{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}



-- |
-- Module: Web.Slack
-- Description: Provides Slack's Web API functions.
-- *Since*: The API functions is now more intuitive for newbies
-- than before. If you need compatiblity with the previous version, use
-- 'Web.Slack.Classy' instead.
module Web.Slack (
  SlackConfig (..),

  -- * Endpoints

  -- * Requests and responses
) where

-- FIXME: Web.Slack.Prelude

import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager, newManager)
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings)
import Servant.API hiding (addHeader)
import Servant.Client hiding (Response, baseUrl)
import Servant.Client.Core (AuthenticatedRequest)
import Web.Slack.Api qualified as Api
import Web.Slack.Auth qualified as Auth
import Web.Slack.Chat qualified as Chat
import Web.Slack.Common qualified as Common
import Web.Slack.Conversation qualified as Conversation
import Web.Slack.Internal
import Web.Slack.Pager
import Web.Slack.User qualified as User
import Web.Slack.UsersConversations qualified as UsersConversations
import Prelude

type Api =
    :> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded] Api.TestReq
    :> Post '[JSON] (ResponseJSON Api.TestRsp)
    :<|> "auth.test"
      :> AuthProtect "token"
      :> Post '[JSON] (ResponseJSON Auth.TestRsp)
    :<|> "conversations.list"
      :> AuthProtect "token"
      :> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded] Conversation.ListReq
      :> Post '[JSON] (ResponseJSON Conversation.ListRsp)
    :<|> "conversations.history"
      :> AuthProtect "token"
      :> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded] Conversation.HistoryReq
      :> Post '[JSON] (ResponseJSON Conversation.HistoryRsp)
    :<|> "conversations.replies"
      :> AuthProtect "token"
      :> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded] Conversation.RepliesReq
      :> Post '[JSON] (ResponseJSON Conversation.HistoryRsp)
    :<|> "chat.postMessage"
      :> AuthProtect "token"
      :> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded] Chat.PostMsgReq
      :> Post '[JSON] (ResponseJSON Chat.PostMsgRsp)
    :<|> "chat.update"
      :> AuthProtect "token"
      :> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded] Chat.UpdateReq
      :> Post '[JSON] (ResponseJSON Chat.UpdateRsp)
    :<|> "users.list"
      :> AuthProtect "token"
      :> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded] User.ListReq
      :> Post '[JSON] (ResponseJSON User.ListRsp)
    :<|> "users.lookupByEmail"
      :> AuthProtect "token"
      :> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded] User.Email
      :> Post '[JSON] (ResponseJSON User.UserRsp)

-- |
-- Check API calling code.
-- <https://api.slack.com/methods/api.test>
apiTest ::
  Manager ->
  Api.TestReq ->
  IO (Response Api.TestRsp)
apiTest :: Manager -> TestReq -> IO (Response TestRsp)
apiTest Manager
mgr TestReq
req = ClientM (ResponseJSON TestRsp) -> Manager -> IO (Response TestRsp)
forall a. ClientM (ResponseJSON a) -> Manager -> IO (Response a)
run (TestReq -> ClientM (ResponseJSON TestRsp)
apiTest_ TestReq
req) Manager

apiTest_ ::
  Api.TestReq ->
  ClientM (ResponseJSON Api.TestRsp)

-- |
-- Check authentication and identity.
-- <https://api.slack.com/methods/auth.test>
authTest ::
  SlackConfig ->
  IO (Response Auth.TestRsp)
authTest :: SlackConfig -> IO (Response TestRsp)
authTest = do
  AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR <- SlackConfig -> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
  ClientM (ResponseJSON TestRsp) -> Manager -> IO (Response TestRsp)
forall a. ClientM (ResponseJSON a) -> Manager -> IO (Response a)
run (AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> ClientM (ResponseJSON TestRsp)
authTest_ AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR) (Manager -> IO (Response TestRsp))
-> (SlackConfig -> Manager) -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response TestRsp)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. SlackConfig -> Manager

authTest_ ::
  AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token") ->
  ClientM (ResponseJSON Auth.TestRsp)

-- |
-- Retrieve conversations list.
-- <https://api.slack.com/methods/conversations.list>
conversationsList ::
  SlackConfig ->
  Conversation.ListReq ->
  IO (Response Conversation.ListRsp)
conversationsList :: SlackConfig -> ListReq -> IO (Response ListRsp)
conversationsList = (ListReq -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response ListRsp))
-> SlackConfig -> ListReq -> IO (Response ListRsp)
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip ((ListReq -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response ListRsp))
 -> SlackConfig -> ListReq -> IO (Response ListRsp))
-> (ListReq -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response ListRsp))
-> SlackConfig
-> ListReq
-> IO (Response ListRsp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \ListReq
listReq -> do
  AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR <- SlackConfig -> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
  ClientM (ResponseJSON ListRsp) -> Manager -> IO (Response ListRsp)
forall a. ClientM (ResponseJSON a) -> Manager -> IO (Response a)
run (AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> ListReq -> ClientM (ResponseJSON ListRsp)
conversationsList_ AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR ListReq
listReq) (Manager -> IO (Response ListRsp))
-> (SlackConfig -> Manager) -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response ListRsp)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. SlackConfig -> Manager

conversationsList_ ::
  AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token") ->
  Conversation.ListReq ->
  ClientM (ResponseJSON Conversation.ListRsp)

-- | Returns an action to send a request to get the list of conversations in the
--   workspace.
--   To fetch all replies in the conversation, run the returned 'LoadPage' action
--   repeatedly until it returns an empty list.
conversationsListAll ::
  SlackConfig ->
  -- | The first request to send. _NOTE_: 'Conversation.listReqCursor' is silently ignored.
  Conversation.ListReq ->
  -- | An action which returns a new page of messages every time called.
  --   If there are no pages anymore, it returns an empty list.
  IO (LoadPage IO Conversation.Conversation)
conversationsListAll :: SlackConfig -> ListReq -> IO (LoadPage IO Conversation)
conversationsListAll = (ListReq -> IO (Response ListRsp))
-> ListReq -> IO (LoadPage IO (ResponseObject ListRsp))
(ListReq -> IO (Response ListRsp))
-> ListReq -> IO (LoadPage IO Conversation)
forall (m :: * -> *) req resp.
(MonadIO m, PagedRequest req, PagedResponse resp) =>
(req -> m (Response resp))
-> req -> m (LoadPage m (ResponseObject resp))
fetchAllBy ((ListReq -> IO (Response ListRsp))
 -> ListReq -> IO (LoadPage IO Conversation))
-> (SlackConfig -> ListReq -> IO (Response ListRsp))
-> SlackConfig
-> ListReq
-> IO (LoadPage IO Conversation)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. SlackConfig -> ListReq -> IO (Response ListRsp)

-- |
-- Retrieve ceonversation history.
-- Consider using 'historyFetchAll' in combination with this function.
-- <https://api.slack.com/methods/conversations.history>
conversationsHistory ::
  SlackConfig ->
  Conversation.HistoryReq ->
  IO (Response Conversation.HistoryRsp)
conversationsHistory :: SlackConfig -> HistoryReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp)
conversationsHistory = (HistoryReq -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
-> SlackConfig -> HistoryReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp)
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip ((HistoryReq -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
 -> SlackConfig -> HistoryReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
-> (HistoryReq -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
-> SlackConfig
-> HistoryReq
-> IO (Response HistoryRsp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \HistoryReq
histReq -> do
  AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR <- SlackConfig -> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
  ClientM (ResponseJSON HistoryRsp)
-> Manager -> IO (Response HistoryRsp)
forall a. ClientM (ResponseJSON a) -> Manager -> IO (Response a)
run (AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> HistoryReq -> ClientM (ResponseJSON HistoryRsp)
conversationsHistory_ AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR HistoryReq
histReq) (Manager -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
-> (SlackConfig -> Manager)
-> SlackConfig
-> IO (Response HistoryRsp)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. SlackConfig -> Manager

conversationsHistory_ ::
  AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token") ->
  Conversation.HistoryReq ->
  ClientM (ResponseJSON Conversation.HistoryRsp)

-- |
-- Retrieve replies of a conversation.
-- Consider using 'repliesFetchAll' if you want to get entire replies
-- of a conversation.
-- <https://api.slack.com/methods/conversations.replies>
conversationsReplies ::
  SlackConfig ->
  Conversation.RepliesReq ->
  IO (Response Conversation.HistoryRsp)
conversationsReplies :: SlackConfig -> RepliesReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp)
conversationsReplies = (RepliesReq -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
-> SlackConfig -> RepliesReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp)
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip ((RepliesReq -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
 -> SlackConfig -> RepliesReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
-> (RepliesReq -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
-> SlackConfig
-> RepliesReq
-> IO (Response HistoryRsp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \RepliesReq
repliesReq -> do
  AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR <- SlackConfig -> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
  ClientM (ResponseJSON HistoryRsp)
-> Manager -> IO (Response HistoryRsp)
forall a. ClientM (ResponseJSON a) -> Manager -> IO (Response a)
run (AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> RepliesReq -> ClientM (ResponseJSON HistoryRsp)
conversationsReplies_ AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR RepliesReq
repliesReq) (Manager -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
-> (SlackConfig -> Manager)
-> SlackConfig
-> IO (Response HistoryRsp)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. SlackConfig -> Manager

conversationsReplies_ ::
  AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token") ->
  Conversation.RepliesReq ->
  ClientM (ResponseJSON Conversation.HistoryRsp)

-- |
-- Send a message to a channel.
-- <https://api.slack.com/methods/chat.postMessage>
chatPostMessage ::
  SlackConfig ->
  Chat.PostMsgReq ->
  IO (Response Chat.PostMsgRsp)
chatPostMessage :: SlackConfig -> PostMsgReq -> IO (Response PostMsgRsp)
chatPostMessage = (PostMsgReq -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response PostMsgRsp))
-> SlackConfig -> PostMsgReq -> IO (Response PostMsgRsp)
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip ((PostMsgReq -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response PostMsgRsp))
 -> SlackConfig -> PostMsgReq -> IO (Response PostMsgRsp))
-> (PostMsgReq -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response PostMsgRsp))
-> SlackConfig
-> PostMsgReq
-> IO (Response PostMsgRsp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \PostMsgReq
postReq -> do
  AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR <- SlackConfig -> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
  ClientM (ResponseJSON PostMsgRsp)
-> Manager -> IO (Response PostMsgRsp)
forall a. ClientM (ResponseJSON a) -> Manager -> IO (Response a)
run (AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> PostMsgReq -> ClientM (ResponseJSON PostMsgRsp)
chatPostMessage_ AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR PostMsgReq
postReq) (Manager -> IO (Response PostMsgRsp))
-> (SlackConfig -> Manager)
-> SlackConfig
-> IO (Response PostMsgRsp)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. SlackConfig -> Manager

chatPostMessage_ ::
  AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token") ->
  Chat.PostMsgReq ->
  ClientM (ResponseJSON Chat.PostMsgRsp)

-- | Updates a message.
-- <https://api.slack.com/methods/chat.update>
chatUpdate ::
  SlackConfig ->
  Chat.UpdateReq ->
  IO (Response Chat.UpdateRsp)
chatUpdate :: SlackConfig -> UpdateReq -> IO (Response UpdateRsp)
chatUpdate = (UpdateReq -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response UpdateRsp))
-> SlackConfig -> UpdateReq -> IO (Response UpdateRsp)
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip ((UpdateReq -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response UpdateRsp))
 -> SlackConfig -> UpdateReq -> IO (Response UpdateRsp))
-> (UpdateReq -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response UpdateRsp))
-> SlackConfig
-> UpdateReq
-> IO (Response UpdateRsp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \UpdateReq
updateReq -> do
  AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR <- SlackConfig -> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
  ClientM (ResponseJSON UpdateRsp)
-> Manager -> IO (Response UpdateRsp)
forall a. ClientM (ResponseJSON a) -> Manager -> IO (Response a)
run (AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> UpdateReq -> ClientM (ResponseJSON UpdateRsp)
chatUpdate_ AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR UpdateReq
updateReq) (Manager -> IO (Response UpdateRsp))
-> (SlackConfig -> Manager)
-> SlackConfig
-> IO (Response UpdateRsp)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. SlackConfig -> Manager

chatUpdate_ ::
  AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token") ->
  Chat.UpdateReq ->
  ClientM (ResponseJSON Chat.UpdateRsp)

-- | This method returns a list of all users in the team.
-- This includes deleted/deactivated users.
-- <https://api.slack.com/methods/users.list>
usersList ::
  SlackConfig ->
  User.ListReq ->
  IO (Response User.ListRsp)
usersList :: SlackConfig -> ListReq -> IO (Response ListRsp)
usersList SlackConfig
config ListReq
req = do
  let authR :: AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR = SlackConfig -> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
mkSlackAuthenticateReq SlackConfig
  ClientM (ResponseJSON ListRsp) -> Manager -> IO (Response ListRsp)
forall a. ClientM (ResponseJSON a) -> Manager -> IO (Response a)
run (AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> ListReq -> ClientM (ResponseJSON ListRsp)
usersList_ AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR ListReq
req) (SlackConfig -> Manager
slackConfigManager SlackConfig

usersList_ ::
  AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token") ->
  User.ListReq ->
  ClientM (ResponseJSON User.ListRsp)
usersListAll ::
  SlackConfig ->
  -- | The first request to send. _NOTE_: 'User.listReqCursor' is silently ignored.
  User.ListReq ->
  -- | An action which returns a new page of messages every time called.
  --   If there are no pages anymore, it returns an empty list.
  IO (LoadPage IO User.User)
usersListAll :: SlackConfig -> ListReq -> IO (LoadPage IO User)
usersListAll = (ListReq -> IO (Response ListRsp))
-> ListReq -> IO (LoadPage IO (ResponseObject ListRsp))
(ListReq -> IO (Response ListRsp))
-> ListReq -> IO (LoadPage IO User)
forall (m :: * -> *) req resp.
(MonadIO m, PagedRequest req, PagedResponse resp) =>
(req -> m (Response resp))
-> req -> m (LoadPage m (ResponseObject resp))
fetchAllBy ((ListReq -> IO (Response ListRsp))
 -> ListReq -> IO (LoadPage IO User))
-> (SlackConfig -> ListReq -> IO (Response ListRsp))
-> SlackConfig
-> ListReq
-> IO (LoadPage IO User)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. SlackConfig -> ListReq -> IO (Response ListRsp)

-- | Find a user by email address.
-- <https://api.slack.com/methods/users.lookupByEmail>
userLookupByEmail ::
  SlackConfig ->
  User.Email ->
  IO (Response User.UserRsp)
userLookupByEmail :: SlackConfig -> Email -> IO (Response UserRsp)
userLookupByEmail = (Email -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response UserRsp))
-> SlackConfig -> Email -> IO (Response UserRsp)
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip ((Email -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response UserRsp))
 -> SlackConfig -> Email -> IO (Response UserRsp))
-> (Email -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response UserRsp))
-> SlackConfig
-> Email
-> IO (Response UserRsp)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Email
email -> do
  AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR <- SlackConfig -> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
  ClientM (ResponseJSON UserRsp) -> Manager -> IO (Response UserRsp)
forall a. ClientM (ResponseJSON a) -> Manager -> IO (Response a)
run (AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> Email -> ClientM (ResponseJSON UserRsp)
userLookupByEmail_ AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
authR Email
email) (Manager -> IO (Response UserRsp))
-> (SlackConfig -> Manager) -> SlackConfig -> IO (Response UserRsp)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. SlackConfig -> Manager

userLookupByEmail_ ::
  AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token") ->
  User.Email ->
  ClientM (ResponseJSON User.UserRsp)

-- | Returns a function to get a username from a 'Common.UserId'.
-- Comes in handy to use 'Web.Slack.MessageParser.messageToHtml'
getUserDesc ::
  -- | A function to give a default username in case the username is unknown
  (Common.UserId -> Text) ->
  -- | List of users as known by the slack server. See 'usersList'.
  User.ListRsp ->
  -- | A function from 'Common.UserId' to username.
  (Common.UserId -> Text)
getUserDesc :: (UserId -> Text) -> ListRsp -> UserId -> Text
getUserDesc UserId -> Text
unknownUserFn ListRsp
users =
  let userMap :: Map UserId Text
userMap = [(UserId, Text)] -> Map UserId Text
forall k a. Ord k => [(k, a)] -> Map k a
Map.fromList ([(UserId, Text)] -> Map UserId Text)
-> [(UserId, Text)] -> Map UserId Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (User -> UserId
User.userId (User -> UserId) -> (User -> Text) -> User -> (UserId, Text)
forall b c c'. (b -> c) -> (b -> c') -> b -> (c, c')
forall (a :: * -> * -> *) b c c'.
Arrow a =>
a b c -> a b c' -> a b (c, c')
&&& User -> Text
User.userName) (User -> (UserId, Text)) -> [User] -> [(UserId, Text)]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> ListRsp -> [User]
User.listRspMembers ListRsp
   in \UserId
userId -> Text -> Maybe Text -> Text
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe (UserId -> Text
unknownUserFn UserId
userId) (Maybe Text -> Text) -> Maybe Text -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ UserId -> Map UserId Text -> Maybe Text
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Map.lookup UserId
userId Map UserId Text

-- | Returns an action to send a request to get the history of a conversation.
--   To fetch all messages in the conversation, run the returned 'LoadPage' action
--   repeatedly until it returns an empty list.
conversationsHistoryAll ::
  SlackConfig ->
  -- | The first request to send. _NOTE_: 'Conversation.historyReqCursor' is silently ignored.
  Conversation.HistoryReq ->
  -- | An action which returns a new page of messages every time called.
  --   If there are no pages anymore, it returns an empty list.
  IO (LoadPage IO Common.Message)
conversationsHistoryAll :: SlackConfig -> HistoryReq -> IO (LoadPage IO Message)
conversationsHistoryAll = (HistoryReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
-> HistoryReq -> IO (LoadPage IO (ResponseObject HistoryRsp))
(HistoryReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
-> HistoryReq -> IO (LoadPage IO Message)
forall (m :: * -> *) req resp.
(MonadIO m, PagedRequest req, PagedResponse resp) =>
(req -> m (Response resp))
-> req -> m (LoadPage m (ResponseObject resp))
fetchAllBy ((HistoryReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
 -> HistoryReq -> IO (LoadPage IO Message))
-> (SlackConfig -> HistoryReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
-> SlackConfig
-> HistoryReq
-> IO (LoadPage IO Message)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. SlackConfig -> HistoryReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp)

-- | Returns an action to send a request to get the replies of a conversation.
--   To fetch all replies in the conversation, run the returned 'LoadPage' action
--   repeatedly until it returns an empty list.
--   *NOTE*: The conversations.replies endpoint always returns the first message
--           of the thread. So every page returned by the 'LoadPage' action includes
--           the first message of the thread. You should drop it if you want to
--           collect messages in a thread without duplicates.
repliesFetchAll ::
  SlackConfig ->
  -- | The first request to send. _NOTE_: 'Conversation.repliesReqCursor' is silently ignored.
  Conversation.RepliesReq ->
  -- | An action which returns a new page of messages every time called.
  --   If there are no pages anymore, it returns an empty list.
  IO (LoadPage IO Common.Message)
repliesFetchAll :: SlackConfig -> RepliesReq -> IO (LoadPage IO Message)
repliesFetchAll = (RepliesReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
-> RepliesReq -> IO (LoadPage IO (ResponseObject HistoryRsp))
(RepliesReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
-> RepliesReq -> IO (LoadPage IO Message)
forall (m :: * -> *) req resp.
(MonadIO m, PagedRequest req, PagedResponse resp) =>
(req -> m (Response resp))
-> req -> m (LoadPage m (ResponseObject resp))
fetchAllBy ((RepliesReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
 -> RepliesReq -> IO (LoadPage IO Message))
-> (SlackConfig -> RepliesReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp))
-> SlackConfig
-> RepliesReq
-> IO (LoadPage IO Message)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. SlackConfig -> RepliesReq -> IO (Response HistoryRsp)

TestReq -> ClientM (ResponseJSON TestRsp)
  :<|> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> ClientM (ResponseJSON TestRsp)
  :<|> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> ListReq -> ClientM (ResponseJSON ListRsp)
  :<|> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> HistoryReq -> ClientM (ResponseJSON HistoryRsp)
  :<|> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> RepliesReq -> ClientM (ResponseJSON HistoryRsp)
  :<|> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> PostMsgReq -> ClientM (ResponseJSON PostMsgRsp)
  :<|> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> UpdateReq -> ClientM (ResponseJSON UpdateRsp)
  :<|> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> ListReq -> ClientM (ResponseJSON ListRsp)
  :<|> AuthenticatedRequest (AuthProtect "token")
-> Email -> ClientM (ResponseJSON UserRsp)
userLookupByEmail_ =
    Proxy Api -> Client ClientM Api
forall api.
HasClient ClientM api =>
Proxy api -> Client ClientM api
client (Proxy Api
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy Api)

-- | Prepare a SlackConfig from a slack token.
-- You can then call the other functions providing this in a reader context.
mkSlackConfig :: Text -> IO SlackConfig
mkSlackConfig :: Text -> IO SlackConfig
mkSlackConfig Text
token = Manager -> Text -> SlackConfig
SlackConfig (Manager -> Text -> SlackConfig)
-> IO Manager -> IO (Text -> SlackConfig)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> ManagerSettings -> IO Manager
newManager ManagerSettings
tlsManagerSettings IO (Text -> SlackConfig) -> IO Text -> IO SlackConfig
forall a b. IO (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Text -> IO Text
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Text