Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- type HasServerArrowTypeError a b = (((Text "No instance HasServer (a -> b)." :$$: Text "Maybe you have used '->' instead of ':>' between ") :$$: ShowType a) :$$: Text "and") :$$: ShowType b
- type HasServerArrowKindError arr = (Text "Expected something of kind Symbol or *, got: k -> l on the LHS of ':>'." :$$: Text "Maybe you haven't applied enough arguments to") :$$: ShowType arr
- data EmptyServer = EmptyServer
- type Server api = ServerT api Handler
- class HasServer api context where
- allowedMethodHead :: Method -> Request -> Bool
- allowedMethod :: Method -> Request -> Bool
- methodCheck :: Method -> Request -> DelayedIO ()
- acceptCheck :: AllMime list => Proxy list -> AcceptHeader -> DelayedIO ()
- methodRouter :: AllCTRender ctypes a => (b -> ([(HeaderName, ByteString)], a)) -> Method -> Proxy ctypes -> Status -> Delayed env (Handler b) -> Router env
- noContentRouter :: Method -> Status -> Delayed env (Handler b) -> Router env
- streamRouter :: forall ctype a c chunk env framing. (MimeRender ctype chunk, FramingRender framing, ToSourceIO chunk a) => (c -> ([(HeaderName, ByteString)], a)) -> Method -> Status -> Proxy framing -> Proxy ctype -> Delayed env (Handler c) -> Router env
- emptyServer :: ServerT EmptyAPI m
- ct_wildcard :: ByteString
- getAcceptHeader :: Request -> AcceptHeader
- module Servant.Server.Internal.BasicAuth
- module Servant.Server.Internal.Context
- module Servant.Server.Internal.Delayed
- module Servant.Server.Internal.DelayedIO
- module Servant.Server.Internal.ErrorFormatter
- module Servant.Server.Internal.Handler
- module Servant.Server.Internal.Router
- module Servant.Server.Internal.RouteResult
- module Servant.Server.Internal.RoutingApplication
- module Servant.Server.Internal.ServerError
type HasServerArrowTypeError a b = (((Text "No instance HasServer (a -> b)." :$$: Text "Maybe you have used '->' instead of ':>' between ") :$$: ShowType a) :$$: Text "and") :$$: ShowType b Source #
type HasServerArrowKindError arr = (Text "Expected something of kind Symbol or *, got: k -> l on the LHS of ':>'." :$$: Text "Maybe you haven't applied enough arguments to") :$$: ShowType arr Source #
data EmptyServer Source #
Singleton type representing a server that serves an empty API.
EmptyServer |
Bounded EmptyServer Source # | |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal | |
Enum EmptyServer Source # | |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods succ :: EmptyServer -> EmptyServer # pred :: EmptyServer -> EmptyServer # toEnum :: Int -> EmptyServer # fromEnum :: EmptyServer -> Int # enumFrom :: EmptyServer -> [EmptyServer] # enumFromThen :: EmptyServer -> EmptyServer -> [EmptyServer] # enumFromTo :: EmptyServer -> EmptyServer -> [EmptyServer] # enumFromThenTo :: EmptyServer -> EmptyServer -> EmptyServer -> [EmptyServer] # | |
Eq EmptyServer Source # | |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal | |
Show EmptyServer Source # | |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods showsPrec :: Int -> EmptyServer -> ShowS # show :: EmptyServer -> String # showList :: [EmptyServer] -> ShowS # |
class HasServer api context where Source #
route :: Proxy api -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server api) -> Router env Source #
hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy api -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT api m -> ServerT api n Source #
HasServer Raw context Source # | Just pass the request to the underlying application and serve its response. Example: type MyApi = "images" :> Raw server :: Server MyApi server = serveDirectory "/var/www/images" |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal | |
HasServer EmptyAPI context Source # | The server for an type MyApi = "nothing" :> EmptyApi server :: Server MyApi server = emptyAPIServer |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal | |
(TypeError (HasServerArrowTypeError a b) :: Constraint) => HasServer (a -> b :: Type) context Source # | This instance prevents from accidentally using '->' instead of
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal | |
ReflectMethod method => HasServer (NoContentVerb method :: Type) context Source # | |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Associated Types type ServerT (NoContentVerb method) m :: Type Source # Methods route :: Proxy (NoContentVerb method) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (NoContentVerb method)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (NoContentVerb method) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (NoContentVerb method) m -> ServerT (NoContentVerb method) n Source # | |
(HasServer a context, HasServer b context) => HasServer (a :<|> b :: Type) context Source # | A server for type MyApi = "books" :> Get '[JSON] [Book] -- GET /books :<|> "books" :> ReqBody Book :> Post '[JSON] Book -- POST /books server :: Server MyApi server = listAllBooks :<|> postBook where listAllBooks = ... postBook book = ... |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal | |
(HasContextEntry context (NamedContext name subContext), HasServer subApi subContext) => HasServer (WithNamedContext name subContext subApi :: Type) context Source # | |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Associated Types type ServerT (WithNamedContext name subContext subApi) m :: Type Source # Methods route :: Proxy (WithNamedContext name subContext subApi) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (WithNamedContext name subContext subApi)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (WithNamedContext name subContext subApi) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (WithNamedContext name subContext subApi) m -> ServerT (WithNamedContext name subContext subApi) n Source # | |
(TypeError (HasServerArrowKindError arr) :: Constraint) => HasServer (arr :> api :: Type) context Source # | This instance catches mistakes when there are non-saturated
type applications on LHS of
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal | |
HasServer api context => HasServer (HttpVersion :> api :: Type) context Source # | |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (HttpVersion :> api) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (HttpVersion :> api)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (HttpVersion :> api) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (HttpVersion :> api) m -> ServerT (HttpVersion :> api) n Source # | |
(FramingUnrender framing, FromSourceIO chunk a, MimeUnrender ctype chunk, HasServer api context) => HasServer (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api :: Type) context Source # | |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) m -> ServerT (StreamBody' mods framing ctype a :> api) n Source # | |
(AllCTUnrender list a, HasServer api context, SBoolI (FoldLenient mods), HasContextEntry (MkContextWithErrorFormatter context) ErrorFormatters) => HasServer (ReqBody' mods list a :> api :: Type) context Source # | If you use All it asks is for a Example: type MyApi = "books" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Book :> Post '[JSON] Book server :: Server MyApi server = postBook where postBook :: Book -> Handler Book postBook book = ...insert into your db... |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (ReqBody' mods list a :> api) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (ReqBody' mods list a :> api)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (ReqBody' mods list a :> api) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (ReqBody' mods list a :> api) m -> ServerT (ReqBody' mods list a :> api) n Source # | |
HasServer api context => HasServer (RemoteHost :> api :: Type) context Source # | |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (RemoteHost :> api) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (RemoteHost :> api)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (RemoteHost :> api) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (RemoteHost :> api) m -> ServerT (RemoteHost :> api) n Source # | |
(KnownSymbol sym, FromHttpApiData a, HasServer api context, SBoolI (FoldRequired mods), SBoolI (FoldLenient mods), HasContextEntry (MkContextWithErrorFormatter context) ErrorFormatters) => HasServer (QueryParam' mods sym a :> api :: Type) context Source # | If you use This lets servant worry about looking it up in the query string
and turning it into a value of the type you specify, enclosed
in You can control how it'll be converted from Example: type MyApi = "books" :> QueryParam "author" Text :> Get '[JSON] [Book] server :: Server MyApi server = getBooksBy where getBooksBy :: Maybe Text -> Handler [Book] getBooksBy Nothing = ...return all books... getBooksBy (Just author) = ...return books by the given author... |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (QueryParam' mods sym a :> api)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) m -> ServerT (QueryParam' mods sym a :> api) n Source # | |
(KnownSymbol sym, FromHttpApiData a, HasServer api context, HasContextEntry (MkContextWithErrorFormatter context) ErrorFormatters) => HasServer (QueryParams sym a :> api :: Type) context Source # | If you use This lets servant worry about looking up 0 or more values in the query string
associated to You can control how the individual values are converted from Example: type MyApi = "books" :> QueryParams "authors" Text :> Get '[JSON] [Book] server :: Server MyApi server = getBooksBy where getBooksBy :: [Text] -> Handler [Book] getBooksBy authors = ...return all books by these authors... |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (QueryParams sym a :> api) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (QueryParams sym a :> api)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (QueryParams sym a :> api) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (QueryParams sym a :> api) m -> ServerT (QueryParams sym a :> api) n Source # | |
(KnownSymbol sym, HasServer api context) => HasServer (QueryFlag sym :> api :: Type) context Source # | If you use Example: type MyApi = "books" :> QueryFlag "published" :> Get '[JSON] [Book] server :: Server MyApi server = getBooks where getBooks :: Bool -> Handler [Book] getBooks onlyPublished = ...return all books, or only the ones that are already published, depending on the argument... |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (QueryFlag sym :> api) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (QueryFlag sym :> api)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (QueryFlag sym :> api) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (QueryFlag sym :> api) m -> ServerT (QueryFlag sym :> api) n Source # | |
(KnownSymbol sym, FromHttpApiData a, HasServer api context, SBoolI (FoldRequired mods), SBoolI (FoldLenient mods), HasContextEntry (MkContextWithErrorFormatter context) ErrorFormatters) => HasServer (Header' mods sym a :> api :: Type) context Source # | If you use All it asks is for a Example: newtype Referer = Referer Text deriving (Eq, Show, FromHttpApiData) -- GET /view-my-referer type MyApi = "view-my-referer" :> Header "Referer" Referer :> Get '[JSON] Referer server :: Server MyApi server = viewReferer where viewReferer :: Referer -> Handler referer viewReferer referer = return referer |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (Header' mods sym a :> api) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (Header' mods sym a :> api)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (Header' mods sym a :> api) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (Header' mods sym a :> api) m -> ServerT (Header' mods sym a :> api) n Source # | |
HasServer api context => HasServer (IsSecure :> api :: Type) context Source # | |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal | |
(HasServer api context, HasContextEntry context (AuthHandler Request (AuthServerData (AuthProtect tag)))) => HasServer (AuthProtect tag :> api :: Type) context Source # | Known orphan instance. |
Defined in Servant.Server.Experimental.Auth Methods route :: Proxy (AuthProtect tag :> api) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (AuthProtect tag :> api)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (AuthProtect tag :> api) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (AuthProtect tag :> api) m -> ServerT (AuthProtect tag :> api) n Source # | |
HasServer api ctx => HasServer (Summary desc :> api :: Type) ctx Source # | Ignore |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal | |
HasServer api ctx => HasServer (Description desc :> api :: Type) ctx Source # | Ignore |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (Description desc :> api) -> Context ctx -> Delayed env (Server (Description desc :> api)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (Description desc :> api) -> Proxy ctx -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (Description desc :> api) m -> ServerT (Description desc :> api) n Source # | |
(KnownSymbol capture, FromHttpApiData a, HasServer api context, SBoolI (FoldLenient mods), HasContextEntry (MkContextWithErrorFormatter context) ErrorFormatters) => HasServer (Capture' mods capture a :> api :: Type) context Source # | If you use You can control how it'll be converted from Example: type MyApi = "books" :> Capture "isbn" Text :> Get '[JSON] Book server :: Server MyApi server = getBook where getBook :: Text -> Handler Book getBook isbn = ... |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (Capture' mods capture a :> api) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (Capture' mods capture a :> api)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (Capture' mods capture a :> api) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (Capture' mods capture a :> api) m -> ServerT (Capture' mods capture a :> api) n Source # | |
(KnownSymbol capture, FromHttpApiData a, HasServer api context, HasContextEntry (MkContextWithErrorFormatter context) ErrorFormatters) => HasServer (CaptureAll capture a :> api :: Type) context Source # | If you use You can control how they'll be converted from Example: type MyApi = "src" :> CaptureAll "segments" Text :> Get '[JSON] SourceFile server :: Server MyApi server = getSourceFile where getSourceFile :: [Text] -> Handler Book getSourceFile pathSegments = ... |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (CaptureAll capture a :> api) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (CaptureAll capture a :> api)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (CaptureAll capture a :> api) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (CaptureAll capture a :> api) m -> ServerT (CaptureAll capture a :> api) n Source # | |
(KnownSymbol realm, HasServer api context, HasContextEntry context (BasicAuthCheck usr)) => HasServer (BasicAuth realm usr :> api :: Type) context Source # | Basic Authentication |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (BasicAuth realm usr :> api) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (BasicAuth realm usr :> api)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (BasicAuth realm usr :> api) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (BasicAuth realm usr :> api) m -> ServerT (BasicAuth realm usr :> api) n Source # | |
HasServer api context => HasServer (Vault :> api :: Type) context Source # | |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal | |
(KnownSymbol path, HasServer api context) => HasServer (path :> api :: Type) context Source # | Make sure the incoming request starts with |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal | |
(AllCTRender ctypes a, ReflectMethod method, KnownNat status, GetHeaders (Headers h a)) => HasServer (Verb method status ctypes (Headers h a) :: Type) context Source # | |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (Verb method status ctypes (Headers h a)) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (Verb method status ctypes (Headers h a))) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (Verb method status ctypes (Headers h a)) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (Verb method status ctypes (Headers h a)) m -> ServerT (Verb method status ctypes (Headers h a)) n Source # | |
(AllCTRender ctypes a, ReflectMethod method, KnownNat status) => HasServer (Verb method status ctypes a :: Type) context Source # | |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (Verb method status ctypes a) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (Verb method status ctypes a)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (Verb method status ctypes a) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (Verb method status ctypes a) m -> ServerT (Verb method status ctypes a) n Source # | |
(MimeRender ctype chunk, ReflectMethod method, KnownNat status, FramingRender framing, ToSourceIO chunk a, GetHeaders (Headers h a)) => HasServer (Stream method status framing ctype (Headers h a) :: Type) context Source # | |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (Stream method status framing ctype (Headers h a)) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (Stream method status framing ctype (Headers h a))) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (Stream method status framing ctype (Headers h a)) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (Stream method status framing ctype (Headers h a)) m -> ServerT (Stream method status framing ctype (Headers h a)) n Source # | |
(MimeRender ctype chunk, ReflectMethod method, KnownNat status, FramingRender framing, ToSourceIO chunk a) => HasServer (Stream method status framing ctype a :: Type) context Source # | |
Defined in Servant.Server.Internal Methods route :: Proxy (Stream method status framing ctype a) -> Context context -> Delayed env (Server (Stream method status framing ctype a)) -> Router env Source # hoistServerWithContext :: Proxy (Stream method status framing ctype a) -> Proxy context -> (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ServerT (Stream method status framing ctype a) m -> ServerT (Stream method status framing ctype a) n Source # |
acceptCheck :: AllMime list => Proxy list -> AcceptHeader -> DelayedIO () Source #
methodRouter :: AllCTRender ctypes a => (b -> ([(HeaderName, ByteString)], a)) -> Method -> Proxy ctypes -> Status -> Delayed env (Handler b) -> Router env Source #
streamRouter :: forall ctype a c chunk env framing. (MimeRender ctype chunk, FramingRender framing, ToSourceIO chunk a) => (c -> ([(HeaderName, ByteString)], a)) -> Method -> Status -> Proxy framing -> Proxy ctype -> Delayed env (Handler c) -> Router env Source #