Copyright | (C) 2013 Richard Eisenberg |
License | BSD-style (see LICENSE) |
Maintainer | Richard Eisenberg ( |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | non-portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Mimics the Haskell Prelude, but with singleton types. Includes the basic singleton definitions. Note: This is currently very incomplete!
Because many of these definitions are produced by Template Haskell, it is not possible to create proper Haddock documentation. Also, please excuse the apparent repeated variable names. This is due to an interaction between Template Haskell and Haddock.
- module Data.Singletons
- data family Sing (a :: k)
- type SBool = (Sing :: Bool -> Type)
- type SList = (Sing :: [a] -> Type)
- type SMaybe = (Sing :: Maybe a -> Type)
- type SEither = (Sing :: Either a b -> Type)
- type SOrdering = (Sing :: Ordering -> Type)
- type STuple0 = (Sing :: () -> Type)
- type STuple2 = (Sing :: (a, b) -> Type)
- type STuple3 = (Sing :: (a, b, c) -> Type)
- type STuple4 = (Sing :: (a, b, c, d) -> Type)
- type STuple5 = (Sing :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> Type)
- type STuple6 = (Sing :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> Type)
- type STuple7 = (Sing :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) -> Type)
- type family If (cond :: Bool) (tru :: k) (fls :: k) :: k where ...
- sIf :: Sing a -> Sing b -> Sing c -> Sing (If a b c)
- type family Not (a :: Bool) = (res :: Bool) | res -> a where ...
- sNot :: Sing a -> Sing (Not a)
- type family (a :: Bool) && (b :: Bool) :: Bool where ...
- type family (a :: Bool) || (b :: Bool) :: Bool where ...
- (%&&) :: Sing a -> Sing b -> Sing (a && b)
- (%||) :: Sing a -> Sing b -> Sing (a || b)
- type family Otherwise :: Bool where ...
- sOtherwise :: Sing (OtherwiseSym0 :: Bool)
- type family Error (str :: k0) :: k where ...
- sError :: Sing (str :: Symbol) -> a
- type family Undefined :: k where ...
- sUndefined :: a
- module Data.Singletons.Prelude.Eq
- module Data.Singletons.Prelude.Ord
- class SBounded a where
- class PBounded (a :: Type) where
- type MaxBoundSym0 = MaxBound
- type MinBoundSym0 = MinBound
- class SEnum a where
- class PEnum (a :: Type) where
- type ToEnum (arg :: Nat) :: a
- type FromEnum (arg :: a) :: Nat
- type EnumFromTo (arg :: a) (arg :: a) :: [a]
- type EnumFromThenTo (arg :: a) (arg :: a) (arg :: a) :: [a]
- data EnumFromThenToSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> Type) -> Type))
- data EnumFromThenToSym1 (l :: a6989586621679916796) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> Type))
- data EnumFromThenToSym2 (l :: a6989586621679916796) (l :: a6989586621679916796) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796])
- type EnumFromThenToSym3 (t :: a6989586621679916796) (t :: a6989586621679916796) (t :: a6989586621679916796) = EnumFromThenTo t t t
- data EnumFromToSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> Type))
- data EnumFromToSym1 (l :: a6989586621679916796) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796])
- type EnumFromToSym2 (t :: a6989586621679916796) (t :: a6989586621679916796) = EnumFromTo t t
- data FromEnumSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 Nat)
- type FromEnumSym1 (t :: a6989586621679916796) = FromEnum t
- data ToEnumSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat a6989586621679916796)
- type ToEnumSym1 (t :: Nat) = ToEnum t
- module Data.Singletons.Prelude.Num
- type family (a :: Nat) ^ (b :: Nat) :: Nat where ...
- (%^) :: Sing a -> Sing b -> Sing (a ^ b)
- class PShow (a :: Type) where
- class SShow a where
- type ShowS = String -> String
- type SChar = Symbol
- type (<>) a b = AppendSymbol a b
- (%<>) :: Sing a -> Sing b -> Sing (a <> b)
- type family Shows (a :: a) (a :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ...
- sShows :: forall (t :: a) (t :: Symbol). SShow a => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ShowsSym0 t) t :: Symbol)
- type family ShowChar (a :: Symbol) (a :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ...
- sShowChar :: forall (t :: Symbol) (t :: Symbol). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ShowCharSym0 t) t :: Symbol)
- type family ShowString (a :: Symbol) (a :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ...
- sShowString :: forall (t :: Symbol) (t :: Symbol). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ShowStringSym0 t) t :: Symbol)
- type family ShowParen (a :: Bool) (a :: TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) (a :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ...
- sShowParen :: forall (t :: Bool) (t :: TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) (t :: Symbol). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply ShowParenSym0 t) t) t :: Symbol)
- type family Id (a :: a) :: a where ...
- sId :: forall (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing (Apply IdSym0 t :: a)
- type family Const (a :: a) (a :: b) :: a where ...
- sConst :: forall (t :: a) (t :: b). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ConstSym0 t) t :: a)
- type family ((a :: TyFun b c -> Type) :. (a :: TyFun a b -> Type)) (a :: a) :: c where ...
- (%.) :: forall (t :: TyFun b c -> Type) (t :: TyFun a b -> Type) (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply (.@#@$) t) t) t :: c)
- type family (a :: TyFun a b -> Type) $ (a :: a) :: b where ...
- (%$) :: forall (t :: TyFun a b -> Type) (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ($@#@$) t) t :: b)
- type family (a :: TyFun a b -> Type) $! (a :: a) :: b where ...
- (%$!) :: forall (t :: TyFun a b -> Type) (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ($!@#@$) t) t :: b)
- type family Flip (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: a) :: c where ...
- sFlip :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b) (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply FlipSym0 t) t) t :: c)
- type family AsTypeOf (a :: a) (a :: a) :: a where ...
- sAsTypeOf :: forall (t :: a) (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply AsTypeOfSym0 t) t :: a)
- type family Seq (a :: a) (a :: b) :: b where ...
- sSeq :: forall (t :: a) (t :: b). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply SeqSym0 t) t :: b)
- type family Map (a :: TyFun a b -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ...
- sMap :: forall (t :: TyFun a b -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply MapSym0 t) t :: [b])
- type family (a :: [a]) ++ (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- (%++) :: forall (t :: [a]) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (++@#@$) t) t :: [a])
- type family Head (a :: [a]) :: a where ...
- sHead :: forall (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply HeadSym0 t :: a)
- type family Last (a :: [a]) :: a where ...
- sLast :: forall (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply LastSym0 t :: a)
- type family Tail (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sTail :: forall (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply TailSym0 t :: [a])
- type family Init (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sInit :: forall (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply InitSym0 t :: [a])
- type family Null (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ...
- sNull :: forall (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply NullSym0 t :: Bool)
- type family Reverse (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sReverse :: forall (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply ReverseSym0 t :: [a])
- type family Foldl (a :: TyFun b (TyFun a b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: b where ...
- sFoldl :: forall (t :: TyFun b (TyFun a b -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 t) t) t :: b)
- type family Foldl1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: a where ...
- sFoldl1 :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply Foldl1Sym0 t) t :: a)
- type family Foldr (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: b where ...
- sFoldr :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun b b -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 t) t) t :: b)
- type family Foldr1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: a where ...
- sFoldr1 :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply Foldr1Sym0 t) t :: a)
- type family And (a :: [Bool]) :: Bool where ...
- sAnd :: forall (t :: [Bool]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply AndSym0 t :: Bool)
- type family Or (a :: [Bool]) :: Bool where ...
- sOr :: forall (t :: [Bool]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply OrSym0 t :: Bool)
- type family Any (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ...
- sAny :: forall (t :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply AnySym0 t) t :: Bool)
- type family All (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ...
- sAll :: forall (t :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply AllSym0 t) t :: Bool)
- type family Concat (a :: [[a]]) :: [a] where ...
- sConcat :: forall (t :: [[a]]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply ConcatSym0 t :: [a])
- type family ConcatMap (a :: TyFun a [b] -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ...
- sConcatMap :: forall (t :: TyFun a [b] -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ConcatMapSym0 t) t :: [b])
- type family Scanl (a :: TyFun b (TyFun a b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ...
- sScanl :: forall (t :: TyFun b (TyFun a b -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply ScanlSym0 t) t) t :: [b])
- type family Scanl1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sScanl1 :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply Scanl1Sym0 t) t :: [a])
- type family Scanr (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ...
- sScanr :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun b b -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply ScanrSym0 t) t) t :: [b])
- type family Scanr1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sScanr1 :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply Scanr1Sym0 t) t :: [a])
- type family Replicate (a :: Nat) (a :: a) :: [a] where ...
- sReplicate :: forall (t :: Nat) (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ReplicateSym0 t) t :: [a])
- type family Take (a :: Nat) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sTake :: forall (t :: Nat) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply TakeSym0 t) t :: [a])
- type family Drop (a :: Nat) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sDrop :: forall (t :: Nat) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply DropSym0 t) t :: [a])
- type family SplitAt (a :: Nat) (a :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ...
- sSplitAt :: forall (t :: Nat) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply SplitAtSym0 t) t :: ([a], [a]))
- type family TakeWhile (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sTakeWhile :: forall (t :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply TakeWhileSym0 t) t :: [a])
- type family Span (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ...
- sSpan :: forall (t :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply SpanSym0 t) t :: ([a], [a]))
- type family Break (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ...
- sBreak :: forall (t :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply BreakSym0 t) t :: ([a], [a]))
- type family Elem (a :: a) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ...
- sElem :: forall (t :: a) (t :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ElemSym0 t) t :: Bool)
- type family NotElem (a :: a) (a :: [a]) :: Bool where ...
- sNotElem :: forall (t :: a) (t :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply NotElemSym0 t) t :: Bool)
- type family Lookup (a :: a) (a :: [(a, b)]) :: Maybe b where ...
- sLookup :: forall (t :: a) (t :: [(a, b)]). SEq a => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply LookupSym0 t) t :: Maybe b)
- type family Zip (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) :: [(a, b)] where ...
- sZip :: forall (t :: [a]) (t :: [b]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ZipSym0 t) t :: [(a, b)])
- type family Zip3 (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) :: [(a, b, c)] where ...
- sZip3 :: forall (t :: [a]) (t :: [b]) (t :: [c]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply Zip3Sym0 t) t) t :: [(a, b, c)])
- type family ZipWith (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) :: [c] where ...
- sZipWith :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a]) (t :: [b]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWithSym0 t) t) t :: [c])
- type family ZipWith3 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c d -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) :: [d] where ...
- sZipWith3 :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c d -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a]) (t :: [b]) (t :: [c]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWith3Sym0 t) t) t) t :: [d])
- type family Unzip (a :: [(a, b)]) :: ([a], [b]) where ...
- sUnzip :: forall (t :: [(a, b)]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply UnzipSym0 t :: ([a], [b]))
- type family Unzip3 (a :: [(a, b, c)]) :: ([a], [b], [c]) where ...
- sUnzip3 :: forall (t :: [(a, b, c)]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply Unzip3Sym0 t :: ([a], [b], [c]))
- type family Unlines (a :: [Symbol]) :: Symbol where ...
- sUnlines :: forall (t :: [Symbol]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply UnlinesSym0 t :: Symbol)
- type family Unwords (a :: [Symbol]) :: Symbol where ...
- sUnwords :: forall (t :: [Symbol]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply UnwordsSym0 t :: Symbol)
- type family Maybe_ (a :: b) (a :: TyFun a b -> Type) (a :: Maybe a) :: b where ...
- sMaybe_ :: forall (t :: b) (t :: TyFun a b -> Type) (t :: Maybe a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply Maybe_Sym0 t) t) t :: b)
- type family Either_ (a :: TyFun a c -> Type) (a :: TyFun b c -> Type) (a :: Either a b) :: c where ...
- sEither_ :: forall (t :: TyFun a c -> Type) (t :: TyFun b c -> Type) (t :: Either a b). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply Either_Sym0 t) t) t :: c)
- type family Fst (a :: (a, b)) :: a where ...
- sFst :: forall (t :: (a, b)). Sing t -> Sing (Apply FstSym0 t :: a)
- type family Snd (a :: (a, b)) :: b where ...
- sSnd :: forall (t :: (a, b)). Sing t -> Sing (Apply SndSym0 t :: b)
- type family Curry (a :: TyFun (a, b) c -> Type) (a :: a) (a :: b) :: c where ...
- sCurry :: forall (t :: TyFun (a, b) c -> Type) (t :: a) (t :: b). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply CurrySym0 t) t) t :: c)
- type family Uncurry (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (a :: (a, b)) :: c where ...
- sUncurry :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (t :: (a, b)). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply UncurrySym0 t) t :: c)
- data Symbol
- either_ :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
- maybe_ :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
- bool_ :: a -> a -> Bool -> a
- show_ :: Show a => a -> String
- type FalseSym0 = False
- type TrueSym0 = True
- data NotSym0 (l :: TyFun Bool Bool)
- type NotSym1 (t :: Bool) = Not t
- data (&&@#@$) (l :: TyFun Bool (TyFun Bool Bool -> Type))
- data (l :: Bool) &&@#@$$ (l :: TyFun Bool Bool)
- type (&&@#@$$$) (t :: Bool) (t :: Bool) = (&&) t t
- data (||@#@$) (l :: TyFun Bool (TyFun Bool Bool -> Type))
- data (l :: Bool) ||@#@$$ (l :: TyFun Bool Bool)
- type (||@#@$$$) (t :: Bool) (t :: Bool) = (||) t t
- type OtherwiseSym0 = Otherwise
- type NothingSym0 = Nothing
- data JustSym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (Maybe a3530822107858468865))
- type JustSym1 (t :: a3530822107858468865) = Just t
- data Maybe_Sym0 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679429864 (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679429865) b6989586621679429864 -> Type) -> Type))
- data Maybe_Sym1 (l :: b6989586621679429864) (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679429865) b6989586621679429864 -> Type))
- data Maybe_Sym2 (l :: b6989586621679429864) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) (l :: TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679429865) b6989586621679429864)
- type Maybe_Sym3 (t :: b6989586621679429864) (t :: TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) (t :: Maybe a6989586621679429865) = Maybe_ t t t
- data LeftSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679084181 (Either a6989586621679084181 b6989586621679084182))
- type LeftSym1 (t :: a6989586621679084181) = Left t
- data RightSym0 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679084182 (Either a6989586621679084181 b6989586621679084182))
- type RightSym1 (t :: b6989586621679084182) = Right t
- data Either_Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679992217 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679992217 b6989586621679992219) c6989586621679992218 -> Type) -> Type))
- data Either_Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679992217 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (l :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679992217 b6989586621679992219) c6989586621679992218 -> Type))
- data Either_Sym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679992217 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (l :: TyFun (Either a6989586621679992217 b6989586621679992219) c6989586621679992218)
- type Either_Sym3 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679992217 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (t :: TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (t :: Either a6989586621679992217 b6989586621679992219) = Either_ t t t
- type Tuple0Sym0 = '()
- data Tuple2Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866) -> Type))
- data Tuple2Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866))
- type Tuple2Sym2 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) = '(t, t)
- data Tuple3Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) -> Type))
- data Tuple3Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type))
- data Tuple3Sym2 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867))
- type Tuple3Sym3 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) (t :: c3530822107858468867) = '(t, t, t)
- data Tuple4Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type))
- data Tuple4Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type))
- data Tuple4Sym2 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type))
- data Tuple4Sym3 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868))
- type Tuple4Sym4 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) (t :: c3530822107858468867) (t :: d3530822107858468868) = '(t, t, t, t)
- data Tuple5Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type))
- data Tuple5Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type))
- data Tuple5Sym2 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type))
- data Tuple5Sym3 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type))
- data Tuple5Sym4 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869))
- type Tuple5Sym5 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) (t :: c3530822107858468867) (t :: d3530822107858468868) (t :: e3530822107858468869) = '(t, t, t, t, t)
- data Tuple6Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type))
- data Tuple6Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type))
- data Tuple6Sym2 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type))
- data Tuple6Sym3 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type))
- data Tuple6Sym4 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type))
- data Tuple6Sym5 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: e3530822107858468869) (l :: TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870))
- type Tuple6Sym6 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) (t :: c3530822107858468867) (t :: d3530822107858468868) (t :: e3530822107858468869) (t :: f3530822107858468870) = '(t, t, t, t, t, t)
- data Tuple7Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type))
- data Tuple7Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type))
- data Tuple7Sym2 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type))
- data Tuple7Sym3 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type))
- data Tuple7Sym4 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type))
- data Tuple7Sym5 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: e3530822107858468869) (l :: TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type))
- data Tuple7Sym6 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: e3530822107858468869) (l :: f3530822107858468870) (l :: TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871))
- type Tuple7Sym7 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) (t :: c3530822107858468867) (t :: d3530822107858468868) (t :: e3530822107858468869) (t :: f3530822107858468870) (t :: g3530822107858468871) = '(t, t, t, t, t, t, t)
- data FstSym0 (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679304603, b6989586621679304604) a6989586621679304603)
- type FstSym1 (t :: (a6989586621679304603, b6989586621679304604)) = Fst t
- data SndSym0 (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679304601, b6989586621679304602) b6989586621679304602)
- type SndSym1 (t :: (a6989586621679304601, b6989586621679304602)) = Snd t
- data CurrySym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun (a6989586621679304598, b6989586621679304599) c6989586621679304600 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679304598 (TyFun b6989586621679304599 c6989586621679304600 -> Type) -> Type))
- data CurrySym1 (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679304598, b6989586621679304599) c6989586621679304600 -> Type) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679304598 (TyFun b6989586621679304599 c6989586621679304600 -> Type))
- data CurrySym2 (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679304598, b6989586621679304599) c6989586621679304600 -> Type) (l :: a6989586621679304598) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679304599 c6989586621679304600)
- type CurrySym3 (t :: TyFun (a6989586621679304598, b6989586621679304599) c6989586621679304600 -> Type) (t :: a6989586621679304598) (t :: b6989586621679304599) = Curry t t t
- data UncurrySym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679304595 (TyFun b6989586621679304596 c6989586621679304597 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun (a6989586621679304595, b6989586621679304596) c6989586621679304597 -> Type))
- data UncurrySym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679304595 (TyFun b6989586621679304596 c6989586621679304597 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679304595, b6989586621679304596) c6989586621679304597)
- type UncurrySym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679304595 (TyFun b6989586621679304596 c6989586621679304597 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: (a6989586621679304595, b6989586621679304596)) = Uncurry t t
- data ErrorSym0 (l :: TyFun k06989586621679403140 k6989586621679403141)
- type ErrorSym1 (t :: k06989586621679403140) = Error t
- type UndefinedSym0 = Undefined
- data (^@#@$) (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun Nat Nat -> Type))
- data (l :: Nat) ^@#@$$ (l :: TyFun Nat Nat)
- type (^@#@$$$) (t :: Nat) (t :: Nat) = (^) t t
- data ShowsPrecSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun a6989586621679729880 (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) -> Type))
- data ShowsPrecSym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679729880 (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type))
- data ShowsPrecSym2 (l :: Nat) (l :: a6989586621679729880) (l :: TyFun Symbol Symbol)
- type ShowsPrecSym3 (t :: Nat) (t :: a6989586621679729880) (t :: Symbol) = ShowsPrec t t t
- data Show_Sym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679729880 Symbol)
- type Show_Sym1 (t :: a6989586621679729880) = Show_ t
- data ShowListSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679729880] (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type))
- data ShowListSym1 (l :: [a6989586621679729880]) (l :: TyFun Symbol Symbol)
- type ShowListSym2 (t :: [a6989586621679729880]) (t :: Symbol) = ShowList t t
- data (<>@#@$) l
- data (l :: Symbol) <>@#@$$ l
- type (<>@#@$$$) (t :: Symbol) (t :: Symbol) = (<>) t t
- data ShowsSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679729865 (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type))
- data ShowsSym1 (l :: a6989586621679729865) (l :: TyFun Symbol Symbol)
- type ShowsSym2 (t :: a6989586621679729865) (t :: Symbol) = Shows t t
- data ShowCharSym0 (l :: TyFun Symbol (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type))
- data ShowCharSym1 (l :: Symbol) (l :: TyFun Symbol Symbol)
- type ShowCharSym2 (t :: Symbol) (t :: Symbol) = ShowChar t t
- data ShowStringSym0 (l :: TyFun Symbol (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type))
- data ShowStringSym1 (l :: Symbol) (l :: TyFun Symbol Symbol)
- type ShowStringSym2 (t :: Symbol) (t :: Symbol) = ShowString t t
- data ShowParenSym0 (l :: TyFun Bool (TyFun (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) -> Type))
- data ShowParenSym1 (l :: Bool) (l :: TyFun (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type))
- data ShowParenSym2 (l :: Bool) (l :: TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) (l :: TyFun Symbol Symbol)
- data IdSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448468 a6989586621679448468)
- type IdSym1 (t :: a6989586621679448468) = Id t
- data ConstSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448466 (TyFun b6989586621679448467 a6989586621679448466 -> Type))
- data ConstSym1 (l :: a6989586621679448466) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679448467 a6989586621679448466)
- type ConstSym2 (t :: a6989586621679448466) (t :: b6989586621679448467) = Const t t
- data (.@#@$) (l :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679448463 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448465 b6989586621679448463 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448465 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) -> Type))
- data (l :: TyFun b6989586621679448463 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) .@#@$$ (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448465 b6989586621679448463 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448465 c6989586621679448464 -> Type))
- data ((l :: TyFun b6989586621679448463 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) .@#@$$$ (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448465 b6989586621679448463 -> Type)) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448465 c6989586621679448464)
- data ($@#@$) (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458 -> Type))
- data (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458 -> Type) $@#@$$ (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458)
- type ($@#@$$$) (t :: TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458 -> Type) (t :: a6989586621679448457) = ($) t t
- data ($!@#@$) (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456 -> Type))
- data (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456 -> Type) $!@#@$$ (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456)
- type ($!@#@$$$) (t :: TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456 -> Type) (t :: a6989586621679448455) = ($!) t t
- data FlipSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448460 (TyFun b6989586621679448461 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679448461 (TyFun a6989586621679448460 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type))
- data FlipSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448460 (TyFun b6989586621679448461 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679448461 (TyFun a6989586621679448460 c6989586621679448462 -> Type))
- data FlipSym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448460 (TyFun b6989586621679448461 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: b6989586621679448461) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448460 c6989586621679448462)
- data AsTypeOfSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448459 (TyFun a6989586621679448459 a6989586621679448459 -> Type))
- data AsTypeOfSym1 (l :: a6989586621679448459) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448459 a6989586621679448459)
- type AsTypeOfSym2 (t :: a6989586621679448459) (t :: a6989586621679448459) = AsTypeOf t t
- data SeqSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448453 (TyFun b6989586621679448454 b6989586621679448454 -> Type))
- data SeqSym1 (l :: a6989586621679448453) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679448454 b6989586621679448454)
- type SeqSym2 (t :: a6989586621679448453) (t :: b6989586621679448454) = Seq t t
- data (:@#@$) (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun [a3530822107858468865] [a3530822107858468865] -> Type))
- data (l :: a3530822107858468865) :@#@$$ (l :: TyFun [a3530822107858468865] [a3530822107858468865])
- type (:@#@$$$) (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: [a3530822107858468865]) = (:) t t
- type NilSym0 = '[]
- data MapSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448470 b6989586621679448471 -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679448470] [b6989586621679448471] -> Type))
- data MapSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448470 b6989586621679448471 -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679448470] [b6989586621679448471])
- type MapSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679448470 b6989586621679448471 -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679448470]) = Map t t
- data ReverseSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473037] [a6989586621679473037])
- type ReverseSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679473037]) = Reverse t
- data (l :: [a6989586621679448469]) ++@#@$$ (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679448469] [a6989586621679448469])
- data (++@#@$) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679448469] (TyFun [a6989586621679448469] [a6989586621679448469] -> Type))
- data HeadSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473042] a6989586621679473042)
- type HeadSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679473042]) = Head t
- data LastSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473041] a6989586621679473041)
- type LastSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679473041]) = Last t
- data TailSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473040] [a6989586621679473040])
- type TailSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679473040]) = Tail t
- data InitSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473039] [a6989586621679473039])
- type InitSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679473039]) = Init t
- data NullSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473038] Bool)
- type NullSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679473038]) = Null t
- data FoldlSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun a6989586621679273479 b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun [a6989586621679273479] b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type))
- data FoldlSym1 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun a6989586621679273479 b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun [a6989586621679273479] b6989586621679273480 -> Type))
- data FoldlSym2 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun a6989586621679273479 b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: b6989586621679273480) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679273479] b6989586621679273480)
- type FoldlSym3 (t :: TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun a6989586621679273479 b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b6989586621679273480) (t :: [a6989586621679273479]) = Foldl t t t
- data Foldl1Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473028 (TyFun a6989586621679473028 a6989586621679473028 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473028] a6989586621679473028 -> Type))
- data Foldl1Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473028 (TyFun a6989586621679473028 a6989586621679473028 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473028] a6989586621679473028)
- type Foldl1Sym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473028 (TyFun a6989586621679473028 a6989586621679473028 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679473028]) = Foldl1 t t
- data FoldrSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448472 (TyFun b6989586621679448473 b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679448473 (TyFun [a6989586621679448472] b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type))
- data FoldrSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448472 (TyFun b6989586621679448473 b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679448473 (TyFun [a6989586621679448472] b6989586621679448473 -> Type))
- data FoldrSym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448472 (TyFun b6989586621679448473 b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: b6989586621679448473) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679448472] b6989586621679448473)
- type FoldrSym3 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679448472 (TyFun b6989586621679448473 b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b6989586621679448473) (t :: [a6989586621679448472]) = Foldr t t t
- data Foldr1Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473026 (TyFun a6989586621679473026 a6989586621679473026 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473026] a6989586621679473026 -> Type))
- data Foldr1Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473026 (TyFun a6989586621679473026 a6989586621679473026 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473026] a6989586621679473026)
- type Foldr1Sym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473026 (TyFun a6989586621679473026 a6989586621679473026 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679473026]) = Foldr1 t t
- data ConcatSym0 (l :: TyFun [[a6989586621679473025]] [a6989586621679473025])
- type ConcatSym1 (t :: [[a6989586621679473025]]) = Concat t
- data ConcatMapSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473023 [b6989586621679473024] -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473023] [b6989586621679473024] -> Type))
- data ConcatMapSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473023 [b6989586621679473024] -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473023] [b6989586621679473024])
- type ConcatMapSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473023 [b6989586621679473024] -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679473023]) = ConcatMap t t
- data AndSym0 (l :: TyFun [Bool] Bool)
- type AndSym1 (t :: [Bool]) = And t
- data OrSym0 (l :: TyFun [Bool] Bool)
- type OrSym1 (t :: [Bool]) = Or t
- data AnySym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473021 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473021] Bool -> Type))
- data AnySym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473021 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473021] Bool)
- type AnySym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473021 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679473021]) = Any t t
- data AllSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473022 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473022] Bool -> Type))
- data AllSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473022 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473022] Bool)
- type AllSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473022 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679473022]) = All t t
- data ScanlSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun a6989586621679473020 b6989586621679473019 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun [a6989586621679473020] [b6989586621679473019] -> Type) -> Type))
- data ScanlSym1 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun a6989586621679473020 b6989586621679473019 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun [a6989586621679473020] [b6989586621679473019] -> Type))
- data ScanlSym2 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun a6989586621679473020 b6989586621679473019 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: b6989586621679473019) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473020] [b6989586621679473019])
- type ScanlSym3 (t :: TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun a6989586621679473020 b6989586621679473019 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b6989586621679473019) (t :: [a6989586621679473020]) = Scanl t t t
- data Scanl1Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473018 (TyFun a6989586621679473018 a6989586621679473018 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473018] [a6989586621679473018] -> Type))
- data Scanl1Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473018 (TyFun a6989586621679473018 a6989586621679473018 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473018] [a6989586621679473018])
- type Scanl1Sym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473018 (TyFun a6989586621679473018 a6989586621679473018 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679473018]) = Scanl1 t t
- data ScanrSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473016 (TyFun b6989586621679473017 b6989586621679473017 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679473017 (TyFun [a6989586621679473016] [b6989586621679473017] -> Type) -> Type))
- data ScanrSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473016 (TyFun b6989586621679473017 b6989586621679473017 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679473017 (TyFun [a6989586621679473016] [b6989586621679473017] -> Type))
- data ScanrSym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473016 (TyFun b6989586621679473017 b6989586621679473017 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: b6989586621679473017) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473016] [b6989586621679473017])
- type ScanrSym3 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473016 (TyFun b6989586621679473017 b6989586621679473017 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b6989586621679473017) (t :: [a6989586621679473016]) = Scanr t t t
- data Scanr1Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473015 (TyFun a6989586621679473015 a6989586621679473015 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473015] [a6989586621679473015] -> Type))
- data Scanr1Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473015 (TyFun a6989586621679473015 a6989586621679473015 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473015] [a6989586621679473015])
- type Scanr1Sym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473015 (TyFun a6989586621679473015 a6989586621679473015 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679473015]) = Scanr1 t t
- data ReplicateSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun a6989586621679472923 [a6989586621679472923] -> Type))
- data ReplicateSym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472923 [a6989586621679472923])
- type ReplicateSym2 (t :: Nat) (t :: a6989586621679472923) = Replicate t t
- data TakeSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679472939] [a6989586621679472939] -> Type))
- data TakeSym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472939] [a6989586621679472939])
- type TakeSym2 (t :: Nat) (t :: [a6989586621679472939]) = Take t t
- data DropSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679472938] [a6989586621679472938] -> Type))
- data DropSym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472938] [a6989586621679472938])
- type DropSym2 (t :: Nat) (t :: [a6989586621679472938]) = Drop t t
- data SplitAtSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679472937] ([a6989586621679472937], [a6989586621679472937]) -> Type))
- data SplitAtSym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472937] ([a6989586621679472937], [a6989586621679472937]))
- type SplitAtSym2 (t :: Nat) (t :: [a6989586621679472937]) = SplitAt t t
- data TakeWhileSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472944 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472944] [a6989586621679472944] -> Type))
- data TakeWhileSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472944 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472944] [a6989586621679472944])
- type TakeWhileSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679472944 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679472944]) = TakeWhile t t
- data DropWhileSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472943 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472943] [a6989586621679472943] -> Type))
- data DropWhileSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472943 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472943] [a6989586621679472943])
- type DropWhileSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679472943 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679472943]) = DropWhile t t
- data DropWhileEndSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472942 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472942] [a6989586621679472942] -> Type))
- data DropWhileEndSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472942 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472942] [a6989586621679472942])
- type DropWhileEndSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679472942 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679472942]) = DropWhileEnd t t
- data SpanSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472941 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472941] ([a6989586621679472941], [a6989586621679472941]) -> Type))
- data SpanSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472941 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472941] ([a6989586621679472941], [a6989586621679472941]))
- type SpanSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679472941 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679472941]) = Span t t
- data BreakSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472940 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472940] ([a6989586621679472940], [a6989586621679472940]) -> Type))
- data BreakSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472940 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472940] ([a6989586621679472940], [a6989586621679472940]))
- type BreakSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679472940 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679472940]) = Break t t
- data ElemSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473001 (TyFun [a6989586621679473001] Bool -> Type))
- data ElemSym1 (l :: a6989586621679473001) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473001] Bool)
- type ElemSym2 (t :: a6989586621679473001) (t :: [a6989586621679473001]) = Elem t t
- data NotElemSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473000 (TyFun [a6989586621679473000] Bool -> Type))
- data NotElemSym1 (l :: a6989586621679473000) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473000] Bool)
- type NotElemSym2 (t :: a6989586621679473000) (t :: [a6989586621679473000]) = NotElem t t
- data ZipSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472998] (TyFun [b6989586621679472999] [(a6989586621679472998, b6989586621679472999)] -> Type))
- data ZipSym1 (l :: [a6989586621679472998]) (l :: TyFun [b6989586621679472999] [(a6989586621679472998, b6989586621679472999)])
- type ZipSym2 (t :: [a6989586621679472998]) (t :: [b6989586621679472999]) = Zip t t
- data Zip3Sym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472995] (TyFun [b6989586621679472996] (TyFun [c6989586621679472997] [(a6989586621679472995, b6989586621679472996, c6989586621679472997)] -> Type) -> Type))
- data Zip3Sym1 (l :: [a6989586621679472995]) (l :: TyFun [b6989586621679472996] (TyFun [c6989586621679472997] [(a6989586621679472995, b6989586621679472996, c6989586621679472997)] -> Type))
- data Zip3Sym2 (l :: [a6989586621679472995]) (l :: [b6989586621679472996]) (l :: TyFun [c6989586621679472997] [(a6989586621679472995, b6989586621679472996, c6989586621679472997)])
- type Zip3Sym3 (t :: [a6989586621679472995]) (t :: [b6989586621679472996]) (t :: [c6989586621679472997]) = Zip3 t t t
- data ZipWithSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472992 (TyFun b6989586621679472993 c6989586621679472994 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472992] (TyFun [b6989586621679472993] [c6989586621679472994] -> Type) -> Type))
- data ZipWithSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472992 (TyFun b6989586621679472993 c6989586621679472994 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472992] (TyFun [b6989586621679472993] [c6989586621679472994] -> Type))
- data ZipWithSym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472992 (TyFun b6989586621679472993 c6989586621679472994 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: [a6989586621679472992]) (l :: TyFun [b6989586621679472993] [c6989586621679472994])
- type ZipWithSym3 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679472992 (TyFun b6989586621679472993 c6989586621679472994 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679472992]) (t :: [b6989586621679472993]) = ZipWith t t t
- data ZipWith3Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472988] (TyFun [b6989586621679472989] (TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type))
- data ZipWith3Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472988] (TyFun [b6989586621679472989] (TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> Type) -> Type))
- data ZipWith3Sym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (l :: [a6989586621679472988]) (l :: TyFun [b6989586621679472989] (TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> Type))
- data ZipWith3Sym3 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (l :: [a6989586621679472988]) (l :: [b6989586621679472989]) (l :: TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991])
- data UnzipSym0 (l :: TyFun [(a6989586621679472986, b6989586621679472987)] ([a6989586621679472986], [b6989586621679472987]))
- type UnzipSym1 (t :: [(a6989586621679472986, b6989586621679472987)]) = Unzip t
- data UnlinesSym0 (l :: TyFun [Symbol] Symbol)
- type UnlinesSym1 (t :: [Symbol]) = Unlines t
- data UnwordsSym0 (l :: TyFun [Symbol] Symbol)
- type UnwordsSym1 (t :: [Symbol]) = Unwords t
Basic singleton definitions
module Data.Singletons
data family Sing (a :: k) infixr 5 Source #
The singleton kind-indexed data family.
Singleton type synonyms
These synonyms are all kind-restricted synonyms of Sing
For example SBool
requires an argument of kind Bool
Functions working with Bool
type family If (cond :: Bool) (tru :: k) (fls :: k) :: k where ... #
Type-level If. If True a b
==> a
; If False a b
==> b
type family Not (a :: Bool) = (res :: Bool) | res -> a where ... #
Type-level "not". An injective type family since
Since: base-
sOtherwise :: Sing (OtherwiseSym0 :: Bool) Source #
Error reporting
type family Error (str :: k0) :: k where ... Source #
The promotion of error
. This version is more poly-kinded for
easier use.
sUndefined :: a Source #
The singleton for undefined
Singleton equality
module Data.Singletons.Prelude.Eq
Singleton comparisons
module Data.Singletons.Prelude.Ord
Singleton Enum and Bounded
As a matter of convenience, the singletons Prelude does not export
promoted/singletonized succ
and pred
, due to likely conflicts with
unary numbers. Please import Enum
directly if
you want these.
class SBounded a where Source #
SBounded Bool Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum | |
SBounded Ordering Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum | |
SBounded () Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum | |
(SBounded a, SBounded b) => SBounded (a, b) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum | |
(SBounded a, SBounded b, SBounded c) => SBounded (a, b, c) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum | |
(SBounded a, SBounded b, SBounded c, SBounded d) => SBounded (a, b, c, d) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum | |
(SBounded a, SBounded b, SBounded c, SBounded d, SBounded e) => SBounded (a, b, c, d, e) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum | |
(SBounded a, SBounded b, SBounded c, SBounded d, SBounded e, SBounded f) => SBounded (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum | |
(SBounded a, SBounded b, SBounded c, SBounded d, SBounded e, SBounded f, SBounded g) => SBounded (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum |
type MaxBoundSym0 = MaxBound Source #
type MinBoundSym0 = MinBound Source #
sToEnum :: forall (t :: Nat). Sing t -> Sing (Apply ToEnumSym0 t :: a) Source #
sFromEnum :: forall (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing (Apply FromEnumSym0 t :: Nat) Source #
sEnumFromTo :: forall (t :: a) (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply EnumFromToSym0 t) t :: [a]) Source #
sEnumFromThenTo :: forall (t :: a) (t :: a) (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply EnumFromThenToSym0 t) t) t :: [a]) Source #
sEnumFromTo :: forall (t :: a) (t :: a). ((Apply (Apply EnumFromToSym0 t) t :: [a]) ~ Apply (Apply EnumFromTo_6989586621679917474Sym0 t) t) => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply EnumFromToSym0 t) t :: [a]) Source #
sEnumFromThenTo :: forall (t :: a) (t :: a) (t :: a). ((Apply (Apply (Apply EnumFromThenToSym0 t) t) t :: [a]) ~ Apply (Apply (Apply EnumFromThenTo_6989586621679917504Sym0 t) t) t) => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply EnumFromThenToSym0 t) t) t :: [a]) Source #
class PEnum (a :: Type) Source #
Associated Types
type ToEnum (arg :: Nat) :: a Source #
type FromEnum (arg :: a) :: Nat Source #
type EnumFromTo (arg :: a) (arg :: a) :: [a] Source #
type EnumFromThenTo (arg :: a) (arg :: a) (arg :: a) :: [a] Source #
data EnumFromThenToSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (EnumFromThenToSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (EnumFromThenToSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: a6989586621679916796) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum type Apply (EnumFromThenToSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: a6989586621679916796) = EnumFromThenToSym1 l |
data EnumFromThenToSym1 (l :: a6989586621679916796) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (EnumFromThenToSym1 :: a6989586621679916796 -> TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (EnumFromThenToSym1 l1 :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: a6989586621679916796) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum type Apply (EnumFromThenToSym1 l1 :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: a6989586621679916796) = EnumFromThenToSym2 l1 l2 |
data EnumFromThenToSym2 (l :: a6989586621679916796) (l :: a6989586621679916796) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (EnumFromThenToSym2 :: a6989586621679916796 -> a6989586621679916796 -> TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (EnumFromThenToSym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun a [a] -> *) (l3 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum |
type EnumFromThenToSym3 (t :: a6989586621679916796) (t :: a6989586621679916796) (t :: a6989586621679916796) = EnumFromThenTo t t t Source #
data EnumFromToSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (EnumFromToSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (EnumFromToSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> Type) -> *) (l :: a6989586621679916796) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum type Apply (EnumFromToSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 (TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> Type) -> *) (l :: a6989586621679916796) = EnumFromToSym1 l |
data EnumFromToSym1 (l :: a6989586621679916796) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (EnumFromToSym1 :: a6989586621679916796 -> TyFun a6989586621679916796 [a6989586621679916796] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (EnumFromToSym1 l1 :: TyFun a [a] -> *) (l2 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum |
type EnumFromToSym2 (t :: a6989586621679916796) (t :: a6989586621679916796) = EnumFromTo t t Source #
data FromEnumSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 Nat) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FromEnumSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679916796 Nat -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (FromEnumSym0 :: TyFun a Nat -> *) (l :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum |
type FromEnumSym1 (t :: a6989586621679916796) = FromEnum t Source #
data ToEnumSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat a6989586621679916796) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ToEnumSym0 :: TyFun Nat a6989586621679916796 -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ToEnumSym0 :: TyFun Nat k2 -> *) (l :: Nat) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Enum |
type ToEnumSym1 (t :: Nat) = ToEnum t Source #
Singletons numbers
module Data.Singletons.Prelude.Num
type family (a :: Nat) ^ (b :: Nat) :: Nat where ... infixr 8 #
Exponentiation of type-level naturals.
Since: base-
(%^) :: Sing a -> Sing b -> Sing (a ^ b) infixr 8 Source #
The singleton analogue of '(TL.^)' for Nat
Singleton Show
class PShow (a :: Type) Source #
Associated Types
type ShowsPrec (arg :: Nat) (arg :: a) (arg :: Symbol) :: Symbol Source #
type Show_ (arg :: a) :: Symbol Source #
type ShowList (arg :: [a]) (arg :: Symbol) :: Symbol Source #
PShow Bool Source # | |
PShow Ordering Source # | |
PShow Nat Source # | Note that this instance is really, really slow, since it uses an inefficient, inductive definition of division behind the hood. |
PShow Symbol Source # | |
PShow () Source # | |
PShow Void Source # | |
PShow [a] Source # | |
PShow (Maybe a) Source # | |
PShow (NonEmpty a) Source # | |
PShow (Either a b) Source # | |
PShow (a, b) Source # | |
PShow (a, b, c) Source # | |
PShow (a, b, c, d) Source # | |
PShow (a, b, c, d, e) Source # | |
PShow (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # | |
PShow (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source # | |
sShowsPrec :: forall (t :: Nat) (t :: a) (t :: Symbol). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply ShowsPrecSym0 t) t) t :: Symbol) Source #
sShow_ :: forall (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing (Apply Show_Sym0 t :: Symbol) Source #
sShowList :: forall (t :: [a]) (t :: Symbol). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ShowListSym0 t) t :: Symbol) Source #
sShowsPrec :: forall (t :: Nat) (t :: a) (t :: Symbol). ((Apply (Apply (Apply ShowsPrecSym0 t) t) t :: Symbol) ~ Apply (Apply (Apply ShowsPrec_6989586621679731952Sym0 t) t) t) => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply ShowsPrecSym0 t) t) t :: Symbol) Source #
sShow_ :: forall (t :: a). ((Apply Show_Sym0 t :: Symbol) ~ Apply Show__6989586621679731972Sym0 t) => Sing t -> Sing (Apply Show_Sym0 t :: Symbol) Source #
sShowList :: forall (t :: [a]) (t :: Symbol). ((Apply (Apply ShowListSym0 t) t :: Symbol) ~ Apply (Apply ShowList_6989586621679731990Sym0 t) t) => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ShowListSym0 t) t :: Symbol) Source #
SShow Bool Source # | |
SShow Ordering Source # | |
SShow Nat Source # | |
SShow Symbol Source # | |
SShow () Source # | |
SShow Void Source # | |
SShow a => SShow [a] Source # | |
SShow a => SShow (Maybe a) Source # | |
(SShow a, SShow [a]) => SShow (NonEmpty a) Source # | |
(SShow a, SShow b) => SShow (Either a b) Source # | |
(SShow a, SShow b) => SShow (a, b) Source # | |
(SShow a, SShow b, SShow c) => SShow (a, b, c) Source # | |
(SShow a, SShow b, SShow c, SShow d) => SShow (a, b, c, d) Source # | |
(SShow a, SShow b, SShow c, SShow d, SShow e) => SShow (a, b, c, d, e) Source # | |
(SShow a, SShow b, SShow c, SShow d, SShow e, SShow f) => SShow (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # | |
(SShow a, SShow b, SShow c, SShow d, SShow e, SShow f, SShow g) => SShow (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source # | |
type (<>) a b = AppendSymbol a b infixr 6 Source #
The promoted analogue of '(<>)' for Symbol
s. This uses the special
type family from GHC.TypeLits.
(%<>) :: Sing a -> Sing b -> Sing (a <> b) infixr 6 Source #
The singleton analogue of '(<>)' for Symbol
type family Shows (a :: a) (a :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ... Source #
Shows s a_6989586621679731900 = Apply (Apply (Apply ShowsPrecSym0 (FromInteger 0)) s) a_6989586621679731900 |
sShows :: forall (t :: a) (t :: Symbol). SShow a => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ShowsSym0 t) t :: Symbol) Source #
sShowChar :: forall (t :: Symbol) (t :: Symbol). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ShowCharSym0 t) t :: Symbol) Source #
type family ShowString (a :: Symbol) (a :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ... Source #
ShowString a_6989586621679731745 a_6989586621679731747 = Apply (Apply (<>@#@$) a_6989586621679731745) a_6989586621679731747 |
sShowString :: forall (t :: Symbol) (t :: Symbol). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ShowStringSym0 t) t :: Symbol) Source #
type family ShowParen (a :: Bool) (a :: TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) (a :: Symbol) :: Symbol where ... Source #
sShowParen :: forall (t :: Bool) (t :: TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) (t :: Symbol). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply ShowParenSym0 t) t) t :: Symbol) Source #
Miscellaneous functions
sConst :: forall (t :: a) (t :: b). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ConstSym0 t) t :: a) Source #
(%.) :: forall (t :: TyFun b c -> Type) (t :: TyFun a b -> Type) (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply (.@#@$) t) t) t :: c) infixr 9 Source #
(%$) :: forall (t :: TyFun a b -> Type) (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ($@#@$) t) t :: b) infixr 0 Source #
(%$!) :: forall (t :: TyFun a b -> Type) (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ($!@#@$) t) t :: b) infixr 0 Source #
type family Flip (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: a) :: c where ... Source #
sFlip :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b) (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply FlipSym0 t) t) t :: c) Source #
sAsTypeOf :: forall (t :: a) (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply AsTypeOfSym0 t) t :: a) Source #
sSeq :: forall (t :: a) (t :: b). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply SeqSym0 t) t :: b) infixr 0 Source #
List operations
sMap :: forall (t :: TyFun a b -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply MapSym0 t) t :: [b]) Source #
(%++) :: forall (t :: [a]) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (++@#@$) t) t :: [a]) infixr 5 Source #
Reducing lists (folds)
type family Foldl (a :: TyFun b (TyFun a b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: b where ... Source #
sFoldl :: forall (t :: TyFun b (TyFun a b -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply FoldlSym0 t) t) t :: b) Source #
sFoldl1 :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply Foldl1Sym0 t) t :: a) Source #
type family Foldr (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: b where ... Source #
sFoldr :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun b b -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply FoldrSym0 t) t) t :: b) Source #
type family Foldr1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #
Foldr1 _ '[x] = x | |
Foldr1 f ((:) x ((:) wild_6989586621679473503 wild_6989586621679473505)) = Apply (Apply f x) (Apply (Apply Foldr1Sym0 f) (Let6989586621679484301XsSym4 f x wild_6989586621679473503 wild_6989586621679473505)) | |
Foldr1 _ '[] = Apply ErrorSym0 "Data.Singletons.List.foldr1: empty list" |
sFoldr1 :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply Foldr1Sym0 t) t :: a) Source #
Special folds
sAny :: forall (t :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply AnySym0 t) t :: Bool) Source #
sAll :: forall (t :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply AllSym0 t) t :: Bool) Source #
sConcatMap :: forall (t :: TyFun a [b] -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ConcatMapSym0 t) t :: [b]) Source #
type family Scanl (a :: TyFun b (TyFun a b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #
sScanl :: forall (t :: TyFun b (TyFun a b -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply ScanlSym0 t) t) t :: [b]) Source #
sScanl1 :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply Scanl1Sym0 t) t :: [a]) Source #
type family Scanr (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b b -> Type) -> Type) (a :: b) (a :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #
sScanr :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun b b -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply ScanrSym0 t) t) t :: [b]) Source #
type family Scanr1 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
Scanr1 _ '[] = '[] | |
Scanr1 _ '[x] = Apply (Apply (:@#@$) x) '[] | |
Scanr1 f ((:) x ((:) wild_6989586621679473523 wild_6989586621679473525)) = Case_6989586621679484013 f x wild_6989586621679473523 wild_6989586621679473525 (Let6989586621679483994Scrutinee_6989586621679473517Sym4 f x wild_6989586621679473523 wild_6989586621679473525) |
sScanr1 :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun a a -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply Scanr1Sym0 t) t :: [a]) Source #
Infinite lists
type family Replicate (a :: Nat) (a :: a) :: [a] where ... Source #
Replicate n x = Case_6989586621679482314 n x (Let6989586621679482306Scrutinee_6989586621679473619Sym2 n x) |
sReplicate :: forall (t :: Nat) (t :: a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ReplicateSym0 t) t :: [a]) Source #
sTake :: forall (t :: Nat) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply TakeSym0 t) t :: [a]) Source #
sDrop :: forall (t :: Nat) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply DropSym0 t) t :: [a]) Source #
sSplitAt :: forall (t :: Nat) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply SplitAtSym0 t) t :: ([a], [a])) Source #
sTakeWhile :: forall (t :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply TakeWhileSym0 t) t :: [a]) Source #
type family Span (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ... Source #
Span _ '[] = Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 Let6989586621679482627XsSym0) Let6989586621679482627XsSym0 | |
Span p ((:) x xs') = Case_6989586621679482657 p x xs' (Let6989586621679482644Scrutinee_6989586621679473599Sym3 p x xs') |
sSpan :: forall (t :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply SpanSym0 t) t :: ([a], [a])) Source #
type family Break (a :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (a :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ... Source #
Break _ '[] = Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 Let6989586621679482534XsSym0) Let6989586621679482534XsSym0 | |
Break p ((:) x xs') = Case_6989586621679482564 p x xs' (Let6989586621679482551Scrutinee_6989586621679473601Sym3 p x xs') |
sBreak :: forall (t :: TyFun a Bool -> Type) (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply BreakSym0 t) t :: ([a], [a])) Source #
Searching lists
sElem :: forall (t :: a) (t :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ElemSym0 t) t :: Bool) infix 4 Source #
sNotElem :: forall (t :: a) (t :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply NotElemSym0 t) t :: Bool) infix 4 Source #
type family Lookup (a :: a) (a :: [(a, b)]) :: Maybe b where ... Source #
Lookup _key '[] = NothingSym0 | |
Lookup key ((:) '(x, y) xys) = Case_6989586621679482455 key x y xys (Let6989586621679482436Scrutinee_6989586621679473615Sym4 key x y xys) |
sLookup :: forall (t :: a) (t :: [(a, b)]). SEq a => Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply LookupSym0 t) t :: Maybe b) Source #
Zipping and unzipping lists
sZip :: forall (t :: [a]) (t :: [b]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply ZipSym0 t) t :: [(a, b)]) Source #
type family Zip3 (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) :: [(a, b, c)] where ... Source #
Zip3 ((:) a as) ((:) b bs) ((:) c cs) = Apply (Apply (:@#@$) (Apply (Apply (Apply Tuple3Sym0 a) b) c)) (Apply (Apply (Apply Zip3Sym0 as) bs) cs) | |
Zip3 '[] '[] '[] = '[] | |
Zip3 '[] '[] ((:) _ _) = '[] | |
Zip3 '[] ((:) _ _) '[] = '[] | |
Zip3 '[] ((:) _ _) ((:) _ _) = '[] | |
Zip3 ((:) _ _) '[] '[] = '[] | |
Zip3 ((:) _ _) '[] ((:) _ _) = '[] | |
Zip3 ((:) _ _) ((:) _ _) '[] = '[] |
sZip3 :: forall (t :: [a]) (t :: [b]) (t :: [c]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply Zip3Sym0 t) t) t :: [(a, b, c)]) Source #
type family ZipWith (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) :: [c] where ... Source #
sZipWith :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a]) (t :: [b]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWithSym0 t) t) t :: [c]) Source #
type family ZipWith3 (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c d -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (a :: [a]) (a :: [b]) (a :: [c]) :: [d] where ... Source #
ZipWith3 z ((:) a as) ((:) b bs) ((:) c cs) = Apply (Apply (:@#@$) (Apply (Apply (Apply z a) b) c)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWith3Sym0 z) as) bs) cs) | |
ZipWith3 _ '[] '[] '[] = '[] | |
ZipWith3 _ '[] '[] ((:) _ _) = '[] | |
ZipWith3 _ '[] ((:) _ _) '[] = '[] | |
ZipWith3 _ '[] ((:) _ _) ((:) _ _) = '[] | |
ZipWith3 _ ((:) _ _) '[] '[] = '[] | |
ZipWith3 _ ((:) _ _) '[] ((:) _ _) = '[] | |
ZipWith3 _ ((:) _ _) ((:) _ _) '[] = '[] |
sZipWith3 :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun b (TyFun c d -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a]) (t :: [b]) (t :: [c]). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply ZipWith3Sym0 t) t) t) t :: [d]) Source #
sUnzip3 :: forall (t :: [(a, b, c)]). Sing t -> Sing (Apply Unzip3Sym0 t :: ([a], [b], [c])) Source #
Functions on Symbol
Other datatypes
sMaybe_ :: forall (t :: b) (t :: TyFun a b -> Type) (t :: Maybe a). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply Maybe_Sym0 t) t) t :: b) Source #
type family Either_ (a :: TyFun a c -> Type) (a :: TyFun b c -> Type) (a :: Either a b) :: c where ... Source #
sEither_ :: forall (t :: TyFun a c -> Type) (t :: TyFun b c -> Type) (t :: Either a b). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply Either_Sym0 t) t) t :: c) Source #
type family Curry (a :: TyFun (a, b) c -> Type) (a :: a) (a :: b) :: c where ... Source #
Curry f x y = Apply f (Apply (Apply Tuple2Sym0 x) y) |
sCurry :: forall (t :: TyFun (a, b) c -> Type) (t :: a) (t :: b). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply (Apply CurrySym0 t) t) t :: c) Source #
type family Uncurry (a :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (a :: (a, b)) :: c where ... Source #
sUncurry :: forall (t :: TyFun a (TyFun b c -> Type) -> Type) (t :: (a, b)). Sing t -> Sing t -> Sing (Apply (Apply UncurrySym0 t) t :: c) Source #
(Kind) This is the kind of type-level symbols. Declared here because class IP needs it
Other functions
Defunctionalization symbols
data NotSym0 (l :: TyFun Bool Bool) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings NotSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Bool Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply NotSym0 (l :: Bool) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Bool |
data (&&@#@$) (l :: TyFun Bool (TyFun Bool Bool -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (&&@#@$) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Bool Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (&&@#@$) (l :: Bool) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Bool |
data (||@#@$) (l :: TyFun Bool (TyFun Bool Bool -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (||@#@$) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Bool Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (||@#@$) (l :: Bool) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Bool |
type OtherwiseSym0 = Otherwise Source #
type NothingSym0 = Nothing Source #
data JustSym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (Maybe a3530822107858468865)) Source #
data Maybe_Sym0 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679429864 (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679429865) b6989586621679429864 -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Maybe_Sym0 :: TyFun b6989586621679429864 (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679429865) b6989586621679429864 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Maybe Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Maybe_Sym0 :: TyFun b6989586621679429864 (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679429865) b6989586621679429864 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: b6989586621679429864) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Maybe type Apply (Maybe_Sym0 :: TyFun b6989586621679429864 (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679429865) b6989586621679429864 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: b6989586621679429864) = (Maybe_Sym1 l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679429865) b6989586621679429864 -> Type) -> *) |
data Maybe_Sym1 (l :: b6989586621679429864) (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679429865) b6989586621679429864 -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Maybe_Sym1 :: b6989586621679429864 -> TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679429865) b6989586621679429864 -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Maybe Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Maybe_Sym1 l1 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) (TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679429865) b6989586621679429864 -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Maybe |
data Maybe_Sym2 (l :: b6989586621679429864) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) (l :: TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679429865) b6989586621679429864) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Maybe_Sym2 :: b6989586621679429864 -> (TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) -> TyFun (Maybe a6989586621679429865) b6989586621679429864 -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Maybe Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Maybe_Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun (Maybe a) b -> *) (l3 :: Maybe a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Maybe |
type Maybe_Sym3 (t :: b6989586621679429864) (t :: TyFun a6989586621679429865 b6989586621679429864 -> Type) (t :: Maybe a6989586621679429865) = Maybe_ t t t Source #
data LeftSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679084181 (Either a6989586621679084181 b6989586621679084182)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (LeftSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679084181 (Either a6989586621679084181 b6989586621679084182) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (LeftSym0 :: TyFun a (Either a b6989586621679084182) -> *) (l :: a) Source # | |
data RightSym0 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679084182 (Either a6989586621679084181 b6989586621679084182)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (RightSym0 :: TyFun b6989586621679084182 (Either a6989586621679084181 b6989586621679084182) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (RightSym0 :: TyFun b (Either a6989586621679084181 b) -> *) (l :: b) Source # | |
data Either_Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679992217 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679992217 b6989586621679992219) c6989586621679992218 -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Either_Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679992217 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679992217 b6989586621679992219) c6989586621679992218 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Either Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Either_Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679992217 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679992217 b6989586621679992219) c6989586621679992218 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679992217 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Either type Apply (Either_Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679992217 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679992217 b6989586621679992219) c6989586621679992218 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679992217 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) = (Either_Sym1 l :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679992217 b6989586621679992219) c6989586621679992218 -> Type) -> *) |
data Either_Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679992217 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (l :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679992217 b6989586621679992219) c6989586621679992218 -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Either_Sym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679992217 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) -> TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679992217 b6989586621679992219) c6989586621679992218 -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Either Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Either_Sym1 l1 :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (TyFun (Either a6989586621679992217 b6989586621679992219) c6989586621679992218 -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Either |
data Either_Sym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679992217 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (l :: TyFun (Either a6989586621679992217 b6989586621679992219) c6989586621679992218) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Either_Sym2 :: (TyFun a6989586621679992217 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) -> (TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) -> TyFun (Either a6989586621679992217 b6989586621679992219) c6989586621679992218 -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Either Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Either_Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun (Either a b) c -> *) (l3 :: Either a b) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Either |
type Either_Sym3 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679992217 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (t :: TyFun b6989586621679992219 c6989586621679992218 -> Type) (t :: Either a6989586621679992217 b6989586621679992219) = Either_ t t t Source #
type Tuple0Sym0 = '() Source #
data Tuple2Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple2Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple2Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866) -> Type) -> *) (l :: a3530822107858468865) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple2Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866) -> Type) -> *) (l :: a3530822107858468865) = (Tuple2Sym1 l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866) -> *) |
data Tuple2Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple2Sym1 :: a3530822107858468865 -> TyFun b3530822107858468866 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple2Sym1 l1 :: TyFun k1 (k2, k1) -> *) (l2 :: k1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances |
type Tuple2Sym2 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) = '(t, t) Source #
data Tuple3Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple3Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple3Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: a3530822107858468865) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple3Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: a3530822107858468865) = (Tuple3Sym1 l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) -> *) |
data Tuple3Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple3Sym1 :: a3530822107858468865 -> TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple3Sym1 l1 :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: b3530822107858468866) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple3Sym1 l1 :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: b3530822107858468866) = (Tuple3Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> *) |
data Tuple3Sym2 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple3Sym2 :: a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> TyFun c3530822107858468867 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple3Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun k3 (k2, k1, k3) -> *) (l3 :: k3) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances |
type Tuple3Sym3 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) (t :: c3530822107858468867) = '(t, t, t) Source #
data Tuple4Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple4Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple4Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: a3530822107858468865) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple4Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: a3530822107858468865) = (Tuple4Sym1 l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) |
data Tuple4Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple4Sym1 :: a3530822107858468865 -> TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple4Sym1 l1 :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: b3530822107858468866) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple4Sym1 l1 :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: b3530822107858468866) = (Tuple4Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> *) |
data Tuple4Sym2 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple4Sym2 :: a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple4Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> *) (l3 :: c3530822107858468867) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple4Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> Type) -> *) (l3 :: c3530822107858468867) = (Tuple4Sym3 l1 l2 l3 :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> *) |
data Tuple4Sym3 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple4Sym3 :: a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> TyFun d3530822107858468868 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple4Sym3 l1 l2 l3 :: TyFun k4 (k2, k1, k3, k4) -> *) (l4 :: k4) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances |
type Tuple4Sym4 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) (t :: c3530822107858468867) (t :: d3530822107858468868) = '(t, t, t, t) Source #
data Tuple5Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple5Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple5Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: a3530822107858468865) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple5Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: a3530822107858468865) = (Tuple5Sym1 l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) |
data Tuple5Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple5Sym1 :: a3530822107858468865 -> TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple5Sym1 l1 :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: b3530822107858468866) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple5Sym1 l1 :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: b3530822107858468866) = (Tuple5Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) |
data Tuple5Sym2 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple5Sym2 :: a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple5Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l3 :: c3530822107858468867) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple5Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l3 :: c3530822107858468867) = (Tuple5Sym3 l1 l2 l3 :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> *) |
data Tuple5Sym3 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple5Sym3 :: a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple5Sym3 l1 l2 l3 :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> *) (l4 :: d3530822107858468868) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple5Sym3 l1 l2 l3 :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> Type) -> *) (l4 :: d3530822107858468868) = (Tuple5Sym4 l1 l2 l3 l4 :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> *) |
data Tuple5Sym4 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple5Sym4 :: a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> d3530822107858468868 -> TyFun e3530822107858468869 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple5Sym4 l1 l2 l3 l4 :: TyFun k5 (k2, k1, k3, k4, k5) -> *) (l5 :: k5) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple5Sym4 l1 l2 l3 l4 :: TyFun k5 (k2, k1, k3, k4, k5) -> *) (l5 :: k5) = (,,,,) l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 |
type Tuple5Sym5 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) (t :: c3530822107858468867) (t :: d3530822107858468868) (t :: e3530822107858468869) = '(t, t, t, t, t) Source #
data Tuple6Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple6Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple6Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: a3530822107858468865) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple6Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: a3530822107858468865) = (Tuple6Sym1 l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) |
data Tuple6Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple6Sym1 :: a3530822107858468865 -> TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple6Sym1 l1 :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: b3530822107858468866) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple6Sym1 l1 :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: b3530822107858468866) = (Tuple6Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) |
data Tuple6Sym2 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple6Sym2 :: a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple6Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l3 :: c3530822107858468867) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple6Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l3 :: c3530822107858468867) = (Tuple6Sym3 l1 l2 l3 :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) |
data Tuple6Sym3 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple6Sym3 :: a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple6Sym3 l1 l2 l3 :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l4 :: d3530822107858468868) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple6Sym3 l1 l2 l3 :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l4 :: d3530822107858468868) = (Tuple6Sym4 l1 l2 l3 l4 :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> *) |
data Tuple6Sym4 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple6Sym4 :: a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> d3530822107858468868 -> TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple6Sym4 l1 l2 l3 l4 :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> *) (l5 :: e3530822107858468869) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple6Sym4 l1 l2 l3 l4 :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> Type) -> *) (l5 :: e3530822107858468869) = (Tuple6Sym5 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 :: TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> *) |
data Tuple6Sym5 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: e3530822107858468869) (l :: TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple6Sym5 :: a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> d3530822107858468868 -> e3530822107858468869 -> TyFun f3530822107858468870 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple6Sym5 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 :: TyFun k6 (k2, k1, k3, k4, k5, k6) -> *) (l6 :: k6) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple6Sym5 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 :: TyFun k6 (k2, k1, k3, k4, k5, k6) -> *) (l6 :: k6) = (,,,,,) l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 |
type Tuple6Sym6 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) (t :: c3530822107858468867) (t :: d3530822107858468868) (t :: e3530822107858468869) (t :: f3530822107858468870) = '(t, t, t, t, t, t) Source #
data Tuple7Sym0 (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple7Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple7Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: a3530822107858468865) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple7Sym0 :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: a3530822107858468865) = (Tuple7Sym1 l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) |
data Tuple7Sym1 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple7Sym1 :: a3530822107858468865 -> TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple7Sym1 l1 :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: b3530822107858468866) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple7Sym1 l1 :: TyFun b3530822107858468866 (TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: b3530822107858468866) = (Tuple7Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) |
data Tuple7Sym2 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple7Sym2 :: a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple7Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l3 :: c3530822107858468867) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple7Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun c3530822107858468867 (TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l3 :: c3530822107858468867) = (Tuple7Sym3 l1 l2 l3 :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) |
data Tuple7Sym3 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple7Sym3 :: a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple7Sym3 l1 l2 l3 :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l4 :: d3530822107858468868) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple7Sym3 l1 l2 l3 :: TyFun d3530822107858468868 (TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l4 :: d3530822107858468868) = (Tuple7Sym4 l1 l2 l3 l4 :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) |
data Tuple7Sym4 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple7Sym4 :: a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> d3530822107858468868 -> TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple7Sym4 l1 l2 l3 l4 :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l5 :: e3530822107858468869) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple7Sym4 l1 l2 l3 l4 :: TyFun e3530822107858468869 (TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l5 :: e3530822107858468869) = (Tuple7Sym5 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 :: TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> *) |
data Tuple7Sym5 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: e3530822107858468869) (l :: TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple7Sym5 :: a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> d3530822107858468868 -> e3530822107858468869 -> TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple7Sym5 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 :: TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> *) (l6 :: f3530822107858468870) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple7Sym5 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 :: TyFun f3530822107858468870 (TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> Type) -> *) (l6 :: f3530822107858468870) = (Tuple7Sym6 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 :: TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> *) |
data Tuple7Sym6 (l :: a3530822107858468865) (l :: b3530822107858468866) (l :: c3530822107858468867) (l :: d3530822107858468868) (l :: e3530822107858468869) (l :: f3530822107858468870) (l :: TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Tuple7Sym6 :: a3530822107858468865 -> b3530822107858468866 -> c3530822107858468867 -> d3530822107858468868 -> e3530822107858468869 -> f3530822107858468870 -> TyFun g3530822107858468871 (a3530822107858468865, b3530822107858468866, c3530822107858468867, d3530822107858468868, e3530822107858468869, f3530822107858468870, g3530822107858468871) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Tuple7Sym6 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 :: TyFun k7 (k2, k1, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7) -> *) (l7 :: k7) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (Tuple7Sym6 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 :: TyFun k7 (k2, k1, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7) -> *) (l7 :: k7) = (,,,,,,) l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 |
type Tuple7Sym7 (t :: a3530822107858468865) (t :: b3530822107858468866) (t :: c3530822107858468867) (t :: d3530822107858468868) (t :: e3530822107858468869) (t :: f3530822107858468870) (t :: g3530822107858468871) = '(t, t, t, t, t, t, t) Source #
data FstSym0 (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679304603, b6989586621679304604) a6989586621679304603) Source #
data SndSym0 (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679304601, b6989586621679304602) b6989586621679304602) Source #
data CurrySym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun (a6989586621679304598, b6989586621679304599) c6989586621679304600 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679304598 (TyFun b6989586621679304599 c6989586621679304600 -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (CurrySym0 :: TyFun (TyFun (a6989586621679304598, b6989586621679304599) c6989586621679304600 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679304598 (TyFun b6989586621679304599 c6989586621679304600 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Tuple Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (CurrySym0 :: TyFun (TyFun (a6989586621679304598, b6989586621679304599) c6989586621679304600 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679304598 (TyFun b6989586621679304599 c6989586621679304600 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679304598, b6989586621679304599) c6989586621679304600 -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Tuple type Apply (CurrySym0 :: TyFun (TyFun (a6989586621679304598, b6989586621679304599) c6989586621679304600 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679304598 (TyFun b6989586621679304599 c6989586621679304600 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679304598, b6989586621679304599) c6989586621679304600 -> Type) = CurrySym1 l |
data CurrySym1 (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679304598, b6989586621679304599) c6989586621679304600 -> Type) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679304598 (TyFun b6989586621679304599 c6989586621679304600 -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (CurrySym1 :: (TyFun (a6989586621679304598, b6989586621679304599) c6989586621679304600 -> Type) -> TyFun a6989586621679304598 (TyFun b6989586621679304599 c6989586621679304600 -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Tuple Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (CurrySym1 l1 :: TyFun a6989586621679304598 (TyFun b6989586621679304599 c6989586621679304600 -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: a6989586621679304598) Source # | |
data CurrySym2 (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679304598, b6989586621679304599) c6989586621679304600 -> Type) (l :: a6989586621679304598) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679304599 c6989586621679304600) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (CurrySym2 :: (TyFun (a6989586621679304598, b6989586621679304599) c6989586621679304600 -> Type) -> a6989586621679304598 -> TyFun b6989586621679304599 c6989586621679304600 -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Tuple Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (CurrySym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun b c -> *) (l3 :: b) Source # | |
type CurrySym3 (t :: TyFun (a6989586621679304598, b6989586621679304599) c6989586621679304600 -> Type) (t :: a6989586621679304598) (t :: b6989586621679304599) = Curry t t t Source #
data UncurrySym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679304595 (TyFun b6989586621679304596 c6989586621679304597 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun (a6989586621679304595, b6989586621679304596) c6989586621679304597 -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (UncurrySym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679304595 (TyFun b6989586621679304596 c6989586621679304597 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun (a6989586621679304595, b6989586621679304596) c6989586621679304597 -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Tuple Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (UncurrySym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679304595 (TyFun b6989586621679304596 c6989586621679304597 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun (a6989586621679304595, b6989586621679304596) c6989586621679304597 -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679304595 (TyFun b6989586621679304596 c6989586621679304597 -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Tuple type Apply (UncurrySym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679304595 (TyFun b6989586621679304596 c6989586621679304597 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun (a6989586621679304595, b6989586621679304596) c6989586621679304597 -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679304595 (TyFun b6989586621679304596 c6989586621679304597 -> Type) -> Type) = UncurrySym1 l |
data UncurrySym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679304595 (TyFun b6989586621679304596 c6989586621679304597 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun (a6989586621679304595, b6989586621679304596) c6989586621679304597) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (UncurrySym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679304595 (TyFun b6989586621679304596 c6989586621679304597 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun (a6989586621679304595, b6989586621679304596) c6989586621679304597 -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Tuple Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (UncurrySym1 l1 :: TyFun (a, b) c -> *) (l2 :: (a, b)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Tuple |
type UncurrySym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679304595 (TyFun b6989586621679304596 c6989586621679304597 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: (a6989586621679304595, b6989586621679304596)) = Uncurry t t Source #
data ErrorSym0 (l :: TyFun k06989586621679403140 k6989586621679403141) Source #
type UndefinedSym0 = Undefined Source #
data (^@#@$) (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun Nat Nat -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (^@#@$) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.TypeLits.Internal Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (^@#@$) (l :: Nat) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.TypeLits.Internal |
data ShowsPrecSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun a6989586621679729880 (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ShowsPrecSym0 :: TyFun Nat (TyFun a6989586621679729880 (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ShowsPrecSym0 :: TyFun Nat (TyFun a6989586621679729880 (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: Nat) Source # | |
data ShowsPrecSym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679729880 (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ShowsPrecSym1 :: Nat -> TyFun a6989586621679729880 (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ShowsPrecSym1 l1 :: TyFun a6989586621679729880 (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: a6989586621679729880) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show type Apply (ShowsPrecSym1 l1 :: TyFun a6989586621679729880 (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: a6989586621679729880) = ShowsPrecSym2 l1 l2 |
data ShowsPrecSym2 (l :: Nat) (l :: a6989586621679729880) (l :: TyFun Symbol Symbol) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ShowsPrecSym2 :: Nat -> a6989586621679729880 -> TyFun Symbol Symbol -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ShowsPrecSym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun Symbol Symbol -> *) (l3 :: Symbol) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show |
data Show_Sym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679729880 Symbol) Source #
data ShowListSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679729880] (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ShowListSym0 :: TyFun [a6989586621679729880] (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ShowListSym0 :: TyFun [a6989586621679729880] (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) -> *) (l :: [a6989586621679729880]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show type Apply (ShowListSym0 :: TyFun [a6989586621679729880] (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) -> *) (l :: [a6989586621679729880]) = ShowListSym1 l |
data ShowListSym1 (l :: [a6989586621679729880]) (l :: TyFun Symbol Symbol) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ShowListSym1 :: [a6989586621679729880] -> TyFun Symbol Symbol -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ShowListSym1 l1 :: TyFun Symbol Symbol -> *) (l2 :: Symbol) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show |
type ShowListSym2 (t :: [a6989586621679729880]) (t :: Symbol) = ShowList t t Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (<>@#@$) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.TypeLits.Internal Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (<>@#@$) (l :: Symbol) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.TypeLits.Internal |
data ShowsSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679729865 (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ShowsSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679729865 (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ShowsSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679729865 (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) -> *) (l :: a6989586621679729865) Source # | |
data ShowsSym1 (l :: a6989586621679729865) (l :: TyFun Symbol Symbol) Source #
data ShowCharSym0 (l :: TyFun Symbol (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings ShowCharSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply ShowCharSym0 (l :: Symbol) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show |
data ShowCharSym1 (l :: Symbol) (l :: TyFun Symbol Symbol) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings ShowCharSym1 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ShowCharSym1 l1 :: TyFun Symbol Symbol -> *) (l2 :: Symbol) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show |
data ShowStringSym0 (l :: TyFun Symbol (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings ShowStringSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply ShowStringSym0 (l :: Symbol) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show |
data ShowStringSym1 (l :: Symbol) (l :: TyFun Symbol Symbol) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings ShowStringSym1 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ShowStringSym1 l1 :: TyFun Symbol Symbol -> *) (l2 :: Symbol) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show |
type ShowStringSym2 (t :: Symbol) (t :: Symbol) = ShowString t t Source #
data ShowParenSym0 (l :: TyFun Bool (TyFun (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings ShowParenSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply ShowParenSym0 (l :: Bool) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show |
data ShowParenSym1 (l :: Bool) (l :: TyFun (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) (TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type)) Source #
data ShowParenSym2 (l :: Bool) (l :: TyFun Symbol Symbol -> Type) (l :: TyFun Symbol Symbol) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings ShowParenSym2 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ShowParenSym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun Symbol Symbol -> *) (l3 :: Symbol) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Show |
data IdSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448468 a6989586621679448468) Source #
data ConstSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448466 (TyFun b6989586621679448467 a6989586621679448466 -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ConstSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679448466 (TyFun b6989586621679448467 a6989586621679448466 -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ConstSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679448466 (TyFun b6989586621679448467 a6989586621679448466 -> Type) -> *) (l :: a6989586621679448466) Source # | |
data ConstSym1 (l :: a6989586621679448466) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679448467 a6989586621679448466) Source #
data (.@#@$) (l :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679448463 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448465 b6989586621679448463 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448465 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings ((.@#@$) :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679448463 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448465 b6989586621679448463 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448465 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply ((.@#@$) :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679448463 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448465 b6989586621679448463 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448465 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679448463 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base type Apply ((.@#@$) :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679448463 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) (TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448465 b6989586621679448463 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448465 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679448463 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) = ((.@#@$$) l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448465 b6989586621679448463 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448465 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) -> *) |
data (l :: TyFun b6989586621679448463 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) .@#@$$ (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448465 b6989586621679448463 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448465 c6989586621679448464 -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings ((.@#@$$) :: (TyFun b6989586621679448463 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) -> TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448465 b6989586621679448463 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448465 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply ((.@#@$$) l1 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448465 b6989586621679448463 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448465 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: TyFun a6989586621679448465 b6989586621679448463 -> Type) Source # | |
data ((l :: TyFun b6989586621679448463 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) .@#@$$$ (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448465 b6989586621679448463 -> Type)) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448465 c6989586621679448464) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings ((.@#@$$$) :: (TyFun b6989586621679448463 c6989586621679448464 -> Type) -> (TyFun a6989586621679448465 b6989586621679448463 -> Type) -> TyFun a6989586621679448465 c6989586621679448464 -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (l1 .@#@$$$ l2 :: TyFun a c -> *) (l3 :: a) Source # | |
data ($@#@$) (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458 -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (($@#@$) :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458 -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (($@#@$) :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458 -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458 -> Type) Source # | |
data (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458 -> Type) $@#@$$ (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (($@#@$$) :: (TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458 -> Type) -> TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458 -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (($@#@$$) l1 :: TyFun a b -> *) (l2 :: a) Source # | |
type ($@#@$$$) (t :: TyFun a6989586621679448457 b6989586621679448458 -> Type) (t :: a6989586621679448457) = ($) t t Source #
data ($!@#@$) (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456 -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (($!@#@$) :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456 -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (($!@#@$) :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456 -> Type) (TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456 -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456 -> Type) Source # | |
data (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456 -> Type) $!@#@$$ (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (($!@#@$$) :: (TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456 -> Type) -> TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456 -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (($!@#@$$) l1 :: TyFun a b -> *) (l2 :: a) Source # | |
type ($!@#@$$$) (t :: TyFun a6989586621679448455 b6989586621679448456 -> Type) (t :: a6989586621679448455) = ($!) t t Source #
data FlipSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448460 (TyFun b6989586621679448461 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679448461 (TyFun a6989586621679448460 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FlipSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448460 (TyFun b6989586621679448461 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679448461 (TyFun a6989586621679448460 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (FlipSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448460 (TyFun b6989586621679448461 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679448461 (TyFun a6989586621679448460 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448460 (TyFun b6989586621679448461 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base type Apply (FlipSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448460 (TyFun b6989586621679448461 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679448461 (TyFun a6989586621679448460 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448460 (TyFun b6989586621679448461 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) = FlipSym1 l |
data FlipSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448460 (TyFun b6989586621679448461 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679448461 (TyFun a6989586621679448460 c6989586621679448462 -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FlipSym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679448460 (TyFun b6989586621679448461 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b6989586621679448461 (TyFun a6989586621679448460 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (FlipSym1 l1 :: TyFun b6989586621679448461 (TyFun a6989586621679448460 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: b6989586621679448461) Source # | |
data FlipSym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448460 (TyFun b6989586621679448461 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: b6989586621679448461) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448460 c6989586621679448462) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FlipSym2 :: (TyFun a6989586621679448460 (TyFun b6989586621679448461 c6989586621679448462 -> Type) -> Type) -> b6989586621679448461 -> TyFun a6989586621679448460 c6989586621679448462 -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (FlipSym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun a c -> *) (l3 :: a) Source # | |
data AsTypeOfSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448459 (TyFun a6989586621679448459 a6989586621679448459 -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (AsTypeOfSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679448459 (TyFun a6989586621679448459 a6989586621679448459 -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (AsTypeOfSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679448459 (TyFun a6989586621679448459 a6989586621679448459 -> Type) -> *) (l :: a6989586621679448459) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base type Apply (AsTypeOfSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679448459 (TyFun a6989586621679448459 a6989586621679448459 -> Type) -> *) (l :: a6989586621679448459) = AsTypeOfSym1 l |
data AsTypeOfSym1 (l :: a6989586621679448459) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448459 a6989586621679448459) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (AsTypeOfSym1 :: a6989586621679448459 -> TyFun a6989586621679448459 a6989586621679448459 -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (AsTypeOfSym1 l1 :: TyFun a a -> *) (l2 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base |
type AsTypeOfSym2 (t :: a6989586621679448459) (t :: a6989586621679448459) = AsTypeOf t t Source #
data SeqSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448453 (TyFun b6989586621679448454 b6989586621679448454 -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SeqSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679448453 (TyFun b6989586621679448454 b6989586621679448454 -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (SeqSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679448453 (TyFun b6989586621679448454 b6989586621679448454 -> Type) -> *) (l :: a6989586621679448453) Source # | |
data SeqSym1 (l :: a6989586621679448453) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679448454 b6989586621679448454) Source #
data (:@#@$) (l :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun [a3530822107858468865] [a3530822107858468865] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings ((:@#@$) :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun [a3530822107858468865] [a3530822107858468865] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun a3530822107858468865 (TyFun [a3530822107858468865] [a3530822107858468865] -> Type) -> *) (l :: a3530822107858468865) Source # | |
data (l :: a3530822107858468865) :@#@$$ (l :: TyFun [a3530822107858468865] [a3530822107858468865]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings ((:@#@$$) :: a3530822107858468865 -> TyFun [a3530822107858468865] [a3530822107858468865] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply ((:@#@$$) l1 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> *) (l2 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances |
data MapSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448470 b6989586621679448471 -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679448470] [b6989586621679448471] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MapSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448470 b6989586621679448471 -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679448470] [b6989586621679448471] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (MapSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448470 b6989586621679448471 -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679448470] [b6989586621679448471] -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448470 b6989586621679448471 -> Type) Source # | |
data MapSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448470 b6989586621679448471 -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679448470] [b6989586621679448471]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MapSym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679448470 b6989586621679448471 -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679448470] [b6989586621679448471] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (MapSym1 l1 :: TyFun [a] [b] -> *) (l2 :: [a]) Source # | |
type MapSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679448470 b6989586621679448471 -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679448470]) = Map t t Source #
data ReverseSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473037] [a6989586621679473037]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ReverseSym0 :: TyFun [a6989586621679473037] [a6989586621679473037] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ReverseSym0 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> *) (l :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type ReverseSym1 (t :: [a6989586621679473037]) = Reverse t Source #
data (l :: [a6989586621679448469]) ++@#@$$ (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679448469] [a6989586621679448469]) Source #
data (++@#@$) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679448469] (TyFun [a6989586621679448469] [a6989586621679448469] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings ((++@#@$) :: TyFun [a6989586621679448469] (TyFun [a6989586621679448469] [a6989586621679448469] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply ((++@#@$) :: TyFun [a6989586621679448469] (TyFun [a6989586621679448469] [a6989586621679448469] -> Type) -> *) (l :: [a6989586621679448469]) Source # | |
data HeadSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473042] a6989586621679473042) Source #
data LastSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473041] a6989586621679473041) Source #
data TailSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473040] [a6989586621679473040]) Source #
data InitSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473039] [a6989586621679473039]) Source #
data NullSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473038] Bool) Source #
data FoldlSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun a6989586621679273479 b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun [a6989586621679273479] b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldlSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun a6989586621679273479 b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun [a6989586621679273479] b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (FoldlSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun a6989586621679273479 b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun [a6989586621679273479] b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun a6989586621679273479 b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances type Apply (FoldlSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun a6989586621679273479 b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun [a6989586621679273479] b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun a6989586621679273479 b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) = FoldlSym1 l |
data FoldlSym1 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun a6989586621679273479 b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun [a6989586621679273479] b6989586621679273480 -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldlSym1 :: (TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun a6989586621679273479 b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun [a6989586621679273479] b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (FoldlSym1 l1 :: TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun [a6989586621679273479] b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: b6989586621679273480) Source # | |
data FoldlSym2 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun a6989586621679273479 b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: b6989586621679273480) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679273479] b6989586621679273480) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldlSym2 :: (TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun a6989586621679273479 b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) -> b6989586621679273480 -> TyFun [a6989586621679273479] b6989586621679273480 -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Instances Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (FoldlSym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun [a] b -> *) (l3 :: [a]) Source # | |
type FoldlSym3 (t :: TyFun b6989586621679273480 (TyFun a6989586621679273479 b6989586621679273480 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b6989586621679273480) (t :: [a6989586621679273479]) = Foldl t t t Source #
data Foldl1Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473028 (TyFun a6989586621679473028 a6989586621679473028 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473028] a6989586621679473028 -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Foldl1Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473028 (TyFun a6989586621679473028 a6989586621679473028 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473028] a6989586621679473028 -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Foldl1Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473028 (TyFun a6989586621679473028 a6989586621679473028 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473028] a6989586621679473028 -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473028 (TyFun a6989586621679473028 a6989586621679473028 -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List type Apply (Foldl1Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473028 (TyFun a6989586621679473028 a6989586621679473028 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473028] a6989586621679473028 -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473028 (TyFun a6989586621679473028 a6989586621679473028 -> Type) -> Type) = Foldl1Sym1 l |
data Foldl1Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473028 (TyFun a6989586621679473028 a6989586621679473028 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473028] a6989586621679473028) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Foldl1Sym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679473028 (TyFun a6989586621679473028 a6989586621679473028 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679473028] a6989586621679473028 -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Foldl1Sym1 l1 :: TyFun [a] a -> *) (l2 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type Foldl1Sym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473028 (TyFun a6989586621679473028 a6989586621679473028 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679473028]) = Foldl1 t t Source #
data FoldrSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448472 (TyFun b6989586621679448473 b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679448473 (TyFun [a6989586621679448472] b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldrSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448472 (TyFun b6989586621679448473 b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679448473 (TyFun [a6989586621679448472] b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (FoldrSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448472 (TyFun b6989586621679448473 b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679448473 (TyFun [a6989586621679448472] b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448472 (TyFun b6989586621679448473 b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base type Apply (FoldrSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679448472 (TyFun b6989586621679448473 b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679448473 (TyFun [a6989586621679448472] b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448472 (TyFun b6989586621679448473 b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) = FoldrSym1 l |
data FoldrSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448472 (TyFun b6989586621679448473 b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679448473 (TyFun [a6989586621679448472] b6989586621679448473 -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldrSym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679448472 (TyFun b6989586621679448473 b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b6989586621679448473 (TyFun [a6989586621679448472] b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (FoldrSym1 l1 :: TyFun b6989586621679448473 (TyFun [a6989586621679448472] b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: b6989586621679448473) Source # | |
data FoldrSym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679448472 (TyFun b6989586621679448473 b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: b6989586621679448473) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679448472] b6989586621679448473) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldrSym2 :: (TyFun a6989586621679448472 (TyFun b6989586621679448473 b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) -> b6989586621679448473 -> TyFun [a6989586621679448472] b6989586621679448473 -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.Base Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (FoldrSym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun [a] b -> *) (l3 :: [a]) Source # | |
type FoldrSym3 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679448472 (TyFun b6989586621679448473 b6989586621679448473 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b6989586621679448473) (t :: [a6989586621679448472]) = Foldr t t t Source #
data Foldr1Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473026 (TyFun a6989586621679473026 a6989586621679473026 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473026] a6989586621679473026 -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Foldr1Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473026 (TyFun a6989586621679473026 a6989586621679473026 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473026] a6989586621679473026 -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Foldr1Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473026 (TyFun a6989586621679473026 a6989586621679473026 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473026] a6989586621679473026 -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473026 (TyFun a6989586621679473026 a6989586621679473026 -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List type Apply (Foldr1Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473026 (TyFun a6989586621679473026 a6989586621679473026 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473026] a6989586621679473026 -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473026 (TyFun a6989586621679473026 a6989586621679473026 -> Type) -> Type) = Foldr1Sym1 l |
data Foldr1Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473026 (TyFun a6989586621679473026 a6989586621679473026 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473026] a6989586621679473026) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Foldr1Sym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679473026 (TyFun a6989586621679473026 a6989586621679473026 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679473026] a6989586621679473026 -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Foldr1Sym1 l1 :: TyFun [a] a -> *) (l2 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type Foldr1Sym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473026 (TyFun a6989586621679473026 a6989586621679473026 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679473026]) = Foldr1 t t Source #
data ConcatSym0 (l :: TyFun [[a6989586621679473025]] [a6989586621679473025]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ConcatSym0 :: TyFun [[a6989586621679473025]] [a6989586621679473025] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ConcatSym0 :: TyFun [[a]] [a] -> *) (l :: [[a]]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type ConcatSym1 (t :: [[a6989586621679473025]]) = Concat t Source #
data ConcatMapSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473023 [b6989586621679473024] -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473023] [b6989586621679473024] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ConcatMapSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473023 [b6989586621679473024] -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473023] [b6989586621679473024] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ConcatMapSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473023 [b6989586621679473024] -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473023] [b6989586621679473024] -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473023 [b6989586621679473024] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
data ConcatMapSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473023 [b6989586621679473024] -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473023] [b6989586621679473024]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ConcatMapSym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679473023 [b6989586621679473024] -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679473023] [b6989586621679473024] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ConcatMapSym1 l1 :: TyFun [a] [b] -> *) (l2 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type ConcatMapSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473023 [b6989586621679473024] -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679473023]) = ConcatMap t t Source #
data AndSym0 (l :: TyFun [Bool] Bool) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings AndSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply AndSym0 (l :: [Bool]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
data OrSym0 (l :: TyFun [Bool] Bool) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings OrSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply OrSym0 (l :: [Bool]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
data AnySym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473021 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473021] Bool -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (AnySym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473021 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473021] Bool -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (AnySym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473021 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473021] Bool -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473021 Bool -> Type) Source # | |
data AnySym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473021 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473021] Bool) Source #
type AnySym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473021 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679473021]) = Any t t Source #
data AllSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473022 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473022] Bool -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (AllSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473022 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473022] Bool -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (AllSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473022 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473022] Bool -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473022 Bool -> Type) Source # | |
data AllSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473022 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473022] Bool) Source #
type AllSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473022 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679473022]) = All t t Source #
data ScanlSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun a6989586621679473020 b6989586621679473019 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun [a6989586621679473020] [b6989586621679473019] -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ScanlSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun a6989586621679473020 b6989586621679473019 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun [a6989586621679473020] [b6989586621679473019] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ScanlSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun a6989586621679473020 b6989586621679473019 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun [a6989586621679473020] [b6989586621679473019] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun a6989586621679473020 b6989586621679473019 -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List type Apply (ScanlSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun a6989586621679473020 b6989586621679473019 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun [a6989586621679473020] [b6989586621679473019] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun a6989586621679473020 b6989586621679473019 -> Type) -> Type) = ScanlSym1 l |
data ScanlSym1 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun a6989586621679473020 b6989586621679473019 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun [a6989586621679473020] [b6989586621679473019] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ScanlSym1 :: (TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun a6989586621679473020 b6989586621679473019 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun [a6989586621679473020] [b6989586621679473019] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ScanlSym1 l1 :: TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun [a6989586621679473020] [b6989586621679473019] -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: b6989586621679473019) Source # | |
data ScanlSym2 (l :: TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun a6989586621679473020 b6989586621679473019 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: b6989586621679473019) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473020] [b6989586621679473019]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ScanlSym2 :: (TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun a6989586621679473020 b6989586621679473019 -> Type) -> Type) -> b6989586621679473019 -> TyFun [a6989586621679473020] [b6989586621679473019] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ScanlSym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun [a] [b] -> *) (l3 :: [a]) Source # | |
type ScanlSym3 (t :: TyFun b6989586621679473019 (TyFun a6989586621679473020 b6989586621679473019 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b6989586621679473019) (t :: [a6989586621679473020]) = Scanl t t t Source #
data Scanl1Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473018 (TyFun a6989586621679473018 a6989586621679473018 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473018] [a6989586621679473018] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Scanl1Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473018 (TyFun a6989586621679473018 a6989586621679473018 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473018] [a6989586621679473018] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Scanl1Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473018 (TyFun a6989586621679473018 a6989586621679473018 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473018] [a6989586621679473018] -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473018 (TyFun a6989586621679473018 a6989586621679473018 -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List type Apply (Scanl1Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473018 (TyFun a6989586621679473018 a6989586621679473018 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473018] [a6989586621679473018] -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473018 (TyFun a6989586621679473018 a6989586621679473018 -> Type) -> Type) = Scanl1Sym1 l |
data Scanl1Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473018 (TyFun a6989586621679473018 a6989586621679473018 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473018] [a6989586621679473018]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Scanl1Sym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679473018 (TyFun a6989586621679473018 a6989586621679473018 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679473018] [a6989586621679473018] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Scanl1Sym1 l1 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> *) (l2 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type Scanl1Sym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473018 (TyFun a6989586621679473018 a6989586621679473018 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679473018]) = Scanl1 t t Source #
data ScanrSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473016 (TyFun b6989586621679473017 b6989586621679473017 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679473017 (TyFun [a6989586621679473016] [b6989586621679473017] -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ScanrSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473016 (TyFun b6989586621679473017 b6989586621679473017 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679473017 (TyFun [a6989586621679473016] [b6989586621679473017] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ScanrSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473016 (TyFun b6989586621679473017 b6989586621679473017 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679473017 (TyFun [a6989586621679473016] [b6989586621679473017] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473016 (TyFun b6989586621679473017 b6989586621679473017 -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List type Apply (ScanrSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473016 (TyFun b6989586621679473017 b6989586621679473017 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun b6989586621679473017 (TyFun [a6989586621679473016] [b6989586621679473017] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473016 (TyFun b6989586621679473017 b6989586621679473017 -> Type) -> Type) = ScanrSym1 l |
data ScanrSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473016 (TyFun b6989586621679473017 b6989586621679473017 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun b6989586621679473017 (TyFun [a6989586621679473016] [b6989586621679473017] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ScanrSym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679473016 (TyFun b6989586621679473017 b6989586621679473017 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun b6989586621679473017 (TyFun [a6989586621679473016] [b6989586621679473017] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ScanrSym1 l1 :: TyFun b6989586621679473017 (TyFun [a6989586621679473016] [b6989586621679473017] -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: b6989586621679473017) Source # | |
data ScanrSym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473016 (TyFun b6989586621679473017 b6989586621679473017 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: b6989586621679473017) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473016] [b6989586621679473017]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ScanrSym2 :: (TyFun a6989586621679473016 (TyFun b6989586621679473017 b6989586621679473017 -> Type) -> Type) -> b6989586621679473017 -> TyFun [a6989586621679473016] [b6989586621679473017] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ScanrSym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun [a] [b] -> *) (l3 :: [a]) Source # | |
type ScanrSym3 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473016 (TyFun b6989586621679473017 b6989586621679473017 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: b6989586621679473017) (t :: [a6989586621679473016]) = Scanr t t t Source #
data Scanr1Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473015 (TyFun a6989586621679473015 a6989586621679473015 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473015] [a6989586621679473015] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Scanr1Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473015 (TyFun a6989586621679473015 a6989586621679473015 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473015] [a6989586621679473015] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Scanr1Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473015 (TyFun a6989586621679473015 a6989586621679473015 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473015] [a6989586621679473015] -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473015 (TyFun a6989586621679473015 a6989586621679473015 -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List type Apply (Scanr1Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679473015 (TyFun a6989586621679473015 a6989586621679473015 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679473015] [a6989586621679473015] -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473015 (TyFun a6989586621679473015 a6989586621679473015 -> Type) -> Type) = Scanr1Sym1 l |
data Scanr1Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473015 (TyFun a6989586621679473015 a6989586621679473015 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473015] [a6989586621679473015]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Scanr1Sym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679473015 (TyFun a6989586621679473015 a6989586621679473015 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679473015] [a6989586621679473015] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Scanr1Sym1 l1 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> *) (l2 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type Scanr1Sym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679473015 (TyFun a6989586621679473015 a6989586621679473015 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679473015]) = Scanr1 t t Source #
data ReplicateSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun a6989586621679472923 [a6989586621679472923] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ReplicateSym0 :: TyFun Nat (TyFun a6989586621679472923 [a6989586621679472923] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ReplicateSym0 :: TyFun Nat (TyFun a6989586621679472923 [a6989586621679472923] -> Type) -> *) (l :: Nat) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
data ReplicateSym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472923 [a6989586621679472923]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ReplicateSym1 :: Nat -> TyFun a6989586621679472923 [a6989586621679472923] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ReplicateSym1 l1 :: TyFun a [a] -> *) (l2 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type ReplicateSym2 (t :: Nat) (t :: a6989586621679472923) = Replicate t t Source #
data TakeSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679472939] [a6989586621679472939] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (TakeSym0 :: TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679472939] [a6989586621679472939] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (TakeSym0 :: TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679472939] [a6989586621679472939] -> Type) -> *) (l :: Nat) Source # | |
data TakeSym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472939] [a6989586621679472939]) Source #
data DropSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679472938] [a6989586621679472938] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DropSym0 :: TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679472938] [a6989586621679472938] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (DropSym0 :: TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679472938] [a6989586621679472938] -> Type) -> *) (l :: Nat) Source # | |
data DropSym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472938] [a6989586621679472938]) Source #
data SplitAtSym0 (l :: TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679472937] ([a6989586621679472937], [a6989586621679472937]) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SplitAtSym0 :: TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679472937] ([a6989586621679472937], [a6989586621679472937]) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (SplitAtSym0 :: TyFun Nat (TyFun [a6989586621679472937] ([a6989586621679472937], [a6989586621679472937]) -> Type) -> *) (l :: Nat) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
data SplitAtSym1 (l :: Nat) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472937] ([a6989586621679472937], [a6989586621679472937])) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SplitAtSym1 :: Nat -> TyFun [a6989586621679472937] ([a6989586621679472937], [a6989586621679472937]) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (SplitAtSym1 l1 :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> *) (l2 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type SplitAtSym2 (t :: Nat) (t :: [a6989586621679472937]) = SplitAt t t Source #
data TakeWhileSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472944 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472944] [a6989586621679472944] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (TakeWhileSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472944 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472944] [a6989586621679472944] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (TakeWhileSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472944 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472944] [a6989586621679472944] -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472944 Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
data TakeWhileSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472944 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472944] [a6989586621679472944]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (TakeWhileSym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679472944 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679472944] [a6989586621679472944] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (TakeWhileSym1 l1 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> *) (l2 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type TakeWhileSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679472944 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679472944]) = TakeWhile t t Source #
data DropWhileSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472943 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472943] [a6989586621679472943] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DropWhileSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472943 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472943] [a6989586621679472943] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (DropWhileSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472943 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472943] [a6989586621679472943] -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472943 Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
data DropWhileSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472943 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472943] [a6989586621679472943]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DropWhileSym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679472943 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679472943] [a6989586621679472943] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (DropWhileSym1 l1 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> *) (l2 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type DropWhileSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679472943 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679472943]) = DropWhile t t Source #
data DropWhileEndSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472942 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472942] [a6989586621679472942] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DropWhileEndSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472942 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472942] [a6989586621679472942] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (DropWhileEndSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472942 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472942] [a6989586621679472942] -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472942 Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
data DropWhileEndSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472942 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472942] [a6989586621679472942]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DropWhileEndSym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679472942 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679472942] [a6989586621679472942] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (DropWhileEndSym1 l1 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> *) (l2 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type DropWhileEndSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679472942 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679472942]) = DropWhileEnd t t Source #
data SpanSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472941 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472941] ([a6989586621679472941], [a6989586621679472941]) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SpanSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472941 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472941] ([a6989586621679472941], [a6989586621679472941]) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (SpanSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472941 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472941] ([a6989586621679472941], [a6989586621679472941]) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472941 Bool -> Type) Source # | |
data SpanSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472941 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472941] ([a6989586621679472941], [a6989586621679472941])) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SpanSym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679472941 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679472941] ([a6989586621679472941], [a6989586621679472941]) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (SpanSym1 l1 :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> *) (l2 :: [a]) Source # | |
type SpanSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679472941 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679472941]) = Span t t Source #
data BreakSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472940 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472940] ([a6989586621679472940], [a6989586621679472940]) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (BreakSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472940 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472940] ([a6989586621679472940], [a6989586621679472940]) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (BreakSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472940 Bool -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472940] ([a6989586621679472940], [a6989586621679472940]) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472940 Bool -> Type) Source # | |
data BreakSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472940 Bool -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472940] ([a6989586621679472940], [a6989586621679472940])) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (BreakSym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679472940 Bool -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679472940] ([a6989586621679472940], [a6989586621679472940]) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (BreakSym1 l1 :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> *) (l2 :: [a]) Source # | |
type BreakSym2 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679472940 Bool -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679472940]) = Break t t Source #
data ElemSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473001 (TyFun [a6989586621679473001] Bool -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ElemSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679473001 (TyFun [a6989586621679473001] Bool -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ElemSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679473001 (TyFun [a6989586621679473001] Bool -> Type) -> *) (l :: a6989586621679473001) Source # | |
data ElemSym1 (l :: a6989586621679473001) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473001] Bool) Source #
data NotElemSym0 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679473000 (TyFun [a6989586621679473000] Bool -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (NotElemSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679473000 (TyFun [a6989586621679473000] Bool -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (NotElemSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679473000 (TyFun [a6989586621679473000] Bool -> Type) -> *) (l :: a6989586621679473000) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List type Apply (NotElemSym0 :: TyFun a6989586621679473000 (TyFun [a6989586621679473000] Bool -> Type) -> *) (l :: a6989586621679473000) = NotElemSym1 l |
data NotElemSym1 (l :: a6989586621679473000) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679473000] Bool) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (NotElemSym1 :: a6989586621679473000 -> TyFun [a6989586621679473000] Bool -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (NotElemSym1 l1 :: TyFun [a] Bool -> *) (l2 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type NotElemSym2 (t :: a6989586621679473000) (t :: [a6989586621679473000]) = NotElem t t Source #
data ZipSym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472998] (TyFun [b6989586621679472999] [(a6989586621679472998, b6989586621679472999)] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipSym0 :: TyFun [a6989586621679472998] (TyFun [b6989586621679472999] [(a6989586621679472998, b6989586621679472999)] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ZipSym0 :: TyFun [a6989586621679472998] (TyFun [b6989586621679472999] [(a6989586621679472998, b6989586621679472999)] -> Type) -> *) (l :: [a6989586621679472998]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
data ZipSym1 (l :: [a6989586621679472998]) (l :: TyFun [b6989586621679472999] [(a6989586621679472998, b6989586621679472999)]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipSym1 :: [a6989586621679472998] -> TyFun [b6989586621679472999] [(a6989586621679472998, b6989586621679472999)] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ZipSym1 l1 :: TyFun [b] [(a, b)] -> *) (l2 :: [b]) Source # | |
data Zip3Sym0 (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472995] (TyFun [b6989586621679472996] (TyFun [c6989586621679472997] [(a6989586621679472995, b6989586621679472996, c6989586621679472997)] -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip3Sym0 :: TyFun [a6989586621679472995] (TyFun [b6989586621679472996] (TyFun [c6989586621679472997] [(a6989586621679472995, b6989586621679472996, c6989586621679472997)] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Zip3Sym0 :: TyFun [a6989586621679472995] (TyFun [b6989586621679472996] (TyFun [c6989586621679472997] [(a6989586621679472995, b6989586621679472996, c6989586621679472997)] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: [a6989586621679472995]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List type Apply (Zip3Sym0 :: TyFun [a6989586621679472995] (TyFun [b6989586621679472996] (TyFun [c6989586621679472997] [(a6989586621679472995, b6989586621679472996, c6989586621679472997)] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: [a6989586621679472995]) = (Zip3Sym1 l :: TyFun [b6989586621679472996] (TyFun [c6989586621679472997] [(a6989586621679472995, b6989586621679472996, c6989586621679472997)] -> Type) -> *) |
data Zip3Sym1 (l :: [a6989586621679472995]) (l :: TyFun [b6989586621679472996] (TyFun [c6989586621679472997] [(a6989586621679472995, b6989586621679472996, c6989586621679472997)] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip3Sym1 :: [a6989586621679472995] -> TyFun [b6989586621679472996] (TyFun [c6989586621679472997] [(a6989586621679472995, b6989586621679472996, c6989586621679472997)] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Zip3Sym1 l1 :: TyFun [b6989586621679472996] (TyFun [c6989586621679472997] [(a6989586621679472995, b6989586621679472996, c6989586621679472997)] -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: [b6989586621679472996]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List type Apply (Zip3Sym1 l1 :: TyFun [b6989586621679472996] (TyFun [c6989586621679472997] [(a6989586621679472995, b6989586621679472996, c6989586621679472997)] -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: [b6989586621679472996]) = (Zip3Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun [c6989586621679472997] [(a6989586621679472995, b6989586621679472996, c6989586621679472997)] -> *) |
data Zip3Sym2 (l :: [a6989586621679472995]) (l :: [b6989586621679472996]) (l :: TyFun [c6989586621679472997] [(a6989586621679472995, b6989586621679472996, c6989586621679472997)]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip3Sym2 :: [a6989586621679472995] -> [b6989586621679472996] -> TyFun [c6989586621679472997] [(a6989586621679472995, b6989586621679472996, c6989586621679472997)] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (Zip3Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun [c] [(a, b, c)] -> *) (l3 :: [c]) Source # | |
type Zip3Sym3 (t :: [a6989586621679472995]) (t :: [b6989586621679472996]) (t :: [c6989586621679472997]) = Zip3 t t t Source #
data ZipWithSym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472992 (TyFun b6989586621679472993 c6989586621679472994 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472992] (TyFun [b6989586621679472993] [c6989586621679472994] -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWithSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472992 (TyFun b6989586621679472993 c6989586621679472994 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472992] (TyFun [b6989586621679472993] [c6989586621679472994] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ZipWithSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472992 (TyFun b6989586621679472993 c6989586621679472994 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472992] (TyFun [b6989586621679472993] [c6989586621679472994] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472992 (TyFun b6989586621679472993 c6989586621679472994 -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List type Apply (ZipWithSym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472992 (TyFun b6989586621679472993 c6989586621679472994 -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472992] (TyFun [b6989586621679472993] [c6989586621679472994] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472992 (TyFun b6989586621679472993 c6989586621679472994 -> Type) -> Type) = ZipWithSym1 l |
data ZipWithSym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472992 (TyFun b6989586621679472993 c6989586621679472994 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472992] (TyFun [b6989586621679472993] [c6989586621679472994] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWithSym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679472992 (TyFun b6989586621679472993 c6989586621679472994 -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679472992] (TyFun [b6989586621679472993] [c6989586621679472994] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ZipWithSym1 l1 :: TyFun [a6989586621679472992] (TyFun [b6989586621679472993] [c6989586621679472994] -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: [a6989586621679472992]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List type Apply (ZipWithSym1 l1 :: TyFun [a6989586621679472992] (TyFun [b6989586621679472993] [c6989586621679472994] -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: [a6989586621679472992]) = ZipWithSym2 l1 l2 |
data ZipWithSym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472992 (TyFun b6989586621679472993 c6989586621679472994 -> Type) -> Type) (l :: [a6989586621679472992]) (l :: TyFun [b6989586621679472993] [c6989586621679472994]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWithSym2 :: (TyFun a6989586621679472992 (TyFun b6989586621679472993 c6989586621679472994 -> Type) -> Type) -> [a6989586621679472992] -> TyFun [b6989586621679472993] [c6989586621679472994] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ZipWithSym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun [b] [c] -> *) (l3 :: [b]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type ZipWithSym3 (t :: TyFun a6989586621679472992 (TyFun b6989586621679472993 c6989586621679472994 -> Type) -> Type) (t :: [a6989586621679472992]) (t :: [b6989586621679472993]) = ZipWith t t t Source #
data ZipWith3Sym0 (l :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472988] (TyFun [b6989586621679472989] (TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith3Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472988] (TyFun [b6989586621679472989] (TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ZipWith3Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472988] (TyFun [b6989586621679472989] (TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List type Apply (ZipWith3Sym0 :: TyFun (TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (TyFun [a6989586621679472988] (TyFun [b6989586621679472989] (TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) = ZipWith3Sym1 l |
data ZipWith3Sym1 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (l :: TyFun [a6989586621679472988] (TyFun [b6989586621679472989] (TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> Type) -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith3Sym1 :: (TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> TyFun [a6989586621679472988] (TyFun [b6989586621679472989] (TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ZipWith3Sym1 l1 :: TyFun [a6989586621679472988] (TyFun [b6989586621679472989] (TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: [a6989586621679472988]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List type Apply (ZipWith3Sym1 l1 :: TyFun [a6989586621679472988] (TyFun [b6989586621679472989] (TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> Type) -> Type) -> *) (l2 :: [a6989586621679472988]) = ZipWith3Sym2 l1 l2 |
data ZipWith3Sym2 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (l :: [a6989586621679472988]) (l :: TyFun [b6989586621679472989] (TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> Type)) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith3Sym2 :: (TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a6989586621679472988] -> TyFun [b6989586621679472989] (TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> Type) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ZipWith3Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun [b6989586621679472989] (TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> Type) -> *) (l3 :: [b6989586621679472989]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List type Apply (ZipWith3Sym2 l1 l2 :: TyFun [b6989586621679472989] (TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> Type) -> *) (l3 :: [b6989586621679472989]) = ZipWith3Sym3 l1 l2 l3 |
data ZipWith3Sym3 (l :: TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) (l :: [a6989586621679472988]) (l :: [b6989586621679472989]) (l :: TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith3Sym3 :: (TyFun a6989586621679472988 (TyFun b6989586621679472989 (TyFun c6989586621679472990 d6989586621679472991 -> Type) -> Type) -> Type) -> [a6989586621679472988] -> [b6989586621679472989] -> TyFun [c6989586621679472990] [d6989586621679472991] -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (ZipWith3Sym3 l1 l2 l3 :: TyFun [c] [d] -> *) (l4 :: [c]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
data UnzipSym0 (l :: TyFun [(a6989586621679472986, b6989586621679472987)] ([a6989586621679472986], [b6989586621679472987])) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (UnzipSym0 :: TyFun [(a6989586621679472986, b6989586621679472987)] ([a6989586621679472986], [b6989586621679472987]) -> *) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply (UnzipSym0 :: TyFun [(a, b)] ([a], [b]) -> *) (l :: [(a, b)]) Source # | |
data UnlinesSym0 (l :: TyFun [Symbol] Symbol) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings UnlinesSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply UnlinesSym0 (l :: [Symbol]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type UnlinesSym1 (t :: [Symbol]) = Unlines t Source #
data UnwordsSym0 (l :: TyFun [Symbol] Symbol) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings UnwordsSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List Methods suppressUnusedWarnings :: () Source # | |
type Apply UnwordsSym0 (l :: [Symbol]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Prelude.List |
type UnwordsSym1 (t :: [Symbol]) = Unwords t Source #