singletons-2.3.1: A framework for generating singleton types

Copyright(C) 2014 Jan Stolarek
LicenseBSD-style (see LICENSE)
MaintainerJan Stolarek (
Safe HaskellNone




Mimics the Haskell Prelude, but with promoted types.


Standard types, classes and related functions

Basic data types

type family If k (cond :: Bool) (tru :: k) (fls :: k) :: k where ... #

Type-level If. If True a b ==> a; If False a b ==> b


If k True tru fls = tru 
If k False tru fls = fls 

type family Not (a :: Bool) :: Bool where ... Source #

type family (a :: Bool) :&& (a :: Bool) :: Bool where ... infixr 3 Source #


False :&& _z_6989586621679277808 = FalseSym0 
True :&& x = x 

type family (a :: Bool) :|| (a :: Bool) :: Bool where ... infixr 2 Source #


False :|| x = x 
True :|| _z_6989586621679277796 = TrueSym0 

type family Otherwise :: Bool where ... Source #


Otherwise = TrueSym0 

maybe_ :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b Source #

type family Maybe_ (a :: b) (a :: TyFun a b -> Type) (a :: Maybe a) :: b where ... Source #


Maybe_ n _z_6989586621679426466 Nothing = n 
Maybe_ _z_6989586621679426469 f (Just x) = Apply f x 

either_ :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c Source #

type family Either_ (a :: TyFun a c -> Type) (a :: TyFun b c -> Type) (a :: Either a b) :: c where ... Source #


Either_ f _z_6989586621679436313 (Left x) = Apply f x 
Either_ _z_6989586621679436317 g (Right y) = Apply g y 

data Symbol :: * #

(Kind) This is the kind of type-level symbols. Declared here because class IP needs it


SingKind Symbol


Associated Types

type DemoteRep Symbol :: *


fromSing :: Sing Symbol a -> DemoteRep Symbol

KnownSymbol a => SingI Symbol a



sing :: Sing a a

SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun Symbol Constraint -> *) KnownSymbolSym0 Source # 
data Sing Symbol 
data Sing Symbol where
type DemoteRep Symbol 
type DemoteRep Symbol = String
type Demote Symbol Source # 
data Sing Symbol Source # 
data Sing Symbol where
type (==) Symbol a b 
type (==) Symbol a b = EqSymbol a b
type (:==) Symbol a b Source # 
type (:==) Symbol a b = (==) Symbol a b
type (:/=) Symbol x y Source # 
type (:/=) Symbol x y = Not ((:==) Symbol x y)
type Compare Symbol a b Source # 
type Compare Symbol a b = CmpSymbol a b
type (:<) Symbol arg1 arg2 Source # 
type (:<) Symbol arg1 arg2
type (:<=) Symbol arg1 arg2 Source # 
type (:<=) Symbol arg1 arg2
type (:>) Symbol arg1 arg2 Source # 
type (:>) Symbol arg1 arg2
type (:>=) Symbol arg1 arg2 Source # 
type (:>=) Symbol arg1 arg2
type Max Symbol arg1 arg2 Source # 
type Max Symbol arg1 arg2
type Min Symbol arg1 arg2 Source # 
type Min Symbol arg1 arg2
type Apply Symbol Constraint KnownSymbolSym0 l Source # 

type family Fst (a :: (a, b)) :: a where ... Source #


Fst '(x, _z_6989586621679422561) = x 

type family Snd (a :: (a, b)) :: b where ... Source #


Snd '(_z_6989586621679422552, y) = y 

type family Curry (a :: TyFun (a, b) c -> Type) (a :: a) (a :: b) :: c where ... Source #


Curry f x y = Apply f (Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 x) y) 

type family Uncurry (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (a :: (a, b)) :: c where ... Source #


Uncurry f p = Apply (Apply f (Apply FstSym0 p)) (Apply SndSym0 p) 

Error reporting

type family Error (str :: k0) :: k Source #

The promotion of error. This version is more poly-kinded for easier use.

data ErrorSym0 (l :: TyFun k06989586621679402464 k6989586621679402466) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun k06989586621679402464 k6989586621679402466 -> *) (ErrorSym0 k06989586621679402464 k6989586621679402466) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ErrorSym0 k06989586621679402464 k6989586621679402466) t -> () Source #

type Apply k0 k2 (ErrorSym0 k0 k2) l Source # 
type Apply k0 k2 (ErrorSym0 k0 k2) l = Error k0 k2 l

Promoted equality

Promoted comparisons

Promoted enumerations

As a matter of convenience, the promoted Prelude does not export promoted succ and pred, due to likely conflicts with unary numbers. Please import Enum directly if you want these.

Promoted numbers

Miscellaneous functions

type family Id (a :: a) :: a where ... Source #


Id x = x 

type family Const (a :: a) (a :: b) :: a where ... Source #


Const x _z_6989586621679281163 = x 

type family ((a :: TyFun b c -> Type) :. (a :: TyFun a b -> Type)) (a :: a) :: c where ... infixr 9 Source #


(f :. g) a_6989586621679281126 = Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply Lambda_6989586621679281131Sym0 f) g) a_6989586621679281126) a_6989586621679281126 

type family (f :: TyFun a b -> *) $ (x :: a) :: b infixr 0 Source #


type ($) k1 k f x Source # 
type ($) k1 k f x = (@@) k1 k f x

type family (f :: TyFun a b -> *) $! (x :: a) :: b infixr 0 Source #


type ($!) k1 k f x Source # 
type ($!) k1 k f x = (@@) k1 k f x

type family Flip (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: a) :: c where ... Source #


Flip f x y = Apply (Apply f y) x 

type family AsTypeOf (a :: a) (a :: a) :: a where ... Source #


AsTypeOf a_6989586621679281166 a_6989586621679281168 = Apply (Apply ConstSym0 a_6989586621679281166) a_6989586621679281168 

type family Until (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: TyFun a a -> Type) (a :: a) :: a where ... Source #


Until p f a_6989586621679445697 = Apply (Let6989586621679445702GoSym3 p f a_6989586621679445697) a_6989586621679445697 

type family Seq (a :: a) (a :: b) :: b where ... infixr 0 Source #


Seq _z_6989586621679281089 x = x 

List operations

type family Map (a :: TyFun a b -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #


Map _z_6989586621679281208 '[] = '[] 
Map f ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply f x)) (Apply (Apply MapSym0 f) xs) 

type family (a :: [a]) :++ (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... infixr 5 Source #


'[] :++ ys = ys 
((:) x xs) :++ ys = Apply (Apply (:$) x) (Apply (Apply (:++$) xs) ys) 

type family Filter (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Filter _p '[] = '[] 
Filter p ((:) x xs) = Case_6989586621679459535 p x xs (Let6989586621679459522Scrutinee_6989586621679458698Sym3 p x xs) 

type family Head (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Head ((:) a _z_6989586621679462140) = a 
Head '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.head: empty list" 

type family Last (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Last '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.last: empty list" 
Last '[x] = x 
Last ((:) _z_6989586621679462130 ((:) x xs)) = Apply LastSym0 (Apply (Apply (:$) x) xs) 

type family Tail (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Tail ((:) _z_6989586621679462121 t) = t 
Tail '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.tail: empty list" 

type family Init (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Init '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.init: empty list" 
Init ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (Let6989586621679462090Init'Sym2 x xs) x) xs 

type family Null (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


Null '[] = TrueSym0 
Null ((:) _z_6989586621679462019 _z_6989586621679462022) = FalseSym0 

type family Length (a :: [a]) :: Nat where ... Source #


Length '[] = FromInteger 0 
Length ((:) _z_6989586621679458940 xs) = Apply (Apply (:+$) (FromInteger 1)) (Apply LengthSym0 xs) 

type family (a :: [a]) :!! (a :: Nat) :: a where ... Source #


'[] :!! _z_6989586621679458892 = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.!!: index too large" 
((:) x xs) :!! n = Case_6989586621679458911 x xs n (Let6989586621679458898Scrutinee_6989586621679458738Sym3 x xs n) 

type family Reverse (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Reverse l = Apply (Apply (Let6989586621679461985RevSym1 l) l) '[] 

Reducing lists (folds)

type family Foldl (a :: TyFun b (TyFun a b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: b where ... Source #


Foldl f z0 xs0 = Apply (Apply (Let6989586621679242274LgoSym3 f z0 xs0) z0) xs0 

type family Foldl1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Foldl1 f ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 f) x) xs 
Foldl1 _z_6989586621679461229 '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.foldl1: empty list" 

type family Foldr (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: b where ... Source #


Foldr k z a_6989586621679281229 = Apply (Let6989586621679281234GoSym3 k z a_6989586621679281229) a_6989586621679281229 

type family Foldr1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Foldr1 _z_6989586621679461187 '[x] = x 
Foldr1 f ((:) x ((:) wild_6989586621679458644 wild_6989586621679458646)) = Apply (Apply f x) (Apply (Apply Foldr1Sym0 f) (Let6989586621679461195XsSym4 f x wild_6989586621679458644 wild_6989586621679458646)) 
Foldr1 _z_6989586621679461214 '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.foldr1: empty list" 

Special folds

type family And (a :: [Bool]) :: Bool where ... Source #


And '[] = TrueSym0 
And ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:&&$) x) (Apply AndSym0 xs) 

type family Or (a :: [Bool]) :: Bool where ... Source #


Or '[] = FalseSym0 
Or ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:||$) x) (Apply OrSym0 xs) 

any_ :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool Source #

type family Any_ (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


Any_ _z_6989586621679447974 '[] = FalseSym0 
Any_ p ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:||$) (Apply p x)) (Apply (Apply Any_Sym0 p) xs) 

type family All (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


All _z_6989586621679461140 '[] = TrueSym0 
All p ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (:&&$) (Apply p x)) (Apply (Apply AllSym0 p) xs) 

type family Sum (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Sum l = Apply (Apply (Let6989586621679458973Sum'Sym1 l) l) (FromInteger 0) 

type family Product (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Product l = Apply (Apply (Let6989586621679458949ProdSym1 l) l) (FromInteger 1) 

type family Concat (a :: [[a]]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Concat a_6989586621679461171 = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (:++$)) '[]) a_6989586621679461171 

type family ConcatMap (a :: TyFun a [b] -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #


ConcatMap f a_6989586621679461167 = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply (Apply (:.$) (:++$)) f)) '[]) a_6989586621679461167 

type family Maximum (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Maximum '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.maximum: empty list" 
Maximum ((:) wild_6989586621679458724 wild_6989586621679458726) = Apply (Apply Foldl1Sym0 MaxSym0) (Let6989586621679461412XsSym2 wild_6989586621679458724 wild_6989586621679458726) 

type family Minimum (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #


Minimum '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.minimum: empty list" 
Minimum ((:) wild_6989586621679458728 wild_6989586621679458730) = Apply (Apply Foldl1Sym0 MinSym0) (Let6989586621679461426XsSym2 wild_6989586621679458728 wild_6989586621679458730) 

Building lists


type family Scanl (a :: TyFun b (TyFun a b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #


Scanl f q ls = Apply (Apply (:$) q) (Case_6989586621679461111 f q ls ls) 

type family Scanl1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Scanl1 f ((:) x xs) = Apply (Apply (Apply ScanlSym0 f) x) xs 
Scanl1 _z_6989586621679461128 '[] = '[] 

type family Scanr (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #


Scanr _z_6989586621679461061 q0 '[] = Apply (Apply (:$) q0) '[] 
Scanr f q0 ((:) x xs) = Case_6989586621679461088 f q0 x xs (Let6989586621679461069Scrutinee_6989586621679458648Sym4 f q0 x xs) 

type family Scanr1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Scanr1 _z_6989586621679460992 '[] = '[] 
Scanr1 _z_6989586621679460995 '[x] = Apply (Apply (:$) x) '[] 
Scanr1 f ((:) x ((:) wild_6989586621679458652 wild_6989586621679458654)) = Case_6989586621679461041 f x wild_6989586621679458652 wild_6989586621679458654 (Let6989586621679461022Scrutinee_6989586621679458650Sym4 f x wild_6989586621679458652 wild_6989586621679458654) 

Infinite lists

type family Replicate (a :: Nat) (a :: a) :: [a] where ... Source #


Replicate n x = Case_6989586621679458933 n x (Let6989586621679458925Scrutinee_6989586621679458736Sym2 n x) 


type family Take (a :: Nat) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Take _z_6989586621679459120 '[] = '[] 
Take n ((:) x xs) = Case_6989586621679459139 n x xs (Let6989586621679459126Scrutinee_6989586621679458720Sym3 n x xs) 

type family Drop (a :: Nat) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


Drop _z_6989586621679459089 '[] = '[] 
Drop n ((:) x xs) = Case_6989586621679459108 n x xs (Let6989586621679459095Scrutinee_6989586621679458722Sym3 n x xs) 

type family SplitAt (a :: Nat) (a :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ... Source #


SplitAt n xs = Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 (Apply (Apply TakeSym0 n) xs)) (Apply (Apply DropSym0 n) xs) 

type family TakeWhile (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


TakeWhile _z_6989586621679459487 '[] = '[] 
TakeWhile p ((:) x xs) = Case_6989586621679459506 p x xs (Let6989586621679459493Scrutinee_6989586621679458710Sym3 p x xs) 

type family DropWhile (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #


DropWhile _z_6989586621679459443 '[] = '[] 
DropWhile p ((:) x xs') = Case_6989586621679459475 p x xs' (Let6989586621679459462Scrutinee_6989586621679458712Sym3 p x xs') 

type family Span (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ... Source #


Span _z_6989586621679459264 '[] = Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 Let6989586621679459267XsSym0) Let6989586621679459267XsSym0 
Span p ((:) x xs') = Case_6989586621679459297 p x xs' (Let6989586621679459284Scrutinee_6989586621679458716Sym3 p x xs') 

type family Break (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ... Source #


Break _z_6989586621679459162 '[] = Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 Let6989586621679459165XsSym0) Let6989586621679459165XsSym0 
Break p ((:) x xs') = Case_6989586621679459195 p x xs' (Let6989586621679459182Scrutinee_6989586621679458718Sym3 p x xs') 

Searching lists

type family Elem (a :: a) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


Elem _z_6989586621679460503 '[] = FalseSym0 
Elem x ((:) y ys) = Apply (Apply (:||$) (Apply (Apply (:==$) x) y)) (Apply (Apply ElemSym0 x) ys) 

type family NotElem (a :: a) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #


NotElem _z_6989586621679460488 '[] = TrueSym0 
NotElem x ((:) y ys) = Apply (Apply (:&&$) (Apply (Apply (:/=$) x) y)) (Apply (Apply NotElemSym0 x) ys) 

type family Lookup (a :: a) (a :: [(a, b)]) :: Maybe b where ... Source #


Lookup _key '[] = NothingSym0 
Lookup key ((:) '(x, y) xys) = Case_6989586621679459077 key x y xys (Let6989586621679459058Scrutinee_6989586621679458732Sym4 key x y xys) 

Zipping and unzipping lists

type family Zip (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) :: [(a, b)] where ... Source #


Zip ((:) x xs) ((:) y ys) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 x) y)) (Apply (Apply ZipSym0 xs) ys) 
Zip '[] '[] = '[] 
Zip ((:) _z_6989586621679460365 _z_6989586621679460368) '[] = '[] 
Zip '[] ((:) _z_6989586621679460371 _z_6989586621679460374) = '[] 

type family Zip3 (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) :: [(a, b, c)] where ... Source #


Zip3 ((:) a as) ((:) b bs) ((:) c cs) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply (Apply Tuple3Sym0 a) b) c)) (Apply (Apply (Apply Zip3Sym0 as) bs) cs) 
Zip3 '[] '[] '[] = '[] 
Zip3 '[] '[] ((:) _z_6989586621679460298 _z_6989586621679460301) = '[] 
Zip3 '[] ((:) _z_6989586621679460304 _z_6989586621679460307) '[] = '[] 
Zip3 '[] ((:) _z_6989586621679460310 _z_6989586621679460313) ((:) _z_6989586621679460316 _z_6989586621679460319) = '[] 
Zip3 ((:) _z_6989586621679460322 _z_6989586621679460325) '[] '[] = '[] 
Zip3 ((:) _z_6989586621679460328 _z_6989586621679460331) '[] ((:) _z_6989586621679460334 _z_6989586621679460337) = '[] 
Zip3 ((:) _z_6989586621679460340 _z_6989586621679460343) ((:) _z_6989586621679460346 _z_6989586621679460349) '[] = '[] 

type family ZipWith (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) :: [c] where ... Source #


ZipWith f ((:) x xs) ((:) y ys) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply f x) y)) (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWithSym0 f) xs) ys) 
ZipWith _z_6989586621679460256 '[] '[] = '[] 
ZipWith _z_6989586621679460259 ((:) _z_6989586621679460262 _z_6989586621679460265) '[] = '[] 
ZipWith _z_6989586621679460268 '[] ((:) _z_6989586621679460271 _z_6989586621679460274) = '[] 

type family ZipWith3 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c d -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) :: [d] where ... Source #


ZipWith3 z ((:) a as) ((:) b bs) ((:) c cs) = Apply (Apply (:$) (Apply (Apply (Apply z a) b) c)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWith3Sym0 z) as) bs) cs) 
ZipWith3 _z_6989586621679460161 '[] '[] '[] = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_6989586621679460164 '[] '[] ((:) _z_6989586621679460167 _z_6989586621679460170) = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_6989586621679460173 '[] ((:) _z_6989586621679460176 _z_6989586621679460179) '[] = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_6989586621679460182 '[] ((:) _z_6989586621679460185 _z_6989586621679460188) ((:) _z_6989586621679460191 _z_6989586621679460194) = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_6989586621679460197 ((:) _z_6989586621679460200 _z_6989586621679460203) '[] '[] = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_6989586621679460206 ((:) _z_6989586621679460209 _z_6989586621679460212) '[] ((:) _z_6989586621679460215 _z_6989586621679460218) = '[] 
ZipWith3 _z_6989586621679460221 ((:) _z_6989586621679460224 _z_6989586621679460227) ((:) _z_6989586621679460230 _z_6989586621679460233) '[] = '[] 

type family Unzip (a :: [(a, b)]) :: ([a], [b]) where ... Source #


Unzip xs = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply Lambda_6989586621679460107Sym0 xs)) (Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 '[]) '[])) xs 

type family Unzip3 (a :: [(a, b, c)]) :: ([a], [b], [c]) where ... Source #


Unzip3 xs = Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 (Apply Lambda_6989586621679460075Sym0 xs)) (Apply (Apply (Apply Tuple3Sym0 '[]) '[]) '[])) xs 

Defunctionalization symbols

type NotSym1 (t :: Bool) = Not t Source #

data (l :: Bool) :&&$$ (l :: TyFun Bool Bool) Source #

type (:&&$$$) (t :: Bool) (t :: Bool) = (:&&) t t Source #

data (l :: Bool) :||$$ (l :: TyFun Bool Bool) Source #

type (:||$$$) (t :: Bool) (t :: Bool) = (:||) t t Source #

data JustSym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (Maybe a3530822107858468865)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a3530822107858468865 (Maybe a3530822107858468865) -> *) (JustSym0 a3530822107858468865) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (JustSym0 a3530822107858468865) t -> () Source #

type Apply a (Maybe a) (JustSym0 a) l Source # 
type Apply a (Maybe a) (JustSym0 a) l = Just a l

type JustSym1 (t :: a3530822107858468865) = Just t Source #

data Maybe_Sym0 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679426444 (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679426445) b6989586621679426444 -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun b6989586621679426444 (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679426445) b6989586621679426444 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Maybe_Sym0 a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Maybe_Sym0 a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444) t -> () Source #

type Apply b6989586621679426444 (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679426445) b6989586621679426444 -> Type) -> Type) (Maybe_Sym0 a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444) l Source # 
type Apply b6989586621679426444 (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679426445) b6989586621679426444 -> Type) -> Type) (Maybe_Sym0 a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444) l = Maybe_Sym1 a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444 l

data Maybe_Sym1 (l :: b6989586621679426444) (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679426445) b6989586621679426444 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (b6989586621679426444 -> TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679426445) b6989586621679426444 -> Type) -> *) (Maybe_Sym1 a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Maybe_Sym1 a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679426445) b6989586621679426444 -> Type) (Maybe_Sym1 a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679426445) b6989586621679426444 -> Type) (Maybe_Sym1 a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444 l1) l2 = Maybe_Sym2 a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444 l1 l2

data Maybe_Sym2 (l :: b6989586621679426444) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444 -> Type) (l :: TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679426445) b6989586621679426444) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (b6989586621679426444 -> (TyFun a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444 -> Type) -> TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679426445) b6989586621679426444 -> *) (Maybe_Sym2 a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Maybe_Sym2 a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444) t -> () Source #

type Apply (Maybe a) b (Maybe_Sym2 a b l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply (Maybe a) b (Maybe_Sym2 a b l1 l2) l3 = Maybe_ a b l1 l2 l3

type Maybe_Sym3 (t :: b6989586621679426444) (t :: TyFun a6989586621679426445 b6989586621679426444 -> Type) (t :: Maybe a6989586621679426445) = Maybe_ t t t Source #

data LeftSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679075399 (Either a6989586621679075399 b6989586621679075400)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a6989586621679075399 (Either a6989586621679075399 b6989586621679075400) -> *) (LeftSym0 a6989586621679075399 b6989586621679075400) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (LeftSym0 a6989586621679075399 b6989586621679075400) t -> () Source #

type Apply a (Either a b6989586621679075400) (LeftSym0 a b6989586621679075400) l Source # 
type Apply a (Either a b6989586621679075400) (LeftSym0 a b6989586621679075400) l = Left a b6989586621679075400 l

type LeftSym1 (t :: a6989586621679075399) = Left t Source #

data RightSym0 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679075400 (Either a6989586621679075399 b6989586621679075400)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun b6989586621679075400 (Either a6989586621679075399 b6989586621679075400) -> *) (RightSym0 a6989586621679075399 b6989586621679075400) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (RightSym0 a6989586621679075399 b6989586621679075400) t -> () Source #

type Apply b (Either a6989586621679075399 b) (RightSym0 a6989586621679075399 b) l Source # 
type Apply b (Either a6989586621679075399 b) (RightSym0 a6989586621679075399 b) l = Right a6989586621679075399 b l

type RightSym1 (t :: b6989586621679075400) = Right t Source #

data Either_Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679436289 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291) c6989586621679436290 -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679436289 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291) c6989586621679436290 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Either_Sym0 a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Either_Sym0 a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679436289 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291) c6989586621679436290 -> Type) -> Type) (Either_Sym0 a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679436289 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291) c6989586621679436290 -> Type) -> Type) (Either_Sym0 a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290) l = Either_Sym1 a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290 l

data Either_Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679436289 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (l :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291) c6989586621679436290 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679436289 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) -> TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291) c6989586621679436290 -> Type) -> *) (Either_Sym1 a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Either_Sym1 a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291) c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (Either_Sym1 a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291) c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (Either_Sym1 a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290 l1) l2 = Either_Sym2 a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290 l1 l2

data Either_Sym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679436289 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (l :: TyFun (Either a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291) c6989586621679436290) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679436289 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) -> (TyFun b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) -> TyFun (Either a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291) c6989586621679436290 -> *) (Either_Sym2 a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Either_Sym2 a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290) t -> () Source #

type Apply (Either a b) c (Either_Sym2 a b c l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply (Either a b) c (Either_Sym2 a b c l1 l2) l3 = Either_ a b c l1 l2 l3

type Either_Sym3 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679436289 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (t :: TyFun b6989586621679436291 c6989586621679436290 -> Type) (t :: Either a6989586621679436289 b6989586621679436291) = Either_ t t t Source #

type Tuple0Sym0 = '() Source #

data Tuple2Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple2Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple2Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866) t -> () Source #

type Apply a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866) -> Type) (Tuple2Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866) l Source # 
type Apply a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866) -> Type) (Tuple2Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866) l = Tuple2Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 l

data Tuple2Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> TyFun b3530822107858468866 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866) -> *) (Tuple2Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple2Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866) t -> () Source #

type Apply k1 (k2, k1) (Tuple2Sym1 k2 k1 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply k1 (k2, k1) (Tuple2Sym1 k2 k1 l1) l2 = (,) k2 k1 l1 l2

type Tuple2Sym2 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) = '(t, t) Source #

data Tuple3Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple3Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple3Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867) t -> () Source #

type Apply a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple3Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867) l Source # 
type Apply a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple3Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867) l = Tuple3Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 l

data Tuple3Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple3Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple3Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867) t -> () Source #

type Apply b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) (Tuple3Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) (Tuple3Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 l1) l2 = Tuple3Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 l1 l2

data Tuple3Sym2 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> *) (Tuple3Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple3Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867) t -> () Source #

type Apply k3 (k2, k1, k3) (Tuple3Sym2 k2 k1 k3 l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply k3 (k2, k1, k3) (Tuple3Sym2 k2 k1 k3 l1 l2) l3 = (,,) k2 k1 k3 l1 l2 l3

type Tuple3Sym3 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) (t :: c3530822107858468867) = '(t, t, t) Source #

data Tuple4Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple4Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple4Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868) t -> () Source #

type Apply a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple4Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868) l Source # 
type Apply a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple4Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868) l = Tuple4Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 l

data Tuple4Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple4Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple4Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868) t -> () Source #

type Apply b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple4Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple4Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 l1) l2 = Tuple4Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 l1 l2

data Tuple4Sym2 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple4Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple4Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868) t -> () Source #

type Apply c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) (Tuple4Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) (Tuple4Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 l1 l2) l3 = Tuple4Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 l1 l2 l3

data Tuple4Sym3 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> *) (Tuple4Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple4Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868) t -> () Source #

type Apply k4 (k2, k1, k3, k4) (Tuple4Sym3 k2 k1 k3 k4 l1 l2 l3) l4 Source # 
type Apply k4 (k2, k1, k3, k4) (Tuple4Sym3 k2 k1 k3 k4 l1 l2 l3) l4 = (,,,) k2 k1 k3 k4 l1 l2 l3 l4

type Tuple4Sym4 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) (t :: c3530822107858468867) (t :: d3530822107858468868) = '(t, t, t, t) Source #

data Tuple5Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple5Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple5Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869) t -> () Source #

type Apply a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869) l Source # 
type Apply a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869) l = Tuple5Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 l

data Tuple5Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple5Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple5Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869) t -> () Source #

type Apply b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 l1) l2 = Tuple5Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 l1 l2

data Tuple5Sym2 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple5Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple5Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869) t -> () Source #

type Apply c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 l1 l2) l3 = Tuple5Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 l1 l2 l3

data Tuple5Sym3 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple5Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple5Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869) t -> () Source #

type Apply d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 l1 l2 l3) l4 Source # 
type Apply d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 l1 l2 l3) l4 = Tuple5Sym4 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 l1 l2 l3 l4

data Tuple5Sym4 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> d3530822107858468868 -> TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> *) (Tuple5Sym4 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple5Sym4 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869) t -> () Source #

type Apply k5 (k2, k1, k3, k4, k5) (Tuple5Sym4 k2 k1 k3 k4 k5 l1 l2 l3 l4) l5 Source # 
type Apply k5 (k2, k1, k3, k4, k5) (Tuple5Sym4 k2 k1 k3 k4 k5 l1 l2 l3 l4) l5 = (,,,,) k2 k1 k3 k4 k5 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5

type Tuple5Sym5 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) (t :: c3530822107858468867) (t :: d3530822107858468868) (t :: e3530822107858468869) = '(t, t, t, t, t) Source #

data Tuple6Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple6Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple6Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870) t -> () Source #

type Apply a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870) l Source # 
type Apply a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870) l = Tuple6Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 l

data Tuple6Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple6Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple6Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870) t -> () Source #

type Apply b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 l1) l2 = Tuple6Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 l1 l2

data Tuple6Sym2 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple6Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple6Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870) t -> () Source #

type Apply c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 l1 l2) l3 = Tuple6Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 l1 l2 l3

data Tuple6Sym3 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple6Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple6Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870) t -> () Source #

type Apply d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 l1 l2 l3) l4 Source # 
type Apply d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 l1 l2 l3) l4 = Tuple6Sym4 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 l1 l2 l3 l4

data Tuple6Sym4 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> d3530822107858468868 -> TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple6Sym4 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple6Sym4 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870) t -> () Source #

type Apply e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym4 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 l1 l2 l3 l4) l5 Source # 
type Apply e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym4 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 l1 l2 l3 l4) l5 = Tuple6Sym5 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5

data Tuple6Sym5 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: e3530822107858468869) (l :: TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> d3530822107858468868 -> e3530822107858468869 -> TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> *) (Tuple6Sym5 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple6Sym5 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870) t -> () Source #

type Apply k6 (k2, k1, k3, k4, k5, k6) (Tuple6Sym5 k2 k1 k3 k4 k5 k6 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l6 Source # 
type Apply k6 (k2, k1, k3, k4, k5, k6) (Tuple6Sym5 k2 k1 k3 k4 k5 k6 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l6 = (,,,,,) k2 k1 k3 k4 k5 k6 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6

type Tuple6Sym6 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) (t :: c3530822107858468867) (t :: d3530822107858468868) (t :: e3530822107858468869) (t :: f3530822107858468870) = '(t, t, t, t, t, t) Source #

data Tuple7Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple7Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple7Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) t -> () Source #

type Apply a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) l Source # 
type Apply a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym0 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) l = Tuple7Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l

data Tuple7Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple7Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple7Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) t -> () Source #

type Apply b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym1 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l1) l2 = Tuple7Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l1 l2

data Tuple7Sym2 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple7Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple7Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) t -> () Source #

type Apply c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym2 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l1 l2) l3 = Tuple7Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l1 l2 l3

data Tuple7Sym3 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple7Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple7Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) t -> () Source #

type Apply d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l1 l2 l3) l4 Source # 
type Apply d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym3 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l1 l2 l3) l4 = Tuple7Sym4 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l1 l2 l3 l4

data Tuple7Sym4 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> d3530822107858468868 -> TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple7Sym4 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple7Sym4 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) t -> () Source #

type Apply e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym4 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l1 l2 l3 l4) l5 Source # 
type Apply e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym4 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l1 l2 l3 l4) l5 = Tuple7Sym5 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5

data Tuple7Sym5 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: e3530822107858468869) (l :: TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> d3530822107858468868 -> e3530822107858468869 -> TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> *) (Tuple7Sym5 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple7Sym5 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) t -> () Source #

type Apply f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym5 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l6 Source # 
type Apply f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym5 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5) l6 = Tuple7Sym6 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6

data Tuple7Sym6 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: e3530822107858468869) (l :: f3530822107858468870) (l :: TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> d3530822107858468868 -> e3530822107858468869 -> f3530822107858468870 -> TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> *) (Tuple7Sym6 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Tuple7Sym6 a3530822107858468865 b3530822107858468866 c3530822107858468867 d3530822107858468868 e3530822107858468869 f3530822107858468870 g3530822107858468871) t -> () Source #

type Apply k7 (k2, k1, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7) (Tuple7Sym6 k2 k1 k3 k4 k5 k6 k7 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6) l7 Source # 
type Apply k7 (k2, k1, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7) (Tuple7Sym6 k2 k1 k3 k4 k5 k6 k7 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6) l7 = (,,,,,,) k2 k1 k3 k4 k5 k6 k7 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7

type Tuple7Sym7 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) (t :: c3530822107858468867) (t :: d3530822107858468868) (t :: e3530822107858468869) (t :: f3530822107858468870) (t :: g3530822107858468871) = '(t, t, t, t, t, t, t) Source #

data FstSym0 (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679422508, b6989586621679422509) a6989586621679422508) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (a6989586621679422508, b6989586621679422509) a6989586621679422508 -> *) (FstSym0 b6989586621679422509 a6989586621679422508) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FstSym0 b6989586621679422509 a6989586621679422508) t -> () Source #

type Apply (a, b) a (FstSym0 b a) l Source # 
type Apply (a, b) a (FstSym0 b a) l = Fst b a l

type FstSym1 (t :: (a6989586621679422508, b6989586621679422509)) = Fst t Source #

data SndSym0 (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679422506, b6989586621679422507) b6989586621679422507) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (a6989586621679422506, b6989586621679422507) b6989586621679422507 -> *) (SndSym0 a6989586621679422506 b6989586621679422507) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SndSym0 a6989586621679422506 b6989586621679422507) t -> () Source #

type Apply (a, b) b (SndSym0 a b) l Source # 
type Apply (a, b) b (SndSym0 a b) l = Snd a b l

type SndSym1 (t :: (a6989586621679422506, b6989586621679422507)) = Snd t Source #

data CurrySym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun (a6989586621679422503, b6989586621679422504) c6989586621679422505 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679422503 (TyFun b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505 -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun (a6989586621679422503, b6989586621679422504) c6989586621679422505 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679422503 (TyFun b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (CurrySym0 a6989586621679422503 b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (CurrySym0 a6989586621679422503 b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun (a6989586621679422503, b6989586621679422504) c6989586621679422505 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679422503 (TyFun b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505 -> Type) -> Type) (CurrySym0 a6989586621679422503 b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun (a6989586621679422503, b6989586621679422504) c6989586621679422505 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679422503 (TyFun b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505 -> Type) -> Type) (CurrySym0 a6989586621679422503 b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505) l = CurrySym1 a6989586621679422503 b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505 l

data CurrySym1 (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679422503, b6989586621679422504) c6989586621679422505 -> Type) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679422503 (TyFun b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun (a6989586621679422503, b6989586621679422504) c6989586621679422505 -> Type) -> TyFun a6989586621679422503 (TyFun b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505 -> Type) -> *) (CurrySym1 a6989586621679422503 b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (CurrySym1 a6989586621679422503 b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505) t -> () Source #

type Apply a6989586621679422503 (TyFun b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505 -> Type) (CurrySym1 a6989586621679422503 b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply a6989586621679422503 (TyFun b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505 -> Type) (CurrySym1 a6989586621679422503 b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505 l1) l2 = CurrySym2 a6989586621679422503 b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505 l1 l2

data CurrySym2 (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679422503, b6989586621679422504) c6989586621679422505 -> Type) (l :: a6989586621679422503) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun (a6989586621679422503, b6989586621679422504) c6989586621679422505 -> Type) -> a6989586621679422503 -> TyFun b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505 -> *) (CurrySym2 a6989586621679422503 b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (CurrySym2 a6989586621679422503 b6989586621679422504 c6989586621679422505) t -> () Source #

type Apply b c (CurrySym2 a b c l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply b c (CurrySym2 a b c l1 l2) l3 = Curry a b c l1 l2 l3

type CurrySym3 (t :: TyFun (a6989586621679422503, b6989586621679422504) c6989586621679422505 -> Type) (t :: a6989586621679422503) (t :: b6989586621679422504) = Curry t t t Source #

data UncurrySym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679422500 (TyFun b6989586621679422501 c6989586621679422502 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun (a6989586621679422500, b6989586621679422501) c6989586621679422502 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679422500 (TyFun b6989586621679422501 c6989586621679422502 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun (a6989586621679422500, b6989586621679422501) c6989586621679422502 -> Type) -> *) (UncurrySym0 a6989586621679422500 b6989586621679422501 c6989586621679422502) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UncurrySym0 a6989586621679422500 b6989586621679422501 c6989586621679422502) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679422500 (TyFun b6989586621679422501 c6989586621679422502 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun (a6989586621679422500, b6989586621679422501) c6989586621679422502 -> Type) (UncurrySym0 a6989586621679422500 b6989586621679422501 c6989586621679422502) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679422500 (TyFun b6989586621679422501 c6989586621679422502 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun (a6989586621679422500, b6989586621679422501) c6989586621679422502 -> Type) (UncurrySym0 a6989586621679422500 b6989586621679422501 c6989586621679422502) l = UncurrySym1 a6989586621679422500 b6989586621679422501 c6989586621679422502 l

data UncurrySym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679422500 (TyFun b6989586621679422501 c6989586621679422502 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679422500, b6989586621679422501) c6989586621679422502) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679422500 (TyFun b6989586621679422501 c6989586621679422502 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun (a6989586621679422500, b6989586621679422501) c6989586621679422502 -> *) (UncurrySym1 a6989586621679422500 b6989586621679422501 c6989586621679422502) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UncurrySym1 a6989586621679422500 b6989586621679422501 c6989586621679422502) t -> () Source #

type Apply (a, b) c (UncurrySym1 a b c l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply (a, b) c (UncurrySym1 a b c l1) l2 = Uncurry a b c l1 l2

type UncurrySym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679422500 (TyFun b6989586621679422501 c6989586621679422502 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: (a6989586621679422500, b6989586621679422501)) = Uncurry t t Source #

data (l :: Nat) :^$$ l Source #


data IdSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679281044 a6989586621679281044) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a6989586621679281044 a6989586621679281044 -> *) (IdSym0 a6989586621679281044) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (IdSym0 a6989586621679281044) t -> () Source #

type Apply a a (IdSym0 a) l Source # 
type Apply a a (IdSym0 a) l = Id a l

type IdSym1 (t :: a6989586621679281044) = Id t Source #

data ConstSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679281042 (TyFun b6989586621679281043 a6989586621679281042 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a6989586621679281042 (TyFun b6989586621679281043 a6989586621679281042 -> Type) -> *) (ConstSym0 b6989586621679281043 a6989586621679281042) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ConstSym0 b6989586621679281043 a6989586621679281042) t -> () Source #

type Apply a6989586621679281042 (TyFun b6989586621679281043 a6989586621679281042 -> Type) (ConstSym0 b6989586621679281043 a6989586621679281042) l Source # 
type Apply a6989586621679281042 (TyFun b6989586621679281043 a6989586621679281042 -> Type) (ConstSym0 b6989586621679281043 a6989586621679281042) l = ConstSym1 b6989586621679281043 a6989586621679281042 l

data ConstSym1 (l :: a6989586621679281042) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679281043 a6989586621679281042) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a6989586621679281042 -> TyFun b6989586621679281043 a6989586621679281042 -> *) (ConstSym1 b6989586621679281043 a6989586621679281042) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ConstSym1 b6989586621679281043 a6989586621679281042) t -> () Source #

type Apply b a (ConstSym1 b a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply b a (ConstSym1 b a l1) l2 = Const b a l1 l2

type ConstSym2 (t :: a6989586621679281042) (t :: b6989586621679281043) = Const t t Source #

data (:.$) (l :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679281039 c6989586621679281040 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679281041 b6989586621679281039 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040 -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679281039 c6989586621679281040 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679281041 b6989586621679281039 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) ((:.$) b6989586621679281039 a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((b6989586621679281039 :.$ a6989586621679281041) c6989586621679281040) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun b6989586621679281039 c6989586621679281040 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679281041 b6989586621679281039 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040 -> Type) -> Type) ((:.$) b6989586621679281039 a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun b6989586621679281039 c6989586621679281040 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679281041 b6989586621679281039 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040 -> Type) -> Type) ((:.$) b6989586621679281039 a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040) l = (:.$$) b6989586621679281039 a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040 l

data (l :: TyFun b6989586621679281039 c6989586621679281040 -> Type) :.$$ (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679281041 b6989586621679281039 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b6989586621679281039 c6989586621679281040 -> Type) -> TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679281041 b6989586621679281039 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040 -> Type) -> *) ((:.$$) b6989586621679281039 a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((b6989586621679281039 :.$$ a6989586621679281041) c6989586621679281040) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679281041 b6989586621679281039 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040 -> Type) ((:.$$) b6989586621679281039 a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679281041 b6989586621679281039 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040 -> Type) ((:.$$) b6989586621679281039 a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040 l1) l2 = (:.$$$) b6989586621679281039 a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040 l1 l2

data ((l :: TyFun b6989586621679281039 c6989586621679281040 -> Type) :.$$$ (l :: TyFun a6989586621679281041 b6989586621679281039 -> Type)) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b6989586621679281039 c6989586621679281040 -> Type) -> (TyFun a6989586621679281041 b6989586621679281039 -> Type) -> TyFun a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040 -> *) ((:.$$$) b6989586621679281039 a6989586621679281041 c6989586621679281040) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((b6989586621679281039 :.$$$ a6989586621679281041) c6989586621679281040) t -> () Source #

type Apply a c ((:.$$$) b a c l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply a c ((:.$$$) b a c l1 l2) l3 = (:.) b a c l1 l2 l3

data ($$) :: TyFun (TyFun a b -> *) (TyFun a b -> *) -> * Source #


type Apply (TyFun a b -> *) (TyFun a b -> *) (($$) a b) arg Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a b -> *) (TyFun a b -> *) (($$) a b) arg = ($$$) a b arg

data ($$$) :: (TyFun a b -> *) -> TyFun a b -> * Source #


type Apply a k (($$$) a k f) arg Source # 
type Apply a k (($$$) a k f) arg = ($$$$) a k f arg

type ($$$$) a b = ($) a b Source #

data ($!$) :: TyFun (TyFun a b -> *) (TyFun a b -> *) -> * Source #


type Apply (TyFun a b -> *) (TyFun a b -> *) (($!$) a b) arg Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a b -> *) (TyFun a b -> *) (($!$) a b) arg = ($!$$) a b arg

data ($!$$) :: (TyFun a b -> *) -> TyFun a b -> * Source #


type Apply a k (($!$$) a k f) arg Source # 
type Apply a k (($!$$) a k f) arg = ($!$$$) a k f arg

type ($!$$$) a b = ($!) a b Source #

data FlipSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679281036 (TyFun b6989586621679281037 c6989586621679281038 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679281037 (TyFun a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038 -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679281036 (TyFun b6989586621679281037 c6989586621679281038 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679281037 (TyFun a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (FlipSym0 b6989586621679281037 a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FlipSym0 b6989586621679281037 a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679281036 (TyFun b6989586621679281037 c6989586621679281038 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679281037 (TyFun a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038 -> Type) -> Type) (FlipSym0 b6989586621679281037 a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679281036 (TyFun b6989586621679281037 c6989586621679281038 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679281037 (TyFun a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038 -> Type) -> Type) (FlipSym0 b6989586621679281037 a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038) l = FlipSym1 b6989586621679281037 a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038 l

data FlipSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679281036 (TyFun b6989586621679281037 c6989586621679281038 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679281037 (TyFun a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679281036 (TyFun b6989586621679281037 c6989586621679281038 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b6989586621679281037 (TyFun a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038 -> Type) -> *) (FlipSym1 b6989586621679281037 a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FlipSym1 b6989586621679281037 a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038) t -> () Source #

type Apply b6989586621679281037 (TyFun a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038 -> Type) (FlipSym1 b6989586621679281037 a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply b6989586621679281037 (TyFun a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038 -> Type) (FlipSym1 b6989586621679281037 a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038 l1) l2 = FlipSym2 b6989586621679281037 a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038 l1 l2

data FlipSym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679281036 (TyFun b6989586621679281037 c6989586621679281038 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: b6989586621679281037) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679281036 (TyFun b6989586621679281037 c6989586621679281038 -> Type) -> Type) -> b6989586621679281037 -> TyFun a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038 -> *) (FlipSym2 b6989586621679281037 a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FlipSym2 b6989586621679281037 a6989586621679281036 c6989586621679281038) t -> () Source #

type Apply a c (FlipSym2 b a c l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply a c (FlipSym2 b a c l1 l2) l3 = Flip b a c l1 l2 l3

data AsTypeOfSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679281035 (TyFun a6989586621679281035 a6989586621679281035 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a6989586621679281035 (TyFun a6989586621679281035 a6989586621679281035 -> Type) -> *) (AsTypeOfSym0 a6989586621679281035) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (AsTypeOfSym0 a6989586621679281035) t -> () Source #

type Apply a6989586621679281035 (TyFun a6989586621679281035 a6989586621679281035 -> Type) (AsTypeOfSym0 a6989586621679281035) l Source # 
type Apply a6989586621679281035 (TyFun a6989586621679281035 a6989586621679281035 -> Type) (AsTypeOfSym0 a6989586621679281035) l = AsTypeOfSym1 a6989586621679281035 l

data AsTypeOfSym1 (l :: a6989586621679281035) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679281035 a6989586621679281035) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a6989586621679281035 -> TyFun a6989586621679281035 a6989586621679281035 -> *) (AsTypeOfSym1 a6989586621679281035) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (AsTypeOfSym1 a6989586621679281035) t -> () Source #

type Apply a a (AsTypeOfSym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply a a (AsTypeOfSym1 a l1) l2 = AsTypeOf a l1 l2

type AsTypeOfSym2 (t :: a6989586621679281035) (t :: a6989586621679281035) = AsTypeOf t t Source #

data SeqSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679281033 (TyFun b6989586621679281034 b6989586621679281034 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a6989586621679281033 (TyFun b6989586621679281034 b6989586621679281034 -> Type) -> *) (SeqSym0 a6989586621679281033 b6989586621679281034) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SeqSym0 a6989586621679281033 b6989586621679281034) t -> () Source #

type Apply a6989586621679281033 (TyFun b6989586621679281034 b6989586621679281034 -> Type) (SeqSym0 a6989586621679281033 b6989586621679281034) l Source # 
type Apply a6989586621679281033 (TyFun b6989586621679281034 b6989586621679281034 -> Type) (SeqSym0 a6989586621679281033 b6989586621679281034) l = SeqSym1 a6989586621679281033 b6989586621679281034 l

data SeqSym1 (l :: a6989586621679281033) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679281034 b6989586621679281034) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a6989586621679281033 -> TyFun b6989586621679281034 b6989586621679281034 -> *) (SeqSym1 a6989586621679281033 b6989586621679281034) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SeqSym1 a6989586621679281033 b6989586621679281034) t -> () Source #

type Apply b b (SeqSym1 a b l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply b b (SeqSym1 a b l1) l2 = Seq a b l1 l2

type SeqSym2 (t :: a6989586621679281033) (t :: b6989586621679281034) = Seq t t Source #

data (:$) (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun [a3530822107858468865] [a3530822107858468865] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun [a3530822107858468865] [a3530822107858468865] -> Type) -> *) ((:$) a3530822107858468865) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:$) a3530822107858468865) t -> () Source #

type Apply a3530822107858468865 (TyFun [a3530822107858468865] [a3530822107858468865] -> Type) ((:$) a3530822107858468865) l Source # 
type Apply a3530822107858468865 (TyFun [a3530822107858468865] [a3530822107858468865] -> Type) ((:$) a3530822107858468865) l = (:$$) a3530822107858468865 l

data (l :: a3530822107858468865) :$$ (l :: TyFun [a3530822107858468865] [a3530822107858468865]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a3530822107858468865 -> TyFun [a3530822107858468865] [a3530822107858468865] -> *) ((:$$) a3530822107858468865) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:$$) a3530822107858468865) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [a] ((:$$) a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] [a] ((:$$) a l1) l2 = (:) a l1 l2

type (:$$$) (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: [a3530822107858468865]) = (:) t t Source #

type NilSym0 = '[] Source #

data MapSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679281046 b6989586621679281047 -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679281046] [b6989586621679281047] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679281046 b6989586621679281047 -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679281046] [b6989586621679281047] -> Type) -> *) (MapSym0 a6989586621679281046 b6989586621679281047) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MapSym0 a6989586621679281046 b6989586621679281047) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679281046 b6989586621679281047 -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679281046] [b6989586621679281047] -> Type) (MapSym0 a6989586621679281046 b6989586621679281047) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679281046 b6989586621679281047 -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679281046] [b6989586621679281047] -> Type) (MapSym0 a6989586621679281046 b6989586621679281047) l = MapSym1 a6989586621679281046 b6989586621679281047 l

data MapSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679281046 b6989586621679281047 -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679281046] [b6989586621679281047]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679281046 b6989586621679281047 -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679281046] [b6989586621679281047] -> *) (MapSym1 a6989586621679281046 b6989586621679281047) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MapSym1 a6989586621679281046 b6989586621679281047) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [b] (MapSym1 a b l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] [b] (MapSym1 a b l1) l2 = Map a b l1 l2

type MapSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679281046 b6989586621679281047 -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679281046]) = Map t t Source #

data ReverseSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458191] [a6989586621679458191]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a6989586621679458191] [a6989586621679458191] -> *) (ReverseSym0 a6989586621679458191) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ReverseSym0 a6989586621679458191) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [a] (ReverseSym0 a) l Source # 
type Apply [a] [a] (ReverseSym0 a) l = Reverse a l

type ReverseSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679458191]) = Reverse t Source #

data (l :: [a6989586621679281045]) :++$$ (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679281045] [a6989586621679281045]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a6989586621679281045] -> TyFun [a6989586621679281045] [a6989586621679281045] -> *) ((:++$$) a6989586621679281045) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:++$$) a6989586621679281045) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [a] ((:++$$) a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] [a] ((:++$$) a l1) l2 = (:++) a l1 l2

data (:++$) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679281045] (TyFun [a6989586621679281045] [a6989586621679281045] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a6989586621679281045] (TyFun [a6989586621679281045] [a6989586621679281045] -> Type) -> *) ((:++$) a6989586621679281045) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:++$) a6989586621679281045) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a6989586621679281045] (TyFun [a6989586621679281045] [a6989586621679281045] -> Type) ((:++$) a6989586621679281045) l Source # 
type Apply [a6989586621679281045] (TyFun [a6989586621679281045] [a6989586621679281045] -> Type) ((:++$) a6989586621679281045) l = (:++$$) a6989586621679281045 l

data HeadSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458196] a6989586621679458196) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a6989586621679458196] a6989586621679458196 -> *) (HeadSym0 a6989586621679458196) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (HeadSym0 a6989586621679458196) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] a (HeadSym0 a) l Source # 
type Apply [a] a (HeadSym0 a) l = Head a l

type HeadSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679458196]) = Head t Source #

data LastSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458195] a6989586621679458195) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a6989586621679458195] a6989586621679458195 -> *) (LastSym0 a6989586621679458195) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (LastSym0 a6989586621679458195) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] a (LastSym0 a) l Source # 
type Apply [a] a (LastSym0 a) l = Last a l

type LastSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679458195]) = Last t Source #

data TailSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458194] [a6989586621679458194]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a6989586621679458194] [a6989586621679458194] -> *) (TailSym0 a6989586621679458194) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (TailSym0 a6989586621679458194) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [a] (TailSym0 a) l Source # 
type Apply [a] [a] (TailSym0 a) l = Tail a l

type TailSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679458194]) = Tail t Source #

data InitSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458193] [a6989586621679458193]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a6989586621679458193] [a6989586621679458193] -> *) (InitSym0 a6989586621679458193) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (InitSym0 a6989586621679458193) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [a] (InitSym0 a) l Source # 
type Apply [a] [a] (InitSym0 a) l = Init a l

type InitSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679458193]) = Init t Source #

data NullSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458192] Bool) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a6989586621679458192] Bool -> *) (NullSym0 a6989586621679458192) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (NullSym0 a6989586621679458192) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] Bool (NullSym0 a) l Source # 
type Apply [a] Bool (NullSym0 a) l = Null a l

type NullSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679458192]) = Null t Source #

data FoldlSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679242246 (TyFun a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679242246 (TyFun [a6989586621679242245] b6989586621679242246 -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679242246 (TyFun a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679242246 (TyFun [a6989586621679242245] b6989586621679242246 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (FoldlSym0 a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldlSym0 a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun b6989586621679242246 (TyFun a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679242246 (TyFun [a6989586621679242245] b6989586621679242246 -> Type) -> Type) (FoldlSym0 a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun b6989586621679242246 (TyFun a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679242246 (TyFun [a6989586621679242245] b6989586621679242246 -> Type) -> Type) (FoldlSym0 a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246) l = FoldlSym1 a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246 l

data FoldlSym1 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679242246 (TyFun a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679242246 (TyFun [a6989586621679242245] b6989586621679242246 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b6989586621679242246 (TyFun a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b6989586621679242246 (TyFun [a6989586621679242245] b6989586621679242246 -> Type) -> *) (FoldlSym1 a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldlSym1 a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246) t -> () Source #

type Apply b6989586621679242246 (TyFun [a6989586621679242245] b6989586621679242246 -> Type) (FoldlSym1 a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply b6989586621679242246 (TyFun [a6989586621679242245] b6989586621679242246 -> Type) (FoldlSym1 a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246 l1) l2 = FoldlSym2 a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246 l1 l2

data FoldlSym2 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679242246 (TyFun a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: b6989586621679242246) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679242245] b6989586621679242246) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b6989586621679242246 (TyFun a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246 -> Type) -> Type) -> b6989586621679242246 -> TyFun [a6989586621679242245] b6989586621679242246 -> *) (FoldlSym2 a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldlSym2 a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] b (FoldlSym2 a b l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply [a] b (FoldlSym2 a b l1 l2) l3 = Foldl a b l1 l2 l3

type FoldlSym3 (t :: TyFun b6989586621679242246 (TyFun a6989586621679242245 b6989586621679242246 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b6989586621679242246) (t :: [a6989586621679242245]) = Foldl t t t Source #

data Foldl1Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458182 (TyFun a6989586621679458182 a6989586621679458182 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458182] a6989586621679458182 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458182 (TyFun a6989586621679458182 a6989586621679458182 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458182] a6989586621679458182 -> Type) -> *) (Foldl1Sym0 a6989586621679458182) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldl1Sym0 a6989586621679458182) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458182 (TyFun a6989586621679458182 a6989586621679458182 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458182] a6989586621679458182 -> Type) (Foldl1Sym0 a6989586621679458182) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458182 (TyFun a6989586621679458182 a6989586621679458182 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458182] a6989586621679458182 -> Type) (Foldl1Sym0 a6989586621679458182) l = Foldl1Sym1 a6989586621679458182 l

data Foldl1Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458182 (TyFun a6989586621679458182 a6989586621679458182 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458182] a6989586621679458182) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458182 (TyFun a6989586621679458182 a6989586621679458182 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679458182] a6989586621679458182 -> *) (Foldl1Sym1 a6989586621679458182) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldl1Sym1 a6989586621679458182) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] a (Foldl1Sym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] a (Foldl1Sym1 a l1) l2 = Foldl1 a l1 l2

type Foldl1Sym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679458182 (TyFun a6989586621679458182 a6989586621679458182 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679458182]) = Foldl1 t t Source #

data FoldrSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679281048 (TyFun b6989586621679281049 b6989586621679281049 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679281049 (TyFun [a6989586621679281048] b6989586621679281049 -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679281048 (TyFun b6989586621679281049 b6989586621679281049 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679281049 (TyFun [a6989586621679281048] b6989586621679281049 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (FoldrSym0 a6989586621679281048 b6989586621679281049) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldrSym0 a6989586621679281048 b6989586621679281049) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679281048 (TyFun b6989586621679281049 b6989586621679281049 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679281049 (TyFun [a6989586621679281048] b6989586621679281049 -> Type) -> Type) (FoldrSym0 a6989586621679281048 b6989586621679281049) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679281048 (TyFun b6989586621679281049 b6989586621679281049 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679281049 (TyFun [a6989586621679281048] b6989586621679281049 -> Type) -> Type) (FoldrSym0 a6989586621679281048 b6989586621679281049) l = FoldrSym1 a6989586621679281048 b6989586621679281049 l

data FoldrSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679281048 (TyFun b6989586621679281049 b6989586621679281049 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679281049 (TyFun [a6989586621679281048] b6989586621679281049 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679281048 (TyFun b6989586621679281049 b6989586621679281049 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b6989586621679281049 (TyFun [a6989586621679281048] b6989586621679281049 -> Type) -> *) (FoldrSym1 a6989586621679281048 b6989586621679281049) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldrSym1 a6989586621679281048 b6989586621679281049) t -> () Source #

type Apply b6989586621679281049 (TyFun [a6989586621679281048] b6989586621679281049 -> Type) (FoldrSym1 a6989586621679281048 b6989586621679281049 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply b6989586621679281049 (TyFun [a6989586621679281048] b6989586621679281049 -> Type) (FoldrSym1 a6989586621679281048 b6989586621679281049 l1) l2 = FoldrSym2 a6989586621679281048 b6989586621679281049 l1 l2

data FoldrSym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679281048 (TyFun b6989586621679281049 b6989586621679281049 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: b6989586621679281049) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679281048] b6989586621679281049) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679281048 (TyFun b6989586621679281049 b6989586621679281049 -> Type) -> Type) -> b6989586621679281049 -> TyFun [a6989586621679281048] b6989586621679281049 -> *) (FoldrSym2 a6989586621679281048 b6989586621679281049) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FoldrSym2 a6989586621679281048 b6989586621679281049) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] b (FoldrSym2 a b l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply [a] b (FoldrSym2 a b l1 l2) l3 = Foldr a b l1 l2 l3

type FoldrSym3 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679281048 (TyFun b6989586621679281049 b6989586621679281049 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b6989586621679281049) (t :: [a6989586621679281048]) = Foldr t t t Source #

data Foldr1Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458180 (TyFun a6989586621679458180 a6989586621679458180 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458180] a6989586621679458180 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458180 (TyFun a6989586621679458180 a6989586621679458180 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458180] a6989586621679458180 -> Type) -> *) (Foldr1Sym0 a6989586621679458180) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldr1Sym0 a6989586621679458180) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458180 (TyFun a6989586621679458180 a6989586621679458180 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458180] a6989586621679458180 -> Type) (Foldr1Sym0 a6989586621679458180) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458180 (TyFun a6989586621679458180 a6989586621679458180 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458180] a6989586621679458180 -> Type) (Foldr1Sym0 a6989586621679458180) l = Foldr1Sym1 a6989586621679458180 l

data Foldr1Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458180 (TyFun a6989586621679458180 a6989586621679458180 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458180] a6989586621679458180) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458180 (TyFun a6989586621679458180 a6989586621679458180 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679458180] a6989586621679458180 -> *) (Foldr1Sym1 a6989586621679458180) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Foldr1Sym1 a6989586621679458180) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] a (Foldr1Sym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] a (Foldr1Sym1 a l1) l2 = Foldr1 a l1 l2

type Foldr1Sym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679458180 (TyFun a6989586621679458180 a6989586621679458180 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679458180]) = Foldr1 t t Source #

data ConcatSym0 (l :: TyFun [[a6989586621679458179]] [a6989586621679458179]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [[a6989586621679458179]] [a6989586621679458179] -> *) (ConcatSym0 a6989586621679458179) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ConcatSym0 a6989586621679458179) t -> () Source #

type Apply [[a]] [a] (ConcatSym0 a) l Source # 
type Apply [[a]] [a] (ConcatSym0 a) l = Concat a l

type ConcatSym1 (t :: [[a6989586621679458179]]) = Concat t Source #

data ConcatMapSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458177 [b6989586621679458178] -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458177] [b6989586621679458178] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458177 [b6989586621679458178] -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458177] [b6989586621679458178] -> Type) -> *) (ConcatMapSym0 a6989586621679458177 b6989586621679458178) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ConcatMapSym0 a6989586621679458177 b6989586621679458178) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458177 [b6989586621679458178] -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458177] [b6989586621679458178] -> Type) (ConcatMapSym0 a6989586621679458177 b6989586621679458178) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458177 [b6989586621679458178] -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458177] [b6989586621679458178] -> Type) (ConcatMapSym0 a6989586621679458177 b6989586621679458178) l = ConcatMapSym1 a6989586621679458177 b6989586621679458178 l

data ConcatMapSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458177 [b6989586621679458178] -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458177] [b6989586621679458178]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458177 [b6989586621679458178] -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679458177] [b6989586621679458178] -> *) (ConcatMapSym1 a6989586621679458177 b6989586621679458178) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ConcatMapSym1 a6989586621679458177 b6989586621679458178) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [b] (ConcatMapSym1 a b l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] [b] (ConcatMapSym1 a b l1) l2 = ConcatMap a b l1 l2

type ConcatMapSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679458177 [b6989586621679458178] -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679458177]) = ConcatMap t t Source #

data MaximumBySym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458109 (TyFun a6989586621679458109 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458109] a6989586621679458109 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458109 (TyFun a6989586621679458109 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458109] a6989586621679458109 -> Type) -> *) (MaximumBySym0 a6989586621679458109) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MaximumBySym0 a6989586621679458109) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458109 (TyFun a6989586621679458109 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458109] a6989586621679458109 -> Type) (MaximumBySym0 a6989586621679458109) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458109 (TyFun a6989586621679458109 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458109] a6989586621679458109 -> Type) (MaximumBySym0 a6989586621679458109) l = MaximumBySym1 a6989586621679458109 l

data MaximumBySym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458109 (TyFun a6989586621679458109 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458109] a6989586621679458109) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458109 (TyFun a6989586621679458109 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679458109] a6989586621679458109 -> *) (MaximumBySym1 a6989586621679458109) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MaximumBySym1 a6989586621679458109) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] a (MaximumBySym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] a (MaximumBySym1 a l1) l2 = MaximumBy a l1 l2

type MaximumBySym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679458109 (TyFun a6989586621679458109 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679458109]) = MaximumBy t t Source #

data MinimumBySym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458108 (TyFun a6989586621679458108 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458108] a6989586621679458108 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458108 (TyFun a6989586621679458108 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458108] a6989586621679458108 -> Type) -> *) (MinimumBySym0 a6989586621679458108) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MinimumBySym0 a6989586621679458108) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458108 (TyFun a6989586621679458108 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458108] a6989586621679458108 -> Type) (MinimumBySym0 a6989586621679458108) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458108 (TyFun a6989586621679458108 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458108] a6989586621679458108 -> Type) (MinimumBySym0 a6989586621679458108) l = MinimumBySym1 a6989586621679458108 l

data MinimumBySym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458108 (TyFun a6989586621679458108 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458108] a6989586621679458108) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458108 (TyFun a6989586621679458108 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679458108] a6989586621679458108 -> *) (MinimumBySym1 a6989586621679458108) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (MinimumBySym1 a6989586621679458108) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] a (MinimumBySym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] a (MinimumBySym1 a l1) l2 = MinimumBy a l1 l2

type MinimumBySym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679458108 (TyFun a6989586621679458108 Ordering -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679458108]) = MinimumBy t t Source #

type AndSym1 (t :: [Bool]) = And t Source #

type OrSym1 (t :: [Bool]) = Or t Source #

data Any_Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679447960 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679447960] Bool -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679447960 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679447960] Bool -> Type) -> *) (Any_Sym0 a6989586621679447960) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Any_Sym0 a6989586621679447960) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679447960 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679447960] Bool -> Type) (Any_Sym0 a6989586621679447960) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679447960 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679447960] Bool -> Type) (Any_Sym0 a6989586621679447960) l = Any_Sym1 a6989586621679447960 l

data Any_Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679447960 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679447960] Bool) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679447960 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679447960] Bool -> *) (Any_Sym1 a6989586621679447960) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Any_Sym1 a6989586621679447960) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] Bool (Any_Sym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] Bool (Any_Sym1 a l1) l2 = Any_ a l1 l2

type Any_Sym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679447960 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679447960]) = Any_ t t Source #

data AllSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458176 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458176] Bool -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458176 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458176] Bool -> Type) -> *) (AllSym0 a6989586621679458176) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (AllSym0 a6989586621679458176) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458176 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458176] Bool -> Type) (AllSym0 a6989586621679458176) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458176 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458176] Bool -> Type) (AllSym0 a6989586621679458176) l = AllSym1 a6989586621679458176 l

data AllSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458176 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458176] Bool) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458176 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679458176] Bool -> *) (AllSym1 a6989586621679458176) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (AllSym1 a6989586621679458176) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] Bool (AllSym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] Bool (AllSym1 a l1) l2 = All a l1 l2

type AllSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679458176 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679458176]) = All t t Source #

data ScanlSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679458174 (TyFun a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679458174 (TyFun [a6989586621679458175] [b6989586621679458174] -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679458174 (TyFun a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679458174 (TyFun [a6989586621679458175] [b6989586621679458174] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ScanlSym0 a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanlSym0 a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun b6989586621679458174 (TyFun a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679458174 (TyFun [a6989586621679458175] [b6989586621679458174] -> Type) -> Type) (ScanlSym0 a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun b6989586621679458174 (TyFun a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679458174 (TyFun [a6989586621679458175] [b6989586621679458174] -> Type) -> Type) (ScanlSym0 a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174) l = ScanlSym1 a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174 l

data ScanlSym1 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679458174 (TyFun a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679458174 (TyFun [a6989586621679458175] [b6989586621679458174] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b6989586621679458174 (TyFun a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b6989586621679458174 (TyFun [a6989586621679458175] [b6989586621679458174] -> Type) -> *) (ScanlSym1 a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanlSym1 a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174) t -> () Source #

type Apply b6989586621679458174 (TyFun [a6989586621679458175] [b6989586621679458174] -> Type) (ScanlSym1 a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply b6989586621679458174 (TyFun [a6989586621679458175] [b6989586621679458174] -> Type) (ScanlSym1 a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174 l1) l2 = ScanlSym2 a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174 l1 l2

data ScanlSym2 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679458174 (TyFun a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: b6989586621679458174) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458175] [b6989586621679458174]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun b6989586621679458174 (TyFun a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174 -> Type) -> Type) -> b6989586621679458174 -> TyFun [a6989586621679458175] [b6989586621679458174] -> *) (ScanlSym2 a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanlSym2 a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [b] (ScanlSym2 a b l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply [a] [b] (ScanlSym2 a b l1 l2) l3 = Scanl a b l1 l2 l3

type ScanlSym3 (t :: TyFun b6989586621679458174 (TyFun a6989586621679458175 b6989586621679458174 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b6989586621679458174) (t :: [a6989586621679458175]) = Scanl t t t Source #

data Scanl1Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458173 (TyFun a6989586621679458173 a6989586621679458173 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458173] [a6989586621679458173] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458173 (TyFun a6989586621679458173 a6989586621679458173 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458173] [a6989586621679458173] -> Type) -> *) (Scanl1Sym0 a6989586621679458173) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Scanl1Sym0 a6989586621679458173) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458173 (TyFun a6989586621679458173 a6989586621679458173 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458173] [a6989586621679458173] -> Type) (Scanl1Sym0 a6989586621679458173) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458173 (TyFun a6989586621679458173 a6989586621679458173 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458173] [a6989586621679458173] -> Type) (Scanl1Sym0 a6989586621679458173) l = Scanl1Sym1 a6989586621679458173 l

data Scanl1Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458173 (TyFun a6989586621679458173 a6989586621679458173 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458173] [a6989586621679458173]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458173 (TyFun a6989586621679458173 a6989586621679458173 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679458173] [a6989586621679458173] -> *) (Scanl1Sym1 a6989586621679458173) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Scanl1Sym1 a6989586621679458173) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [a] (Scanl1Sym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] [a] (Scanl1Sym1 a l1) l2 = Scanl1 a l1 l2

type Scanl1Sym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679458173 (TyFun a6989586621679458173 a6989586621679458173 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679458173]) = Scanl1 t t Source #

data ScanrSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458171 (TyFun b6989586621679458172 b6989586621679458172 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679458172 (TyFun [a6989586621679458171] [b6989586621679458172] -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458171 (TyFun b6989586621679458172 b6989586621679458172 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679458172 (TyFun [a6989586621679458171] [b6989586621679458172] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ScanrSym0 a6989586621679458171 b6989586621679458172) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanrSym0 a6989586621679458171 b6989586621679458172) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458171 (TyFun b6989586621679458172 b6989586621679458172 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679458172 (TyFun [a6989586621679458171] [b6989586621679458172] -> Type) -> Type) (ScanrSym0 a6989586621679458171 b6989586621679458172) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458171 (TyFun b6989586621679458172 b6989586621679458172 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679458172 (TyFun [a6989586621679458171] [b6989586621679458172] -> Type) -> Type) (ScanrSym0 a6989586621679458171 b6989586621679458172) l = ScanrSym1 a6989586621679458171 b6989586621679458172 l

data ScanrSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458171 (TyFun b6989586621679458172 b6989586621679458172 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679458172 (TyFun [a6989586621679458171] [b6989586621679458172] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458171 (TyFun b6989586621679458172 b6989586621679458172 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b6989586621679458172 (TyFun [a6989586621679458171] [b6989586621679458172] -> Type) -> *) (ScanrSym1 a6989586621679458171 b6989586621679458172) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanrSym1 a6989586621679458171 b6989586621679458172) t -> () Source #

type Apply b6989586621679458172 (TyFun [a6989586621679458171] [b6989586621679458172] -> Type) (ScanrSym1 a6989586621679458171 b6989586621679458172 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply b6989586621679458172 (TyFun [a6989586621679458171] [b6989586621679458172] -> Type) (ScanrSym1 a6989586621679458171 b6989586621679458172 l1) l2 = ScanrSym2 a6989586621679458171 b6989586621679458172 l1 l2

data ScanrSym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458171 (TyFun b6989586621679458172 b6989586621679458172 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: b6989586621679458172) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458171] [b6989586621679458172]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458171 (TyFun b6989586621679458172 b6989586621679458172 -> Type) -> Type) -> b6989586621679458172 -> TyFun [a6989586621679458171] [b6989586621679458172] -> *) (ScanrSym2 a6989586621679458171 b6989586621679458172) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ScanrSym2 a6989586621679458171 b6989586621679458172) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [b] (ScanrSym2 a b l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply [a] [b] (ScanrSym2 a b l1 l2) l3 = Scanr a b l1 l2 l3

type ScanrSym3 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679458171 (TyFun b6989586621679458172 b6989586621679458172 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b6989586621679458172) (t :: [a6989586621679458171]) = Scanr t t t Source #

data Scanr1Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458170 (TyFun a6989586621679458170 a6989586621679458170 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458170] [a6989586621679458170] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458170 (TyFun a6989586621679458170 a6989586621679458170 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458170] [a6989586621679458170] -> Type) -> *) (Scanr1Sym0 a6989586621679458170) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Scanr1Sym0 a6989586621679458170) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458170 (TyFun a6989586621679458170 a6989586621679458170 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458170] [a6989586621679458170] -> Type) (Scanr1Sym0 a6989586621679458170) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458170 (TyFun a6989586621679458170 a6989586621679458170 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458170] [a6989586621679458170] -> Type) (Scanr1Sym0 a6989586621679458170) l = Scanr1Sym1 a6989586621679458170 l

data Scanr1Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458170 (TyFun a6989586621679458170 a6989586621679458170 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458170] [a6989586621679458170]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458170 (TyFun a6989586621679458170 a6989586621679458170 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679458170] [a6989586621679458170] -> *) (Scanr1Sym1 a6989586621679458170) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Scanr1Sym1 a6989586621679458170) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [a] (Scanr1Sym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] [a] (Scanr1Sym1 a l1) l2 = Scanr1 a l1 l2

type Scanr1Sym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679458170 (TyFun a6989586621679458170 a6989586621679458170 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679458170]) = Scanr1 t t Source #

data ElemSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458156 (TyFun [a6989586621679458156] Bool -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a6989586621679458156 (TyFun [a6989586621679458156] Bool -> Type) -> *) (ElemSym0 a6989586621679458156) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ElemSym0 a6989586621679458156) t -> () Source #

type Apply a6989586621679458156 (TyFun [a6989586621679458156] Bool -> Type) (ElemSym0 a6989586621679458156) l Source # 
type Apply a6989586621679458156 (TyFun [a6989586621679458156] Bool -> Type) (ElemSym0 a6989586621679458156) l = ElemSym1 a6989586621679458156 l

data ElemSym1 (l :: a6989586621679458156) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458156] Bool) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a6989586621679458156 -> TyFun [a6989586621679458156] Bool -> *) (ElemSym1 a6989586621679458156) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ElemSym1 a6989586621679458156) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] Bool (ElemSym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] Bool (ElemSym1 a l1) l2 = Elem a l1 l2

type ElemSym2 (t :: a6989586621679458156) (t :: [a6989586621679458156]) = Elem t t Source #

data NotElemSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458155 (TyFun [a6989586621679458155] Bool -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a6989586621679458155 (TyFun [a6989586621679458155] Bool -> Type) -> *) (NotElemSym0 a6989586621679458155) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (NotElemSym0 a6989586621679458155) t -> () Source #

type Apply a6989586621679458155 (TyFun [a6989586621679458155] Bool -> Type) (NotElemSym0 a6989586621679458155) l Source # 
type Apply a6989586621679458155 (TyFun [a6989586621679458155] Bool -> Type) (NotElemSym0 a6989586621679458155) l = NotElemSym1 a6989586621679458155 l

data NotElemSym1 (l :: a6989586621679458155) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458155] Bool) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a6989586621679458155 -> TyFun [a6989586621679458155] Bool -> *) (NotElemSym1 a6989586621679458155) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (NotElemSym1 a6989586621679458155) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] Bool (NotElemSym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] Bool (NotElemSym1 a l1) l2 = NotElem a l1 l2

type NotElemSym2 (t :: a6989586621679458155) (t :: [a6989586621679458155]) = NotElem t t Source #

data ZipSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458153] (TyFun [b6989586621679458154] [(a6989586621679458153, b6989586621679458154)] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a6989586621679458153] (TyFun [b6989586621679458154] [(a6989586621679458153, b6989586621679458154)] -> Type) -> *) (ZipSym0 a6989586621679458153 b6989586621679458154) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipSym0 a6989586621679458153 b6989586621679458154) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a6989586621679458153] (TyFun [b6989586621679458154] [(a6989586621679458153, b6989586621679458154)] -> Type) (ZipSym0 a6989586621679458153 b6989586621679458154) l Source # 
type Apply [a6989586621679458153] (TyFun [b6989586621679458154] [(a6989586621679458153, b6989586621679458154)] -> Type) (ZipSym0 a6989586621679458153 b6989586621679458154) l = ZipSym1 a6989586621679458153 b6989586621679458154 l

data ZipSym1 (l :: [a6989586621679458153]) (l :: TyFun [b6989586621679458154] [(a6989586621679458153, b6989586621679458154)]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a6989586621679458153] -> TyFun [b6989586621679458154] [(a6989586621679458153, b6989586621679458154)] -> *) (ZipSym1 a6989586621679458153 b6989586621679458154) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipSym1 a6989586621679458153 b6989586621679458154) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b] [(a, b)] (ZipSym1 a b l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [b] [(a, b)] (ZipSym1 a b l1) l2 = Zip a b l1 l2

type ZipSym2 (t :: [a6989586621679458153]) (t :: [b6989586621679458154]) = Zip t t Source #

data Zip3Sym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458150] (TyFun [b6989586621679458151] (TyFun [c6989586621679458152] [(a6989586621679458150, b6989586621679458151, c6989586621679458152)] -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a6989586621679458150] (TyFun [b6989586621679458151] (TyFun [c6989586621679458152] [(a6989586621679458150, b6989586621679458151, c6989586621679458152)] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (Zip3Sym0 a6989586621679458150 b6989586621679458151 c6989586621679458152) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip3Sym0 a6989586621679458150 b6989586621679458151 c6989586621679458152) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a6989586621679458150] (TyFun [b6989586621679458151] (TyFun [c6989586621679458152] [(a6989586621679458150, b6989586621679458151, c6989586621679458152)] -> Type) -> Type) (Zip3Sym0 a6989586621679458150 b6989586621679458151 c6989586621679458152) l Source # 
type Apply [a6989586621679458150] (TyFun [b6989586621679458151] (TyFun [c6989586621679458152] [(a6989586621679458150, b6989586621679458151, c6989586621679458152)] -> Type) -> Type) (Zip3Sym0 a6989586621679458150 b6989586621679458151 c6989586621679458152) l = Zip3Sym1 a6989586621679458150 b6989586621679458151 c6989586621679458152 l

data Zip3Sym1 (l :: [a6989586621679458150]) (l :: TyFun [b6989586621679458151] (TyFun [c6989586621679458152] [(a6989586621679458150, b6989586621679458151, c6989586621679458152)] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a6989586621679458150] -> TyFun [b6989586621679458151] (TyFun [c6989586621679458152] [(a6989586621679458150, b6989586621679458151, c6989586621679458152)] -> Type) -> *) (Zip3Sym1 a6989586621679458150 b6989586621679458151 c6989586621679458152) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip3Sym1 a6989586621679458150 b6989586621679458151 c6989586621679458152) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b6989586621679458151] (TyFun [c6989586621679458152] [(a6989586621679458150, b6989586621679458151, c6989586621679458152)] -> Type) (Zip3Sym1 a6989586621679458150 b6989586621679458151 c6989586621679458152 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [b6989586621679458151] (TyFun [c6989586621679458152] [(a6989586621679458150, b6989586621679458151, c6989586621679458152)] -> Type) (Zip3Sym1 a6989586621679458150 b6989586621679458151 c6989586621679458152 l1) l2 = Zip3Sym2 a6989586621679458150 b6989586621679458151 c6989586621679458152 l1 l2

data Zip3Sym2 (l :: [a6989586621679458150]) (l :: [b6989586621679458151]) (l :: TyFun [c6989586621679458152] [(a6989586621679458150, b6989586621679458151, c6989586621679458152)]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a6989586621679458150] -> [b6989586621679458151] -> TyFun [c6989586621679458152] [(a6989586621679458150, b6989586621679458151, c6989586621679458152)] -> *) (Zip3Sym2 a6989586621679458150 b6989586621679458151 c6989586621679458152) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (Zip3Sym2 a6989586621679458150 b6989586621679458151 c6989586621679458152) t -> () Source #

type Apply [c] [(a, b, c)] (Zip3Sym2 a b c l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply [c] [(a, b, c)] (Zip3Sym2 a b c l1 l2) l3 = Zip3 a b c l1 l2 l3

type Zip3Sym3 (t :: [a6989586621679458150]) (t :: [b6989586621679458151]) (t :: [c6989586621679458152]) = Zip3 t t t Source #

data ZipWithSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458147 (TyFun b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458147] (TyFun [b6989586621679458148] [c6989586621679458149] -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458147 (TyFun b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458147] (TyFun [b6989586621679458148] [c6989586621679458149] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWithSym0 a6989586621679458147 b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWithSym0 a6989586621679458147 b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458147 (TyFun b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458147] (TyFun [b6989586621679458148] [c6989586621679458149] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWithSym0 a6989586621679458147 b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458147 (TyFun b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458147] (TyFun [b6989586621679458148] [c6989586621679458149] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWithSym0 a6989586621679458147 b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149) l = ZipWithSym1 a6989586621679458147 b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149 l

data ZipWithSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458147 (TyFun b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458147] (TyFun [b6989586621679458148] [c6989586621679458149] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458147 (TyFun b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679458147] (TyFun [b6989586621679458148] [c6989586621679458149] -> Type) -> *) (ZipWithSym1 a6989586621679458147 b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWithSym1 a6989586621679458147 b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a6989586621679458147] (TyFun [b6989586621679458148] [c6989586621679458149] -> Type) (ZipWithSym1 a6989586621679458147 b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a6989586621679458147] (TyFun [b6989586621679458148] [c6989586621679458149] -> Type) (ZipWithSym1 a6989586621679458147 b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149 l1) l2 = ZipWithSym2 a6989586621679458147 b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149 l1 l2

data ZipWithSym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458147 (TyFun b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: [a6989586621679458147]) (l :: TyFun [b6989586621679458148] [c6989586621679458149]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458147 (TyFun b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149 -> Type) -> Type) -> [a6989586621679458147] -> TyFun [b6989586621679458148] [c6989586621679458149] -> *) (ZipWithSym2 a6989586621679458147 b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWithSym2 a6989586621679458147 b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b] [c] (ZipWithSym2 a b c l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply [b] [c] (ZipWithSym2 a b c l1 l2) l3 = ZipWith a b c l1 l2 l3

type ZipWithSym3 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679458147 (TyFun b6989586621679458148 c6989586621679458149 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679458147]) (t :: [b6989586621679458148]) = ZipWith t t t Source #

data ZipWith3Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458143 (TyFun b6989586621679458144 (TyFun c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458143] (TyFun [b6989586621679458144] (TyFun [c6989586621679458145] [d6989586621679458146] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458143 (TyFun b6989586621679458144 (TyFun c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458143] (TyFun [b6989586621679458144] (TyFun [c6989586621679458145] [d6989586621679458146] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith3Sym0 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith3Sym0 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458143 (TyFun b6989586621679458144 (TyFun c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458143] (TyFun [b6989586621679458144] (TyFun [c6989586621679458145] [d6989586621679458146] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym0 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458143 (TyFun b6989586621679458144 (TyFun c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458143] (TyFun [b6989586621679458144] (TyFun [c6989586621679458145] [d6989586621679458146] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym0 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146) l = ZipWith3Sym1 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 l

data ZipWith3Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458143 (TyFun b6989586621679458144 (TyFun c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458143] (TyFun [b6989586621679458144] (TyFun [c6989586621679458145] [d6989586621679458146] -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458143 (TyFun b6989586621679458144 (TyFun c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679458143] (TyFun [b6989586621679458144] (TyFun [c6989586621679458145] [d6989586621679458146] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith3Sym1 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith3Sym1 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a6989586621679458143] (TyFun [b6989586621679458144] (TyFun [c6989586621679458145] [d6989586621679458146] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym1 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a6989586621679458143] (TyFun [b6989586621679458144] (TyFun [c6989586621679458145] [d6989586621679458146] -> Type) -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym1 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 l1) l2 = ZipWith3Sym2 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 l1 l2

data ZipWith3Sym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458143 (TyFun b6989586621679458144 (TyFun c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (l :: [a6989586621679458143]) (l :: TyFun [b6989586621679458144] (TyFun [c6989586621679458145] [d6989586621679458146] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458143 (TyFun b6989586621679458144 (TyFun c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a6989586621679458143] -> TyFun [b6989586621679458144] (TyFun [c6989586621679458145] [d6989586621679458146] -> Type) -> *) (ZipWith3Sym2 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith3Sym2 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146) t -> () Source #

type Apply [b6989586621679458144] (TyFun [c6989586621679458145] [d6989586621679458146] -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym2 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply [b6989586621679458144] (TyFun [c6989586621679458145] [d6989586621679458146] -> Type) (ZipWith3Sym2 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 l1 l2) l3 = ZipWith3Sym3 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 l1 l2 l3

data ZipWith3Sym3 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458143 (TyFun b6989586621679458144 (TyFun c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (l :: [a6989586621679458143]) (l :: [b6989586621679458144]) (l :: TyFun [c6989586621679458145] [d6989586621679458146]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458143 (TyFun b6989586621679458144 (TyFun c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a6989586621679458143] -> [b6989586621679458144] -> TyFun [c6989586621679458145] [d6989586621679458146] -> *) (ZipWith3Sym3 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ZipWith3Sym3 a6989586621679458143 b6989586621679458144 c6989586621679458145 d6989586621679458146) t -> () Source #

type Apply [c] [d] (ZipWith3Sym3 a b c d l1 l2 l3) l4 Source # 
type Apply [c] [d] (ZipWith3Sym3 a b c d l1 l2 l3) l4 = ZipWith3 a b c d l1 l2 l3 l4

data UnzipSym0 (l :: TyFun [(a6989586621679458141, b6989586621679458142)] ([a6989586621679458141], [b6989586621679458142])) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [(a6989586621679458141, b6989586621679458142)] ([a6989586621679458141], [b6989586621679458142]) -> *) (UnzipSym0 a6989586621679458141 b6989586621679458142) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UnzipSym0 a6989586621679458141 b6989586621679458142) t -> () Source #

type Apply [(a, b)] ([a], [b]) (UnzipSym0 a b) l Source # 
type Apply [(a, b)] ([a], [b]) (UnzipSym0 a b) l = Unzip a b l

type UnzipSym1 (t :: [(a6989586621679458141, b6989586621679458142)]) = Unzip t Source #

data UntilSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679445674 Bool -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679445674 Bool -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (UntilSym0 a6989586621679445674) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UntilSym0 a6989586621679445674) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679445674 Bool -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) -> Type) (UntilSym0 a6989586621679445674) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679445674 Bool -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) -> Type) (UntilSym0 a6989586621679445674) l = UntilSym1 a6989586621679445674 l

data UntilSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679445674 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679445674 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) -> *) (UntilSym1 a6989586621679445674) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UntilSym1 a6989586621679445674) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) (UntilSym1 a6989586621679445674 l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) (UntilSym1 a6989586621679445674 l1) l2 = UntilSym2 a6989586621679445674 l1 l2

data UntilSym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679445674 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679445674 Bool -> Type) -> (TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) -> TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> *) (UntilSym2 a6989586621679445674) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (UntilSym2 a6989586621679445674) t -> () Source #

type Apply a a (UntilSym2 a l1 l2) l3 Source # 
type Apply a a (UntilSym2 a l1 l2) l3 = Until a l1 l2 l3

type UntilSym3 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679445674 Bool -> Type) (t :: TyFun a6989586621679445674 a6989586621679445674 -> Type) (t :: a6989586621679445674) = Until t t t Source #

data LengthSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458079] Nat) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a6989586621679458079] Nat -> *) (LengthSym0 a6989586621679458079) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (LengthSym0 a6989586621679458079) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] Nat (LengthSym0 a) l Source # 
type Apply [a] Nat (LengthSym0 a) l = Length a l

type LengthSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679458079]) = Length t Source #

data SumSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458081] a6989586621679458081) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a6989586621679458081] a6989586621679458081 -> *) (SumSym0 a6989586621679458081) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SumSym0 a6989586621679458081) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] a (SumSym0 a) l Source # 
type Apply [a] a (SumSym0 a) l = Sum a l

type SumSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679458081]) = Sum t Source #

data ProductSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458080] a6989586621679458080) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a6989586621679458080] a6989586621679458080 -> *) (ProductSym0 a6989586621679458080) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ProductSym0 a6989586621679458080) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] a (ProductSym0 a) l Source # 
type Apply [a] a (ProductSym0 a) l = Product a l

type ProductSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679458080]) = Product t Source #

data ReplicateSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun a6989586621679458078 [a6989586621679458078] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun Nat (TyFun a6989586621679458078 [a6989586621679458078] -> Type) -> *) (ReplicateSym0 a6989586621679458078) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ReplicateSym0 a6989586621679458078) t -> () Source #

type Apply Nat (TyFun a6989586621679458078 [a6989586621679458078] -> Type) (ReplicateSym0 a6989586621679458078) l Source # 
type Apply Nat (TyFun a6989586621679458078 [a6989586621679458078] -> Type) (ReplicateSym0 a6989586621679458078) l = ReplicateSym1 a6989586621679458078 l

data ReplicateSym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458078 [a6989586621679458078]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (Nat -> TyFun a6989586621679458078 [a6989586621679458078] -> *) (ReplicateSym1 a6989586621679458078) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (ReplicateSym1 a6989586621679458078) t -> () Source #

type Apply a [a] (ReplicateSym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply a [a] (ReplicateSym1 a l1) l2 = Replicate a l1 l2

type ReplicateSym2 (t :: Nat) (t :: a6989586621679458078) = Replicate t t Source #

data TakeSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679458094] [a6989586621679458094] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679458094] [a6989586621679458094] -> Type) -> *) (TakeSym0 a6989586621679458094) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (TakeSym0 a6989586621679458094) t -> () Source #

type Apply Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679458094] [a6989586621679458094] -> Type) (TakeSym0 a6989586621679458094) l Source # 
type Apply Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679458094] [a6989586621679458094] -> Type) (TakeSym0 a6989586621679458094) l = TakeSym1 a6989586621679458094 l

data TakeSym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458094] [a6989586621679458094]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (Nat -> TyFun [a6989586621679458094] [a6989586621679458094] -> *) (TakeSym1 a6989586621679458094) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (TakeSym1 a6989586621679458094) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [a] (TakeSym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] [a] (TakeSym1 a l1) l2 = Take a l1 l2

type TakeSym2 (t :: Nat) (t :: [a6989586621679458094]) = Take t t Source #

data DropSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679458093] [a6989586621679458093] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679458093] [a6989586621679458093] -> Type) -> *) (DropSym0 a6989586621679458093) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DropSym0 a6989586621679458093) t -> () Source #

type Apply Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679458093] [a6989586621679458093] -> Type) (DropSym0 a6989586621679458093) l Source # 
type Apply Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679458093] [a6989586621679458093] -> Type) (DropSym0 a6989586621679458093) l = DropSym1 a6989586621679458093 l

data DropSym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458093] [a6989586621679458093]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (Nat -> TyFun [a6989586621679458093] [a6989586621679458093] -> *) (DropSym1 a6989586621679458093) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DropSym1 a6989586621679458093) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [a] (DropSym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] [a] (DropSym1 a l1) l2 = Drop a l1 l2

type DropSym2 (t :: Nat) (t :: [a6989586621679458093]) = Drop t t Source #

data SplitAtSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679458092] ([a6989586621679458092], [a6989586621679458092]) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679458092] ([a6989586621679458092], [a6989586621679458092]) -> Type) -> *) (SplitAtSym0 a6989586621679458092) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SplitAtSym0 a6989586621679458092) t -> () Source #

type Apply Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679458092] ([a6989586621679458092], [a6989586621679458092]) -> Type) (SplitAtSym0 a6989586621679458092) l Source # 
type Apply Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679458092] ([a6989586621679458092], [a6989586621679458092]) -> Type) (SplitAtSym0 a6989586621679458092) l = SplitAtSym1 a6989586621679458092 l

data SplitAtSym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458092] ([a6989586621679458092], [a6989586621679458092])) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (Nat -> TyFun [a6989586621679458092] ([a6989586621679458092], [a6989586621679458092]) -> *) (SplitAtSym1 a6989586621679458092) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SplitAtSym1 a6989586621679458092) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] ([a], [a]) (SplitAtSym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] ([a], [a]) (SplitAtSym1 a l1) l2 = SplitAt a l1 l2

type SplitAtSym2 (t :: Nat) (t :: [a6989586621679458092]) = SplitAt t t Source #

data TakeWhileSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458099 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458099] [a6989586621679458099] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458099 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458099] [a6989586621679458099] -> Type) -> *) (TakeWhileSym0 a6989586621679458099) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (TakeWhileSym0 a6989586621679458099) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458099 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458099] [a6989586621679458099] -> Type) (TakeWhileSym0 a6989586621679458099) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458099 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458099] [a6989586621679458099] -> Type) (TakeWhileSym0 a6989586621679458099) l = TakeWhileSym1 a6989586621679458099 l

data TakeWhileSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458099 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458099] [a6989586621679458099]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458099 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679458099] [a6989586621679458099] -> *) (TakeWhileSym1 a6989586621679458099) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (TakeWhileSym1 a6989586621679458099) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [a] (TakeWhileSym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] [a] (TakeWhileSym1 a l1) l2 = TakeWhile a l1 l2

type TakeWhileSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679458099 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679458099]) = TakeWhile t t Source #

data DropWhileSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458098 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458098] [a6989586621679458098] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458098 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458098] [a6989586621679458098] -> Type) -> *) (DropWhileSym0 a6989586621679458098) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DropWhileSym0 a6989586621679458098) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458098 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458098] [a6989586621679458098] -> Type) (DropWhileSym0 a6989586621679458098) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458098 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458098] [a6989586621679458098] -> Type) (DropWhileSym0 a6989586621679458098) l = DropWhileSym1 a6989586621679458098 l

data DropWhileSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458098 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458098] [a6989586621679458098]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458098 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679458098] [a6989586621679458098] -> *) (DropWhileSym1 a6989586621679458098) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (DropWhileSym1 a6989586621679458098) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [a] (DropWhileSym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] [a] (DropWhileSym1 a l1) l2 = DropWhile a l1 l2

type DropWhileSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679458098 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679458098]) = DropWhile t t Source #

data SpanSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458096 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458096] ([a6989586621679458096], [a6989586621679458096]) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458096 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458096] ([a6989586621679458096], [a6989586621679458096]) -> Type) -> *) (SpanSym0 a6989586621679458096) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SpanSym0 a6989586621679458096) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458096 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458096] ([a6989586621679458096], [a6989586621679458096]) -> Type) (SpanSym0 a6989586621679458096) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458096 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458096] ([a6989586621679458096], [a6989586621679458096]) -> Type) (SpanSym0 a6989586621679458096) l = SpanSym1 a6989586621679458096 l

data SpanSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458096 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458096] ([a6989586621679458096], [a6989586621679458096])) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458096 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679458096] ([a6989586621679458096], [a6989586621679458096]) -> *) (SpanSym1 a6989586621679458096) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (SpanSym1 a6989586621679458096) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] ([a], [a]) (SpanSym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] ([a], [a]) (SpanSym1 a l1) l2 = Span a l1 l2

type SpanSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679458096 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679458096]) = Span t t Source #

data BreakSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458095 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458095] ([a6989586621679458095], [a6989586621679458095]) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458095 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458095] ([a6989586621679458095], [a6989586621679458095]) -> Type) -> *) (BreakSym0 a6989586621679458095) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (BreakSym0 a6989586621679458095) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458095 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458095] ([a6989586621679458095], [a6989586621679458095]) -> Type) (BreakSym0 a6989586621679458095) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458095 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458095] ([a6989586621679458095], [a6989586621679458095]) -> Type) (BreakSym0 a6989586621679458095) l = BreakSym1 a6989586621679458095 l

data BreakSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458095 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458095] ([a6989586621679458095], [a6989586621679458095])) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458095 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679458095] ([a6989586621679458095], [a6989586621679458095]) -> *) (BreakSym1 a6989586621679458095) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (BreakSym1 a6989586621679458095) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] ([a], [a]) (BreakSym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] ([a], [a]) (BreakSym1 a l1) l2 = Break a l1 l2

type BreakSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679458095 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679458095]) = Break t t Source #

data LookupSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458084 (TyFun [(a6989586621679458084, b6989586621679458085)] (Maybe b6989586621679458085) -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun a6989586621679458084 (TyFun [(a6989586621679458084, b6989586621679458085)] (Maybe b6989586621679458085) -> Type) -> *) (LookupSym0 a6989586621679458084 b6989586621679458085) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (LookupSym0 a6989586621679458084 b6989586621679458085) t -> () Source #

type Apply a6989586621679458084 (TyFun [(a6989586621679458084, b6989586621679458085)] (Maybe b6989586621679458085) -> Type) (LookupSym0 a6989586621679458084 b6989586621679458085) l Source # 
type Apply a6989586621679458084 (TyFun [(a6989586621679458084, b6989586621679458085)] (Maybe b6989586621679458085) -> Type) (LookupSym0 a6989586621679458084 b6989586621679458085) l = LookupSym1 a6989586621679458084 b6989586621679458085 l

data LookupSym1 (l :: a6989586621679458084) (l :: TyFun [(a6989586621679458084, b6989586621679458085)] (Maybe b6989586621679458085)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (a6989586621679458084 -> TyFun [(a6989586621679458084, b6989586621679458085)] (Maybe b6989586621679458085) -> *) (LookupSym1 a6989586621679458084 b6989586621679458085) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (LookupSym1 a6989586621679458084 b6989586621679458085) t -> () Source #

type Apply [(a, b)] (Maybe b) (LookupSym1 a b l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [(a, b)] (Maybe b) (LookupSym1 a b l1) l2 = Lookup a b l1 l2

type LookupSym2 (t :: a6989586621679458084) (t :: [(a6989586621679458084, b6989586621679458085)]) = Lookup t t Source #

data FilterSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458107 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458107] [a6989586621679458107] -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679458107 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458107] [a6989586621679458107] -> Type) -> *) (FilterSym0 a6989586621679458107) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FilterSym0 a6989586621679458107) t -> () Source #

type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458107 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458107] [a6989586621679458107] -> Type) (FilterSym0 a6989586621679458107) l Source # 
type Apply (TyFun a6989586621679458107 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679458107] [a6989586621679458107] -> Type) (FilterSym0 a6989586621679458107) l = FilterSym1 a6989586621679458107 l

data FilterSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679458107 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458107] [a6989586621679458107]) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ((TyFun a6989586621679458107 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679458107] [a6989586621679458107] -> *) (FilterSym1 a6989586621679458107) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy (FilterSym1 a6989586621679458107) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a] [a] (FilterSym1 a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply [a] [a] (FilterSym1 a l1) l2 = Filter a l1 l2

type FilterSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679458107 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679458107]) = Filter t t Source #

data (:!!$) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679458076] (TyFun Nat a6989586621679458076 -> Type)) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings (TyFun [a6989586621679458076] (TyFun Nat a6989586621679458076 -> Type) -> *) ((:!!$) a6989586621679458076) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:!!$) a6989586621679458076) t -> () Source #

type Apply [a6989586621679458076] (TyFun Nat a6989586621679458076 -> Type) ((:!!$) a6989586621679458076) l Source # 
type Apply [a6989586621679458076] (TyFun Nat a6989586621679458076 -> Type) ((:!!$) a6989586621679458076) l = (:!!$$) a6989586621679458076 l

data (l :: [a6989586621679458076]) :!!$$ (l :: TyFun Nat a6989586621679458076) Source #


SuppressUnusedWarnings ([a6989586621679458076] -> TyFun Nat a6989586621679458076 -> *) ((:!!$$) a6989586621679458076) Source # 


suppressUnusedWarnings :: Proxy ((:!!$$) a6989586621679458076) t -> () Source #

type Apply Nat a ((:!!$$) a l1) l2 Source # 
type Apply Nat a ((:!!$$) a l1) l2 = (:!!) a l1 l2

type (:!!$$$) (t :: [a6989586621679458076]) (t :: Nat) = (:!!) t t Source #