Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- module Prelude.Spiros.Print
- module Prelude.Spiros.Parse
- data Replace a = Replace {}
- checkReplace :: (IsString t, Eq t) => Replace t -> Maybe (Replace t)
- replace_StrictText :: Replace Text -> Text -> Text
- replace :: Replace Text -> Text -> Text
- replace_LazyText :: Replace Text -> Text -> Text
- sappendGeneric :: (Generic a, GSemigroup' (Rep a)) => a -> a -> a
- memptyGeneric :: (Generic a, GMonoid' (Rep a)) => a
- mappendGeneric :: (Generic a, GMonoid' (Rep a)) => a -> a -> a
- data GUI = GUI {
- _guiPackage :: !PkgName
- _guiModule :: !ModName
- _guiIdentifier :: !OccName
- _guiNamespace :: !NameSpace
- unsafeGUI :: Name -> GUI
- fromGlobalName :: Name -> Maybe GUI
- fromValueName :: Name -> Maybe GUI
- fromTypeProxy :: forall a proxy. Typeable a => proxy a -> GUI
- displayGUI :: GUI -> String
- type Validator a b = forall m. MonadThrow m => a -> m b
- type Possibly b = forall m. MonadThrow m => m b
- validator :: (MonadThrow m, Show a) => HaskellName -> (a -> Bool) -> (String -> String) -> (a -> b) -> a -> m b
- validator_ :: MonadThrow m => HaskellName -> (a -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> a -> m b
- validateNatural :: forall i m. (Integral i, Show i) => MonadThrow m => i -> m Natural
- someMonadThrowException :: Show a => a -> SomeException
- maybeMonadThrow :: MonadThrow m => Maybe a -> m a
- maybeMonadThrowWith :: MonadThrow m => SomeException -> Maybe a -> m a
- listMonadThrow :: MonadThrow m => [a] -> m a
- listMonadThrowWith :: MonadThrow m => SomeException -> [a] -> m a
- eitherMonadThrow :: MonadThrow m => Either SomeException a -> m a
- newtype CallStack' = CallStack' {}
- data CallFrame = CallFrame {}
- data Source = Source {
- _sourcePackage :: !Text
- _sourceModule :: !Text
- _sourceFilename :: !Text
- _sourceFileSpan :: !FileSpan
- data FileSpan = FileSpan {}
- data FilePosition = FilePosition {
- _fileLine :: !Int
- _fileColumn :: !Int
- throwEither :: (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => Either e a -> m a
- throwEitherWith :: (MonadThrow m, Show e) => Either e a -> m a
- throwMaybe :: MonadThrow m => Maybe a -> m a
- throwMaybeWith :: (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> Maybe a -> m a
- throwList :: MonadThrow m => List a -> m a
- throwListWith :: (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> List a -> m a
- data SimpleException = SimpleException {}
- displaySimpleException :: SimpleException -> String
- data QuotedException = QuotedException {}
- displayQuotedException :: QuotedException -> String
- formatCustomExceptionWithCaller :: String -> String
- formatCustomExceptionWithMessage :: String -> String -> String
- formatCustomExceptionWithCallStack :: String -> String -> String -> String
- displayQualifiedVariable :: Name -> String
- throwE :: (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a
- throwS :: MonadThrow m => String -> m a
- throwN :: MonadThrow m => Name -> String -> m a
- throwN_ :: MonadThrow m => Name -> m a
- guardE :: (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> Bool -> m ()
- guardM :: MonadThrow m => Bool -> m ()
- guardS :: MonadThrow m => String -> Bool -> m ()
- guardN :: MonadThrow m => Name -> Bool -> m ()
- guardF :: MonadFail m => String -> Bool -> m ()
- guardP :: MonadPlus m => Bool -> m ()
- uninformative :: SomeException
- someSimpleException_ :: SomeException
- someQuotedException_ :: SomeException
- someSimpleException :: String -> SomeException
- someQuotedException :: Name -> String -> SomeException
- throwL :: (MonadThrow m, HasCallStack) => String -> m a
- guardL :: (MonadThrow m, HasCallStack) => Bool -> m ()
- someLocatedException_ :: HasCallStack => SomeException
- someLocatedException :: HasCallStack => String -> SomeException
- data LocatedException = LocatedException {}
- toLocatedException :: HasCallStack => String -> LocatedException
- displayLocatedException :: LocatedException -> String
- module Prelude.Spiros.System
- module Prelude.Spiros.Utilities
- module Prelude.Spiros.Reexports
- module Prelude.Spiros.Types
These are re-exported by Prelude.Spiros
Prelude.Spiros.Reexports re-exports: the core types/values from several packages; minus all partial functions, except for some functions whose names are prefixed with "unsafe"
, i.e. "explicitly partial functions", e.g. unsafeNatural
(however, no unsafeHead
is exported, as its need often implies that the []
being used is the wrong type).
Prelude.Spiros.Utilities defines a few dozen simple utilities, like an extended prelude.
Prelude.Spiros.System provides system information: about the current operating system, architecture, and compiler.
Prelude.Spiros.Exception defines a few new exception types, which may (or may not) tag the message with a TemplateHaskell
or with a CallStack
, as auxiliary/contextual information.
Prelude.Spiros.Validator re-exports helpers for defining simple validators (e.g. a -> Maybe b
Prelude.Spiros.GUI provides helpers for working with TemplateHaskell
Prelude.Spiros.TemplateHaskell provides a few helpers for using doctest
and working with TemplateHaskell
module Prelude.Spiros.Print
module Prelude.Spiros.Parse
checkReplace :: (IsString t, Eq t) => Replace t -> Maybe (Replace t) Source #
Ensure that old
is nonempty.
replace_StrictText :: Replace Text -> Text -> Text Source #
(Original Documention...)
O(m+n) Replace every non-overlapping occurrence of needle
in old
with replacement
This function behaves as though it was defined as follows:
replace_StrictText Replace{old,new} haystack =intercalate
new (splitOn
needle haystack)
As this suggests, each occurrence is replaced exactly once. So if
occurs in replacement
, that occurrence will not itself
be replaced recursively:
replace_StrictText Replace{ old = "oo", new = "foo" } "oo"
In cases where several instances of needle
overlap, only the
first one will be replaced:
replace_StrictText Replace{ old = "ofo", new = "bar" } "ofofo"
(Additional Documention...)
this function has two differences from the function it wraps:
- the "enriched" argument record
, done for clarity of argument order. - the behavior when
), is empty (i.e.""
), which simply outputs the input unchanged, rather than erroring.
replace_StrictText Replace{ old = "", new = "anything" } "unchanged"
You can use (the trivial) checkReplace
replace :: Replace Text -> Text -> Text Source #
Alias for replace_StrictText
(See replace_StrictText
for documentation).
replace_LazyText :: Replace Text -> Text -> Text Source #
Lazy analogue to replace_StrictText
(See replace_StrictText
for documentation).
sappendGeneric :: (Generic a, GSemigroup' (Rep a)) => a -> a -> a infixr 6 Source #
A globally unique haskell identifier, for either a value or type, fully-qualified with its module and package.
TODO new field: Version
GUI | |
Eq GUI Source # | |
Data GUI Source # | |
Defined in Prelude.Spiros.GUI Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> GUI -> c GUI # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c GUI # dataTypeOf :: GUI -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c GUI) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c GUI) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> GUI -> GUI # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> GUI -> r # gmapQr :: (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> GUI -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> GUI -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> GUI -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> GUI -> m GUI # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> GUI -> m GUI # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> GUI -> m GUI # | |
Ord GUI Source # | |
Show GUI Source # | |
Generic GUI Source # | |
NFData GUI Source # | |
Defined in Prelude.Spiros.GUI | |
Hashable GUI Source # | |
Defined in Prelude.Spiros.GUI | |
type Rep GUI Source # | |
Defined in Prelude.Spiros.GUI type Rep GUI = D1 (MetaData "GUI" "Prelude.Spiros.GUI" "spiros-0.4.0-7yNYhuNqI1YgajQL6GSlo" False) (C1 (MetaCons "GUI" PrefixI True) ((S1 (MetaSel (Just "_guiPackage") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 PkgName) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_guiModule") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 ModName)) :*: (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_guiIdentifier") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 OccName) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_guiNamespace") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 NameSpace)))) |
unsafeGUI :: Name -> GUI Source #
Return a globally unique identifier from a Template Haskell Name
, even if it's local (i.e. not global).
Implementation: TemplateHaskellQuotes
return only "local names" (NameL
) and "global names" (NameG
, which fromGlobalName
See Name
: An unqualified name; dynamically boundNameQ
ModName: A qualified name; dynamically boundNameU
!Int: A unique local nameNameL
!Int: Local name bound outside of the TH ASTNameG
NameSpace PkgName ModName: Global name bound outside of the TH AST: An original name (occurrences only, not binders) Need the namespace too to be sure which thing we are naming
fromGlobalName :: Name -> Maybe GUI Source #
if the given identifier is [1] global and [2] a value, then return it as a GUI.
> fromGlobalName 'fromGlobalName Just (PkgName "spiros-0.0.1-inplace",ModName Prelude.Spiros.Exception,OccName "fromGlobalName")
Implementation Note: Name
use is compatible with template-haskell >=2.11
fromValueName :: Name -> Maybe GUI Source #
like fromGlobalName
, but restricted to identifiers
(i.e. not types/classes, not constructors/patterns).
fromTypeProxy :: forall a proxy. Typeable a => proxy a -> GUI Source #
displayGUI :: GUI -> String Source #
displayGUI (GUI (PkgName "package-name") (ModName "Module.SubModule") (OccName "identifierName") VarName)
displayGUI (GUI (PkgName "package-name") (ModName "Module.SubModule") (OccName "ConstructorName") DataName)
displayGUI (GUI (PkgName "package-name") (ModName "Module.SubModule") (OccName "TypeName") TcClsName)
"package-name:Module.SubModule.(type TypeName)"
type Validator a b = forall m. MonadThrow m => a -> m b Source #
Represents a validator as something that injects a type into another type, with the possibility of failure.
Equivalent to:
Validator a b ≡ (a ->Possibly
b) Validator a b ≡ (∀m. (MonadThrow
m) => Kleisli m a b)
Validator a b ~ (a -> Maybe b) Validator a b ~ (a -> [] b) Validator a b ~ (a -> Either SomeException b) Validator a b ~ (a -> IO b) ...
-- x :: a return x :: Validator a a
type Possibly b = forall m. MonadThrow m => m b Source #
Represents a value that has possibly failed ("or" will possibly fail).
Possibly b ~ Maybe b Possibly b ~ [b] Possibly b ~ Either _ b Possibly b ~ IO b ...
validator :: (MonadThrow m, Show a) => HaskellName -> (a -> Bool) -> (String -> String) -> (a -> b) -> a -> m b Source #
name = validator name check display cast :: Validator
_ _
e.g. validating naturals:
validateNatural :: Validator
Integer Natural
validateNatural = validator 'natural
(\i -> i >= 0)
(\i -> i ++ " must be non-negative")
(\i -> fromIntegral i)
is the same as the explicit:
validateNatural :: (MonadThrow
m) => Integer -> m Natural validateNatural i | i >= 0 = return $ fromIntegral i | otherwise =throwN
'validateNatural $ "must be non-negative"
and as the point-free styled:
validateNatural :: Integer -> Possibly
validateNatural = validator 'natural
(>= 0)
(++ " must be non-negative")
Wraps throwN
validator_ :: MonadThrow m => HaskellName -> (a -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> a -> m b Source #
validateNatural :: forall i m. (Integral i, Show i) => MonadThrow m => i -> m Natural Source #
validateNatural 2
validateNatural (-2) :: Maybe Natural
> validateNatural (-2) *** Exception: ... -2 must be non-negative ...
Specializations of i
validateNaturalInt ::
Integer ::Validator
Int Natural validateNaturalValidator
Integer Natural validateNatural @Natural ::Validator
Natural Natural ...
Specializations of m
Maybe :: Integer -> Maybe Natural validateNaturalInt
(Either _) :: Integer -> Either SomeException Natural validateNaturalInt
[] :: Integer -> [Natural] validateNaturalInt
IO :: Integer -> IO Natural
validateNatural :: forall i m. ...
validateNatural = validator
(>= 0)
(++ " must be non-negative")
someMonadThrowException :: Show a => a -> SomeException Source #
A default Exception
, useful when manipulating MonadThrow
An ErrorCall
(whose message is uninformative).
maybeMonadThrow :: MonadThrow m => Maybe a -> m a Source #
Generalize Maybe
(a concrete, pure MonadThrow
to an abstract MonadThrow
maybeMonadThrowWith :: MonadThrow m => SomeException -> Maybe a -> m a Source #
Generalize Maybe
(a concrete, pure MonadThrow
to an abstract MonadThrow
listMonadThrow :: MonadThrow m => [a] -> m a Source #
Generalize '[]' (a concrete, pure MonadThrow
to an abstract MonadThrow
≡ \case [] ->throwM
_ (x:_) ->return
Only return the first success (i.e. the head of the "list of successes").
listMonadThrowWith :: MonadThrow m => SomeException -> [a] -> m a Source #
Generalize '[]' (a concrete, pure MonadThrow
to an abstract MonadThrow
eitherMonadThrow :: MonadThrow m => Either SomeException a -> m a Source #
(a concrete, pure Either
to an abstract MonadThrow
newtype CallStack' Source #
CallStack' | |
Fields |
CallFrame | |
Fields |
Eq CallFrame Source # | |
Ord CallFrame Source # | |
Show CallFrame Source # | |
Generic CallFrame Source # | |
NFData CallFrame Source # | |
Defined in Prelude.Spiros.Exception | |
Hashable CallFrame Source # | |
Defined in Prelude.Spiros.Exception | |
type Rep CallFrame Source # | |
Defined in Prelude.Spiros.Exception type Rep CallFrame = D1 (MetaData "CallFrame" "Prelude.Spiros.Exception" "spiros-0.4.0-7yNYhuNqI1YgajQL6GSlo" False) (C1 (MetaCons "CallFrame" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_CallFrame_caller") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 GUI) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_CallFrame_callSite") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Source))) |
A single location in the source code.
Equivalent to SrcLoc
srcLocPackage :: String srcLocModule :: String srcLocFile :: String srcLocStartLine :: Int srcLocStartCol :: Int srcLocEndLine :: Int srcLocEndCol :: Int
but with more instances.
Source | |
Eq Source Source # | |
Ord Source Source # | |
Read Source Source # | |
Show Source Source # | |
Generic Source Source # | |
NFData Source Source # | |
Defined in Prelude.Spiros.Exception | |
Hashable Source Source # | |
Defined in Prelude.Spiros.Exception | |
type Rep Source Source # | |
Defined in Prelude.Spiros.Exception type Rep Source = D1 (MetaData "Source" "Prelude.Spiros.Exception" "spiros-0.4.0-7yNYhuNqI1YgajQL6GSlo" False) (C1 (MetaCons "Source" PrefixI True) ((S1 (MetaSel (Just "_sourcePackage") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_sourceModule") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text)) :*: (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_sourceFilename") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_sourceFileSpan") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 FileSpan)))) |
The location of something spanning a contiguous region in a file.
The [start .. end]
range is inclusive.
e.g. a highlighted region.
FileSpan | |
Eq FileSpan Source # | |
Ord FileSpan Source # | |
Defined in Prelude.Spiros.Exception | |
Read FileSpan Source # | |
Show FileSpan Source # | |
Generic FileSpan Source # | |
NFData FileSpan Source # | |
Defined in Prelude.Spiros.Exception | |
Hashable FileSpan Source # | |
Defined in Prelude.Spiros.Exception | |
type Rep FileSpan Source # | |
Defined in Prelude.Spiros.Exception type Rep FileSpan = D1 (MetaData "FileSpan" "Prelude.Spiros.Exception" "spiros-0.4.0-7yNYhuNqI1YgajQL6GSlo" False) (C1 (MetaCons "FileSpan" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_spanStart") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 FilePosition) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_spanEnd") NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 FilePosition))) |
data FilePosition Source #
The location of a single cell (e.g. a character) in a file.
We conceive text files as grids, so this is equivalent to a 2 dimensional point, with different naming. The line number $sel:_fileLine:FilePosition
is like the y-coordinate (descending vertically); the column number $sel:_fileColumn:FilePosition
being the x-coordinate.
TODO One-indexed ("the first line") versus Zero-indexed?
FilePosition | |
throwEither :: (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => Either e a -> m a Source #
throwEitherWith :: (MonadThrow m, Show e) => Either e a -> m a Source #
throwMaybe :: MonadThrow m => Maybe a -> m a Source #
throwMaybeWith :: (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> Maybe a -> m a Source #
throwList :: MonadThrow m => List a -> m a Source #
throwListWith :: (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> List a -> m a Source #
data SimpleException Source #
SimpleException | |
Fields |
displaySimpleException :: SimpleException -> String Source #
if the message is empty,
data QuotedException Source #
QuotedException | |
Fields |
displayQualifiedVariable :: Name -> String Source #
:set -XTemplateHaskellQuotes
displayQualifiedVariable 'length
import qualified Prelude
displayQualifiedVariable 'Prelude.length
let x = undefined in displayQualifiedVariable 'x == "?"
throwE :: (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> m a Source #
for Exception
throwS :: MonadThrow m => String -> m a Source #
throwN :: MonadThrow m => Name -> String -> m a Source #
for Name
s a QuotedException
with the given caller and message.
> throwN
'throwN "this is an example"
*** Exception:
[spiros-0.0.1-inplace:Prelude.Spiros.Exception.throwN] was called with:
this is an example
Useful for easily defining smart constructors, whose error message has a fully-qualified name for debugging.
If you rename the module, the error message changes automatically;
and if you rename the identifier, you will get a compile time error from Template Haskell if you don't simultaneously update the useage of throwN
(unless another name is captured).
e.g. validating naturals:
natural :: Integer -> Possibly
natural i
| i >= 0 = return $ fromIntegral i
| otherwise = throwN 'natural $ "must be non-negative"
throwN_ :: MonadThrow m => Name -> m a Source #
guardE :: (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => e -> Bool -> m () Source #
for Exception
, calls throwM
NOTE if [1] you don't like the naming convention of the convenience functions below, or [2] if you need custom exceptions that aren't just a message with some location information, then directly use some exception (like when using the exceptions
import Control.Exception (ArithException(..))
divideM x y = guardE DivideByZero (y /= (0::Double)) >> return (x / y)
:t divideM
divideM :: MonadThrow m => Double -> Double -> m Double>>>
divideM 1 4
divideM 1 0
*** Exception: divide by zero>>>
divideM 1 4 :: Maybe Double
Just 0.25>>>
divideM 1 0 :: Maybe Double
guardM :: MonadThrow m => Bool -> m () Source #
someSimpleException_ :: SomeException Source #
the def
ault SimpleException
someQuotedException_ :: SomeException Source #
the def
ault QuotedException
someQuotedException :: Name -> String -> SomeException Source #
throwL :: (MonadThrow m, HasCallStack) => String -> m a Source #
for Location
or CallStack
, lol).
s a LocatedException
with the given call-stack and message.
> caller = throwL
"this is an example"
> caller
*** Exception:
[safe-exceptions-] was called with:
this is an example
... and called from:
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
toLocatedException, called at sourcesPreludeSpiros/Exception.hs:385:20 in spiros-0.0.1-inplace:Prelude.Spiros.Exception
throwL, called at interactive:28:1 in interactive:Ghci1
guardL :: (MonadThrow m, HasCallStack) => Bool -> m () Source #
for Location
or CallStack
someLocatedException_ :: HasCallStack => SomeException Source #
the def
ault LocatedException
data LocatedException Source #
LocatedException | |
Fields |
module Prelude.Spiros.System
module Prelude.Spiros.Utilities
module Prelude.Spiros.Reexports
module Prelude.Spiros.Types
:: Bool -> a -> a
If the first argument evaluates to True, then the result is the second argument. Otherwise an AssertionFailed exception is raised, containing a String with the source file and line number of the call to assert.
Assertions can normally be turned on or off with a compiler flag (for GHC, assertions are normally on unless optimisation is turned on with -O or the -fignore-asserts option is given). When assertions are turned off, the first argument to assert is ignored, and the second argument is returned as the result.
These must be explicitly imported, they aren't re-exported by Prelude.Spiros
Prelude.Spiros.Classes re-exports only typeclases/methods (and a few helpers), from several packages (like Prelude.Spiros.Reexports
), for deriving or defining instances (e.g. in a .Types
module). Unlike Prelude.Spiros.Reexports
, partial functions that are methods (like toEnum
and fromEnum
) are necessarily exported, since they must be visible when manually writing instances.
Most examples (all those prefixed with a triple @>>>@
) are doctest
ed. Those with single @>@
may have brittle output, and codeblocks might describe relations by "returning" variables, and thus aren't.