Copyright | 2018 Automattic Inc. |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | Nathan Bloomfield ( |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | POSIX |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
A basic type and monad transformer transformer for describing HTTP interactions.
- type HttpT e r w s p = HttpTT e r w s p IdentityT
- data HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- execHttpTT :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => S s -> R e w r -> (forall u. P p u -> eff u) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> t eff (Either (E e) a, S s, W e w)
- liftHttpTT :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => t eff a -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- throwError :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => e -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- throwJsonError :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => JsonError -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- throwHttpException :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => HttpException -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- throwIOException :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => IOException -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- catchError :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> (e -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- catchJsonError :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> (JsonError -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- catchHttpException :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> (HttpException -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- catchIOException :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> (IOException -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- catchAnyError :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> (e -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) -> (HttpException -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) -> (IOException -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) -> (JsonError -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- printError :: (e -> String) -> E e -> String
- data E e
- ask :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => HttpTT e r w s p t eff (R e w r)
- local :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => (R e w r -> R e w r) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- reader :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => (R e w r -> a) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- data R e w r = R {
- _logOptions :: LogOptions e w
- _logEntryPrinter :: LogOptions e w -> LogEntry e w -> Maybe String
- _logHandle :: Handle
- _logLock :: Maybe (MVar ())
- _uid :: String
- _httpErrorInject :: HttpException -> Maybe e
- _env :: r
- basicEnv :: (Show e, Show w) => r -> R e w r
- trivialEnv :: r -> R e w r
- data LogOptions e w = LogOptions {
- _logColor :: Bool
- _logJson :: Bool
- _logSilent :: Bool
- _logMinSeverity :: LogSeverity
- _logHeaders :: Bool
- _printUserError :: Bool -> e -> String
- _printUserLog :: Bool -> w -> String
- basicLogOptions :: (Show e, Show w) => LogOptions e w
- trivialLogOptions :: LogOptions e w
- logEntries :: W e w -> [w]
- data LogSeverity
- setLogSeverity :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => LogSeverity -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- data W e w
- printHttpLogs :: Handle -> Maybe (MVar ()) -> LogOptions e w -> (LogOptions e w -> LogEntry e w -> Maybe String) -> W e w -> IO ()
- basicLogEntryPrinter :: LogOptions e w -> LogEntry e w -> Maybe String
- gets :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => (S s -> a) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- modify :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => (S s -> S s) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff ()
- data S s = S {
- _httpOptions :: Options
- _httpSession :: Maybe Session
- _userState :: s
- basicState :: s -> S s
- prompt :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => P p a -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- data P p a where
- HPutStrLn :: Handle -> String -> P p (Either IOException ())
- HPutStrLnBlocking :: MVar () -> Handle -> String -> P p (Either IOException ())
- GetSystemTime :: P p UTCTime
- ThreadDelay :: Int -> P p ()
- HttpGet :: Options -> Maybe Session -> Url -> P p (Either HttpException HttpResponse)
- HttpPost :: Options -> Maybe Session -> Url -> ByteString -> P p (Either HttpException HttpResponse)
- HttpDelete :: Options -> Maybe Session -> Url -> P p (Either HttpException HttpResponse)
- P :: p a -> P p a
- evalIO :: (p a -> IO a) -> P p a -> IO a
- evalMockIO :: (p a -> MockIO s a) -> P p a -> MockIO s a
- comment :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => String -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff ()
- wait :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Int -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff ()
- logDebug :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff ()
- logInfo :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff ()
- logNotice :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff ()
- logWarning :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff ()
- logError :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff ()
- logCritical :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff ()
- logAlert :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff ()
- logEmergency :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff ()
- hPutStrLn :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Handle -> String -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff ()
- hPutStrLnBlocking :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => MVar () -> Handle -> String -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff ()
- httpGet :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Url -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff HttpResponse
- httpSilentGet :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Url -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff HttpResponse
- httpPost :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Url -> ByteString -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff HttpResponse
- httpSilentPost :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Url -> ByteString -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff HttpResponse
- httpDelete :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Url -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff HttpResponse
- httpSilentDelete :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Url -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff HttpResponse
- parseJson :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => ByteString -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff Value
- lookupKeyJson :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Text -> Value -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff Value
- constructFromJson :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t, FromJSON a) => Value -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a
- type Url = String
- data JsonError
- data HttpResponse = HttpResponse {}
- checkHttpTT :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t, Show q) => S s -> R e w r -> (forall u. P p u -> eff u) -> (t eff (Either (E e) a, S s, W e w) -> IO q) -> (q -> Bool) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> Property
data HttpTT e r w s p t eff a Source #
An HTTP session returning an a
, writing to a log of type W e w
, reading from an environment of type R e w r
, with state of type S s
, throwing errors of type E e
, performing effectful computations described by P p a
, and with inner monad t eff
(MonadTrans t, forall (m :: Type -> Type). Monad m => Monad (t m)) => MonadTrans (HttpTT e r w s p t) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Script.Http | |
(Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Monad (HttpTT e r w s p t eff) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Script.Http | |
(Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Functor (HttpTT e r w s p t eff) Source # | |
(Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Applicative (HttpTT e r w s p t eff) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Monad.Script.Http Methods pure :: a -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a # (<*>) :: HttpTT e r w s p t eff (a -> b) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff b # liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff b -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff c # (*>) :: HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff b -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff b # (<*) :: HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff b -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a # |
:: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) | |
=> S s | Initial state |
-> R e w r | Environment |
-> (forall u. P p u -> eff u) | Effect evaluator |
-> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a | |
-> t eff (Either (E e) a, S s, W e w) |
Execute an HttpTT
liftHttpTT :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => t eff a -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a Source #
Lift a value from the inner transformer.
throwError :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => e -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a Source #
Also logs the exception.
throwJsonError :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => JsonError -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a Source #
Also logs the exception.
throwHttpException :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => HttpException -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a Source #
Also logs the exception.
throwIOException :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => IOException -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a Source #
Also logs the exception.
:: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) | |
=> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a | |
-> (e -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) | Handler |
-> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a |
Re-throws other error types.
:: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) | |
=> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a | |
-> (JsonError -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) | Handler |
-> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a |
Re-throws other error types.
:: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) | |
=> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a | |
-> (HttpException -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) | Handler |
-> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a |
Re-throws other error types.
:: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) | |
=> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a | |
-> (IOException -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) | Handler |
-> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a |
Re-throws other error types.
catchAnyError :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> (e -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) -> (HttpException -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) -> (IOException -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) -> (JsonError -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a Source #
Handle any thrown error. To handle only errors of a specific type, see catchError
, catchJsonError
, catchIOException
, or catchHttpException
Error type.
ask :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => HttpTT e r w s p t eff (R e w r) Source #
Retrieve the environment.
local :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => (R e w r -> R e w r) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a Source #
Run an action with a locally adjusted environment of the same type.
reader :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => (R e w r -> a) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a Source #
Retrieve the image of the environment under a given function.
Generic session environment.
R | |
Environment constructor
:: r | Client-supplied environment value. |
-> R e w r |
Environment constructor
data LogOptions e w Source #
Options for tweaking the logs.
LogOptions | |
basicLogOptions :: (Show e, Show w) => LogOptions e w Source #
Noisy, in color, without parsing JSON responses, and using Show
instances for user-supplied error and log types.
trivialLogOptions :: LogOptions e w Source #
Noisy, in color, without parsing JSON responses, and using trivial printers for user-supplied error and log types. For testing.
logEntries :: W e w -> [w] Source #
Extract the user-defined log entries.
data LogSeverity Source #
Syslog style log severities.
LogDebug | Debug-level messages |
LogInfo | Informational messages |
LogNotice | Normal but significant condition |
LogWarning | Warning conditions |
LogError | Error conditions |
LogCritical | Critical conditions |
LogAlert | Action must be taken immediately |
LogEmergency | System is unusable |
Eq LogSeverity Source # | |
Defined in Data.LogSeverity | |
Ord LogSeverity Source # | |
Defined in Data.LogSeverity Methods compare :: LogSeverity -> LogSeverity -> Ordering # (<) :: LogSeverity -> LogSeverity -> Bool # (<=) :: LogSeverity -> LogSeverity -> Bool # (>) :: LogSeverity -> LogSeverity -> Bool # (>=) :: LogSeverity -> LogSeverity -> Bool # max :: LogSeverity -> LogSeverity -> LogSeverity # min :: LogSeverity -> LogSeverity -> LogSeverity # | |
Show LogSeverity Source # | |
Defined in Data.LogSeverity Methods showsPrec :: Int -> LogSeverity -> ShowS # show :: LogSeverity -> String # showList :: [LogSeverity] -> ShowS # |
setLogSeverity :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => LogSeverity -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a Source #
Set the severity level of all log actions in a session.
Log type
printHttpLogs :: Handle -> Maybe (MVar ()) -> LogOptions e w -> (LogOptions e w -> LogEntry e w -> Maybe String) -> W e w -> IO () Source #
All log statements should go through logNow
basicLogEntryPrinter :: LogOptions e w -> LogEntry e w -> Maybe String Source #
Simple default pretty printer for LogEntry
gets :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => (S s -> a) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a Source #
Retrieve the image of the current state under a given function.
modify :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => (S s -> S s) -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff () Source #
Modify the current state strictly.
State type
S | |
basicState :: s -> S s Source #
State constructor
prompt :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => P p a -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a Source #
Inject an atomic effect.
Atomic effects
HPutStrLn :: Handle -> String -> P p (Either IOException ()) | |
HPutStrLnBlocking :: MVar () -> Handle -> String -> P p (Either IOException ()) | |
GetSystemTime :: P p UTCTime | |
ThreadDelay :: Int -> P p () | |
HttpGet :: Options -> Maybe Session -> Url -> P p (Either HttpException HttpResponse) | |
HttpPost :: Options -> Maybe Session -> Url -> ByteString -> P p (Either HttpException HttpResponse) | |
HttpDelete :: Options -> Maybe Session -> Url -> P p (Either HttpException HttpResponse) | |
P :: p a -> P p a |
Basic evaluator for interpreting atomic Http
effects in IO
evalMockIO :: (p a -> MockIO s a) -> P p a -> MockIO s a Source #
Basic evaluator for interpreting atomic Http
effects in MockIO
comment :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => String -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff () Source #
Write a comment to the log
:: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) | |
=> Int | milliseconds |
-> HttpTT e r w s p t eff () |
Pause the thread
logDebug :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff () Source #
For debug level messages
logInfo :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff () Source #
For informational messages
logNotice :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff () Source #
For normal but significant conditions
logWarning :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff () Source #
For warning conditions
logError :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff () Source #
For error conditions
logCritical :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff () Source #
For critical conditions
logAlert :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff () Source #
Action must be taken immediately
logEmergency :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => w -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff () Source #
System is unusable
hPutStrLn :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Handle -> String -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff () Source #
Write a line to a handle
hPutStrLnBlocking :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => MVar () -> Handle -> String -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff () Source #
Write a line to a handle, using the given MVar
as a lock
HTTP calls
httpGet :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Url -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff HttpResponse Source #
Run a GET
httpSilentGet :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Url -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff HttpResponse Source #
Run a GET
request, but do not write the request or response to the logs.
:: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) | |
=> Url | |
-> ByteString | Payload |
-> HttpTT e r w s p t eff HttpResponse |
Run a POST
:: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) | |
=> Url | |
-> ByteString | Payload |
-> HttpTT e r w s p t eff HttpResponse |
Run a POST
request, but do not write the request or response to the logs.
httpDelete :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Url -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff HttpResponse Source #
httpSilentDelete :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => Url -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff HttpResponse Source #
request, but do not write the request or response to the logs.
parseJson :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) => ByteString -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff Value Source #
Parse a ByteString
to a JSON Value
:: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t) | |
=> Text | Key name |
-> Value | JSON object |
-> HttpTT e r w s p t eff Value |
Object member lookup.
constructFromJson :: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t, FromJSON a) => Value -> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a Source #
Decode a Value
to some other type.
Represents the kinds of errors that can occur when parsing and decoding JSON.
JsonError String | A generic JSON error; try not to use this. |
JsonParseError ByteString | A failed parse. |
JsonKeyDoesNotExist Text Value | An attempt to look up the value of a key that does not exist on an object. |
JsonKeyLookupOffObject Text Value | An attempt to look up the value of a key on something other than an object. |
JsonConstructError String | A failed attempt to convert a |
data HttpResponse Source #
Non-opaque HTTP response type.
HttpResponse | |
Eq HttpResponse Source # | |
Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Extras | |
Show HttpResponse Source # | |
Defined in Network.HTTP.Client.Extras Methods showsPrec :: Int -> HttpResponse -> ShowS # show :: HttpResponse -> String # showList :: [HttpResponse] -> ShowS # |
:: (Monad eff, Monad (t eff), MonadTrans t, Show q) | |
=> S s | Initial state |
-> R e w r | Environment |
-> (forall u. P p u -> eff u) | Effect evaluator |
-> (t eff (Either (E e) a, S s, W e w) -> IO q) | Condense to |
-> (q -> Bool) | Result check |
-> HttpTT e r w s p t eff a | |
-> Property |
Turn an HttpTT
into a property; for testing with QuickCheck.