{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Poset.Internal where

import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified GHC.Types as Types
import qualified Prelude
import Prelude hiding (Ordering(..), Ord(..))
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Monoid

data Ordering = LT | EQ | GT | NC
              deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Bounded, Enum)

instance Semigroup Ordering where
  EQ <> x = x
  NC <> _ = NC
  LT <> _ = LT
  GT <> _ = GT

-- Lexicographic ordering.
instance Monoid Ordering where
  mempty = EQ

-- | Internal-use function to convert our Ordering to the ordinary one.
totalOrder :: Ordering -> Types.Ordering
totalOrder LT = Types.LT
totalOrder EQ = Types.EQ
totalOrder GT = Types.GT
totalOrder NC = error "Uncomparable elements in total order."

-- | Internal-use function to convert the ordinary Ordering to ours.
partialOrder :: Types.Ordering -> Ordering
partialOrder Types.LT = LT
partialOrder Types.EQ = EQ
partialOrder Types.GT = GT

-- | Class for partially ordered data types.
-- Instances should satisfy the following laws for all values a, b and c:
-- * @a <= a@.
-- * @a <= b@ and @b <= a@ implies @a == b@.
-- * @a <= b@ and @b <= c@ implies @a <= c@
-- But note that the floating point instances don't satisfy the first rule.
-- Minimal complete definition: 'compare' or '<='
class Eq a => Poset a where
  compare :: a -> a -> Ordering
  -- | Is comparable to.
  (<==>) :: a -> a -> Bool
  -- | Is not comparable to.
  (</=>) :: a -> a -> Bool
  (<)  :: a -> a -> Bool
  (<=) :: a -> a -> Bool
  (>=) :: a -> a -> Bool
  (>)  :: a -> a -> Bool

  a `compare` b
        | a == b = EQ
        | a <= b = LT
        | b <= a = GT
        | otherwise = NC

  a < b = a `compare` b == LT
  a > b = a `compare` b == GT
  a <==> b = a `compare` b /= NC
  a </=> b = a `compare` b == NC
  a <= b = a < b || a `compare` b == EQ
  a >= b = a > b || a `compare` b == EQ

-- | Class for partially ordered data types where sorting makes sense.
-- This includes all totally ordered sets and floating point types.
-- Instances should satisfy the following laws:
-- * The set of elements for which 'isOrdered' returns true is totally ordered.
-- * The max (or min) of an insignificant element and a significant element
-- is the significant one.
-- * The result of sorting a list should contain only significant elements.
-- * @max a b@ = @max b a@
-- * @min a b@ = @min b a@
-- The idea comes from floating point types, where non-comparable elements
-- (NaN) are the exception rather than the rule.
-- For these types, we can define 'max', 'min' and 'sortBy' to ignore insignificant elements.
-- Thus, a sort of floating point values will discard all NaNs and order the remaining elements.
-- Minimal complete definition: 'isOrdered'
class Poset a => Sortable a where
    sortBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a]
    isOrdered :: a -> Bool
    max :: a -> a -> a
    min :: a -> a -> a

    sortBy f = List.sortBy ((totalOrder .) . f) . filter isOrdered
    max a b = case a `compare` b of
      LT -> b
      EQ -> a
      GT -> a
      NC -> if isOrdered a then a else if isOrdered b then b else a
    min a b = case a `compare` b of
      LT -> a
      EQ -> b
      GT -> b
      NC -> if isOrdered a then a else if isOrdered b then b else a

-- | Class for totally ordered data types.
-- Instances should satisfy @isOrdered a = True@ for all @a@.
class Sortable a => Ord a

-- This hack allows us to leverage existing data structures defined in terms of 'Prelude.Ord'.
instance  {-# OVERLAPS #-} (Eq a, Data.Poset.Internal.Ord a) => Prelude.Ord a where
  compare = (totalOrder .) . compare
  (<)  = (<)
  (<=) = (<=)
  (>=) = (>=)
  (>)  = (>)
  min  = min
  max  = max