, DeriveFoldable
, DeriveFunctor
, DeriveGeneric
, DeriveTraversable
, DefaultSignatures
, FlexibleContexts
, FlexibleInstances
, FunctionalDependencies
, LambdaCase
, OverloadedStrings
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, ScopedTypeVariables
, TypeApplications
, TypeFamilies
, TypeInType
, TypeOperators
, UndecidableInstances
, UndecidableSuperClasses
module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Binary
ToParam (..)
, ToParams (..)
, ToNullityParam (..)
, ToField (..)
, ToFixArray (..)
, FromValue (..)
, FromRow (..)
, FromField (..)
, FromFixArray (..)
, Only (..)
, HasOid (..)
, HasAliasedOid (..)
) where
import BinaryParser
import ByteString.StrictBuilder (builderLength, int32BE, int64BE, word32BE)
import Control.Arrow (left)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Int
import Data.Kind
import Data.Scientific
import Data.Time
import Data.UUID.Types
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Word
import Generics.SOP
import Generics.SOP.Record
import GHC.TypeLits
import Network.IP.Addr
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString as Strict (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Strict (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Strict.Text
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Decoding as Decoding
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Encoding as Encoding
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Alias
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.List
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.PG
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Schema
class ToParam (x :: Type) (pg :: PGType) where
toParam :: x -> K Encoding.Encoding pg
instance ToParam Bool 'PGbool where toParam = K . Encoding.bool
instance ToParam Int16 'PGint2 where toParam = K . Encoding.int2_int16
instance ToParam Word16 'PGint2 where toParam = K . Encoding.int2_word16
instance ToParam Int32 'PGint4 where toParam = K . Encoding.int4_int32
instance ToParam Word32 'PGint4 where toParam = K . Encoding.int4_word32
instance ToParam Int64 'PGint8 where toParam = K . Encoding.int8_int64
instance ToParam Word64 'PGint8 where toParam = K . Encoding.int8_word64
instance ToParam Float 'PGfloat4 where toParam = K . Encoding.float4
instance ToParam Double 'PGfloat8 where toParam = K . Encoding.float8
instance ToParam Scientific 'PGnumeric where toParam = K . Encoding.numeric
instance ToParam Money 'PGmoney where toParam = K . Encoding.int8_int64 . cents
instance ToParam UUID 'PGuuid where toParam = K . Encoding.uuid
instance ToParam (NetAddr IP) 'PGinet where toParam = K . Encoding.inet
instance ToParam Char ('PGchar 1) where toParam = K . Encoding.char_utf8
instance ToParam Strict.Text 'PGtext where toParam = K . Encoding.text_strict
instance ToParam Lazy.Text 'PGtext where toParam = K . Encoding.text_lazy
instance ToParam String 'PGtext where
toParam = K . Encoding.text_strict . Strict.Text.pack
instance ToParam Strict.ByteString 'PGbytea where
toParam = K . Encoding.bytea_strict
instance ToParam Lazy.ByteString 'PGbytea where
toParam = K . Encoding.bytea_lazy
instance ToParam Day 'PGdate where toParam = K . Encoding.date
instance ToParam TimeOfDay 'PGtime where toParam = K . Encoding.time_int
instance ToParam (TimeOfDay, TimeZone) 'PGtimetz where
toParam = K . Encoding.timetz_int
instance ToParam LocalTime 'PGtimestamp where
toParam = K . Encoding.timestamp_int
instance ToParam UTCTime 'PGtimestamptz where
toParam = K . Encoding.timestamptz_int
instance ToParam DiffTime 'PGinterval where toParam = K . Encoding.interval_int
instance ToParam Aeson.Value 'PGjson where toParam = K . Encoding.json_ast
instance ToParam Aeson.Value 'PGjsonb where toParam = K . Encoding.jsonb_ast
instance Aeson.ToJSON x => ToParam (Json x) 'PGjson where
toParam = K . Encoding.json_bytes
. Lazy.ByteString.toStrict . Aeson.encode . getJson
instance Aeson.ToJSON x => ToParam (Jsonb x) 'PGjsonb where
toParam = K . Encoding.jsonb_bytes
. Lazy.ByteString.toStrict . Aeson.encode . getJsonb
instance (ToNullityParam x ty, ty ~ nullity pg, HasOid pg)
=> ToParam (VarArray [x]) ('PGvararray ty) where
toParam = K
. Encoding.array_foldable (oid @pg) (unK . toNullityParam @x @ty)
. getVarArray
instance (ToParam x pg, HasOid pg)
=> ToParam (VarArray (Vector x)) ('PGvararray ('NotNull pg)) where
toParam = K
. Encoding.array_vector (oid @pg) (unK . toParam @x @pg)
. getVarArray
instance (ToParam x pg, HasOid pg)
=> ToParam (VarArray (Vector (Maybe x))) ('PGvararray ('Null pg)) where
toParam = K
. Encoding.nullableArray_vector (oid @pg) (unK . toParam @x @pg)
. getVarArray
instance (ToFixArray x dims ty, ty ~ nullity pg, HasOid pg)
=> ToParam (FixArray x) ('PGfixarray dims ty) where
toParam = K . Encoding.array (oid @pg)
. unK . unK . toFixArray @x @dims @ty . getFixArray
( IsEnumType x
, HasDatatypeInfo x
, LabelsPG x ~ labels
) => ToParam (Enumerated x) ('PGenum labels) where
toParam =
gshowConstructor :: NP ConstructorInfo xss -> SOP I xss -> String
gshowConstructor Nil _ = ""
gshowConstructor (constructor :* _) (SOP (Z _)) =
constructorName constructor
gshowConstructor (_ :* constructors) (SOP (S xs)) =
gshowConstructor constructors (SOP xs)
K . Encoding.text_strict
. Strict.Text.pack
. gshowConstructor (constructorInfo (datatypeInfo (Proxy @x)))
. from
. getEnumerated
( SListI fields
, IsRecord x xs
, AllZip ToField xs fields
, All HasAliasedOid fields
) => ToParam (Composite x) ('PGcomposite fields) where
toParam =
encoders = htrans (Proxy @ToField) toField
:: All HasAliasedOid row
=> NP (K (Maybe Encoding.Encoding)) row
-> K Encoding.Encoding ('PGcomposite row)
composite fields = K $
int32BE (fromIntegral (lengthSList (Proxy @xs))) <>
:: HasAliasedOid field
=> K (Maybe Encoding.Encoding) field
-> Encoding.Encoding
each (K field :: K (Maybe Encoding.Encoding) field) =
word32BE (aliasedOid @field)
<> case field of
Nothing -> int64BE (-1)
Just value ->
int32BE (fromIntegral (builderLength value))
<> value
hcfoldMap (Proxy @HasAliasedOid) each fields
composite . encoders . toRecord . getComposite
class HasOid (ty :: PGType) where oid :: Word32
instance HasOid 'PGbool where oid = 16
instance HasOid 'PGint2 where oid = 21
instance HasOid 'PGint4 where oid = 23
instance HasOid 'PGint8 where oid = 20
instance HasOid 'PGnumeric where oid = 1700
instance HasOid 'PGfloat4 where oid = 700
instance HasOid 'PGfloat8 where oid = 701
instance HasOid ('PGchar n) where oid = 18
instance HasOid ('PGvarchar n) where oid = 1043
instance HasOid 'PGtext where oid = 25
instance HasOid 'PGbytea where oid = 17
instance HasOid 'PGtimestamp where oid = 1114
instance HasOid 'PGtimestamptz where oid = 1184
instance HasOid 'PGdate where oid = 1082
instance HasOid 'PGtime where oid = 1083
instance HasOid 'PGtimetz where oid = 1266
instance HasOid 'PGinterval where oid = 1186
instance HasOid 'PGuuid where oid = 2950
instance HasOid 'PGinet where oid = 869
instance HasOid 'PGjson where oid = 114
instance HasOid 'PGjsonb where oid = 3802
class HasAliasedOid (field :: (Symbol, NullityType)) where
aliasedOid :: Word32
instance HasOid ty => HasAliasedOid (alias ::: nullity ty) where
aliasedOid = oid @ty
class ToNullityParam (x :: Type) (ty :: NullityType) where
toNullityParam :: x -> K (Maybe Encoding.Encoding) ty
instance ToParam x pg => ToNullityParam x ('NotNull pg) where
toNullityParam = K . Just . unK . toParam @x @pg
instance ToParam x pg => ToNullityParam (Maybe x) ('Null pg) where
toNullityParam = K . fmap (unK . toParam @x @pg)
class ToField (x :: (Symbol, Type)) (field :: (Symbol, NullityType)) where
toField :: P x -> K (Maybe Encoding.Encoding) field
instance ToNullityParam x ty => ToField (alias ::: x) (alias ::: ty) where
toField (P x) = K . unK $ toNullityParam @x @ty x
class ToFixArray (x :: Type) (dims :: [Nat]) (array :: NullityType) where
toFixArray :: x -> K (K Encoding.Array dims) array
instance ToNullityParam x ty => ToFixArray x '[] ty where
toFixArray = K . K . maybe Encoding.nullArray Encoding.encodingArray . unK
. toNullityParam @x @ty
( IsProductType product xs
, Length xs ~ dim
, All ((~) x) xs
, ToFixArray x dims ty )
=> ToFixArray product (dim ': dims) ty where
toFixArray = K . K . Encoding.dimensionArray foldlN
(unK . unK . toFixArray @x @dims @ty) . unZ . unSOP . from
class SListI tys => ToParams (x :: Type) (tys :: [NullityType]) where
toParams :: x -> NP (K (Maybe Encoding.Encoding)) tys
instance (SListI tys, IsProductType x xs, AllZip ToNullityParam xs tys)
=> ToParams x tys where
= htrans (Proxy @ToNullityParam) (toNullityParam . unI)
. unZ . unSOP . from
class FromValue (pg :: PGType) (y :: Type) where
fromValue :: Decoding.Value y
instance FromValue 'PGbool Bool where fromValue = Decoding.bool
instance FromValue 'PGint2 Int16 where fromValue = Decoding.int
instance FromValue 'PGint4 Int32 where fromValue = Decoding.int
instance FromValue 'PGint8 Int64 where fromValue = Decoding.int
instance FromValue 'PGfloat4 Float where fromValue = Decoding.float4
instance FromValue 'PGfloat8 Double where fromValue = Decoding.float8
instance FromValue 'PGnumeric Scientific where fromValue = Decoding.numeric
instance FromValue 'PGmoney Money where fromValue = Money <$> Decoding.int
instance FromValue 'PGuuid UUID where fromValue = Decoding.uuid
instance FromValue 'PGinet (NetAddr IP) where fromValue = Decoding.inet
instance FromValue ('PGchar 1) Char where fromValue = Decoding.char
instance FromValue 'PGtext Strict.Text where fromValue = Decoding.text_strict
instance FromValue 'PGtext Lazy.Text where fromValue = Decoding.text_lazy
instance FromValue 'PGtext String where
fromValue = Strict.Text.unpack <$> Decoding.text_strict
instance FromValue 'PGbytea Strict.ByteString where
fromValue = Decoding.bytea_strict
instance FromValue 'PGbytea Lazy.ByteString where
fromValue = Decoding.bytea_lazy
instance FromValue 'PGdate Day where fromValue = Decoding.date
instance FromValue 'PGtime TimeOfDay where fromValue = Decoding.time_int
instance FromValue 'PGtimetz (TimeOfDay, TimeZone) where
fromValue = Decoding.timetz_int
instance FromValue 'PGtimestamp LocalTime where
fromValue = Decoding.timestamp_int
instance FromValue 'PGtimestamptz UTCTime where
fromValue = Decoding.timestamptz_int
instance FromValue 'PGinterval DiffTime where
fromValue = Decoding.interval_int
instance FromValue 'PGjson Aeson.Value where fromValue = Decoding.json_ast
instance FromValue 'PGjsonb Aeson.Value where fromValue = Decoding.jsonb_ast
instance Aeson.FromJSON x => FromValue 'PGjson (Json x) where
fromValue = Json <$>
Decoding.json_bytes (left Strict.Text.pack . Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict)
instance Aeson.FromJSON x => FromValue 'PGjsonb (Jsonb x) where
fromValue = Jsonb <$>
Decoding.jsonb_bytes (left Strict.Text.pack . Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict)
instance FromValue pg y
=> FromValue ('PGvararray ('NotNull pg)) (VarArray (Vector y)) where
fromValue =
rep n x = VarArray <$> Vector.replicateM n x
Decoding.array $ Decoding.dimensionArray rep
(fromFixArray @'[] @('NotNull pg))
instance FromValue pg y
=> FromValue ('PGvararray ('Null pg)) (VarArray (Vector (Maybe y))) where
fromValue =
rep n x = VarArray <$> Vector.replicateM n x
Decoding.array $ Decoding.dimensionArray rep
(fromFixArray @'[] @('Null pg))
instance FromValue pg y
=> FromValue ('PGvararray ('NotNull pg)) (VarArray [y]) where
fromValue =
rep n x = VarArray <$> replicateM n x
Decoding.array $ Decoding.dimensionArray rep
(fromFixArray @'[] @('NotNull pg))
instance FromValue pg y
=> FromValue ('PGvararray ('Null pg)) (VarArray [Maybe y]) where
fromValue =
rep n x = VarArray <$> replicateM n x
Decoding.array $ Decoding.dimensionArray rep
(fromFixArray @'[] @('Null pg))
instance FromFixArray dims ty y
=> FromValue ('PGfixarray dims ty) (FixArray y) where
fromValue = FixArray <$> Decoding.array (fromFixArray @dims @ty @y)
( IsEnumType y
, HasDatatypeInfo y
, LabelsPG y ~ labels
) => FromValue ('PGenum labels) (Enumerated y) where
fromValue =
:: All ((~) '[]) xss
=> NP ConstructorInfo xss
-> String
-> Maybe (SOP I xss)
greadConstructor Nil _ = Nothing
greadConstructor (constructor :* constructors) name =
if name == constructorName constructor
then Just (SOP (Z Nil))
else SOP . S . unSOP <$> greadConstructor constructors name
fmap Enumerated
. Decoding.enum
$ fmap to
. greadConstructor (constructorInfo (datatypeInfo (Proxy @y)))
. Strict.Text.unpack
( FromRow fields y
) => FromValue ('PGcomposite fields) (Composite y) where
fromValue =
composite = Decoding.valueParser $ do
unitOfSize 4
hsequence' $ hpure $ Comp $ do
unitOfSize 4
len <- sized 4 Decoding.int
if len == -1
then return (K Nothing)
else K . Just <$> bytesOfSize len
fmap Composite (Decoding.fn (fromRow @fields <=< composite))
class FromField (pg :: (Symbol, NullityType)) (y :: (Symbol, Type)) where
:: K (Maybe Strict.ByteString) pg
-> (Either Strict.Text :.: P) y
instance FromValue pg y
=> FromField (column ::: ('NotNull pg)) (column ::: y) where
fromField = Comp . \case
K Nothing -> Left "fromField: saw NULL when expecting NOT NULL"
K (Just bytestring) -> P <$>
Decoding.valueParser (fromValue @pg) bytestring
instance FromValue pg y
=> FromField (column ::: 'Null pg) (column ::: Maybe y) where
fromField = Comp . \case
K Nothing -> Right $ P Nothing
K (Just bytestring) -> P . Just <$>
Decoding.valueParser (fromValue @pg) bytestring
class FromFixArray (dims :: [Nat]) (ty :: NullityType) (y :: Type) where
fromFixArray :: Decoding.Array y
instance FromValue pg y => FromFixArray '[] ('NotNull pg) y where
fromFixArray = Decoding.valueArray (fromValue @pg @y)
instance FromValue pg y => FromFixArray '[] ('Null pg) (Maybe y) where
fromFixArray = Decoding.nullableValueArray (fromValue @pg @y)
( IsProductType product ys
, Length ys ~ dim
, All ((~) y) ys
, FromFixArray dims ty y )
=> FromFixArray (dim ': dims) ty product where
fromFixArray =
rep _ = fmap (to . SOP . Z) . replicateMN
Decoding.dimensionArray rep (fromFixArray @dims @ty @y)
class SListI result => FromRow (result :: RowType) y where
fromRow :: NP (K (Maybe Strict.ByteString)) result -> Either Strict.Text y
( SListI result
, IsRecord y ys
, AllZip FromField result ys
) => FromRow result y where
= fmap fromRecord
. hsequence'
. htrans (Proxy @FromField) fromField
newtype Only x = Only { fromOnly :: x }
deriving (Functor,Foldable,Traversable,Eq,Ord,Read,Show,GHC.Generic)
instance Generic (Only x)
instance HasDatatypeInfo (Only x)
:: All ((~) x) xs
=> (z -> x -> z) -> z -> NP I xs -> z
foldlN f z = \case
Nil -> z
I x :* xs -> let z' = f z x in seq z' $ foldlN f z' xs
:: forall x xs m. (All ((~) x) xs, Monad m, SListI xs)
=> m x -> m (NP I xs)
replicateMN mx = hsequence' $
hcpure (Proxy :: Proxy ((~) x)) (Comp (I <$> mx))