
Shh is a library to enable convenient shell-like programming in Haskell.
It works well in scripts, and from GHCi, allowing you to use GHCi as a shell.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Readme (test) where
import Shh
import System.Environment
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Prelude hiding (head)
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import qualified System.Directory
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as Char8
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Char
import PyF
load SearchPath ["echo", "base64", "cat", "head", "sleep", "mktemp", "ls", "wc", "find", "tr", "users", "sha256sum", "false", "true"]
curl :: Cmd
curl = true
test :: IO ()
test = do
It's primary purpose is in replacing shell scripts. As such, many
functions are provided to mimic the shell environment, and porting shell
scripts to shh should be fairly straightforward. A simple
"cargo culting" port should work in most situations,
and perhaps be even more robust than the original.
It is also a wrapper tool around launching GHCi as a shell.
It supports
Automatically defining a function for each executable on your $PATH
using template Haskell, as well as a runtime check to ensure they all
exist on startup.
Redirection of stdout and stderr
-- Redirect stdout
echo "Hello" &> StdErr
echo "Hello" &> Truncate ".tmp_file"
-- Redirect stderr
echo "Hello" &!> Append "/dev/null"
echo "Hello" &!> StdOut
Piping stdout or stderr to the input of a chained process
cat "/dev/urandom" |> base64 |> head "-n" 5
Multiple processes sequentially feeding a single process
(echo 1 >> echo 2) |> cat
Use of Haskell's concurrency primitives.
race (sleep 1 >> echo "Slept for 1") (sleep 2 >> echo "Slept for 2")
mapConcurrently_ (\url -> curl "-Ls" url |> wc)
[ ""
, ""
Capturing of process output
s <- echo "Hello" |> tr "-d" "l" |> capture
print s
loggedIn <- nub . Char8.words <$> (users |> capture)
putStrLn $ "Logged in users: " ++ show loggedIn
mapM_ Char8.putStrLn =<< (find "-maxdepth" 1 "-print0" |> captureEndBy0)
Capturing infinite output of a process lazily
cat "/dev/urandom"
|> base64
|> readInput (mapM_ Char8.putStrLn . take 3 . Char8.lines)
Write strings to stdin of a process.
writeOutput "Hello\n" |> cat
-- Hello
"Hello" >>> sha256sum
sha256sum <<< "Hello"
Proper exceptions, when a process exits with a failure code, an exception
is thrown. You can catch these normally. The exception includes the error
code, the command, and all it's arguments.
false "Ha, it died"
-- *** Exception: Command `false "Ha, it died"` failed [exit 1]
exitCode false
-- 1
"Native" processes, i.e. Haskell functions that behave like a process.
echo "Hello" |> pureProc ( toUpper) |> tr "-d" "L"
-- HEO
And much, much more! Look at the documentation on Hackage for a
comprehensive overview of all the possibilities.
Shh has many symbols that might seem intimidating at first, but there
is a simple mnemonic for them.
| Piping. Looks like a pipe, same as in POSIX shells.
& Redirection, think of the shell `2>&1`
>,< The direction of flow of a command
! Operate on stderr instead of stdout
So, for example,
ls |> cat Pipe the stdout of `ls` into stdin of `cat`
cat <| ls Same as above
ls &> StdErr Redirect stdout of `ls` to wherever stderr is going.
StdErr <& ls Same as above
ls &!> StdOut Redirect stderr of `ls` to wherever stdout is going.
StdOut <!& ls Same as above
Currently Shh does not have any built in globbing support. Rather, it is
currently suggested to use another library to do globbing. For example,
using the Glob package, it is
possible to do something like
wc "--" =<< glob "*.md"
Certainly more verbose than the Bash equivalent, however, also more explicit,
which is probably a good thing. If this turns out to be too cumbersome, we
might introduce a more succinct globbing feature, though it will always be
explicit, and thus always more verbose than most other shells.
String Interpolation/Expansion/Substitution
String interpolation, much like globbing, is left to an external library.
I lightweight, zero-dependency solution is to use PyF,
which, since, has no dependencies other than ones included with GHC.
greet = do
user <- getEnv "USER"
echo [fmt|Hello, {user}!|]
Some of the features in Shh require that you use the threaded runtime.
Please compile with the -threaded
flag to avoid deadlocks.
Enable Template Haskell and load the environment. It is also strongly
recommended to use ExtendedDefaultRules
. This is especially important
if you want to use OverloadedStrings
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-}
$(loadEnv SearchPath)
You now have all your executables available as simple Haskell
functions. If you don't want to load your entire environment you
can load specific commands directly:
load SearchPath ["echo", "grep", "cat", "ls"]
If you want to check that all the dependencies still exist, you can use
missingExecutables :: IO [String]
, which will tell you if anything is
For use in a project, it makes sense to have a dedicated module for your
project which does the template Haskell above. This will prevent recompilation
of all the executables, and also allow you to easily namespace them to
avoid collisions with normal Haskell functions.
Usage in GHCi
If you want ^D
to be recognised as a EOF marker (when running commands
that read from stdin) when running in GHCi, you will need to run the
function. This sets the line buffering appropriately and
ensures the terminal is in canonical mode.
Shh as a Shell
There is a tool called shh
which is a fairly small wrapper around launching
GHCi which automatically loads your environment and allows you to have custom
config when using GHCi as a shell.
To install it, one option is to use cabal new-install
cabal new-install --lib shh
cabal new-install --lib shh-extras
The shh
binary will look in your $SHH_DIR
(defaults to $HOME/.shh
) for
a Shell.hs
, init.ghci
and wrapper
files. If these don't exist default
ones will be created.
The Shell.hs
file should contain any top level definitions that you would
like to be available in your Shell. By default it loads your environment.
The init.ghci
file is loaded by GHCi after your .ghci
files. This lets
you specify settings that you want to take effect when using GHCi as a shell.
By default it sets a shell-like prompt.
The wrapper
file is an executable that is called with the command that is
to be executed. By default it just calls exec
with the arguments passed to
it. The use-case for this is to be able to set up the environment for shh
You might, for example, wrap the execution in a nix-shell
. Either way,
it is up to you to make sure that the compiler, and packages you require are
available, either globally, or provided by the wrapper
Faster Startup
precompiles your Shell.hs
file so that starting up shh
is very
quick on subsequent launches. Unfortunately, shh
isn't quite able to detect
this perfectly. If you see GHCi telling you that it is Compiling Shell
and you notice the delay when starting shh
, try manually forcing a rebuild
by passing in the --rebuild
argument to shh
This is particularly likely to happen if you upgrade your GHC, or installed
packages, or even shh
Nix Wrapper Example
The following snippet could act as a wrapper
file to set up a suitable
environment using nix-shell
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i bash -p "(haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [shh shh-extras]))"
exec "$@"
Script Usage
Nixpkgs provides a writeHaskellBin
function which is very convenient for
writing quick scripts for your Nix setup.
writers.writeHaskellBin "example" {libraries = [haskellPackages.shh];} ''
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Shh
-- Load binaries from Nix packages. The dependencies will be captured
-- in the closure.
loadFromBins ["${git}", "${coreutils}", "${curl}"]
main :: IO ()
main = do
cat "/a/file"
cp "/a/file" "/b/file"
There are quite a few players in the "shell programming for Haskell" field.
This table attempts to summarise some of the differences.
Pipe Style
refers to how processes are joined together, "native" means
that the mechanisms provided by the OS are used, while "via Haskell" means
that the data is read into the Haskell process, and then written into the
Via Shell
refers to whether subprocesses are launched directly or via
a shell (which can provide a "native" piping solution at the cost of
Run in IO
refers to whether commands need to be prefixed with run
similar functions to actually execute them.
TH Helper
refers to whether the use of TH to generate Haskell functions
based on commands found at compile time is encouraged in the main library.
Monadic Subshell
refers to the ability to join multiple processes together
and feed them all from the same input and to the same output.
echo a | (cat; echo b) | wc -l
should report that 2 lines appeared.
Library |
Pipe Style |
Via Shell |
Run in IO |
Threadsafe cd |
TH Helper |
Monadic Subshell |
Redirect stderr |
Shh |
Native |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Shelly |
Via Haskell |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
Turtle |
Via Haskell |
Optional |
No |
? |
No |
No (Alternative) |
Yes |
shell-conduit |
Via Haskell |
Optional |
No |
? |
Yes |
Yes |
No? |
Library |
Exception on non-zero |
Contains arguments |
Contains stderr |
Terminates pipeline |
Shh |
Yes |
Yes |
Optional |
Yes |
Shelly |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Turtle |
Sometimes |
No |
No |
? |
shell-conduit |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |