Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | GHC2021 |
Cache information about previous builds
- tryGetBuildCache :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> NamedComponent -> RIO env (Maybe (Map FilePath FileCacheInfo))
- tryGetConfigCache :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> RIO env (Maybe ConfigCache)
- tryGetCabalMod :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> RIO env (Maybe CTime)
- tryGetSetupConfigMod :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> RIO env (Maybe CTime)
- tryGetPackageProjectRoot :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> RIO env (Maybe ByteString)
- getInstalledExes :: HasEnvConfig env => InstallLocation -> RIO env [PackageIdentifier]
- tryGetFlagCache :: HasEnvConfig env => Installed -> RIO env (Maybe ConfigCache)
- deleteCaches :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> RIO env ()
- markExeInstalled :: HasEnvConfig env => InstallLocation -> PackageIdentifier -> RIO env ()
- markExeNotInstalled :: HasEnvConfig env => InstallLocation -> PackageIdentifier -> RIO env ()
- writeFlagCache :: HasEnvConfig env => Installed -> ConfigCache -> RIO env ()
- writeBuildCache :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> NamedComponent -> Map FilePath FileCacheInfo -> RIO env ()
- writeConfigCache :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> ConfigCache -> RIO env ()
- writeCabalMod :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> CTime -> RIO env ()
- writeSetupConfigMod :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> Maybe CTime -> RIO env ()
- writePackageProjectRoot :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> ByteString -> RIO env ()
- data TestStatus
- setTestStatus :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> TestStatus -> RIO env ()
- getTestStatus :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> RIO env TestStatus
- writePrecompiledCache :: HasEnvConfig env => BaseConfigOpts -> PackageLocationImmutable -> ConfigureOpts -> Bool -> Installed -> [GhcPkgId] -> Set Text -> RIO env ()
- readPrecompiledCache :: forall env. HasEnvConfig env => PackageLocationImmutable -> ConfigureOpts -> Bool -> RIO env (Maybe (PrecompiledCache Abs))
- newtype BuildCache = BuildCache {}
tryGetBuildCache :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> NamedComponent -> RIO env (Maybe (Map FilePath FileCacheInfo)) Source #
Try to read the dirtiness cache for the given package directory.
tryGetConfigCache :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> RIO env (Maybe ConfigCache) Source #
Try to read the dirtiness cache for the given package directory.
tryGetCabalMod :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> RIO env (Maybe CTime) Source #
Try to read the mod time of the Cabal file from the last build
tryGetSetupConfigMod :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> RIO env (Maybe CTime) Source #
Try to read the mod time of setup-config file from the last build
tryGetPackageProjectRoot :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> RIO env (Maybe ByteString) Source #
Try to read the project root from the last build of a package
getInstalledExes :: HasEnvConfig env => InstallLocation -> RIO env [PackageIdentifier] Source #
Get all of the installed executables
tryGetFlagCache :: HasEnvConfig env => Installed -> RIO env (Maybe ConfigCache) Source #
Loads the flag cache for the given installed extra-deps
deleteCaches :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> RIO env () Source #
Delete the caches for the project.
markExeInstalled :: HasEnvConfig env => InstallLocation -> PackageIdentifier -> RIO env () Source #
Mark the given executable as installed
markExeNotInstalled :: HasEnvConfig env => InstallLocation -> PackageIdentifier -> RIO env () Source #
Mark the given executable as not installed
writeFlagCache :: HasEnvConfig env => Installed -> ConfigCache -> RIO env () Source #
writeBuildCache :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> NamedComponent -> Map FilePath FileCacheInfo -> RIO env () Source #
Write the dirtiness cache for this package's files.
writeConfigCache :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> ConfigCache -> RIO env () Source #
Write the dirtiness cache for this package's configuration.
writeCabalMod :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> CTime -> RIO env () Source #
See tryGetCabalMod
writeSetupConfigMod :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> Maybe CTime -> RIO env () Source #
writePackageProjectRoot :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> ByteString -> RIO env () Source #
setTestStatus :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> TestStatus -> RIO env () Source #
Mark test suite status
getTestStatus :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> RIO env TestStatus Source #
Check if the test suite already passed
writePrecompiledCache Source #
:: HasEnvConfig env | |
=> BaseConfigOpts | |
-> PackageLocationImmutable | |
-> ConfigureOpts | |
-> Bool | build haddocks |
-> Installed | library |
-> [GhcPkgId] | sublibraries, in the GhcPkgId format |
-> Set Text | executables |
-> RIO env () |
Write out information about a newly built package
:: forall env. HasEnvConfig env | |
=> PackageLocationImmutable | target package |
-> ConfigureOpts | |
-> Bool | build haddocks |
-> RIO env (Maybe (PrecompiledCache Abs)) |
Check the cache for a precompiled package matching the given configuration.
newtype BuildCache Source #
Stored on disk to know whether the files have changed.
BuildCache | |