{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Math.Tensor.LorentzGenerator (
Eta(..), Epsilon(..), Var(..),
AnsatzForestEpsilon(..), AnsatzForestEta(..),
flattenForest, flattenForestEpsilon, forestEtaList, forestEpsList, forestEtaListLatex, forestEpsListLatex,
drawAnsatzEta, drawAnsatzEpsilon,
getForestLabels, getForestLabelsEpsilon,
removeVarsEta, removeVarsEps,
relabelAnsatzForest, relabelAnsatzForestEpsilon,
mapVars, mapVarsEpsilon,
ansatzRank, ansatzRankEpsilon,
encodeAnsatzForestEta, encodeAnsatzForestEpsilon,
decodeAnsatzForestEta, decodeAnsatzForestEpsilon,
mkAnsatzTensorFastSym, mkAnsatzTensorFast, mkAnsatzTensorFastAbs,
mkAnsatzTensorFastSym', mkAnsatzTensorFast',
mkAnsatzTensorEigSym, mkAnsatzTensorEig, mkAnsatzTensorEigAbs,
mkAnsatzTensorEigSym', mkAnsatzTensorEig',
areaList4, areaList6, areaList8, areaList10_1, areaList10_2, areaList12, areaList14_1, areaList14_2,
metricList2, metricList4_1, metricList4_2, metricList6_1, metricList6_2, metricList6_3, metricList8_1, metricList8_2,
symList4, symList6, symList8, symList10_1, symList10_2, symList12, symList14_1, symList14_2,
metricsymList2, metricsymList4_1, metricsymList4_2, metricsymList6_1, metricsymList6_2, metricsymList6_3, metricsymList8_1, metricsymList8_2
) where
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as I
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.List (nub, permutations, foldl', (\\), elemIndex, nubBy, sortBy, insert, intersect, union, partition, delete)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isNothing, fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
import Control.Parallel.Strategies (parListChunk, rdeepseq, runEval, NFData(..))
import Data.Serialize (encodeLazy, decodeLazy, Serialize(..))
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS (ByteString(..))
import Codec.Compression.GZip (compress, decompress)
import Data.Either (either)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Singletons (SingI(..))
import qualified Data.Eigen.Matrix as Mat
import qualified Data.Eigen.SparseMatrix as Sparse
import qualified Data.Eigen.LA as Sol
import Math.Tensor
type Symmetry = ( [(Int,Int)] , [(Int,Int)] , [([Int],[Int])] , [[Int]], [[[Int]]] )
addSym :: Symmetry -> Symmetry -> Symmetry
addSym (a,b,c,d,e) (f,g,h,i,j) = (a `union` f, b `union` g, c `union` h, d `union` i, e `union` j)
mkFilters :: Symmetry -> [(Int,Int)]
mkFilters (pairs,aPairs,blocks,cycles,blockCycles) = map sortPair $ f1 `union` (f2 `union` (f3 `union` f4))
sortPair (a,b) = if a < b then (a,b) else (b,a)
f1 = pairs ++ aPairs
f2 = map (\(a,b) -> (head a, head b)) blocks
getPairs [a,b] = [(a,b)]
getPairs (x:xs) = (x, head xs) : getPairs xs
f3 = concatMap getPairs cycles
f4 = concatMap (getPairs . map head) blockCycles
filter1Sym :: [Int] -> (Int,Int) -> Bool
filter1Sym l (i,j) = case (iPos,jPos) of
(Just i', Just j') -> i' < j'
_ -> True
(iPos,jPos) = (elemIndex i l, elemIndex j l)
filterSym :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)] -> Bool
filterSym l inds = and boolList
boolList = map (filter1Sym l) inds
getExtraSyms1 :: [Int] -> Symmetry -> Symmetry
getExtraSyms1 [] syms = ([],[],[],[],[])
getExtraSyms1 (a:b:xs) (pairs,aPairs,blocks,cycles,blockCycles) = addSym (newPairs, [], newBlocks, [], []) (getExtraSyms1 xs newSyms)
allBlocks = blocks ++ concatMap mkBlocksFromBlockCycle blockCycles
newBlocks' = map (\(x,y) -> unzip $ filter (\(c,d) -> (c,d) /= (a,b)) $ zip x y) allBlocks
(newBlocks, newPairs') = partition (\(a,b) -> length a > 1) newBlocks'
newPairs = map (\([a],[b]) -> (a,b)) newPairs'
newSyms = addSym (pairs,aPairs,blocks,cycles,blockCycles) (newPairs, [], newBlocks, [], [])
mkBlocksFromBlockCycle :: [[Int]] -> [([Int],[Int])]
mkBlocksFromBlockCycle [x,y] = [(x,y)]
mkBlocksFromBlockCycle (x:xs) = l ++ mkBlocksFromBlockCycle xs
l = map (x,) xs
get2nd :: [Int] -> Symmetry -> (Maybe [(Int,Int)], Maybe [(Int,Int)])
get2nd [a,b] (pairs,aPairs,blocks,cycles,blockCycles) = (sndPairs, sndAPairs)
allPairs = pairs ++ concatMap mkSymsFromCycle cycles
aPair = lookup a allPairs
bPair = lookup b (map swap allPairs)
aAPair = lookup a aPairs
bAPair = lookup b (map swap aPairs)
sndPairs = case (aPair, bPair) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Just x, Nothing) -> Just [(b,x)]
(Nothing, Just y) -> Just [(a,y)]
(Just x, Just y) -> if x == b then Nothing else Just [(b,x),(a,y)]
sndAPairs = case (aAPair, bAPair) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Just x, Nothing) -> Just [(b,x)]
(Nothing, Just y) -> Just [(a,y)]
(Just x, Just y) -> if x == b then Nothing else Just [(b,x),(a,y)]
get2ndSyms :: Maybe [(Int,Int)] -> Symmetry -> [[Int]] -> Symmetry
get2ndSyms Nothing syms etas = syms
get2ndSyms (Just i) (pairs,aPairs,blocks,cycles,blockCycles) etas = (newPairs,[],[],[],[])
get2ndInd l (i,j) = mapMaybe (\[a,b] -> if j == a then Just (i,b) else if j == b then Just (i,a) else Nothing) l
newPairs = concatMap (get2ndInd etas) i
mkSymsFromCycle :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]
mkSymsFromCycle [x,y] = [(x,y)]
mkSymsFromCycle (x:xs) = l ++ mkSymsFromCycle xs
l = map (x,) xs
get2ndASyms :: Maybe [(Int,Int)] -> Symmetry -> [[Int]] -> Symmetry
get2ndASyms Nothing syms etas = syms
get2ndASyms (Just i) (pairs,aPairs,blocks,cycles,blockCycles) etas = ([], newAPairs,[],[],[])
get2ndInd l (i,j) = mapMaybe (\[a,b] -> if j == a then Just (i,b) else if j == b then Just (i,a) else Nothing) l
newAPairs = concatMap (get2ndInd etas) i
getExtraSyms2 :: [Int] -> Symmetry -> Symmetry
getExtraSyms2 [] syms = syms
getExtraSyms2 (a':b':xs) syms = addSym (getExtraSyms2 xs newSyms) newSyms
mkEtas [] = []
mkEtas [l,k] = [[l,k]]
mkEtas (l:k:ls) = [l,k] : mkEtas ls
x = [a',b']
(i,j) = get2nd x syms
(p,_,_,_,_) = get2ndSyms i syms (mkEtas xs)
(_,a,_,_,_) = get2ndASyms j syms (mkEtas xs)
newSyms = addSym (p,a,[],[],[]) syms
getAllExtraSyms :: [Int] -> Symmetry -> Symmetry
getAllExtraSyms etas syms = allSyms2
allSyms1 = addSym (getExtraSyms1 etas syms) syms
allSyms2 = addSym (getExtraSyms2 etas allSyms1) allSyms1
getAllIndsEta :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)] -> [[Int]]
getAllIndsEta [a,b] aSyms = [[a,b]]
getAllIndsEta (x:xs) aSyms = concatMap res firstEta
firstEta = mapMaybe (\y -> if (x,y) `notElem` aSyms then Just ([x,y],delete y xs) else Nothing) xs
res (a,b) = (++) a <$> getAllIndsEta b aSyms
filterEta :: [Int] -> Symmetry -> [(Int,Int)] -> Bool
filterEta inds (p1,ap1,b1,c1,cb1) filters = filterSym inds totFilters && isNonZero
(p2,ap2,b2,c2,cb2) = getAllExtraSyms inds (p1,ap1,b1,c1,cb1)
extrafilters = mkFilters (p2,ap2,b2,c2,cb2)
totFilters = filters `union` extrafilters
mkEtas [] = []
mkEtas [l,k] = [(l,k)]
mkEtas (l:k:ls) = (l,k) : mkEtas ls
etas = mkEtas inds
isNonZero = null $ etas `intersect` union ap1 ap2
getEtaInds :: [Int] -> Symmetry -> [[Int]]
getEtaInds [] sym = [[]]
getEtaInds inds (p,ap,b,c,bc) = filter (\x -> filterEta x (p,ap,b,c,bc) filters1) allInds
filters1 = mkFilters (p,ap,b,c,bc)
allInds = getAllIndsEta inds ap
getAllIndsEpsilon :: [Int] -> Symmetry -> [[Int]]
getAllIndsEpsilon inds (p,ap,b,cyc,cb) = [ [a,b,c,d] | a <- [1..i-3], b <- [a+1..i-2], c <- [b+1..i-1], d <- [c+1..i],
not (isSym p [a,b,c,d]) && not (is3Area areaBlocks [a,b,c,d]) && isValid2Area areaBlocks [a,b,c,d]
&& not (is1Area areaBlocks [a,b,c,d]) && not (isSymCyc cyc [a,b,c,d]) ]
i = length inds
blocks2 = filter (\x -> length (fst x) == 2) b
areaBlocks = map (uncurry (++)) $ filter (\([a,b],[c,d]) -> (a,b) `elem` ap && (c,d) `elem` ap) blocks2
isSym [] x = False
isSym [(a,b)] [i,j,k,l] = length ([a,b] `intersect` [i,j,k,l]) == 2
isSym (x:xs) [i,j,k,l]
| isSym [x] [i,j,k,l] = True
| otherwise = isSym xs [i,j,k,l]
isSymCyc [] x = False
isSymCyc [l'] [i,j,k,l] = length (l' `intersect` [i,j,k,l]) >= 2
isSymCyc (x:xs) [i,j,k,l]
| isSymCyc [x] [i,j,k,l] = True
| otherwise = isSymCyc xs [i,j,k,l]
is3Area [] i = False
is3Area [[a,b,c,d]] [i,j,k,l] = length ([a,b,c,d] `intersect` [i,j,k,l]) == 3
is3Area (x:xs) [i,j,k,l]
| is3Area [x] [i,j,k,l] = True
| otherwise = is3Area xs [i,j,k,l]
isValid2Area [] i = True
isValid2Area [[a,b,c,d]] [i,j,k,l]
| length inter == 2 = inter == [a,b]
| otherwise = True
inter = [a,b,c,d] `intersect` [i,j,k,l]
isValid2Area (x:xs) [i,j,k,l]
| isValid2Area [x] [i,j,k,l] = isValid2Area xs [i,j,k,l]
| otherwise = False
is1Area [] i = False
is1Area list [i,j,k,l] = maximum (map (length . ([i,j,k,l] `intersect`)) list) == 1
getExtraASymsEps :: [Int] -> Symmetry -> Symmetry
getExtraASymsEps eps (p,ap,blo,cyc,cb) = ([],newASyms, [], [], [])
allBlocks = blo ++ concatMap mkBlocksFromBlockCycle cb
blocks2 = filter (\(a,b) -> length a == 2) allBlocks
newASyms = mapMaybe (\([i,j],[k,l]) -> if length ([i,k] `intersect` eps) == 2 then Just (j,l) else if length ([j,l] `intersect` eps) == 2 then Just (i,k) else Nothing) blocks2
getEpsilonInds :: [Int] -> Symmetry -> [[Int]]
getEpsilonInds inds sym = allIndsRed
epsInds = getAllIndsEpsilon inds sym
allInds = concat $ filter (not . null) $ map (\x -> map (x ++) $ getEtaInds (inds \\ x) (addSym sym (getExtraASymsEps x sym)) )epsInds
isSymP [] x = False
isSymP [(a,b)] [i,j,k,l] = length ([a,b] `intersect` [i,j,k,l]) == 2
isSymP (x:xs) [i,j,k,l]
| isSymP [x] [i,j,k,l] = True
| otherwise = isSymP xs [i,j,k,l]
filters = mkFilters sym
allIndsRed = filter (\x -> let symEps = addSym (getExtraASymsEps (take 4 x) sym) sym
symEta = addSym symEps (getAllExtraSyms (drop 4 x) symEps)
newFilters = union filters (mkFilters symEta)
in filterSym x newFilters) allInds
data Eta = Eta {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic, Serialize, NFData)
data Epsilon = Epsilon {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic, Serialize, NFData)
data Var = Var {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic, Serialize, NFData )
sortList :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sortList = foldr insert []
sortEta :: Eta -> Eta
sortEta (Eta x y) = Eta (min x y) (max x y)
{-# INLINEABLE sortEta #-}
sortEpsilon :: Epsilon -> Epsilon
sortEpsilon (Epsilon i j k l) = Epsilon i' j' k' l'
[i',j',k',l'] = sortList [i,j,k,l]
getEpsSign :: Epsilon -> Int
getEpsSign (Epsilon i j k l) = (-1) ^ length (filter (==True) [j>i,k>i,l>i,k>j,l>j,l>k])
{-# INLINEABLE getEpsSign #-}
addVars :: Var -> Var -> Var
addVars (Var x y) (Var x' y') = if y == y' then Var (x + x') y else error "should not add different vars"
{-# INLINEABLE addVars #-}
multVar :: Int -> Var -> Var
multVar x (Var x' y) = Var (x * x') y
{-# INLINEABLE multVar #-}
isZeroVar :: Var -> Bool
isZeroVar (Var x _) = x==0
{-# INLINEABLE isZeroVar #-}
data AnsatzForestEta = ForestEta (M.Map Eta AnsatzForestEta)| Leaf !Var | EmptyForest deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Generic, Serialize)
type AnsatzForestEpsilon = M.Map Epsilon AnsatzForestEta
encodeAnsatzForestEta :: AnsatzForestEta -> BS.ByteString
encodeAnsatzForestEta = compress . encodeLazy
encodeAnsatzForestEpsilon :: AnsatzForestEpsilon -> BS.ByteString
encodeAnsatzForestEpsilon = compress . encodeLazy
decodeAnsatzForestEta :: BS.ByteString -> AnsatzForestEta
decodeAnsatzForestEta bs = either error id $ decodeLazy $ decompress bs
decodeAnsatzForestEpsilon :: BS.ByteString -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
decodeAnsatzForestEpsilon bs = either error id $ decodeLazy $ decompress bs
forestMap :: AnsatzForestEta -> M.Map Eta AnsatzForestEta
forestMap (ForestEta m) = m
{-# INLINEABLE forestMap #-}
mapNodes :: (Eta -> Eta) -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
mapNodes f EmptyForest = EmptyForest
mapNodes f (ForestEta m) = ForestEta $ M.mapKeys f . M.map (mapNodes f) $ m
mapNodes f (Leaf x) = Leaf x
mapNodesEpsilon :: (Epsilon -> Epsilon) -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
mapNodesEpsilon = M.mapKeys
mapVars :: (Var -> Var) -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
mapVars f EmptyForest = EmptyForest
mapVars f (Leaf var) = Leaf (f var)
mapVars f (ForestEta m) = ForestEta $ M.map (mapVars f) m
mapVarsEpsilon :: (Var -> Var) -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
mapVarsEpsilon f = M.map (mapVars f)
multVars :: Int -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
multVars i = mapVars (multVar i)
multVarsEpsilon :: Int -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
multVarsEpsilon i = mapVarsEpsilon (multVar i)
getLeafVals :: AnsatzForestEta -> [Var]
getLeafVals (Leaf var) = [var]
getLeafVals (ForestEta m) = rest
rest = concatMap getLeafVals $ M.elems m
getLeafValsEpsilon :: AnsatzForestEpsilon -> [Var]
getLeafValsEpsilon m = concatMap getLeafVals $ M.elems m
getVarLabels :: Var -> Int
getVarLabels (Var i j) = j
getForestLabels :: AnsatzForestEta -> [Int]
getForestLabels ans = nub $ map getVarLabels $ getLeafVals ans
getForestLabelsEpsilon :: AnsatzForestEpsilon -> [Int]
getForestLabelsEpsilon m = nub $ map getVarLabels $ getLeafValsEpsilon m
ansatzRank :: AnsatzForestEta -> Int
ansatzRank ans = length $ getForestLabels ans
ansatzRankEpsilon :: AnsatzForestEpsilon -> Int
ansatzRankEpsilon ans = length $ getForestLabelsEpsilon ans
relabelVar :: (Int -> Int) -> Var -> Var
relabelVar f (Var i j) = Var i (f j)
relabelAnsatzForest :: Int -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
relabelAnsatzForest i ans = mapVars update ans
vars = getForestLabels ans
relabMap = I.fromList $ zip vars [i..]
update = relabelVar ((I.!) relabMap)
removeVarsEta :: [Int] -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
removeVarsEta vars (Leaf (Var i j))
| j `elem` vars = EmptyForest
| otherwise = Leaf (Var i j)
removeVarsEta vars (ForestEta m) = ForestEta $ M.filter (/= EmptyForest) $ M.map (removeVarsEta vars) m
removeVarsEta vars EmptyForest = EmptyForest
relabelAnsatzForestEpsilon :: Int -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
relabelAnsatzForestEpsilon i ans = if ans == M.empty then M.empty else mapVarsEpsilon update ans
vars = getForestLabelsEpsilon ans
relabMap = I.fromList $ zip vars [i..]
update = relabelVar ((I.!) relabMap)
removeVarsEps :: [Int] -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
removeVarsEps vars m = M.filter (/= EmptyForest) $ M.map (removeVarsEta vars) m
addForests :: AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
addForests ans EmptyForest = ans
addForests EmptyForest ans = ans
addForests (Leaf var1) (Leaf var2)
| isZeroVar newLeafVal = EmptyForest
| otherwise = Leaf newLeafVal
newLeafVal = addVars var1 var2
addForests (ForestEta m1) (ForestEta m2)
| M.null newMap = EmptyForest
| otherwise = ForestEta newMap
newMap = M.filter (/= EmptyForest) $ M.unionWith addForests m1 m2
addForestsEpsilon :: AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
addForestsEpsilon m1 m2 = M.filter (/= EmptyForest) $ M.unionWith addForests m1 m2
addList2Forest :: AnsatzForestEta -> ([Eta],Var) -> AnsatzForestEta
addList2Forest EmptyForest x = mkForestFromAscList x
addList2Forest (Leaf var1) ([], var2)
| isZeroVar newLeafVal = EmptyForest
| otherwise = Leaf newLeafVal
newLeafVal = addVars var1 var2
addList2Forest (ForestEta m1) (x:xs, var) = ForestEta $ M.insertWith (\a1 a2 -> addList2Forest a2 (xs, var)) x newVal m1
newVal = mkForestFromAscList (xs,var)
addList2ForestEpsilon :: AnsatzForestEpsilon -> (Epsilon,[Eta],Var) -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
addList2ForestEpsilon m (eps,eta,var) = M.insertWith (\a1 a2 -> addList2Forest a2 (eta, var)) eps newVal m
newVal = mkForestFromAscList (eta,var)
flattenForest :: AnsatzForestEta -> [([Eta],Var)]
flattenForest EmptyForest = []
flattenForest (Leaf var) = [([],var)]
flattenForest (ForestEta m) = concat l
mPairs = M.assocs m
l = fmap (\(k,v) -> map (\(i,j) -> (insert k i, j)) $ flattenForest v) mPairs
flattenForestEpsilon :: AnsatzForestEpsilon -> [(Epsilon,[Eta],Var)]
flattenForestEpsilon m = concat l
mPairs = M.assocs m
l = fmap (\(k,v) -> map (\(i,j) -> (k, i, j)) $ flattenForest v) mPairs
drawEtaTree :: Eta -> AnsatzForestEta -> [String]
drawEtaTree (Eta i j) (Leaf (Var a b)) = ["(" ++ show i ++ "," ++ show j ++ ") * (" ++ show a ++ ") * x[" ++ show b ++ "]"]
drawEtaTree (Eta i j) (ForestEta m) = lines ("(" ++ show i ++ "," ++ show j ++ ")") ++ drawSubTrees m
drawSubTrees x
| x == M.empty = []
| M.size x == 1 = let [(a,b)] = M.assocs x in "|" : shift "`---- " " " (drawEtaTree a b)
| otherwise = let (a,b) = head $ M.assocs x in "|" : shift "+---- " "| " (drawEtaTree a b) ++ drawSubTrees (M.delete a x)
shift first other = zipWith (++) (first : repeat other)
drawEtaTree eta EmptyForest = []
drawEpsilonTree :: Epsilon -> AnsatzForestEta -> [String]
drawEpsilonTree (Epsilon i j k l) (Leaf (Var a b)) = ["(" ++ show i ++ "," ++ show j ++ "," ++ show k ++ "," ++ show l ++ ") * (" ++ show a ++ ") * x[" ++ show b ++ "]"]
drawEpsilonTree (Epsilon i j k l) (ForestEta m) = lines ("(" ++ show i ++ "," ++ show j ++ "," ++ show k ++ "," ++ show l ++ ")") ++ drawSubTrees m
drawSubTrees x
| x == M.empty = []
| M.size x == 1 = let [(a,b)] = M.assocs x in "|" : shift "`---- " " " (drawEtaTree a b)
| otherwise = let (a,b) = head $ M.assocs x in "|" : shift "+---- " "| " (drawEtaTree a b) ++ drawSubTrees (M.delete a x)
shift first other = zipWith (++) (first : repeat other)
drawEpsilonTree eps EmptyForest = []
drawAnsatzEta :: AnsatzForestEta -> String
drawAnsatzEta (Leaf (Var a b)) = show a ++ "x[" ++ show b ++ "]"
drawAnsatzEta (ForestEta m) = unlines $ map (\(x,y) -> unlines $ drawEtaTree x y) $ M.assocs m
drawAnsatzEta EmptyForest = []
drawAnsatzEpsilon :: AnsatzForestEpsilon -> String
drawAnsatzEpsilon m
| M.size m == 0 = []
| otherwise = unlines $ map (\(x,y) -> unlines $ drawEpsilonTree x y) $ M.assocs m
forestEtaList :: AnsatzForestEta -> [[Eta]]
forestEtaList f = map fst fList''
fList = flattenForest f
fList' = sortBy (\(e1, Var x1 y1 ) (e2, Var x2 y2) -> compare y1 y2) fList
fList'' = nubBy (\(e1, Var x1 y1 ) (e2, Var x2 y2) -> if x1 == 0 || x2 == 0 then error "zeros!!" else y1 == y2) fList'
forestEpsList :: AnsatzForestEpsilon -> [(Epsilon,[Eta])]
forestEpsList f = map (\(a,b,c) -> (a,b)) fList''
fList = flattenForestEpsilon f
fList' = sortBy (\(e1, e', Var x1 y1 ) (e2, e2', Var x2 y2) -> compare y1 y2) fList
fList'' = nubBy (\(e1, e1', Var x1 y1 ) (e2, e2', Var x2 y2) -> if x1 == 0 || x2 == 0 then error "zeros!!" else y1 == y2) fList'
mkEtasLatex :: String -> Eta -> String
mkEtasLatex inds (Eta i j) = "\\eta^{" ++ etaI : etaJ : "}"
(etaI,etaJ) = (inds !! (i-1), inds !! (j-1) )
forestEtaListLatex :: AnsatzForestEta -> String -> Char -> String
forestEtaListLatex f inds var = tail $ concat etaL''
etaL = sortBy (\(e1, Var x1 y1 ) (e2, Var x2 y2) -> compare y1 y2) $ flattenForest f
etaL' = nubBy (\(e1, Var x1 y1 ) (e2, Var x2 y2) -> if x1 == 0 || x2 == 0 then error "zeros!!" else y1 == y2) etaL
etaL'' = map (\(a,Var x y) -> "+" ++ var : "_{" ++ show y ++ "}\\cdot" ++ concatMap (mkEtasLatex inds) a) etaL'
mkEpsLatex :: String -> Epsilon -> String
mkEpsLatex inds (Epsilon i j k l) = "\\epsilon^{" ++ epsi : epsj : epsk : epsl : "}"
(epsi, epsj, epsk, epsl) = (inds !! (i-1), inds !! (j-1), inds !! (k-1), inds !! (l-1))
forestEpsListLatex :: AnsatzForestEpsilon -> String -> Char -> String
forestEpsListLatex f inds var = tail $ concat epsL''
epsL = sortBy (\(e1, e1', Var x1 y1 ) (e2, e2', Var x2 y2) -> compare y1 y2) $ flattenForestEpsilon f
epsL' = nubBy (\(e1, e1', Var x1 y1 ) (e2, e2', Var x2 y2) -> if x1 == 0 || x2 == 0 then error "zeros!!" else y1 == y2) epsL
epsL'' = map (\(a,b,Var x y) -> "+" ++ var : "_{" ++ show y ++ "}\\cdot" ++ mkEpsLatex inds a ++ concatMap (mkEtasLatex inds) b) epsL'
mkForestFromAscList :: ([Eta],Var) -> AnsatzForestEta
mkForestFromAscList ([],var) = Leaf var
mkForestFromAscList (x:xs, var) = ForestEta $ M.singleton x $ mkForestFromAscList (xs,var)
mkForestFromAscListEpsilon :: (Epsilon,[Eta],Var) -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
mkForestFromAscListEpsilon (x,y,z) = M.singleton x $ mkForestFromAscList (y,z)
canonicalizeAnsatzEta :: AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
canonicalizeAnsatzEta = mapNodes sortEta
canonicalizeAnsatzEpsilon :: AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
canonicalizeAnsatzEpsilon m = newMap
newMap = M.mapKeys sortEpsilon $ M.mapWithKey (\k v -> mapVars (multVar (getEpsSign k) ) v) $ M.map (mapNodes sortEta) m
sortForest :: AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
sortForest f = foldl' addList2Forest EmptyForest fList
fList = flattenForest f
sortForestEpsilon :: AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
sortForestEpsilon f = foldl' addList2ForestEpsilon M.empty fList
fList = flattenForestEpsilon f
swapLabelF :: (Int,Int) -> Int -> Int
swapLabelF (x,y) z
| x == z = y
| y == z = x
| otherwise = z
swapBlockLabelMap :: ([Int],[Int]) -> I.IntMap Int
swapBlockLabelMap (x,y) = swapF
swapF = I.fromList $ zip x y ++ zip y x
swapLabelEta :: (Int,Int) -> Eta -> Eta
swapLabelEta inds (Eta x y) = Eta (f x) (f y)
f = swapLabelF inds
swapLabelEpsilon :: (Int,Int) -> Epsilon -> Epsilon
swapLabelEpsilon inds (Epsilon i j k l) = Epsilon (f i) (f j) (f k) (f l)
f = swapLabelF inds
swapBlockLabelEta :: I.IntMap Int -> Eta -> Eta
swapBlockLabelEta swapF (Eta i j) = Eta i' j'
i' = I.findWithDefault i i swapF
j' = I.findWithDefault j j swapF
swapBlockLabelEpsilon :: I.IntMap Int -> Epsilon -> Epsilon
swapBlockLabelEpsilon swapF (Epsilon i j k l) = Epsilon i' j' k' l'
i' = I.findWithDefault i i swapF
j' = I.findWithDefault j j swapF
k' = I.findWithDefault k k swapF
l' = I.findWithDefault l l swapF
swapLabelFEta :: (Int,Int) -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
swapLabelFEta inds ans = sortForest.canonicalizeAnsatzEta $ swapAnsatz
f = swapLabelEta inds
swapAnsatz = mapNodes f ans
swapLabelFEps :: (Int,Int) -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
swapLabelFEps inds ans = sortForestEpsilon.canonicalizeAnsatzEpsilon $ swapAnsatz
f = swapLabelEpsilon inds
swapAnsatz = mapNodesEpsilon f $ M.map (swapLabelFEta inds) ans
swapBlockLabelFEta :: I.IntMap Int -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
swapBlockLabelFEta swapF ans = sortForest.canonicalizeAnsatzEta $ swapAnsatz
f = swapBlockLabelEta swapF
swapAnsatz = mapNodes f ans
swapBlockLabelFEps :: I.IntMap Int -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
swapBlockLabelFEps swapF ans = sortForestEpsilon.canonicalizeAnsatzEpsilon $ swapAnsatz
f = swapBlockLabelEpsilon swapF
swapAnsatz = mapNodesEpsilon f $ M.map (swapBlockLabelFEta swapF) ans
pairSymForestEta :: (Int,Int) -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
pairSymForestEta inds ans = addForests ans $ swapLabelFEta inds ans
pairSymForestEps :: (Int,Int) -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
pairSymForestEps inds ans = addForestsEpsilon ans $ swapLabelFEps inds ans
pairASymForestEta :: (Int,Int) -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
pairASymForestEta inds ans = addForests ans $ mapVars (multVar (-1)) $ swapLabelFEta inds ans
pairASymForestEps :: (Int,Int) -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
pairASymForestEps inds ans = addForestsEpsilon ans $ mapVarsEpsilon (multVar (-1)) $ swapLabelFEps inds ans
pairBlockSymForestEta :: I.IntMap Int -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
pairBlockSymForestEta swapF ans = addForests ans $ swapBlockLabelFEta swapF ans
pairBlockSymForestEps :: I.IntMap Int -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
pairBlockSymForestEps swapF ans = addForestsEpsilon ans $ swapBlockLabelFEps swapF ans
pairBlockASymForestEta :: I.IntMap Int -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
pairBlockASymForestEta swapF ans = addForests ans $ mapVars (multVar (-1)) $ swapBlockLabelFEta swapF ans
pairBlockASymForestEps :: I.IntMap Int -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
pairBlockASymForestEps swapF ans = addForestsEpsilon ans $ mapVarsEpsilon (multVar (-1)) $ swapBlockLabelFEps swapF ans
cyclicSymForestEta :: [Int] -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
cyclicSymForestEta inds ans = foldr (\y x -> addForests x $ swapBlockLabelFEta y ans ) ans perms
perms = map (I.fromList . zip inds) $ tail $ permutations inds
cyclicSymForestEps :: [Int] -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
cyclicSymForestEps inds ans = foldr (\y x -> addForestsEpsilon x $ swapBlockLabelFEps y ans ) ans perms
perms = map (I.fromList . zip inds) $ tail $ permutations inds
cyclicBlockSymForestEta :: [[Int]] -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
cyclicBlockSymForestEta inds ans = foldr (\y x -> addForests x $ swapBlockLabelFEta y ans ) ans perms
perms = map (I.fromList . zip (concat inds) . concat) $ tail $ permutations inds
cyclicBlockSymForestEps :: [[Int]] -> AnsatzForestEpsilon-> AnsatzForestEpsilon
cyclicBlockSymForestEps inds ans = foldr (\y x -> addForestsEpsilon x $ swapBlockLabelFEps y ans ) ans perms
perms = map (I.fromList . zip (concat inds) . concat) $ tail $ permutations inds
symAnsatzForestEta ::Symmetry -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
symAnsatzForestEta (sym,asym,blocksym,cyclicsym,cyclicblocksym) ans =
foldr cyclicBlockSymForestEta (
foldr cyclicSymForestEta (
foldr pairBlockSymForestEta (
foldr pairASymForestEta (
foldr pairSymForestEta ans sym
) asym
) blockSymMap
) cyclicsym
) cyclicblocksym
blockSymMap = map swapBlockLabelMap blocksym
symAnsatzForestEps :: Symmetry -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
symAnsatzForestEps (sym,asym,blocksym,cyclicsym,cyclicblocksym) ans =
foldr cyclicBlockSymForestEps (
foldr cyclicSymForestEps (
foldr pairBlockSymForestEps (
foldr pairASymForestEps (
foldr pairSymForestEps ans sym
) asym
) blockSymMap
) cyclicsym
) cyclicblocksym
blockSymMap = map swapBlockLabelMap blocksym
mkEtaList :: [Int] -> [Eta]
mkEtaList [] = []
mkEtaList x = Eta a b : mkEtaList rest
[a,b] = take 2 x
rest = drop 2 x
mkEpsilonList :: [Int] -> (Epsilon,[Eta])
mkEpsilonList x = (Epsilon i j k l , mkEtaList rest)
[i,j,k,l] = take 4 x
rest = drop 4 x
mkEtaList' :: Var -> [Int] -> ([Eta],Var)
mkEtaList' var l = (mkEtaList l, var)
mkEpsilonList' :: Var -> [Int] -> (Epsilon,[Eta],Var)
mkEpsilonList' var l = (eps, eta, var)
(eps,eta) = mkEpsilonList l
isElem :: [Eta] -> AnsatzForestEta -> Bool
isElem [] (Leaf x) = True
isElem x EmptyForest = False
isElem (x:xs) (ForestEta m) = case mForest of
Just forest -> xs `isElem` forest
_ -> False
mForest = M.lookup x m
isElemEpsilon :: (Epsilon, [Eta]) -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> Bool
isElemEpsilon (eps,l) m = case mForest of
Just forest -> l `isElem` forest
_ -> False
mForest = M.lookup eps m
reduceAnsatzEta' :: Symmetry -> [([Eta],Var)] -> AnsatzForestEta
reduceAnsatzEta' sym = foldl' addOrRem' EmptyForest
addOrRem' f ans = if isElem (fst ans) f then f else addForests f (symAnsatzForestEta sym $ mkForestFromAscList ans)
reduceAnsatzEpsilon' :: Symmetry -> [(Epsilon, [Eta], Var)] -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
reduceAnsatzEpsilon' sym = foldl' addOrRem' M.empty
addOrRem' f (x,y,z) = if isElemEpsilon (x,y) f then f else addForestsEpsilon f (symAnsatzForestEps sym $ mkForestFromAscListEpsilon (x,y,z))
mkAllVars :: [Var]
mkAllVars = map (Var 1) [1..]
getEtaForestFast :: Int -> Symmetry -> AnsatzForestEta
getEtaForestFast ord syms = relabelAnsatzForest 1 $ reduceAnsatzEta' syms allForests
allInds = getEtaInds [1..ord] syms
allVars = mkAllVars
allForests = zipWith mkEtaList' allVars allInds
getEpsForestFast :: Int -> Symmetry -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
getEpsForestFast ord syms = if ord < 4 then M.empty else relabelAnsatzForestEpsilon 1 $ reduceAnsatzEpsilon' syms allForests
allInds = getEpsilonInds [1..ord] syms
allVars = mkAllVars
allForests = zipWith mkEpsilonList' allVars allInds
evalNodeEta :: I.IntMap Int -> Eta -> Maybe Int
evalNodeEta iMap (Eta x y)
| a == b && a == 0 = Just (-1)
| a == b = Just 1
| otherwise = Nothing
[a,b] = [(I.!) iMap x, (I.!) iMap y]
evalNodeEpsilon :: I.IntMap Int -> Epsilon -> Maybe Int
evalNodeEpsilon iMap (Epsilon w x y z) = M.lookup l epsMap
l = [(I.!) iMap w, (I.!) iMap x, (I.!) iMap y, (I.!) iMap z]
epsMap :: M.Map [Int] Int
epsMap = M.fromList $ map (\x -> (x, epsSign x)) $ permutations [0,1,2,3]
epsSign [i,j,k,l] = (-1) ^ length (filter (==True) [j>i,k>i,l>i,k>j,l>j,l>k])
evalAnsatzForestEta :: I.IntMap Int -> AnsatzForestEta -> I.IntMap Int
evalAnsatzForestEta evalM (Leaf (Var x y)) = I.singleton y x
evalAnsatzForestEta evalM (ForestEta m) = M.foldlWithKey' foldF I.empty m
foldF b k a = let nodeVal = evalNodeEta evalM k
in if isNothing nodeVal then b
else I.unionWith (+) (I.map (fromJust nodeVal *) (evalAnsatzForestEta evalM a)) b
evalAnsatzForestEta evalM EmptyForest = I.empty
evalAnsatzForestEpsilon :: I.IntMap Int -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> I.IntMap Int
evalAnsatzForestEpsilon evalM = M.foldlWithKey' foldF I.empty
foldF b k a = let nodeVal = evalNodeEpsilon evalM k
in if isNothing nodeVal then b
else I.unionWith (+) (I.map (fromJust nodeVal *) (evalAnsatzForestEta evalM a)) b
eval1AnsatzForestEta :: I.IntMap Int -> AnsatzForestEta -> Int
eval1AnsatzForestEta evalM (Leaf (Var x _)) = x
eval1AnsatzForestEta evalM (ForestEta m) = M.foldlWithKey' foldF 0 m
foldF b k a = let nodeVal = evalNodeEta evalM k
in if isNothing nodeVal then b
else b + (fromJust nodeVal * eval1AnsatzForestEta evalM a)
eval1AnsatzForestEta evalM EmptyForest = 0
eval1AnsatzForestEpsilon :: I.IntMap Int -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> Int
eval1AnsatzForestEpsilon evalM = M.foldlWithKey' foldF 0
foldF b k a = let nodeVal = evalNodeEpsilon evalM k
in if isNothing nodeVal then b
else b + (fromJust nodeVal * eval1AnsatzForestEta evalM a)
mkVecList mkAns dofList evalM = vecList
l' = mapMaybe mkAns dofList
l = runEval $ parListChunk 500 rdeepseq l'
lVals = map (\(x,y,z) -> z) l
max = maximum lVals
n = length evalM
vecList = let vec = Sparse.fromList 1 n l in
if null l then Nothing else Just $ Sparse.scale (1/max) vec
evalAnsatzEtaVecListEig :: [I.IntMap Int] -> AnsatzForestEta -> Maybe Sparse.SparseMatrixXd
evalAnsatzEtaVecListEig evalM EmptyForest = Nothing
evalAnsatzEtaVecListEig evalM f = mkVecList mkAns dofList evalM
dofList = zip [0..] evalM
mkAns (i,j) = let ansVal = eval1AnsatzForestEta j f
in if ansVal == 0 then Nothing else Just (0,i, fromIntegral ansVal)
evalAnsatzEpsilonVecListEig :: [I.IntMap Int] -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> Maybe Sparse.SparseMatrixXd
evalAnsatzEpsilonVecListEig evalM f = if f == M.empty then Nothing else mkVecList mkAns dofList evalM
dofList = zip [0..] evalM
mkAns (i,j) = let ansVal = eval1AnsatzForestEpsilon j f
in if ansVal == 0 then Nothing else Just (0,i, fromIntegral ansVal)
type AssocsList a = [([(Int,Int)],a)]
type AssocsListAbs a = [([(Int,Int)],Int,a)]
evalAllEta :: [I.IntMap Int] -> AnsatzForestEta -> [[(Int,Int)]]
evalAllEta [] f = []
evalAllEta evalMs EmptyForest = []
evalAllEta evalMs f = l'
l = map (\x -> filter (\(a,b) -> b /= 0) $ I.assocs $ evalAnsatzForestEta x f) evalMs
l' = runEval $ parListChunk 500 rdeepseq l
evalAllTensorEta :: (NFData a) => [(I.IntMap Int, a)] -> AnsatzForestEta -> AssocsList a
evalAllTensorEta [] f = []
evalAllTensorEta evalMs EmptyForest = []
evalAllTensorEta evalMs f = l'
l = map (\(x,z) -> (filter (\(a,b) -> b /= 0) $ I.assocs $ evalAnsatzForestEta x f,z)) evalMs
l' = runEval $ parListChunk 500 rdeepseq l
evalAllEpsilon :: [I.IntMap Int] -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> [[(Int,Int)]]
evalAllEpsilon [] f = []
evalAllEpsilon evalMs f = if f == M.empty then [] else l'
l = map (\x -> filter (\(a,b) -> b /= 0) $ I.assocs $ evalAnsatzForestEpsilon x f) evalMs
l' = runEval $ parListChunk 500 rdeepseq l
evalAllTensorEpsilon :: (NFData a) => [(I.IntMap Int, a)] -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AssocsList a
evalAllTensorEpsilon [] f = []
evalAllTensorEpsilon evalMs f = if f == M.empty then [] else l'
l = map (\(x,z) -> ( filter (\(a,b) -> b /= 0) $ I.assocs $ evalAnsatzForestEpsilon x f,z)) evalMs
l' = runEval $ parListChunk 500 rdeepseq l
evalAllTensorEtaAbs :: (NFData a) => [(I.IntMap Int, Int, a)] -> AnsatzForestEta -> AssocsListAbs a
evalAllTensorEtaAbs [] f = []
evalAllTensorEtaAbs evalMs EmptyForest = []
evalAllTensorEtaAbs evalMs f = l'
l = map (\(x,y,z) -> (filter (\(a,b) -> b /= 0) $ I.assocs $ evalAnsatzForestEta x f, y,z)) evalMs
l' = runEval $ parListChunk 500 rdeepseq l
evalAllTensorEpsilonAbs :: (NFData a) => [(I.IntMap Int, Int, a)] -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AssocsListAbs a
evalAllTensorEpsilonAbs [] f = []
evalAllTensorEpsilonAbs evalMs f = if f == M.empty then [] else l'
l = map (\(x,y,z) -> ( filter (\(a,b) -> b /= 0) $ I.assocs $ evalAnsatzForestEpsilon x f, y,z)) evalMs
l' = runEval $ parListChunk 500 rdeepseq l
type RankDataEig = (Mat.MatrixXd, Sparse.SparseMatrixXd)
getVarNrEig :: RankDataEig -> Int
getVarNrEig = Sparse.rows . snd
checkNumericLinDepEig :: RankDataEig -> Maybe Sparse.SparseMatrixXd -> Maybe RankDataEig
checkNumericLinDepEig (lastMat, lastFullMat) (Just newVec)
| eigenRank < maxRank = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (newMat, newAnsatzMat)
newVecTrans = Sparse.transpose newVec
scalar = Sparse.toMatrix $ Sparse.mul newVec newVecTrans
prodBlock = Sparse.toMatrix $ Sparse.mul lastFullMat newVecTrans
prodBlockTrans = Mat.transpose prodBlock
newMat = concatBlockMat lastMat prodBlock prodBlockTrans scalar
eigenRank = Sol.rank Sol.FullPivLU newMat
maxRank = min (Mat.cols newMat) (Mat.rows newMat)
newAnsatzMat = Sparse.fromRows $ Sparse.getRows lastFullMat ++ [newVec]
checkNumericLinDepEig (lastMat, lastFullMat) Nothing = Nothing
concatBlockMat :: Mat.MatrixXd -> Mat.MatrixXd -> Mat.MatrixXd -> Mat.MatrixXd -> Mat.MatrixXd
concatBlockMat a b c d = newMat
newUpper = zipWith (++) (Mat.toList a) (Mat.toList b)
newLower = zipWith (++) (Mat.toList c) (Mat.toList d)
newMat = Mat.fromList $ newUpper ++ newLower
getNewRDat evalM newAns rDat = newRDat
newVec = evalAnsatzEtaVecListEig evalM newAns
newRDat = checkNumericLinDepEig rDat newVec
getNewRDatEps evalM newAns rDat = newRDat
newVec = evalAnsatzEpsilonVecListEig evalM newAns
newRDat = checkNumericLinDepEig rDat newVec
getNewAns symList etaList rDat = symAnsatzForestEta symList $ mkForestFromAscList (etaList,Var 1 (getVarNrEig rDat + 1))
getNewAnsEps symList epsList etaList rDat = symAnsatzForestEps symList $ mkForestFromAscListEpsilon (epsList,etaList,Var 1 (getVarNrEig rDat + 1))
addOrDiscardEtaEig :: Symmetry -> [I.IntMap Int] -> (AnsatzForestEta, RankDataEig) -> [Eta] -> (AnsatzForestEta, RankDataEig)
addOrDiscardEtaEig symList evalM (ans,rDat) etaL
| isElem etaL ans = (ans,rDat)
| otherwise = case newRDat of
Nothing -> (ans,rDat)
Just newRDat' -> (sumAns,newRDat')
newAns = getNewAns symList etaL rDat
newRDat = getNewRDat evalM newAns rDat
sumAns = addForests ans newAns
addOrDiscardEpsilonEig :: Symmetry -> [I.IntMap Int] -> (AnsatzForestEpsilon, RankDataEig) -> (Epsilon,[Eta]) -> (AnsatzForestEpsilon, RankDataEig)
addOrDiscardEpsilonEig symList evalM (ans,rDat) (epsL,etaL)
| isElemEpsilon (epsL,etaL) ans = (ans,rDat)
| otherwise = case newRDat of
Nothing -> (ans,rDat)
Just newRDat' -> (sumAns,newRDat')
newAns = getNewAnsEps symList epsL etaL rDat
newRDat = getNewRDatEps evalM newAns rDat
sumAns = addForestsEpsilon ans newAns
mk1stRankDataEtaEig :: Symmetry -> [[Eta]] -> [I.IntMap Int] -> (AnsatzForestEta,RankDataEig,[[Eta]])
mk1stRankDataEtaEig symL etaL evalM = output
newAns = symAnsatzForestEta symL $ mkForestFromAscList (head etaL,Var 1 1)
newVec = evalAnsatzEtaVecListEig evalM newAns
restList = tail etaL
output = case newVec of
Nothing -> if null restList then (EmptyForest,(Mat.fromList [], Sparse.fromList 0 0 []),[]) else mk1stRankDataEtaEig symL restList evalM
Just newVec' -> (newAns, (newMat, newVec'), restList)
newVecTrans = Sparse.transpose newVec'
newMat = Sparse.toMatrix $ Sparse.mul newVec' newVecTrans
mk1stRankDataEpsilonEig :: Symmetry -> [(Epsilon,[Eta])] -> [I.IntMap Int] -> (AnsatzForestEpsilon,RankDataEig,[(Epsilon,[Eta])])
mk1stRankDataEpsilonEig symL epsL evalM = output
newAns = symAnsatzForestEps symL $ mkForestFromAscListEpsilon (fst $ head epsL, snd $ head epsL,Var 1 1)
newVec = evalAnsatzEpsilonVecListEig evalM newAns
restList = tail epsL
output = case newVec of
Nothing -> if null restList then (M.empty,(Mat.fromList [], Sparse.fromList 0 0 []),[]) else mk1stRankDataEpsilonEig symL restList evalM
Just newVec' -> (newAns,(newMat, newVec'), restList)
newVecTrans = Sparse.transpose newVec'
newMat = Sparse.toMatrix $ Sparse.mul newVec' newVecTrans
reduceAnsatzEtaEig :: Symmetry -> [[Eta]] -> [I.IntMap Int] -> (AnsatzForestEta,Sparse.SparseMatrixXd)
reduceAnsatzEtaEig symL etaL evalM
| null evalM = (EmptyForest, Sparse.fromList 0 0 [])
| null etaL = (EmptyForest, Sparse.fromList 0 0 [])
| otherwise = (finalForest, finalMat)
(ans1,rDat1,restEtaL) = mk1stRankDataEtaEig symL etaL evalM
(finalForest, (_,finalMat)) = foldl' (addOrDiscardEtaEig symL evalM) (ans1,rDat1) restEtaL
reduceAnsatzEpsilonEig :: Symmetry -> [(Epsilon,[Eta])] -> [I.IntMap Int] -> (AnsatzForestEpsilon,Sparse.SparseMatrixXd)
reduceAnsatzEpsilonEig symL epsL evalM
| null evalM = (M.empty, Sparse.fromList 0 0 [])
| null epsL = (M.empty, Sparse.fromList 0 0 [])
| otherwise = (finalForest, finalMat)
(ans1,rDat1,restEpsL) = mk1stRankDataEpsilonEig symL epsL evalM
(finalForest, (_,finalMat)) = foldl' (addOrDiscardEpsilonEig symL evalM) (ans1,rDat1) restEpsL
getEtaForestEig :: Int -> Symmetry -> [I.IntMap Int] -> (AnsatzForestEta,Sparse.SparseMatrixXd)
getEtaForestEig ord sym [] = (EmptyForest, Sparse.fromList 0 0 [])
getEtaForestEig ord sym evalMs
| null allEtaLists = (EmptyForest, Sparse.fromList 0 0 [])
| otherwise = reduceAnsatzEtaEig sym allEtaLists evalMs
allInds = getEtaInds [1..ord] sym
allEtaLists = map mkEtaList allInds
getEpsForestEig :: Int -> Symmetry -> [I.IntMap Int] -> (AnsatzForestEpsilon,Sparse.SparseMatrixXd)
getEpsForestEig ord sym [] = (M.empty, Sparse.fromList 0 0 [])
getEpsForestEig ord sym evalMs
| null allEpsLists = (M.empty, Sparse.fromList 0 0 [])
| otherwise = reduceAnsatzEpsilonEig sym allEpsLists evalMs
allInds = getEpsilonInds [1..ord] sym
allEpsLists = map mkEpsilonList allInds
getFullForestEig :: Int -> Symmetry -> [I.IntMap Int] -> [I.IntMap Int] -> (AnsatzForestEta, AnsatzForestEpsilon, Sparse.SparseMatrixXd, Sparse.SparseMatrixXd)
getFullForestEig ord sym evalMEta evalMEps = (etaAns, epsAns, etaMat, epsMat)
(etaAns,etaMat) = getEtaForestEig ord sym evalMEta
(epsAns',epsMat) = getEpsForestEig ord sym evalMEps
epsAns = relabelAnsatzForestEpsilon (1 + length (getForestLabels etaAns)) epsAns'
evalToTensSym :: Symmetry -> [(I.IntMap Int, IndTupleST n1 0)] -> [(I.IntMap Int, IndTupleST n1 0)] -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> STTens n1 0 AnsVarR
evalToTensSym (p,ap,b,c,bc) evalEta evalEps ansEta ansEps = symTens
p' = map (\(x,y) -> (x-1,y-1)) p
ap' = map (\(x,y) -> (x-1,y-1)) ap
b' = map (\(x,y) -> (map (\z -> z-1) x, map (\z' -> z'-1) y) ) b
c' = map (map (subtract 1)) c
bc' = map (map (map (subtract 1))) bc
tens = evalToTens evalEta evalEps ansEta ansEps
symTens = foldr cyclicBlockSymATens1 (
foldr cyclicSymATens1 (
foldr symBlockATens1 (
foldr aSymATens1 (
foldr symATens1 tens p'
) ap'
) b'
) c'
) bc'
evalToTens :: [(I.IntMap Int, IndTupleST n1 0)] -> [(I.IntMap Int, IndTupleST n1 0)] -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> STTens n1 0 AnsVarR
evalToTens evalEta evalEps ansEta ansEps = tens
etaL = evalAllTensorEta evalEta ansEta
epsL = evalAllTensorEpsilon evalEps ansEps
etaL' = map (\(x,indTuple) -> (indTuple, AnsVar $ I.fromList $ map (\(i,r) -> (i,SField $ fromIntegral r)) x)) etaL
epsL' = map (\(x,indTuple) -> (indTuple, AnsVar $ I.fromList $ map (\(i,r) -> (i,SField $ fromIntegral r)) x)) epsL
etaRmL = filter (\(_,AnsVar b) -> not $ I.null b) etaL'
epsRmL = filter (\(_,AnsVar b) -> not $ I.null b) epsL'
tens = fromListT2 etaRmL &+ fromListT2 epsRmL
evalToTensAbs :: [(I.IntMap Int, Int, [IndTupleAbs n1 0 n2 0 n3 0])] -> [(I.IntMap Int, Int, [IndTupleAbs n1 0 n2 0 n3 0])] -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> ATens n1 0 n2 0 n3 0 AnsVarR
evalToTensAbs evalEta evalEps ansEta ansEps = fromListT6 etaRmL &+ fromListT6 epsRmL
etaL = evalAllTensorEtaAbs evalEta ansEta
epsL = evalAllTensorEpsilonAbs evalEps ansEps
etaL' = map (\(x,mult,indTuple) -> (indTuple, AnsVar $ I.fromList $ map (\(i,r) -> (i,fromIntegral $ r*mult)) x)) etaL
epsL' = map (\(x,mult,indTuple) -> (indTuple, AnsVar $ I.fromList $ map (\(i,r) -> (i,fromIntegral $ r*mult)) x)) epsL
etaRmL = filter (\(_,AnsVar b) -> not $ I.null b) $ concatMap (\(x,y) -> zip x (repeat y)) etaL'
epsRmL = filter (\(_,AnsVar b) -> not $ I.null b) $ concatMap (\(x,y) -> zip x (repeat y)) epsL'
mkEvalMap :: Int -> [Int] -> I.IntMap Int
mkEvalMap i = I.fromList . zip [1..i]
mkEvalMaps :: [[Int]] -> [I.IntMap Int]
mkEvalMaps l = let s = length (head l) in map (mkEvalMap s) l
mkEvalMapsInds :: forall (n :: Nat). SingI n => [[Int]] -> [(I.IntMap Int, IndTupleST n 0)]
mkEvalMapsInds l = let s = length (head l) in map (\x -> (mkEvalMap s x, (fromList $ map toEnum x, Empty))) l
mkAllEvalMaps :: forall (n :: Nat). SingI n => Symmetry -> [[Int]] -> ([I.IntMap Int], [I.IntMap Int], [(I.IntMap Int, IndTupleST n 0)], [(I.IntMap Int, IndTupleST n 0)])
mkAllEvalMaps sym l = (evalMEtaRed, evalMEpsRed, evalMEtaInds, evalMEpsInds)
evalLEta = filter isEtaList l
evalLEps = filter isEpsilonList l
evalLEtaRed = filter (isLorentzEval sym) evalLEta
evalLEpsRed = filter (isLorentzEval sym) evalLEps
evalMEtaRed = mkEvalMaps evalLEtaRed
evalMEpsRed = mkEvalMaps evalLEpsRed
evalMEtaInds = mkEvalMapsInds evalLEta
evalMEpsInds = mkEvalMapsInds evalLEps
mkAllEvalMapsAbs :: Symmetry -> [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs n1 0 n2 0 n3 0])] -> ([I.IntMap Int], [I.IntMap Int], [(I.IntMap Int, Int, [IndTupleAbs n1 0 n2 0 n3 0])], [(I.IntMap Int, Int, [IndTupleAbs n1 0 n2 0 n3 0])])
mkAllEvalMapsAbs sym l = (evalMEtaRed, evalMEpsRed, evalMEtaInds, evalMEpsInds)
(headList,_,_) = head l
ord = length headList
evalLEta = filter (\(x,_,_) -> isEtaList x) l
evalLEps = filter (\(x,_,_) -> isEpsilonList x) l
evalLEtaRed = map (\(a,_,_) -> a) $ filter (\(x,_,_) -> isLorentzEval sym x) evalLEta
evalLEpsRed = map (\(a,_,_) -> a) $ filter (\(x,_,_) -> isLorentzEval sym x) evalLEps
evalMEtaRed = mkEvalMaps evalLEtaRed
evalMEpsRed = mkEvalMaps evalLEpsRed
evalMEtaInds = map (\(x,y,z) -> (mkEvalMap ord x, y, z)) evalLEta
evalMEpsInds = map (\(x,y,z) -> (mkEvalMap ord x, y, z)) evalLEps
mkAnsatzTensorEigSym :: forall (n :: Nat). SingI n => Int -> Symmetry -> [[Int]] -> (AnsatzForestEta, AnsatzForestEpsilon, STTens n 0 AnsVarR)
mkAnsatzTensorEigSym ord symmetries evalL = (ansEta, ansEps, tens)
(evalMEtaRed, evalMEpsRed, evalMEtaInds, evalMEpsInds) = mkAllEvalMaps symmetries evalL
(ansEta, ansEps, _, _) = getFullForestEig ord symmetries evalMEtaRed evalMEpsRed
tens = evalToTensSym symmetries evalMEtaInds evalMEpsInds ansEta ansEps
mkAnsatzTensorEig :: forall (n :: Nat). SingI n => Int -> Symmetry -> [[Int]] -> (AnsatzForestEta, AnsatzForestEpsilon, STTens n 0 AnsVarR)
mkAnsatzTensorEig ord symmetries evalL = (ansEta, ansEps, tens)
(evalMEtaRed, evalMEpsRed, evalMEtaInds, evalMEpsInds) = mkAllEvalMaps symmetries evalL
(ansEta, ansEps, _, _) = getFullForestEig ord symmetries evalMEtaRed evalMEpsRed
tens = evalToTens evalMEtaInds evalMEpsInds ansEta ansEps
mkAnsatzTensorEigAbs :: Int -> Symmetry -> [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs n1 0 n2 0 n3 0])] -> (AnsatzForestEta, AnsatzForestEpsilon, ATens n1 0 n2 0 n3 0 AnsVarR)
mkAnsatzTensorEigAbs ord symmetries evalL = (ansEta, ansEps, tens)
(evalMEtaRed, evalMEpsRed, evalMEtaInds, evalMEpsInds) = mkAllEvalMapsAbs symmetries evalL
(ansEta, ansEps, _, _) = getFullForestEig ord symmetries evalMEtaRed evalMEpsRed
tens = evalToTensAbs evalMEtaInds evalMEpsInds ansEta ansEps
assocsToEig :: [[(Int,Int)]] -> Mat.MatrixXd
assocsToEig l = Sparse.toMatrix $ Sparse.fromList n m l'
l' = concat $ zipWith (\r z -> map (\(x,y) -> (z-1, x-1, fromIntegral y)) r) l [1..]
n = maximum (map (\(x,_,_) -> x) l') + 1
m = maximum (map (\(_,x,_) -> x) l') + 1
getPivots :: [[(Int,Int)]] -> [Int]
getPivots l = map (1+) p
mat = assocsToEig l
pMatTr = Mat.toList $ Mat.transpose $ Sol.image Sol.FullPivLU mat
matTr = Mat.toList $ Mat.transpose mat
p = mapMaybe (`elemIndex` matTr) pMatTr
reduceLinDepsFastEta :: [I.IntMap Int] -> Symmetry -> AnsatzForestEta -> AnsatzForestEta
reduceLinDepsFastEta evalM symL ansEta = newEtaAns
etaL = evalAllEta evalM ansEta
etaVars = getPivots etaL
allEtaVars = getForestLabels ansEta
remVarsEta = allEtaVars \\ etaVars
newEtaAns = relabelAnsatzForest 1 $ removeVarsEta remVarsEta ansEta
reduceLinDepsFastEps :: [I.IntMap Int] -> Symmetry -> AnsatzForestEpsilon -> AnsatzForestEpsilon
reduceLinDepsFastEps evalM symL ansEps = newEpsAns
epsL = evalAllEpsilon evalM ansEps
epsVars = getPivots epsL
allEpsVars = getForestLabelsEpsilon ansEps
remVarsEps = allEpsVars \\ epsVars
newEpsAns = relabelAnsatzForestEpsilon 1 $ removeVarsEps remVarsEps ansEps
mkAnsatzFast :: Int -> Symmetry -> [I.IntMap Int] -> [I.IntMap Int] -> (AnsatzForestEta, AnsatzForestEpsilon)
mkAnsatzFast ord symmetries evalMEtaRed evalMEpsRed = (ansEtaRed, ansEpsRed)
ansEta = getEtaForestFast ord symmetries
ansEpsilon = getEpsForestFast ord symmetries
ansEtaRed = reduceLinDepsFastEta evalMEtaRed symmetries ansEta
ansEpsRed' = reduceLinDepsFastEps evalMEpsRed symmetries ansEpsilon
ansEpsRed = relabelAnsatzForestEpsilon (1 + length (getForestLabels ansEtaRed)) ansEpsRed'
mkAnsatzTensorFastSym :: forall (n :: Nat). SingI n => Int -> Symmetry -> [[Int]]-> (AnsatzForestEta, AnsatzForestEpsilon, STTens n 0 AnsVarR)
mkAnsatzTensorFastSym ord symmetries evalL = (ansEta, ansEps, tens)
(evalMEtaRed, evalMEpsRed, evalMEtaInds, evalMEpsInds) = mkAllEvalMaps symmetries evalL
(ansEta, ansEps) = mkAnsatzFast ord symmetries evalMEtaRed evalMEpsRed
tens = evalToTensSym symmetries evalMEtaInds evalMEpsInds ansEta ansEps
mkAnsatzTensorFast :: forall (n :: Nat). SingI n => Int -> Symmetry -> [[Int]]-> (AnsatzForestEta, AnsatzForestEpsilon, STTens n 0 AnsVarR)
mkAnsatzTensorFast ord symmetries evalL = (ansEta, ansEps, tens)
(evalMEtaRed, evalMEpsRed, evalMEtaInds, evalMEpsInds) = mkAllEvalMaps symmetries evalL
(ansEta, ansEps) = mkAnsatzFast ord symmetries evalMEtaRed evalMEpsRed
tens = evalToTens evalMEtaInds evalMEpsInds ansEta ansEps
mkAnsatzTensorFastAbs :: Int -> Symmetry -> [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs n1 0 n2 0 n3 0])] -> (AnsatzForestEta, AnsatzForestEpsilon, ATens n1 0 n2 0 n3 0 AnsVarR)
mkAnsatzTensorFastAbs ord symmetries evalL = (ansEta, ansEps, tens)
(evalMEtaRed, evalMEpsRed, evalMEtaInds, evalMEpsInds) = mkAllEvalMapsAbs symmetries evalL
(ansEta, ansEps) = mkAnsatzFast ord symmetries evalMEtaRed evalMEpsRed
tens = evalToTensAbs evalMEtaInds evalMEpsInds ansEta ansEps
countEqualInds :: [Int] -> (Int,Int,Int,Int)
countEqualInds [] = (0,0,0,0)
countEqualInds (i:xs)
| i == 0 = (a+1,b,c,d)
| i == 1 = (a,b+1,c,d)
| i == 2 = (a,b,c+1,d)
| i == 3 = (a,b,c,d+1)
| otherwise = error "wrong index"
(a,b,c,d) = countEqualInds xs
isEtaList :: [Int] -> Bool
isEtaList l = let (a,b,c,d) = countEqualInds l in even a && even b && even c && even d
isEpsilonList :: [Int] -> Bool
isEpsilonList l = let (a,b,c,d) = countEqualInds l in odd a && odd b && odd c && odd d
filterPSym :: [Int] -> (Int,Int) -> Bool
filterPSym inds (i,j) = (inds !! (i-1)) <= (inds !! (j-1))
filterASym :: [Int] -> (Int,Int) -> Bool
filterASym inds (i,j) = (inds !! (i-1)) < (inds !! (j-1))
filterCSym :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
filterCSym inds i = and boolL
getPairs [a,b] = [(a,b)]
getPairs (x:xs) = (x, head xs) : getPairs xs
pairL = getPairs i
boolL = map (filterPSym inds) pairL
filterBSym :: [Int] -> ([Int],[Int]) -> Bool
filterBSym inds ([],[]) = True
filterBSym inds (x:xs,y:ys)
| xVal < yVal = True
| xVal == yVal = filterBSym inds (xs,ys)
| otherwise = False
xVal = inds !! (x-1)
yVal = inds !! (y-1)
filterBCSym :: [Int] -> [[Int]] -> Bool
filterBCSym inds i = and boolL
getPairs [a,b] = [(a,b)]
getPairs (x:xs) = (x, head xs) : getPairs xs
pairL = getPairs i
boolL = map (filterBSym inds) pairL
filterAllSym :: [Int] -> Symmetry -> Bool
filterAllSym inds (p,ap,b,c,bc) = and (p' ++ ap' ++ c' ++ b' ++ bc')
p' = map (filterPSym inds) p
ap' = map (filterASym inds) ap
c' = map (filterCSym inds) c
b' = map (filterBSym inds) b
bc' = map (filterBCSym inds) bc
isLorentzEval :: Symmetry -> [Int] -> Bool
isLorentzEval sym inds = inds == canonicalL
allInds = filterMins $ getAllIndLists inds
canonicalL = minimum $ map (canonicalizeList sym) allInds
filterMins :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
filterMins l = map fst $ filter (\x -> n == snd x) l'
l' = map (\x -> (x,sum x)) l
n = minimum $ map snd l'
getAllIndListsMap :: I.IntMap Int -> [I.IntMap Int]
getAllIndListsMap iMap = map (\x -> I.map ((I.!) x) iMap) allSwaps
inds = nub $ I.elems iMap
n = length inds
allSwaps = map ((\x y -> I.fromList $ zip x y) inds) $ permutations [0..n-1]
getAllIndLists :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
getAllIndLists l = map I.elems $ getAllIndListsMap $ I.fromList $ zip [1..] l
canonicalizePair :: (Int,Int) -> I.IntMap Int -> I.IntMap Int
canonicalizePair (i,j) iMap
| (I.!) iMap i <= (I.!) iMap j = iMap
| otherwise = I.mapKeys swapKeys iMap
swapKeys x
| x == i = j
| x == j = i
| otherwise = x
canonicalizeBlockPair :: ([Int],[Int]) -> I.IntMap Int -> I.IntMap Int
canonicalizeBlockPair ([i],[j]) iMap
| (I.!) iMap i <= (I.!) iMap j = iMap
| otherwise = I.mapKeys swapKeys iMap
swapKeys x
| x == i = j
| x == j = i
| otherwise = x
canonicalizeBlockPair (i:is,j:js) iMap
| iVal < jVal = iMap
| iVal > jVal = I.mapKeys (swapBlocks (i:is,j:js)) iMap
| iVal == jVal = newMap
iVal = (I.!) iMap i
jVal = (I.!) iMap j
swapBlocks (m1,m2) x = let m = I.fromList $ zip m1 m2 ++ zip m2 m1
in fromMaybe x $ I.lookup x m
newMap = canonicalizeBlockPair (is,js) iMap
canonicalizeIntMap :: Symmetry -> I.IntMap Int -> I.IntMap Int
canonicalizeIntMap (p,ap,b,c,bc) iMap = iMap2
allBlocks = b ++ concatMap mkBlocksFromBlockCycle bc
allPairs = p ++ ap ++ concatMap mkSymsFromCycle c
iMap1 = foldr canonicalizePair iMap allPairs
iMap2 = foldr canonicalizeBlockPair iMap1 allBlocks
canonicalizeList :: Symmetry -> [Int] -> [Int]
canonicalizeList sym inds = I.elems $ canonicalizeIntMap sym $ I.fromList $ zip [1..] inds
allList' :: Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int,Int)] -> [[Int]]
allList' 1 syms aSyms symBounds aSymBounds = case (symB, aSymB) of
(Just j, Nothing) -> [[k] | k <- [j..3]]
(Nothing, Just j) -> [[k] | k <- [j+1..3]]
(Nothing, Nothing) -> [[0], [1], [2], [3]]
(Just j, Just k) -> [[k] | k <- [max j (k+1) .. 3]]
(symB,aSymB) = (lookup 1 symBounds, lookup 1 aSymBounds)
allList' i syms aSyms symBounds aSymBounds = concatMap (\x -> (:) <$> [x] <*> allList' (i-1) newSyms newASyms (newSymBounds x) (newASymBounds x)) l
(symB,aSymB) = (lookup 1 symBounds, lookup 1 aSymBounds)
l' = case (symB, aSymB) of
(Just j, Nothing) -> [j..3]
(Nothing, Just j) -> [j+1..3]
(Nothing, Nothing) -> [0..3]
(Just j, Just k) -> [max j (k+1) .. 3]
l = if isJust newASymB then filter (<3) l' else l'
newSyms = map (\(x,y) -> (x-1,y-1)) syms
newASyms = map (\(x,y) -> (x-1,y-1)) aSyms
newSymB = lookup 1 syms
newASymB = lookup 1 aSyms
newSymBounds' = map (\(x,y) -> (x-1,y-1)) symBounds
newASymBounds' = map (\(x,y) -> (x-1,y-1)) aSymBounds
newSymBounds x' = case newSymB of
Just j -> (j-1,x') : newSymBounds'
Nothing -> newSymBounds'
newASymBounds x' = case newASymB of
Just j -> (j-1,x') : newASymBounds'
Nothing -> newASymBounds'
allList :: Int -> Symmetry -> [[Int]]
allList ord (syms,aSyms,_,_,_) = allList' ord syms aSyms [] []
mkAnsatzTensorEigSym' :: forall (n :: Nat). SingI n => Int -> Symmetry -> (AnsatzForestEta, AnsatzForestEpsilon, STTens n 0 AnsVarR)
mkAnsatzTensorEigSym' ord symmetries = mkAnsatzTensorEigSym ord symmetries evalL
evalL = filter (`filterAllSym` symmetries) $ allList ord symmetries
mkAnsatzTensorFastSym' :: forall (n :: Nat). SingI n => Int -> Symmetry -> (AnsatzForestEta, AnsatzForestEpsilon, STTens n 0 AnsVarR)
mkAnsatzTensorFastSym' ord symmetries = mkAnsatzTensorFastSym ord symmetries evalL
evalL = filter (`filterAllSym` symmetries) $ allList ord symmetries
mkAnsatzTensorEig' :: forall (n :: Nat). SingI n => Int -> Symmetry -> (AnsatzForestEta, AnsatzForestEpsilon, STTens n 0 AnsVarR)
mkAnsatzTensorEig' ord symmetries = mkAnsatzTensorEig ord symmetries evalL
evalL = filter (`filterAllSym` symmetries) $ allList ord symmetries
mkAnsatzTensorFast' :: forall (n :: Nat). SingI n => Int -> Symmetry -> (AnsatzForestEta, AnsatzForestEpsilon, STTens n 0 AnsVarR)
mkAnsatzTensorFast' ord symmetries = mkAnsatzTensorFast ord symmetries evalL
evalL = filter (`filterAllSym` symmetries) $ allList ord symmetries
trianMapArea :: I.IntMap [Int]
trianMapArea = I.fromList $ zip [1..21] list
list = [ [a,b,c,d] | a <- [0..2], b <- [a+1..3], c <- [a..2], d <- [c+1..3], isAreaSorted a b c d]
trianMap2 :: I.IntMap [Int]
trianMap2 = I.fromList $ zip [1..10] list
list = [ [p,q] | p <- [0..3], q <- [p..3]]
isAreaSorted :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
isAreaSorted a b c d
| a < c || (a == c && b <= d) = True
| otherwise = False
areaMult :: [Int] -> Int
areaMult [a,b,c,d]
| a == c && b == d = 4
| otherwise = 8
iMult2 :: [Int] -> Int
iMult2 [p,q] = if p == q then 1 else 2
areaList4 :: [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 1 0 0 0 0 0])]
areaList4 = list
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let a' = (I.!) trianArea a in (a', areaMult a', [(singletonInd (Ind20 $ a-1), Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty)]) | a <- [1..21] ]
areaList6 :: [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 1 0 1 0 0 0])]
areaList6 = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',i') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trian2 i) in (a' ++ i', areaMult a' * iMult2 i', [(singletonInd (Ind20 $ a-1), Empty, singletonInd (Ind9 $ i-1), Empty, Empty, Empty)]) | a <- [1..21], i <- [1..10]]
areaList8 :: [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 2 0 0 0 0 0])]
areaList8 = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',b') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trianArea b) in (a' ++ b', areaMult a' * areaMult b', map (\[a,b] -> (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ singletonInd (Ind20 $ b-1), Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty)) $ nub $ permutations [a,b] ) | a <- [1..21], b <- [a..21]]
areaList10_1 :: [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 2 0 0 0 2 0])]
areaList10_1 = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',b') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trianArea b) in (a' ++ p : b' ++ [q], areaMult a' * areaMult b', map (\[[a,p],[b,q]] -> (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ singletonInd (Ind20 $ b-1), Empty, Empty, Empty, Append (Ind3 p) $ singletonInd (Ind3 q), Empty)) $ nub $ permutations [[a,p],[b,q]]) | a <- [1..21], b <- [a..21], p <- [0..3], q <- [0..3], not (a==b && p>q)]
areaList10_2 :: [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 2 0 1 0 0 0])]
areaList10_2 = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',b',i') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trianArea b, (I.!) trian2 i) in (a' ++ b' ++ i', areaMult a' * areaMult b' * iMult2 i', [ (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ singletonInd (Ind20 $ b-1), Empty, singletonInd (Ind9 $ i-1), Empty, Empty, Empty)] ) | a <- [1..21], b <- [1..21], i <- [1..10] ]
areaList12 :: [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 3 0 0 0 0 0])]
areaList12 = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',b',c') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trianArea b, (I.!) trianArea c) in (a' ++ b' ++ c', areaMult a' * areaMult b' * areaMult c', map (\[a,b,c] -> (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ b-1) $ singletonInd (Ind20 $ c-1), Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty)) $ nub $ permutations [a,b,c] )| a <- [1..21], b <- [a..21], c <- [b..21] ]
areaList12_1 :: [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 2 0 2 0 0 0])]
areaList12_1 = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',i',b',j') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trian2 i, (I.!) trianArea b, (I.!) trian2 j) in (a' ++ i' ++ b' ++ j' , areaMult a' * areaMult b' * iMult2 i' * iMult2 j', map (\[[a,i],[b,j]] -> (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ singletonInd (Ind20 $ b-1), Empty, Append (Ind9 $ i-1) $ singletonInd (Ind9 $ j-1), Empty, Empty, Empty)) $ nub $ permutations [[a,i],[b,j]] ) | a <- [1..21], b <- [a..21], i <- [1..10], j <- [1..10], not (a==b && i>j) ]
areaList14_1 :: [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 3 0 0 0 2 0])]
areaList14_1 = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',b',c') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trianArea b, (I.!) trianArea c) in (a' ++ b' ++ p : c' ++ [q], areaMult a' * areaMult b' * areaMult c', map (\[[b,p],[c,q]] -> (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ b-1) $ singletonInd (Ind20 $ c-1), Empty, Empty, Empty, Append (Ind3 p) $ singletonInd (Ind3 q), Empty)) $ nub $ permutations [[b,p],[c,q]]) | a <- [1..21], b <- [1..21], c <- [b..21], p <- [0..3], q <- [0..3], not (b==c && p>q) ]
areaList14_2 :: [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 3 0 1 0 0 0])]
areaList14_2 = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',b',c',i') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trianArea b, (I.!) trianArea c, (I.!) trian2 i) in ( a' ++ b' ++ c' ++ i', areaMult a' * areaMult b' * areaMult c' * iMult2 i', map (\[a,b] -> (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ b-1) $ singletonInd (Ind20 $ c-1), Empty, singletonInd (Ind9 $ i-1), Empty, Empty, Empty)) $ nub $ permutations [a,b] ) | a <- [1..21], b <- [a..21], c <- [1..21], i <- [1..10] ]
areaList16_1 :: [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 3 0 1 0 2 0])]
areaList16_1 = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',b',c',i') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trianArea b, (I.!) trianArea c, (I.!) trian2 i) in (a' ++ p : b' ++ q : c' ++ i' , areaMult a' * areaMult b' * areaMult c' * iMult2 i', map (\[[a,p],[b,q]] -> (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ b-1) $ singletonInd (Ind20 $ c-1), Empty, singletonInd (Ind9 $ i-1), Empty, Append (Ind3 p) $ singletonInd (Ind3 q), Empty)) $ nub $ permutations [[a,p],[b,q]]) | a <- [1..21], b <- [a..21], c <- [1..21], i <- [1..10], p <- [0..3], q <- [0..3], not (a==b && p>q) ]
areaList16_2 :: [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 3 0 2 0 0 0])]
areaList16_2 = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [let (a',b',c',i', j') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trianArea b, (I.!) trianArea c, (I.!) trian2 i, (I.!) trian2 j) in (a' ++ b' ++ i' ++ c' ++ j', areaMult a' * areaMult b' * areaMult c' * iMult2 i' * iMult2 j', map (\[[b,i],[c,j]] -> (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ b-1) $ singletonInd (Ind20 $ c-1), Empty, Append (Ind9 $ i-1) $ singletonInd (Ind9 $ j-1), Empty, Empty, Empty) ) $ nub $ permutations [[b,i],[c,j]])| a <- [1..21], b <- [1..21], c <- [b..21], i <- [1..10], j <- [1..10], not (b==c && i>j)]
areaList18 :: [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 3 0 3 0 0 0])]
areaList18 = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',b',c',i', j', k') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trianArea b, (I.!) trianArea c, (I.!) trian2 i, (I.!) trian2 j, (I.!) trian2 k) in (a' ++ i' ++ b' ++ j' ++ c' ++ k', areaMult a' * areaMult b' * areaMult c' * iMult2 i' * iMult2 j' * iMult2 k', map (\[[a,i],[b,j],[c,k]] -> (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ b-1) $ singletonInd (Ind20 $ c-1), Empty, Append (Ind9 $ i-1) $ Append (Ind9 $ j-1) $ singletonInd (Ind9 $ k-1), Empty, Empty, Empty) ) $ nub $ permutations [[a,i],[b,j],[c,k]]) | a <- [1..21], b <- [a..21], c <- [b..21], i <- [1..10], j <- [1..10], not (a==b && i>j), k <- [1..10], not (b==c && j>k) ]
areaList16 :: [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 4 0 0 0 0 0])]
areaList16 = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',b',c', d') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trianArea b, (I.!) trianArea c, (I.!) trianArea d) in (a' ++ b' ++ c' ++ d', areaMult a' * areaMult b' * areaMult c' * areaMult d', map (\[a,b,c,d] -> (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ b-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ c-1) $ singletonInd (Ind20 $ d-1), Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty)) $ nub $ permutations [a,b,c,d] )| a <- [1..21], b <- [a..21], c <- [b..21], d <- [c..21] ]
areaList18_2 :: [( [Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 4 0 1 0 0 0])]
areaList18_2 = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',b',c',d',i') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trianArea b, (I.!) trianArea c, (I.!) trianArea d, (I.!) trian2 i) in (a' ++ b' ++ c'++d'++i', areaMult a' * areaMult b' * areaMult c' * areaMult d' * iMult2 i', map (\[a,b,c] -> (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ b-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ c-1) (singletonInd (Ind20 $ d-1)), Empty, singletonInd (Ind9 $ i-1), Empty, Empty, Empty) ) $ nub $ permutations [a,b,c] ) | a <- [1..21], b <- [a..21], c <- [b..21], d <- [1..21], i <- [1..10] ]
areaList18_3 :: [([Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 4 0 0 0 2 0])]
areaList18_3 = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',b',c',d') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trianArea b, (I.!) trianArea c, (I.!) trianArea d) in (a' ++ b' ++ c'++ p : d'++[q], areaMult a' * areaMult b' * areaMult c' * areaMult d', map ( \(a,b,c,p,d,q) -> (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ b-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ c-1) (singletonInd (Ind20 $ d-1)), Empty, Empty, Empty, Append (Ind3 p) (singletonInd (Ind3 q)), Empty) ) $ nub [(a,b,c,p,d,q),(b,a,c,p,d,q),(a,b,d,q,c,p),(b,a,d,q,c,p)] ) | a <- [1..21], b <- [a..21], c <- [1..21], d <- [c..21], p <- [0..3], q <- [0..3] , not (c == d && p > q) ]
areaList20 :: [( [Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 5 0 0 0 0 0])]
areaList20 = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',b',c', d', e') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trianArea b, (I.!) trianArea c, (I.!) trianArea d, (I.!) trianArea e) in (a' ++ b' ++ c' ++ d' ++ e', areaMult a' * areaMult b' * areaMult c' * areaMult d' * areaMult e', map (\[a,b,c,d,e] -> (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ b-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ c-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ d-1) $ singletonInd (Ind20 $ e-1), Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty)) $ nub $ permutations [a,b,c,d,e] )| a <- [1..21], b <- [a..21], c <- [b..21], d <- [c..21], e <- [d..21] ]
areaList10Rom :: [( [Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 2 0 0 0 2 0])]
areaList10Rom = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',b') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trianArea b) in (a' ++ p : b' ++ [q], areaMult a' * areaMult b', map (\[a,p,b,q] -> (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ singletonInd (Ind20 $ b-1), Empty, Empty, Empty, Append (Ind3 p) $ singletonInd (Ind3 q), Empty)) $ nub [[a,p,b,q], [a,q,b,p], [b,p,a,q], [b,q,a,p]]) | a <- [1..21], b <- [a..21], p <- [0..3], q <- [p..3]]
areaList14Rom :: [( [Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 3 0 0 0 2 0])]
areaList14Rom = list
trian2 = trianMap2
trianArea = trianMapArea
list = [ let (a',b',c') = ((I.!) trianArea a, (I.!) trianArea b, (I.!) trianArea c) in (a' ++ p : b' ++ q : c' , areaMult a' * areaMult b' * areaMult c', map (\[[a,p],[b,q]] -> (Append (Ind20 $ a-1) $ Append (Ind20 $ b-1) $ singletonInd (Ind20 $ c-1), Empty, Empty, Empty, Append (Ind3 p) $ singletonInd (Ind3 q), Empty)) $ nub $ permutations [[a,p],[b,q]]) | a <- [1..21], b <- [a..21], c <- [1..21], p <- [0..3], q <- [0..3], not (a==b && p>q) ]
metricList2 :: [( [Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 0 0 1 0 0 0])]
metricList2 = list
trianMetric = trianMap2
list = [ let a' = (I.!) trianMetric a in (a', iMult2 a', [(Empty, Empty, singletonInd (Ind9 $ a-1), Empty, Empty, Empty)]) | a <- [1..10] ]
metricList4_1 :: [( [Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 0 0 2 0 0 0])]
metricList4_1 = list
trianMetric = trianMap2
list = [ let (a',i') = ((I.!) trianMetric a, (I.!) trianMetric i) in (a'++i', iMult2 a' * iMult2 i', [(Empty, Empty, Append (Ind9 $ a-1) (singletonInd (Ind9 $ i-1)), Empty, Empty, Empty)]) | a <- [1..10], i <- [1..10] ]
metricList4_2 :: [( [Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 0 0 2 0 0 0])]
metricList4_2 = list
trianMetric = trianMap2
list = [ let (a',b') = ((I.!) trianMetric a, (I.!) trianMetric b) in (a' ++ b', iMult2 a' * iMult2 b', map (\[a,b] -> (Empty, Empty, Append (Ind9 $ a-1) $ singletonInd (Ind9 $ b-1), Empty, Empty, Empty)) $ nub $ permutations [a,b] ) | a <- [1..10], b <- [a..10]]
metricList6_1 :: [( [Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 0 0 2 0 2 0])]
metricList6_1 = list
trianMetric = trianMap2
list = [ let (a',b') = ((I.!) trianMetric a, (I.!) trianMetric b) in (a' ++ p : b' ++ [q], iMult2 a' * iMult2 b', map (\[[a,p],[b,q]] -> (Empty, Empty, Append (Ind9 $ a-1) $ singletonInd (Ind9 $ b-1), Empty, Append (Ind3 p) $ singletonInd (Ind3 q), Empty)) $ nub $ permutations [[a,p],[b,q]]) | a <- [1..10], b <- [a..10], p <- [0..3], q <- [0..3], not (a==b && p>q)]
metricList6_2 :: [( [Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 0 0 3 0 0 0])]
metricList6_2 = list
trianMetric = trianMap2
list = [ let (a',b',i') = ((I.!) trianMetric a, (I.!) trianMetric b, (I.!) trianMetric i) in (a' ++ b' ++ i', iMult2 a' * iMult2 b' * iMult2 i', [ (Empty, Empty, Append (Ind9 $ a-1) $ Append (Ind9 $ b-1) $ singletonInd (Ind9 $ i-1), Empty, Empty, Empty)] ) | a <- [1..10], b <- [1..10], i <- [1..10] ]
metricList6_3 :: [( [Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 0 0 3 0 0 0])]
metricList6_3 = list
trianMetric = trianMap2
list = [ let (a',b',c') = ((I.!) trianMetric a, (I.!) trianMetric b, (I.!) trianMetric c) in (a' ++ b' ++ c', iMult2 a' * iMult2 b' * iMult2 c', map (\[a,b,c] -> (Empty, Empty, Append (Ind9 $ a-1) $ Append (Ind9 $ b-1) $ singletonInd (Ind9 $ c-1), Empty, Empty, Empty)) $ nub $ permutations [a,b,c] )| a <- [1..10], b <- [a..10], c <- [b..10] ]
metricList8_1 :: [( [Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 0 0 3 0 2 0])]
metricList8_1 = list
trianMetric = trianMap2
list = [ let (a',b',c') = ((I.!) trianMetric a, (I.!) trianMetric b, (I.!) trianMetric c) in (a' ++ b' ++ p : c' ++ [q], iMult2 a' * iMult2 b' * iMult2 c', map (\[[b,p],[c,q]] -> (Empty, Empty, Append (Ind9 $ a-1) $ Append (Ind9 $ b-1) $ singletonInd (Ind9 $ c-1), Empty, Append (Ind3 p) $ singletonInd (Ind3 q), Empty)) $ nub $ permutations [[b,p],[c,q]]) | a <- [1..10], b <- [1..10], c <- [b..10], p <- [0..3], q <- [0..3], not (b==c && p>q) ]
metricList8_2 :: [( [Int], Int, [IndTupleAbs 0 0 4 0 0 0])]
metricList8_2 = list
trianMetric = trianMap2
list = [ let (a',b',c',i') = ((I.!) trianMetric a, (I.!) trianMetric b, (I.!) trianMetric c, (I.!) trianMetric i) in ( a' ++ b' ++ c' ++ i', iMult2 a' * iMult2 b' * iMult2 c' * iMult2 i', map (\[a,b] -> (Empty, Empty, Append (Ind9 $ a-1) $ Append (Ind9 $ b-1) $ Append (Ind9 $ c-1) $ singletonInd (Ind9 $ i-1), Empty, Empty, Empty)) $ nub $ permutations [a,b] ) | a <- [1..10], b <- [a..10], c <- [1..10], i <- [1..10] ]
symList4 :: Symmetry
symList4 = ([], [(1,2),(3,4)], [([1,2],[3,4])], [], [])
symList6 :: Symmetry
symList6 = ([(5,6)], [(1,2),(3,4)], [([1,2],[3,4])], [], [])
symList8 :: Symmetry
symList8 = ([], [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6),(7,8)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([5,6],[7,8]),([1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8])], [], [])
symList10_1 :: Symmetry
symList10_1 = ([], [(1,2),(3,4),(6,7),(8,9)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([6,7],[8,9]),([1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8,9,10])], [], [])
symList10_2 :: Symmetry
symList10_2 = ([(9,10)], [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6),(7,8)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([5,6],[7,8])], [], [])
symList12 :: Symmetry
symList12 = ([], [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6),(7,8),(9,10),(11,12)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([5,6],[7,8]),([9,10],[11,12])], [], [[[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]]])
symList12_1 :: Symmetry
symList12_1 = ([(5,6),(11,12)], [(1,2),(3,4),(7,8),(9,10)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([7,8],[9,10]),([1,2,3,4,5,6],[7,8,9,10,11,12])], [], [])
symList14_1 :: Symmetry
symList14_1 = ([], [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6),(7,8),(10,11),(12,13)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([5,6],[7,8]),([10,11],[12,13]),([5,6,7,8,9],[10,11,12,13,14])], [], [])
symList14_2 :: Symmetry
symList14_2 = ([(13,14)], [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6),(7,8),(9,10),(11,12)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([5,6],[7,8]),([9,10],[11,12]),([1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8])], [], [])
symList16_1 :: Symmetry
symList16_1 = ([(15,16)], [(1,2),(3,4),(6,7),(8,9),(11,12),(13,14)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([6,7],[8,9]),([11,12],[13,14]),([1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8,9,10])], [], [])
symList16_2 :: Symmetry
symList16_2 = ([(9,10),(15,16)], [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6),(7,8),(11,12),(13,14)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([5,6],[7,8]),([11,12],[13,14]),([5,6,7,8,9,10],[11,12,13,14,15,16])], [], [])
symList18 :: Symmetry
symList18 = ([(5,6),(11,12),(17,18)], [(1,2),(3,4),(7,8),(9,10),(13,14),(15,16)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([7,8],[9,10]),([13,14],[15,16])], [], [[[1,2,3,4,5,6],[7,8,9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16,17,18]]])
symList16 :: Symmetry
symList16 = ([], [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6),(7,8),(9,10),(11,12),(13,14),(15,16)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([5,6],[7,8]),([9,10],[11,12]),([13,14],[15,16])], [], [[[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16]]])
symList18_2 :: Symmetry
symList18_2 = ([(17,18)], [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6),(7,8),(9,10),(11,12),(13,14),(15,16)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([5,6],[7,8]),([9,10],[11,12]),([13,14],[15,16])], [], [[[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]]])
symList18_3 :: Symmetry
symList18_3 = ([], [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6),(7,8),(9,10),(11,12),(14,15),(16,17)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([5,6],[7,8]),([9,10],[11,12]),([14,15],[16,17]),([1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]),([9,10,11,12,13],[14,15,16,17,18])], [], [])
symList20 :: Symmetry
symList20 = ([], [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6),(7,8),(9,10),(11,12),(13,14),(15,16),(17,18),(19,20)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([5,6],[7,8]),([9,10],[11,12]),([13,14],[15,16]),([17,18],[19,20])], [], [[[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16],[17,18,19,20]]])
symList10Rom :: Symmetry
symList10Rom = ([(5,10)], [(1,2),(3,4),(6,7),(8,9)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([6,7],[8,9]),([1,2,3,4],[6,7,8,9])], [], [])
symList14Rom :: Symmetry
symList14Rom = ([], [(1,2),(3,4),(6,7),(8,9),(11,12),(13,14)], [([1,2],[3,4]),([6,7],[8,9]),([11,12],[13,14]),([1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8,9,10])], [], [])
metricsymList2 :: Symmetry
metricsymList2 = ([(1,2)], [], [], [], [])
metricsymList4_1 :: Symmetry
metricsymList4_1 = ([(1,2),(3,4)], [], [], [], [])
metricsymList4_2 :: Symmetry
metricsymList4_2 = ([(1,2),(3,4)], [], [([1,2],[3,4])], [], [])
metricsymList6_1 :: Symmetry
metricsymList6_1 = ([(1,2),(4,5)], [], [([1,2,3],[4,5,6])], [], [])
metricsymList6_2 :: Symmetry
metricsymList6_2 = ([(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)], [], [], [], [])
metricsymList6_3 :: Symmetry
metricsymList6_3 = ([(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)], [], [], [], [[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]])
metricsymList8_1 :: Symmetry
metricsymList8_1 = ([(1,2),(3,4),(6,7)], [], [([3,4,5],[6,7,8])], [], [])
metricsymList8_2 :: Symmetry
metricsymList8_2 = ([(1,2),(3,4),(5,6),(7,8)], [], [([1,2],[3,4])], [], [])