Copyright | (C) Richard Cook 2019 |
License | MIT |
Maintainer | |
Stability | stable |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module provides a parseSExpr
function which parses simple
s-expressions represented using the SExpr
type from String
Here's a full example which uses Z3 to determine the satisfiability of a simple Boolean expression. It feeds SMT-LIB v2-format input to Z3 and then parses the output (which uses a subset of Lisp-style s-expressions) to display the satisfying assignment for the expression.
module Main (main) where import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Control.Exception (evaluate) import Control.Monad (void) import Data.Foldable (for_) import Data.List (sort) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import System.IO (BufferMode(..), hGetContents, hPutStrLn, hSetBuffering) import System.Process import Text.Megaparsec (parse) import Text.Megaparsec.Char (char, string) import Text.Printf (printf) import Text.SExpression (Parser, SExpr(..), parseSExpr, def) data Z3SATResult = Satisfied | Unsatisfied deriving Show data Z3Output = Z3Output Z3SATResult SExpr deriving Show main :: IO () main = do result <- checkSATWithZ3 "input.smt2" $ "(push)\n\ \(declare-const x bool)\n\ \(declare-const y bool)\n\ \(assert (and (not x) y))\n\ \(check-sat)\n\ \(get-model)\n\ \(pop)\n\ \(exit)\n" case result of Left e -> putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ e Right (satResult, funs) -> do for_ funs $ \(name, value) -> putStrLn $ printf "%s = %s" name (if value then "1" else "0") putStrLn $ printf "result=%s" (show satResult) parseZ3SATResult :: Parser Z3SATResult parseZ3SATResult = do s <- string "sat" <|> string "unsat" void $ char '\n' case s of "sat" -> pure Satisfied "unsat" -> pure Unsatisfied _ -> error "Unreachable" parseZ3Output :: Parser Z3Output parseZ3Output = Z3Output <$> parseZ3SATResult <*> parseSExpr def checkSATWithZ3 :: String -> String -> IO (Either String (Z3SATResult, [(String, Bool)])) checkSATWithZ3 ctx input = do output <- withCreateProcess (proc "z3" ["-in"]) { std_in = CreatePipe , std_out = CreatePipe , std_err = Inherit } $ \(Just hIn) (Just hOut) _ _ -> do hSetBuffering hIn NoBuffering hPutStrLn hIn input s <- hGetContents hOut void $ evaluate (length s) pure s case parse parseZ3Output ctx output of Left e -> pure $ Left (show e) Right (Z3Output satResult f) -> pure $ Right (satResult, sort (boolFuns f)) boolFuns :: SExpr -> [(String, Bool)] boolFuns (List (Atom "model" : fs)) = catMaybes $ map p fs where p :: SExpr -> Maybe (String, Bool) p (List [Atom "define-fun", Atom name, List [], Atom "bool", Atom "false"]) = Just (name, False) p (List [Atom "define-fun", Atom name, List [], Atom "bool", Atom "true"]) = Just (name, True) p _ = Nothing boolFuns _ = []
This demonstrates how to run the parser with parse
as well as how to compose the s-expression parser with
other parsers to handle a composite format. It also shows how to
pattern-match on SExpr
to extract data from s-expressions.
Parser context
S-expression values
S-expression values
Atom String | atom |
List [SExpr] | list |
ConsList [SExpr] SExpr | cons list |
Number Integer | number literal |
String String | string literal |
Bool Bool | Boolean literal |