{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, ViewPatterns #-}
module Development.Shake.Internal.Resource(
Resource, newResourceIO, newThrottleIO, withResource
) where
import Data.Function
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Concurrent.Extra
import General.Fence
import Control.Exception.Extra
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Data.IORef.Extra
import Control.Monad.Extra
import General.Bilist
import General.Pool
import Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Action
import Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types
import Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Monad
import Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Pool
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import System.Time.Extra
import Data.Monoid
import Prelude
{-# NOINLINE resourceId #-}
resourceId :: IO Int
resourceId = unsafePerformIO $ do
ref <- newIORef 0
return $ atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \i -> let j = i + 1 in (j, j)
withResource :: Resource -> Int -> Action a -> Action a
withResource r i act = do
Global{..} <- Action getRO
liftIO $ globalDiagnostic $ return $ show r ++ " waiting to acquire " ++ show i
fence <- liftIO $ acquireResource r globalPool i
whenJust fence $ \fence -> do
(offset, ()) <- actionFenceRequeueBy Right fence
Action $ modifyRW $ addDiscount offset
liftIO $ globalDiagnostic $ return $ show r ++ " running with " ++ show i
Action $ fromAction (blockApply ("Within withResource using " ++ show r) act) `finallyRAW` do
liftIO $ releaseResource r globalPool i
liftIO $ globalDiagnostic $ return $ show r ++ " released " ++ show i
data Resource = Resource
{resourceOrd :: Int
,resourceShow :: String
,acquireResource :: Pool -> Int -> IO (Maybe (Fence IO ()))
,releaseResource :: Pool -> Int -> IO ()
instance Show Resource where show = resourceShow
instance Eq Resource where (==) = (==) `on` resourceOrd
instance Ord Resource where compare = compare `on` resourceOrd
data Finite = Finite
{finiteAvailable :: !Int
,finiteWaiting :: Bilist (Int, Fence IO ())
newResourceIO :: String -> Int -> IO Resource
newResourceIO name mx = do
when (mx < 0) $
errorIO $ "You cannot create a resource named " ++ name ++ " with a negative quantity, you used " ++ show mx
key <- resourceId
var <- newVar $ Finite mx mempty
return $ Resource (negate key) shw (acquire var) (release var)
shw = "Resource " ++ name
acquire :: Var Finite -> Pool -> Int -> IO (Maybe (Fence IO ()))
acquire var _ want
| want < 0 = errorIO $ "You cannot acquire a negative quantity of " ++ shw ++ ", requested " ++ show want
| want > mx = errorIO $ "You cannot acquire more than " ++ show mx ++ " of " ++ shw ++ ", requested " ++ show want
| otherwise = modifyVar var $ \x@Finite{..} ->
if want <= finiteAvailable then
return (x{finiteAvailable = finiteAvailable - want}, Nothing)
else do
fence <- newFence
return (x{finiteWaiting = finiteWaiting `snoc` (want, fence)}, Just fence)
release :: Var Finite -> Pool -> Int -> IO ()
release var _ i = join $ modifyVar var $ \x -> return $ f x{finiteAvailable = finiteAvailable x + i}
f (Finite i (uncons -> Just ((wi,wa),ws)))
| wi <= i = second (signalFence wa () >>) $ f $ Finite (i-wi) ws
| otherwise = first (add (wi,wa)) $ f $ Finite i ws
f (Finite i _) = (Finite i mempty, return ())
add a s = s{finiteWaiting = a `cons` finiteWaiting s}
waiter :: Seconds -> IO () -> IO ()
waiter period act = void $ forkIO $ do
sleep period
data Throttle
= ThrottleAvailable !Int
| ThrottleWaiting (IO ()) (Bilist (Int, Fence IO ()))
newThrottleIO :: String -> Int -> Double -> IO Resource
newThrottleIO name count period = do
when (count < 0) $
errorIO $ "You cannot create a throttle named " ++ name ++ " with a negative quantity, you used " ++ show count
key <- resourceId
var <- newVar $ ThrottleAvailable count
return $ Resource key shw (acquire var) (release var)
shw = "Throttle " ++ name
acquire :: Var Throttle -> Pool -> Int -> IO (Maybe (Fence IO ()))
acquire var pool want
| want < 0 = errorIO $ "You cannot acquire a negative quantity of " ++ shw ++ ", requested " ++ show want
| want > count = errorIO $ "You cannot acquire more than " ++ show count ++ " of " ++ shw ++ ", requested " ++ show want
| otherwise = modifyVar var $ \x -> case x of
ThrottleAvailable i
| i >= want -> return (ThrottleAvailable $ i - want, Nothing)
| otherwise -> do
stop <- keepAlivePool pool
fence <- newFence
return (ThrottleWaiting stop $ (want - i, fence) `cons` mempty, Just fence)
ThrottleWaiting stop xs -> do
fence <- newFence
return (ThrottleWaiting stop $ xs `snoc` (want, fence), Just fence)
release :: Var Throttle -> Pool -> Int -> IO ()
release var _ n = waiter period $ join $ modifyVar var $ \x -> return $ case x of
ThrottleAvailable i -> (ThrottleAvailable $ i+n, return ())
ThrottleWaiting stop xs -> f stop n xs
f stop i (uncons -> Just ((wi,wa),ws))
| i >= wi = second (signalFence wa () >>) $ f stop (i-wi) ws
| otherwise = (ThrottleWaiting stop $ (wi-i,wa) `cons` ws, return ())
f stop i _ = (ThrottleAvailable i, stop)