, DeriveGeneric
, DerivingStrategies
, FlexibleContexts
, FlexibleInstances
, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
, KindSignatures
, LambdaCase
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, OverloadedStrings
, PatternSynonyms
, RankNTypes
, ScopedTypeVariables
, TypeApplications
, TypeOperators
, UndecidableInstances
module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Window
WindowDefinition (..)
, partitionBy
, WindowFunction (..)
, WindowArg (..)
, pattern Window
, pattern Windows
, WinFun0
, type (-#->)
, type (--#->)
, rank
, rowNumber
, denseRank
, percentRank
, cumeDist
, ntile
, lag
, lead
, firstValue
, lastValue
, nthValue
, unsafeWindowFunction1
, unsafeWindowFunctionN
) where
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Type.Alias
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Aggregate
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Logic
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression.Sort
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Type.List
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Render
import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Type.Schema
instance Aggregate (WindowArg grp) (WindowFunction grp) where
countStar :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8)
countStar = ByteString
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8)
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
ByteString -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
UnsafeWindowFunction ByteString
count :: WindowArg grp '[ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8)
count = ByteString -> ty -#-> 'NotNull 'PGint8
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
sum_ :: WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGSum ty))
sum_ = ByteString -> null ty -#-> 'Null (PGSum ty)
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
arrayAgg :: WindowArg grp '[ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction
grp lat with db params from ('Null ('PGvararray ty))
arrayAgg = ByteString -> ty -#-> 'Null ('PGvararray ty)
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
jsonAgg :: WindowArg grp '[ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGjson)
jsonAgg = ByteString -> ty -#-> 'Null 'PGjson
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
jsonbAgg :: WindowArg grp '[ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGjsonb)
jsonbAgg = ByteString -> ty -#-> 'Null 'PGjsonb
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
bitAnd :: WindowArg grp '[null int] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null int)
bitAnd = ByteString -> null int -#-> 'Null int
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
bitOr :: WindowArg grp '[null int] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null int)
bitOr = ByteString -> null int -#-> 'Null int
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
boolAnd :: WindowArg grp '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool)
boolAnd = ByteString -> null 'PGbool -#-> 'Null 'PGbool
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
boolOr :: WindowArg grp '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool)
boolOr = ByteString -> null 'PGbool -#-> 'Null 'PGbool
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
every :: WindowArg grp '[null 'PGbool] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGbool)
every = ByteString -> null 'PGbool -#-> 'Null 'PGbool
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
max_ :: WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null ty)
max_ = ByteString -> null ty -#-> 'Null ty
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
min_ :: WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null ty)
min_ = ByteString -> null ty -#-> 'Null ty
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
avg :: WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty))
avg = ByteString -> null ty -#-> 'Null (PGAvg ty)
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
corr :: WindowArg
grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
corr = ByteString
-> '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] --#-> 'Null 'PGfloat8
forall (xs :: [NullType]) (y :: NullType).
SListI xs =>
ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString
covarPop :: WindowArg
grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
covarPop = ByteString
-> '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] --#-> 'Null 'PGfloat8
forall (xs :: [NullType]) (y :: NullType).
SListI xs =>
ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString
covarSamp :: WindowArg
grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
covarSamp = ByteString
-> '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] --#-> 'Null 'PGfloat8
forall (xs :: [NullType]) (y :: NullType).
SListI xs =>
ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString
regrAvgX :: WindowArg
grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
regrAvgX = ByteString
-> '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] --#-> 'Null 'PGfloat8
forall (xs :: [NullType]) (y :: NullType).
SListI xs =>
ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString
regrAvgY :: WindowArg
grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
regrAvgY = ByteString
-> '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] --#-> 'Null 'PGfloat8
forall (xs :: [NullType]) (y :: NullType).
SListI xs =>
ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString
regrCount :: WindowArg
grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGint8)
regrCount = ByteString -> '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] --#-> 'Null 'PGint8
forall (xs :: [NullType]) (y :: NullType).
SListI xs =>
ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString
regrIntercept :: WindowArg
grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
regrIntercept = ByteString
-> '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] --#-> 'Null 'PGfloat8
forall (xs :: [NullType]) (y :: NullType).
SListI xs =>
ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString
regrR2 :: WindowArg
grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
regrR2 = ByteString
-> '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] --#-> 'Null 'PGfloat8
forall (xs :: [NullType]) (y :: NullType).
SListI xs =>
ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString
regrSlope :: WindowArg
grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
regrSlope = ByteString
-> '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] --#-> 'Null 'PGfloat8
forall (xs :: [NullType]) (y :: NullType).
SListI xs =>
ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString
regrSxx :: WindowArg
grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
regrSxx = ByteString
-> '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] --#-> 'Null 'PGfloat8
forall (xs :: [NullType]) (y :: NullType).
SListI xs =>
ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString
regrSxy :: WindowArg
grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
regrSxy = ByteString
-> '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] --#-> 'Null 'PGfloat8
forall (xs :: [NullType]) (y :: NullType).
SListI xs =>
ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString
regrSyy :: WindowArg
grp '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null 'PGfloat8)
regrSyy = ByteString
-> '[null 'PGfloat8, null 'PGfloat8] --#-> 'Null 'PGfloat8
forall (xs :: [NullType]) (y :: NullType).
SListI xs =>
ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString
stddev :: WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty))
stddev = ByteString -> null ty -#-> 'Null (PGAvg ty)
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
stddevPop :: WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty))
stddevPop = ByteString -> null ty -#-> 'Null (PGAvg ty)
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
stddevSamp :: WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty))
stddevSamp = ByteString -> null ty -#-> 'Null (PGAvg ty)
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
variance :: WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty))
variance = ByteString -> null ty -#-> 'Null (PGAvg ty)
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
varPop :: WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty))
varPop = ByteString -> null ty -#-> 'Null (PGAvg ty)
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
varSamp :: WindowArg grp '[null ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null (PGAvg ty))
varSamp = ByteString -> null ty -#-> 'Null (PGAvg ty)
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
data WindowDefinition grp lat with db params from where
:: SOP.SListI bys
=> NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
-> [SortExpression grp lat with db params from]
-> WindowDefinition grp lat with db params from
instance OrderBy (WindowDefinition grp) grp where
orderBy :: [SortExpression grp lat with db params from]
-> WindowDefinition grp lat with db params from
-> WindowDefinition grp lat with db params from
orderBy [SortExpression grp lat with db params from]
sortsR (WindowDefinition NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
parts [SortExpression grp lat with db params from]
= NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
-> [SortExpression grp lat with db params from]
-> WindowDefinition grp lat with db params from
forall (bys :: [NullType]) (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType)
(with :: FromType) (db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType])
(from :: FromType).
SListI bys =>
NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
-> [SortExpression grp lat with db params from]
-> WindowDefinition grp lat with db params from
WindowDefinition NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
parts ([SortExpression grp lat with db params from]
sortsL [SortExpression grp lat with db params from]
-> [SortExpression grp lat with db params from]
-> [SortExpression grp lat with db params from]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [SortExpression grp lat with db params from]
instance RenderSQL (WindowDefinition grp lat with db params from) where
renderSQL :: WindowDefinition grp lat with db params from -> ByteString
renderSQL (WindowDefinition NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
part [SortExpression grp lat with db params from]
ord) =
NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys -> ByteString
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType).
NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys -> ByteString
renderPartitionByClause NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
part ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> [SortExpression grp lat with db params from] -> ByteString
forall sql. RenderSQL sql => sql -> ByteString
renderSQL [SortExpression grp lat with db params from]
renderPartitionByClause :: NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys -> ByteString
renderPartitionByClause = \case
NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
Nil -> ByteString
NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
parts -> ByteString
"PARTITION" ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
<+> ByteString
"BY" ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
<+> (forall (x :: NullType).
Expression grp lat with db params from x -> ByteString)
-> NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys -> ByteString
forall k (xs :: [k]) (expression :: k -> *).
SListI xs =>
(forall (x :: k). expression x -> ByteString)
-> NP expression xs -> ByteString
renderCommaSeparated forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
Expression grp lat with db params from ty -> ByteString
forall (x :: NullType).
Expression grp lat with db params from x -> ByteString
renderExpression NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
:: SOP.SListI bys
=> NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
-> WindowDefinition grp lat with db params from
partitionBy :: NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
-> WindowDefinition grp lat with db params from
partitionBy NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
bys = NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
-> [SortExpression grp lat with db params from]
-> WindowDefinition grp lat with db params from
forall (bys :: [NullType]) (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType)
(with :: FromType) (db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType])
(from :: FromType).
SListI bys =>
NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
-> [SortExpression grp lat with db params from]
-> WindowDefinition grp lat with db params from
WindowDefinition NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) bys
bys []
newtype WindowFunction
(grp :: Grouping)
(lat :: FromType)
(with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType)
(params :: [NullType])
(from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType)
= UnsafeWindowFunction { WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> ByteString
renderWindowFunction :: ByteString }
deriving stock ((forall x.
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> Rep (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty) x)
-> (forall x.
Rep (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty) x
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty)
-> Generic (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty)
forall x.
Rep (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty) x
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
forall x.
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> Rep (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType) x.
Rep (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty) x
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType) x.
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> Rep (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty) x
$cto :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType) x.
Rep (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty) x
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
$cfrom :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType) x.
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> Rep (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty) x
GHC.Generic,Int -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> ShowS
[WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty] -> ShowS
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> String
(Int -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> ShowS)
-> (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> String)
-> ([WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty] -> ShowS)
-> Show (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty)
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
Int -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> ShowS
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
[WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty] -> ShowS
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> String
showList :: [WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
[WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty] -> ShowS
show :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> String
$cshow :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
Int -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> ShowS
Show,WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
(WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool)
-> (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool)
-> Eq (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty)
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
/= :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
$c/= :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
== :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
$c== :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
Eq,Eq (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty)
Eq (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty)
-> (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Ordering)
-> (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool)
-> (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool)
-> (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool)
-> (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool)
-> (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty)
-> (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty)
-> Ord (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty)
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Ordering
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
Eq (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty)
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Ordering
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
min :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
$cmin :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
max :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
$cmax :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
>= :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
$c>= :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
> :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
$c> :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
<= :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
$c<= :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
< :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
$c< :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Bool
compare :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Ordering
$ccompare :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
Eq (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty)
deriving newtype (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> ()
(WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> ())
-> NFData (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty)
forall a. (a -> ()) -> NFData a
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> ()
rnf :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> ()
$crnf :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> ()
data WindowArg
(grp :: Grouping)
(args :: [NullType])
(lat :: FromType)
(with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType)
(params :: [NullType])
(from :: FromType)
= WindowArg
{ WindowArg grp args lat with db params from
-> NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) args
windowArgs :: NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) args
, WindowArg grp args lat with db params from
-> [Condition grp lat with db params from]
windowFilter :: [Condition grp lat with db params from]
} deriving stock ((forall x.
WindowArg grp args lat with db params from
-> Rep (WindowArg grp args lat with db params from) x)
-> (forall x.
Rep (WindowArg grp args lat with db params from) x
-> WindowArg grp args lat with db params from)
-> Generic (WindowArg grp args lat with db params from)
forall x.
Rep (WindowArg grp args lat with db params from) x
-> WindowArg grp args lat with db params from
forall x.
WindowArg grp args lat with db params from
-> Rep (WindowArg grp args lat with db params from) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall (grp :: Grouping) (args :: [NullType]) (lat :: FromType)
(with :: FromType) (db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType])
(from :: FromType) x.
Rep (WindowArg grp args lat with db params from) x
-> WindowArg grp args lat with db params from
forall (grp :: Grouping) (args :: [NullType]) (lat :: FromType)
(with :: FromType) (db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType])
(from :: FromType) x.
WindowArg grp args lat with db params from
-> Rep (WindowArg grp args lat with db params from) x
$cto :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (args :: [NullType]) (lat :: FromType)
(with :: FromType) (db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType])
(from :: FromType) x.
Rep (WindowArg grp args lat with db params from) x
-> WindowArg grp args lat with db params from
$cfrom :: forall (grp :: Grouping) (args :: [NullType]) (lat :: FromType)
(with :: FromType) (db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType])
(from :: FromType) x.
WindowArg grp args lat with db params from
-> Rep (WindowArg grp args lat with db params from) x
instance (HasUnique tab (Join from lat) row, Has col row ty)
=> IsLabel col (WindowArg 'Ungrouped '[ty] lat with db params from) where
fromLabel :: WindowArg 'Ungrouped '[ty] lat with db params from
fromLabel = Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ty
-> WindowArg 'Ungrouped '[ty] lat with db params from
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(arg :: NullType).
Expression grp lat with db params from arg
-> WindowArg grp '[arg] lat with db params from
Window (forall a. IsLabel col a => a
forall (x :: Symbol) a. IsLabel x a => a
fromLabel @col)
instance (Has tab (Join from lat) row, Has col row ty)
=> IsQualified tab col (WindowArg 'Ungrouped '[ty] lat with db params from) where
Alias tab
tab ! :: Alias tab
-> Alias col -> WindowArg 'Ungrouped '[ty] lat with db params from
! Alias col
col = Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ty
-> WindowArg 'Ungrouped '[ty] lat with db params from
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(arg :: NullType).
Expression grp lat with db params from arg
-> WindowArg grp '[arg] lat with db params from
Window (Alias tab
tab Alias tab
-> Alias col -> Expression 'Ungrouped lat with db params from ty
forall (qualifier :: Symbol) (alias :: Symbol) expression.
IsQualified qualifier alias expression =>
Alias qualifier -> Alias alias -> expression
! Alias col
instance (HasUnique tab (Join from lat) row, Has col row ty, GroupedBy tab col bys)
=> IsLabel col (WindowArg ('Grouped bys) '[ty] lat with db params from) where
fromLabel :: WindowArg ('Grouped bys) '[ty] lat with db params from
fromLabel = Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ty
-> WindowArg ('Grouped bys) '[ty] lat with db params from
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(arg :: NullType).
Expression grp lat with db params from arg
-> WindowArg grp '[arg] lat with db params from
Window (forall a. IsLabel col a => a
forall (x :: Symbol) a. IsLabel x a => a
fromLabel @col)
instance (Has tab (Join from lat) row, Has col row ty, GroupedBy tab col bys)
=> IsQualified tab col (WindowArg ('Grouped bys) '[ty] lat with db params from) where
Alias tab
tab ! :: Alias tab
-> Alias col
-> WindowArg ('Grouped bys) '[ty] lat with db params from
! Alias col
col = Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ty
-> WindowArg ('Grouped bys) '[ty] lat with db params from
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(arg :: NullType).
Expression grp lat with db params from arg
-> WindowArg grp '[arg] lat with db params from
Window (Alias tab
tab Alias tab
-> Alias col
-> Expression ('Grouped bys) lat with db params from ty
forall (qualifier :: Symbol) (alias :: Symbol) expression.
IsQualified qualifier alias expression =>
Alias qualifier -> Alias alias -> expression
! Alias col
instance SOP.SListI args
=> RenderSQL (WindowArg grp args lat with db params from) where
renderSQL :: WindowArg grp args lat with db params from -> ByteString
renderSQL (WindowArg NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) args
args [Condition grp lat with db params from]
filters) =
ByteString -> ByteString
parenthesized ((forall (x :: NullType).
Expression grp lat with db params from x -> ByteString)
-> NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) args -> ByteString
forall k (xs :: [k]) (expression :: k -> *).
SListI xs =>
(forall (x :: k). expression x -> ByteString)
-> NP expression xs -> ByteString
renderCommaSeparated forall sql. RenderSQL sql => sql -> ByteString
forall (x :: NullType).
Expression grp lat with db params from x -> ByteString
renderSQL NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) args
ByteString -> (ByteString -> ByteString) -> ByteString
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& [Condition grp lat with db params from] -> ByteString -> ByteString
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(null :: PGType -> NullType).
[Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool)]
-> ByteString -> ByteString
renderFilters [Condition grp lat with db params from]
renderFilter :: ByteString -> ByteString
renderFilter ByteString
wh = ByteString
"FILTER" ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
<+> ByteString -> ByteString
parenthesized (ByteString
"WHERE" ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
<+> ByteString
renderFilters :: [Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool)]
-> ByteString -> ByteString
renderFilters = \case
[] -> ByteString -> ByteString
forall a. a -> a
Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool)
wh:[Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool)]
whs -> (ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
<+> ByteString -> ByteString
renderFilter (Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool) -> ByteString
forall sql. RenderSQL sql => sql -> ByteString
renderSQL ((Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool)
-> Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool)
-> Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool))
-> Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool)
-> [Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool)]
-> Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool)
forall (t :: * -> *) a b.
Foldable t =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldr Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool)
-> Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool)
-> Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool)
forall (null :: PGType -> NullType).
Operator (null 'PGbool) (null 'PGbool) (null 'PGbool)
(.&&) Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool)
wh [Expression grp lat with db params from (null 'PGbool)]
instance FilterWhere (WindowArg grp) grp where
filterWhere :: Condition grp lat with db params from
-> WindowArg grp xs lat with db params from
-> WindowArg grp xs lat with db params from
filterWhere Condition grp lat with db params from
wh (WindowArg NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) xs
args [Condition grp lat with db params from]
filters) = NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) xs
-> [Condition grp lat with db params from]
-> WindowArg grp xs lat with db params from
forall (grp :: Grouping) (args :: [NullType]) (lat :: FromType)
(with :: FromType) (db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType])
(from :: FromType).
NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) args
-> [Condition grp lat with db params from]
-> WindowArg grp args lat with db params from
WindowArg NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) xs
args (Condition grp lat with db params from
wh Condition grp lat with db params from
-> [Condition grp lat with db params from]
-> [Condition grp lat with db params from]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Condition grp lat with db params from]
pattern Window
:: Expression grp lat with db params from arg
-> WindowArg grp '[arg] lat with db params from
pattern $bWindow :: Expression grp lat with db params from arg
-> WindowArg grp '[arg] lat with db params from
$mWindow :: forall r (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(arg :: NullType).
WindowArg grp '[arg] lat with db params from
-> (Expression grp lat with db params from arg -> r)
-> (Void# -> r)
-> r
Window x = Windows (x :* Nil)
pattern Windows
:: NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) args
-> WindowArg grp args lat with db params from
pattern $bWindows :: NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) args
-> WindowArg grp args lat with db params from
$mWindows :: forall r (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(args :: [NullType]).
WindowArg grp args lat with db params from
-> (NP (Expression grp lat with db params from) args -> r)
-> (Void# -> r)
-> r
Windows xs = WindowArg xs []
instance RenderSQL (WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty) where
renderSQL :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> ByteString
renderSQL = WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> ByteString
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty -> ByteString
type WinFun0 x
= forall grp lat with db params from
. WindowFunction grp lat with db params from x
type (-#->) x y
= forall grp lat with db params from
. WindowArg grp '[x] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from y
type (--#->) xs y
= forall grp lat with db params from
. WindowArg grp xs lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from y
unsafeWindowFunction1 :: ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 :: ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
fun WindowArg grp '[x] lat with db params from
= ByteString -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from y
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
ByteString -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
UnsafeWindowFunction (ByteString -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from y)
-> ByteString -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from y
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ByteString
fun ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> WindowArg grp '[x] lat with db params from -> ByteString
forall sql. RenderSQL sql => sql -> ByteString
renderSQL WindowArg grp '[x] lat with db params from
unsafeWindowFunctionN :: SOP.SListI xs => ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN :: ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString
fun WindowArg grp xs lat with db params from
xs = ByteString -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from y
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
ByteString -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
UnsafeWindowFunction (ByteString -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from y)
-> ByteString -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from y
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ByteString
fun ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> WindowArg grp xs lat with db params from -> ByteString
forall sql. RenderSQL sql => sql -> ByteString
renderSQL WindowArg grp xs lat with db params from
rank :: WinFun0 ('NotNull 'PGint8)
rank :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8)
rank = ByteString
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8)
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
ByteString -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
UnsafeWindowFunction ByteString
rowNumber :: WinFun0 ('NotNull 'PGint8)
rowNumber :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8)
rowNumber = ByteString
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8)
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
ByteString -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
UnsafeWindowFunction ByteString
denseRank :: WinFun0 ('NotNull 'PGint8)
denseRank :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8)
denseRank = ByteString
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint8)
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
ByteString -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
UnsafeWindowFunction ByteString
percentRank :: WinFun0 ('NotNull 'PGfloat8)
percentRank :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGfloat8)
percentRank = ByteString
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGfloat8)
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
ByteString -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
UnsafeWindowFunction ByteString
cumeDist :: WinFun0 ('NotNull 'PGfloat8)
cumeDist :: WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGfloat8)
cumeDist = ByteString
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGfloat8)
forall (grp :: Grouping) (lat :: FromType) (with :: FromType)
(db :: SchemasType) (params :: [NullType]) (from :: FromType)
(ty :: NullType).
ByteString -> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
UnsafeWindowFunction ByteString
ntile :: 'NotNull 'PGint4 -#-> 'NotNull 'PGint4
ntile :: WindowArg grp '[ 'NotNull 'PGint4] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('NotNull 'PGint4)
ntile = ByteString -> 'NotNull 'PGint4 -#-> 'NotNull 'PGint4
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
lag :: '[ty, 'NotNull 'PGint4, ty] --#-> ty
lag :: WindowArg grp '[ty, 'NotNull 'PGint4, ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
lag = ByteString -> '[ty, 'NotNull 'PGint4, ty] --#-> ty
forall (xs :: [NullType]) (y :: NullType).
SListI xs =>
ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString
lead :: '[ty, 'NotNull 'PGint4, ty] --#-> ty
lead :: WindowArg grp '[ty, 'NotNull 'PGint4, ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
lead = ByteString -> '[ty, 'NotNull 'PGint4, ty] --#-> ty
forall (xs :: [NullType]) (y :: NullType).
SListI xs =>
ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString
firstValue :: ty -#-> ty
firstValue :: WindowArg grp '[ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
firstValue = ByteString -> ty -#-> ty
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
lastValue :: ty -#-> ty
lastValue :: WindowArg grp '[ty] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ty
lastValue = ByteString -> ty -#-> ty
forall (x :: NullType) (y :: NullType). ByteString -> x -#-> y
unsafeWindowFunction1 ByteString
nthValue :: '[null ty, 'NotNull 'PGint4] --#-> 'Null ty
nthValue :: WindowArg grp '[null ty, 'NotNull 'PGint4] lat with db params from
-> WindowFunction grp lat with db params from ('Null ty)
nthValue = ByteString -> '[null ty, 'NotNull 'PGint4] --#-> 'Null ty
forall (xs :: [NullType]) (y :: NullType).
SListI xs =>
ByteString -> xs --#-> y
unsafeWindowFunctionN ByteString