{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Generics.Simplistic.Zipper where
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Type.Equality
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Functor.Sum
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Generics.Simplistic
import Generics.Simplistic.Deep
import Generics.Simplistic.Util
data SZip ty w f where
Z_KH :: SZip ty w (K1 i ty)
Z_L1 :: SZip ty w f -> SZip ty w (f :+: g)
Z_R1 :: SZip ty w g -> SZip ty w (f :+: g)
Z_PairL :: SZip ty w f -> SRep w g -> SZip ty w (f :*: g)
Z_PairR :: SRep w f -> SZip ty w g -> SZip ty w (f :*: g)
Z_M1 :: SMeta i t -> SZip ty w f -> SZip ty w (M1 i t f)
deriving instance (forall a. Show (w a)) => Show (SZip h w f)
deriving instance (forall a. Eq (w a)) => Eq (SZip h w f)
plug :: SZip ty phi f -> phi ty -> SRep phi f
plug Z_KH k = S_K1 k
plug (Z_L1 x) k = S_L1 $ plug x k
plug (Z_R1 x) k = S_R1 $ plug x k
plug (Z_M1 c x) k = S_M1 c $ plug x k
plug (Z_PairL x y) k = (plug x k) :**: y
plug (Z_PairR x y) k = x :**: (plug y k)
zipperMap :: (forall x . h x -> g x)
-> SZip ty h f -> SZip ty g f
zipperMap f (Z_L1 x) = Z_L1 (zipperMap f x)
zipperMap f (Z_R1 x) = Z_R1 (zipperMap f x)
zipperMap f (Z_M1 c x) = Z_M1 c (zipperMap f x)
zipperMap f (Z_PairL x y) = Z_PairL (zipperMap f x) (repMap f y)
zipperMap f (Z_PairR x y) = Z_PairR (repMap f x) (zipperMap f y)
zipperMap _ Z_KH = Z_KH
inr1 :: (x :*: y) t -> (Sum z x :*: y) t
inr1 (x :*: y) = (InR x :*: y)
zipperRepZip :: SZip ty h f -> SRep w f -> Maybe (SRep ((Sum ((:~:) ty) h) :*: w) f)
zipperRepZip Z_KH (S_K1 y) = return $ S_K1 (InL Refl :*: y)
zipperRepZip (Z_L1 x) (S_L1 y) = S_L1 <$> zipperRepZip x y
zipperRepZip (Z_R1 x) (S_R1 y) = S_R1 <$> zipperRepZip x y
zipperRepZip (Z_M1 c x) (S_M1 _ y) = S_M1 c <$> zipperRepZip x y
zipperRepZip (Z_PairL x y) (y1 :**: y2)
= (:**:) <$> zipperRepZip x y1 <*> (repMap inr1 <$> zipSRep y y2)
zipperRepZip (Z_PairR x y) (y1 :**: y2)
= (:**:) <$> (repMap inr1 <$> zipSRep x y1) <*> zipperRepZip y y2
zipperRepZip _ _ = Nothing
zipSZip :: SZip ty h f -> SZip ty w f -> Maybe (SZip ty (h :*: w) f)
zipSZip Z_KH Z_KH = Just Z_KH
zipSZip (Z_L1 x) (Z_L1 y) = Z_L1 <$> zipSZip x y
zipSZip (Z_R1 x) (Z_R1 y) = Z_R1 <$> zipSZip x y
zipSZip (Z_M1 c x) (Z_M1 _ y) = Z_M1 c <$> zipSZip x y
zipSZip (Z_PairL x y) (Z_PairL w z)
= Z_PairL <$> zipSZip x w <*> zipSRep y z
zipSZip (Z_PairR x y) (Z_PairR w z)
= Z_PairR <$> zipSRep x w <*> zipSZip y z
zipSZip _ _ = Nothing
zipLeavesList :: SZip ty w f -> [Maybe (Exists w)]
zipLeavesList (Z_L1 x) = zipLeavesList x
zipLeavesList (Z_R1 x) = zipLeavesList x
zipLeavesList (Z_M1 _ x) = zipLeavesList x
zipLeavesList (Z_PairL l x) = zipLeavesList l ++ map Just (repLeavesList x)
zipLeavesList (Z_PairR x l) = map Just (repLeavesList x) ++ zipLeavesList l
zipLeavesList (Z_KH ) = [Nothing]
data Zipper c f g t where
Zipper :: c
=> { zipper :: SZip t f (Rep t)
, sel :: g t
-> Zipper c f g t
type Zipper' kappa fam ann phi t
= Zipper (CompoundCnstr kappa fam t)
(HolesAnn kappa fam ann phi)
(HolesAnn kappa fam ann phi) t
zippers :: forall kappa fam ann phi t
. (forall a . (Elem t fam) => phi a -> Maybe (a :~: t))
-> HolesAnn kappa fam ann phi t
-> [Zipper' kappa fam ann phi t]
zippers _ (Prim' _ _) = []
zippers _ (Hole' _ _) = []
zippers aux (Roll' _ r) = map (uncurry Zipper) (go r)
pf :: Proxy fam
pf = Proxy
pa :: HolesAnn kappa fam ann phi a -> Proxy a
pa _ = Proxy
go :: SRep (HolesAnn kappa fam ann phi) f
-> [(SZip t (HolesAnn kappa fam ann phi) f
, HolesAnn kappa fam ann phi t)]
go S_U1 = []
go (S_L1 x) = first Z_L1 <$> go x
go (S_R1 x) = first Z_R1 <$> go x
go (S_M1 c x) = first (Z_M1 c) <$> go x
go (x :**: y) = (first (flip Z_PairL y) <$> go x)
++ (first (Z_PairR x) <$> go y)
go (S_K1 x@(Roll' _ _)) =
case sameTy pf (Proxy :: Proxy t) (pa x) of
Just Refl -> return $ (Z_KH , x)
Nothing -> []
go (S_K1 x@(Hole' _ xh)) =
case aux xh of
Just Refl -> return $ (Z_KH , x)
Nothing -> []
go _ = []
zipConstructorName :: SZip h w f -> String
zipConstructorName (Z_M1 x@SM_C _)
= getConstructorName x
zipConstructorName (Z_M1 _ x)
= zipConstructorName x
zipConstructorName (Z_L1 x)
= zipConstructorName x
zipConstructorName (Z_R1 x)
= zipConstructorName x
zipConstructorName _
= error "Please; use GHC's deriving mechanism. This keeps M1's at the top of the Rep"