Copyright | Brent Yorgey |
Maintainer | |
Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
An enumeration is a finite or countably infinite sequence of values, that is, enumerations are isomorphic to lists. However, enumerations are represented a functions from index to value, so they support efficient indexing and can be constructed for very large finite sets. A few examples are shown below.
enumerate . takeE 15 $ listOf nat
select (listOf nat) 986235087203970702008108646
data Tree = L | B Tree Tree deriving Show treesUpTo :: Int -> Enumeration Tree treesUpTo 0 =singleton
L treesUpTo n =singleton
t' where t' = treesUpTo (n-1) trees :: Enumeration Tree trees =infinite
card (treesUpTo 1)
Finite 2>>>
card (treesUpTo 10)
Finite 14378219780015246281818710879551167697596193767663736497089725524386087657390556152293078723153293423353330879856663164406809615688082297859526620035327291442156498380795040822304677>>>
select (treesUpTo 5) 12345
B (B L (B (B (B L L) L) (B L L))) (B (B (B L L) L) (B L L))
card trees
select trees 12345
B (B (B (B L (B L L)) L) (B L (B (B L L) L))) (B (B L (B L L)) (B (B L L) (B L (B L L))))
- data Enumeration a
- data Cardinality
- card :: Enumeration a -> Cardinality
- type Index = Integer
- select :: Enumeration a -> Index -> a
- isFinite :: Enumeration a -> Bool
- enumerate :: Enumeration a -> [a]
- unit :: Enumeration ()
- singleton :: a -> Enumeration a
- always :: a -> Enumeration a
- finite :: Integer -> Enumeration Integer
- finiteList :: [a] -> Enumeration a
- boundedEnum :: forall a. (Enum a, Bounded a) => Enumeration a
- nat :: Enumeration Integer
- int :: Enumeration Integer
- cw :: Enumeration Rational
- rat :: Enumeration Rational
- takeE :: Integer -> Enumeration a -> Enumeration a
- dropE :: Integer -> Enumeration a -> Enumeration a
- infinite :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration a
- zipE :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration b -> Enumeration (a, b)
- zipWithE :: (a -> b -> c) -> Enumeration a -> Enumeration b -> Enumeration c
- (<+>) :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration a -> Enumeration a
- (><) :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration b -> Enumeration (a, b)
- interleave :: Enumeration (Enumeration a) -> Enumeration a
- maybeOf :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration (Maybe a)
- eitherOf :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration b -> Enumeration (Either a b)
- listOf :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration [a]
- subsequencesOf :: [a] -> Enumeration [a]
- diagonal :: Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
data Enumeration a Source #
An enumeration of a finite or countably infinite set of values. An enumeration is represented as a function from the natural numbers (for infinite enumerations) or a finite prefix of the natural numbers (for finite ones) to values. Enumerations can thus easily be constructed for very large sets, and support efficient indexing and random sampling.
is an instance of the following type classes:
(you can map a function over every element of an enumeration)Applicative
(representing Cartesian product of enumerations; see (><
(representing disjoint union of enumerations; see (<+>
is not a Monad
, since there is no way to
implement join
that works for any combination of
finite and infinite enumerations (but see interleave
Functor Enumeration Source # | |
Defined in Data.Enumeration Methods fmap :: (a -> b) -> Enumeration a -> Enumeration b # (<$) :: a -> Enumeration b -> Enumeration a # | |
Applicative Enumeration Source # | The |
Defined in Data.Enumeration Methods pure :: a -> Enumeration a # (<*>) :: Enumeration (a -> b) -> Enumeration a -> Enumeration b # liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Enumeration a -> Enumeration b -> Enumeration c # (*>) :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration b -> Enumeration b # (<*) :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration b -> Enumeration a # | |
Alternative Enumeration Source # | The |
Defined in Data.Enumeration Methods empty :: Enumeration a # (<|>) :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration a -> Enumeration a # some :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration [a] # many :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration [a] # |
Using enumerations
data Cardinality Source #
The cardinality of a countable set: either a specific finite natural number, or countably infinite.
card :: Enumeration a -> Cardinality Source #
Get the cardinality of an enumeration.
select :: Enumeration a -> Index -> a Source #
Select the value at a particular index of an enumeration. Precondition: the index must be strictly less than the cardinality. For infinite sets, every possible value must occur at some finite index.
isFinite :: Enumeration a -> Bool Source #
Test whether an enumeration is finite.
isFinite (finiteList [1,2,3])
isFinite nat
enumerate :: Enumeration a -> [a] Source #
List the elements of an enumeration in order. Inverse of
Primitive enumerations
unit :: Enumeration () Source #
The unit enumeration, with a single value of ()
card unit
Finite 1
enumerate unit
singleton :: a -> Enumeration a Source #
An enumeration of a single given element.
card (singleton 17)
Finite 1
enumerate (singleton 17)
always :: a -> Enumeration a Source #
A constant infinite enumeration.
card (always 17)
enumerate . takeE 10 $ always 17
finite :: Integer -> Enumeration Integer Source #
A finite prefix of the natural numbers.
card (finite 5)
Finite 5>>>
card (finite 1234567890987654321)
Finite 1234567890987654321
enumerate (finite 5)
enumerate (finite 0)
finiteList :: [a] -> Enumeration a Source #
Construct an enumeration from the elements of a finite list. To
turn an enumeration back into a list, use enumerate
enumerate (finiteList [2,3,8,1])
select (finiteList [2,3,8,1]) 2
does not work on infinite lists: inspecting the
cardinality of the resulting enumeration (something many of the
enumeration combinators need to do) will hang trying to compute
the length of the infinite list. To make an infinite enumeration,
use something like f
where <$>
is a function to
compute the value at any given index.
uses (!!
) internally, so you probably want to
avoid using it on long lists. It would be possible to make a
version with better indexing performance by allocating a vector
internally, but I am too lazy to do it. If you have a good use
case let me know (better yet, submit a pull request).
boundedEnum :: forall a. (Enum a, Bounded a) => Enumeration a Source #
Enumerate all the values of a bounded Enum
enumerate (boundedEnum @Bool)
select (boundedEnum @Char) 97
card (boundedEnum @Int)
Finite 18446744073709551616>>>
select (boundedEnum @Int) 0
nat :: Enumeration Integer Source #
The natural numbers, 0, 1, 2, ...
enumerate . takeE 10 $ nat
int :: Enumeration Integer Source #
All integers in the order 0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, ...
cw :: Enumeration Rational Source #
The positive rational numbers, enumerated according to the Calkin-Wilf sequence.
enumerate . takeE 10 $ cw
[1 % 1,1 % 2,2 % 1,1 % 3,3 % 2,2 % 3,3 % 1,1 % 4,4 % 3,3 % 5]
rat :: Enumeration Rational Source #
An enumeration of all rational numbers: 0 first, then each rational in the Calkin-Wilf sequence followed by its negative.
enumerate . takeE 10 $ rat
[0 % 1,1 % 1,(-1) % 1,1 % 2,(-1) % 2,2 % 1,(-2) % 1,1 % 3,(-1) % 3,3 % 2]
Enumeration combinators
takeE :: Integer -> Enumeration a -> Enumeration a Source #
Take a finite prefix from the beginning of an enumeration. takeE
k e
always yields the empty enumeration for \(k \leq 0\), and
results in e
whenever k
is greater than or equal to the
cardinality of the enumeration. Otherwise takeE k e
cardinality k
and matches e
from 0
to k-1
enumerate $ takeE 3 (boundedEnum @Int)
enumerate $ takeE 2 (finiteList [1..5])
enumerate $ takeE 0 (finiteList [1..5])
enumerate $ takeE 7 (finiteList [1..5])
dropE :: Integer -> Enumeration a -> Enumeration a Source #
Drop some elements from the beginning of an enumeration. dropE k
yields e
unchanged if \(k \leq 0\), and results in the empty
enumeration whenever k
is greater than or equal to the
cardinality of e
enumerate $ dropE 2 (finiteList [1..5])
enumerate $ dropE 0 (finiteList [1..5])
enumerate $ dropE 7 (finiteList [1..5])
infinite :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration a Source #
Explicitly mark an enumeration as having an infinite cardinality, ignoring the previous cardinality. It is sometimes necessary to use this as a "hint" when constructing a recursive enumeration whose cardinality would otherwise consist of an infinite sum of finite cardinalities.
For example, consider the following definitions:
data Tree = L | B Tree Tree deriving Show treesBad :: Enumeration Tree treesBad = singleton L<|>
treesBad trees :: Enumeration Tree trees = infinite $ singleton L<|>
Trying to use treeBad
at all will simply hang, since trying to
compute its cardinality leads to infinite recursion.
>>> select treesBad 5 ^CInterrupted.
However, using infinite
, as in the definition of trees
provides the needed laziness:
card trees
enumerate . takeE 3 $ trees
[L,B L L,B L (B L L)]>>>
select trees 87239862967296
B (B (B (B (B L L) (B (B (B L L) L) L)) (B L (B L (B L L)))) (B (B (B L (B L (B L L))) (B (B L L) (B L L))) (B (B L (B L (B L L))) L))) (B (B L (B (B (B L (B L L)) (B L L)) L)) (B (B (B L (B L L)) L) L))
zipE :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration b -> Enumeration (a, b) Source #
Zip two enumerations in parallel, producing the pair of elements at each index. The resulting enumeration is truncated to the cardinality of the smaller of the two arguments.
enumerate $ zipE nat (boundedEnum @Bool)
zipWithE :: (a -> b -> c) -> Enumeration a -> Enumeration b -> Enumeration c Source #
Zip two enumerations in parallel, applying the given function to the pair of elements at each index to produce a new element. The resulting enumeration is truncated to the cardinality of the smaller of the two arguments.
enumerate $ zipWithE replicate (finiteList [1..10]) (dropE 35 (boundedEnum @Char))
(<+>) :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration a -> Enumeration a Source #
Sum, i.e. disjoint union, of two enumerations. If both are finite, all the values of the first will be enumerated before the values of the second. If only one is finite, the values from the finite enumeration will be listed first. If both are infinite, a fair (alternating) interleaving is used, so that every value ends up at a finite index in the result.
Note that the (<+>
) operator is a synonym for (<|>
) from the
instance for Enumeration
, which should be used in
preference to (<+>
). (<+>
) is provided as a separate
standalone operator to make it easier to document.
enumerate . takeE 10 $ singleton 17 <|> nat
enumerate . takeE 10 $ nat <|> singleton 17
enumerate . takeE 10 $ nat <|> (negate <$> nat)
Note that this is not associative in a strict sense. In particular, it may fail to be associative when mixing finite and infinite enumerations:
enumerate . takeE 10 $ nat <|> (singleton 17 <|> nat)
enumerate . takeE 10 $ (nat <|> singleton 17) <|> nat
However, it is associative in several weaker senses:
- If all the enumerations are finite
- If all the enumerations are infinite
- If enumerations are considered equivalent up to reordering (they are not, but considering them so may be acceptable in some applications).
(><) :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration b -> Enumeration (a, b) Source #
Cartesian product of enumerations. If both are finite, uses a
simple lexicographic ordering. If only one is finite, the
resulting enumeration is still in lexicographic order, with the
infinite enumeration as the most significant component. For two
infinite enumerations, uses a fair diagonal
enumerate $ finiteList [1..3] >< finiteList "abcd"
enumerate . takeE 10 $ finiteList "abc" >< nat
enumerate . takeE 10 $ nat >< finiteList "abc"
enumerate . takeE 10 $ nat >< nat
Like (<+>
), this operation is also not associative (not even up
to reassociating tuples).
interleave :: Enumeration (Enumeration a) -> Enumeration a Source #
Fairly interleave a set of infinite enumerations.
For a finite set of infinite enumerations, a round-robin
interleaving is used. That is, if we think of an enumeration of
enumerations as a 2D matrix read off row-by-row, this corresponds
to taking the transpose of a matrix with finitely many infinite
rows, turning it into one with infinitely many finite rows. For
an infinite set of infinite enumerations, i.e. an infinite 2D
matrix, the resulting enumeration reads off the matrix by
enumerate . takeE 15 $ interleave (finiteList [nat, negate <$> nat, (*10) <$> nat])
enumerate . takeE 15 $ interleave (always nat)
This function is similar to join
in a
hypothetical Monad
instance for Enumeration
, but it only
works when the inner enumerations are all infinite.
To interleave a finite enumeration of enumerations, some of which
may be finite, you can use
If you want to interleave an infinite enumeration of finite
enumerations, you are out of luck.asum
. enumerate
maybeOf :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration (Maybe a) Source #
Enumerate all possible values of type `Maybe a`, where the values
of type a
are taken from the given enumeration.
enumerate $ maybeOf (finiteList [1,2,3])
[Nothing,Just 1,Just 2,Just 3]
eitherOf :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration b -> Enumeration (Either a b) Source #
Enumerae all possible values of type Either a b
with inner values
taken from the given enumerations.
enumerate . takeE 6 $ eitherOf nat nat
[Left 0,Right 0,Left 1,Right 1,Left 2,Right 2]
listOf :: Enumeration a -> Enumeration [a] Source #
Enumerate all possible lists containing values from the given enumeration.
enumerate . takeE 15 $ listOf nat
subsequencesOf :: [a] -> Enumeration [a] Source #
Enumerate all possible subsequences of a given list.
enumerate $ subsequencesOf "abc"
:set -XBinaryLiterals
select (subsequencesOf [1 .. 50]) 0b1000000010000010100001
diagonal :: Integer -> (Integer, Integer) Source #
One half of the isomorphism between \(\mathbb{N}\) and \(\mathbb{N} \times \mathbb{N}\) which enumerates by diagonals: turn a particular natural number index into its position in the 2D grid. That is, given this numbering of a 2D grid:
0 1 3 6 ... 2 4 7 5 8 9
maps \(0 \mapsto (0,0), 1 \mapsto (0,1), 2 \mapsto (1,0) \dots\)