{- Data/Singletons/Single/Monad.hs

(c) Richard Eisenberg 2014

This file defines the SgM monad and its operations, for use during singling.

The SgM monad allows reading from a SgEnv environment and is wrapped around a Q.

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ParallelListComp, TemplateHaskell #-}

module Data.Singletons.Single.Monad (
  SgM, bindLets, bindContext, askContext, lookupVarE, lookupConE,
  wrapSingFun, wrapUnSingFun,
  singM, singDecsM,
  emitDecs, emitDecsM
  ) where

import Prelude hiding ( exp )
import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Singletons.Promote.Monad ( emitDecs, emitDecsM )
import Data.Singletons.Names
import Data.Singletons.Util
import Data.Singletons.Internal
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax hiding ( lift )
import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Fail

-- environment during singling
data SgEnv =
  SgEnv { sg_let_binds   :: Map Name DExp   -- from the *original* name
        , sg_context     :: DCxt -- See Note [Tracking the current type signature context]
        , sg_local_decls :: [Dec]

emptySgEnv :: SgEnv
emptySgEnv = SgEnv { sg_let_binds   = Map.empty
                   , sg_context     = []
                   , sg_local_decls = []

-- the singling monad
newtype SgM a = SgM (ReaderT SgEnv (WriterT [DDec] Q) a)
  deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
           , MonadReader SgEnv, MonadWriter [DDec]
           , MonadFail, MonadIO )

liftSgM :: Q a -> SgM a
liftSgM = SgM . lift . lift

instance Quasi SgM where
  qNewName          = liftSgM `comp1` qNewName
  qReport           = liftSgM `comp2` qReport
  qLookupName       = liftSgM `comp2` qLookupName
  qReify            = liftSgM `comp1` qReify
  qReifyInstances   = liftSgM `comp2` qReifyInstances
  qLocation         = liftSgM qLocation
  qRunIO            = liftSgM `comp1` qRunIO
  qAddDependentFile = liftSgM `comp1` qAddDependentFile
  qReifyRoles       = liftSgM `comp1` qReifyRoles
  qReifyAnnotations = liftSgM `comp1` qReifyAnnotations
  qReifyModule      = liftSgM `comp1` qReifyModule
  qAddTopDecls      = liftSgM `comp1` qAddTopDecls
  qAddModFinalizer  = liftSgM `comp1` qAddModFinalizer
  qGetQ             = liftSgM qGetQ
  qPutQ             = liftSgM `comp1` qPutQ

  qReifyFixity        = liftSgM `comp1` qReifyFixity
  qReifyConStrictness = liftSgM `comp1` qReifyConStrictness
  qIsExtEnabled       = liftSgM `comp1` qIsExtEnabled
  qExtsEnabled        = liftSgM qExtsEnabled
  qAddForeignFilePath = liftSgM `comp2` qAddForeignFilePath
  qAddTempFile        = liftSgM `comp1` qAddTempFile
  qAddCorePlugin      = liftSgM `comp1` qAddCorePlugin

  qRecover (SgM handler) (SgM body) = do
    env <- ask
    (result, aux) <- liftSgM $
                     qRecover (runWriterT $ runReaderT handler env)
                              (runWriterT $ runReaderT body env)
    tell aux
    return result

instance DsMonad SgM where
  localDeclarations = asks sg_local_decls

bindLets :: [(Name, DExp)] -> SgM a -> SgM a
bindLets lets1 =
  local (\env@(SgEnv { sg_let_binds = lets2 }) ->
               env { sg_let_binds = (Map.fromList lets1) `Map.union` lets2 })

-- Add some constraints to the current type signature context.
-- See Note [Tracking the current type signature context]
bindContext :: DCxt -> SgM a -> SgM a
bindContext ctxt1
  = local (\env@(SgEnv { sg_context = ctxt2 }) ->
                 env { sg_context = ctxt1 ++ ctxt2 })

-- Retrieve the current type signature context.
-- See Note [Tracking the current type signature context]
askContext :: SgM DCxt
askContext = asks sg_context

lookupVarE :: Name -> SgM DExp
lookupVarE = lookup_var_con singValName (DVarE . singValName)

lookupConE :: Name -> SgM DExp
lookupConE = lookup_var_con singDataConName (DConE . singDataConName)

lookup_var_con :: (Name -> Name) -> (Name -> DExp) -> Name -> SgM DExp
lookup_var_con mk_sing_name mk_exp name = do
  letExpansions <- asks sg_let_binds
  sName <- mkDataName (nameBase (mk_sing_name name)) -- we want *term* names!
  case Map.lookup name letExpansions of
    Nothing -> do
      -- try to get it from the global context
      m_dinfo <- liftM2 (<|>) (dsReify sName) (dsReify name)
        -- try the unrefined name too -- it's needed to bootstrap Enum
      case m_dinfo of
        Just (DVarI _ ty _) ->
          let num_args = countArgs ty in
          return $ wrapSingFun num_args (promoteValRhs name) (mk_exp name)
        _ -> return $ mk_exp name   -- lambda-bound
    Just exp -> return exp

wrapSingFun :: Int -> DType -> DExp -> DExp
wrapSingFun 0 _  = id
wrapSingFun n ty =
  let wrap_fun = DVarE $ case n of
                           1 -> 'singFun1
                           2 -> 'singFun2
                           3 -> 'singFun3
                           4 -> 'singFun4
                           5 -> 'singFun5
                           6 -> 'singFun6
                           7 -> 'singFun7
                           _ -> error "No support for functions of arity > 7."
  (wrap_fun `DAppTypeE` ty `DAppE`)

wrapUnSingFun :: Int -> DType -> DExp -> DExp
wrapUnSingFun 0 _  = id
wrapUnSingFun n ty =
  let unwrap_fun = DVarE $ case n of
                             1 -> 'unSingFun1
                             2 -> 'unSingFun2
                             3 -> 'unSingFun3
                             4 -> 'unSingFun4
                             5 -> 'unSingFun5
                             6 -> 'unSingFun6
                             7 -> 'unSingFun7
                             _ -> error "No support for functions of arity > 7."
  (unwrap_fun `DAppTypeE` ty `DAppE`)

singM :: DsMonad q => [Dec] -> SgM a -> q (a, [DDec])
singM locals (SgM rdr) = do
  other_locals <- localDeclarations
  let wr = runReaderT rdr (emptySgEnv { sg_local_decls = other_locals ++ locals })
      q  = runWriterT wr
  runQ q

singDecsM :: DsMonad q => [Dec] -> SgM [DDec] -> q [DDec]
singDecsM locals thing = do
  (decs1, decs2) <- singM locals thing
  return $ decs1 ++ decs2

Note [Tracking the current type signature context]
Much like we track the let-bound names in scope, we also track the current
context. For instance, in the following program:

  -- (1)
  f :: forall a. Show a => a -> String -> Bool
  f x y = g (show x) y
      -- (2)
      g :: forall b. Eq b => b -> b -> Bool
      g = h
          -- (3)
          h :: b -> b -> Bool
          h = (==)

Here is the context at various points:

(1) ()
(2) (Show a)
(3) (Show a, Eq b)

We track this informating during singling instead of during promotion, as the
promoted versions of things are often type families, which do not have

Why do we bother tracking this at all? Ultimately, because singDefuns (from
Data.Singletons.Single.Defun) needs to know the current context in order to
generate a correctly typed SingI instance. For instance, if you called
singDefuns on the class method bar:

  class Foo a where
    bar :: Eq a => a -> Bool

Then if you only grabbed the context of `bar` itself, then you'd end up
generating the following SingI instance for BarSym0:

  instance SEq a => SingI (FooSym0 :: a ~> Bool) where ...

Which is incorrect—there needs to be an (SFoo a) constraint as well! If we
track the current context when singling Foo, then we will correctly propagate
this information to singDefuns.