Copyright | (c) Eitan Chatav 2019 |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Set returning functions
- generateSeries :: ty `In` '[PGint4, PGint8, PGnumeric] => SetOfFunctionN "generate_series" '[null ty, null ty] '["generate_series" ::: null ty]
- generateSeriesStep :: ty `In` '[PGint4, PGint8, PGnumeric] => SetOfFunctionN "generate_series" '[null ty, null ty, null ty] '["generate_series" ::: null ty]
- generateSeriesTimestamp :: ty `In` '[PGtimestamp, PGtimestamptz] => SetOfFunctionN "generate_series" '[null ty, null ty, null PGinterval] '["generate_series" ::: null ty]
- type SetOfFunction fun ty setof = forall outer commons schemas params. Expression outer commons Ungrouped schemas params '[] ty -> FromClause outer commons schemas params '[fun ::: setof]
- unsafeSetOfFunction :: forall fun ty setof. KnownSymbol fun => SetOfFunction fun ty setof
- type SetOfFunctionN fun tys setof = forall outer commons schemas params. NP (Expression outer commons Ungrouped schemas params '[]) tys -> FromClause outer commons schemas params '[fun ::: setof]
- unsafeSetOfFunctionN :: forall fun tys setof. (SListI tys, KnownSymbol fun) => SetOfFunctionN fun tys setof
:: ty `In` '[PGint4, PGint8, PGnumeric] | |
=> SetOfFunctionN "generate_series" '[null ty, null ty] '["generate_series" ::: null ty] | set returning function |
generateSeries (start *: stop)
Generate a series of values, from start
to stop
with a step size of one
:: ty `In` '[PGint4, PGint8, PGnumeric] | |
=> SetOfFunctionN "generate_series" '[null ty, null ty, null ty] '["generate_series" ::: null ty] | set returning function |
generateSeries (start :* stop *: step)
Generate a series of values, from start
to stop
with a step size of step
generateSeriesTimestamp Source #
:: ty `In` '[PGtimestamp, PGtimestamptz] | |
=> SetOfFunctionN "generate_series" '[null ty, null ty, null PGinterval] '["generate_series" ::: null ty] | set returning function |
generateSeries (start :* stop *: step)
Generate a series of values, from start
to stop
with a step size of step
type SetOfFunction fun ty setof Source #
= Expression outer commons Ungrouped schemas params '[] ty | input |
-> FromClause outer commons schemas params '[fun ::: setof] | output |
A RankNType
for set returning functions with 1 argument.
:: KnownSymbol fun | |
=> SetOfFunction fun ty setof | set returning function |
Escape hatch for a set returning function with 1 argument.
type SetOfFunctionN fun tys setof Source #
= NP (Expression outer commons Ungrouped schemas params '[]) tys | inputs |
-> FromClause outer commons schemas params '[fun ::: setof] | output |
A RankNType
for set returning functions with multiple argument.
:: (SListI tys, KnownSymbol fun) | |
=> SetOfFunctionN fun tys setof | set returning function |
Escape hatch for a set returning function with multiple argument.