{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables, NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
module Development.Shake.Command(
command, command_, cmd, cmd_, unit, CmdArgument(..), CmdArguments(..), IsCmdArgument(..), (:->),
Stdout(..), Stderr(..), Stdouterr(..), Exit(..), Process(..), CmdTime(..), CmdLine(..),
CmdResult, CmdString, CmdOption(..),
addPath, addEnv,
) where
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Char
import Data.Either.Extra
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup)
import Data.Monoid
import System.Directory
import System.Environment.Extra
import System.Exit
import System.IO.Extra hiding (withTempFile, withTempDir)
import System.Process
import System.Info.Extra
import System.Time.Extra
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafeInterleaveIO)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import General.Extra
import General.Process
import Control.Applicative
import Prelude
import Development.Shake.Internal.CmdOption
import Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action
import Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types hiding (Result)
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import Development.Shake.Internal.FilePattern
import Development.Shake.Internal.Options
import Development.Shake.Internal.Rules.File
import Development.Shake.Internal.Derived
addPath :: MonadIO m => [String] -> [String] -> m CmdOption
addPath pre post = do
args <- liftIO getEnvironment
let (path,other) = partition ((== "PATH") . (if isWindows then upper else id) . fst) args
return $ Env $
[("PATH",intercalate [searchPathSeparator] $ pre ++ post) | null path] ++
[(a,intercalate [searchPathSeparator] $ pre ++ [b | b /= ""] ++ post) | (a,b) <- path] ++
addEnv :: MonadIO m => [(String, String)] -> m CmdOption
addEnv extra = do
args <- liftIO getEnvironment
return $ Env $ extra ++ filter (\(a,_) -> a `notElem` map fst extra) args
data Str = Str String | BS BS.ByteString | LBS LBS.ByteString | Unit deriving Eq
data Result
= ResultStdout Str
| ResultStderr Str
| ResultStdouterr Str
| ResultCode ExitCode
| ResultTime Double
| ResultLine String
| ResultProcess PID
deriving Eq
data PID = PID0 | PID ProcessHandle
instance Eq PID where _ == _ = True
commandExplicit :: String -> [CmdOption] -> [Result] -> String -> [String] -> Action [Result]
commandExplicit funcName oopts results exe args = do
,shakeLint,shakeLintInside,shakeLintIgnore} <- getShakeOptions
let fopts = shakeCommandOptions ++ oopts
let useShell = Shell `elem` fopts
let useLint = shakeLint == Just LintFSATrace
let useAutoDeps = AutoDeps `elem` fopts
let opts = filter (/= Shell) fopts
let skipper act = if null results && not shakeRunCommands then return [] else act
let verboser act = do
let cwd = listToMaybe $ reverse [x | Cwd x <- opts]
putLoud $
maybe "" (\x -> "cd " ++ x ++ "; ") cwd ++
if useShell then unwords $ exe : args else showCommandForUser2 exe args
verb <- getVerbosity
(if verb >= Loud then quietly else id) act
let tracer = case reverse [x | Traced x <- opts] of
"":_ -> liftIO
msg:_ -> traced msg
_ | useShell -> traced $ takeFileName $ fst $ word1 exe
[] -> traced $ takeFileName exe
let tracker act
| useLint = fsatrace act
| useAutoDeps = autodeps act
| useShell = shelled act
| otherwise = act exe args
shelled = runShell (unwords $ exe : args)
ignore = map (?==) shakeLintIgnore
ham cwd xs = [makeRelative cwd x | x <- map toStandard xs
, any (`isPrefixOf` x) shakeLintInside
, not $ any ($ x) ignore]
fsaCmd act opts file
| isMac = fsaCmdMac act opts file
| useShell = runShell (unwords $ exe : args) $ \exe args -> act "fsatrace" $ opts : file : "--" : exe : args
| otherwise = act "fsatrace" $ opts : file : "--" : exe : args
fsaCmdMac act opts file = do
let fakeExe e = liftIO $ do
me <- findExecutable e
case me of
Just re -> do
let isSystem = any (`isPrefixOf` re) [ "/bin"
, "/usr"
, "/sbin"
if isSystem
then do
tmpdir <- getTemporaryDirectory
let fake = tmpdir ++ "fsatrace-fakes" ++ re
unlessM (doesFileExist fake) $ do
createDirectoryRecursive $ takeDirectory fake
copyFile re fake
return fake
else return re
Nothing -> return e
fexe <- fakeExe exe
if useShell
then do
fsh <- fakeExe "/bin/sh"
act "fsatrace" $ opts : file : "--" : fsh : "-c" : [unwords $ fexe : args]
else act "fsatrace" $ opts : file : "--" : fexe : args
fsatrace act = withTempFile $ \file -> do
res <- fsaCmd act "rwm" file
xs <- liftIO $ parseFSAT <$> readFileUTF8' file
cwd <- liftIO getCurrentDirectory
let reader (FSATRead x) = Just x; reader _ = Nothing
writer (FSATWrite x) = Just x; writer (FSATMove x _) = Just x; writer _ = Nothing
existing f = liftIO . filterM doesFileExist . nubOrd . mapMaybe f
rs <- existing reader xs
ws <- existing writer xs
let reads = ham cwd rs
writes = ham cwd ws
when useAutoDeps $
unsafeAllowApply $ needed reads
trackRead reads
trackWrite writes
return res
autodeps act = withTempFile $ \file -> do
res <- fsaCmd act "r" file
pxs <- liftIO $ parseFSAT <$> readFileUTF8' file
xs <- liftIO $ filterM doesFileExist [x | FSATRead x <- pxs]
cwd <- liftIO getCurrentDirectory
unsafeAllowApply $ need $ ham cwd xs
return res
skipper $ tracker $ \exe args -> verboser $ tracer $ commandExplicitIO funcName opts results exe args
runShell :: String -> (String -> [String] -> Action a) -> Action a
runShell x act | not isWindows = act "/bin/sh" ["-c",x]
runShell x act = withTempDir $ \dir -> do
let file = dir </> "s.bat"
writeFile' file x
act "cmd.exe" ["/d/q/c",file]
data FSAT
= FSATWrite FilePath
| FSATRead FilePath
| FSATDelete FilePath
| FSATMove FilePath FilePath
parseFSAT :: String -> [FSAT]
parseFSAT = mapMaybe f . lines
where f ('w':'|':xs) = Just $ FSATWrite xs
f ('r':'|':xs) = Just $ FSATRead xs
f ('d':'|':xs) = Just $ FSATDelete xs
f ('m':'|':xs) | (xs,'|':ys) <- break (== '|') xs = Just $ FSATMove xs ys
f _ = Nothing
commandExplicitIO :: String -> [CmdOption] -> [Result] -> String -> [String] -> IO [Result]
commandExplicitIO funcName opts results exe args = do
let (grabStdout, grabStderr) = both or $ unzip $ flip map results $ \r -> case r of
ResultStdout{} -> (True, False)
ResultStderr{} -> (False, True)
ResultStdouterr{} -> (True, True)
_ -> (False, False)
optEnv <- resolveEnv opts
let optCwd = let x = last $ "" : [x | Cwd x <- opts] in if x == "" then Nothing else Just x
let optStdin = flip mapMaybe opts $ \x -> case x of
Stdin x -> Just $ SrcString x
StdinBS x -> Just $ SrcBytes x
FileStdin x -> Just $ SrcFile x
_ -> Nothing
let optShell = Shell `elem` opts
let optBinary = BinaryPipes `elem` opts
let optAsync = ResultProcess PID0 `elem` results
let optTimeout = listToMaybe $ reverse [x | Timeout x <- opts]
let optWithStdout = last $ False : [x | WithStdout x <- opts]
let optWithStderr = last $ True : [x | WithStderr x <- opts]
let optFileStdout = [x | FileStdout x <- opts]
let optFileStderr = [x | FileStderr x <- opts]
let optEchoStdout = last $ (not grabStdout && null optFileStdout) : [x | EchoStdout x <- opts]
let optEchoStderr = last $ (not grabStderr && null optFileStderr) : [x | EchoStderr x <- opts]
let cmdline = showCommandForUser2 exe args
let bufLBS f = do (a,b) <- buf $ LBS LBS.empty; return (a, (\(LBS x) -> f x) <$> b)
buf Str{} | optBinary = bufLBS (Str . LBS.unpack)
buf Str{} = do x <- newBuffer; return ([DestString x | not optAsync], Str . concat <$> readBuffer x)
buf LBS{} = do x <- newBuffer; return ([DestBytes x | not optAsync], LBS . LBS.fromChunks <$> readBuffer x)
buf BS {} = bufLBS (BS . BS.concat . LBS.toChunks)
buf Unit = return ([], return Unit)
(dStdout, dStderr, resultBuild) :: ([[Destination]], [[Destination]], [Double -> ProcessHandle -> ExitCode -> IO Result]) <-
fmap unzip3 $ forM results $ \r -> case r of
ResultCode _ -> return ([], [], \_ _ ex -> return $ ResultCode ex)
ResultTime _ -> return ([], [], \dur _ _ -> return $ ResultTime dur)
ResultLine _ -> return ([], [], \_ _ _ -> return $ ResultLine cmdline)
ResultProcess _ -> return ([], [], \_ pid _ -> return $ ResultProcess $ PID pid)
ResultStdout s -> do (a,b) <- buf s; return (a , [], \_ _ _ -> fmap ResultStdout b)
ResultStderr s -> do (a,b) <- buf s; return ([], a , \_ _ _ -> fmap ResultStderr b)
ResultStdouterr s -> do (a,b) <- buf s; return (a , a , \_ _ _ -> fmap ResultStdouterr b)
exceptionBuffer <- newBuffer
po <- resolvePath ProcessOpts
{poCommand = if optShell then ShellCommand $ unwords $ exe:args else RawCommand exe args
,poCwd = optCwd, poEnv = optEnv, poTimeout = optTimeout
,poStdin = [SrcBytes LBS.empty | optBinary && not (null optStdin)] ++ optStdin
,poStdout = [DestEcho | optEchoStdout] ++ map DestFile optFileStdout ++ [DestString exceptionBuffer | optWithStdout && not optAsync] ++ concat dStdout
,poStderr = [DestEcho | optEchoStderr] ++ map DestFile optFileStderr ++ [DestString exceptionBuffer | optWithStderr && not optAsync] ++ concat dStderr
,poAsync = optAsync
(dur,(pid,exit)) <- duration $ process po
if exit == ExitSuccess || ResultCode ExitSuccess `elem` results then
mapM (\f -> f dur pid exit) resultBuild
else do
exceptionBuffer <- readBuffer exceptionBuffer
let captured = ["Stderr" | optWithStderr] ++ ["Stdout" | optWithStdout]
cwd <- case optCwd of
Nothing -> return ""
Just v -> do
v <- canonicalizePath v `catchIO` const (return v)
return $ "Current directory: " ++ v ++ "\n"
fail $
"Development.Shake." ++ funcName ++ ", system command failed\n" ++
"Command: " ++ cmdline ++ "\n" ++
cwd ++
"Exit code: " ++ show (case exit of ExitFailure i -> i; _ -> 0) ++ "\n" ++
if null captured then "Stderr not captured because WithStderr False was used\n"
else if null exceptionBuffer then intercalate " and " captured ++ " " ++ (if length captured == 1 then "was" else "were") ++ " empty"
else intercalate " and " captured ++ ":\n" ++ unlines (dropWhile null $ lines $ concat exceptionBuffer)
resolveEnv :: [CmdOption] -> IO (Maybe [(String, String)])
resolveEnv opts
| null env, null addEnv, null addPath, null remEnv = return Nothing
| otherwise = Just . unique . tweakPath . (++ addEnv) . filter (flip notElem remEnv . fst) <$>
if null env then getEnvironment else return (concat env)
env = [x | Env x <- opts]
addEnv = [(x,y) | AddEnv x y <- opts]
remEnv = [x | RemEnv x <- opts]
addPath = [(x,y) | AddPath x y <- opts]
newPath mid = intercalate [searchPathSeparator] $
concat (reverse $ map fst addPath) ++ [mid | mid /= ""] ++ concatMap snd addPath
isPath x = (if isWindows then upper else id) x == "PATH"
tweakPath xs | not $ any (isPath . fst) xs = ("PATH", newPath "") : xs
| otherwise = map (\(a,b) -> (a, if isPath a then newPath b else b)) xs
unique = reverse . nubOrdOn (if isWindows then upper . fst else fst) . reverse
resolvePath :: ProcessOpts -> IO ProcessOpts
resolvePath po
| Just e <- poEnv po
, Just (_, path) <- find ((==) "PATH" . (if isWindows then upper else id) . fst) e
, RawCommand prog args <- poCommand po
= do
let progExe = if prog == prog -<.> exe then prog else prog <.> exe
pathOld <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ fromMaybe "" <$> lookupEnv "PATH"
old <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ findExecutable prog
new <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ findExecutableWith (splitSearchPath path) progExe
old2 <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ findExecutableWith (splitSearchPath pathOld) progExe
switch <- return $ case () of
_ | path == pathOld -> False
| Nothing <- new -> False
| Nothing <- old -> True
| Just old <- old, Just new <- new, equalFilePath old new -> False
| Just old <- old, Just old2 <- old2, equalFilePath old old2 -> True
| otherwise -> False
return $ case new of
Just new | switch -> po{poCommand = RawCommand new args}
_ -> po
resolvePath po = return po
findExecutableWith :: [FilePath] -> String -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findExecutableWith path x = flip firstJustM (map (</> x) path) $ \s ->
ifM (doesFileExist s) (return $ Just s) (return Nothing)
newtype Stdout a = Stdout {fromStdout :: a}
newtype Stderr a = Stderr {fromStderr :: a}
newtype Stdouterr a = Stdouterr {fromStdouterr :: a}
newtype Exit = Exit {fromExit :: ExitCode}
newtype Process = Process {fromProcess :: ProcessHandle}
newtype CmdTime = CmdTime {fromCmdTime :: Double}
newtype CmdLine = CmdLine {fromCmdLine :: String}
class CmdString a where cmdString :: (Str, Str -> a)
instance CmdString () where cmdString = (Unit, \Unit -> ())
instance CmdString String where cmdString = (Str "", \(Str x) -> x)
instance CmdString BS.ByteString where cmdString = (BS BS.empty, \(BS x) -> x)
instance CmdString LBS.ByteString where cmdString = (LBS LBS.empty, \(LBS x) -> x)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
class Unit a
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Unit b => Unit (a -> b)
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} a ~ () => Unit (m a)
class Unit a
instance Unit b => Unit (a -> b)
instance a ~ () => Unit (m a)
class CmdResult a where
cmdResult :: ([Result], [Result] -> a)
instance CmdResult Exit where
cmdResult = ([ResultCode ExitSuccess], \[ResultCode x] -> Exit x)
instance CmdResult ExitCode where
cmdResult = ([ResultCode ExitSuccess], \[ResultCode x] -> x)
instance CmdResult Process where
cmdResult = ([ResultProcess PID0], \[ResultProcess (PID x)] -> Process x)
instance CmdResult ProcessHandle where
cmdResult = ([ResultProcess PID0], \[ResultProcess (PID x)] -> x)
instance CmdResult CmdLine where
cmdResult = ([ResultLine ""], \[ResultLine x] -> CmdLine x)
instance CmdResult CmdTime where
cmdResult = ([ResultTime 0], \[ResultTime x] -> CmdTime x)
instance CmdString a => CmdResult (Stdout a) where
cmdResult = let (a,b) = cmdString in ([ResultStdout a], \[ResultStdout x] -> Stdout $ b x)
instance CmdString a => CmdResult (Stderr a) where
cmdResult = let (a,b) = cmdString in ([ResultStderr a], \[ResultStderr x] -> Stderr $ b x)
instance CmdString a => CmdResult (Stdouterr a) where
cmdResult = let (a,b) = cmdString in ([ResultStdouterr a], \[ResultStdouterr x] -> Stdouterr $ b x)
instance CmdResult () where
cmdResult = ([], \[] -> ())
instance (CmdResult x1, CmdResult x2) => CmdResult (x1,x2) where
cmdResult = (a1++a2, \rs -> let (r1,r2) = splitAt (length a1) rs in (b1 r1, b2 r2))
where (a1,b1) = cmdResult
(a2,b2) = cmdResult
cmdResultWith :: forall b c. CmdResult b => (b -> c) -> ([Result], [Result] -> c)
cmdResultWith f = second (f .) cmdResult
instance (CmdResult x1, CmdResult x2, CmdResult x3) => CmdResult (x1,x2,x3) where
cmdResult = cmdResultWith $ \(a,(b,c)) -> (a,b,c)
instance (CmdResult x1, CmdResult x2, CmdResult x3, CmdResult x4) => CmdResult (x1,x2,x3,x4) where
cmdResult = cmdResultWith $ \(a,(b,c,d)) -> (a,b,c,d)
instance (CmdResult x1, CmdResult x2, CmdResult x3, CmdResult x4, CmdResult x5) => CmdResult (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) where
cmdResult = cmdResultWith $ \(a,(b,c,d,e)) -> (a,b,c,d,e)
command :: CmdResult r => [CmdOption] -> String -> [String] -> Action r
command opts x xs = b <$> commandExplicit "command" opts a x xs
where (a,b) = cmdResult
command_ :: [CmdOption] -> String -> [String] -> Action ()
command_ opts x xs = void $ commandExplicit "command_" opts [] x xs
type a :-> t = a
cmd :: CmdArguments args => args :-> Action r
cmd = cmdArguments mempty
cmd_ :: (CmdArguments args, Unit args) => args :-> Action ()
cmd_ = cmd
newtype CmdArgument = CmdArgument [Either CmdOption String]
deriving (Eq, Semigroup, Monoid, Show)
class CmdArguments t where
cmdArguments :: CmdArgument -> t
instance (IsCmdArgument a, CmdArguments r) => CmdArguments (a -> r) where
cmdArguments xs x = cmdArguments $ xs `mappend` toCmdArgument x
instance CmdResult r => CmdArguments (Action r) where
cmdArguments (CmdArgument x) = case partitionEithers x of
(opts, x:xs) -> let (a,b) = cmdResult in b <$> commandExplicit "cmd" opts a x xs
_ -> error "Error, no executable or arguments given to Development.Shake.cmd"
instance CmdResult r => CmdArguments (IO r) where
cmdArguments (CmdArgument x) = case partitionEithers x of
(opts, x:xs) -> let (a,b) = cmdResult in b <$> commandExplicitIO "cmd" opts a x xs
_ -> error "Error, no executable or arguments given to Development.Shake.cmd"
instance CmdArguments CmdArgument where
cmdArguments = id
class IsCmdArgument a where
toCmdArgument :: a -> CmdArgument
instance IsCmdArgument String where toCmdArgument = CmdArgument . map Right . words
instance IsCmdArgument [String] where toCmdArgument = CmdArgument . map Right
instance IsCmdArgument CmdOption where toCmdArgument = CmdArgument . return . Left
instance IsCmdArgument [CmdOption] where toCmdArgument = CmdArgument . map Left
instance IsCmdArgument a => IsCmdArgument (Maybe a) where toCmdArgument = maybe mempty toCmdArgument
showCommandForUser2 :: FilePath -> [String] -> String
showCommandForUser2 cmd args = unwords $ map (\x -> if safe x then x else showCommandForUser x []) $ cmd : args
safe xs = not (null xs) && not (any bad xs)
bad x = isSpace x || (x == '\\' && not isWindows) || x `elem` "\"\'"