp cx ex cy ey
| log10sx < log10sy = LT
| log10sx > log10sy = GT
| d < 0 = if cx <= (cy `quotInteger` magnitude (-d)) then LT else GT
| d > 0 = if cy > (cx `quotInteger` magnitude d) then LT else GT
| otherwise = if cx < cy then LT else GT
log10sx = log10cx + ex
log10sy = log10cy + ey
log10cx = integerLog10' cx
log10cy = integerLog10' cy
d = log10cx - log10cy
instance Num Scientific where
Scientific c1 e1 + Scientific c2 e2
| e1 < e2 = Scientific (c1 + c2*l) e1
| otherwise = Scientific (c1*r + c2 ) e2
l = magnitude (e2 - e1)
r = magnitude (e1 - e2)
{-# INLINABLE (+) #-}
Scientific c1 e1 - Scientific c2 e2
| e1 < e2 = Scientific (c1 - c2*l) e1
| otherwise = Scientific (c1*r - c2 ) e2
l = magnitude (e2 - e1)
r = magnitude (e1 - e2)
{-# INLINABLE (-) #-}
Scientific c1 e1 * Scientific c2 e2 =
Scientific (c1 * c2) (e1 + e2)
{-# INLINABLE (*) #-}
abs (Scientific c e) = Scientific (abs c) e
{-# INLINABLE abs #-}
negate (Scientific c e) = Scientific (negate c) e
{-# INLINABLE negate #-}
signum (Scientific c _) = Scientific (signum c) 0
{-# INLINABLE signum #-}
fromInteger i = Scientific i 0
{-# INLINABLE fromInteger #-}
instance Real Scientific where
toRational (Scientific c e)
| e < 0 = c % magnitude (-e)
| otherwise = (c * magnitude e) % 1
{-# INLINABLE toRational #-}
realToFrac = toRealFloat :: Scientific -> Double #-}
realToFrac = toRealFloat :: Scientific -> Float #-}
instance Fractional Scientific where
recip = fromRational . recip . toRational
{-# INLINABLE recip #-}
x / y = fromRational $ toRational x / toRational y
{-# INLINABLE (/) #-}
fromRational rational =
case mbRepetendIx of
Nothing -> s
Just _ix -> error $
"fromRational has been applied to a repeating decimal " ++
"which can't be represented as a Scientific! " ++
"It's better to avoid performing fractional operations on Scientifics " ++
"and convert them to other fractional types like Double as early as possible."
(s, mbRepetendIx) = fromRationalRepetendUnlimited rational
unsafeFromRational :: Rational -> Scientific
unsafeFromRational rational
| d == 0 = throw DivideByZero
| otherwise = positivize (longDiv 0 0) (numerator rational)
longDiv :: Integer -> Int -> (Integer -> Scientific)
longDiv !c !e 0 = Scientific c e
longDiv !c !e !n
| n < d = longDiv (c * 10) (e - 1) (n * 10)
| otherwise = case n `quotRemInteger` d of
(#q, r#) -> longDiv (c + q) e r
d = denominator rational
:: Maybe Int
-> Rational
-> Either (Scientific, Rational)
(Scientific, Maybe Int)
fromRationalRepetend mbLimit rational =
case mbLimit of
Nothing -> Right $ fromRationalRepetendUnlimited rational
Just l -> fromRationalRepetendLimited l rational
:: Int
-> Rational
-> Either (Scientific, Rational)
(Scientific, Maybe Int)
fromRationalRepetendLimited l rational
| d == 0 = throw DivideByZero
| num < 0 = case longDiv (-num) of
Left (s, r) -> Left (-s, -r)
Right (s, mb) -> Right (-s, mb)
| otherwise = longDiv num
num = numerator rational
longDiv :: Integer -> Either (Scientific, Rational) (Scientific, Maybe Int)
longDiv = longDivWithLimit 0 0 M.empty
:: Integer
-> Int
-> M.Map Integer Int
-> (Integer -> Either (Scientific, Rational)
(Scientific, Maybe Int))
longDivWithLimit !c !e _ns 0 = Right (Scientific c e, Nothing)
longDivWithLimit !c !e ns !n
| Just e' <- M.lookup n ns = Right (Scientific c e, Just (-e'))
| e <= (-l) = Left (Scientific c e, n % (d * magnitude (-e)))
| n < d = let !ns' = M.insert n e ns
in longDivWithLimit (c * 10) (e - 1) ns' (n * 10)
| otherwise = case n `quotRemInteger` d of
(#q, r#) -> longDivWithLimit (c + q) e ns r
d = denominator rational
fromRationalRepetendUnlimited :: Rational -> (Scientific, Maybe Int)
fromRationalRepetendUnlimited rational
| d == 0 = throw DivideByZero
| num < 0 = case longDiv (-num) of
(s, mb) -> (-s, mb)
| otherwise = longDiv num
num = numerator rational
longDiv :: Integer -> (Scientific, Maybe Int)
longDiv = longDivNoLimit 0 0 M.empty
longDivNoLimit :: Integer
-> Int
-> M.Map Integer Int
-> (Integer -> (Scientific, Maybe Int))
longDivNoLimit !c !e _ns 0 = (Scientific c e, Nothing)
longDivNoLimit !c !e ns !n
| Just e' <- M.lookup n ns = (Scientific c e, Just (-e'))
| n < d = let !ns' = M.insert n e ns
in longDivNoLimit (c * 10) (e - 1) ns' (n * 10)
| otherwise = case n `quotRemInteger` d of
(#q, r#) -> longDivNoLimit (c + q) e ns r
d = denominator rational
:: Scientific
-> Int
-> Rational
toRationalRepetend s r
| r < 0 = error "toRationalRepetend: Negative repetend index!"
| r >= f = error "toRationalRepetend: Repetend index >= than number of digits in the fractional part!"
| otherwise = (fromInteger nonRepetend + repetend % nines) /
fromInteger (magnitude r)
c = coefficient s
e = base10Exponent s
f = (-e)
n = f - r
m = magnitude n
(#nonRepetend, repetend#) = c `quotRemInteger` m
nines = m - 1
instance RealFrac Scientific where
properFraction s@(Scientific c e)
| e < 0 = if dangerouslySmall c e
then (0, s)
else case c `quotRemInteger` magnitude (-e) of
(#q, r#) -> (fromInteger q, Scientific r e)
| otherwise = (toIntegral s, 0)
{-# INLINABLE properFraction #-}
truncate = whenFloating $ \c e ->
if dangerouslySmall c e
then 0
else fromInteger $ c `quotInteger` magnitude (-e)
{-# INLINABLE truncate #-}
round = whenFloating $ \c e ->
if dangerouslySmall c e
then 0
else let (#q, r#) = c `quotRemInteger` magnitude (-e)
n = fromInteger q
m | r < 0 = n - 1
| otherwise = n + 1
f = Scientific r e
in case signum $ coefficient $ abs f - 0.5 of
-1 -> n
0 -> if even n then n else m
1 -> m
_ -> error "round default defn: Bad value"
{-# INLINABLE round #-}
ceiling = whenFloating $ \c e ->
if dangerouslySmall c e
then if c <= 0
then 0
else 1
else case c `quotRemInteger` magnitude (-e) of
(#q, r#) | r <= 0 -> fromInteger q
| otherwise -> fromInteger (q + 1)
{-# INLINABLE ceiling #-}
floor = whenFloating $ \c e ->
if dangerouslySmall c e
then if c < 0
then -1
else 0
else fromInteger (c `divInteger` magnitude (-e))
{-# INLINABLE floor #-}
dangerouslySmall :: Integer -> Int -> Bool
dangerouslySmall c e = e < (-limit) && e < (-integerLog10' (abs c)) - 1
{-# INLINE dangerouslySmall #-}
limit :: Int
limit = maxExpt
positivize :: (Ord a, Num a, Num b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
positivize f x | x < 0 = -(f (-x))
| otherwise = f x
{-# INLINE positivize #-}
whenFloating :: (Num a) => (Integer -> Int -> a) -> Scientific -> a
whenFloating f s@(Scientific c e)
| e < 0 = f c e
| otherwise = toIntegral s
{-# INLINE whenFloating #-}
toIntegral :: (Num a) => Scientific -> a
toIntegral (Scientific c e) = fromInteger c * magnitude e
{-# INLINE toIntegral #-}
maxExpt :: Int
maxExpt = 324
expts10 :: Primitive.Array Integer
expts10 = runST $ do
ma <- Primitive.newArray maxExpt uninitialised
Primitive.writeArray ma 0 1
Primitive.writeArray ma 1 10
let go !ix
| ix == maxExpt = Primitive.unsafeFreezeArray ma
| otherwise = do
Primitive.writeArray ma ix xx
Primitive.writeArray ma (ix+1) (10*xx)
go (ix+2)
xx = x * x
x = Primitive.indexArray expts10 half
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)
!half = ix `unsafeShiftR` 1
!half = ix `shiftR` 1
go 2
uninitialised :: error
uninitialised = error "Data.Scientific: uninitialised element"
magnitude :: Num a => Int -> a
magnitude e | e < maxExpt = cachedPow10 e
| otherwise = cachedPow10 hi * 10 ^ (e - hi)
cachedPow10 = fromInteger . Primitive.indexArray expts10
hi = maxExpt - 1
fromFloatDigits :: (RealFloat a) => a -> Scientific
fromFloatDigits 0 = 0
fromFloatDigits rf = positivize fromPositiveRealFloat rf
fromPositiveRealFloat r = go digits 0 0
(digits, e) = Numeric.floatToDigits 10 r
go :: [Int] -> Integer -> Int -> Scientific
go [] !c !n = Scientific c (e - n)
go (d:ds) !c !n = go ds (c * 10 + toInteger d) (n + 1)
{-# INLINABLE fromFloatDigits #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE fromFloatDigits :: Double -> Scientific #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE fromFloatDigits :: Float -> Scientific #-}
toRealFloat :: (RealFloat a) => Scientific -> a
toRealFloat = either id id . toBoundedRealFloat
{-# INLINABLE toRealFloat #-}
{-# INLINABLE toBoundedRealFloat #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toRealFloat :: Scientific -> Double #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toRealFloat :: Scientific -> Float #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toBoundedRealFloat :: Scientific -> Either Double Double #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toBoundedRealFloat :: Scientific -> Either Float Float #-}
toBoundedRealFloat :: forall a. (RealFloat a) => Scientific -> Either a a
toBoundedRealFloat s@(Scientific c e)
| c == 0 = Right 0
| e > limit = if e > hiLimit then Left $ sign (1/0)
else Right $ fromRational ((c * magnitude e) % 1)
| e < -limit = if e < loLimit && e + d < loLimit then Left $ sign 0
else Right $ fromRational (c % magnitude (-e))
| otherwise = Right $ fromRational (toRational s)
hiLimit, loLimit :: Int
hiLimit = ceiling (fromIntegral hi * log10Radix)
loLimit = floor (fromIntegral lo * log10Radix) -
ceiling (fromIntegral digits * log10Radix)
log10Radix :: Double
log10Radix = logBase 10 $ fromInteger radix
radix = floatRadix (undefined :: a)
digits = floatDigits (undefined :: a)
(lo, hi) = floatRange (undefined :: a)
d = integerLog10' (abs c)
sign x | c < 0 = -x
| otherwise = x
toBoundedInteger :: forall i. (Integral i, Bounded i) => Scientific -> Maybe i
toBoundedInteger s
| c == 0 = fromIntegerBounded 0
| integral = if dangerouslyBig
then Nothing
else fromIntegerBounded n
| otherwise = Nothing
c = coefficient s
integral = e >= 0 || e' >= 0
e = base10Exponent s
e' = base10Exponent s'
s' = normalize s
dangerouslyBig = e > limit &&
e > integerLog10' (max (abs iMinBound) (abs iMaxBound))
fromIntegerBounded :: Integer -> Maybe i
fromIntegerBounded i
| i < iMinBound || i > iMaxBound = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ fromInteger i
iMinBound = toInteger (minBound :: i)
iMaxBound = toInteger (maxBound :: i)
n :: Integer
n = toIntegral s'
{-# SPECIALIZE toBoundedInteger :: Scientific -> Maybe Int #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toBoundedInteger :: Scientific -> Maybe Int8 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toBoundedInteger :: Scientific -> Maybe Int16 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toBoundedInteger :: Scientific -> Maybe Int32 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toBoundedInteger :: Scientific -> Maybe Int64 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toBoundedInteger :: Scientific -> Maybe Word #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toBoundedInteger :: Scientific -> Maybe Word8 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toBoundedInteger :: Scientific -> Maybe Word16 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toBoundedInteger :: Scientific -> Maybe Word32 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toBoundedInteger :: Scientific -> Maybe Word64 #-}
floatingOrInteger :: (RealFloat r, Integral i) => Scientific -> Either r i
floatingOrInteger s
| base10Exponent s >= 0 = Right (toIntegral s)
| base10Exponent s' >= 0 = Right (toIntegral s')
| otherwise = Left (toRealFloat s')
s' = normalize s
isFloating :: Scientific -> Bool
isFloating = not . isInteger
isInteger :: Scientific -> Bool
isInteger s = base10Exponent s >= 0 ||
base10Exponent s' >= 0
s' = normalize s
instance Read Scientific where
readPrec = Read.parens $ ReadPrec.lift (ReadP.skipSpaces >> scientificP)
data SP = SP !Integer {-# UNPACK #-}!Int
scientificP :: ReadP Scientific
scientificP = do
let positive = (('+' ==) <$> ReadP.satisfy isSign) `mplus` return True
pos <- positive
let step :: Num a => a -> Int -> a
step a digit = a * 10 + fromIntegral digit
{-# INLINE step #-}
n <- foldDigits step 0
let s = SP n 0
fractional = foldDigits (\(SP a e) digit ->
SP (step a digit) (e-1)) s
SP coeff expnt <- (ReadP.satisfy (== '.') >> fractional)
ReadP.<++ return s
let signedCoeff | pos = coeff
| otherwise = (-coeff)
eP = do posE <- positive
e <- foldDigits step 0
if posE
then return e
else return (-e)
(ReadP.satisfy isE >>
((Scientific signedCoeff . (expnt +)) <$> eP)) `mplus`
return (Scientific signedCoeff expnt)
foldDigits :: (a -> Int -> a) -> a -> ReadP a
foldDigits f z = do
c <- ReadP.satisfy isDecimal
let digit = ord c - 48
a = f z digit
ReadP.look >>= go a
go !a [] = return a
go !a (c:cs)
| isDecimal c = do
_ <- ReadP.get
let digit = ord c - 48
go (f a digit) cs
| otherwise = return a
isDecimal :: Char -> Bool
isDecimal c = c >= '0' && c <= '9'
{-# INLINE isDecimal #-}
isSign :: Char -> Bool
isSign c = c == '-' || c == '+'
{-# INLINE isSign #-}
isE :: Char -> Bool
isE c = c == 'e' || c == 'E'
{-# INLINE isE #-}
instance Show Scientific where
show s | coefficient s < 0 = '-':showPositive (-s)
| otherwise = showPositive s
showPositive :: Scientific -> String
showPositive = fmtAsGeneric . toDecimalDigits
fmtAsGeneric :: ([Int], Int) -> String
fmtAsGeneric x@(_is, e)
| e < 0 || e > 7 = fmtAsExponent x
| otherwise = fmtAsFixed x
fmtAsExponent :: ([Int], Int) -> String
fmtAsExponent (is, e) =
case ds of
"0" -> "0.0e0"
[d] -> d : '.' :'0' : 'e' : show_e'
(d:ds') -> d : '.' : ds' ++ ('e' : show_e')
[] -> error "formatScientific/doFmt/FFExponent: []"
show_e' = show (e-1)
ds = map intToDigit is
fmtAsFixed :: ([Int], Int) -> String
fmtAsFixed (is, e)
| e <= 0 = '0':'.':(replicate (-e) '0' ++ ds)
| otherwise =
f 0 s rs = mk0 (reverse s) ++ '.':mk0 rs
f n s "" = f (n-1) ('0':s) ""
f n s (r:rs) = f (n-1) (r:s) rs
f e "" ds
mk0 "" = "0"
mk0 ls = ls
ds = map intToDigit is
formatScientific :: FPFormat
-> Maybe Int
-> Scientific
-> String
formatScientific format mbDecs s
| coefficient s < 0 = '-':formatPositiveScientific (-s)
| otherwise = formatPositiveScientific s
formatPositiveScientific :: Scientific -> String
formatPositiveScientific s' = case format of
Generic -> fmtAsGeneric $ toDecimalDigits s'
Exponent -> fmtAsExponentMbDecs $ toDecimalDigits s'
Fixed -> fmtAsFixedMbDecs $ toDecimalDigits s'
fmtAsGeneric :: ([Int], Int) -> String
fmtAsGeneric x@(_is, e)
| e < 0 || e > 7 = fmtAsExponentMbDecs x
| otherwise = fmtAsFixedMbDecs x
fmtAsExponentMbDecs :: ([Int], Int) -> String
fmtAsExponentMbDecs x = case mbDecs of
Nothing -> fmtAsExponent x
Just dec -> fmtAsExponentDecs dec x
fmtAsFixedMbDecs :: ([Int], Int) -> String
fmtAsFixedMbDecs x = case mbDecs of
Nothing -> fmtAsFixed x
Just dec -> fmtAsFixedDecs dec x
fmtAsExponentDecs :: Int -> ([Int], Int) -> String
fmtAsExponentDecs dec (is, e) =
let dec' = max dec 1 in
case is of
[0] -> '0' :'.' : take dec' (repeat '0') ++ "e0"
_ ->
(ei,is') = roundTo (dec'+1) is
(d:ds') = map intToDigit (if ei > 0 then init is' else is')
d:'.':ds' ++ 'e':show (e-1+ei)
fmtAsFixedDecs :: Int -> ([Int], Int) -> String
fmtAsFixedDecs dec (is, e) =
let dec' = max dec 0 in
if e >= 0 then
(ei,is') = roundTo (dec' + e) is
(ls,rs) = splitAt (e+ei) (map intToDigit is')
mk0 ls ++ (if null rs then "" else '.':rs)
(ei,is') = roundTo dec' (replicate (-e) 0 ++ is)
d:ds' = map intToDigit (if ei > 0 then is' else 0:is')
d : (if null ds' then "" else '.':ds')
mk0 ls = case ls of { "" -> "0" ; _ -> ls}
toDecimalDigits :: Scientific -> ([Int], Int)
toDecimalDigits (Scientific 0 _) = ([0], 0)
toDecimalDigits (Scientific c' e') =
case normalizePositive c' e' of
Scientific c e -> go c 0 []
go :: Integer -> Int -> [Int] -> ([Int], Int)
go 0 !n ds = (ds, ne) where !ne = n + e
go i !n ds = case i `quotRemInteger` 10 of
(# q, r #) -> go q (n+1) (d:ds)
!d = fromIntegral r
normalize :: Scientific -> Scientific
normalize (Scientific c e)
| c > 0 = normalizePositive c e
| c < 0 = -(normalizePositive (-c) e)
| otherwise = Scientific 0 0
normalizePositive :: Integer -> Int -> Scientific
normalizePositive !c !e = case quotRemInteger c 10 of
(# c', r #)
| r == 0 -> normalizePositive c' (e+1)
| otherwise -> Scientific c e