socket- An extensible socket library.

Copyright(c) Lars Petersen 2015
Safe HaskellNone




{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where

import Control.Exception ( bracket, catch )
import Control.Monad ( forever )

import System.Socket
import System.Socket.Family.Inet6
import System.Socket.Type.Stream
import System.Socket.Protocol.TCP

main :: IO ()
main = bracket
  ( socket :: IO (Socket Inet6 Stream TCP) )
  ( \s-> do
    close s
    putStrLn "Listening socket closed."
  ( \s-> do
    setSocketOption s (ReuseAddress True)
    setSocketOption s (V6Only False)
    bind s (SocketAddressInet6 inet6Any 8080 0 0)
    listen s 5
    putStrLn "Listening socket ready..."
    forever $ acceptAndHandle s `catch` \e-> print (e :: SocketException)

acceptAndHandle :: Socket Inet6 Stream TCP -> IO ()
acceptAndHandle s = bracket
  ( accept s )
  ( \(p, addr)-> do
    close p
    putStrLn $ "Closed connection to " ++ show addr
  ( \(p, addr)-> do
    putStrLn $ "Accepted connection from " ++ show addr
    sendAll p "Hello world!" msgNoSignal



data Socket f t p Source #

A generic socket type. Use socket to create a new socket.

The socket is just an MVar-wrapped file descriptor. The Socket constructor is exported trough the unsafe module in order to make this library easily extensible, but it is usually not necessary nor advised to work directly on the file descriptor. If you do, the following rules must be obeyed:

  • Make sure not to deadlock. Use withMVar or similar.
  • The lock must not be held during a blocking call. This would make it impossible to send and receive simultaneously or to close the socket.
  • The lock must be held when calling operations that use the file descriptor. Otherwise the socket might get closed or even reused by another thread/capability which might result in reading from or writing totally different connection. This is a security nightmare!
  • The socket is non-blocking and all the code relies on that assumption. You need to use GHC's eventing mechanism primitives to block until something happens. The former rules forbid to use threadWaitRead as it does not separate between registering the file descriptor (for which the lock must be held) and the actual waiting (for which you must not hold the lock). Also see this thread and read the library code to see how the problem is currently circumvented.

data family SocketAddress f Source #

The SocketAddress type is a data family. This allows to provide different data constructors depending on the socket family wihtout knowing all of them in advance or the need to patch this core library.

SocketAddressInet  inetLoopback  8080     :: SocketAddress Inet
SocketAddressInet6 inet6Loopback 8080 0 0 :: SocketAddress Inet6


Eq (SocketAddress Inet6) # 
Eq (SocketAddress Inet) # 
Show (SocketAddress Inet6) # 
Show (SocketAddress Inet) # 
Storable (SocketAddress Inet6) # 
Storable (SocketAddress Inet) # 
data SocketAddress Inet6 Source #

An IPv6 socket address.

The socket address contains a port number that may be used by transport protocols like TCP.

SocketAddressInet6 inet6Loopback 8080 0 0
data SocketAddress Inet Source #

An IPv4 socket address.

The socket address contains a port number that may be used by transport protocols like TCP.

SocketAddressInet inetLoopback 8080


class Family f where Source #

Minimal complete definition



familyNumber :: f -> CInt Source #


class Type t where Source #

Minimal complete definition



typeNumber :: t -> CInt Source #


class Protocol p where Source #

Minimal complete definition



protocolNumber :: p -> CInt Source #



socket :: (Family f, Type t, Protocol p) => IO (Socket f t p) Source #

Creates a new socket.

Whereas the underlying POSIX socket operation takes 3 parameters, this library encodes this information in the type variables. This rules out several kinds of errors and escpecially simplifies the handling of addresses (by using associated type families). Examples:

-- create a IPv4-UDP-datagram socket
sock <- socket :: IO (Socket Inet Datagram UDP)
-- create a IPv6-TCP-streaming socket
sock6 <- socket :: IO (Socket Inet6 Stream TCP)
  • This operation sets up a finalizer that automatically closes the socket when the garbage collection decides to collect it. This is just a fail-safe. You might still run out of file descriptors as there's no guarantee about when the finalizer is run. You're advised to manually close the socket when it's no longer needed. If possible, use bracket to reliably close the socket descriptor on exception or regular termination of your computation:
result <- bracket (socket :: IO (Socket Inet6 Stream TCP)) close $ \sock-> do
  somethingWith sock -- your computation here
  return somethingelse
  • This operation configures the socket non-blocking to work seamlessly with the runtime system's event notification mechanism.
  • This operation can safely deal with asynchronous exceptions without leaking file descriptors.
  • This operation throws SocketExceptions. Consult your man page for details and specific errnos.


connect :: (Family f, Storable (SocketAddress f)) => Socket f t p -> SocketAddress f -> IO () Source #

Connects to a remote address.

  • This operation returns as soon as a connection has been established (as if the socket were blocking). The connection attempt has either failed or succeeded after this operation threw an exception or returned.
  • The socket is locked throughout the whole operation.
  • The operation throws SocketExceptions. Calling connect on a closed socket throws eBadFileDescriptor even if the former file descriptor has been reassigned.


bind :: (Family f, Storable (SocketAddress f)) => Socket f t p -> SocketAddress f -> IO () Source #

Bind a socket to an address.

  • Calling bind on a closed socket throws eBadFileDescriptor even if the former file descriptor has been reassigned.
  • It is assumed that bind never blocks and therefore eInProgress, eAlready and eInterrupted don't occur. This assumption is supported by the fact that the Linux manpage doesn't mention any of these errors, the Posix manpage doesn't mention the last one and even MacOS' implementation will never fail with any of these when the socket is configured non-blocking as argued here.
  • This operation throws SocketExceptions. Consult your man page for details and specific errnos.


listen :: Socket f t p -> Int -> IO () Source #

Starts listening and queueing connection requests on a connection-mode socket.

  • Calling listen on a closed socket throws eBadFileDescriptor even if the former file descriptor has been reassigned.
  • The second parameter is called backlog and sets a limit on how many unaccepted connections the socket implementation shall queue. A value of 0 leaves the decision to the implementation.
  • This operation throws SocketExceptions. Consult your man page for details and specific errnos.


accept :: (Family f, Storable (SocketAddress f)) => Socket f t p -> IO (Socket f t p, SocketAddress f) Source #

Accept a new connection.

  • Calling accept on a closed socket throws eBadFileDescriptor even if the former file descriptor has been reassigned.
  • This operation configures the new socket non-blocking (TODO: use accept4 if available).
  • This operation sets up a finalizer for the new socket that automatically closes the new socket when the garbage collection decides to collect it. This is just a fail-safe. You might still run out of file descriptors as there's no guarantee about when the finalizer is run. You're advised to manually close the socket when it's no longer needed.
  • This operation throws SocketExceptions. Consult your man page for details and specific errnos.
  • This operation catches eAgain, eWouldBlock and eInterrupted internally and retries automatically.

send, sendTo

send :: Socket f t p -> ByteString -> MessageFlags -> IO Int Source #

Send a message on a connected socket.

  • Calling send on a closed socket throws eBadFileDescriptor even if the former file descriptor has been reassigned.
  • The operation returns the number of bytes sent. On Datagram and SequentialPacket sockets certain assurances on atomicity exist and eAgain or eWouldBlock are returned until the whole message would fit into the send buffer.
  • This operation throws SocketExceptions. Consult man 3p send for details and specific errnos.
  • eAgain, eWouldBlock and eInterrupted and handled internally and won't be thrown. For performance reasons the operation first tries a write on the socket and then waits when it got eAgain or eWouldBlock.

sendTo :: (Family f, Storable (SocketAddress f)) => Socket f t p -> ByteString -> MessageFlags -> SocketAddress f -> IO Int Source #

Like send, but allows to specify a destination address.

receive, receiveFrom

receive :: Socket f t p -> Int -> MessageFlags -> IO ByteString Source #

Receive a message on a connected socket.

  • Calling receive on a closed socket throws eBadFileDescriptor even if the former file descriptor has been reassigned.
  • The operation takes a buffer size in bytes a first parameter which limits the maximum length of the returned ByteString.
  • This operation throws SocketExceptions. Consult man 3p receive for details and specific errnos.
  • eAgain, eWouldBlock and eInterrupted and handled internally and won't be thrown. For performance reasons the operation first tries a read on the socket and then waits when it got eAgain or eWouldBlock.

receiveFrom :: (Family f, Storable (SocketAddress f)) => Socket f t p -> Int -> MessageFlags -> IO (ByteString, SocketAddress f) Source #

Like receive, but additionally yields the peer address.


close :: Socket f t p -> IO () Source #

Closes a socket.

  • This operation is idempotent and thus can be performed more than once without throwing an exception. If it throws an exception it is presumably a not recoverable situation and the process should exit.
  • This operation does not block.
  • This operation wakes up all threads that are currently blocking on this socket. All other threads are guaranteed not to block on operations on this socket in the future. Threads that perform operations other than close on this socket will fail with eBadFileDescriptor after the socket has been closed (close replaces the Fd in the MVar with -1 to reliably avoid use-after-free situations).
  • This operation potentially throws SocketExceptions (only EIO is documented). eInterrupted is catched internally and retried automatically, so won't be thrown.


data Error Source #



Error SocketException 


Name Resolution


data AddressInfo f t p Source #


Eq (SocketAddress f) => Eq (AddressInfo f t p) Source # 


(==) :: AddressInfo f t p -> AddressInfo f t p -> Bool #

(/=) :: AddressInfo f t p -> AddressInfo f t p -> Bool #

Show (SocketAddress f) => Show (AddressInfo f t p) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> AddressInfo f t p -> ShowS #

show :: AddressInfo f t p -> String #

showList :: [AddressInfo f t p] -> ShowS #

class Family f => HasAddressInfo f where Source #

Minimal complete definition



getAddressInfo :: (Type t, Protocol p) => Maybe ByteString -> Maybe ByteString -> AddressInfoFlags -> IO [AddressInfo f t p] Source #

Maps names to addresses (i.e. by DNS lookup).

The operation throws AddressInfoExceptions.

Contrary to the underlying getaddrinfo operation this wrapper is typesafe and thus only returns records that match the address, type and protocol encoded in the type. This is the price we have to pay for typesafe sockets and extensibility.

If you need different types of records, you need to start several queries. If you want to connect to both IPv4 and IPV6 addresses use aiV4Mapped and use IPv6-sockets.

getAddressInfo (Just "") (Just "https") mempty :: IO [AddressInfo Inet Stream TCP]
> [AddressInfo {addressInfoFlags = AddressInfoFlags 0, socketAddress = SocketAddressInet {inetAddress = InetAddress, inetPort = InetPort 443}, canonicalName = Nothing}]
> getAddressInfo (Just "") (Just "80") aiV4Mapped :: IO [AddressInfo Inet6 Stream TCP]
[AddressInfo {
   addressInfoFlags = AddressInfoFlags 8,
   socketAddress    = SocketAddressInet6 {inet6Address = Inet6Address 2400:cb00:2048:0001:0000:0000:6ca2:cc3c, inet6Port = Inet6Port 80, inet6FlowInfo = Inet6FlowInfo 0, inet6ScopeId = Inet6ScopeId 0},
   canonicalName    = Nothing }]
> getAddressInfo (Just "") Nothing aiV4Mapped :: IO [AddressInfo Inet6 Stream TCP]
[AddressInfo {
   addressInfoFlags = AddressInfoFlags 8,
   socketAddress    = SocketAddressInet6 {inet6Address = Inet6Address 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:17fd:e1ad, inet6Port = Inet6Port 0, inet6FlowInfo = Inet6FlowInfo 0, inet6ScopeId = Inet6ScopeId 0},
   canonicalName    = Nothing }]
> getAddressInfo (Just "") Nothing mempty :: IO [AddressInfo Inet6 Stream TCP]
*** Exception: AddressInfoException "Name or service not known"


data NameInfo Source #

A NameInfo consists of host and service name.



class Family f => HasNameInfo f where Source #

Maps addresses to readable host- and service names.

The operation throws AddressInfoExceptions.

> getNameInfo (SocketAddressInet inetLoopback 80) mempty
NameInfo {hostName = "localhost.localdomain", serviceName = "http"}

Minimal complete definition




newtype MessageFlags Source #

Use the Monoid instance to combine several flags:

mconcat [msgNoSignal, msgWaitAll]

Use the Bits instance to check whether a flag is set:

if flags .&. msgEndOfRecord /= mempty then ...


MessageFlags CInt 


Eq MessageFlags Source # 
Show MessageFlags Source # 
Monoid MessageFlags Source # 
Storable MessageFlags Source # 
Bits MessageFlags Source # 

msgNoSignal :: MessageFlags Source #


Suppresses the generation of PIPE signals when writing to a socket that is no longer connected.

Although this flag is POSIX, it is not available on all platforms. Try

msgNoSignal /= mempty

in order to check whether this flag is defined on a certain platform. It is safe to just use this constant even if it might not have effect on a certain target platform. The platform independence of this flag is therefore fulfilled to some extent.

Some more explanation on the platform specific behaviour:

  • Linux defines and supports MSG_NOSIGNAL and properly suppresses the generation of broken pipe-related signals.
  • Windows does not define it, but does not generate signals either.
  • OSX does not define it, but generates PIPE signals. The GHC runtime ignores them if you don't hook them explicitly. The non-portable socket option SO_NOSIGPIPE may be used disable signals on a per-socket basis.


data AddressInfoFlags Source #

Use the Monoid instance to combine several flags:

mconcat [aiAddressConfig, aiV4Mapped]


Eq AddressInfoFlags Source # 
Show AddressInfoFlags Source # 
Monoid AddressInfoFlags Source # 
Bits AddressInfoFlags Source # 

aiAll :: AddressInfoFlags Source #

AI_ALL: Return both IPv4 (as mapped SocketAddressInet6) and IPv6 addresses when aiV4Mapped is set independent of whether IPv6 addresses exist for this name.

aiV4Mapped :: AddressInfoFlags Source #

AI_V4MAPPED: Return mapped IPv4 addresses if no IPv6 addresses could be found or if aiAll flag is set.


data NameInfoFlags Source #

Use the Monoid instance to combine several flags:

mconcat [niNameRequired, niNoFullyQualifiedDomainName]


Eq NameInfoFlags Source # 
Show NameInfoFlags Source # 
Monoid NameInfoFlags Source # 
Bits NameInfoFlags Source # 

niNameRequired :: NameInfoFlags Source #

NI_NAMEREQD: Throw an exception if the hostname cannot be determined.

niDatagram :: NameInfoFlags Source #

NI_DGRAM: Service is datagram based (i.e. UDP) rather than stream based (i.e. TCP).

niNoFullyQualifiedDomainName :: NameInfoFlags Source #

NI_NOFQDN: Return only the hostname part of the fully qualified domain name for local hosts.

niNumericHost :: NameInfoFlags Source #

NI_NUMERICHOST: Return the numeric form of the host address.

niNumericService :: NameInfoFlags Source #

NI_NUMERICSERV: Return the numeric form of the service address.




eaiAgain :: AddressInfoException Source #

AddressInfoException "Temporary failure in name resolution"

eaiBadFlags :: AddressInfoException Source #

AddressInfoException "Bad value for ai_flags"

eaiFail :: AddressInfoException Source #

AddressInfoException "Non-recoverable failure in name resolution"

eaiFamily :: AddressInfoException Source #

AddressInfoException "ai_family not supported"

eaiMemory :: AddressInfoException Source #

AddressInfoException "Memory allocation failure"

eaiNoName :: AddressInfoException Source #

AddressInfoException "No such host is known"

eaiSocketType :: AddressInfoException Source #

AddressInfoException "ai_socktype not supported"

eaiService :: AddressInfoException Source #

AddressInfoException "Servname not supported for ai_socktype"

eaiSystem :: AddressInfoException Source #

AddressInfoException "System error"