Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Classes for generalized combinators on SOP types.
In the SOP approach to generic programming, we're predominantly concerned with four structured datatypes:
:: (k ->Type
) -> ( [k] ->Type
) -- n-ary productNS
:: (k ->Type
) -> ( [k] ->Type
) -- n-ary sumPOP
:: (k ->Type
) -> ([[k]] ->Type
) -- product of productsSOP
:: (k ->Type
) -> ([[k]] ->Type
) -- sum of products
All of these have a kind that fits the following pattern:
(k ->Type
) -> (l ->Type
These four types support similar interfaces. In order to allow reusing the same combinator names for all of these types, we define various classes in this module that allow the necessary generalization.
The classes typically lift concepts that exist for kinds
to datatypes of kind Type
-> Type
(k ->
. This module
also derives a number of derived combinators.Type
) -> (l -> Type
The actual instances are defined in Data.SOP.NP and Data.SOP.NS.
- class HPure (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where
- newtype (f -.-> g) a = Fn {
- apFn :: f a -> g a
- fn :: (f a -> f' a) -> (f -.-> f') a
- fn_2 :: (f a -> f' a -> f'' a) -> (f -.-> (f' -.-> f'')) a
- fn_3 :: (f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a) -> (f -.-> (f' -.-> (f'' -.-> f'''))) a
- fn_4 :: (f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a -> f'''' a) -> (f -.-> (f' -.-> (f'' -.-> (f''' -.-> f'''')))) a
- type family Same (h :: (k1 -> Type) -> l1 -> Type) :: (k2 -> Type) -> l2 -> Type
- type family Prod (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type
- class (Prod (Prod h) ~ Prod h, HPure (Prod h)) => HAp (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where
- hliftA :: (SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h) => (forall a. f a -> f' a) -> h f xs -> h f' xs
- hliftA2 :: (SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a) -> Prod h f xs -> h f' xs -> h f'' xs
- hliftA3 :: (SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a) -> Prod h f xs -> Prod h f' xs -> h f'' xs -> h f''' xs
- hmap :: (SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h) => (forall a. f a -> f' a) -> h f xs -> h f' xs
- hzipWith :: (SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a) -> Prod h f xs -> h f' xs -> h f'' xs
- hzipWith3 :: (SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a) -> Prod h f xs -> Prod h f' xs -> h f'' xs -> h f''' xs
- hcliftA :: (AllN (Prod h) c xs, HAp h) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> f' a) -> h f xs -> h f' xs
- hcliftA2 :: (AllN (Prod h) c xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> f' a -> f'' a) -> Prod h f xs -> h f' xs -> h f'' xs
- hcliftA3 :: (AllN (Prod h) c xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a) -> Prod h f xs -> Prod h f' xs -> h f'' xs -> h f''' xs
- hcmap :: (AllN (Prod h) c xs, HAp h) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> f' a) -> h f xs -> h f' xs
- hczipWith :: (AllN (Prod h) c xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> f' a -> f'' a) -> Prod h f xs -> h f' xs -> h f'' xs
- hczipWith3 :: (AllN (Prod h) c xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a) -> Prod h f xs -> Prod h f' xs -> h f'' xs -> h f''' xs
- type family CollapseTo (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) (x :: Type) :: Type
- class HCollapse (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where
- hcollapse :: SListIN h xs => h (K a) xs -> CollapseTo h a
- class HTraverse_ (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where
- hctraverse_ :: (AllN h c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g ()) -> h f xs -> g ()
- htraverse_ :: (SListIN h xs, Applicative g) => (forall a. f a -> g ()) -> h f xs -> g ()
- class HAp h => HSequence (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where
- hsequence' :: (SListIN h xs, Applicative f) => h (f :.: g) xs -> f (h g xs)
- hctraverse' :: (AllN h c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g (f' a)) -> h f xs -> g (h f' xs)
- htraverse' :: (SListIN h xs, Applicative g) => (forall a. f a -> g (f' a)) -> h f xs -> g (h f' xs)
- hcfoldMap :: (HTraverse_ h, AllN h c xs, Monoid m) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> m) -> h f xs -> m
- hcfor_ :: (HTraverse_ h, AllN h c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> h f xs -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g ()) -> g ()
- hsequence :: (SListIN h xs, SListIN (Prod h) xs, HSequence h) => Applicative f => h f xs -> f (h I xs)
- hsequenceK :: (SListIN h xs, SListIN (Prod h) xs, Applicative f, HSequence h) => h (K (f a)) xs -> f (h (K a) xs)
- hctraverse :: (HSequence h, AllN h c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g a) -> h f xs -> g (h I xs)
- hcfor :: (HSequence h, AllN h c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> h f xs -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g a) -> g (h I xs)
- class HIndex (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where
- type family UnProd (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type
- class UnProd (Prod h) ~ h => HApInjs (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where
- class HExpand (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where
- class (Same h1 ~ h2, Same h2 ~ h1) => HTrans (h1 :: (k1 -> Type) -> l1 -> Type) (h2 :: (k2 -> Type) -> l2 -> Type) where
- hfromI :: (AllZipN (Prod h1) (LiftedCoercible I f) xs ys, HTrans h1 h2) => h1 I xs -> h2 f ys
- htoI :: (AllZipN (Prod h1) (LiftedCoercible f I) xs ys, HTrans h1 h2) => h1 f xs -> h2 I ys
Generalized applicative functor structure
Generalized pure
class HPure (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where Source #
hpure :: SListIN h xs => (forall a. f a) -> h f xs Source #
Corresponds to pure
xs => (forall a. f a) ->NP
f xshpure
xss => (forall a. f a) ->POP
f xss
hcpure :: AllN h c xs => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a) -> h f xs Source #
A variant of hpure
that allows passing in a constrained
where hcpure
f ss :: h f xs
causes f
to be
applied at all the types that are contained in xs
. Therefore,
the constraint c
has to be satisfied for all elements of xs
which is what
h c xs
:: (All
c xs ) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a) ->NP
f xshcpure
:: (All2
c xss) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a) ->POP
f xss
Generalized <*>
fn :: (f a -> f' a) -> (f -.-> f') a Source #
Construct a lifted function.
Same as Fn
. Only available for uniformity with the
higher-arity versions.
fn_2 :: (f a -> f' a -> f'' a) -> (f -.-> (f' -.-> f'')) a Source #
Construct a binary lifted function.
fn_3 :: (f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a) -> (f -.-> (f' -.-> (f'' -.-> f'''))) a Source #
Construct a ternary lifted function.
fn_4 :: (f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a -> f'''' a) -> (f -.-> (f' -.-> (f'' -.-> (f''' -.-> f'''')))) a Source #
Construct a quarternary lifted function.
type family Same (h :: (k1 -> Type) -> l1 -> Type) :: (k2 -> Type) -> l2 -> Type Source #
Maps a structure to the same structure.
type family Prod (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type Source #
Maps a structure containing sums to the corresponding product structure.
class (Prod (Prod h) ~ Prod h, HPure (Prod h)) => HAp (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where Source #
A generalization of <*>
hap :: Prod h (f -.-> g) xs -> h f xs -> h g xs Source #
Corresponds to <*>
For products (NP
) as well as products of products
), the correspondence is rather direct. We combine
a structure containing (lifted) functions and a compatible structure
containing corresponding arguments into a compatible structure
containing results.
The same combinator can also be used to combine a product structure of functions with a sum structure of arguments, which then results in another sum structure of results. The sum structure determines which part of the product structure will be used.
(f -.-> g) xs ->NP
f xs ->NP
g xshap
(f -.-> g) xs ->NS
f xs ->NS
g xshap
(f -.-> g) xss ->POP
f xss ->POP
g xsshap
(f -.-> g) xss ->SOP
f xss ->SOP
g xss
Derived functions
hliftA :: (SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h) => (forall a. f a -> f' a) -> h f xs -> h f' xs Source #
A generalized form of liftA
which in turn is a generalized map
Takes a lifted function and applies it to every element of a structure while preserving its shape.
f xs =hpure
f) `hap
` xs
xs => (forall a. f a -> f' a) ->NP
f xs ->NP
f' xshliftA
xs => (forall a. f a -> f' a) ->NS
f xs ->NS
f' xshliftA
xss => (forall a. f a -> f' a) ->POP
f xss ->POP
f' xsshliftA
xss => (forall a. f a -> f' a) ->SOP
f xss ->SOP
f' xss
hliftA2 :: (SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a) -> Prod h f xs -> h f' xs -> h f'' xs Source #
A generalized form of liftA2
which in turn is a generalized zipWith
Takes a lifted binary function and uses it to combine two structures of equal shape into a single structure.
It either takes two product structures to a product structure, or one product and one sum structure to a sum structure.
f xs ys =hpure
f) `hap
` xs `hap
` ys
xs => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a) ->NP
f xs ->NP
f' xs ->NP
f'' xshliftA2
xs => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a) ->NP
f xs ->NS
f' xs ->NS
f'' xshliftA2
xss => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a) ->POP
f xss ->POP
f' xss ->POP
f'' xsshliftA2
xss => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a) ->POP
f xss ->SOP
f' xss ->SOP
f'' xss
hliftA3 :: (SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a) -> Prod h f xs -> Prod h f' xs -> h f'' xs -> h f''' xs Source #
A generalized form of liftA3
which in turn is a generalized zipWith3
Takes a lifted ternary function and uses it to combine three structures of equal shape into a single structure.
It either takes three product structures to a product structure, or two product structures and one sum structure to a sum structure.
f xs ys zs =hpure
f) `hap
` xs `hap
` ys `hap
` zs
xs => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a) ->NP
f xs ->NP
f' xs ->NP
f'' xs ->NP
f''' xshliftA3
xs => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a) ->NP
f xs ->NP
f' xs ->NS
f'' xs ->NS
f''' xshliftA3
xss => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a) ->POP
f xss ->POP
f' xss ->POP
f'' xss ->POP
f''' xshliftA3
xss => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a) ->POP
f xss ->POP
f' xss ->SOP
f'' xss ->SOP
f''' xs
hmap :: (SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h) => (forall a. f a -> f' a) -> h f xs -> h f' xs Source #
Another name for hliftA
Since: 0.2
hzipWith :: (SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a) -> Prod h f xs -> h f' xs -> h f'' xs Source #
Another name for hliftA2
Since: 0.2
hzipWith3 :: (SListIN (Prod h) xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => (forall a. f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a) -> Prod h f xs -> Prod h f' xs -> h f'' xs -> h f''' xs Source #
Another name for hliftA3
Since: 0.2
hcliftA :: (AllN (Prod h) c xs, HAp h) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> f' a) -> h f xs -> h f' xs Source #
hcliftA2 :: (AllN (Prod h) c xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> f' a -> f'' a) -> Prod h f xs -> h f' xs -> h f'' xs Source #
hcliftA3 :: (AllN (Prod h) c xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a) -> Prod h f xs -> Prod h f' xs -> h f'' xs -> h f''' xs Source #
hcmap :: (AllN (Prod h) c xs, HAp h) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> f' a) -> h f xs -> h f' xs Source #
Another name for hcliftA
Since: 0.2
hczipWith :: (AllN (Prod h) c xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> f' a -> f'' a) -> Prod h f xs -> h f' xs -> h f'' xs Source #
Another name for hcliftA2
Since: 0.2
hczipWith3 :: (AllN (Prod h) c xs, HAp h, HAp (Prod h)) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> f' a -> f'' a -> f''' a) -> Prod h f xs -> Prod h f' xs -> h f'' xs -> h f''' xs Source #
Another name for hcliftA3
Since: 0.2
Collapsing homogeneous structures
type family CollapseTo (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) (x :: Type) :: Type Source #
Maps products to lists, and sums to identities.
type CollapseTo (NP :: (k -> Type) -> [k] -> Type) a Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NP | |
type CollapseTo (POP :: (k -> Type) -> [[k]] -> Type) a Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NP | |
type CollapseTo (NS :: (k -> Type) -> [k] -> Type) a Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NS | |
type CollapseTo (SOP :: (k -> Type) -> [[k]] -> Type) a Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NS |
class HCollapse (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where Source #
A class for collapsing a heterogeneous structure into a homogeneous one.
hcollapse :: SListIN h xs => h (K a) xs -> CollapseTo h a Source #
Collapse a heterogeneous structure with homogeneous elements into a homogeneous structure.
If a heterogeneous structure is instantiated to the constant
functor K
, then it is in fact homogeneous. This function
maps such a value to a simpler Haskell datatype reflecting that.
contains a single NS
, and an
a list of NP
a) xs -> [a]hcollapse
a) xs -> ahcollapse
a) xss -> [[a]]hcollapse
a) xss -> [a]
HCollapse (NP :: (k -> Type) -> [k] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NP | |
HCollapse (POP :: (k -> Type) -> [[k]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NP | |
HCollapse (NS :: (k -> Type) -> [k] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NS | |
HCollapse (SOP :: (k -> Type) -> [[k]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NS |
Folding and sequencing
class HTraverse_ (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where Source #
hctraverse_ :: (AllN h c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g ()) -> h f xs -> g () Source #
Corresponds to traverse_
:: (All
c xs ,Applicative
g) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g ()) ->NP
f xs -> g ()hctraverse_
:: (All2
c xs ,Applicative
g) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g ()) ->NS
f xs -> g ()hctraverse_
:: (All
c xss,Applicative
g) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g ()) ->POP
f xss -> g ()hctraverse_
:: (All2
c xss,Applicative
g) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g ()) ->SOP
f xss -> g ()
htraverse_ :: (SListIN h xs, Applicative g) => (forall a. f a -> g ()) -> h f xs -> g () Source #
Unconstrained version of hctraverse_
:: (SListI
xs ,Applicative
g) => (forall a. f a -> g ()) ->NP
f xs -> g ()traverse_
:: (SListI
xs ,Applicative
g) => (forall a. f a -> g ()) ->NS
f xs -> g ()traverse_
:: (SListI2
g) => (forall a. f a -> g ()) ->POP
f xss -> g ()traverse_
:: (SListI2
g) => (forall a. f a -> g ()) ->SOP
f xss -> g ()
HTraverse_ (NP :: (k -> Type) -> [k] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NP Methods hctraverse_ :: forall c (xs :: l) g proxy f. (AllN NP c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> (forall (a :: k0). c a => f a -> g ()) -> NP f xs -> g () Source # htraverse_ :: forall (xs :: l) g f. (SListIN NP xs, Applicative g) => (forall (a :: k0). f a -> g ()) -> NP f xs -> g () Source # | |
HTraverse_ (POP :: (k -> Type) -> [[k]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NP Methods hctraverse_ :: forall c (xs :: l) g proxy f. (AllN POP c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> (forall (a :: k0). c a => f a -> g ()) -> POP f xs -> g () Source # htraverse_ :: forall (xs :: l) g f. (SListIN POP xs, Applicative g) => (forall (a :: k0). f a -> g ()) -> POP f xs -> g () Source # | |
HTraverse_ (NS :: (k -> Type) -> [k] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NS Methods hctraverse_ :: forall c (xs :: l) g proxy f. (AllN NS c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> (forall (a :: k0). c a => f a -> g ()) -> NS f xs -> g () Source # htraverse_ :: forall (xs :: l) g f. (SListIN NS xs, Applicative g) => (forall (a :: k0). f a -> g ()) -> NS f xs -> g () Source # | |
HTraverse_ (SOP :: (k -> Type) -> [[k]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NS Methods hctraverse_ :: forall c (xs :: l) g proxy f. (AllN SOP c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> (forall (a :: k0). c a => f a -> g ()) -> SOP f xs -> g () Source # htraverse_ :: forall (xs :: l) g f. (SListIN SOP xs, Applicative g) => (forall (a :: k0). f a -> g ()) -> SOP f xs -> g () Source # |
class HAp h => HSequence (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where Source #
A generalization of sequenceA
hsequence' :: (SListIN h xs, Applicative f) => h (f :.: g) xs -> f (h g xs) Source #
Corresponds to sequenceA
Lifts an applicative functor out of a structure.
:: (SListI
xs ,Applicative
f) =>NP
g) xs -> f (NP
g xs )hsequence'
:: (SListI
xs ,Applicative
f) =>NS
g) xs -> f (NS
g xs )hsequence'
:: (SListI2
f) =>POP
g) xss -> f (POP
g xss)hsequence'
:: (SListI2
f) =>SOP
g) xss -> f (SOP
g xss)
hctraverse' :: (AllN h c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g (f' a)) -> h f xs -> g (h f' xs) Source #
Corresponds to traverse
:: (All
c xs ,Applicative
g) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g (f' a)) ->NP
f xs -> g (NP
f' xs )hctraverse'
:: (All2
c xs ,Applicative
g) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g (f' a)) ->NS
f xs -> g (NS
f' xs )hctraverse'
:: (All
c xss,Applicative
g) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g (f' a)) ->POP
f xss -> g (POP
f' xss)hctraverse'
:: (All2
c xss,Applicative
g) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g (f' a)) ->SOP
f xss -> g (SOP
f' xss)
htraverse' :: (SListIN h xs, Applicative g) => (forall a. f a -> g (f' a)) -> h f xs -> g (h f' xs) Source #
Unconstrained variant of hctraverse
:: (SListI
xs ,Applicative
g) => (forall a. c a => f a -> g (f' a)) ->NP
f xs -> g (NP
f' xs )htraverse'
:: (SListI2
xs ,Applicative
g) => (forall a. c a => f a -> g (f' a)) ->NS
f xs -> g (NS
f' xs )htraverse'
:: (SListI
g) => (forall a. c a => f a -> g (f' a)) ->POP
f xss -> g (POP
f' xss)htraverse'
:: (SListI2
g) => (forall a. c a => f a -> g (f' a)) ->SOP
f xss -> g (SOP
f' xss)
HSequence (NP :: (k -> Type) -> [k] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NP Methods hsequence' :: forall (xs :: l) f (g :: k0 -> Type). (SListIN NP xs, Applicative f) => NP (f :.: g) xs -> f (NP g xs) Source # hctraverse' :: forall c (xs :: l) g proxy f f'. (AllN NP c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> (forall (a :: k0). c a => f a -> g (f' a)) -> NP f xs -> g (NP f' xs) Source # htraverse' :: forall (xs :: l) g f f'. (SListIN NP xs, Applicative g) => (forall (a :: k0). f a -> g (f' a)) -> NP f xs -> g (NP f' xs) Source # | |
HSequence (POP :: (k -> Type) -> [[k]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NP Methods hsequence' :: forall (xs :: l) f (g :: k0 -> Type). (SListIN POP xs, Applicative f) => POP (f :.: g) xs -> f (POP g xs) Source # hctraverse' :: forall c (xs :: l) g proxy f f'. (AllN POP c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> (forall (a :: k0). c a => f a -> g (f' a)) -> POP f xs -> g (POP f' xs) Source # htraverse' :: forall (xs :: l) g f f'. (SListIN POP xs, Applicative g) => (forall (a :: k0). f a -> g (f' a)) -> POP f xs -> g (POP f' xs) Source # | |
HSequence (NS :: (k -> Type) -> [k] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NS Methods hsequence' :: forall (xs :: l) f (g :: k0 -> Type). (SListIN NS xs, Applicative f) => NS (f :.: g) xs -> f (NS g xs) Source # hctraverse' :: forall c (xs :: l) g proxy f f'. (AllN NS c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> (forall (a :: k0). c a => f a -> g (f' a)) -> NS f xs -> g (NS f' xs) Source # htraverse' :: forall (xs :: l) g f f'. (SListIN NS xs, Applicative g) => (forall (a :: k0). f a -> g (f' a)) -> NS f xs -> g (NS f' xs) Source # | |
HSequence (SOP :: (k -> Type) -> [[k]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NS Methods hsequence' :: forall (xs :: l) f (g :: k0 -> Type). (SListIN SOP xs, Applicative f) => SOP (f :.: g) xs -> f (SOP g xs) Source # hctraverse' :: forall c (xs :: l) g proxy f f'. (AllN SOP c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> (forall (a :: k0). c a => f a -> g (f' a)) -> SOP f xs -> g (SOP f' xs) Source # htraverse' :: forall (xs :: l) g f f'. (SListIN SOP xs, Applicative g) => (forall (a :: k0). f a -> g (f' a)) -> SOP f xs -> g (SOP f' xs) Source # |
Derived functions
hcfoldMap :: (HTraverse_ h, AllN h c xs, Monoid m) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> m) -> h f xs -> m Source #
Special case of hctraverse_
hcfor_ :: (HTraverse_ h, AllN h c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> h f xs -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g ()) -> g () Source #
Flipped version of hctraverse_
hsequence :: (SListIN h xs, SListIN (Prod h) xs, HSequence h) => Applicative f => h f xs -> f (h I xs) Source #
Special case of hsequence'
where g =
hsequenceK :: (SListIN h xs, SListIN (Prod h) xs, Applicative f, HSequence h) => h (K (f a)) xs -> f (h (K a) xs) Source #
Special case of hsequence'
where g =
hctraverse :: (HSequence h, AllN h c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g a) -> h f xs -> g (h I xs) Source #
Special case of hctraverse'
where f' =
hcfor :: (HSequence h, AllN h c xs, Applicative g) => proxy c -> h f xs -> (forall a. c a => f a -> g a) -> g (h I xs) Source #
Flipped version of hctraverse
Indexing into sums
class HIndex (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where Source #
A class for determining which choice in a sum-like structure a value represents.
hindex :: h f xs -> Int Source #
If h
is a sum-like structure representing a choice
between n
different options, and x
is a value of
type h f xs
, then
returns a number between
and n - 1
representing the index of the choice
made by x
f xs -> Inthindex
f xs -> Int
hindex (S (S (Z (I False))))
hindex (Z (K ()))
hindex (SOP (S (Z (I True :* I 'x' :* Nil))))
Applying all injections
type family UnProd (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type Source #
Maps a structure containing products to the corresponding sum structure.
class UnProd (Prod h) ~ h => HApInjs (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where Source #
A class for applying all injections corresponding to a sum-like structure to a table containing suitable arguments.
hapInjs :: SListIN h xs => Prod h f xs -> [h f xs] Source #
For a given table (product-like structure), produce a list where each element corresponds to the application of an injection function into the corresponding sum-like structure.
xs =>NP
f xs -> [NS
f xs ]hapInjs
xss =>POP
f xs -> [SOP
f xss]
hapInjs (I 'x' :* I True :* I 2 :* Nil) :: [NS I '[Char, Bool, Int]]
[Z (I 'x'),S (Z (I True)),S (S (Z (I 2)))]
hapInjs (POP ((I 'x' :* Nil) :* (I True :* I 2 :* Nil) :* Nil)) :: [SOP I '[ '[Char], '[Bool, Int]]]
[SOP (Z (I 'x' :* Nil)),SOP (S (Z (I True :* I 2 :* Nil)))]
Unfortunately the type-signatures are required in GHC-7.10 and older.
Expanding sums to products
class HExpand (h :: (k -> Type) -> l -> Type) where Source #
A class for expanding sum structures into corresponding product structures, filling in the slots not targeted by the sum with default values.
hexpand :: SListIN (Prod h) xs => (forall x. f x) -> h f xs -> Prod h f xs Source #
Expand a given sum structure into a corresponding product structure by placing the value contained in the sum into the corresponding position in the product, and using the given default value for all other positions.
xs => (forall x . f x) ->NS
f xs ->NP
f xshexpand
xss => (forall x . f x) ->SOP
f xss ->POP
f xss
hexpand Nothing (S (Z (Just 3))) :: NP Maybe '[Char, Int, Bool]
Nothing :* Just 3 :* Nothing :* Nil>>>
hexpand [] (SOP (S (Z ([1,2] :* "xyz" :* Nil)))) :: POP [] '[ '[Bool], '[Int, Char] ]
POP (([] :* Nil) :* ([1,2] :* "xyz" :* Nil) :* Nil)
hcexpand :: AllN (Prod h) c xs => proxy c -> (forall x. c x => f x) -> h f xs -> Prod h f xs Source #
Variant of hexpand
that allows passing a constrained default.
c xs => proxy c -> (forall x . c x => f x) ->NS
f xs ->NP
f xshcexpand
c xss => proxy c -> (forall x . c x => f x) ->SOP
f xss ->POP
f xss
hcexpand (Proxy :: Proxy Bounded) (I minBound) (S (Z (I 20))) :: NP I '[Bool, Int, Ordering]
I False :* I 20 :* I LT :* Nil>>>
hcexpand (Proxy :: Proxy Num) (I 0) (SOP (S (Z (I 1 :* I 2 :* Nil)))) :: POP I '[ '[Double], '[Int, Int] ]
POP ((I 0.0 :* Nil) :* (I 1 :* I 2 :* Nil) :* Nil)
Transformation of index lists and coercions
class (Same h1 ~ h2, Same h2 ~ h1) => HTrans (h1 :: (k1 -> Type) -> l1 -> Type) (h2 :: (k2 -> Type) -> l2 -> Type) where Source #
A class for transforming structures into related structures with a different index list, as long as the index lists have the same shape and the elements and interpretation functions are suitably related.
htrans :: AllZipN (Prod h1) c xs ys => proxy c -> (forall x y. c x y => f x -> g y) -> h1 f xs -> h2 g ys Source #
Transform a structure into a related structure given a conversion function for the elements.
hcoerce :: AllZipN (Prod h1) (LiftedCoercible f g) xs ys => h1 f xs -> h2 g ys Source #
Safely coerce a structure into a representationally equal structure.
This is a special case of htrans
, but can be implemented more efficiently;
for example in terms of unsafeCoerce
hcoerce (I (Just LT) :* I (Just 'x') :* I (Just True) :* Nil) :: NP Maybe '[Ordering, Char, Bool]
Just LT :* Just 'x' :* Just True :* Nil>>>
hcoerce (SOP (Z (K True :* K False :* Nil))) :: SOP I '[ '[Bool, Bool], '[Bool] ]
SOP (Z (I True :* I False :* Nil))
HTrans (NP :: (k1 -> Type) -> [k1] -> Type) (NP :: (k2 -> Type) -> [k2] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NP Methods htrans :: forall c (xs :: l1) (ys :: l2) proxy f g. AllZipN (Prod NP) c xs ys => proxy c -> (forall (x :: k10) (y :: k20). c x y => f x -> g y) -> NP f xs -> NP g ys Source # hcoerce :: forall (f :: k10 -> Type) (g :: k20 -> Type) (xs :: l1) (ys :: l2). AllZipN (Prod NP) (LiftedCoercible f g) xs ys => NP f xs -> NP g ys Source # | |
HTrans (POP :: (k1 -> Type) -> [[k1]] -> Type) (POP :: (k2 -> Type) -> [[k2]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NP Methods htrans :: forall c (xs :: l1) (ys :: l2) proxy f g. AllZipN (Prod POP) c xs ys => proxy c -> (forall (x :: k10) (y :: k20). c x y => f x -> g y) -> POP f xs -> POP g ys Source # hcoerce :: forall (f :: k10 -> Type) (g :: k20 -> Type) (xs :: l1) (ys :: l2). AllZipN (Prod POP) (LiftedCoercible f g) xs ys => POP f xs -> POP g ys Source # | |
HTrans (NS :: (k1 -> Type) -> [k1] -> Type) (NS :: (k2 -> Type) -> [k2] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NS Methods htrans :: forall c (xs :: l1) (ys :: l2) proxy f g. AllZipN (Prod NS) c xs ys => proxy c -> (forall (x :: k10) (y :: k20). c x y => f x -> g y) -> NS f xs -> NS g ys Source # hcoerce :: forall (f :: k10 -> Type) (g :: k20 -> Type) (xs :: l1) (ys :: l2). AllZipN (Prod NS) (LiftedCoercible f g) xs ys => NS f xs -> NS g ys Source # | |
HTrans (SOP :: (k1 -> Type) -> [[k1]] -> Type) (SOP :: (k2 -> Type) -> [[k2]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.SOP.NS Methods htrans :: forall c (xs :: l1) (ys :: l2) proxy f g. AllZipN (Prod SOP) c xs ys => proxy c -> (forall (x :: k10) (y :: k20). c x y => f x -> g y) -> SOP f xs -> SOP g ys Source # hcoerce :: forall (f :: k10 -> Type) (g :: k20 -> Type) (xs :: l1) (ys :: l2). AllZipN (Prod SOP) (LiftedCoercible f g) xs ys => SOP f xs -> SOP g ys Source # |