{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Codec.Compression.ShannonFano where
import Codec.Compression.ShannonFano.Internal
import Control.Arrow
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.List (lookup, sortBy)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import System.IO
data DecodeTableError = DecodeTableError
deriving (Eq, Show)
frequency ::
Input ->
Table Int
frequency = map (BSL.head &&& (fromEnum . BSL.length)) . BSL.group . BSL.fromStrict . BS.sort . BSL.toStrict
probability ::
Input ->
Table Float
probability s =
let table = frequency s
total = fromIntegral . fromEnum . BSL.length $ s
in map (second ((/ total) . fromIntegral)) table
genCodeTable ::
Input ->
Table ByteString
genCodeTable s =
let table = sortBy cmp $ probability s
in aux (split table)
cmp :: (Word8, Float) -> (Word8, Float) -> Ordering
cmp x y = if snd x < snd y then GT else LT
aux :: (Table Float, Table Float) -> Table ByteString
aux ([], []) = []
aux ([(x, _)], [(y, _)]) = [(x, "0"), (y, "1")]
aux ([(x, _)], r) = (x, "0") : map (second (BSL.append "1")) (aux (split r))
aux (l, [(y, _)]) = map (second (BSL.append "0")) (aux (split l)) ++ [(y, "1")]
aux (l, r) =
let l2 = aux $ split l
r2 = aux $ split r
in map (second (BSL.append "0")) l2 ++ map (second (BSL.append "1")) r2
compress ::
Input ->
compress s = compressWithLeftover $ aux s (genCodeTable s)
aux :: ByteString -> Table ByteString -> ByteString
aux s t
| BSL.null s = BSL.empty
| otherwise =
let (x, xs) = (BSL.head &&& BSL.tail) s
(Just r) = lookup x t
in BSL.append r (aux xs t)
decompress ::
ByteString ->
Table ByteString ->
Maybe Input
decompress s t
| BSL.null s = Just BSL.empty
| BSL.null (decompressWithLeftover s) = Just BSL.empty
| otherwise =
let decomps = decompressWithLeftover s
(x, xs) = (BSL.head &&& BSL.tail) decomps
in aux (map (snd &&& fst) t) xs (BSL.singleton x)
aux :: [(ByteString, Word8)] -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Maybe ByteString
aux dt ls l =
if BSL.null ls
then case lookup l dt of
Nothing -> Just ""
Just r -> BSL.cons <$> Just r <*> Just ""
let (h, t) = (BSL.head &&& BSL.tail) ls
in case lookup l dt of
Nothing -> aux dt t (BSL.append l (BSL.singleton h))
(Just r) -> BSL.cons <$> Just r <*> aux dt t (BSL.singleton h)
compressToFile ::
Handle ->
String ->
IO ()
compressToFile h filename = do
contents <- BSL.hGetContents h
let compressed = compress contents
decodeTable = genCodeTable contents
writeFile (filename ++ ".tab") (show decodeTable)
BSL.writeFile filename compressed
decompressFromFile ::
Handle ->
Table ByteString ->
String ->
IO (Either DecodeTableError ())
decompressFromFile h dt filename = do
contents <- BSL.hGetContents h
let decoded = decompress contents dt
case decoded of
Nothing -> return . Left $ DecodeTableError
Just r -> Right <$> BSL.writeFile filename r