module Development.Shake.Internal.Demo(demo) where
import Development.Shake.Internal.Paths
import Development.Shake.Command
import Control.Exception.Extra
import Control.Monad
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import General.Extra
import Development.Shake.FilePath(exe)
import System.IO
import System.Info.Extra
demo :: Bool -> IO ()
demo auto = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
putStrLn $ "% Welcome to the Shake v" ++ shakeVersionString ++ " demo mode!"
putStr "% Detecting machine configuration... "
hasManual <- hasManualData
ghc <- isJust <$> findExecutable "ghc"
(gcc, gccPath) <- findGcc
shakeLib <- wrap $ fmap (not . null . words . fromStdout) (cmd ("ghc-pkg list --simple-output shake" :: String))
ninja <- findExecutable "ninja"
putStrLn "done\n"
let path = if isWindows then "%PATH%" else "$PATH"
require ghc $ "% You don't have 'ghc' on your " ++ path ++ ", which is required to run the demo."
require gcc $ "% You don't have 'gcc' on your " ++ path ++ ", which is required to run the demo."
require shakeLib "% You don't have the 'shake' library installed with GHC, which is required to run the demo."
require hasManual "% You don't have the Shake data files installed, which are required to run the demo."
empty <- all (all (== '.')) <$> getDirectoryContents "."
dir <- if empty then getCurrentDirectory else do
home <- getHomeDirectory
dir <- getDirectoryContents home
pure $ home </> head (map ("shake-demo" ++) ("":map show [2..]) \\ dir)
putStrLn "% The Shake demo uses an empty directory, OK to use:"
putStrLn $ "% " ++ dir
b <- yesNo auto
require b "% Please create an empty directory to run the demo from, then run 'shake --demo' again."
putStr "% Copying files... "
copyManualData dir
unless isWindows $ do
p <- getPermissions $ dir </> ""
setPermissions (dir </> "") p{executable=True}
putStrLn "done"
let pause = do
putStr "% Press ENTER to continue: "
if auto then putLine "" else getLine
let execute x = do
putStrLn $ "% RUNNING: " ++ x
cmd (Cwd dir) (AddPath [] (maybeToList gccPath)) Shell x :: IO ()
let build = if isWindows then "build" else "./"
putStrLn "\n% [1/5] Building an example project with Shake."
putStrLn $ "% RUNNING: cd " ++ dir
execute build
putStrLn "\n% [2/5] Running the produced example."
execute $ "_build" </> "run" <.> exe
putStrLn "\n% [3/5] Rebuilding an example project with Shake (nothing should change)."
execute build
putStrLn "\n% [4/5] Cleaning the build."
execute $ build ++ " clean"
putStrLn "\n% [5/5] Rebuilding with 2 threads and profiling."
execute $ build ++ " -j2 --report --report=-"
putStrLn "\n% See the profiling summary above, or look at the HTML profile report in"
putStrLn $ "% " ++ dir </> "report.html"
putStrLn "\n% Demo complete - all the examples can be run from:"
putStrLn $ "% " ++ dir
putStrLn "% For more info see"
when (isJust ninja) $ do
putStrLn "\n% PS. Shake can also execute Ninja build files"
putStrLn "% For more info see"
yesNo :: Bool -> IO Bool
yesNo auto = do
putStr "% [Y/N] (then ENTER): "
x <- if auto then putLine "y" else lower <$> getLine
if "y" `isPrefixOf` x then
pure True
else if "n" `isPrefixOf` x then
pure False
yesNo auto
putLine :: String -> IO String
putLine x = putStrLn x >> pure x
wrap :: IO Bool -> IO Bool
wrap act = act `catch_` const (pure False)
require :: Bool -> String -> IO ()
require b msg = unless b $ putStrLn msg >> exitFailure