{-# language GADTSyntax #-}
{-# language KindSignatures #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language BangPatterns #-}
{-# language MagicHash #-}
{-# language UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
module Data.ByteArray.Builder.Small.Unsafe
, construct
, run
, pasteST
, pasteIO
, append
, word64Dec
, int64Dec
, word64PaddedUpperHex
, word32PaddedUpperHex
, word16PaddedUpperHex
, word8PaddedUpperHex
, word64BE
, word32BE
, word16BE
) where
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Primitive
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.ST
import GHC.Word
import GHC.Int
import Data.Kind
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat,Nat,type (+),natVal')
newtype Builder :: Nat -> Type where
Builder ::
(forall s. MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #))
-> Builder n
run :: forall n. KnownNat n
=> Builder n
-> ByteArray
{-# inline run #-}
run b = runST $ do
arr <- newByteArray (fromIntegral (natVal' (proxy# :: Proxy# n)))
len <- pasteST b arr 0
shrinkMutableByteArray arr len
unsafeFreezeByteArray arr
pasteST :: Builder n -> MutableByteArray s -> Int -> ST s Int
{-# inline pasteST #-}
pasteST (Builder f) (MutableByteArray arr) (I# off) =
ST $ \s0 -> case f arr off s0 of
(# s1, r #) -> (# s1, (I# r) #)
pasteIO :: Builder n -> MutableByteArray RealWorld -> Int -> IO Int
{-# inline pasteIO #-}
pasteIO b m off = stToIO (pasteST b m off)
construct :: (forall s. MutableByteArray s -> Int -> ST s Int) -> Builder n
{-# inline construct #-}
construct f = Builder
$ \arr off s0 ->
case unST (f (MutableByteArray arr) (I# off)) s0 of
(# s1, (I# n) #) -> (# s1, n #)
infixr 9 `append`
append :: Builder n -> Builder m -> Builder (n + m)
append (Builder f) (Builder g) =
Builder $ \arr off0 s0 -> case f arr off0 s0 of
(# s1, r #) -> g arr r s1
word64Dec :: Word64 -> Builder 19
word64Dec (W64# w) = word64Dec# w
int64Dec :: Int64 -> Builder 20
int64Dec (I64# w) = int64Dec# w
word64Dec# :: Word# -> Builder 19
{-# noinline word64Dec# #-}
word64Dec# w# = construct $ \arr off0 -> if w /= 0
then internalWordLoop arr off0 (W# w#)
else do
writeByteArray arr off0 (c2w '0')
pure (off0 + 1)
w = W64# w#
internalWordLoop :: MutableByteArray s -> Int -> Word -> ST s Int
{-# inline internalWordLoop #-}
internalWordLoop arr off0 x0 = go off0 x0 where
go !off !(x :: Word) = if x > 0
then do
let (y,z) = quotRem x 10
writeByteArray arr off (fromIntegral (z + 0x30) :: Word8)
go (off + 1) y
else do
reverseBytes arr off0 (off - 1)
pure off
int64Dec# :: Int# -> Builder 20
{-# noinline int64Dec# #-}
int64Dec# w# = construct $ \arr off0 -> case compare w 0 of
GT -> internalWordLoop arr off0 (fromIntegral w)
EQ -> do
writeByteArray arr off0 (c2w '0')
pure (off0 + 1)
LT -> do
writeByteArray arr off0 (c2w '-')
internalWordLoop arr (off0 + 1) (fromIntegral (negate w))
w = I64# w#
toHexUpper :: Word -> Word8
toHexUpper w' = fromIntegral
$ (complement theMask .&. loSolved)
.|. (theMask .&. hiSolved)
w = w' .&. 0xF
theMask = (1 .&. unsafeShiftR (w - 10) 63) - 1
loSolved = w + 48
hiSolved = w + 55
word64PaddedUpperHex :: Word64 -> Builder 16
word64PaddedUpperHex (W64# w) = word64PaddedUpperHex# w
word32PaddedUpperHex :: Word32 -> Builder 8
word32PaddedUpperHex (W32# w) = word32PaddedUpperHex# w
word16PaddedUpperHex :: Word16 -> Builder 4
word16PaddedUpperHex (W16# w) = word16PaddedUpperHex# w
word8PaddedUpperHex :: Word8 -> Builder 2
word8PaddedUpperHex (W8# w) = word8PaddedUpperHex# w
word64PaddedUpperHex# :: Word# -> Builder 16
{-# noinline word64PaddedUpperHex# #-}
word64PaddedUpperHex# w# = construct $ \arr off -> do
writeByteArray arr off (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 60))
writeByteArray arr (off + 1) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 56))
writeByteArray arr (off + 2) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 52))
writeByteArray arr (off + 3) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 48))
writeByteArray arr (off + 4) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 44))
writeByteArray arr (off + 5) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 40))
writeByteArray arr (off + 6) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 36))
writeByteArray arr (off + 7) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 32))
writeByteArray arr (off + 8) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 28))
writeByteArray arr (off + 9) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 24))
writeByteArray arr (off + 10) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 20))
writeByteArray arr (off + 11) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 16))
writeByteArray arr (off + 12) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 12))
writeByteArray arr (off + 13) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 8))
writeByteArray arr (off + 14) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 4))
writeByteArray arr (off + 15) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 0))
pure (off + 16)
w = W# w#
word32PaddedUpperHex# :: Word# -> Builder 8
{-# noinline word32PaddedUpperHex# #-}
word32PaddedUpperHex# w# = construct $ \arr off -> do
writeByteArray arr off (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 28))
writeByteArray arr (off + 1) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 24))
writeByteArray arr (off + 2) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 20))
writeByteArray arr (off + 3) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 16))
writeByteArray arr (off + 4) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 12))
writeByteArray arr (off + 5) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 8))
writeByteArray arr (off + 6) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 4))
writeByteArray arr (off + 7) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 0))
pure (off + 8)
w = W# w#
word16PaddedUpperHex# :: Word# -> Builder 4
word16PaddedUpperHex# w# = construct $ \arr off -> do
writeByteArray arr off (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 12))
writeByteArray arr (off + 1) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 8))
writeByteArray arr (off + 2) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 4))
writeByteArray arr (off + 3) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 0))
pure (off + 4)
w = W# w#
word8PaddedUpperHex# :: Word# -> Builder 2
{-# inline word8PaddedUpperHex #-}
word8PaddedUpperHex# w# = construct $ \arr off -> do
writeByteArray arr off (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 4))
writeByteArray arr (off + 1) (toHexUpper (unsafeShiftR w 0))
pure (off + 2)
w = W# w#
word64BE :: Word64 -> Builder 8
word64BE w = construct $ \arr off -> do
writeByteArray arr (off ) (fromIntegral @Word64 @Word8 (unsafeShiftR w 56))
writeByteArray arr (off + 1) (fromIntegral @Word64 @Word8 (unsafeShiftR w 48))
writeByteArray arr (off + 2) (fromIntegral @Word64 @Word8 (unsafeShiftR w 40))
writeByteArray arr (off + 3) (fromIntegral @Word64 @Word8 (unsafeShiftR w 32))
writeByteArray arr (off + 4) (fromIntegral @Word64 @Word8 (unsafeShiftR w 24))
writeByteArray arr (off + 5) (fromIntegral @Word64 @Word8 (unsafeShiftR w 16))
writeByteArray arr (off + 6) (fromIntegral @Word64 @Word8 (unsafeShiftR w 8))
writeByteArray arr (off + 7) (fromIntegral @Word64 @Word8 w)
pure (off + 8)
word32BE :: Word32 -> Builder 4
word32BE w = construct $ \arr off -> do
writeByteArray arr (off ) (fromIntegral @Word32 @Word8 (unsafeShiftR w 24))
writeByteArray arr (off + 1) (fromIntegral @Word32 @Word8 (unsafeShiftR w 16))
writeByteArray arr (off + 2) (fromIntegral @Word32 @Word8 (unsafeShiftR w 8))
writeByteArray arr (off + 3) (fromIntegral @Word32 @Word8 w)
pure (off + 4)
word16BE :: Word16 -> Builder 2
word16BE w = construct $ \arr off -> do
writeByteArray arr (off ) (fromIntegral @Word16 @Word8 (unsafeShiftR w 8))
writeByteArray arr (off + 1) (fromIntegral @Word16 @Word8 w)
pure (off + 2)
reverseBytes :: MutableByteArray s -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()
{-# inline reverseBytes #-}
reverseBytes arr begin end = go begin end where
go ixA ixB = if ixA < ixB
then do
a :: Word8 <- readByteArray arr ixA
b :: Word8 <- readByteArray arr ixB
writeByteArray arr ixA b
writeByteArray arr ixB a
go (ixA + 1) (ixB - 1)
else pure ()
c2w :: Char -> Word8
c2w = fromIntegral . ord
unST :: ST s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
unST (ST f) = f
shrinkMutableByteArray :: MutableByteArray s -> Int -> ST s ()
shrinkMutableByteArray (MutableByteArray arr) (I# sz) =
primitive_ (shrinkMutableByteArray# arr sz)