Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module is used for defining Shake build systems. As a simple example of a Shake build system,
let us build the file result.tar
from the files listed by result.txt
import Development.Shake import Development.Shake.FilePath main =shakeArgs
$ dowant
["result.tar"] "*.tar"%>
\out -> do contents <-readFileLines
$ out-<.>
"tar -cf" [out] contents
We start by importing the modules defining both Shake and routines for manipulating FilePath
We define main
to call shake
with the default shakeOptions
. As the second argument to
, we provide a set of rules. There are two common forms of rules, want
to specify target files,
and %>
to define a rule which builds a FilePattern
. We use want
to require that after the build
completes the file result.tar
should be ready.
The *.tar
rule describes how to build files with the extension .tar
, including result.tar
We readFileLines
on result.txt
, after changing the .tar
extension to .txt
. We read each line
into the variable contents
-- being a list of the files that should go into result.tar
. Next, we
depend (need
) all the files in contents
. If any of these files change, the rule will be repeated.
Finally we call the tar
program. If either result.txt
changes, or any of the files listed by result.txt
change, then result.tar
will be rebuilt.
To find out more:
- The user manual contains a longer example and background information on how to use Shake
- The home page has links to additional information, including a mailing list.
- The theory behind Shake is described in an ICFP 2012 paper, Shake Before Building -- Replacing Make with Haskell. The associated talk forms a short overview of Shake.
- shake :: ShakeOptions -> Rules () -> IO ()
- shakeOptions :: ShakeOptions
- data Rules a
- action :: Partial => Action a -> Rules ()
- withoutActions :: Rules a -> Rules a
- alternatives :: Rules a -> Rules a
- priority :: Double -> Rules a -> Rules a
- versioned :: Int -> Rules a -> Rules a
- data Action a
- traced :: String -> IO a -> Action a
- liftIO :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
- actionOnException :: Action a -> IO b -> Action a
- actionFinally :: Action a -> IO b -> Action a
- actionBracket :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> Action c) -> Action c
- actionCatch :: Exception e => Action a -> (e -> Action a) -> Action a
- actionRetry :: Int -> Action a -> Action a
- runAfter :: IO () -> Action ()
- data ShakeException = ShakeException {}
- data ShakeOptions = ShakeOptions {
- shakeFiles :: FilePath
- shakeThreads :: Int
- shakeVersion :: String
- shakeVerbosity :: Verbosity
- shakeStaunch :: Bool
- shakeReport :: [FilePath]
- shakeLint :: Maybe Lint
- shakeLintInside :: [FilePath]
- shakeLintIgnore :: [FilePattern]
- shakeLintWatch :: [FilePattern]
- shakeCommandOptions :: [CmdOption]
- shakeFlush :: Maybe Seconds
- shakeRebuild :: [(Rebuild, FilePattern)]
- shakeAbbreviations :: [(String, String)]
- shakeStorageLog :: Bool
- shakeLineBuffering :: Bool
- shakeTimings :: Bool
- shakeRunCommands :: Bool
- shakeChange :: Change
- shakeCreationCheck :: Bool
- shakeLiveFiles :: [FilePath]
- shakeVersionIgnore :: Bool
- shakeColor :: Bool
- shakeShare :: Maybe FilePath
- shakeCloud :: [String]
- shakeSymlink :: Bool
- shakeNeedDirectory :: Bool
- shakeAllowRedefineRules :: Bool
- shakeProgress :: IO Progress -> IO ()
- shakeOutput :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
- shakeTrace :: String -> String -> Bool -> IO ()
- shakeExtra :: HashMap TypeRep Dynamic
- data Rebuild
- data Lint
- data Change
- getShakeOptions :: Action ShakeOptions
- getShakeOptionsRules :: Rules ShakeOptions
- getHashedShakeVersion :: [FilePath] -> IO String
- getShakeExtra :: Typeable a => Action (Maybe a)
- getShakeExtraRules :: Typeable a => Rules (Maybe a)
- addShakeExtra :: Typeable a => a -> HashMap TypeRep Dynamic -> HashMap TypeRep Dynamic
- shakeArgs :: ShakeOptions -> Rules () -> IO ()
- shakeArgsWith :: ShakeOptions -> [OptDescr (Either String a)] -> ([a] -> [String] -> IO (Maybe (Rules ()))) -> IO ()
- shakeArgsOptionsWith :: ShakeOptions -> [OptDescr (Either String a)] -> (ShakeOptions -> [a] -> [String] -> IO (Maybe (ShakeOptions, Rules ()))) -> IO ()
- shakeOptDescrs :: [OptDescr (Either String (ShakeOptions -> ShakeOptions))]
- addHelpSuffix :: String -> Rules ()
- getTargets :: ShakeOptions -> Rules () -> IO [(String, Maybe String)]
- addTarget :: String -> Rules ()
- withTargetDocs :: String -> Rules () -> Rules ()
- withoutTargets :: Rules a -> Rules a
- data Progress = Progress {
- isFailure :: !(Maybe String)
- countSkipped :: !Int
- countBuilt :: !Int
- countUnknown :: !Int
- countTodo :: !Int
- timeSkipped :: !Double
- timeBuilt :: !Double
- timeUnknown :: !Double
- timeTodo :: !(Double, Int)
- progressSimple :: IO Progress -> IO ()
- progressDisplay :: Double -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO Progress -> IO ()
- progressTitlebar :: String -> IO ()
- progressProgram :: IO (String -> IO ())
- getProgress :: Action Progress
- data Verbosity
- getVerbosity :: Action Verbosity
- putVerbose :: String -> Action ()
- putInfo :: String -> Action ()
- putWarn :: String -> Action ()
- putError :: String -> Action ()
- withVerbosity :: Verbosity -> Action a -> Action a
- quietly :: Action a -> Action a
- command :: (Partial, CmdResult r) => [CmdOption] -> String -> [String] -> Action r
- command_ :: Partial => [CmdOption] -> String -> [String] -> Action ()
- cmd :: (Partial, CmdArguments args) => args :-> Action r
- cmd_ :: (Partial, CmdArguments args, Unit args) => args :-> Action ()
- unit :: m () -> m ()
- newtype Stdout a = Stdout {
- fromStdout :: a
- newtype StdoutTrim a = StdoutTrim {
- fromStdoutTrim :: a
- newtype Stderr a = Stderr {
- fromStderr :: a
- newtype Stdouterr a = Stdouterr {
- fromStdouterr :: a
- newtype Exit = Exit {}
- newtype Process = Process {}
- newtype CmdTime = CmdTime {}
- newtype CmdLine = CmdLine {}
- data FSATrace a
- class CmdResult a
- class CmdString a
- data CmdOption
- = Cwd FilePath
- | Env [(String, String)]
- | AddEnv String String
- | RemEnv String
- | AddPath [String] [String]
- | Stdin String
- | StdinBS ByteString
- | FileStdin FilePath
- | Shell
- | BinaryPipes
- | Traced String
- | Timeout Double
- | WithStdout Bool
- | WithStderr Bool
- | EchoStdout Bool
- | EchoStderr Bool
- | FileStdout FilePath
- | FileStderr FilePath
- | AutoDeps
- | UserCommand String
- | FSAOptions String
- | CloseFileHandles
- | NoProcessGroup
- | InheritStdin
- addPath :: MonadIO m => [String] -> [String] -> m CmdOption
- addEnv :: MonadIO m => [(String, String)] -> m CmdOption
- parallel :: [Action a] -> Action [a]
- forP :: [a] -> (a -> Action b) -> Action [b]
- par :: Action a -> Action b -> Action (a, b)
- copyFile' :: Partial => FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()
- copyFileChanged :: Partial => FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()
- readFile' :: Partial => FilePath -> Action String
- readFileLines :: Partial => FilePath -> Action [String]
- writeFile' :: (MonadIO m, Partial) => FilePath -> String -> m ()
- writeFileLines :: (MonadIO m, Partial) => FilePath -> [String] -> m ()
- writeFileChanged :: (MonadIO m, Partial) => FilePath -> String -> m ()
- removeFiles :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> IO ()
- removeFilesAfter :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> Action ()
- withTempFile :: (FilePath -> Action a) -> Action a
- withTempDir :: (FilePath -> Action a) -> Action a
- withTempFileWithin :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Action a) -> Action a
- withTempDirWithin :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Action a) -> Action a
- need :: Partial => [FilePath] -> Action ()
- want :: Partial => [FilePath] -> Rules ()
- (%>) :: Located => FilePattern -> (FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules ()
- (|%>) :: Located => [FilePattern] -> (FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules ()
- (?>) :: Located => (FilePath -> Bool) -> (FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules ()
- phony :: Located => String -> Action () -> Rules ()
- (~>) :: Located => String -> Action () -> Rules ()
- phonys :: Located => (String -> Maybe (Action ())) -> Rules ()
- (&%>) :: Located => [FilePattern] -> ([FilePath] -> Action ()) -> Rules ()
- (&?>) :: Located => (FilePath -> Maybe [FilePath]) -> ([FilePath] -> Action ()) -> Rules ()
- orderOnly :: [FilePath] -> Action ()
- orderOnlyAction :: Action a -> Action a
- type FilePattern = String
- (?==) :: FilePattern -> FilePath -> Bool
- (<//>) :: FilePattern -> FilePattern -> FilePattern
- filePattern :: FilePattern -> FilePath -> Maybe [String]
- needed :: Partial => [FilePath] -> Action ()
- trackRead :: [FilePath] -> Action ()
- trackWrite :: [FilePath] -> Action ()
- trackAllow :: [FilePattern] -> Action ()
- doesFileExist :: FilePath -> Action Bool
- doesDirectoryExist :: FilePath -> Action Bool
- getDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> Action [FilePath]
- getDirectoryFiles :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> Action [FilePath]
- getDirectoryDirs :: FilePath -> Action [FilePath]
- getDirectoryFilesIO :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> IO [FilePath]
- getEnv :: String -> Action (Maybe String)
- getEnvWithDefault :: String -> String -> Action String
- getEnvError :: Partial => String -> Action String
- type ShakeValue a = (Show a, Typeable a, Eq a, Hashable a, Binary a, NFData a)
- type family RuleResult key
- addOracle :: (RuleResult q ~ a, ShakeValue q, ShakeValue a, Partial) => (q -> Action a) -> Rules (q -> Action a)
- addOracleCache :: (RuleResult q ~ a, ShakeValue q, ShakeValue a, Partial) => (q -> Action a) -> Rules (q -> Action a)
- addOracleHash :: (RuleResult q ~ a, ShakeValue q, ShakeValue a, Partial) => (q -> Action a) -> Rules (q -> Action a)
- askOracle :: (RuleResult q ~ a, ShakeValue q, ShakeValue a) => q -> Action a
- askOracles :: (RuleResult q ~ a, ShakeValue q, ShakeValue a) => [q] -> Action [a]
- alwaysRerun :: Action ()
- data Resource
- newResource :: String -> Int -> Rules Resource
- newResourceIO :: String -> Int -> IO Resource
- withResource :: Resource -> Int -> Action a -> Action a
- withResources :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Action a -> Action a
- newThrottle :: String -> Int -> Double -> Rules Resource
- newThrottleIO :: String -> Int -> Double -> IO Resource
- unsafeExtraThread :: Action a -> Action a
- newCache :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (k -> Action v) -> Rules (k -> Action v)
- newCacheIO :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (k -> Action v) -> IO (k -> Action v)
- historyDisable :: Action ()
- produces :: [FilePath] -> Action ()
- needHasChanged :: Partial => [FilePath] -> Action [FilePath]
- resultHasChanged :: FilePath -> Action Bool
- batch :: Int -> ((a -> Action ()) -> Rules ()) -> (a -> Action b) -> ([b] -> Action ()) -> Rules ()
- reschedule :: Double -> Action ()
- askOracleWith :: (RuleResult q ~ a, ShakeValue q, ShakeValue a) => q -> a -> Action a
- deprioritize :: Double -> Action ()
- pattern Quiet :: Verbosity
- pattern Normal :: Verbosity
- pattern Loud :: Verbosity
- pattern Chatty :: Verbosity
- putLoud :: String -> Action ()
- putNormal :: String -> Action ()
- putQuiet :: String -> Action ()
Writing a build system
When writing a Shake build system, start by defining what you want
, then write rules
with %>
to produce the results. Before calling cmd
you should ensure that any files the command
requires are demanded with calls to need
. We offer the following advice to Shake users:
- If
ghc --make
is capable of building your project, use that instead. Custom build systems are necessary for many complex projects, but many projects are not complex. - The
function automatically handles command line arguments. To define non-file targets usephony
. - Put all result files in a distinguished directory, for example
. You can implement aclean
command by removing that directory, using
"_make" ["//*"] - To obtain parallel builds set
to a number greater than 1. - Lots of compilers produce
files. To avoid overlapping rules, use.c.o
for C compilers,.hs.o
for Haskell compilers etc. - Do not be afraid to mix Shake rules, system commands and other Haskell libraries -- use each for what it does best.
- The more accurate the dependencies are, the better. Use additional rules like
to track information other than just the contents of files. For information in the environment that you suspect will change regularly (perhapsghc
version number), either write the information to a file withalwaysRerun
, or useaddOracle
GHC build flags
For large build systems the choice of GHC flags can have a significant impact. We recommend:
ghc --make MyBuildSystem -threaded -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-I0 -qg"
: Allow the setting of further GHC options at runtime.-I0
: Disable idle garbage collection, to avoid frequent unnecessary garbage collection, see a full explanation.- You may add
, and pass the options-qg
to disable parallel garbage collection. Parallel garbage collection in Shake programs typically goes slower than sequential garbage collection, while occupying many cores that could be used for running system commands.
Other Shake modules
The main Shake module is this one, Development.Shake, which should be sufficient for most people writing build systems using Shake. However, Shake provides some additional modules,
- Development.Shake.Classes provides convenience exports of the classes Shake relies on,
in particular
. Useful for deriving these types usingGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
without adding dependencies on the associated packages. - Development.Shake.Command provides the command line wrappers. These are reexported by Development.Shake, but if you want to reuse just the command-line running functionality in a non-Shake program you can import just that.
- Development.Shake.Config provides a way to write configuration files that are tracked. The configuration files are in the Ninja format. Useful for users of bigger systems who want to track the build rules not in Haskell.
- Development.Shake.Database provides lower level primitives to drive Shake, particularly useful if you want to run multiple Shake runs in a row without reloading from the database.
- Development.Shake.FilePath is an extension of System.FilePath with a few additional methods and safer extension manipulation code.
- Development.Shake.Forward is an alternative take on build systems, where you write the
rules as a script where steps are skipped, rather than as a set of dependencies. Only really
works if you use
. - Development.Shake.Rule provides tools for writing your own types of Shake rules. Useful if you need something new, like a rule that queries a database or similar.
- Development.Shake.Util has general utilities that are useful for build systems, e.g.
syntax and alternative forms of argument parsing.
shake :: ShakeOptions -> Rules () -> IO () Source #
Main entry point for running Shake build systems. For an example see the top of the module Development.Shake.
Use ShakeOptions
to specify how the system runs, and Rules
to specify what to build. The function will throw
an exception if the build fails.
To use command line flags to modify ShakeOptions
see shakeArgs
shakeOptions :: ShakeOptions Source #
The default set of ShakeOptions
Define a set of rules. Rules can be created with calls to functions such as %>
or action
Rules are combined with either the Monoid
instance, or (more commonly) the Monad
instance and do
To define your own custom types of rule, see Development.Shake.Rule.
Monad Rules Source # | |
Functor Rules Source # | |
MonadFix Rules Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules | |
MonadFail Rules Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules | |
Applicative Rules Source # | |
MonadIO Rules Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Rules | |
Semigroup a => Semigroup (Rules a) Source # | |
(Semigroup a, Monoid a) => Monoid (Rules a) Source # | |
action :: Partial => Action a -> Rules () Source #
Run an action, usually used for specifying top-level requirements.
main =shake
$ doaction
$ do b <-doesFileExist
"file.src" when b $need
This action
builds file.out
, but only if file.src
exists. The action
will be run in every build execution (unless withoutActions
is used), so only cheap
operations should be performed. On the flip side, consulting system information
(e.g. environment variables) can be done directly as the information will not be cached.
All calls to action
may be run in parallel, in any order.
For the standard requirement of only need
ing a fixed list of files in the action
see want
withoutActions :: Rules a -> Rules a Source #
Remove all actions specified in a set of rules, usually used for implementing command line specification of what to build.
alternatives :: Rules a -> Rules a Source #
Change the matching behaviour of rules so rules do not have to be disjoint, but are instead matched in order. Only recommended for small blocks containing a handful of rules.
$ do "hello.*" %> \out ->writeFile'
out "hello.*" "*.txt" %> \out ->writeFile'
out "*.txt"
In this example hello.txt
will match the first rule, instead of raising an error about ambiguity.
Inside alternatives
the priority
of each rule is not used to determine which rule matches,
but the resulting match uses that priority compared to the rules outside the alternatives
priority :: Double -> Rules a -> Rules a Source #
Change the priority of a given set of rules, where higher values take precedence.
All matching rules at a given priority must be disjoint, or an error is raised.
All builtin Shake rules have priority between 0 and 1.
Excessive use of priority
is discouraged. As an example:
4 $ "hello.*" %> \out ->writeFile'
out "hello.*"priority
8 $ "*.txt" %> \out ->writeFile'
out "*.txt"
In this example hello.txt
will match the second rule, instead of raising an error about ambiguity.
The priority
function obeys the invariants:
p1 (priority
p2 r1) ===priority
p1 r1priority
p1 (r1 >> r2) ===priority
p1 r1 >>priority
p1 r2
versioned :: Int -> Rules a -> Rules a Source #
Indicate that the nested rules have a given version. If you change the semantics of the rule then updating (or adding) a version will cause the rule to rebuild in some circumstances.
1 $ "hello.*" %> \out ->writeFile'
out "Writes v1 now" -- previously wrote out v0
You should only use versioned
to track changes in the build source, for standard runtime dependencies you should use
other mechanisms, e.g. addOracle
The Action
monad, use liftIO
to raise IO
actions into it, and need
to execute files.
Action values are used by addUserRule
and action
. The Action
monad tracks the dependencies of a rule.
To raise an exception call error
, fail
. throwIO
Monad Action Source # | |
Functor Action Source # | |
MonadFail Action Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types | |
Applicative Action Source # | |
MonadIO Action Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Types | |
Semigroup a => Semigroup (Action a) Source # | |
Monoid a => Monoid (Action a) Source # | |
CmdResult r => CmdArguments (Action r) Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Command Methods cmdArguments :: CmdArgument -> Action r Source # |
traced :: String -> IO a -> Action a Source #
Write an action to the trace list, along with the start/end time of running the IO action.
The cmd
and command
functions automatically call traced
with the name of the executable. The trace list is used for profile reports (see shakeReport
By default traced
prints some useful extra context about what
Shake is building, e.g.:
# traced message (for myobject.o)
To suppress the output of traced
(for example you want more control
over the message using putInfo
), use the quietly
It is recommended that the string passed to traced
is short and that only a small number of unique strings
are used (makes profiling work better).
The string does not need to make sense on its own, only in conjunction with the target it is building.
actionBracket :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> Action c) -> Action c Source #
Like bracket
, but where the inner operation is of type Action
. Usually used as
alloc free use
actionCatch :: Exception e => Action a -> (e -> Action a) -> Action a Source #
If a syncronous exception is raised by the Action
, perform some handler.
Note that there is no guarantee that the handler will run on shutdown (use actionFinally
for that),
and that actionCatch
cannot catch exceptions thrown by dependencies, e.g. raised by need
(to do so would allow untracked dependencies on failure conditions).
actionRetry :: Int -> Action a -> Action a Source #
Retry an Action
if it throws an exception, at most n times (where n must be positive).
If you need to call this function, you should probably try and fix the underlying cause (but you also probably know that).
runAfter :: IO () -> Action () Source #
Specify an action to be run after the database has been closed, if building completes successfully.
data ShakeException Source #
Error representing all expected exceptions thrown by Shake. Problems when executing rules will be raising using this exception type.
ShakeException | |
Show ShakeException Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Errors Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ShakeException -> ShowS # show :: ShakeException -> String # showList :: [ShakeException] -> ShowS # | |
Exception ShakeException Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Errors Methods toException :: ShakeException -> SomeException # |
data ShakeOptions Source #
Options to control the execution of Shake, usually specified by overriding fields in
The Data
instance for this type reports the shakeProgress
and shakeOutput
fields as having the abstract type Hidden
because Data
cannot be defined for functions or TypeRep
ShakeOptions | |
Data ShakeOptions Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Options Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> ShakeOptions -> c ShakeOptions # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c ShakeOptions # toConstr :: ShakeOptions -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: ShakeOptions -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c ShakeOptions) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c ShakeOptions) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> ShakeOptions -> ShakeOptions # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> ShakeOptions -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> ShakeOptions -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> ShakeOptions -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> ShakeOptions -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> ShakeOptions -> m ShakeOptions # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> ShakeOptions -> m ShakeOptions # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> ShakeOptions -> m ShakeOptions # | |
Show ShakeOptions Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Options Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ShakeOptions -> ShowS # show :: ShakeOptions -> String # showList :: [ShakeOptions] -> ShowS # |
The current assumptions made by the build system, used by shakeRebuild
. These options
allow the end user to specify that any rules run are either to be treated as clean, or as
dirty, regardless of what the build system thinks.
These assumptions only operate on files reached by the current action
commands. Any
other files in the database are left unchanged.
RebuildNow | Assume these files are dirty and require rebuilding. for benchmarking rebuild speed and for rebuilding if untracked dependencies have changed. This flag is safe, but may cause more rebuilding than necessary. |
RebuildNormal | Useful to reset the rebuild status to how it was before, equivalent to passing no |
RebuildLater | This assumption is unsafe, and may lead to incorrect build results in this run. Assume these files are clean in this run, but test them normally in future runs. |
Bounded Rebuild Source # | |
Enum Rebuild Source # | |
Eq Rebuild Source # | |
Data Rebuild Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Options Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Rebuild -> c Rebuild # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Rebuild # toConstr :: Rebuild -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Rebuild -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Rebuild) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c Rebuild) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Rebuild -> Rebuild # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Rebuild -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Rebuild -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Rebuild -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Rebuild -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Rebuild -> m Rebuild # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Rebuild -> m Rebuild # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Rebuild -> m Rebuild # | |
Ord Rebuild Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Options | |
Read Rebuild Source # | |
Show Rebuild Source # | |
Which lint checks to perform, used by shakeLint
LintBasic | The most basic form of linting. Checks that the current directory does not change and that results do not change after they
are first written. Any calls to |
LintFSATrace | Track which files are accessed by command line programs using fsatrace. |
Bounded Lint Source # | |
Enum Lint Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Options | |
Eq Lint Source # | |
Data Lint Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Options Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Lint -> c Lint # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Lint # dataTypeOf :: Lint -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Lint) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c Lint) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Lint -> Lint # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Lint -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Lint -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Lint -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Lint -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Lint -> m Lint # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Lint -> m Lint # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Lint -> m Lint # | |
Ord Lint Source # | |
Read Lint Source # | |
Show Lint Source # | |
How should you determine if a file has changed, used by shakeChange
. The most common values are
(the default, very fast, touch
causes files to rebuild) and ChangeModtimeAndDigestInput
(slightly slower, touch
and switching git
branches does not cause input files to rebuild).
ChangeModtime | Compare equality of modification timestamps, a file has changed if its last modified time changes.
A |
ChangeDigest | Compare equality of file contents digests, a file has changed if its digest changes.
A |
ChangeModtimeAndDigest | A file is rebuilt if both its modification time and digest have changed. For efficiency reasons, the modification time is checked first, and if that has changed, the digest is checked. |
ChangeModtimeAndDigestInput | Use |
ChangeModtimeOrDigest | A file is rebuilt if either its modification time or its digest has changed. A |
Bounded Change Source # | |
Enum Change Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Options | |
Eq Change Source # | |
Data Change Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Options Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Change -> c Change # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Change # toConstr :: Change -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Change -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Change) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c Change) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Change -> Change # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Change -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Change -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Change -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Change -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Change -> m Change # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Change -> m Change # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Change -> m Change # | |
Ord Change Source # | |
Read Change Source # | |
Show Change Source # | |
getShakeOptions :: Action ShakeOptions Source #
Get the initial ShakeOptions
, these will not change during the build process.
getShakeOptionsRules :: Rules ShakeOptions Source #
Get the ShakeOptions
that were used.
getHashedShakeVersion :: [FilePath] -> IO String Source #
Get a checksum of a list of files, suitable for using as shakeVersion
This will trigger a rebuild when the Shake rules defined in any of the files are changed.
For example:
main = do ver <-getHashedShakeVersion
= ver} ...
To automatically detect the name of the current file, turn on the TemplateHaskell
extension and write $(LitE . StringL . loc_filename <$> location)
This feature can be turned off during development by passing
the flag --no-rule-version
or setting shakeVersionIgnore
to True
getShakeExtra :: Typeable a => Action (Maybe a) Source #
Get an item from shakeExtra
, using the requested type as the key. Fails
if the value found at this key does not match the requested type.
getShakeExtraRules :: Typeable a => Rules (Maybe a) Source #
A version of getShakeExtra
in Rules
addShakeExtra :: Typeable a => a -> HashMap TypeRep Dynamic -> HashMap TypeRep Dynamic Source #
Add a properly structued value to shakeExtra
which can be retrieved with getShakeExtra
Command line
shakeArgs :: ShakeOptions -> Rules () -> IO () Source #
Run a build system using command line arguments for configuration.
The available flags are those from shakeOptDescrs
, along with a few additional
compatible flags that are not represented in ShakeOptions
, such as --print-directory
If there are no file arguments then the Rules
are used directly, otherwise the file arguments
are want
ed (after calling withoutActions
). As an example:
main =shakeArgs
= "_make",shakeProgress
} $ dophony
"clean" $removeFilesAfter
"_make" ["//*"]want
["_make/neil.txt","_make/emily.txt"] "_make/*.txt"%>
\out -> ... build action here ...
This build system will default to building neil.txt
and emily.txt
, while showing progress messages,
and putting the Shake files in locations such as _make/.database
. Some example command line flags:
main --no-progress
will turn off progress messages.main -j6
will build on 6 threads.main --help
will display a list of supported flags.main clean
will not build anything, but will remove the_make
directory, including the anyshakeFiles
.main _make/henry.txt
will not buildneil.txt
, but will instead buildhenry.txt
shakeArgsWith :: ShakeOptions -> [OptDescr (Either String a)] -> ([a] -> [String] -> IO (Maybe (Rules ()))) -> IO () Source #
A version of shakeArgs
with more flexible handling of command line arguments.
The caller of shakeArgsWith
can add additional flags (the second argument) and chose how to convert
the flags/arguments into rules (the third argument). Given:
opts flags (\flagValues argValues -> result)
is the initialShakeOptions
value, which may have some fields overriden by command line flags. This argument is usuallyshakeOptions
, perhaps with a few fields overriden.flags
is a list of flag descriptions, which either produce aString
containing an error message (typically for flags with invalid arguments, .e.g.
), or a value that is passed asLeft
"could not parse as int"flagValues
. If you have no custom flags, pass[]
is a list of custom flags that the user supplied. Ifflags == []
then this list will be[]
is a list of non-flag arguments, which are often treated as files and passed towant
. If arguments are specified then typically thewant
calls from the rules are discarded usingwithoutActions
should produce aNothing
to indicate that no building needs to take place, or aJust
providing the rules that should be used.
As an example of a build system that can use either gcc
or distcc
for compiling:
import System.Console.GetOpt data Flags = DistCC deriving Eq flags = [Option "" ["distcc"] (NoArg $ Right DistCC) "Run distributed."] main =shakeArgsWith
flags $ \flags targets -> pure $ Just $ do let compiler = if DistCC `elem` flags then "distcc" else "gcc" let rules = do "*.o"%>
\out -> doneed
compiler ...want
["target.exe"] ... if null targets then rules elsewant
targets >>withoutActions
Now you can pass --distcc
to use the distcc
shakeArgsOptionsWith :: ShakeOptions -> [OptDescr (Either String a)] -> (ShakeOptions -> [a] -> [String] -> IO (Maybe (ShakeOptions, Rules ()))) -> IO () Source #
Like shakeArgsWith
, but also lets you manipulate the ShakeOptions
shakeOptDescrs :: [OptDescr (Either String (ShakeOptions -> ShakeOptions))] Source #
A list of command line options that can be used to modify ShakeOptions
. Each option returns
either an error message (invalid argument to the flag) or a function that changes some fields
in ShakeOptions
. The command line flags are make
compatible where possbile, but additional
flags have been added for the extra options Shake supports.
addHelpSuffix :: String -> Rules () Source #
Adds some extra information at the end of --help
getTargets :: ShakeOptions -> Rules () -> IO [(String, Maybe String)] Source #
addTarget :: String -> Rules () Source #
Register a target, as available when passing --help
or through getTargets
Called automatically by rules such as phony
- to avoid that use withoutTargets
To add documentation to a target use withTargetDocs
withoutTargets :: Rules a -> Rules a Source #
Remove all targets specified in a set of rules, typically because they are internal details.
Overrides addTarget
Progress reporting
Information about the current state of the build, obtained by either passing a callback function
to shakeProgress
(asynchronous output) or getProgress
(synchronous output). Typically a build system will pass progressDisplay
to shakeProgress
which will poll this value and produce status messages.
Progress | |
Eq Progress Source # | |
Data Progress Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Options Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Progress -> c Progress # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Progress # toConstr :: Progress -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Progress -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Progress) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c Progress) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Progress -> Progress # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Progress -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Progress -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Progress -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Progress -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Progress -> m Progress # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Progress -> m Progress # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Progress -> m Progress # | |
Ord Progress Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.Options | |
Read Progress Source # | |
Show Progress Source # | |
Semigroup Progress Source # | |
Monoid Progress Source # | |
progressSimple :: IO Progress -> IO () Source #
A simple method for displaying progress messages, suitable for using as shakeProgress
This function writes the current progress to the titlebar every five seconds using progressTitlebar
and calls any shake-progress
program on the $PATH
using progressProgram
progressDisplay :: Double -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO Progress -> IO () Source #
Given a sampling interval (in seconds) and a way to display the status message,
produce a function suitable for using as shakeProgress
This function polls the progress information every n seconds, produces a status
message and displays it using the display function.
Typical status messages will take the form of 1m25s (15%)
, indicating that the build
is predicted to complete in 1 minute 25 seconds (85 seconds total), and 15% of the necessary build time has elapsed.
This function uses past observations to predict future behaviour, and as such, is only
guessing. The time is likely to go up as well as down, and will be less accurate from a
clean build (as the system has fewer past observations).
The current implementation is to predict the time remaining (based on timeTodo
) and the
work already done (timeBuilt
). The percentage is then calculated as remaining / (done + remaining)
while time left is calculated by scaling remaining
by the observed work rate in this build,
roughly done / time_elapsed
progressTitlebar :: String -> IO () Source #
Set the title of the current console window to the given text. If the
environment variable $TERM
is set to xterm
this uses xterm escape sequences.
On Windows, if not detected as an xterm, this function uses the SetConsoleTitle
progressProgram :: IO (String -> IO ()) Source #
Call the program shake-progress
if it is on the $PATH
. The program is called with
the following arguments:
- the string passed toprogressProgram
, or one ofNoProgress
, orError
to indicate what state the progress bar should be in.--value=25
- the percent of the build that has completed, if not inNoProgress
The program will not be called consecutively with the same --state
and --value
Windows 7 or higher users can get taskbar progress notifications by placing the following
program in their $PATH
getProgress :: Action Progress Source #
Get the current Progress
structure, as would be returned by shakeProgress
The verbosity data type, used by shakeVerbosity
Silent | Don't print any messages. |
Error | Only print error messages. |
Warn | Print errors and warnings. |
Info | Print errors, warnings and |
Verbose | Print errors, warnings, full command lines when running a |
Diagnostic | Print messages for virtually everything (mostly for debugging). |
getVerbosity :: Action Verbosity Source #
Get the current verbosity level, originally set by shakeVerbosity
. If you
want to output information to the console, you are recommended to use
/ putInfo
/ putError
, which ensures multiple messages are
not interleaved. The verbosity can be modified locally by withVerbosity
putVerbose :: String -> Action () Source #
Write an unimportant message to the output, only shown when shakeVerbosity
is higher than normal (Verbose
or above).
The output will not be interleaved with any other Shake messages (other than those generated by system commands).
putInfo :: String -> Action () Source #
Write a normal priority message to the output, only suppressed when shakeVerbosity
is Error
, Warn
or Silent
The output will not be interleaved with any other Shake messages (other than those generated by system commands).
putWarn :: String -> Action () Source #
Write a semi important message to the output, only suppressed when shakeVerbosity
is Error
or Silent
The output will not be interleaved with any other Shake messages (other than those generated by system commands).
putError :: String -> Action () Source #
Write an important message to the output, only suppressed when shakeVerbosity
is Silent
The output will not be interleaved with any other Shake messages (other than those generated by system commands).
withVerbosity :: Verbosity -> Action a -> Action a Source #
Run an action with a particular verbosity level.
Will not update the shakeVerbosity
returned by getShakeOptions
and will
not have any impact on Diagnostic
quietly :: Action a -> Action a Source #
Run an action with Error
verbosity, in particular messages produced by traced
(including from cmd
or command
) will not be printed to the screen.
Will not update the shakeVerbosity
returned by getShakeOptions
and will
not turn off any Diagnostic
Running commands
command :: (Partial, CmdResult r) => [CmdOption] -> String -> [String] -> Action r Source #
Execute a system command. Before running command
make sure you need
any files
that are used by the command.
This function takes a list of options (often just []
, see CmdOption
for the available
options), the name of the executable (either a full name, or a program on the $PATH
) and
a list of arguments. The result is often ()
, but can be a tuple containg any of Stdout
and Exit
. Some examples:
[] "gcc" ["-c","myfile.c"] -- compile a file, throwing an exception on failureExit
c <-command
[] "gcc" ["-c",myfile] -- run a command, recording the exit code (Exit
err) <-command
[] "gcc" ["-c","myfile.c"] -- run a command, recording the exit code and error outputStdout
out <-command
[] "gcc" ["-MM","myfile.c"] -- run a command, recording the outputcommand_
"generated"] "gcc" ["-c",myfile] -- run a command in a directory
Unless you retrieve the ExitCode
using Exit
, any ExitFailure
will throw an error, including
the Stderr
in the exception message. If you capture the Stdout
or Stderr
, that stream will not be echoed to the console,
unless you use the option EchoStdout
or EchoStderr
If you use command
inside a do
block and do not use the result, you may get a compile-time error about being
unable to deduce CmdResult
. To avoid this error, use command_
By default the stderr
stream will be captured for use in error messages, and also echoed. To only echo
, which causes no streams to be captured by Shake, and certain programs (e.g. WithStderr
to detect they are running in a terminal.
cmd :: (Partial, CmdArguments args) => args :-> Action r Source #
Build or execute a system command. Before using cmd
to run a command, make sure you need
any files
that are used by the command.
arguments are treated as a list of whitespace separated arguments.[String]
arguments are treated as a list of literal arguments.CmdOption
arguments are used as options.CmdArgument
arguments, which can be built bycmd
itself, are spliced into the containing command.
Typically only string literals should be passed as String
arguments. When using variables
prefer [myvar]
so that if myvar
contains spaces they are properly escaped.
As some examples, here are some calls, and the resulting command string:
"git log --pretty=" "oneline" -- git log --pretty= onelinecmd_
"git log --pretty=" ["oneline"] -- git log --pretty= onelinecmd_
"git log" ("--pretty=" ++ "oneline") -- git log --pretty=onelinecmd_
"git log" ("--pretty=" ++ "one line") -- git log --pretty=one linecmd_
"git log" ["--pretty=" ++ "one line"] -- git log "--pretty=one line"
More examples, including return values, see this translation of the examples given for the command
"gcc -c myfile.c" -- compile a file, throwing an exception on failureExit
c <-cmd
"gcc -c" [myfile] -- run a command, recording the exit code (Exit
err) <-cmd
"gcc -c myfile.c" -- run a command, recording the exit code and error outputStdout
out <-cmd
"gcc -MM myfile.c" -- run a command, recording the outputcmd
"generated") "gcc -c" [myfile] ::Action
() -- run a command in a directory let gccCommand =cmd
"gcc -c" ::CmdArgument
-- build a sub-command.cmd
can returnCmdArgument
values as well as execute commands cmd (Cwd
"generated") gccCommand [myfile] -- splice that command into a greater command
If you use cmd
inside a do
block and do not use the result, you may get a compile-time error about being
unable to deduce CmdResult
. To avoid this error, use cmd_
. If you enable OverloadedStrings
or OverloadedLists
you may have to give type signatures to the arguments, or use the more constrained command
The cmd
function can also be run in the IO
monad, but then Traced
is ignored and command lines are not echoed.
As an example:
"gcc -c myfile.c" :: IO ()
The identity function which requires the inner argument to be ()
. Useful for functions
with overloaded return types.
\(x :: Maybe ()) -> unit x == x
Collect the stdout
of the process.
If used, the stdout
will not be echoed to the terminal, unless you include EchoStdout
The value type may be either String
, or either lazy or strict ByteString
Note that most programs end their output with a trailing newline, so calling
ghc --numeric-version
will result in Stdout
of "6.8.3\n"
. If you want to automatically
trim the resulting string, see StdoutTrim
Stdout | |
newtype StdoutTrim a Source #
Like Stdout
but remove all leading and trailing whitespaces.
StdoutTrim | |
CmdString a => CmdResult (StdoutTrim a) Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Command Methods cmdResult :: ([Result], [Result] -> StdoutTrim a) |
Collect the stderr
of the process.
If used, the stderr
will not be echoed to the terminal, unless you include EchoStderr
The value type may be either String
, or either lazy or strict ByteString
Stderr | |
Collect the stdout
and stderr
of the process.
If used, the stderr
and stdout
will not be echoed to the terminal, unless you include EchoStdout
and EchoStderr
The value type may be either String
, or either lazy or strict ByteString
Stdouterr | |
Collect the ExitCode
of the process.
If you do not collect the exit code, any ExitFailure
will cause an exception.
Collect the ProcessHandle
of the process.
If you do collect the process handle, the command will run asyncronously and the call to cmd
/ command
will return as soon as the process is spawned. Any Stdout
/ Stderr
captures will return empty strings.
Process | |
Fields |
Collect the time taken to execute the process. Can be used in conjunction with CmdLine
write helper functions that print out the time of a result.
timer :: (CmdResult
r, MonadIO m) => (forall r .CmdResult
r => m r) -> m r timer act = do (CmdTime
x, r) <- act liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Command " ++ x ++ " took " ++ show t ++ " seconds" pure r run :: IO () run = timer $cmd
"ghc --version"
CmdTime | |
Fields |
Collect the command line used for the process. This command line will be approximate - suitable for user diagnostics, but not for direct execution.
CmdLine | |
Fields |
The results produced by fsatrace
. All files will be absolute paths.
You can get the results for a cmd
by requesting a value of type
FSAWrite a | Writing to a file |
FSARead a | Reading from a file |
FSADelete a | Deleting a file |
FSAMove a a | Moving, arguments destination, then source |
FSAQuery a | Querying/stat on a file |
FSATouch a | Touching a file |
Functor FSATrace Source # | |
Eq a => Eq (FSATrace a) Source # | |
Data a => Data (FSATrace a) Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Command Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> FSATrace a -> c (FSATrace a) # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (FSATrace a) # toConstr :: FSATrace a -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: FSATrace a -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (FSATrace a)) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (FSATrace a)) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> FSATrace a -> FSATrace a # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> FSATrace a -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> FSATrace a -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> FSATrace a -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> FSATrace a -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> FSATrace a -> m (FSATrace a) # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> FSATrace a -> m (FSATrace a) # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> FSATrace a -> m (FSATrace a) # | |
Ord a => Ord (FSATrace a) Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Command | |
Show a => Show (FSATrace a) Source # | |
CmdResult [FSATrace FilePath] Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Command | |
CmdResult [FSATrace ByteString] Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Command Methods cmdResult :: ([Result], [Result] -> [FSATrace ByteString]) |
A class for specifying what results you want to collect from a process.
Values are formed of Stdout
, Stderr
, Exit
and tuples of those.
Minimal complete definition
The allowable String
-like values that can be captured.
Minimal complete definition
CmdString () Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Command Methods cmdString :: (Str, Str -> ()) | |
CmdString String Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Command | |
CmdString ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Command Methods cmdString :: (Str, Str -> ByteString) | |
CmdString ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Command Methods cmdString :: (Str, Str -> ByteString) |
Options passed to command
or cmd
to control how processes are executed.
Cwd FilePath | Change the current directory in the spawned process. By default uses this processes current directory.
Successive |
Env [(String, String)] | Change the environment variables in the spawned process. By default uses this processes environment. |
AddEnv String String | Add an environment variable in the child process. |
RemEnv String | Remove an environment variable from the child process. |
AddPath [String] [String] | Add some items to the prefix and suffix of the |
Stdin String | Given as the |
StdinBS ByteString | Given as the |
FileStdin FilePath | Take the |
Shell | Pass the command to the shell without escaping - any arguments will be joined with spaces. By default arguments are escaped properly. |
BinaryPipes | Treat the |
Traced String | Name to use with |
Timeout Double | Abort the computation after N seconds, will raise a failure exit code. Calls |
WithStdout Bool | Should I include the |
WithStderr Bool | Should I include the |
EchoStdout Bool | Should I echo the |
EchoStderr Bool | Should I echo the |
FileStdout FilePath | Should I put the |
FileStderr FilePath | Should I put the |
AutoDeps | Compute dependencies automatically. Only works if |
UserCommand String | The command the user thinks about, before any munging. Defaults to the actual command. |
FSAOptions String | Options to |
CloseFileHandles | Before starting the command in the child process, close all file handles except stdin, stdout, stderr in the child process. Uses |
NoProcessGroup | Don't run the process in its own group. Required when running |
InheritStdin | Cause the stdin from the parent to be inherited. Might also require NoProcessGroup on Linux. Ignored if you explicitly pass a stdin. |
Eq CmdOption Source # | |
Data CmdOption Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.CmdOption Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> CmdOption -> c CmdOption # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c CmdOption # toConstr :: CmdOption -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: CmdOption -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c CmdOption) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c CmdOption) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> CmdOption -> CmdOption # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> CmdOption -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> CmdOption -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> CmdOption -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> CmdOption -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> CmdOption -> m CmdOption # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> CmdOption -> m CmdOption # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> CmdOption -> m CmdOption # | |
Ord CmdOption Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Internal.CmdOption | |
Show CmdOption Source # | |
IsCmdArgument CmdOption Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Command Methods toCmdArgument :: CmdOption -> CmdArgument Source # | |
IsCmdArgument [CmdOption] Source # | |
Defined in Development.Shake.Command Methods toCmdArgument :: [CmdOption] -> CmdArgument Source # |
addPath :: MonadIO m => [String] -> [String] -> m CmdOption Source #
Deprecated: Use AddPath
. This function will be removed in a future version.
Add a prefix and suffix to the $PATH
environment variable. For example:
opt <-addPath
["/usr/special"] []cmd
opt "userbinary --version"
Would prepend /usr/special
to the current $PATH
, and the command would pick
, if it exists. To add other variables see addEnv
addEnv :: MonadIO m => [(String, String)] -> m CmdOption Source #
Deprecated: Use AddEnv
. This function will be removed in a future version.
Add a single variable to the environment. For example:
opt <-addEnv
opt "gcc -c main.c"
Would add the environment variable $CFLAGS
with value -O2
. If the variable $CFLAGS
was already defined it would be overwritten. If you wish to modify $PATH
see addPath
Explicit parallelism
parallel :: [Action a] -> Action [a] Source #
Execute a list of actions in parallel. In most cases need
will be more appropriate to benefit from parallelism.
par :: Action a -> Action b -> Action (a, b) Source #
Execute two operations in parallel, based on parallel
Utility functions
copyFile' :: Partial => FilePath -> FilePath -> Action () Source #
copyFile' old new
copies the existing file from old
to new
The old
file will be tracked as a dependency.
Also creates the new directory if necessary.
copyFileChanged :: Partial => FilePath -> FilePath -> Action () Source #
copyFileChanged old new
copies the existing file from old
to new
, if the contents have changed.
The old
file will be tracked as a dependency.
Also creates the new directory if necessary.
readFile' :: Partial => FilePath -> Action String Source #
Read a file, after calling need
. The argument file will be tracked as a dependency.
readFileLines :: Partial => FilePath -> Action [String] Source #
A version of readFile'
which also splits the result into lines.
The argument file will be tracked as a dependency.
writeFile' :: (MonadIO m, Partial) => FilePath -> String -> m () Source #
Write a file, lifted to the Action
writeFileLines :: (MonadIO m, Partial) => FilePath -> [String] -> m () Source #
A version of writeFile'
which writes out a list of lines.
writeFileChanged :: (MonadIO m, Partial) => FilePath -> String -> m () Source #
Write a file, but only if the contents would change.
removeFiles :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> IO () Source #
Remove all files and directories that match any of the patterns within a directory. Some examples:
"output" ["//*"] -- delete everything inside 'output'removeFiles
"output" ["//"] -- delete 'output' itselfremoveFiles
"." ["//*.hi","//*.o"] -- delete all '.hi' and '.o' files
If the argument directory is missing no error is raised. This function will follow symlinks, so should be used with care.
This function is often useful when writing a clean
action for your build system,
often as a phony
removeFilesAfter :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> Action () Source #
Remove files, like removeFiles
, but executed after the build completes successfully using runAfter
Useful for implementing clean
actions that delete files Shake may have open for building, e.g. shakeFiles
Where possible, delete the files as a normal part of the build, e.g. using
$ removeFiles
dir pats
withTempFile :: (FilePath -> Action a) -> Action a Source #
Create a temporary file in the temporary directory. The file will be deleted
after the action completes (provided the file is not still open).
The FilePath
will not have any file extension, will exist, and will be zero bytes long.
If you require a file with a specific name, use withTempDir
withTempDir :: (FilePath -> Action a) -> Action a Source #
Create a temporary directory inside the system temporary directory. The directory will be deleted after the action completes. As an example:
$ \mydir -> doputInfo
$ "Temp directory is " ++ mydirwriteFile'
(mydir </> "test.txt") "writing out a temp file"
withTempFileWithin :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Action a) -> Action a Source #
Like withTempFile
but using a custom temporary directory.
withTempDirWithin :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Action a) -> Action a Source #
Like withTempDir
but using a custom temporary directory.
File rules
need :: Partial => [FilePath] -> Action () Source #
Add a dependency on the file arguments, ensuring they are built before continuing.
The file arguments may be built in parallel, in any order. This function is particularly
necessary when calling cmd
or command
. As an example:
\out -> do let src =dropExtension
"rot13" [src] "-o" [out]
Usually need [foo,bar]
is preferable to need [foo] >> need [bar]
as the former allows greater
parallelism, while the latter requires foo
to finish building before starting to build bar
This function should not be called with wildcards (e.g. *.txt
- use getDirectoryFiles
to expand them),
environment variables (e.g. $HOME
- use getEnv
to expand them) or directories (directories cannot be
tracked directly - track files within the directory instead).
want :: Partial => [FilePath] -> Rules () Source #
Require that the argument files are built by the rules, used to specify the target.
main =shake
$ dowant
["Main.exe"] ...
This program will build Main.exe
, given sufficient rules. All arguments to all want
may be built in parallel, in any order.
This function is defined in terms of action
and need
, use action
if you need more complex
targets than want
(%>) :: Located => FilePattern -> (FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules () infix 1 Source #
Define a rule that matches a FilePattern
, see ?==
for the pattern rules.
Patterns with no wildcards have higher priority than those with wildcards, and no file
required by the system may be matched by more than one pattern at the same priority
(see priority
and alternatives
to modify this behaviour).
This function will create the directory for the result file, if necessary.
\out -> do let src =dropExtension
"as" [src] "-o" [out]
To define a build system for multiple compiled languages, we recommend using .asm.o
, .hs.o
, to indicate which language produces an object file.
I.e., the file foo.cpp
produces object file foo.cpp.o
Note that matching is case-sensitive, even on Windows.
If the Action
completes successfully the file is considered up-to-date, even if the file
has not changed.
(?>) :: Located => (FilePath -> Bool) -> (FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules () infix 1 Source #
Define a rule to build files. If the first argument returns True
for a given file,
the second argument will be used to build it. Usually %>
is sufficient, but ?>
additional power. For any file used by the build system, only one rule should return True
This function will create the directory for the result file, if necessary.
(all isUpper .takeBaseName
\out -> do let src =replaceBaseName
out $ map toLower $ takeBaseName outwriteFile'
out . map toUpper =<<readFile'
If the Action
completes successfully the file is considered up-to-date, even if the file
has not changed.
phony :: Located => String -> Action () -> Rules () Source #
Declare a Make-style phony action. A phony target does not name
a file (despite living in the same namespace as file rules);
rather, it names some action to be executed when explicitly
requested. You can demand phony
rules using want
. (And need
although that's not recommended.)
Phony actions are intended to define recipes that can be executed
by the user. If you need
a phony action in a rule then every
execution where that rule is required will rerun both the rule and
the phony action. However, note that phony actions are never
executed more than once in a single build run.
In make, the .PHONY
attribute on non-file-producing rules has a
similar effect. However, while in make it is acceptable to omit
the .PHONY
attribute as long as you don't create the file in
question, a Shake rule which behaves this way will fail lint.
For file-producing rules which should be
rerun every execution of Shake, see alwaysRerun
(~>) :: Located => String -> Action () -> Rules () infix 1 Source #
Infix operator alias for phony
, for sake of consistency with normal
(&%>) :: Located => [FilePattern] -> ([FilePath] -> Action ()) -> Rules () infix 1 Source #
Define a rule for building multiple files at the same time.
Think of it as the AND (&&
) equivalent of %>
As an example, a single invocation of GHC produces both .hi
and .o
\[o,hi] -> do let hs = o-<.>
... -- all files the .hs importcmd
"ghc -c" [hs]
However, in practice, it's usually easier to define rules with %>
and make the .hi
on the .o
. When defining rules that build multiple files, all the FilePattern
values must
have the same sequence of //
and *
wildcards in the same order.
This function will create directories for the result files, if necessary.
(&?>) :: Located => (FilePath -> Maybe [FilePath]) -> ([FilePath] -> Action ()) -> Rules () infix 1 Source #
Define a rule for building multiple files at the same time, a more powerful
and more dangerous version of &%>
. Think of it as the AND (&&
) equivalent of ?>
Given an application test &?> ...
, test
should return Just
if the rule applies, and should
return the list of files that will be produced. This list must include the file passed as an argument and should
obey the invariant:
forAll $ \x ys -> test x == Just ys ==> x `elem` ys && all ((== Just ys) . test) ys
Intuitively, the function defines a set partitioning, mapping each element to the partition that contains it. As an example of a function satisfying the invariaint:
test x |takeExtension
x `elem` [".hi",".o"] = Just [dropExtension
"o"] test _ = Nothing
Regardless of whether Foo.hi
or Foo.o
is passed, the function always returns [Foo.hi, Foo.o]
orderOnly :: [FilePath] -> Action () Source #
Define order-only dependencies, these are dependencies that will always be built before continuing, but which aren't dependencies of this action. Mostly useful for defining generated dependencies you think might be real dependencies. If they turn out to be real dependencies, you should add an explicit dependency afterwards.
"source.o" %> \out -> doorderOnly
"gcc -c source.c -o source.o -MMD -MF source.m"neededMakefileDependencies
If header.h
is included by source.c
then the call to needMakefileDependencies
will cause
it to be added as a real dependency. If it isn't, then the rule won't rebuild if it changes.
orderOnlyAction :: Action a -> Action a Source #
Run an action but do not depend on anything the action uses.
A more general version of orderOnly
type FilePattern = String Source #
A type synonym for file patterns, containing //
and *
. For the syntax
and semantics of FilePattern
see ?==
Most normaliseEx
d FilePath
values are suitable as FilePattern
values which match
only that specific file. On Windows \
is treated as equivalent to /
You can write FilePattern
values as a literal string, or build them
up using the operators <.>
, </>
and <//>
. However, beware that:
- On Windows, use
from Development.Shake.FilePath instead of from System.FilePath - otherwise"//*" <.> exe
results in"//*\\.exe"
. - If the second argument of
has a leading path separator (namely/
) then the second argument will be returned.
(?==) :: FilePattern -> FilePath -> Bool Source #
Match a FilePattern
against a FilePath
, There are three special forms:
matches an entire path component, excluding any separators.//
matches an arbitrary number of path components, including absolute path prefixes.**
as a path component matches an arbitrary number of path components, but not absolute path prefixes. Currently considered experimental.
Some examples:
and nothing else.*.c
matches all.c
files in the current directory, sofile.c
matches, butfile.h
matches all.c
files anywhere on the filesystem, sofile.c
all match, butfile.h
matches all files one level belowdir
, sodir/one/file.c
match, butfile.c
Patterns with constructs such as foo/../bar
will never match
normalised FilePath
values, so are unlikely to be correct.
(<//>) :: FilePattern -> FilePattern -> FilePattern infixr 5 Source #
Join two FilePattern
values by inserting two /
characters between them.
Will first remove any trailing path separators on the first argument, and any leading
separators on the second.
"dir" <//> "*" == "dir//*"
filePattern :: FilePattern -> FilePath -> Maybe [String] Source #
Like ?==
, but returns Nothing
on if there is no match, otherwise Just
with the list
of fragments matching each wildcard. For example:
"**/*.c" "test.txt" == NothingfilePattern
"**/*.c" "foo.c" == Just ["","foo"]filePattern
"**/*.c" "bar/baz/foo.c" == Just ["bar/baz/","foo"]
Note that the **
will often contain a trailing /
, and even on Windows any
separators will be replaced by /
trackRead :: [FilePath] -> Action () Source #
Track that a file was read by the action preceding it. If shakeLint
is activated
then these files must be dependencies of this rule. Calls to trackRead
automatically inserted in LintFSATrace
trackWrite :: [FilePath] -> Action () Source #
Track that a file was written by the action preceding it. If shakeLint
is activated
then these files must either be the target of this rule, or never referred to by the build system.
Calls to trackWrite
are automatically inserted in LintFSATrace
trackAllow :: [FilePattern] -> Action () Source #
Allow accessing a file in this rule, ignoring any subsequent trackRead
/ trackWrite
calls matching
the pattern.
Directory rules
doesFileExist :: FilePath -> Action Bool Source #
Returns True
if the file exists. The existence of the file is tracked as a
dependency, and if the file is created or deleted the rule will rerun in subsequent builds.
Usually used to implement include paths. For example, given a include path of foo
and bar
and a file hello.txt
, you might write:
b <- doesFileExist
let file = if b then "foo/hello.txt" else "bar/hello.txt"
Now if the user had a file bar/hello.txt
, and then creates a file foo/hello.txt
, the
rule would correctly rerun, as while the hello.txt
that was used didn't change, which
file should be used has changed.
You should not call doesFileExist
on files which can be created by the build system.
The reason is that Shake operations such as this one are both cached for the duration of the build,
and may be run preemptively during a recheck. That means you can't control the time at which
is called. For that to be consistent, doesFileExist
must return the same result at the
start and end of the build, a property that is partially checked by the --lint
flag. Given a
file created by the build system, a build from clean will return False
at the beginning and True
at the end, leading to a change, and thus rebuilds in subsequent runs.
If you do want to know whether a file exists separate to the build system, e.g. you can perfectly predict the files contents and can save some meaningful work if the file already exists, you should use the untracked System.Directory version. Such calls are not tracked by the file system, and you should take care not to result in unpredictable results.
doesDirectoryExist :: FilePath -> Action Bool Source #
Returns True
if the directory exists. The existence of the directory is tracked as a
dependency, and if the directory is created or delete the rule will rerun in subsequent builds.
You should not call doesDirectoryExist
on directories which can be created by the build system,
for reasons explained in doesFileExist
getDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> Action [FilePath] Source #
Get the contents of a directory. The result will be sorted, and will not contain
the entries .
or ..
(unlike the standard Haskell version).
The resulting paths will be relative to the first argument.
The result itself is tracked as a dependency, but the files in the result are not.
If the list of files changes in subsequent builds any rule calling it will rerun.
It is usually simpler to call either getDirectoryFiles
or getDirectoryDirs
getDirectoryFiles :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> Action [FilePath] Source #
Get the files anywhere under a directory that match any of a set of patterns.
For the interpretation of the patterns see ?==
. All results will be
relative to the directory argument.
The result itself is tracked as a dependency, but the files in the result are not.
If the list of files changes in subsequent builds any rule calling it will rerun.
Some examples:
getDirectoryFiles "Config" ["//*.xml"] -- All .xml files anywhere under the Config directory -- If Config/foo/bar.xml exists it will return ["foo/bar.xml"] getDirectoryFiles "Modules" ["*.hs","*.lhs"] -- All .hs or .lhs in the Modules directory -- If Modules/foo.hs and Modules/foo.lhs exist, it will return ["foo.hs","foo.lhs"]
If you require a qualified file name it is often easier to use ""
as the FilePath
for example the following two expressions are equivalent:
fmap (map ("Config" </>)) (getDirectoryFiles "Config" ["//*.xml"]) getDirectoryFiles "" ["Config//*.xml"]
If the first argument directory does not exist it will raise an error.
If foo
does not exist, then the first of these error, but the second will not.
getDirectoryFiles "foo" ["//*"] -- error getDirectoryFiles "" ["foo//*"] -- returns []
This function is tracked and serves as a dependency. If a rule calls
getDirectoryFiles "" ["*.c"]
and someone adds foo.c
to the
directory, that rule will rebuild. If someone changes one of the .c
but the list of .c
files doesn't change, then it will not rebuild.
As a consequence of being tracked, if the contents change during the build
(e.g. you are generating .c
files in this directory) then the build not reach
a stable point, which is an error - detected by running with --lint
You should normally only call this function returning source files.
For an untracked variant see getDirectoryFilesIO
getDirectoryDirs :: FilePath -> Action [FilePath] Source #
Get the directories in a directory, not including .
or ..
All directories are relative to the argument directory.
The result itself is tracked as a dependency, but the directories in the result are not.
If the list of directories changes in subsequent builds any rule calling it will rerun.
getDirectoryFilesIO :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> IO [FilePath] Source #
A version of getDirectoryFiles
that is in IO, and thus untracked.
Environment rules
getEnv :: String -> Action (Maybe String) Source #
Return Just
the value of the environment variable, or Nothing
if the variable is not set. The environment variable is tracked as a
dependency, and if it changes the rule will rerun in subsequent builds.
This function is a tracked version of getEnv
/ lookupEnv
from the base library.
flags <- getEnv "CFLAGS"
"gcc -c" [out] (maybe [] words flags)
getEnvWithDefault :: String -> String -> Action String Source #
returns the value of the environment variable getEnvWithDefault
def varvar
, or the
default value def
if it is not set. Similar to getEnv
flags <- getEnvWithDefault "-Wall" "CFLAGS"
"gcc -c" [out] flags
getEnvError :: Partial => String -> Action String Source #
A partial variant of getEnv
that returns the environment variable variable or fails.
Oracle rules
type ShakeValue a = (Show a, Typeable a, Eq a, Hashable a, Binary a, NFData a) Source #
Define an alias for the six type classes required for things involved in Shake rules.
Using this alias requires the ConstraintKinds
To define your own values meeting the necessary constraints it is convenient to use the extensions
and DeriveDataTypeable
to write:
newtype MyType = MyType (String, Bool) deriving (Show, Typeable, Eq, Hashable, Binary, NFData)
Shake needs these instances on keys and values. They are used for:
is used to print out keys in errors, profiling, progress messages and diagnostics.Typeable
is used because Shake indexes its database by the type of the key and value involved in the rule (overlap is not allowed for type classes and not allowed in Shake either).Eq
are used on keys in order to build hash maps from keys to values.Eq
is used on values to test if the value has changed or not (this is used to support unchanging rebuilds, where Shake can avoid rerunning rules if it runs a dependency, but it turns out that no changes occurred.) TheHashable
instances are only use at runtime (never serialised to disk), so they do not have to be stable across runs. Hashable on values is not used, and only required for a consistent interface.Binary
is used to serialize keys and values into Shake's build database; this lets Shake cache values across runs and implement unchanging rebuilds.NFData
is used to avoid space and thunk leaks, especially when Shake is parallelized.
type family RuleResult key Source #
The type mapping between the key
or a rule and the resulting value
See addBuiltinRule
and apply
addOracle :: (RuleResult q ~ a, ShakeValue q, ShakeValue a, Partial) => (q -> Action a) -> Rules (q -> Action a) Source #
Add extra information which rules can depend on.
An oracle is a function from a question type q
, to an answer type a
As an example, we can define an oracle allowing you to depend on the current version of GHC:
newtype GhcVersion = GhcVersion () deriving (Show,Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData) type instance RuleResult GhcVersion = String rules = doaddOracle
$ \(GhcVersion _) ->fromStdout
"ghc --numeric-version" :: Action String ... rules ...
If a rule calls
, that rule will be rerun whenever the GHC version changes.
Some notes:askOracle
(GhcVersion ())
- We define
with anewtype
, allowing the use ofGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
. All the necessary type classes are exported from Development.Shake.Classes. - The
type instance
requires the extensionTypeFamilies
. - Each call to
must use a different type of question. - Actions passed to
will be run in every build they are required, even if nothing else changes, so be careful of slow actions. If the result of an oracle does not change it will not invalidate any rules depending on it. To always rerun files rules seealwaysRerun
As a more complex example, consider tracking Haskell package versions:
newtype GhcPkgList = GhcPkgList () deriving (Show,Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData) type instance RuleResult GhcPkgList = [(String, String)] newtype GhcPkgVersion = GhcPkgVersion String deriving (Show,Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData) type instance RuleResult GhcPkgVersion = Maybe String rules = do getPkgList <-addOracle
$ \GhcPkgList{} -> do Stdout out <-cmd
"ghc-pkg list --simple-output" pure [(reverse b, reverse a) | x <- words out, let (a,_:b) = break (== '-') $ reverse x] getPkgVersion <-addOracle
$ \(GhcPkgVersion pkg) -> do pkgs <- getPkgList $ GhcPkgList () pure $ lookup pkg pkgs "myrule" %> \_ -> do getPkgVersion $ GhcPkgVersion "shake" ... rule using the shake version ...
Using these definitions, any rule depending on the version of shake
should call getPkgVersion $ GhcPkgVersion "shake"
to rebuild when shake
is upgraded.
If you apply versioned
to an oracle it will cause that oracle result to be discarded, and not do early-termination.
addOracleCache :: (RuleResult q ~ a, ShakeValue q, ShakeValue a, Partial) => (q -> Action a) -> Rules (q -> Action a) Source #
A combination of addOracle
and newCache
- an action that only runs when its dependencies change,
whose result is stored in the database.
- Does the information need recomputing every time? e.g. looking up stuff in the environment?
If so, use
instead. - Is the action mostly deserisalising some file? If so, use
. - Is the operation expensive computation from other results? If so, use
An alternative to using addOracleCache
is introducing an intermediate file containing the result,
which requires less storage in the Shake database and can be inspected by existing file-system viewing
addOracleHash :: (RuleResult q ~ a, ShakeValue q, ShakeValue a, Partial) => (q -> Action a) -> Rules (q -> Action a) Source #
askOracle :: (RuleResult q ~ a, ShakeValue q, ShakeValue a) => q -> Action a Source #
Get information previously added with addOracle
or addOracleCache
The question/answer types must match those provided previously.
askOracles :: (RuleResult q ~ a, ShakeValue q, ShakeValue a) => [q] -> Action [a] Source #
A parallel version of askOracle
Special rules
alwaysRerun :: Action () Source #
Always rerun the associated action. Useful for defining rules that query the environment. For example:
\out -> doalwaysRerun
stdout <-cmd
"ghc --numeric-version"writeFileChanged
out stdout
In make
, the .PHONY
attribute on file-producing rules has a similar effect.
Note that alwaysRerun
is applied when a rule is executed. Modifying an existing rule
to insert alwaysRerun
will not cause that rule to rerun next time.
A type representing an external resource which the build system should respect. There
are two ways to create Resource
s in Shake:
creates a finite resource, stopping too many actions running simultaneously.newThrottle
creates a throttled resource, stopping too many actions running over a short time period.
These resources are used with withResource
when defining rules. Typically only
system commands (such as cmd
) should be run inside withResource
not commands such as need
Be careful that the actions run within withResource
do not themselves require further
resources, or you may get a "thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation" exception.
If an action requires multiple resources, use withResources
to avoid deadlock.
newResource :: String -> Int -> Rules Resource Source #
Create a finite resource, given a name (for error messages) and a quantity of the resource that exists. Shake will ensure that actions using the same finite resource do not execute in parallel. As an example, only one set of calls to the Excel API can occur at one time, therefore Excel is a finite resource of quantity 1. You can write:
=2} $ dowant
["a.xls","b.xls"] excel <-newResource
"Excel" 1 "*.xls"%>
\out ->withResource
excel 1 $cmd
"excel" out ...
Now the two calls to excel
will not happen in parallel.
As another example, calls to compilers are usually CPU bound but calls to linkers are usually disk bound. Running 8 linkers will often cause an 8 CPU system to grid to a halt. We can limit ourselves to 4 linkers with:
disk <-newResource
"Disk" 4want
[show i<.>
"exe" | i <- [1..100]] "*.exe"%>
\out ->withResource
disk 1 $cmd
"ld -o" [out] ... "*.o"%>
\out ->cmd
"cl -o" [out] ...
newResourceIO :: String -> Int -> IO Resource Source #
A version of newResource
that runs in IO, and can be called before calling shake
Most people should use newResource
withResource :: Resource -> Int -> Action a -> Action a Source #
Run an action which uses part of a finite resource. For more details see Resource
You cannot depend on a rule (e.g. need
) while a resource is held.
withResources :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Action a -> Action a Source #
Run an action which uses part of several finite resources. Acquires the resources in a stable
order, to prevent deadlock. If all rules requiring more than one resource acquire those
resources with a single call to withResources
, resources will not deadlock.
newThrottle :: String -> Int -> Double -> Rules Resource Source #
Create a throttled resource, given a name (for error messages) and a number of resources (the Int
) that can be
used per time period (the Double
in seconds). Shake will ensure that actions using the same throttled resource
do not exceed the limits. As an example, let us assume that making more than 1 request every 5 seconds to
Google results in our client being blacklisted, we can write:
google <-newThrottle
"Google" 1 5 "*.url"%>
\out -> dowithResource
google 1 $cmd
"wget" ["" ++takeBaseName
out] "-O" [out]
Now we will wait at least 5 seconds after querying Google before performing another query. If Google change the rules to
allow 12 requests per minute we can instead use
, which would allow
greater parallelisation, and avoid throttling entirely if only a small number of requests are necessary.newThrottle
"Google" 12 60
In the original example we never make a fresh request until 5 seconds after the previous request has completed. If we instead want to throttle requests since the previous request started we can write:
google <-newThrottle
"Google" 1 5 "*.url"%>
\out -> dowithResource
google 1 $ pure ()cmd
"wget" ["" ++takeBaseName
out] "-O" [out]
However, the rule may not continue running immediately after withResource
completes, so while
we will never exceed an average of 1 request every 5 seconds, we may end up running an unbounded number of
requests simultaneously. If this limitation causes a problem in practice it can be fixed.
newThrottleIO :: String -> Int -> Double -> IO Resource Source #
A version of newThrottle
that runs in IO, and can be called before calling shake
Most people should use newThrottle
unsafeExtraThread :: Action a -> Action a Source #
Run an action without counting to the thread limit, typically used for actions that execute
on remote machines using barely any local CPU resources.
Unsafe as it allows the shakeThreads
limit to be exceeded.
You cannot depend on a rule (e.g. need
) while the extra thread is executing.
If the rule blocks (e.g. calls withResource
) then the extra thread may be used by some other action.
Only really suitable for calling cmd
/ command
newCache :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (k -> Action v) -> Rules (k -> Action v) Source #
Given an action on a key, produce a cached version that will execute the action at most once per key per run.
Using the cached result will still result include any dependencies that the action requires - e.g. if the action
does need
then those dependencies will be added to every rule that uses that cache.
Each call to newCache
creates a separate cache that is independent of all other calls to newCache
The operations will not be cached between runs and nothing will be persisted to the Shake database.
For an alternative that does persist the cache, see addOracleCache
This function is useful when creating files that store intermediate values, to avoid the overhead of repeatedly reading from disk, particularly if the file requires expensive parsing. As an example:
digits <-newCache
$ \file -> do src <- readFile' file pure $ length $ filter isDigit src "*.digits"%>
\x -> do v1 <- digits (dropExtension
x) v2 <- digits (dropExtension
x $ show (v1,v2)
To create the result MyFile.txt.digits
the file MyFile.txt
will be read and counted, but only at most
once per execution.
historyDisable :: Action () Source #
This rule should not be cached or recorded in the history because it makes use of untracked dependencies
(e.g. files in a system directory or items on the $PATH
), or is trivial to compute locally.
produces :: [FilePath] -> Action () Source #
This rule builds the following files, in addition to any defined by its target.
At the end of the rule these files must have been written.
These files must not be tracked as part of the build system - two rules cannot produce
the same file and you cannot need
the files it produces.
needHasChanged :: Partial => [FilePath] -> Action [FilePath] Source #
Like need
but returns a list of rebuilt dependencies since the calling rule last built successfully.
The following example writes a list of changed dependencies to a file as its action.
\out -> do let sourceList = ["source1", "source2"] rebuildList <-needHasChanged
out rebuildList
This function can be used to alter the action depending on which dependency needed to be rebuild.
Note that a rule can be run even if no dependency has changed, for example
because of shakeRebuild
or because the target has changed or been deleted.
To detect the latter case you may wish to use resultHasChanged
resultHasChanged :: FilePath -> Action Bool Source #
Has a file changed. This function will only give the correct answer if called in the rule
producing the file, before the rule has modified the file in question.
Best avoided, but sometimes necessary in conjunction with needHasChanged
to cause rebuilds
to happen if the result is deleted or modified.
:: Int | Maximum number to run in a single batch, e.g. |
-> ((a -> Action ()) -> Rules ()) | Way to match an entry, e.g. |
-> (a -> Action b) | Preparation to run individually on each, e.g. using |
-> ([b] -> Action ()) | Combination action to run on all, e.g. using |
-> Rules () |
Batch different outputs into a single Action
, typically useful when a command has a high
startup cost - e.g. apt-get install foo bar baz
is a lot cheaper than three separate
calls to apt-get install
. As an example, if we have a standard build rule:
\out -> doneed
"build-multiple" [out-<.>
Assuming that build-multiple
can compile multiple files in a single run,
and that the cost of doing so is a lot less than running each individually,
we can write:
3 ("*.out"%>
) (\out -> doneed
"in"]; pure out) (\outs ->cmd
"build-multiple" [out-<.>
"in" | out <- outs])
In constrast to the normal call, we have specified a maximum batch size of 3,
an action to run on each output individually (typically all the need
and an action that runs on multiple files at once. If we were to require lots of
files, they would typically be built in batches of 3.
If Shake ever has nothing else to do it will run batches before they are at the maximum, so you may see much smaller batches, especially at high parallelism settings.
reschedule :: Double -> Action () Source #
Given a running task, reschedule so it only continues after all other pending tasks, and all rescheduled tasks with a higher pool priority. Note that due to parallelism there is no guarantee that all actions of a higher pool priority will have completed before the action resumes. Only useful if the results are being interactively reported or consumed.
askOracleWith :: (RuleResult q ~ a, ShakeValue q, ShakeValue a) => q -> a -> Action a Source #
Deprecated: Use 'askOracle q' instead of 'askOracleWith q a', the result value is now unnecessary
Deprecated: Replace
by askOracleWith
q a
since the askOracle
type family now fixes the result type.
deprioritize :: Double -> Action () Source #
Deprecated: Use reschedule
Deprecated: Alias for reschedule