Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Contains web handlers to serve files from a directory.
Example usage:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Snap.Core (Snap, route) import Snap.Http.Server (quickHttpServe) import Snap.Util.FileServe site :: Snap () site =route
[ ("/files",serveDirectory
"static") , ("/simple",serveDirectoryWith
"static") , ("/default",serveDirectoryWith
"static") , ("/fancy",serveDirectoryWith
"static") , ("/paper",serveFile
"static/paper.pdf") , ("/thesis",serveFileAs
"application/pdf" "static/thesis.pdf") ] main :: IO () main =quickHttpServe
- getSafePath :: MonadSnap m => m FilePath
- type MimeMap = HashMap FilePath ByteString
- type HandlerMap m = HashMap FilePath (FilePath -> m ())
- data DirectoryConfig m = DirectoryConfig {
- indexFiles :: [FilePath]
- indexGenerator :: FilePath -> m ()
- dynamicHandlers :: HandlerMap m
- mimeTypes :: MimeMap
- preServeHook :: FilePath -> m ()
- simpleDirectoryConfig :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m
- defaultDirectoryConfig :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m
- fancyDirectoryConfig :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m
- defaultIndexGenerator :: MonadSnap m => MimeMap -> ByteString -> FilePath -> m ()
- defaultMimeTypes :: MimeMap
- fileType :: MimeMap -> FilePath -> ByteString
- serveDirectory :: MonadSnap m => FilePath -> m ()
- serveDirectoryWith :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m -> FilePath -> m ()
- serveFile :: MonadSnap m => FilePath -> m ()
- serveFileAs :: MonadSnap m => ByteString -> FilePath -> m ()
Helper functions
getSafePath :: MonadSnap m => m FilePath Source #
Gets a path from the Request
using rqPathInfo
and makes sure it is
safe to use for opening files. A path is safe if it is a relative path
and has no ".." elements to escape the intended directory structure.
ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings ghci> import qualified Data.Map as M ghci> import qualified Snap.Test as T ghci> import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 ghci> T.runHandler (T.get "/foo/bar" M.empty) (getSafePath
. B8.pack) HTTP/1.1 200 OK server: Snap/test date: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 16:13:20 GMT foo/bar ghci> T.runHandler (T.get "/foo/../bar" M.empty) (getSafePath
. B8.pack) HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found ...
Configuration for directory serving
data DirectoryConfig m Source #
A collection of options for serving static files out of a directory.
DirectoryConfig | |
simpleDirectoryConfig :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m Source #
A very simple configuration for directory serving. This configuration
uses built-in MIME types from defaultMimeTypes
, and has no index files,
index generator, dynamic file handlers, or preServeHook
defaultDirectoryConfig :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m Source #
A reasonable default configuration for directory serving. This
configuration uses built-in MIME types from defaultMimeTypes
, serves
common index files index.html
and index.htm
, but does not autogenerate
directory indexes, nor have any dynamic file handlers. The preServeHook
will not do anything.
fancyDirectoryConfig :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m Source #
A more elaborate configuration for file serving. This configuration
uses built-in MIME types from defaultMimeTypes
, serves common index files
and index.htm
, and autogenerates directory indexes with a
Snap-like feel. It still has no dynamic file handlers, nor preServeHook
which should be added as needed.
Files recognized as indexes include index.html
, index.htm
, default.htm
, home.html
Example of how the autogenerated directory index looks like:
defaultIndexGenerator Source #
:: MonadSnap m | |
=> MimeMap | MIME type mapping for reporting types |
-> ByteString | Style info to insert in header |
-> FilePath | Directory to generate index for |
-> m () |
An automatic index generator, which is fairly small and does not rely on any external files (which may not be there depending on external request routing).
A MimeMap
is passed in to display the types of files in the directory
listing based on their extension. Preferably, this is the same as the map
in the DirectoryConfig
The styles parameter allows you to apply styles to the directory listing. The listing itself consists of a table, containing a header row using th elements, and one row per file using td elements, so styles for those pieces may be attached to the appropriate tags.
defaultMimeTypes :: MimeMap Source #
The default set of mime type mappings we use when serving files. Its value:
Map.fromList [ ( ".asc" , "text/plain" ), ( ".asf" , "video/x-ms-asf" ), ( ".asx" , "video/x-ms-asf" ), ( ".au" , "audio/basic" ), ( ".avi" , "video/x-msvideo" ), ( ".bmp" , "image/bmp" ), ( ".bz2" , "application/x-bzip" ), ( ".c" , "text/plain" ), ( ".class" , "application/octet-stream" ), ( ".conf" , "text/plain" ), ( ".cpp" , "text/plain" ), ( ".css" , "text/css" ), ( ".csv" , "text/csv" ), ( ".cxx" , "text/plain" ), ( ".doc" , "application/msword" ), ( ".docx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" ".wordprocessingml.document" ), ( ".dotx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" ".wordprocessingml.template" ), ( ".dtd" , "application/xml-dtd" ), ( ".dvi" , "application/x-dvi" ), ( ".exe" , "application/octet-stream" ), ( ".flv" , "video/x-flv" ), ( ".gif" , "image/gif" ), ( ".gz" , "application/x-gzip" ), ( ".hs" , "text/plain" ), ( ".htm" , "text/html" ), ( ".html" , "text/html" ), ( ".ico" , "image/x-icon" ), ( ".jar" , "application/x-java-archive" ), ( ".jpeg" , "image/jpeg" ), ( ".jpg" , "image/jpeg" ), ( ".js" , "text/javascript" ), ( ".json" , "application/json" ), ( ".log" , "text/plain" ), ( ".m3u" , "audio/x-mpegurl" ), ( ".m3u8" , "application/x-mpegURL" ), ( ".mka" , "audio/x-matroska" ), ( ".mk3d" , "video/x-matroska" ), ( ".mkv" , "video/x-matroska" ), ( ".mov" , "video/quicktime" ), ( ".mp3" , "audio/mpeg" ), ( ".mp4" , "video/mp4" ), ( ".mpeg" , "video/mpeg" ), ( ".mpg" , "video/mpeg" ), ( ".ogg" , "application/ogg" ), ( ".pac" , "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig" ), ( ".pdf" , "application/pdf" ), ( ".png" , "image/png" ), ( ".potx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" ".presentationml.template" ), ( ".ppsx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" ".presentationml.slideshow" ), ( ".ppt" , "application/" ), ( ".pptx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" ".presentationml.presentation" ), ( ".ps" , "application/postscript" ), ( ".qt" , "video/quicktime" ), ( ".rtf" , "text/rtf" ), ( ".sig" , "application/pgp-signature" ), ( ".sldx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" ".presentationml.slide" ), ( ".spl" , "application/futuresplash" ), ( ".svg" , "image/svg+xml" ), ( ".swf" , "application/x-shockwave-flash" ), ( ".tar" , "application/x-tar" ), ( ".tar.bz2" , "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" ), ( ".tar.gz" , "application/x-tgz" ), ( ".tbz" , "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" ), ( ".text" , "text/plain" ), ( ".tgz" , "application/x-tgz" ), ( ".tif" , "image/tiff" ), ( ".tiff" , "image/tiff" ), ( ".torrent" , "application/x-bittorrent" ), ( ".ts" , "video/mp2t" ), ( ".txt" , "text/plain" ), ( ".wav" , "audio/x-wav" ), ( ".wax" , "audio/x-ms-wax" ), ( ".webm" , "video/webm" ), ( ".wma" , "audio/x-ms-wma" ), ( ".wmv" , "video/x-ms-wmv" ), ( ".xbm" , "image/x-xbitmap" ), ( ".xlam" , "application/" ), ( ".xls" , "application/" ), ( ".xlsb" , "application/" ), ( ".xlsx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument." "spreadsheetml.sheet" ), ( ".xltx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument." "spreadsheetml.template" ), ( ".xml" , "text/xml" ), ( ".xpm" , "image/x-xpixmap" ), ( ".xwd" , "image/x-xwindowdump" ), ( ".zip" , "application/zip" ) ]
fileType :: MimeMap -> FilePath -> ByteString Source #
Determine a given file's MIME type from its filename and the provided MIME map.
File servers
Serves static files from a directory using the default configuration
as given in defaultDirectoryConfig
:: MonadSnap m | |
=> DirectoryConfig m | Configuration options |
-> FilePath | Directory to serve from |
-> m () |
Serves static files from a directory. Configuration options are
passed in a DirectoryConfig
that captures various choices about desired
behavior. The relative path given in rqPathInfo
is searched for a
requested file, and the file is served with the appropriate mime type if it
is found. Absolute paths and "..
" are prohibited to prevent files from
being served from outside the sandbox.
Serves a single file specified by a full or relative path. If the file
does not exist, throws an exception (not that it does not pass to the
next handler). The path restrictions on serveDirectory
don't apply to
this function since the path is not being supplied by the user.
:: MonadSnap m | |
=> ByteString | MIME type |
-> FilePath | path to file |
-> m () |
Same as serveFile
, with control over the MIME mapping used.