{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, BangPatterns, RecordWildCards #-}
module SDR.FilterInternal where
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Ptr
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Complex
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Storable
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as VGM
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as VSM
import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle as VFB
import SDR.VectorUtils
import SDR.Util
{-# INLINE filterHighLevel #-}
filterHighLevel :: (PrimMonad m, Functor m, Num a, Mult a b, VG.Vector v a, VG.Vector v b, VGM.MVector vm a) => v b -> Int -> v a -> vm (PrimState m) a -> m ()
filterHighLevel coeffs num inBuf outBuf = fill (VFB.generate num dotProd) outBuf
dotProd offset = VG.sum $ VG.zipWith mult (VG.unsafeDrop offset inBuf) coeffs
{-# INLINE filterImperative1 #-}
filterImperative1 :: (PrimMonad m, Functor m, Num a, Mult a b, VG.Vector v a, VG.Vector v b, VGM.MVector vm a) => v b -> Int -> v a -> vm (PrimState m) a -> m ()
filterImperative1 coeffs num inBuf outBuf = go 0
go offset
| offset < num = do
let res = dotProd offset
VGM.unsafeWrite outBuf offset res
go $ offset + 1
| otherwise = return ()
dotProd offset = VG.sum $ VG.zipWith mult (VG.unsafeDrop offset inBuf) coeffs
{-# INLINE filterImperative2 #-}
filterImperative2 :: (PrimMonad m, Functor m, Num a, Mult a b, VG.Vector v a, VG.Vector v b, VGM.MVector vm a) => v b -> Int -> v a -> vm (PrimState m) a -> m ()
filterImperative2 coeffs num inBuf outBuf = go 0
go offset
| offset < num = do
let res = dotProd (VG.unsafeDrop offset inBuf)
VGM.unsafeWrite outBuf offset res
go $ offset + 1
| otherwise = return ()
dotProd buf = go 0 0
go !accum j
| j < VG.length coeffs = go (VG.unsafeIndex buf j `mult` VG.unsafeIndex coeffs j + accum) (j + 1)
| otherwise = accum
type FilterCRR = CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
type FilterRR = VS.Vector Float -> Int -> VS.Vector Float -> VS.MVector RealWorld Float -> IO ()
type FilterRC = VS.Vector Float -> Int -> VS.Vector (Complex Float) -> VS.MVector RealWorld (Complex Float) -> IO ()
filterFFIR :: FilterCRR -> FilterRR
filterFFIR func coeffs num inBuf outBuf =
VS.unsafeWith (coerce coeffs) $ \cPtr ->
VS.unsafeWith (coerce inBuf) $ \iPtr ->
VSM.unsafeWith (coerce outBuf) $ \oPtr ->
func (fromIntegral num) (fromIntegral $ VG.length coeffs) cPtr iPtr oPtr
filterFFIC :: FilterCRR -> FilterRC
filterFFIC func coeffs num inBuf outBuf =
VS.unsafeWith (coerce coeffs) $ \cPtr ->
VS.unsafeWith (coerce inBuf) $ \iPtr ->
VSM.unsafeWith (coerce outBuf) $ \oPtr ->
func (fromIntegral num) (fromIntegral $ VG.length coeffs) cPtr iPtr oPtr
foreign import ccall unsafe "filterRR"
filterRR_c :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
filterCRR :: FilterRR
filterCRR = filterFFIR filterRR_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "filterRC"
filterRC_c :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
filterCRC :: FilterRC
filterCRC = filterFFIC filterRC_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "filterSSERR"
filterSSERR_c :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
filterCSSERR :: FilterRR
filterCSSERR = filterFFIR filterSSERR_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "filterSSESymmetricRR"
filterSSESymmetricRR_c :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
filterCSSESymmetricRR :: FilterRR
filterCSSESymmetricRR = filterFFIR filterSSESymmetricRR_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "filterSSERC"
filterSSERC_c :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
filterCSSERC :: FilterRC
filterCSSERC = filterFFIC filterSSERC_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "filterSSERC2"
filterSSERC2_c :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
filterCSSERC2 :: FilterRC
filterCSSERC2 = filterFFIC filterSSERC2_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "filterAVXRR"
filterAVXRR_c :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
filterCAVXRR :: FilterRR
filterCAVXRR = filterFFIR filterAVXRR_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "filterAVXSymmetricRR"
filterAVXSymmetricRR_c :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
filterCAVXSymmetricRR :: FilterRR
filterCAVXSymmetricRR = filterFFIR filterAVXSymmetricRR_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "filterAVXRC"
filterAVXRC_c :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
filterCAVXRC :: FilterRC
filterCAVXRC = filterFFIC filterAVXRC_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "filterAVXRC2"
filterAVXRC2_c :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
filterCAVXRC2 :: FilterRC
filterCAVXRC2 = filterFFIC filterAVXRC2_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "filterSSESymmetricRC"
filterSSESymmetricRC_c :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
filterCSSESymmetricRC :: FilterRC
filterCSSESymmetricRC = filterFFIC filterSSESymmetricRC_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "filterAVXSymmetricRC"
filterAVXSymmetricRC_c :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
filterCAVXSymmetricRC :: FilterRC
filterCAVXSymmetricRC = filterFFIC filterAVXSymmetricRC_c
{-# INLINE decimateHighLevel #-}
decimateHighLevel :: (PrimMonad m, Functor m, Num a, Mult a b, VG.Vector v a, VG.Vector v b, VGM.MVector vm a) => Int -> v b -> Int -> v a -> vm (PrimState m) a -> m ()
decimateHighLevel factor coeffs num inBuf outBuf = fill x outBuf
x = VFB.map dotProd (VFB.iterateN num (+ factor) 0)
dotProd offset = VG.sum $ VG.zipWith mult (VG.unsafeDrop offset inBuf) coeffs
type DecimateCRR = CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
type DecimateRR = Int -> VS.Vector Float -> Int -> VS.Vector Float -> VS.MVector RealWorld Float -> IO ()
type DecimateRC = Int -> VS.Vector Float -> Int -> VS.Vector (Complex Float) -> VS.MVector RealWorld (Complex Float) -> IO ()
decimateFFIR :: DecimateCRR -> DecimateRR
decimateFFIR func factor coeffs num inBuf outBuf =
VS.unsafeWith (coerce coeffs) $ \cPtr ->
VS.unsafeWith (coerce inBuf) $ \iPtr ->
VSM.unsafeWith (coerce outBuf) $ \oPtr ->
func (fromIntegral num) (fromIntegral factor) (fromIntegral $ VG.length coeffs) cPtr iPtr oPtr
decimateFFIC :: DecimateCRR -> DecimateRC
decimateFFIC func factor coeffs num inBuf outBuf =
VS.unsafeWith (coerce coeffs) $ \cPtr ->
VS.unsafeWith (coerce inBuf) $ \iPtr ->
VSM.unsafeWith (coerce outBuf) $ \oPtr ->
func (fromIntegral num) (fromIntegral factor) (fromIntegral $ VG.length coeffs) cPtr iPtr oPtr
foreign import ccall unsafe "decimateRR"
decimateCRR_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
decimateCRR :: DecimateRR
decimateCRR = decimateFFIR decimateCRR_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "decimateRC"
decimateCRC_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
decimateCRC :: DecimateRC
decimateCRC = decimateFFIC decimateCRC_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "decimateSSERR"
decimateSSERR_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
decimateCSSERR :: DecimateRR
decimateCSSERR = decimateFFIR decimateSSERR_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "decimateSSERC"
decimateSSERC_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
decimateCSSERC :: DecimateRC
decimateCSSERC = decimateFFIC decimateSSERC_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "decimateSSERC2"
decimateSSERC2_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
decimateCSSERC2 :: DecimateRC
decimateCSSERC2 = decimateFFIC decimateSSERC2_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "decimateAVXRR"
decimateAVXRR_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
decimateCAVXRR :: DecimateRR
decimateCAVXRR = decimateFFIR decimateAVXRR_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "decimateAVXRC"
decimateAVXRC_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
decimateCAVXRC :: DecimateRC
decimateCAVXRC = decimateFFIC decimateAVXRC_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "decimateAVXRC2"
decimateAVXRC2_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
decimateCAVXRC2 :: DecimateRC
decimateCAVXRC2 = decimateFFIC decimateAVXRC2_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "decimateSSESymmetricRR"
decimateSSESymmetricRR_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
decimateCSSESymmetricRR :: DecimateRR
decimateCSSESymmetricRR = decimateFFIR decimateSSESymmetricRR_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "decimateAVXSymmetricRR"
decimateAVXSymmetricRR_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
decimateCAVXSymmetricRR :: DecimateRR
decimateCAVXSymmetricRR = decimateFFIR decimateAVXSymmetricRR_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "decimateSSESymmetricRC"
decimateSSESymmetricRC_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
decimateCSSESymmetricRC :: DecimateRC
decimateCSSESymmetricRC = decimateFFIC decimateSSESymmetricRC_c
foreign import ccall unsafe "decimateAVXSymmetricRC"
decimateAVXSymmetricRC_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
decimateCAVXSymmetricRC :: DecimateRC
decimateCAVXSymmetricRC = decimateFFIC decimateAVXSymmetricRC_c
{-# INLINE resampleHighLevel #-}
resampleHighLevel :: (PrimMonad m, Num a, Mult a b, VG.Vector v a, VG.Vector v b, VGM.MVector vm a) => Int -> Int -> v b -> Int -> Int -> v a -> vm (PrimState m) a -> m Int
resampleHighLevel interpolation decimation coeffs filterOffset count inBuf outBuf = fill 0 filterOffset 0
fill i filterOffset inputOffset
| i < count = do
let dp = dotProd filterOffset inputOffset
VGM.unsafeWrite outBuf i dp
let (q, r) = divMod (decimation - filterOffset - 1) interpolation
inputOffset' = inputOffset + q + 1
filterOffset' = interpolation - 1 - r
filterOffset' `seq` inputOffset' `seq` fill (i + 1) filterOffset' inputOffset'
| otherwise = return filterOffset
dotProd filterOffset offset = VG.sum $ VG.zipWith mult (VG.unsafeDrop offset inBuf) (stride interpolation (VG.unsafeDrop filterOffset coeffs))
foreign import ccall unsafe "resampleRR"
resample_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
resampleCRR :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> VS.Vector Float -> VS.Vector Float -> VS.MVector RealWorld Float -> IO ()
resampleCRR num interpolation decimation offset coeffs inBuf outBuf =
VS.unsafeWith (coerce coeffs) $ \cPtr ->
VS.unsafeWith (coerce inBuf) $ \iPtr ->
VSM.unsafeWith (coerce outBuf) $ \oPtr ->
resample_c (fromIntegral num) (fromIntegral $ VG.length coeffs) (fromIntegral interpolation) (fromIntegral decimation) (fromIntegral offset) cPtr iPtr oPtr
pad :: a -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
pad with num list = list ++ replicate (num - length list) with
strideList :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
strideList s xs = go 0 xs
go _ [] = []
go 0 (x:xs) = x : go (s-1) xs
go n (x:xs) = go (n - 1) xs
roundUp :: Int -> Int -> Int
roundUp num div = ((num + div - 1) `quot` div) * div
data Coeffs = Coeffs {
numCoeffs :: Int,
numGroups :: Int,
increments :: [Int],
groups :: [[Float]]
prepareCoeffs :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Float] -> Coeffs
prepareCoeffs n interpolation decimation coeffs = Coeffs {..}
numCoeffs = maximum $ map (length . snd) dats
numGroups = length groups
increments = map fst dats
groups :: [[Float]]
groups = map (pad 0 (roundUp numCoeffs n)) $ map snd dats
dats :: [(Int, [Float])]
dats = func 0
func' 0 = []
func' x = func x
func :: Int -> [(Int, [Float])]
func offset = (increment, strideList interpolation $ drop offset coeffs) : func' offset'
(q, r) = divMod (decimation - offset - 1) interpolation
increment = q + 1
offset' = interpolation - 1 - r
resampleFFIR :: (Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO CInt) -> VS.Vector Float -> VSM.MVector RealWorld Float -> IO Int
resampleFFIR func inBuf outBuf = liftM fromIntegral $
VS.unsafeWith (coerce inBuf) $ \iPtr ->
VSM.unsafeWith (coerce outBuf) $ \oPtr ->
func iPtr oPtr
resampleFFIC :: (Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO CInt) -> VS.Vector (Complex Float) -> VSM.MVector RealWorld (Complex Float) -> IO Int
resampleFFIC func inBuf outBuf = liftM fromIntegral $
VS.unsafeWith (coerce inBuf) $ \iPtr ->
VSM.unsafeWith (coerce outBuf) $ \oPtr ->
func iPtr oPtr
type ResampleR = CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CFloat) -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO CInt
mkResampler :: ResampleR -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Float] -> IO (Int -> Int -> VS.Vector Float -> VS.MVector RealWorld Float -> IO Int)
mkResampler func n interpolation decimation coeffs = do
groupsP <- mapM newArray $ map (map realToFrac) groups
groupsPP <- newArray groupsP
incrementsP <- newArray $ map fromIntegral increments
return $ \offset num -> resampleFFIR $ func (fromIntegral num) (fromIntegral numCoeffs) (fromIntegral offset) (fromIntegral numGroups) incrementsP groupsPP
Coeffs {..} = prepareCoeffs n interpolation decimation coeffs
type ResampleRR = Int -> Int -> [Float] -> IO (Int -> Int -> VS.Vector Float -> VS.MVector RealWorld Float -> IO Int)
foreign import ccall unsafe "resample2RR"
resample2_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CFloat) -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO CInt
resampleCRR2 :: ResampleRR
resampleCRR2 = mkResampler resample2_c 1
foreign import ccall unsafe "resampleSSERR"
resampleCSSERR_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CFloat) -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO CInt
resampleCSSERR :: ResampleRR
resampleCSSERR = mkResampler resampleCSSERR_c 4
foreign import ccall unsafe "resampleAVXRR"
resampleAVXRR_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CFloat) -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO CInt
resampleCAVXRR :: ResampleRR
resampleCAVXRR = mkResampler resampleAVXRR_c 8
type ResampleRC = Int -> Int -> [Float] -> IO (Int -> Int -> VS.Vector (Complex Float) -> VS.MVector RealWorld (Complex Float) -> IO Int)
mkResamplerC :: ResampleR -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Float] -> IO (Int -> Int -> VS.Vector (Complex Float) -> VS.MVector RealWorld (Complex Float) -> IO Int)
mkResamplerC func n interpolation decimation coeffs = do
groupsP <- mapM newArray $ map (map realToFrac) groups
groupsPP <- newArray groupsP
incrementsP <- newArray $ map fromIntegral increments
return $ \offset num -> resampleFFIC $ func (fromIntegral num) (fromIntegral numCoeffs) (fromIntegral offset) (fromIntegral numGroups) incrementsP groupsPP
Coeffs {..} = prepareCoeffs n interpolation decimation coeffs
foreign import ccall unsafe "resample2RC"
resample2RC_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CFloat) -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO CInt
resampleCRC :: ResampleRC
resampleCRC = mkResamplerC resample2RC_c 1
foreign import ccall unsafe "resampleSSERC"
resampleCSSERC_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CFloat) -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO CInt
resampleCSSERC :: ResampleRC
resampleCSSERC = mkResamplerC resampleCSSERC_c 4
foreign import ccall unsafe "resampleAVXRC"
resampleAVXRC_c :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CFloat) -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO CInt
resampleCAVXRC :: ResampleRC
resampleCAVXRC = mkResamplerC resampleAVXRC_c 8
{-# INLINE decimateCrossHighLevel #-}
decimateCrossHighLevel :: (PrimMonad m, Functor m, Num a, Mult a b, VG.Vector v a, VG.Vector v b, VGM.MVector vm a) => Int -> v b -> Int -> v a -> v a -> vm (PrimState m) a -> m ()
decimateCrossHighLevel factor coeffs num lastBuf nextBuf outBuf = fill x outBuf
x = VFB.map dotProd (VFB.iterateN num (+ factor) 0)
dotProd i = VG.sum $ VG.zipWith mult (VG.unsafeDrop i lastBuf VG.++ nextBuf) coeffs
{-# INLINE filterCrossHighLevel #-}
filterCrossHighLevel :: (PrimMonad m, Functor m, Num a, Mult a b, VG.Vector v a, VG.Vector v b, VGM.MVector vm a) => v b -> Int -> v a -> v a -> vm (PrimState m) a -> m ()
filterCrossHighLevel coeffs num lastBuf nextBuf outBuf = fill (VFB.generate num dotProd) outBuf
dotProd i = VG.sum $ VG.zipWith mult (VG.unsafeDrop i lastBuf VG.++ nextBuf) coeffs
{-# INLINE resampleCrossHighLevel #-}
resampleCrossHighLevel :: (PrimMonad m, Num a, Mult a b, VG.Vector v a, VG.Vector v b, VGM.MVector vm a) => Int -> Int -> v b -> Int -> Int -> v a -> v a -> vm (PrimState m) a -> m Int
resampleCrossHighLevel interpolation decimation coeffs filterOffset count lastBuf nextBuf outBuf = fill 0 filterOffset 0
fill i filterOffset inputOffset
| i < count = do
let dp = dotProd filterOffset inputOffset
VGM.unsafeWrite outBuf i dp
let (q, r) = divMod (decimation - filterOffset - 1) interpolation
inputOffset' = inputOffset + q + 1
filterOffset' = interpolation - 1 - r
filterOffset' `seq` inputOffset' `seq` fill (i + 1) filterOffset' inputOffset'
| otherwise = return filterOffset
dotProd filterOffset i = VG.sum $ VG.zipWith mult (VG.unsafeDrop i lastBuf VG.++ nextBuf) (stride interpolation (VG.unsafeDrop filterOffset coeffs))
foreign import ccall unsafe "dcBlocker"
c_dcBlocker :: CInt -> CFloat -> CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> Ptr CFloat -> IO ()
dcBlocker :: Int -> Float -> Float -> VS.Vector Float -> VS.MVector RealWorld Float -> IO (Float, Float)
dcBlocker num lastSample lastOutput inBuf outBuf =
alloca $ \fsp ->
alloca $ \fop ->
VS.unsafeWith (coerce inBuf) $ \iPtr ->
VSM.unsafeWith (coerce outBuf) $ \oPtr -> do
c_dcBlocker (fromIntegral num) (realToFrac lastSample) (realToFrac lastOutput) fsp fop iPtr oPtr
r1 <- peek fsp
r2 <- peek fop
return (realToFrac r1, realToFrac r2)