{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Servant.QuickCheck.Internal.QuickCheck where
import Control.Concurrent (tryReadMVar, newEmptyMVar, tryPutMVar)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as C
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (withApplication)
import Prelude.Compat
import Servant (Context (EmptyContext), HasServer,
Server, serveWithContext)
import Servant.Client (BaseUrl (..), Scheme (..))
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Test.Hspec (Expectation, expectationFailure)
import Test.QuickCheck (Args (..), Result (..), quickCheckWithResult)
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (assert, forAllM, monadicIO, monitor,
import Test.QuickCheck.Property (counterexample)
import Servant.QuickCheck.Internal.Equality
import Servant.QuickCheck.Internal.ErrorTypes
import Servant.QuickCheck.Internal.HasGenRequest
import Servant.QuickCheck.Internal.Predicates
withServantServer :: HasServer a '[] => Proxy a -> IO (Server a)
-> (BaseUrl -> IO r) -> IO r
withServantServer api = withServantServerAndContext api EmptyContext
withServantServerAndContext :: HasServer a ctx
=> Proxy a -> Context ctx -> IO (Server a) -> (BaseUrl -> IO r) -> IO r
withServantServerAndContext api ctx server t
= withApplication (return . serveWithContext api ctx =<< server) $ \port ->
t (BaseUrl Http "localhost" port "")
serversEqual :: HasGenRequest a =>
Proxy a -> BaseUrl -> BaseUrl -> Args -> ResponseEquality LBS.ByteString -> Expectation
serversEqual api burl1 burl2 args req = do
let reqs = (\f -> (f burl1, f burl2)) <$> runGenRequest api
deetsMVar <- newEmptyMVar
r <- quickCheckWithResult args { chatty = False } $ monadicIO $ forAllM reqs $ \(req1, req2) -> do
resp1 <- run $ C.httpLbs (noCheckStatus req1) defManager
resp2 <- run $ C.httpLbs (noCheckStatus req2) defManager
unless (getResponseEquality req resp1 resp2) $ do
monitor (counterexample "hi" )
_ <- run $ tryPutMVar deetsMVar $ ServerEqualityFailure req1 resp1 resp2
assert False
case r of
Success {} -> return ()
Failure{..} -> do
mx <- tryReadMVar deetsMVar
case mx of
Just x ->
expectationFailure $ "Failed:\n" ++ show x
Nothing ->
expectationFailure $ "We failed to record a reason for failure: " <> show r
GaveUp { numTests = n } -> expectationFailure $ "Gave up after " ++ show n ++ " tests"
NoExpectedFailure {} -> expectationFailure "No expected failure"
#if MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,12,0)
InsufficientCoverage {} -> expectationFailure "Insufficient coverage"
serverSatisfies :: (HasGenRequest a) =>
Proxy a -> BaseUrl -> Args -> Predicates -> Expectation
serverSatisfies api = serverSatisfiesMgr api defManager
serverSatisfiesMgr :: (HasGenRequest a) =>
Proxy a -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> Args -> Predicates -> Expectation
serverSatisfiesMgr api manager burl args preds = do
let reqs = ($ burl) <$> runGenRequest api
deetsMVar <- newEmptyMVar
r <- quickCheckWithResult args { chatty = False } $ monadicIO $ forAllM reqs $ \req -> do
v <- run $ finishPredicates preds (noCheckStatus req) manager
_ <- run $ tryPutMVar deetsMVar v
case v of
Just _ -> assert False
_ -> return ()
case r of
Success {} -> return ()
Failure {..} -> do
mx <- tryReadMVar deetsMVar
case mx of
Just x ->
expectationFailure $ "Failed:\n" ++ show x
Nothing ->
expectationFailure $ "We failed to record a reason for failure: " <> show r
GaveUp { numTests = n } -> expectationFailure $ "Gave up after " ++ show n ++ " tests"
NoExpectedFailure {} -> expectationFailure $ "No expected failure"
#if MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,12,0)
InsufficientCoverage {} -> expectationFailure "Insufficient coverage"
serverDoesntSatisfy :: (HasGenRequest a) =>
Proxy a -> BaseUrl -> Args -> Predicates -> Expectation
serverDoesntSatisfy api = serverDoesntSatisfyMgr api defManager
serverDoesntSatisfyMgr :: (HasGenRequest a) =>
Proxy a -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> Args -> Predicates -> Expectation
serverDoesntSatisfyMgr api manager burl args preds = do
let reqs = ($ burl) <$> runGenRequest api
r <- quickCheckWithResult args $ monadicIO $ forAllM reqs $ \req -> do
v <- run $ finishPredicates preds (noCheckStatus req) manager
assert $ not $ null v
case r of
Success {} -> return ()
GaveUp { numTests = n } -> expectationFailure $ "Gave up after " ++ show n ++ " tests"
Failure { output = m } -> expectationFailure $ "Failed:\n" ++ show m
NoExpectedFailure {} -> expectationFailure $ "No expected failure"
#if MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,12,0)
InsufficientCoverage {} -> expectationFailure "Insufficient coverage"
noCheckStatus :: C.Request -> C.Request
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,5,0)
noCheckStatus = id
noCheckStatus r = r { C.checkStatus = \_ _ _ -> Nothing}
defManager :: C.Manager
defManager = unsafePerformIO $ C.newManager C.defaultManagerSettings
{-# NOINLINE defManager #-}