> -- | helpers to work with parsec errors more nicely
> module Language.SQL.SimpleSQL.Errors
>     (ParseError(..)
>     --,formatError
>     ,convParseError
>     ) where

> import Text.Parsec (sourceColumn,sourceLine,sourceName,errorPos)
> import qualified Text.Parsec as P (ParseError)

> -- | Type to represent parse errors.
> data ParseError = ParseError
>                   {peErrorString :: String
>                    -- ^ contains the error message
>                   ,peFilename :: FilePath
>                    -- ^ filename location for the error
>                   ,pePosition :: (Int,Int)
>                    -- ^ line number and column number location for the error
>                   ,peFormattedError :: String
>                    -- ^ formatted error with the position, error
>                    -- message and source context
>                   } deriving (Eq,Show)

> convParseError :: String -> P.ParseError -> ParseError
> convParseError src e =
>     ParseError
>     {peErrorString = show e
>     ,peFilename = sourceName p
>     ,pePosition = (sourceLine p, sourceColumn p)
>     ,peFormattedError = formatError src e}
>   where
>     p = errorPos e

format the error more nicely: emacs format for positioning, plus

> formatError :: String -> P.ParseError -> String
> formatError src e =
>     sourceName p ++ ":" ++ show (sourceLine p)
>     ++ ":" ++ show (sourceColumn p) ++ ":"
>     ++ context
>     ++ show e
>   where
>     context =
>         let lns = take 1 $ drop (sourceLine p - 1) $ lines src
>         in case lns of
>              [x] -> "\n" ++ x ++ "\n"
>                     ++ replicate (sourceColumn p - 1) ' ' ++ "^\n"
>              _ -> ""
>     p = errorPos e